tins First : . j, rtoilnt W aUraa, 8d5 " joPH. Tv J A M B. -t,WCfWrTIB. IfJHTACJK PAIU. M,f 00 awntba, $160 i Three M '.Mtbs, $1 W Om ocntb, SO eeatt. eta -sapor will-be Uiiverd 07 wrier, JZ(bMt,lJ P"f theeUr.atthe Ttt rote. r 18 fr wea. ldrtWB rate tow ns libM gaUerib1" will ploaao report an 7 and di fLilnrM to reee their ppcreregmrty. . ... - ' - 5ew Adverti8omontB. 0 RHEUHATISM; m tiannnfntrt. SciatlCd. LumbCLQO. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell' inns and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosteft Feet arjd Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ' Pm! 00 rtrfb eqtili St. JJxrow Orr. tfe,aurr, e4mpl Dd cAexip Exteruel Jta,f. A trtal t-htails but tb comparatirely triflt:ir"ontlaY of .V) CrnfS ud rery ooe suffer Ini; with pain .-aa haye ch?p and poitt proof ti its claims. . . p;rctiou in Elevea Iiu jnttges. B0L9 BY ILL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALES8 IN MEDIOIHE. A. VOGIER & CO., "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Bbttkswicx, Co., Ya., NoTembcr 5th, 1881: U11. Jo Pmso.t, Franklinton, N. C. Daa Madam: :lt ia with pleasnre that I write to tell you that your valna: ik Remedy has entirely cured me of o nofit feartul lookinj: oud painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve , months ago, very much like a ring worm. I, painted it with Tinct. Inline, until it 5 became a very painml and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it hecame so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in th& country for advice. He told me hejcouldcure me if I would take' my bed arfa there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did ' not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind yon this was the advice of one of the beet jdoctors in the State of lNorth Carolina and this conversation took place last February. I continued ' to burn . with ttuatic, as he' advised until September, hut derived no benefit from his treatment. . I was advised ' then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, uance as much and jump as high a' any ' man you know. Pat me back to ir 2 1st " of September, let me know as much as I iipw do of. the virtue ot your Remedy, and. I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if 1 could not get it for lees. X think more of it than any medicine in the world. It ia not only tba beat Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will core all kinda of blood disease, and I know it trill core a love for strong drink. I hope you will hare this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cored, if they could know c f and get yonr JKnedy 1 am truly and re jpectluuy;- JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy Is for f alo in Wilmington hy Dr. Wm. fl. Green. Send for circu lar tt testimnials. nov HUw 11 iti u.-" 3 V, FOR i PLANTATION FOR SUE, rixriE UNDERSIGNED ComtnIvi(Mir, ap JL pointed by the Judge of tbo Superior Court oi New Hanover county, will cxpoce teaala atpublie aueMoc, on Tbnreday, 10th aautry, 18S3, at the Court Houte door in tke Qty of Wilmington, at 12 o'clcck, M. taat valuable plantation In Tender county n Kotky Point, known as Pembroke, con Utaing about ona. thouaaad acres of fertile jaad.to wit : A certain tract of laud In nder county, bounded by aline commcn lg on the edge of Black Creek, .near the ud of a bank acrocaaald creek, and ran -CtBff; thence S 10, E. 36 chain and 50 Knka U a plae ptc pointers on the Faet eide ffW Branch, these Sk 82, E. 93 chains y the edgt of the Tidg 8wamp at Cscsar'a pi teg and thence In the Mime direction to E Brwh of the Cape Jeer river, aeo ton the ilrer to the tv of the Vats plantation, thence with that line to a take theaakHtne .opposite to a row of Cedar an4 thence to the besftming. iaKaral and xtade known at