. .. I u paolWwl every afterado. 8day J i' H . T. J A MfB cottob amd morBJKToa. .DrMTONfl POSTAGE PAID. ..r.S 5 00 8lx months, 1150 .Tore fta paper will be delivered by carrier, of eUrje, in y part of tbeoity, attae o. rM, or 13 cents per week. idTtrtisiBjr rte? lour od liberw Subscribers will please report any and U fsilace" to receive their ppra regularly. flew Advertisements RHEUMATISM, h'fiuralaia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Bars, and all other Pains end Aches. 9 Proration "n crth equals St. Jacobs Oit n nfl,ur'. simple ai)iU7tJ External Rm4j. A trial- entaila but the compuratively trifliiir not!5 of 50 Ont,anl rj one r.ftr inn with pn CAn 1:tc cheap end poitiTo proof erf its claims. w Direction! in Ele-ren Languages.' BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEIlEKS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Ztaltiniorc. Did., ZT.S.JL JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Bbukswick, Co., Ya., November' 5th, 1881 Mrs. Job Peeson, Franblintpn, N. C. Dkar Madam : It ia with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a moat fearful looking and painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve moDtbs apro, very-much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then .1 commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk,' when I went to the best doctor :a tb& country for advice- Re told me kejbouldcure me if I would take my bed and there, remain for four or five weeks, aad if I did not do bo pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot woild have to be taken off. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no care for the sdre but te lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind jm this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina nd this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic; as he advised until September. out derived no benefit from his treatment I was advised then by a friend to try yourlemedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of.September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, aid I can now walk as far, uance as much and jump as high a- any man you know. Put me back to 1 ilst of September, let me know as roHch as I now do of the virtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesiiate to pay tea dol Ur a boltle for it, if 1 conld not get it lorlesa.." I think more nf it thau any ajedfcine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and T 1 1 i Ul cure tt love ror strouir drink JI hope you will have this published, as 4 :Y .i 7 fnnere" wo could be cared, if they could kWcf andrnjl your Kmedy 1 am truly aud respectfully JOS. U. MASON, South (iaston, N". C. lhe Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. W m. H. Green. Send for circu 'r oftestimnials. nov U-dw PLANTATION FOR SA.i E. THE tDERSIGNED Commit.Moner.ap potated' hv the Judce of the Superior y5Wrtotew Hacovcr rnnntr 'will cvm rpsale at public aucion, on TiiuredaT, I9th :,vx7 or ulmington, at 12 o'clock, M. jj-ky Point, k,nown as Pembrok, con about ODe thousand acres of fertile 1 iit. : a certain tract of laud In 5& rntve cdse of Bjack Creek, near the T.A bailk aofia said creek, and run -"SjneDce S 10, E. 5 ehaln. and 50 link a pine and ninn nnini.... u-,, . Brareh, therce H. Zti, K nr chains Snri reMS?ortheTi,1p twamp at V irsar's pnn nd thence in tli nm oireriiouto twL B"c of jhe Capo Ft-ar ifvcr. 