' ' i -. - r !MIK - tll b mld fr-amim nsxoftakatlcD ff Li IB ra, f.Wi. a m.A t v 1. Mil i , . i - Mi'f B. T. J l W K8, fl BCKJhTIONS,POKTAOE PAID, .ear, irtathf, $2 50 ; Ttr fi 35; V?.' month, 60 cent. -ofctarre.in "7 PJ-' tbe eity, attbr lbore rates r 13 oeats per we. AdTerti8inir low.tud liWti ,11 fLtlares to receive tbeir paperr regxtarly - - HIMl --- 1.1 . , ' tTts miirmut umHr mm 1 aivayt b f I ew A dyprtisements. ?if CilS ill .- 5r.iv,-'tTr -""v THE GREAT i si is a a Fon tieuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and lloddacho, Frosted feet and Ears, 'and all other Pains and Aches. y0 rr-r"-"'11 Vnrtb 6t. Ja-obs Oit. .f!, .-rr, sitt-ple eini cheap stroal r A trial n"taili-but the compsrativplj t-3iie"t:av i f ."ft Cenin. find !-ery one Mifler iuz with i-ain ca. hnv cheep and jsitiro proof t f it riatnis. EOLDBYALLPSUGGiaTB AND DEALUKS III MEDIC7.1TE. -A. VOGSliUR it CO., Z(tUitnore3 2Td., V, S. A. "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Bbunswick, Co., Va.J November 5tb, 1881. Mrs. Joe Pkrso.v, IJracklinton, N. O. Dkae Madam: It is with pleasure that I" write to tell you that your valua ble Remedjrhas entirely cured me of a most fearlul looking and painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ajro, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I coald think cr hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the, country for advice. He told me hejbould cure me if I would take my bed and tnere remain tor tour or hve weeks, -and if I did not do so pretty, soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, aDd my foot would have to be taken off. Just'imag ine howl felt, to be told there was no core for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either o, these Re medies would have ruined me. : Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina and this conversation took place last . February. I continued to burn with caubtic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wosh) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, uance as much aDd jump as high a' my man you know. Put me back to 1 1 2 1st of September, let me know as much as I row do of the virtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I conld not get it - Earless. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It ia not only the best Remedy to purify the blood aud care' all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I know it will cure a love for stronp drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers wlio could be cured, if they could knowcf and get your liemedy l am truly anurespecuuuy, JOT U. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by : Dr. Wm. 13. Green, bend forcircu ar pftestimnials. ' r.oy 14-dw PLANTATION FOR SAVE. 111 I fsrjo w $a as a et sua m TIIE UNDERSIGNED Comtniiuncr, ap pointed by the Judsc of the Superior Court ot New Ilacover county, willexpofe to Eale at public auc'iou, on Thursday, JOth January, 1SS3, at the Court House door in the City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M. tht valuable plantation in Tender cotmty n Rocky Point, known as 4embrokf, con iaJnJnjf about one thousand acres of fertile Und.to wit : A certain tract of land hi Pundcr county, bounded by a line .coromcn ctnj; on the edge of Black Crwk, near the fad of a bank acroes said creek, and run ntaff thence S 10, E. S6 chains aDd 50 J'nks to a.flne and pine- pointer on tha Fact tide f Dark Branch, thenr? 8. 93 chains i the edge of the Tidd Ftraaip at C.-cear's pprinyanJltbencein the same direction to theN K Branch of the Capo Fear liver, theoco up th liver to the line cf the Vata plantation, thetce with that line to a ttake a tie aid line opposite to a row of Cedar treea and thence to the beginning. Terms liberal andvmade known at sal. ALEX. T. LONDON, tc U U CommtKfomr VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS.' New Advertisements. i John L DrnLEr, Secty Endowment Rank K cf V 1 'po t of the Condition -of tbe, Tirit Na tional Hank i . ; New York acl Wilmington 8 3 Line Notice City Tax ' Hector Hbinsbkkukk WhenlheSur. lii-Ci J W Yates All Hfght W.M. .H. CiiiEtN- You can tell the pitch, of , a vessel by any baron board." f We "coin do mortJy beinfioodUiajji in any other way.'