-' - -. . - :; r -: i - - -ir '-'r y 1 ..I'll- "-.:l v - T ' II ; "-,i..-i 1 1--.. n 1U ' -V- fir P a.,, J(), H T. J AMBS, .nB8(3RIFTIONB.l'0TAOK PAID, year f5 8 moatS MS0-..Th?e-.cstus, 11 15; One mouth, 5 cent fha pPr win b daIivere1 7 J" of eh.rjre, in y p.rtof theeity. attfe ldTrtwfr-w."'" -8abicribri Trill please report any cd .n falloreito receive tneir papers regmarij 5ew Advertisements. i , r THE GREAT RHEUMATIS: tfeuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of (ho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Sodify Pains, Tooih, Ear and Headachy, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other -Pcins and Aches.. So Pnrirsdn on enrth equals 8t. J.troBS Oil - a gr. , sure, simple and clieap Extorar.l Fw!y' A trial ectasia but the comparatinly ' tr.fiM'g outlav rf W Cents, and wry one enffer i witlj riu vn bave cfafaP Qd f05111'0 Proof t : it rlwmn. lirctinD in EWeo I.ausnagcs. B0LDBYALLDRUGGI3T3 AND DEALEK3 IS MEDICINE. . A. VOGHLSK, CO., t "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Pru8wjc; Co., Va., I November 5tb, 1881. Mrs. Job Pbbsok, r Franklinton, N.' Q. Dear Madam: It ia with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valui: ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most feartul looking and painful sore. on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad lookipg place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or bear of, until it became bo very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the. country for advice He told me helconld cure me if I would take my bed an3 there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as tb'e bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but te lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind jou this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as ho advised until September, hut derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore' ia" perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, iance as much and jump us high a' any man you know. Put me back to i ilst of September, let me know as much as I now do of the virtue pf your Beinedv, and. I would not hesitate to pay teadoU Jars a bottle for it, u l could not get it for leas. I, think more of it than any medicine In the world. It Is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood disease?, and I Know it will care a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers, who could be ured, if they could know cf and get your Remedy l am truly and respectfully, JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. 0. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. fl. Green. Send 'for circu W of testimnials. V nov 14Uw PLANTATION FOR SfiiE. THE UNDERSIGNED Commfcdoner, ap pointed by the Judgo of the Superior Govt of New Xlauover county; will expose teale at public auc Ion, on Tburtdar, 19th "'wiuary, 1SS2, at the Court Iloutc door in the City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M. tt4 valuable plantation la Vender -county iKoeky Point, known as Pembroke, con jAinlnfc about one thousand acres of fertile Jud,t wit : a certain .tract of Undin Render county, bounded by a Hoc commen nr on the ede of Black Creek;, near the eoaofabank acrogssuld creek, and run thence 8 10, E. So cbaiiu and 50 links lo a pin nj plDe p0jncrs on tbe Fafct tide . Branch, tlience l?. 3. K W chains to tbe ed$ of the Tide swamp at Ci?nr'A SPSicein the ame dtrwiionto aeN E Bracch of the Cape Fear Hver, JJbco up th liver to the line of the Vatu TianUtion. thence with that line to a take a the aaJd nnc opposite to a row of ClAr rw and thence to Jhe beginning. - lermaHberal and made known at aale. . ALEX. T. LONDON, AW M rc-Q IJi B IbUfl. 