j"'" " ' ' " . . . - " , ' ' - -,r-yM- , J -i 1 1 i -! My- V ' pAt5t -ciTtn BP - - j j,yU. T. J M K. KItnu Attn rR'TDIKTO Ui iriiiAKR POHTAGE PAID. rt !uiri tt I'i,.-. r 00 rti ottlb, 'saw ,atfc. " ' , .-r will b delivered cy carrier?. .-skrM.ia 7 part of tbeity,aUk frrM.iiU- aTokia4 i . ' i ; - " ' f Ul4 ont alwya t-aort ' Ut uif-j. au .r,W k rut T rat", or H Pr VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY. JANUARY 10. 1882. NO 8 .o-briber will pise report any atd j,BT v. Tcciv their paperarcgttiarly. III1 IIATTY' 1RTW 5ew Advertisements - ' . THE GREAT Fon RHEBIATffl, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No VrepTHtiua on -arth fqua! St. "Jacobs Oil .1 ,a future, iile anl External A trial erjfiiU biit the .mprUTeIj, In - wall fiucan bar? rbeftj und positrre front 6I l u rial ii is. . , j l'irction in jf:iTen Laugnagel. 0LD BY ALL DEUGGIST3 AND DEALE23 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEIVER & CO., Palti.norc, 3Td XT. 8. JL. "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT. V Ekukswivk, Co., v a., . November 5tb, 1881. Mas. Jos Person, Franklinton, N. C. Dxa Madam : It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that yourvalmv hie Remedy has entirely cured me of a most feariul looking and painfel sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I coold think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when t went to the best doctor In th country for advice. lie told, me hejbould cure me if I would take my bed arfd there remain for four iT five w'eeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all; as the bone would become discaeed, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag- io how I felt, to be told there was no core for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re . medies would have ruined, me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina od this conversation took placo last February. I continued to burn with cangtic, as he advised until September, hut derived no benefit from bis treatment. I was advised then by a iriend to try jour Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I amnow-a well man. the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, aance as much and jump as high a- Any nan you know. Put we back to r ?lt of September, let mo know as much as 1 liowdoof the virtue ot your Remedy, and I would not hesitate. to pay tcadol l&rs a bottle for it, if 1 could not get it forleea. I think more of it lhan any medicine in the world. It is not only the beat llemedy to purify the blood and cure all skin diseases, but J Relieve it will cure all kinds of Mood dieasi's, and I Know it will cure a lovo for strong drink. I hope you will bate this published, as there arc many sufferers who could be eured, if they could know c f and get your Kenicuy I am truly and respectrnliy, JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington y Dr. Wm. fi.i Green. Send for circu lar of testimnials. nov 14dAw PLANTATION FOR SAtE. THE UNDERSIGNED Commissioner, ap pointed by the Judge of the Superior Ccurtof Ne Hapover county, will expose toiali at public auc?ion, on Thursday, Iflth Jtuary, 1SS2, at the Court Hou e door In JJe City of W ilmington, at 13 a'clock, M. tat valuable plantation In Fender county iKocky Point, known aa Pembrok-, con taiDing about one thousand acres of fertile nd,to'wlt : A certain tract of Und In render county, bounded by a line coinmen e&U! on the edye of Black; Creek, near the a of a bank acrow said creek, and run f6B theaceii 10, E. S6 chtln juid 50 l!nk He ud pine pointers on the Fa t'fide of ark Braoch, thepco 8. K ftl chains to the edg of the Tide Swamp et fwsar'a fv & C1 theDce lo tho tam direction to Joe N K Branch of the Cabe Fear river, ncc up th river to the line of the Vat pianUUon. thene with that line to a take -a the said line opposite to a row of Cedar ! thenco to the beginning, raraoa Kbaral and made known at aala. . ALEX T. LONDON, fcmii - fTojaialssfoner ; i LOCAL NEWS. New AcreRTiaEMKNT?. IieiN.iiRRoxR--ifltioijerv . H all I T. We AVutit Buyer C W YATEh All J'.lght Wm. li. Gj.rp.x IcdUn Te. More rain and much inutigy