- The man who waxes strong cVery loy -the shoemaker. Do gocKl with what thoa will do thee eo f?ood. bast or it M r. J 03. A. , Worth, cf Fayetteville, is in the city to day. . The receipts ot cotton at this port 1c- djyfoot up 301 bales. I - ; 1 'fho men who swore off ore1 sweariner on again, worse than ever. The man who was injured b J, a hurst ol applause is recovering. The giraffe is not a large eater. little goes a great ways with him. j Norwegian barque Loveid, Fans, hence, arrived at Bristol Eng., Jan. W. rt ; ' N orwegian barque Fremtiden;'VeTQ sen, hence, arrived at Liverpool, Jan. 10. Opera bonuets ore ivery small. , Tbi regular dramatic hat cannot be reduced. Hens have been fooled by the warm weather, and have started on a new lay Stcamboatmcu report that, there has been no material chance in the! river since our. last report. 1 1 s The regular meeting 6f Section 221, Endowment Rank, Knights of Pythias, will be held this evening. I j - It ia easy enough for a- new company to declare a dividend. Ire money to pay it can generally be borrowed. 1 A;young man cannot make himself very swell witn a twenty nve. cent cane, no matter how he may part his hair. "Weather should always be treated fairly; but the scientific man is olway trying to get at the mean temperature. . 1 r , It has got so now that the daily paper is gradually usurping the place of the sewing-circles as a disseminator of news The dividend of 3 ?er J cent, on the capital stock of the Wiiminajton k, Wel- don Railroad is payable on and after to day. - . '-J-' - I - . . J Capt, Savage jmblishes in this .ifsue a notice which is of importance tcj those who are still delinquent on the tax books of the city. ! t Ity Court. One white man who was arrested cn suspicion by the po!ice,was discharged. Frtshwater Perch, Troul aud Black i 6ah Hooks and Lines.. A full assort jent and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Said ov.t.' of our old subs ribim tOsiis the other fay, ' do yoi know thill neither of the plutloims suits me: as hotli par ties seem ip want bejalth, strength and long life, more thau anything elsi. they can not do better than have the Ham burg Drop3 aud St. Jacobs il planks : included. W ith these they can weather all storms, political and domestic as well as dyspeptic and rheumatic."! His logic was good and convinced us. i FMrsei-.nc-Xut," I A large and very fashionable audience were present last evening! to witness the performaficc of the above named pl.y. Miss Genevieve Ward, who, took the loading character, came here with a re cord already well esthblished a au ac complished actress.and welUosiaincd that repulHlion. There were some unpleas ant tones in her voice, although she held them generally under good control; ., -r.. J........ 5 ' . the character she personated w$ia a de testable phase in the life of a cruel hearted, ccld-blooded, avaricious woman, and she acted the part to perfection. She held the audience epeli bouud, and at times the dropping of Ja pin might have been heard, so profound and utter was the silence. The support was ex ceptionally good much better than U'Stt!. , ; j ' Beautify your nome by jnsing the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacoji's. j t i WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY The Wafer Question Ail odjocrccd meeting' of tie. Ntw Hanover County Board t Health wa fheld last evening in the Countv Commis signers' Itoom. The question for consid eration wa3. as to the quality of the water furnished by the Clarendon Water Works Company, ius submitted to them by the Hoard ol Aidermeo, a committee from whom were present. The Hoard wish to know if ,ihe water is healthy enough for domestic purposes, jiud the i i,iUi. r time for a 'full discussion of the question adjourrrcJ until rrext Thursday "cycuing. ' The Uailroad tut-Off. Referring to the new rontc to be sur veyed from WiLson to Florence the Fay- ettevillo. Examiner, savs ; "I'rcai.dent Bridgers, of the Coast Lino of Railroads, was in this town yesterday, and the clay beforf, I looking alter railroad matters. Ue has instructed Col. Flemming Gard ner, well known in this community as an engineer . of experience and ability, to make a survey of the route from Wilson' via Fayettevillo-to Florence, with a view to ascertaining the cost ot con structing a railroad between those points. Preparations liave been made, and two eurveying parties start to-day from this