1 :1 " VOL. VI .lfILfINGTN,l N. C. THURSDAY J A N U A R LOAL; NifcWS. New AnvEBTi?tsiF.Nrs. ( Heixsb'erki p. WlitTn the Sue. Kiei GWTatl--All' Right ! t wm. u. uueex iaaiu.ii lea V. No Magistrate's Court id lav, ! - 71 Avoid a slander r 6s yoa would a scorpion. - ; Keep to the ril:t when walking the thoroasbfdrcs 4 The receipts of cpttoaat thia port - - d iy foot up 422 ba!rs. There is a stati n-.ent Lat by eating licorxe jou 8eoU-u your breiilh. A kind word epoken to a husband wilt gofurther thanj a broomstick or a flirta lion. Schooner Jennie K. Simmoiis, Grace, cleared at Philadelphia Jsn. Dfh, for this port : i I y ,; j . . L. Only one drunk and d"own in the cuard bouse last night, and he . was discharged this morning. . -; r How often does it raiii .jast I hard enough to go to the theatrebut too bard to go to church ! ! . j -77- j- Steamboatmen report a plenty of wai ter about 20 feet in the Qape jFear, and they are happy. , The tooth of a mastodon "weighs six and a half pounds. Imagine such a tooth with a jumping toothaches N-l A family in the First Ward are now troubled with the mumps and 'regard the complaint as a swell affair. Why do girls kisa each ojther, while boys do not? , Because giil3 have uoth ing better to kis3, and the boys hive. Belie hunters are paying ftjur prices for Confederate money and old fractional currency, bnt.they must be in crood coa ditlon. i i ?"lV).k1s8 a-rosy cheek girj,! sfnd find your moutb filled with Venetian red, and she growing pale, is fearfully awful ly utter. j ! The latest argument in favor of hard money is found in the danger of trans mitting small-pox by menus of the paper currency. I i Russian barque. Iiaumo, Gronblom, cleared at this port to day for Bremen with 850 bales cotton shipped by. Capt. A. D. Cazaux, Agent for Messrs Rossell & Potter. The stomach is a mim's best friend but i" he usps it as if it were his worst enemy. It is supposed to hold three ! pints, bu if one can t put four quarts in it he feels disappointed and hungry. j ; ' . By notice puhlished'elsewhere it'will be seen that the steamer Ciptton will be sold at public auction at tho foot of Wat nut street, in this city, at 12 oelock, on the 21st inst. The air hereabouts U rife vriih mtiri monial rumors and ?-omo j cf -tliem of the uost; startling n ituro. ' t'ert;iiu is it that the matrimonial jfever has b ?' come expidemic in thi3 loejility. J v 1 Rubbing n bald head daily itha fresh raw onion will make the hajr irrw out again. Nature c n stapd a good real, but when it comes to suciijtt'euiuient she throws up the fponge, and would start a crop of sorghum if thej owner desired it. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fui! a?sojrt toent and lowest prices at -f a cobi's. f , The very beu material with which to mike lamp lighter is postaj card. Cut th?m lengthwise into strips on?1 six t?enth of an inch wide. They burn readily, do not give off sparks, and lave scarce a trace of ashes. 1 .J . Don't keep in a constant fret abqut things -that "may be annoying, or worry about thiegs you can't help. -Troubles are cot lightened by1 frettiog. The true remedy is to keep wo! add try to m sier the difficultie? and not let tbm master you-- . ' ... .,- ,-n : : rt ; ,-. i - Skinny Men -.-. 1 Wells' Health HenewerJ Absolute cure for nervous debility and ' Weakness of the generative functions, i$t at drug gists. Depot J. C Munus.' 