2f!f?J,ptb.,Iwf the line of the Vat,? t. ThT nCEt" with th,t Hnc to a tr- "i.Jlnc eppoei" to a row. of. Cedar inence to the beciuninff. uorrai ana made .known aUals. tc YTa ALEX- T. LONDON, , I . FOB THE'! IIAIEY MEliii VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bkowx Sr Pr.vEhOX Uu ir ; DrtVsintf ! etc Otterkocj:; ' orll'lence jol" tl; People O W Yates All Right ' Hfjnsbekgek liUnk ttok Pi mo Alt a ki-'EK, TkiCK ifc Co l.uths, .tcv Opeka H6L'SE-4Mis Genevieve UaiI W. O. Ckakt Ks-pairr ot j Watch es,& Wm. H. Gkkex JimIUii Ta. I Le receipts f cotton at Tins port U day foot up '452 bales. IJanjuc Evcmti, Smitb, (iertemuude Dec. 21st., lor Bailed from Ki i port. 8tea:nKliip 'Gulf Stream, Ingram, for tli s cleared at New York Jan.; 7th port, and sailed ihe same day. imiiraiioiiN For the SoulU Atlantic State's, cooler, northeast to northwest winds, stationary or rising barometer, local partly cloudy weather. I To Builders and others g) to Jauo bi's for Sash, Blindsand Doors, Glass, Ac. You can get allizes and at the lowest prices. t Tho rule now is for every lad to have her as:c indicated on her! hat brim. Every very. inch of brim represents three years. A ten-inch brim means that he lady is thirty jears old ; a twenty-inch brim shows that she is sixty, and so on. , It is a'charming conceit. i To Save Trouble and Expense1 My family has derived very great ben. efit from the usc'of Hamburg Drops, writes Mr. John Stocklin, Union, Broome County, N. Y. It has saved pain, trou ble and expense; and I shall be glad al- ways to recommena me urops; as it is my best and cheapest family physician. Any ffiven anniverfiary falls UDori any Li w " i I ' j Pgiven day in the week at intervals jof 11, U, 5 and G years. Christmas fell on Sun day "this year, being, the first time since 1870. It will fall on Sunday again in ;887, then in 1892, and then In 1S98J after which the series of intervals will begin again. ' ' r i Beautify your nomes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and 1 war ranted. Sold only at -Jacobi's. f - We invite attention t the card of Brown & Pearson in this issue. This firm comprises two of the mo9t polite, attentive and skillful barbers alfd hair dressers in the city. , They have bought out Jas. H. Carraway, on Front street, next to Capt. Mclntire, and solicit iare of the public patron age. 1 hey are Jjotb. very wojfthy colored T men, and will succeed. llerical .Nojes ! Rev. Dr. Patterson is in the city on a short visit, and will leave soon for Texas. Rev. T. D. Pitts, Rector! of St. John's ( hurch, has gone to Florida, and Dr. Watson preached for ' him " yesterday morning ynd Dr. Patterson list nighti the latter divii:e 'serving at St. '.lames'' in the forenoon. ! x ; -, -. ' T; e VoKes l nniilj. p j The Yokes Family will not appear in Wilmington, because of1 the j alleged sickue?8 of one of the lady members of i the troupe. They played in Richmond on FrjJuy niiiht to a larjte housf, and were to liave appeared also on Sutuillay aiglit, but we find no account ' either of that perfoimahce or of the alleged ill ness, in the Richmond fiispatdi. Fit j Th cr sumiay ' 'Phe present year has fifty-three Sun days. Ordinarily there are, of. course, but fifty-two Sunday 3' in a ye ir, there being only fifty-two weeks. .We; -have had, during this nineteenth- century fourteen years with filty three -Sundays each, ami the are to four more, in- i eluding the present year, main' ,a total j of eighteen. I hey are the years which j begin on Sunday, ond the leap years j which begin on Saturday. i City Court. , f Scipio Hill, the same unfprtutfateSetp, was again found too far gone , to j take care of himself, and was hauied up