wealbtr. TUe rtcelpU ol cotton all this port tc iUj frol up 4i'.' halt s'. ' 1 When the wind whisile an air it i$ rctcibered on the strtetf. Split oak wood was Plliug this ItnorD inor front flats at 83 leuts a load. ' J I said lo bi a fact woriliy of note thatlfat people never commit suicide. - 1 ! : l. Why ahonld scarf pius et hick?. Be caabe thej are so often on of swells. i the bosoms i Jut li To say a winter month a lamb ii a compliment weather. j goes ike to the belle la the morning a weak-minded man is fall of good resolutions, lilt "night ho is full of beer. i ' flow often does .it happen that a man's wet goods cost him more than his wife's dry goods? If a man's book is bad jail tne way through turning over: a new leaf, does not amount to much. 1 Steamboatmen report only a slight rise thus far in the Cape Fear as restlt ing from the recent rains, j j j .' : The almanac promises that it will be cold , with high winds, on Thursday, and we'll bet it hits the cold part right. . Steamship GidfStreamilagram, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city at 11:45 o'clockthis forenoon. Thanks to Capt. S. P. Collier, of the Freight Department of the g Atlantic Coast Line, for a copy of the January issue of that attractive and useful publi cation, "Uow toShip' 1 1 ? : r Dresses in Paris fashions; are not so long as they were; I and shoes and stockings are the principal considers tiODS. Old-fashioned diamond bu skies , i i ... are returning to favor. Shoes have lower heels and fquarer toes. . ' j "Old Probabilities," Veb nor, jthe goose bone, and oil other prophets, have been; at fault recently in theif predictions of tho weather. The almanac has been almost as truthful as any of them, i Pink eye, the new horse disease, has not yet appeared in Wilmington, so far as we arc aware"; but it' -Is 1 well, euough to look out closely (or it. Thev have it bad in Richmond, so bad in fact, that the street cats .could not be run last San day. We have received a posta-1 card, mail ed at Germanton, N C. evidently j ad dressed by a lady, but viith nothing on the face of it, the card! havjpg evidently been mailed in forgetfaluces !ot this fact. If this should rueet the eye cf the p-arty w.ho mailed the- card she will kuow why thf re :a no response. ' , I I it y t ourtJ (Jnly one case thut of a simple drank and down awaited His liouor thii morning. The man w s discharged. ituciiupa'ba New, "quick, complete 'cure 4 i dajs, urinary affections, smarting, Irequent or difficult urination, kidney "diseases. Si. Druggists. Depot Jas., C. Munds. Itlll'.i'A HdliH i For the South Atlantic States, iucreas i'og cloudiness and ureas of rain, easterly to southerly winds, falling 'barometer, stationary cr slowly rising temperature. rersoual. j ' G.'A. Ramsay, Ksq., of Unrgaw, is in the city to-day, on a business visit.' Capt. V. V. Richardsen and Mr. It.Vf Fligh, of Colambus, arehtret j" f Capt. O. H. Blocker; or Cumberland, is also here to-day.. ' ' lofflaiiabla ! t Unniailable matter, addressed ai fol lows, remains in the Postofhce ia this city: J. K. DoVeaux. Richmond, Va. Laura P. Pierce, Clinton, N. 0.; Jno. Cavoll. Halifax couuty, N. C: Rosanna G reel ie, care Thos. CI ida. To liujldra and others-Go to Jaco bi's for Slh, Blinds and Doors, Glass, You can get all sizes aud at the lowest prices, 1 1 KXPorlt Foretfin. j British schooner Julia Elizabeth. In graham, cleared at this port to day for Nassau, Kith 21.000 shinglea and 44800 feet luuoer, bhipjed by Messrs. Northrop & Camming, and (jrmau barque Lydia Pcaehuv Bremer3, cleared fur Bridge town. Bar badoe, . with 2iO,UX) feet lumber, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder A: Sou. i I Dr. rates In Klrtgb. lrsterday'a Kaleigh Visitor isays: " i he kev. Dr. II. A YaUs, the pastor of Edenlou Street .T. K. Church, is fast winning tho esteem of j his cougreguiion by hi fine sermous. He preached two most excellent sermons yesterday, espe cially! the one at night from the text: "Am I my brother's keeper?"' This ser mon created a most piofound impression on the Congregation daring its delivery. i ; . - . Thousands of families have ' had occa sion to try the never failing qualities of Dr. I5ull 8 lough byrup and they all unite in the praise of this wonderful pre scription. I 1 First National Bank. The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the stockholders ot the First National Bank f Wilmington was held at their bank log house, in this city, this morning. Col. F. W. Kerchner was called to the chair, and Messrs. M. 