?3 711! FSPW 1 t 3 i, sell"! c- Whim JON K . T. J A dxto ai rKorKlicroa. , fear.t 00 8i taimUa, S160 ; 1bi ostWl OMmontbSOfieRU fb PFf will b dalivered by esrriera, re. of h'ir iD "7 PM f b itTf Adt.rtiainfr rte low od libr Babicribers will pleaaa report any I, fTlaret to receive their papers regularly. f . 00!Bi8attrTt meat N irjy I jfew A dvertisements. THE GREAT FOR RHEUMATISM, Heuratgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, m Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feaf and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Trrrrtn on rth .quU St. Jacobs Oir. tM m ta ft, turf, simple and fheap External Remedy- A trial Mjtaita bnt th comprmtiTelj trtilDjc ontirr of 60 Tents, and erery ona anffer-' Iny with pain can h chap and poaitir? proof cf in claims. DirctioTH in Kleven Language. BOLD BY ALL DBUGGIST8 AND DEALERS nr MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., '. JJalXfmor. Jtfd., XT. 3. A. "JUST. IMAGMEIHOW I FELT." -. Bbukswick, Co., Ya., NoTnber25tb, 1881. Mrs. Job Persoit, Franklinton, N. O. Dkir Madam: It is with pleasure tb&t I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful looking arid painful sore on my ankle. It came more . than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. . Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor ia the country for advice. He told me hejbould cure me if I would take my bed ana there remain for four or five weeks, aad if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased,, and rhy foot would have to be taken oE- Justimag ine how I felt, to be tjIfhere- ws no cure for the sore but to lose mp.oqjjfor give up all business--eitber of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind ysu this was the advice of one of tho best doctors in the State of North Carolina nd this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with elastic, as he advised until September, bat derived no benefit from hi3 treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try jonr Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and tarn now a well mau, tho sore is perfect ly cured,, and I can now walk an far, 8oce as much and jump as high h uy nian you know. Put me back to r 1st of September, let mo know as mach as I bow do of the virtue otvyour Remedy, and I wonldnot hesilato to pav tea dol lars a bottle for it, if 1 could not get it Jor leis. I think more of it. than any medicine lu the world. It is not only the best Remedy to pnrify the blood and aire all skin diseases, but 1 believe it will care all kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published as there are many sufferers who could be wed, if they could know c f and get your Kamed r I am truly and respectfnll v, JOS. R. MASON, South UastoD, X. C Iht Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wrn. H.Green. Send for circu lar eftcstimniak. . j)0v 14-diw Plantation FORSAtE. THE UN DEUS IGN ED Coin u&ieMoner.'a p., pointed by the Judge of the Superior onrtofNew HactWcr countv. willexpote 'diale at public auc ion, on Thurtdav, 10th January, 1SS2. at the Court Houtw door iu WieCityofWUraJngton, at 13 o'cTock. M. sat valuable plantation in tender county n iKjfcky Point, known aa Pembroke, con jaiajagaboui one thousand acre of fertile ;nd,to wit: A certain tract, of land hi render county, houndtd by a lir 'coramet-acon-tbedge of Black Crefk, r.rar toe "d ota bank arroMatid creek, and ruu VeBd rlne nJTf tUXZp alia F. Rratpb, nf tb- (apt Fear liver. eaccji, th ,iTr tb(, Hn,. the Vat "uwnoD. iher.o with that Ifae to a .take i;e