before the Mayor to day. F.vcr lenient to the faults of others Uis Honqr allowpd him to go free, upon the oft repeated and oft-broken promise of amendment. A white man, whoijc name we suppress, charged with assault ac,d battery on the person of. anolher.party, was fined'$2o and the costs, which he paid. ( Rufus Robinson, colored, charged with incendiarism, was bound! oyer to the Criminal Conrt In the sum ct $10& WILMINGTON. N. C., MONDAY, Orion liOde. - At the regular meeting of Orion Lodge No. 67 the following officers were electi-d for the ensuing term; N. Gr.-Lp T. Dickeey, V G G. M. Altafier. .Secretary Jno. i. liudley. Per. Secretary W. C. ijerrow. Treasurer W. S. Warrock. ( , Conductor H. O. Craig. . Warden C. H. Capps. O. G CM). Morr 11 .U.S. to N G. C. C. I'arker. L. S. to N, G V. S. Hewlett. Chaplain W: J. Pennvi R. and L. S, to.Y. G;.aud S Suppor ters not appointed. u ben others are sutlcnng, drop a weird of kindness and sympathy. If they are suffering from a Cold, give them Dr. Bull s Cough Syrap ; a few doses of this valuable remedy will a (lord instant relief and a twenty five cent bottle will core the worst Cough. i Sunday's Desecration Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon as peo ple were walking out Fourth street to wards Hilton, they were 1 reluctantly compelled to witness a most disgraceful and prutai fight, in which three colored persons two" men and one woman were concerned. The men were father and step-son and the woman was wite of the former and mother of the latter The young man for some unknown causef attacked -thei stp-father and tried the 'i butting" process upon him several times, but the old man avoided the blows and at each attempt, knocked the young man down. After this had been repeat ed several times the woman took a big pole tfhd assisted her son in his warfare upon her husband. How long the fight continued or who was finally the victor, we did not learn, but the sounds of the fast-falling blows of the pole fa the hands of the old woman could be distinctly : heard more than a block away. Wc did not learn.the naraesf the parties. . ; ., I O I Forcel-Me-Not." In speaking of the presentation of this play, by Miss Genevieve Ward and her company, at the Savannah Theatre, last Friday evening, the Savannah Neivs says : The theatre last evening was filled with one of the most cultivated and fashionable audiences we have ever seen gathered within in' its walls, the occasion being the first appearance in this city of Mis3 'Genevieve Ward, the celebrated actress, in her beautiful and intensely thrilling play entitled" Forget Me-Not." The p'iVy is admirably instructed, pos sessing a fine plot and numerous start ling and excellent situations, and whilst Miss Ward is the central figure as 'Stephanie, Marquise de Mphrivart," she is ably seconded in her company, and we can conscientiously pronounce the support the best we have seen this sea son with any star. Indeed, so thorough ly Vere the audience impressed with this that the applause was general, and though Miss Ward was' enthusiastically encored and called before the curtain almost equal praise was accorded the re mainder of f he cast. . I I Brain & Nenc ' , 1 Well's Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth lor impotence, leanness, sexual debility, fcc. $1," at druggists. Depot Jas C. Munds. I . ( Warm Ajtd Cold Baths. Warm baths produce an effect upon1 the skin, directly contrary to that which is brought about by cold water. The cutaneous vessels dilate immediately un der the iofiueneo of the