1 j Mr. Stephen Jewett, of ibis cityvhsis decided to leave ihepid North State and seek a new home among jthe oruijge groves i a Florida: iic will leave with his' bride in a day or two, and there will be four others in the partyl . r DAILY ! 'Atn!!n ! Needed. We euggest to the city authorities the propriety of more lights tnd better lights on Nujtt street, bt-tween Ilt Cross aud ihi; Carulind CVairal Denot. alao the . proj-ritrt y of haviug the paveme'iits k.'pi cli.ur of obstructions. Il is bud walking, ut the best, but of a dark ui;ht ,t is 'dangerous especially iii trobsiug the tricks of the W. & U. and V,,C. A- A. Iiiilr:id-, where .there ia ncl n light to guide the vrayf jier. This ii an 'import ant 'matter aou should be attended to at o-iutV in-!ti-jch' us the departure "irth C. C train takes place nofv a ttiht, the dvpot 'being necessarily approached by wajr or Nutt street. The ccm ug holidajs will be more gecer4liy observed than any for many years Jaud we would remind-our. readers that ft bottle ol Dr. Cult's Cough Syrup will prove a most fccceptab'.ii holiday present. j . Vennor's January H'ea Iter V'ennor'8 almanac for 1882 savtf it is probable that the second week will give a very cold term in northern and western sections, moderating toward the end of the week to heavy nowfalls in Canada and northern States, and rains in more ormy char. southern sections, unsettled and s but moderate weather will likely acterize tbe entry of the third week! with blustery and drifty weather in the west and rain to the southward, followed by still milder weather and alternations of i - snow, sleet, and rain in the northern edtion. An occasional fine day between tuese disturbances. The 25th is likely to ; bring lower (temperature. Week likely to end mild, with, snow and rains extending southward to New York and Washington, ' The Wen tier. The Chief Signal Officer of tbe Army furnishes the following special bulletin to the press i I j The storm which1 was central in the Southern plateau region yesterday morn ing has moved slowly to the eastward and is! now central in Colorado. Cloudy weather prevails in tho Mississippi and Mi?souci Valleys with rain in the Gulf States and Tennessee and snow in Dakota and the Upper Missouri Valley. Fair weather prevails in New England, Middle States and Lake Region with westerly winds. The temperalure has fallen from five to ten degrees in Tennes see and the Lake Region aud risen slightly in the Southwest Missouri Val ley. J:he temperature has fallen from ten to forty decrees at St. Alrna, in Western Montano, and Idaho. The in dications are that cloudy weather with rain will prevail in the .Middle and South Atlantic Slates during Friday, and snow will probably prevail in the Lake Re cion. New Englaod and the Northern portion of the Middle States during Fri day. ' 1 Sale of Ileal Estate Messrs Croulv & Morris sold this morning at public auction at their sales rooms, under direction and authority of Mr. Robt. ilenuiug, the Executor of the estate" of the late James Cassidey, and subject to confirmation, the following real estate situated in this city : , Four story brick building, $2x100 feet, on Market street -now occupied by . Mr. Julius Samson, to Mr. K. I". -Hancock for $G,200. 