id llue opposi: to a row of Cedar ra and thence to the boiiunlDg. Terna liberal and made known atuda. illWH ALIX. T. LONDON, i h IT tda - Cammlsstontr Sflr VOL. VI . WILMINGTON. N. k SATURDAY JANUARY 7, I882t NO- LOCAL NEWS. New A d vertis rm fnts. Hn?iBERnrnAlBiahac3ifor tt KicHaan J -loxKf, Sot'r4-Anul MeM . Wm. II. Gi:eex Indian Tea. , C W-YATES-Chrlstm GvkU No City Court to day. Pay's length 9 hours and 52 sajnmte. There were no .interments ia Bellevua Cemetery this week - There was bot one interiar,nV a - tht of arf adult in Oakdale Oemetery this week. r There were three iatermeats one adult and two childrea ia Pine Forest Cemetery this week. .Some good mixed ash and maple wood 3o!dhbis rooming at 5 cents a load but blackjack was bt Id at $U Bj-autify your oomes py using the N Y. Knumel Paint, ready' mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi'b. f Feather plash, woven ostrich feathers, is among hi uncur.ed the choicest and most becoming of trimmings. The Register of Deeds issued but twa marriage licenses this week ; oae for a whito and one for a colored couple. L' j i Freshwater Perch. Trout and Blaek fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort. xnent and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t The thermometer indicated 74 degrees in our office at 2 30 o'clock this after noon; two degrees less than summer heat. The improvement of North Third street has been completed as far1 as flul- berry street and tha drive now as about the best in the city. Mr. Chas. Ireland, of Chillieothe, O., suffered with rheumatism to such an ex tent that he was obliged to! limp about. One bottle of St. Jacobs Oil completely cured him. . 1 t The Steamship.. Regulator' Capt Mills, from New York; arrived at her wharf in this city at about 11 o'clock this forenoon. The' annual meeting of the lot owaer in Oakdale Cemetery! will be held at the company a omce in this city next Mon day evening. I According to Turner's Almanac, to morrow will be the 17Sth anniversary of the manufacture of the first barrel of tar n North Carolina. Old umbrellas and j buggy tops are now being utilized by ladies for theatre almost hats. The demand for! them equals that for Confederate bonds. " For full evening jdress. loral neek laces of while star blossoms, tinted pico tees. trailing arbutus devoid of foliage, lillies of the valley, or crystalized snow drops, will encircle the dainty throats of society 'bellei wbo wear ood ices cat semi low. - ; J ! Our Princeps street, neighbor should publish his midnight poetical reflections in book form and call them Me wsiana We tender our contributions to the same forthwith: I , Sing oat the old, ritrjj in the new, rRirtsf out. the "Star.'Vrnif in the Ketikw, . in 1W4. , Caiarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting irritation I of tha urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by iiuchupaibai Druggista. Dept J as. i;. Manes. Golden Days. 1 1 We have received the January number ot this excellent magazine for boys and girls. Wc'have carefully (scanned ils pages, and without hesitation pronomoce it one of the best periodicals for the juveniles we have ever pen. Some of the best writers of literatore for the young inthe,eouotry contribute to its col umns. among whom wo notice the names of Oliver Optic, Frank H. Converts, Ho ratio Alger, Jr., alary N. Precott and otherfwho hare devoted a lifetime to writing for the yonng. IThcre is notbiog flashy nor yellow-covered in the matter cont ined in Golden Days, but all is interesting while it