fnie papeb;, acibnetf wr? afternoon,: Beads yi f jOS U. T. J A MIES, CtTTTT'B AHI FKOFKIJtTOB. aj; pm 'iUFTIOJ8, POHTAGE PAID, rear f 5 W lx KOB' S3 &&; Three Jr-,ontte.!l 1&; 6e month, 50 cents. sper will d. delivered by carriers, hre rates, ?r 13 cents per e j-Hobseribora will pleaserer-ort any and i; failarei to receive their papers regularly. fievi A dvertisementB. EHEDIAT titurnlnia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of ihe Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains. Tooth. Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and tars, ana an ozner Pains and Aches. reparation on mrth qiU ST. JACOBS Olt safe, nurr, 'simple mid cieajp External KcniciJv A trial entails l-ut the comparatively .ii.,n.'A..fiv of Art Tcntn. ami Terv oo suffer ing witb pin L:lT9 ch2' Ql1 r,JliTe Pof vC iti dawn. . Pirectioc? in Klrvrn T.auguagos. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEES IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Saltimore, 21 J., TT. S. Jl "JUST IMAGINEIHQW I'FELT." Brunswick, Co., Ya., NovemberSth, 1881 J Mrs. Joe I'kssok, l Franklinton, N. C. Dear Madam : t is .with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painfal sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then-1 commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful 'I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in tha country for advice. He told me hejcould cure me if I would take my be ana there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it conld not be cured at all, as tho ,bone would become .diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind joa this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina and this conversation took . place last February. I continued to burn with vauauc, an ue uaviseu uniw oepieraucr, hut derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a iriend to try jour Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the soro is perfect ly cured, and 1 can now walk as fur, uance as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I sow do of the virtue ol your Remedy; ami i would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I -could not get it for less. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and cure all akin diseases, but I believent will CUre all Vndn rf Vilfwl A'icaacna i t .vvv. uioocn, uuu X tnnw it mill onsA 1 i a , i it nm imc a iuvc iur strong arms I hope yoa will have this published, as there are. many sufferers who could be towfrtf they could know c f and get your Remedy I am truly and respect fully, JOS. R. MASON, ' South Gaston, N. C. Ti e Remadv is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. n. Greeq. Send for circu lar of iestimnials. novUdiw Plantation for saie.' THE UNDERSIGNED Commbfioner, ap pomt"d by the Judge of the Superior ycurtot New Hanover countv. ill expote to tut at public auction, on Thuredav, 10th January, 1$S2, at the Court Houf e door in JJe City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M. at valuable plantation in Pender county Rocky Point- known an PpmbrnVp. can Uining about one thousand aerejs of fertile nd, to wit : A certain tract of land in tender county, bounded by a line commen ce? on the edge of Black Creek, near the uiDanK across said creek, and run Judj thence 8 10, E. 36 chains and 50 link io a pine and pine pointers on the Kaet side o. Dark Brauch, thence 8. Si, E. 03 chains the edg of the Tide Swiap at Char's v m5 and thence tD tlie sam direction to 'be R .Br-rch of the Cape Fear" river, twoec up th lirer to the line of the Vafs P'oUrion.i hence with that line to a itake a ihe said line opposite to a row of Cedar tree and thence to the bee Inning. J eras liberal and made known at sale. , ALEX. T. LONDON, wT7-td. CemmisaionV B-d rr mi uu. . '.APE L 'ABrP ill v ''yi&$3' ISM, VOL. VI T LOCAL NKWS. NEW AlVEBTIEEMKNT3. J C Walker, M l)Vacci 'ation "Wm. II. ii-t.x Indian TeaJ fec HEiNSBERQEit A Happy New Year to All VIllia-m H. Gkeex ImportAl and lo- meftfc Drutrs 1 i C W Yates Christmas Go'-d James C Muxds Druggist' 1 bo original woman was a spare rib. T V A prood hesband, like a good bosebnrn er