1 ' The old Cassidey residence on Church street,. lot 180x284 feet, to Mr. James C. Munda,-for 1,500. ; . ' jlloubeand lot on Second street, be tween Nun and Church, to ir. K. fci. Barker, for 1,525. '. "House and lot on Third street, between Nun and Church, to Mr. M. G. Barker for $1,225. i House aud lot oa Front, between Tay. lor and Dawson" streets, to Mr. K. G Barker for $530. ' Terms: -One third cash, balance in C, 12 and 18 months 1 To Builders and others (o to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glasj, A c. - Vbu cm . get all sizes and at the lowest prices. -1 -. i This a rapid age, beyond que3t:on. It is well illustrated by the experience last nfiht of a" gentleman in thiscitv-l He took Eupper with his family here at the usail hoar last night and breakfast as usual this morning; yet, in tho inter val between the two meals, he had trav. ell-d to Hamlet and bifk, on the C. C. R. R., hating accomplished 222 miles ia the round trip. 1 ' Actept my sincere thanks for . that almost miraculously healing remedy, Su Jacobs Oil. It has cured me and there fore I deem it my duty to give publicity to the fact that St Jacobs Oil is the best remedy for rbeumstism and similar affectiena. i H. Umxs,Je person City, Mo. If TV ' ? at M ' A3. Illness uf Judse French. , Our community was pained to learn last night of the serious illness of Hoc R. S. Frertch, of this citv. He-was at- .tcked lait evening, about T .o'clock witli paraUsis, his entire left side beios aflccted. Report to da f as id bis eon J ditiou are tot eiicouVaaibg. lie ,u said to be ho better, oUhiiugb ho is conscious und knows all who approach his bee. side. We trust lliatn, nuro encourag ing report wdl be made to-ntoi row. ; fBMlallaflQn Ceri Kiswles : Right Reverend H A. i. Northrop lhi uewly consecrated 'Bishop of North Carolina, will be .installed' in that high und responsible office at .St. jfnomaa' Church, in this city; next Sunday, and Bishop Gibbons will conduct the tere mbuitfc, ia which he will probably be us sissted by Bishop Keane and other dig. riitaries of the Catholic Church. It i3 expected that the ceremonies con nected with the installation will be' sol emn and impressive, aud it is also ex pected that distinguished clergymen from other dioceses will bo present on the occasion. j : . The episcopal residence will be in Wil mington. ' " A Ntaural Cariosity. j Pierce Powell, colored, of Columbus county, where he was born, raised and now resides, is 'a phenomenon in natural history. He is twenty-three years of age, and was born without hands or feet. The arms terminate at the wrist, a sort of excrescence extending therefrom on each, to which is attached a nail bearing some resemblance to a toe nail. One of bis lower limbs terminates at the knee and the other descends half way down the leg, that portion below the knee appearing withered, without bones, and more like gristle than anythiog else. He is very active and is possessed of great physical strength ; in fact, is a match for most men. who are perfect in their organization; cau pics money or even pins from the floor, and can hoe, cut wood and hitch and drive a yoke of oxen. is very intelligent tora one of hia race, and has a pleasant and agreeable demeanor. He is in tha city to-day, and his condition, together with his intelh? gence and happy disposition, have excited much interest among those who have , . -i" - I seen him. , ! THE MAILS. The mails close aud arrive at the City foritOQce aa follows : , Nor ti era through malls...... 6.15 p. m Northern through and way miU. 6:40 a. m. Raleigh. I... .6:40 a. m. Oftce? between Hamlet and Kakigh...... 7.80 p( m. Mails for tbe O. Riilroad, .' and routes supplied there- 4 from, including A. &N. O. ' , lUiiroad, at. 6;40 . m. and 6 30 p.m. fcxiutherc mail a (or ail - points . South, daily. 