is instructive Pub lished b J James Klrerson, If. W. corner Ninth ajd .Spruce streets, Philadelphia, Pa , at $8 por year, payable in advance. A hrijht little two yrar old child in New Haven. Conn., was given , many Christmas presents, including me me chanical to)s, and wag so. excitde by them that he was attacked with conges tion of tha brain aad died on Wednes day. V , j 1 , The Hop at Rankin ntlL Frosa these who were to att dance we learn that Prof. Agoatini, wai made gUd by a large attendance at the fancy dress flop gifeo by him at Rankin Hall last eveaiag. The cos tames : were ta?t fat. the canaic rood aad the comfiairtr .atiNl intn tfca Writ nf the oeeasiod , r. - - With an ardor and good will ibal wade the affair highly enjoyabta. Aa tba getter ap sad promoter of such enter tail ' meat, tba Professor ia an assured sue. lees, - i Kef SrMaterraptasy ctoveraattoD wltft a kackiag Coogb; it creaWa a bad im pression. Better invent a qaarter of a dollar in a battle of Dr. Bull's Cough1 Syrup and care it. MacuttauV ut i - - Before Justice Miilis, Km Mei'rick, colored, waa arraigned, charged with an assault aad battery oa Robert . Steven son,colertd. Defendant waa found gailty, bat jadgaent waasusaeaded oa payment of coats. Robest Stevenson, aforesaid, thea caused the arraignment f the bellicose Emma Merrick, ehargiag heir with aa as sault and battery ipoa hia. . She was also found gailty, bat judgment was sns pendedopeu the payment of the costs. The two paid far their (on aid vent their way rejoicing. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, tc Yon ean get all sisss and at the lowest prices. t Cenecratloa Sf Bishop Serthrop We learn from the Baltimore Sun that Rev. H. A, P. Northrop, the newly named Vicar-Apostolic for North Caro Una. will be consecrated at the Cathe dral in that city tomorrow, morning Pontifical high mass will ' be celebrated at 11 o'clock and Archbishop Gibbons will uerform the cereaeny of consecra tion. Bishop Keane, of Richmond, will deliver the seraaoa, ia the absence o B ishop Lyaeb, of CharUstoB, who if sick and will be unable to attend. It is ex pected that the attendance of bishops and priests, as well as of laymen, will be very large and that it will prove one of the most interesting events of the kind ever celebrated ia Baltimore. Aa Item. Some little consternation at first, aad amusement afterwards, was occasioned this morning at a business house, on Water street. A crash was heard over, head and a man's foot and leg were sud denly projected through the plastering. TfaiStproYedito be young plumber who wa-wp,-:.. on meUtpipaaiT wno wasn;ei as irgni a wisgai as ne may have thought. He was , released by one of the clerks who mounted a very tall step-ladder and tore away the. laths so that he eoald withdraw his leg. " Water narrow escape it was," . said Mac, '.'aad not Oscar to show for it." "Graated" was the response from all. t ;Tha irea-HeK The Chief Signal OflSoerjor the'. Army furnishes tht . follewing speeiaf-bilfalio to the press: - """ ' -. T he storm which was central near Lake Superior yesterday mors ing iftdved over the Lake Region and is now central near northern New England ? and a pec ood baa developed ia the Ldwer Missouri Yalley. "The temperatara has riiefe slowly in all the districts Kastaf the Mississippi with southeast and south west winds in the" Mississippi Valley nd th$ Lake Regiott and aoutkerly to .westerly winds os the Atlantic Coast. Generally cloadjT weather and rain has prevailed in the Southern States and Ohio Yalley and raia and