'J. Heyer and Geo R. French, Jr., were requested to act as secretaries. j j The call of stock showed 1,932 shares represented in person and by proxy. An election for the ensuing year re suited in the choice of the same Board of Directors, viz., Messrs. Alfred JMar tia, D. J. Worth, James Spruit," Jamea Dawson and E. E. Burruss. Magistrate's Court - William Stanley, colored, was arraign ed before Justice Millis this morning charged with an assault and battery upon Richard Davis, also colored. Found guilty, but judgment was suspended upon payment of the costs. Mildred Davis, colored, for an assault and battery uponRichard Da vis.the victim above mentioned, was found guilty, but the sentence was suspended upon the payment of the costs. Jack Muliins, white, for wilful tres p iss upon the premises of Mademoiselle Fannie Gore, the queen of Paddy's Hollow, was found guilty but judgment was suspended upon the payment of the costs. , Mildred Davis, before mentioncdwas then arrested ! upon a peace warrant sworn out by Richard. Davis, but was discharged and the prosecutor mulcted in the costs. i . , Oahdale. Cemetery. The lot-owners of Oakdale Cemetery held their annual meeting for the elec tion of officers last evening, with the fol lowing result: I i President Donald Macliae. V Directors W. U. Northrop, Jaa. II. Chadbourn, W. J. Yopp, Edward Kid. der, George R. French and Dr. A.J. DeRosset. I - ' From tho report of theSuperintendcnt, Mr.JT. Donlan, we IpuT that there have been 79 interments dating the year 1881; and what is' a most singular coincidence precisely the same number were interred there during tue year 16S0. There wt re 2:" removals from one lot to another on the grounds daring the year; 0 removed from Oakdale and one removed to Oak date. During the yeur 31 lojis have bee a improved, 10 fouudatioos for monuments have been built aud 10 monuments and 11 headstones have been erected. There has beeu 1,000 feet of new fence built daring the year, 3,000 feet oi fence repaired with new posts ami the entire fence has been newly whitewashed.. The Lodge has been thoroughly re paired and painted, and the Summer Rest, on Section "LI," has had a iew fiotr, new foundations, and has been newly painted. The bridge has been repaired, but needs a new abutment of either wood, brick or stone; The entrance gate is fas1 going to decay, and a new One will Soon be a necessity. ( The Superintendent recommends the removal of all large trees from private lots, and the putting back of those stand, iog near, so as to guard against their being blown down by the storms, to the injury of the monuments and headstones. He also recommends a thorough clearing up and removal of all the underbrush cn the grounds. The Northern mail closes no w at 5:1 P. U., instead of 5:30 P. M., as recently, Gaiosborough hats are beicg hissed in the New York theatres. lke your clothes olTyour head, uis," ia the some whut startling remark. r A man leaning against a lamp post cannot be arretted for haying no vi?ib!e means of support. That is why tie street corner loafer ltaus. Office Kecking is disgusting enough. A nmu who asks for aa appointment abroad shbul.i br ashamed to look a foreign country in the face. TIe Car of Wilmington will probably adopt rcsolntions commemorative of the lamented Judge Brooks at cither the uissiou of the FeJeralConrt.which meets i ou the first day of May, or that of the Superior Court, which assembles on the iffth day of J uoe, 1 roost probably on the former-occasion.. . J Off For Texas- Rev. Dr. , Patterson leaves here to morrow morning en route for Palestine, Texas, where he goes ia tke interests of the' University of the South. He will be absent about two months, most of which he will probably