sale. - ALSX. T. LONTX)N,' elTUa , - emmfR2ear VOL. M i WILMINGTON, N, C SATURDAY. JANUARY LOCAL I NEWS! AOVKRTIilEMRKT. T. Bisfrr.MAS Leal Notice BEJ2j8BEE..ni Vhenthe Sdn RIc (JWYatk-AllRigU ..." Wm. H. OREN-lAflIn Tci. ! No City Court to-Uaj. Nothing doiog ia m igislerial circles to-uay. To morro wiil be jolat ten boors ini leogth. - I5r4brig Zinga, Huro., was at Matin 73. Jan. 12ih. . ' . ' ' 1 Sfcafet to uiorrjw uftcrooon at! 10 min ute pat 5 d'clock. H i ' .) Tbero wcro no interments in Iel!eva (kmeterv this week. ? r i ' : ; u . , ; Tbc receipts of cotton at this ioft tc dtjfoot up 510 bales 1 - Sw. brig Maria Louise Jensen, hence, arrived at Queenstown, Jani 12th. . 1 ( . Briti&U barque Rsaotvle, Lawrence, hence, arrived at Liverpool Jan. 12th. , There were two interments both adults in Oakdale Cemetery this week. . : 4- .. There were thres interments all adults in Pine Ferest Cemetery this week. 1 . - 1 . Norwegian barque Calhinka, Over gaard, hence, arrived at Liverpool Jan. 11th. - i; . To-morrow is known in the Church Calendr as the Second Sunday after Epiphanv. . J , . !. ); - The Register ol Deeds issued three mirriaire licenses this week two for white and one for colored couples. We are glad to be able to state that Jjdge French's condition was consid ered soJiewhat better this morning. The congregation of St. Thomas Church will assemble and give a recep tionv to. liiahop Ncrthrop orj Monday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in thelAcademy Hall, on Fifth and Ann streets. British barque Susie, from Hamburg, for this port, before reported abandoned and leaking in the North Sea, Dec. 18th, 1 had experienced heavy wejather; lost sails) had decks swept, and' t,he pumps were choked. A part of thej crew were landed at Helvoe Dec.'22nd. I would hereby certify, j that 1 have used St. Jacobs Oil( and found t that it relieved rheumatism after a few appli cations. August Price, Bergen N, J. " Rev. C. 0. Brady, Minister in charge of St. Mark's Church, in this city, who has been absent on a vi3itto New STors and Boston for about three, weeks, re turned here last night aud will preach in St. Mark's Church tojncjrrow at the usual hours for morning 'and evening services. I I'nm.iilablo Unmailablo maiter, addresvsed cs fol lows, remains in the Poatoffice ' in this city: . j . 1 Roaauna Green, care 'ihoa CI kJc ; j Meeers Hill & Gordon, Columbus Ga ; Miss Fannie Perkiua, Columbua co ; Rev Robert 'McKenzie, Franklinion. N 'C ; Jon Cue-all.'. Halifax. N U; M1.-8 II L Thompson, 81 Schenetady j U I) Davis, Old Market, auction store, 1,3G Main' st ; Lieut-Col C W PeUett, Greensboro NC. . ' " -I A Amusement Ahead- , The next entertainment booked for tbq Opera House, after the appearance here on the 20th of the Fifth( Arenac 1 Com pany, will be John T. Ray.aond, who ' Is booked for the 30th 'snst. There are seven companies whohave made engage ments for February, - among them Oliver DoccTBjron, who is to appear oa tho 2d; Frank Mayo, the BankerV Daughter, George U. Adams and Kate Claxtnn. The Arrival or iheBlsnopsJ ' Archbi?hop Gibbons a.d Bishop Northrop arrived in the city last night 00 the train from the North, together with sftveral other dignitaries of the Catholic Chnrch, who will assist in tho installation rervices of Bishop Northrop at St. Thomas Church oa Sunday, (to morrow). Bishop Keane, -i of v Rich mond, and other clergymen are expected to arrive to-night, and the services, at the chnrch to-merrow will be very inspir ing and impressive, 1 t . i. ; i' .... Ber your nomes by using the N y. r..