saow are reported front New England and. the Lake Regions The indications are that the teraperalurd will rise on the Atlaaiic Coast and fair weather dorisg the rest of Saturday, fol lowed bj lignt raias during1 the light, and partly cloudy and warmer weatheroa Sunday.. A cold wave it approaching Irom the extreme northwest, and rasch colder weather will-prevail la the Upper Lake Regioa aad ' Uaper Misaisaippi Valley Sauday night. . . fichr. Eagle, Truoaa, cleared at this pert to day lor Pert aa Prince with SO barrels saral stores and 103,840 ieet Umber aad 23,(W0 sbiagles shipped by Messrs R. iwidder k Son. . Sunset to morrow afternoon at : ft mia atea pst 5 o'clock. Tba tastistaht? sl& tl this potietod. A lady from Qrgoo writes Dr. Beb son: Ithiakyou should be presented with a chariot of pure gold for oar e! trv aad Chainomila Pills havimr mo.i sues a messing urinoaaaa aa oisunenns !t- 1 . I with sick and nervous headache, neural- wia.nerTaanea ardvroiaia- -1 wiuLaics asa serroua aeaaac gia, nerreunea and dyspepsia . Cbarcn services. Worship in the Various churches of city to-morrow as follows : tha T. SAHTA' rASlBH. Corner Third and Market tr!la. Kev. A. A Wataoa.D l R-ctor. Pirat Sunday af iba pp'phauy JauJ 8. Celebration at S a. m.i Momin? Prarar at II o'ekek. Sunday School at 8 p. . Evwnio Frye r ;as4ocicic. nr. .tob!,s cucacH, Corn.r Third rd Red Cross ss. Uev. T. D. Pitts, RoJor.! Fust MHWay alter the Kfliphaue Jan. 8 iCekbratlon at 7:-9 tc.Hck.' Itrmtr pra er at 1 1 oclcck Kning Prayrr at 7S0 oJcloca. cxrrfer of Market, am Fifth streets. Rev J B- Taylor, r'astiv. Sunday bcliool a . PUJO a. ui. -'trticea at 11 a.m. iitaiooaty ocity at 7:-10; p in. " ltrcK kljn buudaT ikrbool at J p. Your.g Men' Prayer Meeting .Tuesday night at ":I0 o'clock. CburcH Prayer Meeting Thursday nijht at -iSOo'cJock. ; '-!-- ' . FKOiT 5TBJCET U. . CHURCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets,. Rev. K. H. Wx)d. pastor. Servicea at - Jl a. tn. and 1 p. in. Sunday iscbool at 3 p. rn. Weekiy Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday evenings at 7 J o'clock. ' ST. rAUt'S KVAJie. i.pthkbak chubch, Corner Sixth and Market street, Jfcev. G. D. Bexoheim, O. D., pastor. Preparatoiy service. (English)" at 10 a. m. jfii glish service "aad Communion t 11 a. m. bun day School at 3 p. ru. JCn.lisb service at 7:30 p m. FIFTH 8TBKET If. K. CflUSCH (SOUTH,) on Fifth, betweeu Nun and Church streets. Rev. T.F. Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. mi and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve sing at 8 o'clock. , - 8XCON riUESBTTKBTAH BCHUCH, Cor Four h and CampbalL atreata. Rev. O. AL Payne, Pastor . Services at 11 a. m. and ToO p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. Prayer. Meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 p. nor. Beats rrte, ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUBCH corner Fourth and Orange atreets, Rev. T. M. Ambler, Reotor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Snndsy School at 30 p m. Seats free sreosa baptist : a tjfccd, on Sixth, between Church and Castle sts Rev. J. P. King, pastor. Services toinor row at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9. a. m. j ariBST PR58BTTBKIAN CHUBCH, corner Third and Orange streets. Her. WiJo pastor, horning Services at 11 o'clock crane ay School at 3 p. m. jNi.ht Service at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday night Lecture at 7:30 o'clock, j ' ST? MAJUC'S CHUBCH, Corner Sixth and Mulberry streets. Rev. C. O. Brady, Minister. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock. On Holy Days services at 9 a. ns. and 4:30 p. m. unday School at St. Barna bas School house at 3:30 p, m. Seats free. CHRIST'S ; CHUBCH (COHOKX0ATXOXAL), on i an. between oixm ana fcevenin.- Rev. D. D. Iodge, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. t'astor'a Bible Class at 124 p.m. Prayer and Praise Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. xa, Sunday School at 2 pi m. . .TflELAAlLO. QM BialU dose and .arrive at the City PoatOfhce as follows : . Northern through malls . .... .6 80 p, Northern throogh and way m mails .................. 6:40 a, ta. KaieigD. o;4U a. m. Oflices . between Hamlai and . Raleigh.. .,730 p, oa. Mails for tbe N . U. Kallmdt and. routes supplied taere- from, loclnding A. A N. O. Railroad, at. 6;40 a, m. and 6 80 p.m. Southern mails tor all points , oouin, aaiiy.e.uu p. m. ana 7:4o a. m M AAA a . . Western malls (C OR'y) daily iexoem9unaay;..M...... :au p. ox Mail tor Oaera w A Darling- ton.....in. i ....mm..... 8.00 p. mi. Mails for points between Flo rence ana unaneaion v.ou p m Kayattevuie, aad otUcea on ' Aii Wtxxv Pfp TViMttva sTayetteyiue, via Lamberton, . " dallv. aroebt Sandava...!. 7. SO b. m. basiow O. HJ and lntermedi c .ate paces, every Tuesday &ahd eriday . at.;............. 6.00 a. m. SmltbTilta 'mails, by steam- T boat, daily, (except Son 8 f 0 a. a. ACaila for Easy HUL Town Creekv Sbailotta and Little . River, 8. O , every TVs ;. "day and Filday at......... . . 6:00 a. a. or fob Dixryaar. Iforthera through and way ; .l.olaits...i.....7:80 a. m. aad t.00 a. xn, Sonthem Malta. 7:00 . m, aid Lao a.'m. Oaroiin Oentrnl Railway. 8:30 a. m. Stamp Office opan. Jrom 4 . r to 12 M., and from 2 to b:lb p. r&. iiony Order aad K?giar Dvparteaaol l open same as stamp ofiice. 1 - Geperal delivery pan- trora daylight to dark, and on finnsiaya from 8:0 ii8:40,a- m.4 llaiU collected (fn f box rvwry day at 4?W i. nv, i : Stamps In, aaU ianthia t gstatral eClfag aap. ap nrce h French Candies. JUT RECEIVED, a full tthel af fas Freoh Caudtea, varraateA vara aad ' - Also, liotaa-aUaa Caadica, rralta, swa -w. a IJ Iliz.525u ; ff? g-n" W ITew Advartiaomonts Annual M3ttine. uwaeia of tba'Troprictora oT the Wjl mini Lob Cemetery" (Oakdale) will be be!4 at tbe Company ' Offlce. ou PrintMs at , Monday Kvesi og. fttb tut.t7) o'alock. - i.liAKr J. JONK9, Jan7-8t 1 Sefv aud Tre. Almanacs for 1 882 I" KKC f A VS ALU NAGt r TOataVi'jj ( atAi aot. 1 A LtTM'rt Al.it ir"A '-,' ' NAUTlOA L ACMaAO-!. . Second-Hsnd Pino. JS JSffcBT EtSrKOr A lBitrtw3t Coma! K eV a Hart atrat ' USXN BEEOES8. ! Jan LrKoot acd MotiaBWt Vaccination IN VIEW OF THE PREVALENCE OF Smallpox in the .North and Wet. it i deemed necessary that all should bo vacci- usiicu. x:cioDapnjyic? atur.J. C. Walk er'a office on Pi iocesg, between Front and Second stret, between the hours of 12 M. and 2 P. M., can be vaccinated without charge. I. C. WALKER, M. D., j Jan 6-3t V Snp't of Health. Indian tea ' c ARMER'S EMUL8ION, C A8TOR OIL EMTJL8ION, W ARNER'S KIDNEY & UTER CURE, N EBTLE'S MILK FOOD, &c, &c. Jan 6( WM. H. GREEN. Druggist, rJaillinery lc I AM STILL RECEIVING the latest nov I J . eltiesla Millinery Goods, Fancy Articles, fce. New SUmpIng Pattefe, .Bab" Goods, Braids, SeoUops. Ac. r A - KespectfullT. ' a - -tujoa it, KAnzucn, Jaa5 rr:rr Exchange Corner WILMINGTON Jk WELDON R. R. CO., Office of Secretary and Treasurer. Wilmington, N.Cn Bsc. 24, 188L DIVIDEND OP THREE PER' Cent, on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington So Weldon Railroad Company will be paid on and after the Hth January, 18S3, to all who are Stockholders of record on . the Books of the Company on the Slat Inst. ' i J. W. THOMPSON, dec 244 Sse'y aadTrsas Positively I rjTHE CARPENTER ORGAN AT MR. HEINSBERGER'fl Matlc Rooms will posl tively be raffled off next Saturday night, at 8 o'clock. There are some chances yet lor sale. KT" Every chance must be paid for be fore it is throwa. 