cere rgces out at nights. The roan who takes liberties1 with a led Lovers often dififer, although it seems write that they should correspond. Resolations never arise spontoneously; they always have to be drawn up. I3r. barque Normanbij, Williams, hence, arrived at Antwerp Jan. 4ih. The weather has moderated jvery (de cidedly with an inclination towards rain. Sheriff Mu'rrell, of Onslow county, was registered at the Pjircell House yester. day. .' To the influence 'of Hamburg Drops Constipatfoa yields at once and thor- ougniy. ' "T" is not tjie only letter of he al phabet crossed. Great seas are often crossed, too. " ' " jNow that measles are.prevalent moth ers, as well as astronemers, look for spots on the son. Haytien brig Dauphin, Norton, hence, was at Ponce, -P. K., Dec. 15th, discharging. r To check is to stop; except in case o is checked a travelers baggage, which to make it go. Life is generally' a stormy voyage all the way, because even iin fancy is enliv ened by squalls. ' The logic of a ten dollar bill will abash a whole barroom fujl of orgn mental politicians. Capt. It. B. Saunders, Stale agent for the Upshur Guano Company, ol Norfolk, Is in the city to day. Schr. D. D. Haskell; Haskell, sailed from Belfast, Me., Jan. 1st, for Rockport to' load for this" porti The hog cart is arcund and is making it lively among the porkers, the catch being very fine each day. Beautify your homes by usingjbe N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixe and war ranted.- Sold only at. Jacobts. t r v- Wcod is not . scarce, but it is high. It sold to day at 70 to 80 cents for maple and a9hand 85 cenl3 to $1 per load for oak. A familiar instance shown of color blindoess is that of a ' man taking a brown riik umbrella and leaviug-agjeenJ gingham i-n its place. There are lots oi our country cousins ia town Jto-uay. The freshet! brought down a great many rats, some twenty live of which remain unsold as yet. . Files & Mosquitoes. A' 15c. box of ''Rough on Rats!' will keep a house free from flies, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the entire season. Drug gists. At 1 o'clock to-day the weat vane on the Signal Office in this city pointed due South. At the same hour yesterday it looked in exactly the 'opposite direc tion, v Lois of Northern hay received here during the past two days. It is painful toseeiL The boot should be on the other let. Instead cf shipping to it should be shipped f rom Wilmington. , Ti : r 1 1 j : i :u rtJ AliC rivci nuut wen iiutu nnu lit us ... of timber, and we learn from raftsmen already arrived, that there are many more on the way down. Quite a number afe from Harnett county, on the Cape Fear. Cincinnati is to have gas at SI per 1,000 cubic feet. Let us see : ,WThat is it Wilmingtoa pays for its gas? Morn- trig Mar. We quote e : S7-00 peryear, $4.06 for ; $2,25 for three months. six months To-day is Known in the Church Calen daras tho Feast of the Epiphany, or the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles It occurs oo the 6th day of January. Services were held this morning in St. Thomas' Church and in .the various Episcopal Churches ia the city. - , ..... Wg3 " '1 I WILMINGTON; N. C. FRIDAY JANUARY The fact that the yar is to have ono Sanday more than mo9tyear3 have is re garded by many god people as a Cjheer fal omen for the advance of the Gospel . I tat least to that means two more sermons than usual will be heard from every pul pit. " 1 There is no iacreape as yet of the water ia the river at Fayetteville, as & result ol the recent Isnow in the inferior. Or the contwry. t is still falling, and when Capt. Sandy Robeson left Fayette ville yesterday there was then. but. 10 feet on the Shoals. TUG & an' Almanac ' - We have received, through the cour tesy of the publishers, Messrs S. Abell & Co., the I.Baltimore bun ' Almanac for 1882. It is neatly gotten up and con tains much interestieg matter relating to Baltimore audits vicinity, and is val uable for the large amount of statistical and other information concerning the ''Monumental City." Taccinatton. Dr. J. C. Walker, " Snpenntendent o Health, gives notice that he has receiv ed a fresh supply: of vaccineimatter, and that all persons applying at his office be- tween the kotirs of 12, noon, and 2 p. m. will be vaccinated free of charge. Although there is no small pox now in the city, it prevails extensively in cities north of here, from whence it is very liable to be brought here, and .this precautionary measure should not be neg lected. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. : A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's- t. stormed. Some twelve or fifteen couples of young ladies and gentlemen dropped in iast night on Mr. T. H. Smith, at his residence on Front street, corner of Church. They were prepared for a storm and carried tho music along with them. Mr. Smith surrendered at discre' tion and then did h;'s best to help along the fan. The" young folks danced until 2 o'clock, and about midnight were enter tained with refreshments. Everybody voted it a decided success. It takes ove'r one pairs of gloves to assuage the grief of the Brooklyn officials over the death of an alderman, whqse life might have been saved by a single bottle of Dr. B.ull's Cough Syrup. , The Cij Finances. I The exhibit ol the city finances pub lished by us, yesterday is correct in every particular and there is, therefore, no need i to republish it to-day. It -is a splendid shonlng, and 1 is an evidence of what real reform means, which is econo my and honesty in the management ol public affairs, with taxes and expendi tures at the lowest possible figures. We doubt if there is another eity in the United States which can make as fine a showing forHhe past four years. ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. V . fr - " -" - "" " '- " City Court. - A. R. Batson, colored, charged with disorderly conduct,.was the first case on the docket this morning and it was settled by his forking-over to the city treasury a fine of $5i and he was discharged. Amzi Rudisell, colored, charged with the same Offense, if as discharged. Another case, charged with the same oflVnsej was discharged upon the" " pay ment ot a fine of 4. VVe suppress the name with the hope that the individual may see the evil of his ways and act ac cordingly. Sale or Kali road Stock. The 2,000 shares of the W. & W Railroad stock, for which proposals were invited up to noon yesterday, were taken by Messrs. J. Harman us Fisher & Son of Baltimore, Md., at $101.50 per share. A higher figure was offered by parties who only wanted 100 shares, but as Messrs. Fisher & Son's propoposition was for the entire amount or none, of course the whole was awarded to them. The holders of the 7 per. cent, bonds of the Company, to the amount of $391, 00t notified the Treasurer -that they would exchange the bonds and $110 for f tock ot the. Company, at par, in.accord ance with the privilege granted them by a resolution of the stockhoiders atheir annual meeting in o.vemner last. - The receipU ot eottdaat this port' to day foot np 33" bales. " I 1 " ' . . The pilots' report . jfor the month of December show 13 feet 4 inches on Bald Head bar and 12 feet on Western bar; Tho soundings were .taken at mean low water and the lise of water is 4 feet' on ordinary tides. ' i . . . We trust that the young folks will all have a good, lime at thaFancy Hop to be given in lankin flail this evening by Prof. Agoatinij It wiil be bWne in mind that the gentlemen must appear either in fancy costume or in full dressl The nice little steamtug TFm. ATj?, (no pun intended here) whielp broke down in some of her machinery about a week ago, has been overhauled and re paired ana will resame work tomorrow. She had steam up today and everything wasfound to work nicely. Mr. Archie Wilson, 'who i employed with Mr. Herman Bintze, at his meat shop, on Second street, met with a very painful accident this morning, nearly losing two fingers by an ill-directed blow- ot his meat axe. The wound is very painfal, bat the doctor hopes to save the fiBgers. Maeistrate'a court. y Isaiah Easton, colored, was arraigned Deiore o ustice minis, cnargea witn an assault and battery upon Mary Jones, coloredand was found gnilty, but judg ment was suspended