8.)0 p.m. and 7:45 a. m. Western mills (0 C Ry) daily -(yxcept Sunday).....'. , . ... 7:80 p. m Mail tor Cberaw & Darliijg- . ton......... 8.00 p. m. Mails for points between Flo renceacd Charleston. ........ 8:00 p'na F-yetteville,l and ofScaa ou C-apo Fer River, Tuaadajs, and Fndayai.. l.00 p. ui. Fayetteville". via Lumberton, daily, except Suodfiyf....... 7 80 p. m. Onslow O. 11. and iatertaedt-. ate ''ufficts, every Tuesday - ' -1 " ' " and Fiiday bt ......MJ 6.00 a. ia Hmithvilie maib, by steam boat, daily, (except Son days) .. 8.30 a. n, Mails for Eaey fllll, Town Creelt, Shailotto and Little River, S O , every Tues day! eod Fri jj at.. :00 a. n. OPEJS TOR DELIVERY . - Nortbtrii through aui wy roaila......... ? :3t m. ard 9.00 . ta. S-rathern MaiI?.7:6o p. m af:l f 0 a. ra. Carolina O-ntral fUiiway 8 SO!, aa. Sucrp Ohjcc open tuia i . ro. to 12 ii . aod iruin 2 to 6:15 p. m. ulorey Ord4 aod CA-ei?ter' Deprtmnt 0 eD i-ama atiinp cfico. 1 Ocrerai i delivery ';opro froou daylight to drk, iu ou Suodaya Trom 80 j to 9:30 , ca 1 iSa?U c-Lectenlroin strwH boxes every way n i:uv f. cu ; r-. , , .UU4' for in "iall qaiotltlfi at ifcwvi.l -ieilv-w wfceu .sUp m&ce u ? - M .Aft '.7 J; Wh-u a man brags tiut he can tell a perscaV character by the color;, of bil hair, it is deuced rougi to swindle Lira by steering him np against a man rho wears a wig. " f f ; v; 1 Mix a little, trirbonaic of soda ' with the water io which flowers are -immertf ed, and it wiil presre them lor a fort, night. Common saltpetre is "also a ocd preservative, i - - c t Y 1 2.' iZ ; -. ' N 6 10 OPEKA HOUSE. Th irday,t Jf.;in uury ': ti. Tbe rti!!jrnitie.""Ahisj?in 7ra2rdieune, jI th Inhf rVmr ucreation of e ; , STEPjt AN th., i UQUlsfc 1)R iOtlEE- As pUycd by hef'iH'.wtmli pf fiv hundrrd nights iu h- . p i'.cip.tl' Thottres of Ure Britain 1 Atj-eric, - " (tocIullDihuty i ilils, a) l nlqu qno) euppote 1 by her own Powerful Coin-.- rany. fcuperb -tottuine -by Worth. 1 feats on Mle at, iJvtg'l . ian 9-1t 1 - I Ali Right ! AID LVgHrTllIVO IS QUIET I I am tow ready fr regular ba&i&eia O. W YATESj i Jd9 Booksaller and BUtiea r "Hair pressing and Shaving Saloon. FRONT STREET, NEXT NORTH of Mr. R, M. Mclntire's. Mdlled Wommea. Polite attention. Patronage Folicited. v lan 9-lw BRO WN & PJtAKSON Sale of Steambaat; BY VIRTU B of a power contained In a certain, deed of mortage . made by Jamns Wallace to P. IT. VanKampen, dUed the 8d dayof Januarvi 18SI, and duly reg istered in the Custom House fhr WiimiuV ton, N.C, b? which deed was conveyed ths Steamer v linton of the tonnage of 49 SSOd tonfl.the undereiened as assignee of saii mortfr-ge, will epoie said 8teamer to kxl at public auction, at tho font of Walnut street, in the city of Wilniiigton, N. (;.. at the hour of 12 M.,on the 2Ut January, 13i. Terms cash. CHARLES WBSSELL. jaa 11-tds ,.-r - f r i - .. .. -. c n .NDIAN TEA, c ARMER'S EMULSION, G ASTOR OIX EMULSION, ' ARNER'8 KIDNEY & LIVER CURE, N: EBTLE'S MILK FOOD, &c, Ac, Jan 6 WM. . GREEN. Druggist, Our Beloved CAR F j I; Er L Q i And hh Faithfol Cabinet.: An elag&nt'Chrcmo Lithograph of ovr late Preeideat, making 6 rud length portrait, printed in 10 colors cn heavy paper with a rich gold border. lce, 18x26 inches. The sale of this beautiful work or art has be d stsplr UBp'eoedentcd at f I per cot y. '- In order that every family may be able to po ees this bee Jtifal and touching soavejJrof oar late President and his cabinet, we will mail it for only CO cents per copy. We