place, one with Wilson as their objective point, and the other moving on 'Florence. ! The former is under the i immediate superintendence of Col. Gardner, aided by Mr B. S. Gnion, and the other under Mr, William Cain. We were pleased to find among the surveying party our old friends, Capt. Roderick McRae, of Wilmington, and Mr. B. K. Gnion, who loDg since aband- doncd the law for the more agreeable profession of a civil engineer. it is estimated that about six weeks will be required to complete the surveys. Mr. Bridgers will be here again to-mor row tolook after the survey. It ap pears to us from all we can obserye both here and elsewherethat this movement is net a mere feint, but the preliminary to more serious work." , I I Ki mc Political Gossip. The Washington City correspondent of the Charlotte Observer furnishes some -very jinteresting matter relative to pol itics in t,hi3 State which are f peculiar interest at this time. We copy here quite liberally from that part of the correspondence relative to the collector ship of this port and the vacancy made by Judge Brooks' death: j I At no time in the history of the Old North State perhaps have so many of hr sons been away from home at the same time us at the present. Washing ton ia literally alive with robust North Carolinians; und a right fine looking set of men they are, too. There are in the city upwards of a hundred, comprising as they do the brain and sinew of the Re publican party in the State. It js a fight over the spoils cf office, that curse of American politics that will one day put to the strain. American institutions themselyes Among the fresh arrivals are W. N. Chandler, A. K. Suddley, S. H. Manning W. W. Jenkins, 0. W.. Grandy, D. L , Russell, A. S. Seymour, Judge Buxton Judge Faircloth, Ike Y'oung, and about thirty negroes who are known as the "barnacle brigade." Collector Cauna day is also hero. In this connection it tnuy be well to mention thethe has 'Aith drawn from the contest over.the cOllec torahip. U ihniDgton, and reunypaeker is now the ouiy candidate in tho field. It is believed, however; that another one will be trotted outlin fa day or 3o. But the contest low waxes warm here aud which is the occasion of this gathering of the legal lights, 13 the vacancy caused by the death last Friday of Judge G. W. Brooks, judge of the Eastern District of North Carolina It is a fight for the dead man's shoes that has enlisted the best endeavors of some of the leading Republican lawyers in the State. Hard Iy had the breath departed from, his body before candidates for the vacancy w ere en the train, making fer the capitol city Tho place, iu a pecun iary view, ; is a very good one It is a lifts position, pays 4,500 salary per annual aud tho duties are compara tively light. Among the candidates, all of whom are on the Kroaod". are Judge Nrairciotn, ci uowsooro, x-uongrws -fman Russell, ot Wilmington, Jnd?c Faircloth, of Goldsboro, Lx-Longrc8 Buxton, of Fuyetteville, Judge Seymour of Newbern, Judge Mooro and Judge C. W. Grandy,; ot the first Congressional district. Mr. L. W. ; Humphrey, of Goldsboro, ia not a candidate, as has been reported, and beyond d:siring to see the best man win, takes no interest in the fight. It is a little early in the con test, yet, to, predict a result ; in fact tho fight has hardly had time to develop, but it now seems that the judicial er mine will be worn by one of three men. These aro Russell, Faircloth and Sey mour. If at this time the chances arc in favor of any one more than another! it would seen that Russell ia that man, Ulshpy Northrop. Bishop Northrop vf ill arrive on' the train from the North to-night, aceompa nted by his brother, A rchbiahop Gibbons, Bishop Kf ane, and several other eminent clergymen, who will remain over hero Sunday and lake part in the services of installation which will take place at St. TboinasOhrch, at 11 o'clock a.im., on that day. 