heat, and, al" though the deliation is followed by a contraction, this contraction is seldom excessive, and the ultimate result of a 1 warm bath is to increase the cutaneous circulation. The pulse and respiration are bM'h quickened in the cold bath. The warm bath increases the temper; S ture of the body, and, by lessening the necessity for the luternal production of beatf it decreases the call which ii made upoa Cert tin of k the vital processes, and cnables life to be sustained with a less expenditure of force, j !' r 1 While - a cold bath causes a certain stillness of the muscles if continued too lansr, a warm bath relieves stiffness and j fatigue. The final effect of both'hot and cold b iths, if their temperature be mod erate, i3 the same, the difference being, to use the words of Braun, that "cold refreshes by stimulating the I functions, heat by physically facilitating them, and iu this lies the iniportant difference be twecu the cold water system , and the thermal mode of treatment." Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lin$v A fal1 $ori; ment and lowest prices at Jacobi'a. t JANUARY A Lucky Man. Mr. C. P. Johnson, of the firm of Ashforj & Johnston, Clinton, Sampson couBty, was the lueky one to draw the Carpenter Organ which waa-raffled for at Ileinaiberger's on Saturday evening last. It is a fine instrument, and" was cheap enough, it having costhinvjost $1. There were about 125 cbancessold. German barque Johann Danitl, Nie. mano, cleared at this port to day for Damburg, with 3.077 bbis rosio, shipped by Messrs. Deltossct tt Co., and schooner larf J'J. VftitCleof, Thorndyke, cleared for ronce, Pr R , with -47,350 sbingtes and 158,604 feet lumber, shipped Messrs. fi. Kidder & Son. Mtfelstrale's Ciirt Mary J. Jones, colored, was brought before Justice Millis this morning, charged with an assault and battery on Rebecca Sauls, also 'colored. She sub mitted and judgment suspended upon the payment of the costs. . Lavinia.Laston, colored, 'for the same offence upon the samc'personjf was dis charged for want of evidence to convicti and thc prosecutor charged with! the costs. ' (. Rebecca Sauls, the above-uamed, for an assault and ' battery on Lavinia Eas. ton, submitted, and judgment suspended on payment of the costs. George Jones, a white seaman, for an assault and battery upoa Pat. Carey, was found guitly and judgment suspend upon the payment of the costs. Caught on the Spot Yesterday afternoon a bale of cotton, among a large lot oti the platform of the Champion Compress Company, wag dis covered on fire! and fortunately in time to remove it from the rest before it had eadangered them. AJcolorcd boy who was near' tho bale was arrested byQfficer Scharff, who was near at hand, and con- fessed the 'tiring. IfTjiis pocket wa3 foundHo. box of matcrfs and his state manr was to the effect that a man had given him five cent? and a box of match es on his promise to fire the cotton. He claimed to have set the cotton on fire With a cigarette but no evidences of a Cigarette could be found thereabouts The boy, whose name it seems is Rn r , fus Robinson, says that he is ten years old although Chief Brock thinks that he is at 'east twelve. He was nicely dressed and was 2,3 cool and indifferent when question at the guard house and before the Mayor this morning as any old sinner conld be. I He belongs here and was brought up and taken care of by an uncle. He contra dicted himself as to the name of the man who he said had bribed him to fire the cotton and but little confidence is placed in this part of his story. He was exam ined before the Mayor this morning and was afterwards committed U jail in de fault ot bond tor luu tor his appear. anceattbe next term of the Criminal Court. He afterwards sent word from the jail to the city officers that he liked his new auarters much better than he did those furnished him in the guard house. ' -TllK MAI US 1 . Tbe tnaild close and arrtya' at the City Poot Ofhoe s followe 1 1 . t it " - iSortnern tnroogn mans oau p. tn Northern through and way . maiila,.... 