spend inTexas, and will return here in the Spring. We wish him a pleasant voyage and success in his efforts. The Weatber. The Chief Signal Officer of the Army furnishes the following special bulletin to the press:, ! , Tnere are indications that a storm is developing in the southwest, and light rains and cloudy weather are reported from the Gulf States, Tennessee, Ken tucky, Missouri and Iowa;, generally clear weather continues in New England, Middle States and Lake Region. North erly to westerly winds continue in the Middle and New England States, and northwest to southeast winds are resort ed from the Southern States and Missis ainni Vallev. The temnerature has changed but slightly in the districts east of the Rocky Mountains to trom o to iu degrees above the mean I for the month in B.11 districts. The indications are that the cloudiness will increase on the At lantic Coast with rain in the Middle and South Atlantic States and rain or snow in 'New England during Wednesday. . j s List of Letters. , The following Is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed In the tty Postoffice Wednesday,; Jan. 11: B Susie Burnett, Sarah Bryant, Ma riah Brown, Mary Jane Buckhannan, Margarett f Brown, Laura A Berry, Lucy L Bishop, James Brown, Henson Brooks, G W Burnett, Urucula Bryant. CE G Catllett, J H. Craig, W B Camp &, Co. I D Jane E A Dadley, Jackson D Davis, Ala riah Daniel, bandy Davis. E Matilda Edens. F G H Finn, Charlos Fisher, Fobes, Curtis. & Co, (2), Jno W Fitch, Martha Farmer. Paul F Faison. G Dock , Garrett, Carrie E Green. Hj TJHcoderson.DeJ S Hnghson.G W Lfale, Alouzo Bix, John H Hunter, Jas Haste, Peter Hogans, Hopkins & Yanderbilt, Wm Harris. .- J SN Johnson, Y Jones, A Jordan, J W Johnson 1 K Joe IK el ley. M J Kelly. W F Koroegay, W S Kimmell, R B Kenne dy. Charlotte Kcox. L Addle Lofton, G B IaBojtcaux, Julia Lee, ILouis Lockey, Mary Jane Ledine. i ..M-D.B McNeil, 1) II Mercet, K F McAlister, i IJester J Murray, Joseph McMilli -.ii, Leunard ioore, M J Miisoo, Robert Muxweil; Richard McKoy, Viola Murrell. S -N . McBride, Suao, Moore, W . .Voore. ' r Thos Nash, Ilaitie 'Nixon. P Jaek Pcmberteu, Jas II Pric, E W. Prevait, Albiooah Payoe, Austia Peebles. - . RJane Reaves t Chancie Roberts, Caleb Richardsou. Charlie Richardson, Daciel Richardson. , , S Charles U Smith. Fairfield, Smith, Hannah Shaw, U M Sanders, James Smith, Isham Scott, Joseph Smith, N N Smith, 1' H Simmons. N 11 SprunUi i DMTwlder, Fred Thompson (2), Jack Then; ton. Jno V, Taylor, Matilda Turner, NeUou Taylor V Elsie Vano. ' W Joseph Waddell, James Wright, Joseph W Walker, Sessie Woodard, Pompcy White, Rigiey Woolen, 11 P Walker, Thos I Wright, T A Wain right, Sidney Wrighjt, Sarah E Wood. Y Alfred Yoang. PtTaiau culling for letters in above l'st i iil pleuhe say -"ad vertibexi"; if not claim ei in SO iUya will be srui to dead letter Ofiiec, Waahiugtou, D. C. K. H. BliINK; P. M. ... I Wilmington, New Uiavr County, Loot or TJlislaid CERTIFICATE No. 1.688, for three Shares 8tr k In ihj Wilmington and Wei don Railroad Company, issued to E. V. Kelly, an t ted May Tuii Applica tion will be mide to the President and Di rectors for a re issue of certl&c-te, in Uen of tae above. WM. H. YOPP, 4ec 9-lawiwta Adcu'r de bonis nan. TllfcJ MAIL. Tm nails cIcmo a.id ;mW at the Cltv Po-t Ofiic as f )!loi ; Nortlrt-ra through mm . . . . . 6.1G pi. m Nottbem through ad way in-il.. ....... 6:40 a, tu. KaMgb. ....6:40 . tn Otbces between Ilmt-t aid Raltijtti.... ........,7.20 p. tn. Mails for UiaN C- KUlndt -and routes tup,--!! thatr frooj, luduliLit A. N; O- " B-ilroad, at 6:40 a. tu. ufd 6 Sir p.m; S-jntbero wzil tut all noi'ita Sooth, diti..H-t! n m. und 7:45 a. m. Wajtsrn rnnil iC C B y) d-Hy (except bunarj ...... ..... 7 ii i r. ni Mail tor Outran Jb Darltt' . un.. ....... ; ..... v. .. 8 00 p. m. Alalia tor point betwtn;Flo- . rence and Charleston . ......... 6 00 n re i Fayettoviiie, r.d ofiiota en Cape Fear River, Tudaa, and Frulays...... 1.