upon the payment of costs. This was not satisfactory to the defendant, and he appealed, and gave bonds in the sum ot $ou tor. nis appear' ranee at the next term of the. Criminal Cour : - From Wilson to Florence. We understand that the surveys for the new railroad cut off, from Wilson to Florence, S. .are to be begun at once Col. Biidgers, on his recent visit to Fay etteville, gave the necessary instructions and the survey is to be begun this week Two parties will start out from Fayette" ville, one towards Wilson and the other towards Florence. Col. Fleming Gard ner, the well-known engineer, is to have charge of the sarreys. The line to Wil. son is to be run via Smithfield, ia .John ston county; We very much fear that this cut-off will work much more of injury than of benefit to Wilmington. The Weather. The Chief Signal Officer of the Army furnishes the following special bulletin to the press: r A storm of slight energy is advancing from the northeast and is now central near Lake Superior, cloudy weather pre vails in. ail the districts east of the Mis sissippi, with rain in the Southern and Middle States and Ohio. Valley and light snow in the Lake Region. The temperature has risen slightly iu all the districts, bat continues below freezing &s far Soulji as the Ohio T alleys and Vir ginia. Easterly to southerly winds pre vail in the Lake Region, and westerly on New England coast and Upper Missouri Valloy. . ' Indications are that rain will prevail in the Middle and South. Atlantic tetates andsnow in New .England, New York and the Lower Lakes during Friday and Friday night," followed on Saturday by clearing .leather and slightly higher temperature. Editok Review: Will the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Finance or the City Clerk and Treasurer inform the public what re duction of the debt and taxes have been made since the accesssion to office of Mayor William L Smith? . Toe public have been informed hereto fore as to the decrease of the indebted ness and reduction of taxes during Mayor Fishblate's administration and a repeti tion is unnecessary. If the figures were to be published since Mayor-Smith's ad ministration, the public could institute a comparison. A Citizen. LydiaE. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound will at all time3 and under all cir cumstances, act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Address Mrs. Lydia F. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for circular. . WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R.CO.. ' Office of Secretary and Treasurer. Wilmington ,N. C, Dee. 24, 1S8I. DIVIDEND OF THREE PER Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington Jk Weldon Railroad Company trUl be paid on and after the 14th January, to all who are Stockholder of record on the Books of the Company on the SIstlnet. " i - J.W.THOMPSON, . dec2iM Sm'j and Traa 6. 1882. NO 5 Few Advertisement. Vaccination. IN VI W OF TOE PREVALFNCr. OF Small Pox la the North and West, it! A deemed necessary tht all should be Taccir uatetl. re Banian lTinyfct. Vr J.. t'i ex's office on Piinees, b&tvreen Front and j ocona street y between the hours of 12 Mi and 2 P. M.. ba ; MPdnatM without charge. J.'C-WALUKU, M. !.. . jaa fi-t nip t of Health. NDIAN TEA, G ARMER'dEMULSI )X, C ASTOR OIL EMVLIt'iN AHNER'i KIDNEY & LIVER CURE, N I ESTLE'd MILK FOOD, Jtc, &c: WM. H. GREEN". Druggist, PwTillinery &c " AM 8TILL RECEIVING the latest nov- elties in MiUihery Goods, Fancy Articles, &c. New "Stamplnff Patterns. Hair Goods. Braids, Ecollops. &c. Respectfully, . . MISB E. KARRER, jan 5 . v. - Xxchange, Corner Positively I rjHE CARPENTER ORGAN AT MR. HEINSBERGER'S Mudc Rooms will posi tlvely be raijled oil . ner . Saturday night, at 8 o'clock. There are some chances yet tor sale. i Every cjiance . niust be paid for be- tore it is tnrowa. BERRY GLEAVF.8, jan 5-3t Chfmu of Committee. OP HOUSE. A GREAT ATTRACTION ! FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY Tacsday Eve., Jarii lO. First ' appearance ln: Wilmingtoii of the World renowned and famous ' FAPJIIUY- VICTORIA, JE88IE, BESSIE, FRED and FAWDON. The great