'fbe sermon on the occasion will fee diliTered - by Bishop Iveane, of Itichmond. !',',,. . I Slram T It limit Watr. The Iteamer Elizabeth faUed to make he r riar trip : t o , Snii!hvilio tola;L The fireman went down this mornihsr at the usual hour and made up a fire to raise steam. A her some little time he found that there was no water in the boiler and hence no steam. The fire was bauked and the etcamer remained over to-day for the 'purpose of making an; examination as to any inju ries her boiler may have sustained. She will resume her trips to-morrow. The Two Orphans. The celebrated Fifth Avenue Company are booked for tho Opera House in this city on the 20th inst, and the town is being billed to clay. Tho play is "The Two Orphans," with Miss Pauline Mark, ham" starring it as Louise, the blind girl. The ecenery is said to be very fine and the costumes exquisite, and if the company now is, composed throughout of as1 good material as when last with us, they are certain to have a very fine house. .,. j The Cancdo Contract. - Wc learn from the News fr- Observer that Governor Jarvis, on Wednesday, received the contract made by the com missioners with the New York and Southern Railroad and Telegraph Con struction Co,, for the jmrchase of the State's stock in the Capo Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, and for tho completion of the road. This contract is duly exe cuted by the New York company, and the.-Governor has calied. a. meeting of his council for Tuesday next to consider it. There is no doubt, we presume, that the contract will be approved. Take little annoyances oat of the way. If you are suffering with a Cough or Cold, use Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup at once. This old and reliable remedy will never disappoint you. All druggists sell it for 25 cents a bottle. The Wilmington Postoflce. Somebody tried to supplant Ool. E. R. Brink, as Postmaster at this place. We don't know whp it was, but we jndge that the movement was a Tery weak one. It is reported that one of the heads of the Department replied to an enquiry that Col. Brink was safe as long as he attended to his; business as he has done and carried the support he now carries. It would be difficult to oust hin now in favor of another Republican, because the business men of Wilmington would come to his support ; but we think he will resign in 1885, for the benefit of a good Democrat. To Baijdera and others Go to Jaco si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, c You can get all sizes and at the( lowest pricea. t The steamship Gulf Stream, Captain Ingram, left her wharf in this city at about II o'clock this forenoon for New York..: ' ... Our Bsloved GAR F I EL And his Faithful Cabinet An el3irotChromo Litbf grftph oi oar lata Pre id en t, wx ng 9 a;l inj?ta poit-iU, p.-it din lOooicrs n Lear- oapar with a rich Jd ortfer. fit 18x26 "iacbes Tt aildfibU osAati'ol vra-k o. art ht b n aiuplr nop taitn a ai ft par eo y. to ordr th t evarv ruiitj utrbo aa-a t po -aejsthube tifatnt t'cilsjr soar-, ir of oar late PrcfeiJrat aud 'it fcbi we will Uii; it for otjtj 60 cent per c- py, '?c' farti9b t ! s mo tubi-ct, print 1 A eclora, isue5 t 9x12 inches, for only li crats. AGENTS SStrSSX WAHTED ihe tim far ent to reap a rich nwrffct wl-b ib9t bsantlfal tortrtu. Nothiotr ft-ls ii'" ho. Hnd for twrtnt acd bayipl)i to wrkwitb COM ANT A CO. Pi-8, . nor 19 isk 1 IJbj tt, New Y ork Dissolution. THE FIRM OF IIAKDISQ JOHNSON CO., is this day ii6vi by mutual con sent, 8.. P. iShotter retiring. Th aueta and liabilities, are aauaied by Harding Johaton, who will tizn in liquidatloca. HAKDISO JOHNSON, " 8. P. 8 HOTTER. -WUmlcgton, N. C, Jan 1, 15S3. jan 3-tf 13. 1882. NO 11 New AaverttKf)m'iit. Ebtici i fJIHE MKMBEUSOF SECTION No, 231, E K. K. of Pi are hereby nit fied that Beg ular MeeUn? wltl be held to-nl-ht,. at o'clock. Ir.Bl&lUttou of oliUra. ' ' " I -TOIIN L. DUDLEY, Un 13-1 1 j I V - Stct'y .fcTreas. j Oitice Tax Col'ectcjr, City of Wilmintrton, N. C. . ' . . Jattiary 12th, 1S3. : Notice. QXOK ABOUT THE 2Ut of this month 1 propose to advertise, according to law, ALL property for sale uven which the City Tax-for 16S1 remains unpaid. To avoid ad vertisement and costs aU partie ia arrears must pay up before that date. HENRI 8AVAGS,' Tar Collector. . jan tS-3t; Report of the Condition QF THB'FIRST NATIONAL BANE OF WilminsttoD N, : C.J at-Wilmington, la tha Stato f North Carolina at the cloia of butinesi. Decmbor 31.1881: ! I RESOURCES. Loans and discounts... ........$86S,312 03 Overdrafts. 7.981 fcO U. 8. Bonda to secure circulation 50,010 61 Other stocks, bonds and mortga- ges 1,123 SI Due from approved reserve agents 81.733 16 One from other National Banks?..' 