-00 p. tu Fayetteville, via Lumbertoo, daily, except feuudajs 7.30 p. m.! Onslow 0. H ami interuedi- ! ate offices, every Tuesday and r riday (..,.......... .00 a, m. Smithvllle maild, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) Malls "lor Easy fllll, Town I Greek, Shat lotta and Littla River, 8. O. , every Tuea 8 80 a. n j day and f riday at 6:00 a. m. i open fob dslxvsst; Northern through and way maila... ...... 7:80 a. m. and 9.00 a. tn. Southern Malla. 7:00 p.m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway....- 8:80 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a, m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:15 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 'daylight to dark, and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:30 a. m Malls collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 v. m. Stamps for sate in Bmall quantities at general doll -cry when stamp office is closed. i Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Hew Advertisements. Stationery. -gliAJTK BOOKS, ENYXL0FE8, WBITI50 PAPER; Ink, Peas, Pen StaftY, Lead Psneiltj Iak-Stand, Lattsr OUpi. FiUs, and every article ia the line neoessary to car ry on aay buiineM. m areas tile or otksrwiie, eana wavsbe hid at . . . - ' HBINSBERO Eh.'8, jan 10 j Live Book and Moslo Store We Want Buyers for J QQJ BBLS. NEW FLOUR, ,) ' 2QQ Bags COFFEE, ' 100 Bb1 BUGA? S 2500 Scks LITERP00L 8ALT QQQ Sacks FINE SALT, OO Hbd. CUBA 1IOAL8SE3, :1 Ac., j Ac., fcc HSLL & sPEiiBSAisI jaalO , Hair Drescing and I Shaving Saloon. a. w aiauwa is a. vaaAu vi X K. M.McIntirVs. Skilled Workmen. route attention, ratronajre solicited. JanSeiw - BRO WN & PARSON Indian tea, C ABMEK'S EMULSION, G A3TOR OIL EMULSION, H ARNER'3 KIDNEY A LITER CURE, N E8TLE'a MILK FOOD, Ac., &c.. jan6 WM. IT. OBEEN. Dmgjt, Diboolution. IT1E FIRM OF HAEDINO JOHNSON & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent, 8. P. 8hotter retirtog. The assets Tii llaDllruea - are assnmea aj amming Johjuon.who will sign In liquidation, i HARDIKO JOHNSON, g.P.8HOTTR. Wilmington, K. Jan 1, 18S3. jan 2-tf r.lilllnery, T AM STILL REOZIYINO tha latest nov elties tn liminery Goods, Xtcj Article, Ac Wew Ctampteg Parernt, Hair Goods, Braids, Scollops, 6c. . JUspeetfoUy, MISS C KAr.n-R, j4a Exchxcaa Cerasr OPERA i HOUSE. Th u rail ay, .J;i nuary 13. The DItiffuIhe I Ameiiein Trasvdienj:, M if 8 Genevieve Ward, i in her fmcij4 cn5atioa of i' s TKPH AXIE M AKQCI3E 1) 1M0QK- VAHT, in the jrr&ttt ply of . , I - - - . 1 raoIrn tiin-, i FOSE t HOT I As ja-vrdhy Ler UMrnrU of-five ''hundred!' r.lht ia j tl.f principal Theatres of S 1 (Jreat Britain ai d Arr-rric, j (i:du M'g Uilrty'-t-ighu, at Vvian jfquarp) I Mipported I by hr own Powerful Cem- raiiy. Superb Costume by Worth. ' tT Seats ou sale at Dyer'. jn ,9-it r A III Rieht ! QHRISlkAB IS OYER " - ' I AUD LVEBr THING IS QUIET1 j am cow ready for regu'ar basiness, C. W. YATES; jaa 9 Hookieller and SUUoaer Motice. ' OIHE 2f T3 AND AOCOCaTB OF TUB 1... .' .' : . i. late firm o WILLIAMS & MURCHISON have ben plcesd ia our hands for cdIIos tioo, anl all wao are tidebte4 to that firm ars earnestly requested o ra ke tetllera ti - " I 1 '- without de ay. I j 1 K . V7. WILLI A 148 A 0, ;. Bcceeaco i t . . Jan 8 lw:tc - William A Murebtsoa. CiiOSllg OCT CLOAKS. JACKETS AND ULSTERS. Very Cheap ! r LACE CURTAINS. A variety of good style?, and the prie will astonish you, belag so cheap. Laee ! 8Uk Tidies.': j . LARGE BLANKETS At reduced 'prices, to close (out, Ci 'b iiianKcts and (Spreads. CARPETS, RUGS AND MATS ' ; vi- . A beautiful asortmeut and the prices were never so low. i R;.i3. R3cntire. WTT.vrKTfv a.- WRT.rjnv v ir on I 0flice of Secretary and Treasurer. Wilmington, N.C-Dec. 24, Utl. A DrVTDkND p? TflRKE PER 'eat. on the Capital Stock of ib TA ilmtnxton Vieldn Haflroad Ciopaty will te paJd oa . i . and after the 14th January. !8;2, to all whe .'' ,1 are Stockholder: of record on the Becks of the Company on tb Sftt lnt. , J.Vt. THOMPSON, . dec 2S4d .ict' aud Tress 4O.O0O jrATri'. ion uiv to close 1 Oonslr?HBn -. ' 1 ' luibeo sash. DccRs. eunoi. Buudingr Material, i Fa a!b td ml prke. ALrAVJtili, WC2 A CO. - Kil, rJs aad OCee ft WsJaat ft j . ,.- . ; ... - f. - i v fi

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