-. .Paint, ready mixed and war. ranted.. Sold only at Jacosi!. t. Judge Knssrll. , Hon. I). L. Russell has returned from ' VVashiogton City. He was evidently in a pleasant frame of mind" to-day, which iodicatcs. we trust, a little elevation, uot in' the present, but in the! future tense. Ilia said that Judge ; Russell's chances lor appoiatraent to the position made vacant by Jndge tfrooki' death are excellent aud we" hope ie may get it. The rolief.torsbip. Yo bar information direct from Wilmington to tho effect that tbero will be a change oon in the Colhctor's olSce ut this port. The said Information to the efiVct-that Mr. Ca,naday will retire. ood that C'jpt. E. J Pennypacker will succeed him as Collector of 0jftU??os at this port. It 13 tiid that there will be no contest oTer tncj position, and that tho arrangement trill be an amicable oie. Wo will stake our reputation as a prophet oa the correctness of this asser tion, which a few weeks will demonstrate to be a tact. . ' J Personal. I Col. Kenneth M. Murchision, of New York, is in the city to-day. , Sol. llaasi Eeq., Gen'l Freight Agent of tho Associated Railways, is here oa one ot bis flying visits. Capt. R. M. Mclntire, who has been quito eick during tho past few-days, is we are glad to see, out again. 'Col. W. Foster French, of Lumber ton, has heen in the city for a day or two past, summoned here by a telegram to tho bedside of ms uncle, Hon. R. S French. , fever try to raise a family without a good newspaper, provided it contains the advertisement of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrn'p; for this valuable medicine is ne cessary to keep your children in good health. I Last Sight's Fire The fire last night was on the north side of the railroad, in an alley bounded by Swann and Nixon audSeventh and Eighth streets. One house, the property of Mr. Wiggs, was entirely consumed together with nearly all his effects. 1 The house eccapied by Simon Connor, colored, was nearly consumed before the flames could be subdued. We have been unable1 to ascertain the amount of los3 involved, or whether any of tho property waa covered by insurance or not. The Scotland Seek R. B.M Capt. John Barry, the contractor for the construction of the Scotland Neck R; R , is in the city to day. He tells us that eleren miles of the track, leading out from Halifax, is ironed and is being operated now and that the remaining distance, ten miles, if we remember cor rectly, is already cross-tied and ready for the iron. This road opens np a fine sec tion of country and will no doubt pay handsomely on the investment. Fxpftrta Foreign. Norwegian barque Haabet, Tillelsen, cleared at this port to-day for Hamburg, with 2,405 barrels ro3in and 50 casks spirits, shipped by Messrs. E. G. Barker Co. ; .GermaR barque ildward Pens: Kipp, for Bristol, Ecg. with 2,741 barrels rosin and 400 casks spirits, ship- ied by Messrs. Patei-sou, Downin & W t.s m A. fl A v I a n If ..11 T 9 " Olsen, for London, with 1,057 barrels rosin and 500 casks spirits, shipped by Metsrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. 'Nor wegian ' barque Abraham Skalle, Ore gersen, fer Liverpool, with 1,331 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs. D R. Mu'chi sonfc Co ; and schooner- Annie It, Lewis, Lewis, Ponce, f . R., with 177 000 feet lumber and 54,600 ehiuglct 1 snipped dji iuesers. iiauer x cn. ! ! col. Thomas M Hi.lt- j Wxlmixoton, N. C, Jani 14, 18S2. Te tub EniToa or the Daily Retibw : I I tec 10 several papers 1n the State the name of Col. T- M. Bolt, of Ala mancc, mentioned as the standard-bearer in the text election for Governor. I hare canvassed the name of this trne son cf-the Old North Stat, not only here in Wilmicgteo, but in many parts of the Stale, where I have visited within the past six months, and I believe the name of.CoL Holt would give as general satisfaction to the Democratic party as any man in the State. , CoL Holt' is a thorough business man and loves his native 3 ale with a devo tion that knows no bounds, and would carry the State by aa overwhelming majority. CoL Holt has a boat of friends in all parts of the State, East and West, and if elected would do as much to sus tain the credit of the State and maintain it untarnished as any ecu within her bCTCirs. - v a. Hon n. Traddell. 