1 BERRT GLEAVE8, jaa 5-3t I Ch'mu of Committee. FIRST NATIONAL BANK r OF WILMINGTON. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock X holdera of this Bank for the election of Directors will be held at their Baakin? Hopae ia Wilmington, on Tuesday, the 10th day of ' January,! 1883, at 11 o'clock, A.M. A. K.WALKER, dec 23-it-28, 29sjan 7, 9 Caahier otico. rpHB NOTES AND A000UST9 07 THE lata Ursa of WILLIAMS k MTJBCHISON have be a plaeal ta cur haads for eoUao- tioa, aad all who arsiadehtsd to that firm arsearasstlyreqaaited to auks Nttleaitts I wltboat dsay. L . '!r'.l QkC. W. ITIUiIAlfa 00., Baeoriof ta-- ' ' TXlUlama A afareb'soa. fas s lwiSZZj lEJiscpIiitidn THK FIRM OF HARDING JOnNSON & CO.,ia this day dissolved by mntoal con sent, 8. P. C Hotter retiring. - The assets and- Uammiea are: assumed - by naming Johnson, who will sign ta liquidation. , ' ,,V HARDING JOHNSON, V. U a.P.8HOTTsR, OJcitBgton, N. a, Jan 1, 18S3.' Jan C-tf CALL, SEE; AND PRICE 1 A LAROr A2CD- ATTRACTIVE assort. Jt aeatot Weddfcg, Christmas aad Holi day Prsaents for sale low down at TTTTAliriTiA . n nS 490 NswMarkst ; Vs. NTffr Advertictacnitft kk jko. i; wiixtAsvhAVai;j, interrst l!i,tli li!m of W'AU m A MureL . son, Wilmirgn, ami Murchisou & cJ New "io'b, hi tbo ruhafnfpg paitrm'si d h purcLa,r,i frou. tlm tnelr bnn ofj. 1). Wiacnn C, y n -J?t K . . fW . . ui ill ;i .i urrbui-it A- . r cjrryiifg on u Comuiinsiou- P'HrS4 of K. M. ilURpaiSONf I R. MUl40Ilsov, O. W.WlLLtAMs;' Jan 1. 1882, j Notice- Mil. HENRY C MrO!Tpjw i.vtL aduii teJ M a partn-r ia our firm from this date. D R. MURCHISON& Ca? Geo. W. H iliiams & Co., SUCCESSORS TO WlLLlAMS & MimJ If, ,V?,n,i38ian Merchants and Wholesale Dealers, Wilmington, K. C. - A SER stof,f Fi.Class G6oods on hand, which w ill bo sold at very close priceslor ' Vci? 0,aJtt PJ 1 JS customers, i jan2, lS82slw (' JACKETS :l AND .-." . ULSTEK& Cheap I i LACE CURTAINS A variety pf good styles, and the prlcea sSTfdiS yU' beiDS' ocheaP- Lac LARGE BLANKETS ' At reduced rprices, to Blankets and Spreads. close out. ,CrJb CARPETS, RUGS 4N'DMATS A beautiful assortment were never so low. and the priass R. deb 31 VJ. sclntirea - Every bod v Says t Y A 5?A THK LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND THE PitKTTlKSr n Christmas Gccdo . '. !', la toira. " . d18 Book Htatfoeerjr Htnrv SIGH PAiriTlflQ. BRONZIUSV mHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD r re- epectfufly say that wA further otke ha may he founri at bi? ftMi-1h?e, corner Third and Market at s, prepared to en cnta all orders in the above named bra'id es. Room Se's, Tin VVrf, Ac., i etly, Repainted and vamiibed. i '. 1 i . .. n : jan4 tf C. K. DURK. '-"r- Wanted i ;1 Jtt 1 IJDUBTBlODd : AXO IST&UA gent B v, 1 1 c r J 5 a- f , , oa V t in awploymact by .7; fDjr at ' jaa i , . t X-j Q?JtUZ COALi V003, BRICK. 200 ''HD3 n,or,4t 1.000 t" '-,u- ' 50.000. B-. inn nnn '-.--- sf aw AR for -salftat lowest mirket pr Icea by ' Jaa 8 J A SPRING IX ft It wtally and iia, fy , tba vlwnr aorrdatf .irJaaVso-tt K if, MnRCXJlSM, ! j. i. utlliams;;:, . O. W. WlLlAVSr Jan 1, ItS2.. y. F.JSUUE5T. i art i