originators of all that light class of amusement now so populah Sup ported by a- Comedy Company of jrare ex cellence, in tbeir original, musical, saltori al, operatic, tragicali ccmical extra vagac- za, entitled "THE BELLES OF 7HP KITCHFM." The entertaiuxnent Vill commence with a laughable comedy in which the Yokes Company will appear. The sale of seats will commence on Sat urday mornimrj Jan. 7th, at Dyers'. , 1 jan 4-4t wed fri-mon-tues , . , ' ' i . P ittsboro Academy gPBINO SESSION of 1682, opens Janu. ary 9ihr StudanU of any age received,acd prepared for College or for. Badness Life. The Piineipai has had many years excell ence in teachi g. :j . Te mB, per Session rf 20, weeks. Board and ToiUon f75.WefM to E itr of the m m m W- UlVISWj, For partical&rs, addreis deiSl.tf; Principal Notice. rpHE NOTES AND ACCOUJTS OF Tfli late firm of - . WILLIAMS & MURCHISON ' have bcea plaeed la" our hands for collec tion, and all wao are indebted to that firm re earnestly requested to mke settlerajtta withoat de'ay. .- OB-A W. WIL1IAHS Oi., Baeeestors to : Jan 3-lw.nao ' WiUiaxas it MnrcMso'n. Dissolution. fJlHE FIRM OF HARDING JOHNSON & CO., ia this day dissolved by mutual con sent, 8. P. Shotter retiring. The aeaete and liabilities are assumed by Harding Johnon,who will sign in liquidation. HARDING JOHNSON, 8. P.8HOTT-R. Wilmington, N. C, Jan 1 , 18S2. jan 2-tf COAL. WOOD BRICK &c. 200 00111)3 WOOD, 50.000 , 100,000 8mNGtM: All for sale at lowest market prices, by jaa 8 J A SPRING aR CALL, SEE AND PRICE ! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE assort ment ol 'Wedding, Christmas and Holi day Presents for sale low down at J. H. HARDIN'S - Draar and Chemleal 8 tore. 4ee30 New Market PLHiBS son f J. . : " . -1 I ; . fry ttt f7oa r asd sJl rsbAta , ft-9cfb ?tsr alva jg be old ft1e if Wt ptrr- :l P-rul.ti 3t be yoJdd " M t U epriaHj aad iirdcuUrly tatf ' w5 tbt t! Bditd cot aJwaya wider im r1?w-rf errpdetita aees so fU 1 !b tls e-flt-fal eol-onta. " Mew Advortifjmttnts MK1 JNO. 1. WU.UAJ hss sold bis JMeies itxiba fiim mofViliisms , rrjcl MiircLiH Murcbi1- Vevy Tc;?:, to the rthul Ins purchased from th-m ttoir Interest In K M. MURCHI50? J. I)- WILLIAMS, l. W . Wl LLI A y S, I 1. It. MUMCHISON, W. F. SCJUE'r. Jan 1, lt?S2, Notice, V THE FIRM (); WILLIAM ct iiPK.; Vi?i?'"lv.-jJIconti.riie.l from tlri da e ..ri, firm of M.rhiion Co., Ne w J1'1 ?aiir4iP.J, and the firm of .Hhed at,- U diuutoti for the--purpose of caryu.- on a t Van mission ami Xr0rt buiintss in .Cotton and Naval Moes - ' ' K. M. AiUUCIlISON". D H. MIJKCUISOn! t , ,cc G .WILLIAMS, Jan J, 1SS2, v. p. iSOUEY. ' ; Wotice. MIL HSXRY C. McQUE'N has boen admi te J as apartr in our fi.m from, - . teoa W. Williams & Co,; nn?S?FHS TO WILLI AMS & MUi: ClJIbON, Commission Merchants aud Whobsale De&le-s, Wilmington, N. C. A large stock of First.Class Goods on hand wb :h will bo sold at very close priceslor '" casli, ot to .prompt paj i.igcustouirsl jan 2, 188231 w v . v ' "."' appy lew Year ToAli ! Come and b:.;y eome bcautifal Ssew eai? Cards i o send to your fiiendg, t HKISBERGER'S, Jan 2 LiVe Book and Music Store OUT f mum JACKETS; :" -. AND ULSTERS. Very Cheap I . LACE CURTAINS. ' ' . -J "' - A variety of good fctylw, and the' prices will, astonish you, bein so cheap. Lace Silk Tidies. . LARGE BLAXKET3 At reduced prices, to Blankets and Spreads. close eut. Cri CABPEf S, RUGS AH:DMATS; A beaiitif al assortment and the prices were never so low. - - ! ... . - h R. dec 3 1 iclntire. SIGN PAINTING Bfi0HZirt2 &c. rjJHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD ro. spectfujiy say that -iint.1 further cotice 1 e may be found - at l;is' resident, , cor r Third and Market Lirvs, prepared ".to ex -cute all orders in the-aW:te named bra!C'" es. Room Se II.. Warf, Ac, real y repainted aud varnished, ja n4 tf C. E. DURK. Wanted. JX IB D78TS! OU-i A V gent B r. Iter 55 Vsir' f f enaploymatt bj sprlyiar at 'jan 4 n?n OFflci PUBOEtliiaUSEv ;CNDFK iSW MAS AGE iFHT, p ' Wilmitc, If, C O, LkPERRY, - .- P ep Lcterrietcr. Atlantis Hotel. iri t'lw i"i U lJ?p3iiitcatn s. T m i i 0

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