17,405 79 Due from State Banks andbaakers 1,305 69 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 11,223 01 Current expenses and taxes paid, 0,762 54 BUls of other Banks,.... S0,tU Of Fractional paper currency, nick els atid pennies...... .....I. ........... 614 47 Specie. ......... 4S.O0O 00 Legal tender notes 7,000 00 Redemption fund with U.S.Treas- urer, (5 per cent of circulation) 2,250 09 Total ........$1,017,357 44 1 T.TATITT.TTTWH ' Capital stock paid in:...l........:M.$250,000 00 8urplusfund................;....... ...... 32,r'3 .7 Undiyided profits.. 63,891 87 National Bank notes outatandinir, 44,990 00 Dividends unpaid......... 2,470 60 Individual deposits subject to check............... . 2S267 P2 Demand certificates of deposit,... 276,611 39 Due to other National Banks...... 12,0 1'0 62 One t iMtABak and bnea, 1 6'0 31 Notes and bUls re-disoounted....M 111,190 76 TotaL $1,017,357 44 HTATE OP WORTH fJATlOT.TVA. COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER,s I, A, K. WALKER, ,Casbier or the above named Bank,do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to the best of my knowledge and belief. LA. &. W ALKER, Cashier. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this ISth day of Jana y 1881. -fi. M. BOWDEN, Notary PubUo CoaBHOT Attest t ALFRED MARTIN." D. o. wok t h, V Dlrettors. E. E. BURRUSS, J jaa 13 Sale of Steamboat; BY virtue of a power contained In a certain deed of mortgage made by James Wallace to P. H. VanKampen, dated the 3d day of January, 1831, and duly reg istered (n the Custom House in Wilming ton, N. C, by which deed was conveyed the Steamer Clinton of the tonnasre of 4.9 33-100 tons, the undereianed aa assignee of said mortrge, will expose said 8teamer to sale at public auction, at tho foot of Walnut street, iu the.city of Witaiogton; N. C, at the hour of 12 M.,oti the 2lst January,1882. Terms cash. CHARLE8 WES a ELL. jaa U-t4 .NDIAN TEA, G ARilER'S EMTJL8I0N, C A8TOR OIL EMULSION, ARNER'S KIDNEY & LIVER CURE, N: ESTLE'S MILK FOOD, Ac, &c jan 0 WM. H. GREEN. Drngxlat, WILMINGTON & WELDON R, R. CO., Office of Secretary and Treasurer. WnraiBgton , N. C, Dec, 24, 1MI. A DIVIDEND OP. THREE PER Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Wilclr?ton A t ..... f . Weldon EaUroad Company will be paid on and after the 14th Jassary, 1SS2, to all whe areCtockhcldcrs of record en the Books ml the Corarxny cn tie 81st hxst. - ... J.W.THOirPSON, . . ecEJ-W ffo-yantTmf if wpwsiauy and prti8Urij uader too b to Cditd aoa aiwaya tadort tb rwn ! KMrrnKula&t malm 00 ital ' tmm 42torial Bolaaa.? " HEW Y0S! & VwilMlHGTOM STEAMSHIP" GO. : ' SEai-WESSLY'LINE. 1 yv. STEAMERS.- - . WILL SAIL , FROM NEW TORK ' Sre y WJs.DSf.8i AY and VlATURDAT. -. i I - . i -. ' , at 3 o'c oclr, P. M. m y 1 BENEFACrOB..8aturday, Jna y U RXaDL4.TOBWeiBeBday, January .. 18 . QULF 8TREAMM....8tnrday January 21 S3 Throogh Bills Lading and Lowest Thr-aua;b: Bats j saaraatsed to , ana from Points la North and gcuth Carolina, ' . t . For Freight Eogageieats zply t . TITOS,, 13. BOND, . Ssp't, V ! ' - t - . ' 'V -I r Wilmiagtan, N O. , tliiJO. O. EOER, freight Ajreat, ! " ' S T'.dfy, fftw Ferlr wu. p. clyde cu.; -V VM ' jan 13-tf .7 IL0SII8 OUT 2 3D OZaBZ AlGTiS. i J V 1 JACKETS AND - ' - If LSI Very Cheap ! ; " . LACE CURTAINS. A variety of good style3, and the pricea 8Uk 48135111811 you, being so cheap. Lac LARGE BLANKETS I - 't - :" -" 7 - ' . H At reduced prices, to close out, 'Cxi Blankets and Spreads. GARPETS, RUGS' AND MATS' A beautlfol assortment and the prloa R. M. clntire. dec SI '.. i Nhen the Sun Eises JRINO TH t YAR 18 12 will be fouol byexamlniog tbe ALMANAC! atth fajj BOOK 8TO3. - ' ; ' , Almnc3e'e'uUrcalcalat6dfoi- rorfxa and iserioian hnwin-r t llcoi's Fbtsce. f9ciip,e?' Vm of Tld' -for 7r 5 Am ' . Farmer n Vlantera'. atd l;tm aatt Ifercbaau Lha?bb, .d ortk Car)llaa Ai- msBitC-r'. . j . Now h te time o toppJy yourvelTes with that whioii 10a oahs co to b witboot. Alxnaoa'r, Al taracfor 18S2, at i nfcljrBEBGER8, Live Coox and ifoaia Store jan 11 ' 40,000 LATHS FO 8LE LOW TO CL03S I "I " Uoca'anreent. ' . - ' I LUMBER SAfKf 000RS BLIND Anievtry de eripuoa cf . 1 Butldiner Material. Fxuolns ocdj aod p-jes. i ALAfKft, PfltCE A CO. Jfii, Yrd d Odic fot W!ot t All Rfrht ! AT.;r.TcUTnT"ici is quiit 1 I am eow t miAj t r Ttz l'ar b itlsM. O. W.. YATES,T1 i Bookisllsr cai BUt'.ja f!