1 Wq publish below a communication from Hon. A. M. Waddell to the Editor of this paper, written in repoo tOj a note of inquiry addressed to him by the Editor. . The letter speaks for Itself; there is no uncertain sound ja it. It i manly, true and patriotic, and goes di rect to-lic. point : $ . : ;rJaBoary,.13th.,'lS82.' JoioT. Jam e, Esq), , 1- j- 5 Bditr of tbk Daily Rbtxbw, f Deitr Sir 1 haTe received your note of thU date, aud thank yu for iladi-1 pectness and caudr. Whil kindly 1 nJhiMie?ijfg it, you sk if 1 am, aa MrtimorM fays m the Raleigh Sctcv and j Observer, what Ai called the. "coming; Mahone. of . North Caro'iiu." I might i onawrrjiu a momwyilable, bnt I prefer! firt, to inquire what tbi phrae means. Mr. Mahone was elected a Senator from Virginia by a Democratic ' Legislature, and after voting with the Republicans in vue urgauiziuan 01 inooeiiBte, organizea a campaign in Virginia on the qneetion of readjusting the State debt, which re eulted in the defeat of the Democratic party in that State. There are but two parties in tho country, the Republican and the Democratic parties. While I believe thatia the contest in Virginia, there was room for argument, and while I know that? the Governor elect is a gen tleman of remarkable talents, of unb.em ished character and unquestioned cour age, it would be trifling to deny that the victory was a Republican triumph. To be "the Mahone of North Carolina," therefore, ts, as I understand it, to be the organizer and leader ofa movement by which the' State is to be turned over to the Republican party, and the question put to "me, therefore, is whether I pro pose to do this thiog. What have I ever said or done since I entered public life to justify such an inquiry? I once had a proposition made to me, when the Republican party was omnipotent in this State, to accept the highest office in its gift, and declined it. I subsequently took a nominatioa from the Democratic party when its banner was in the dust and when, in this district, there was "none so poor to do it reverence," and for eight years carried that banner to victory by ever-increasing majorities. In 1878 the representation from this district was transferred, 1 by no fault of mine, to other hands, and since then, except Cor nve months or hard work for Hancock in 1880, I have been a very private citizen trying to make an honest living. Now, the occupiers of the anxious bench are ex ercised about the new deal, and "feelers" are put out in the newspapers to ascer tain the position of others. As far as I am concerned they need not be disturb ed. I have been told that I ami too can did for a politician. The charge may be true. At any rate I will' run the rislc of justifying it by saying that I have fre-' quently criticized the management' of the Democratic party, and will probably do it again; but that when I want . to saver my connection with it I will do it like a man, and not under false pretence I believe that the best interests of the peo ple of North Carolina will be served by the retention of that party in power and when I -change this opinion the first knowledge the people will have of it will come from me, and not from anonymous newspaper correspondents. j Tours truly, A. 31. Waddell. Catarrh or the Bladder. , Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary, passages, diseased discharges, cured by ttuchupaiba. Druggists. Lpt Jae. C. Munds. i ; Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Chnrch, South. 1 PIR3T nOCND. Brunswick, at Sharon, . Jan 14.