6:40 a. m Raleigh 6; 40 a.m. Officer between Hamlet and Raltigb J... 7.30 p. ia. Mails for the N O. Rilnad, i lod routea supplied there- ' from, Inclndi.'ig A. &N. Q. Rallroo'j, at. 6;40 a. m abd 5 30 p.m. Southern mails for all poiuca &30th, daily. 8.00 p. ui. aud 7:45 a. tu. Westeru mails 0 CR,y)daitJ (except Sunday )....,. ... 7:30 p. m. Mail tor Cher aw Sc Darling- ton...' 8 00 p, m. Mails for points between Flo tencc and Charleaton . 8. 00 p m Fayetteville,! and offices on Cap Fear River, Tuwdays, and jFridayo.. ...l 1;00 p. m. Fayettevilie, via Lombertcm, daily, except buudaye 7 30 p. Ousio C H. aud inietaedi I at ofBi'ea, e?try Tuesday - and 1 rriday ai J.... COO a, Smithvilto ramls, by ttam tuYAi dilv. feft??jt finn. m. . - 8 20 a. n, Mails for Easy fltlL, Town Orotik, ShaticUfc aud LitUe River, 8. O., very Tuji day at,d l ij t... . 6:0u k. m. ore? for mmteht. Korthern thruigb and mtav - maila.........7:i0 a. to. and 9.00 a, uu Boatnem &i&Ha.7:0u p. ru. atd 7.20 a.m. Carolrna Ceotral Railwy....M' 8.30 a. m. Stamp OfSee opn from 8 a. m. to 12 M. . and irota 2 16 6:15 p. m. Hooy Order and Eegistcr Departsuni open same at sUap rjjca, 9, 1882. NO 7 u :W.;C.'iCraft, ' " : JEPAIHER OF WATCHES, CLO( KS and Jewelry. 'A trial soTiefied; EYvN'rf liLOGK, ' ' - - i . Pilncesa &treat jan 9-1 1 H a i r D re s s i h e: a n d Shaving Saloqn. IRONT STIiKKT NFX 1' N'iKTfl of Mr, 1 H. M. Mrlutir..1 f-!dl;e.l VorHnen. rome auenuou. ratroasu cfoliuited. J Ian 9-lw 1JKO N tk PK ARSON OPERA HOUSE. t- riiitraday, .1 inuarv i'i The DUtinn-uishe 1 American Tragedienne, Miss Genevieve Ward, In her famous creation of ' STEPHANIE MAKjQUiaE Db MOHRE in the greatlft play of YART, jinodern times, . FORGET HE NOT I A&j played by her upwards of five hundred nights in the principal . Theatres of j Great Britain and America, (including thirty nights, at pnion Square) supported by her own! Powerful Com pany. Superb Costumes by Worth,! 5i Seats on sale at livers'. -. jau 9 31 ; - . . .1 i i.'- All Richt ! ': ;. -i -' , - ' ! '' : Jiff fij pHRl3TkAR 13 OYER k Vl-. , ' - ;'-!iv . .-. '-!; . !'."-'- A D fcYF.KYTlHNO IB QUIET I . - ' ! -. ... .. I am now ready fur regalar bueinesr. i .' ."i . ,.-l;-. ' i . O.i W. YATES, jan5 ' Bookseller and Stationer 4O.O0O LATHS FOR BILE LOW TO CLOSE Consignment. ;.. - -- -b -'-.': LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS And every description of . . Building Material. Exunime goods andiices. ' ALTAFF EB, PftXCE k CO. Mill, Tt rfi and Office foot TTalnut st Blank Books. LAROEIaVD OOMPlBTK bTOOK always oahaad. - - I '4 ,. ? .;, LSTTKR OOFINQ BOOKS, , IB VOICE BOOK8, MBlIaRAWDDM nOOK8, Of all sizes, stylet and prices, at . HKLNtSB&BGE&'3. Second-Hand Piano; r EFERY WAT A No. 1 lianb. A Bar- gain Come aad see it, at i HKIVBBERGER'S, jaa 9 live Book: and Music Store ConMence of the People I . ' FOLLOWED BY Great Success in Business HEN OTTERBOURG ; ANNOUN CES his intention to CLOSE OUT AT COST all remaining Btock at end of season; the an noancementis Inyarlably followed j by an immense rush of . bargain seekers, WHO BELIEVE in the honesty of Otterbourg'a offer, aad who are never disappointed in the allghteat degree. . j Our Secemd Week will be made ore at tractive thaa the first. The parade of prices will continue. Men's ''Suits,' Yontha' SulU, '-!'". " l '.".'