oaa farxish this same subpot, printed 1 - 8 colors, reduced t 9x12 inches, for only 15 cents AQENTS -S2?;sr B WANTED the time far agents to rep arteh tar vest with these bsantifoi port-aits. Nothing s-:ls liko these. Bend for terms aod buy samples to wore with., i . DUS AJiT m tju. rub, , nor 29-2ai .7. Dey st, etr York IS. PENSiOMSf: j j-jP1ich. Toenda f peaio., oldirr antiUed to OCRAE and BOUNTY. PATENTS procured for iavonters, Holdien warraaM prtxmrru, txrarlitaad cold. 6old)crs keirt apply for yotr righ ti at ob. Seaa 9 r 'taxatka for J for ' Tba Cituea-fcoldUr." and Fcnaing mjd Kmnlf lava, blaaka ad initrstioca. - W. Addr-a I'AT&kT Ad4r-a N.W. Fltz2rnld A CO. rEfsio & A Wf. iiHi. JEfcX tea, Y uu aetca. U. 0 dee 23-dAwIa WILMINGTON & WELDON B, R.CO.. .Office ejr8ecretaxy and Treaiurer. T r ' Wilmington, N. C;, Dec. 21, 1SS1. DIVIDEND OF THREE PER Cent, on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington & - - .--r V' "" '" : " Weldon Railroad Company : will be paid on and altar the Uth Jiannary, 1852 to all who are Etookhplders of record on the Books of the Company cn the SiAinsU' decSWd Sec'y and Treas French Candies. :,4 JTJST KTCnVED, a fell !ie of fine French Candles,' warranted . pnra and fresh Also. Horne-!Iada Car-tis. TreSi, . - C. JEVENS, - - octlt- ."V AKt, in. t:.t.- c ..-atrit iy wf . : - - iu.itrj li:o- s, j Li 1 , - :'- r t' " " i ;v 1 V am n.f Ui vrrtf&T cart b K W!w.)T!"iU4nr",-' r;;,J MUU( .4.1' k. 1.'' . ......... . . . , 7?,:TZ.?tJtl t11! odor rrvi6aau tXts to tut t-K 1 4.Vv v,I Col? fit. h y - -i 5 W I a6 Sta of' ' . y "':"-: if ' -Y 4j I J 7WII.LIAMS A MUR'clnJSON:-: bTvb,J.a Pl i ouf;hnJ lor ool!o i witoa id , yyy-'"z-'. yj'':-1 JACKETS"''"-" t-ii . . AND U LST E R D. Very Cheap I i , LACE CURTAINS. A variety of good styles, and the prtcte will astonish you, beinff to cheap. Lac Silk Tidies.- , ; I : " LARfiE BLANKETS t At reduced prices, to close out. Blankets ani Spreads. r Crm CARPETS RUGS AND MATS A beautifal afcortruent and the price mm. Cllclntire. deo 31 r ..5 ' t t Theh ;hi gun -J&isesVt LpvUilNG ?HK TV AR'18t will be fousd i' bfjcim'nlog the ALMlVACS atthe fcitl E B )CK HTOK ' i 1 . . -.. . , : . : r-l ' , t AlmmacsoaVefttilr calculated tor Horizon . od Meridian. h'wtag t o Mtoa's Phsscr. '?"e';of Tide, A for the year ' Farmers end Planters', atd H inters and I Merchsats'Charcb, and Aor;h Carolina AU macaos. - Now is tbe time r-o'mrp'y yarselvei wt4i t that whioti..oa ctzht uu to he w.tbont. 18 Almsaa-r, & . tnao-, f.r HiJ, at- - j - UfclN-BEBOEH'a. " jan 11 Live !oos and Huiio tttora - ( ,ooo EATH8' roa dim low to cLoec t LUMBtR SAtH DOORS. BLIUt And every de criptloa cf , . - . Bui 1 dine: Hater iaL i J - ExMofne . KJi eitd p. lees. tfUl, Tara a.d ClBo to ;t 77'tUtft, Pittsborb Academy SPRISO HIT B Lri t'f : tenf Jaa " ary Z'ih itiJe.u.cf any a? rece!v?.i&4 . prepr d for ColWe o for J n iaess IJfeV; T.:p4iricijtjh had n.ai y'.er fxftrl, nee laJ eici g : t . "' " l . t' Te nu, i r r fis-3 ' f 20 we It, Boar-l ... r f " . ...... aad Tah 75 r t ?.Kr of tit ; Biviijr. For par rlc ilir, Wdrets j -' 7 Friaeipa WeWaa .iuyera for 1 000 &BL8 ri''oui? " 1' vgjfj BgeCOFFE, " , 10(3 tu sr0A ' OPAf s LIVERPOOL SALT, j QQQ Saewa FJNR SALT, 1 OO Hods. CUilA "VOALSSX5, 1 i 4 HLb ft PEA' AV : JV !. . .; '. ''" :;' fviiMnery,4&c. 4 T Ail STILL HE:;F'IJl(J fje latetncv jt:-v'-- "' yy -':- r "' 1 cities In IfiKioe f GooJs, Fanf Artie Vs. &c. New Ptump n J'atrerns. Ilslr OocJs. , MIS3 C TTa ZTZr- Jen ! . . JCxchaae VarnGr GMiiKS,.l.:.:::-Uj1-!f';:' 1