.-'. Boys Suits, Children's jSuits, Overcoat, UUtera and Ulsterettes, all at New York cost, without the addition of frrigat. ; , , .- - , - . '.'. . Jlre Hundred Odd SuiU, to be sola at a aaerifice. Three Hundred Odd Coata, all tualitie, to be disposed f at, 2-5 per cent. less than original cost. Five Hundred Um- brellaiv In Sflk.lpaca "and Gingham (a J" ob lot,) any price to cloafl.ouUJ ; ? XST. Reaaaber. this calt'.to tania'tie for Eight Weeki only. .. j,'- , t't.f-: - Preparation are ow bein iaaejCox the - eceptloa of the grandest and largest jstock of Spring Clothing ever dit played InWilf ninarton. a r OTTERBOTJRG, jan 9 ,t A . I- ' . 1 &ierm Wlr f , - - -' . rron.trri;f ao ati y 4 U rabWito ri.r tatr hvi j ;-'."",'; .;-" " ",.,' ";T- i . ": ." " ' " -1 - f of ta itif it b r A4 it I e.p5dtl)y Bd vn;Urtr nde tt-vwj the Kdxtdo bm aiwy ndort fa tie 94:t-r!l eolotBr. - t rti w AdvertisornenU. ' " : . . ' 1. WD 1,1 ivs ImsolJJiis M.ic.est in iha fani .f Wd i-io, A MurcM ton, Wilmit-gtun, end Jiiehiion & ( d , Sew Yoik to the; remaining jvaitr ts, Tid h MircLa-ed frfh. tlK tn tbeir interest In yiu,n. uj : - ,",-Vc K M. A! UK VAllb 1N. tr. W. Wll.LlAN l. 1J. M17l-M!lll:riv J,n 1,12. W. F. btJlth W Notice. I: TDK FIRM' OF. WILLI MS d: iUIIU ' L'HIS 'N' b iH'coiti.-m-d 'from ll f daei- T!iftrtxi of -Mtm'h-ison & Co., New V'o-k, wiH he coTjiinu j, and tbe firm of D. H. tfcirchisoti ic :o.. has been estah iis;ed at Wilfi-iig;ori fjr, the puipo:-o of carryiog on a .nunisiot, nd JKxpoiti4 buiittess iii Cottvit and Nval toi'es.'-- -1 K. M. iAUUGUlSON. J i K. MUKl'UISOS, , . VV,. WILLIAMS," ' 1 1 loci Notice i !- 1 MU. HENRI' C. McQUESN has beerx f auaii tea as a partner in our firm from! ima uaie. ij. u. JUUUUiilSU & CO jan 2, 182 x Geo. W. WiliianH & Co., SUCCESSORS TO WILLI AMS & MtJR CHISON, Cduituissiou Merchants and Whobsa'.e Dealers, Wilnjington, N. C. A large stocktef First-Class Goods on hand, whi;h will bo sold at very clos8 prices' tor casli, oi to prompt pay i.ig customers, jan 2, lS828iw CLOAKS JACKETS and :. !" . 'i'"-i LSTERS. Very Cheap ! LACE CURTAINS. A variety , of good styles, aud the price will astonish you, being so cheap. Lac Silk Tidies. ( , LARGE BLANKETS 1 At reduced : prices, to c!oe out Crili Blankets and Spread r.;' 1 J CARPETS, HUGS AND MATS . A beautifal assortment and' the prices w. ere never So low. m . - ; , ; 1 '','.--".'' i I ' R. M. icBntire. -t3' ' : ''".': :';iv WILMINQTON & WELDON R. R. CO.-. ' Office of Secretary and Treasurer. Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 24, Ml. DIVIDEND OF THREE PER fenti on the Capital Stock of the "Wilmingtol 6u Weldon Railroad Company , will be paid on and after the 14th January, !3?2, to all who are Stockholder of record on ' the Cooks of the Company on the 51st int. J . W. THOMPSON, dec 2-td See'y and Treat TDIAN TEA, CaRMER'3 EM II L3IOV, "Gastou oiLEMur.s?rN... Ar.XEPk'S KID'KV & LITER CURE TVT: ESTLFfl MILK FOOD, A:c., Ac j in 'I ' WM. il . G RE EN. Druggist, rpa n rrsi i nd accouu op th late firaa or WILLIAilo V MLIICfllrfON ' tire beett pUeei iaar hanl tot. collee llott, ai U wic 't cete i to it at i rat are earnestly reqae td j m ke ett!em U withoat de ay. ' 1 ;j ; 1A qki'w; w;lu iiirf c , . y faa I 31 w .iia'f WlUlam' A M arcllwa. V GLOSiNg OUTi'