-15 Waccamaw Misiion, at Pine Log, Jan . . ,. . " 2122 Whileville, at Whiteville. Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, Feb 4-5 Bladen, at Windsor. . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . - Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap. el, : . . . . March 4 -3 DupliL, at Wesley Chapel. March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon. .. March 18-19 CsgTThe District Stewards, will meet ta Wilmington at the pareo nage of the Front StreetCburek at U o'clock xxl. on Tnesday, the 3rd of Jaonary.lS. U. O. Bcmox i Prei'Jing Hlder. To Bnildtr.t and otbers-j-Go to Jaco ai'a fur Saab, Blind? and Doors, (viaes, kt. Yon 'iv n get all size and at the lowest prices f "T" We Want Buyers for 1000 BntA NBW FI)LK 300 B covtr. 100 BHc 5UOAk, 2500 ctcLlVEPkPOOL?A.lfT 500 FINK 8 ALT, 2 Htd, CUiA MOAL&SXS. 14, 1882. NO 12 Freshwater Perch Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort men t and lowoBtprices at JAOoar. f Xlew AdverUbeiiioiita. Sa: of N0nh rnim, la ' render viT,iy. y TVcbat Court. P-4titiou for sale ef rteal Euata for-Aatets. Hei ry. Blake, Admfriitrater of Martha E. Blake, lttr.tlff. '. - ' F- Blaiei ltacdai-t. L' To E. ft Blaky Ifan lant, 'tid "beirst t "' Law r ttiTJ WII L TAKE1 NOIIOE tiat a tHitl l a tu, n,,j by tim AaniinUir. to-io 1 lw above eutithjl cu fur the nur- pose tt "HHug lantl to tuxka assets for the Vayrofonf ib-dh: of his intiAte. aud . 1 toatywj ate rqoiri io poer before tbo r roi- kmaux t, nd oouuty, and dead. aotwrr or duiitv 10 aaid pjuition, within tweuiy Jaya alter the aervlca of tbla pro, ces,or jadgmetit -pro onfeaso will be entered agaiust to-, ! Ui?eu under Uij hand and seal this Jan. uary 12lh, A I). 1S82. W. T. iJANNERMAN, , 1'robate Jndre. Gzol A. Ramjet, Att'y fofPlaintiff. jan 14-l:d-5iw 1 Office Tax Collector, City of Wilmington, ZT a 1 January 120L, iSSJ, I TJotice. ON OR ABOUT THE 2 1st of this month 1 propose to advertise, acoormug to law, ALL property for sale upon which the City Tax for 1881 remains unpaid. To avoid ad- - 1 : '., . "' " , . j verti8ement and coats all parties ta arrears must pay up before that date. HENRI SAVAG, Tax Collector. Jaul5-3t Sale of Steamboat; T3T VIRTU'! of a power contained In a XJ certain deed of mortgage made by James Wallace to P. H. VanKampen, dted me oa amyoi iaauarv 1S31, ana duly reg istered in the Cantmn House In Wllmiuer ton, N. C,br which deed wae conr-yed the Bteamer Ilntoa of the tonnage of 49 38-100 tons, the nndersirned as aaaignee of said mortg-ge, will expose said 8teamer to sale at public auction, , at tho foot of Walnut etrtet, in the city of Wiluinrton, N. C, at me nour 01 13 M.,on the aist January, 18S3. Term cash. CHARLES W8SLL. jaa ll-tda Indian tea, 1 OaRMER'S EMULSION, G A8TOR OIL EMU L8ION, W ARNER'3 KIDNEY A LIVER CURE, N: ESTLE'5 If ILK FOOD, &c , 4ke. jan 6 WM. H. GREEN. Druggist, WILMINGTON & WELDON B. R.CO.. 09ce of Secretary and Treasmrtr. Wflmiagton , H. C Dee. 94, 1831 ii a in n ft HM DIVIDEND 6? THREE PER Cent, on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Weldon Railroad Company will be paid on and after the 14th January, 1882, to all who are Stockholders of record on the Books of , .. - - - the Company cm the 81 at Inst. " X.. W. THOMPSON, dec 2s-td t - fiee'y andTreaa IM evv Reota u r a ht. rjrtQE UlCDCBSIGNED would reapeetfulj ly announce that heaaajtut fitted up at NoJ ft, Granite Row, South Pront ei, aRea- tauraat for Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals and refhahncsti may be .had ETall hours of thedxy. Crtry thhig is urw and nratelaea. PowWtareaad eotuteeoaat tSTOame ana tmtsrs tana fa Has THnes, Lftmsaad Cgsn. aoTlS F. A. ECU UT1 IS, rYe ITinS UUDZtZZXJZD WOULD, ra. spectfaly say tist cs!3 fbrtbtr ttcott Bxy b9 tszsA tl Hs rsdeaa, ccrcar Third mrt T frrrt stretSa, rrtpirad toerV ccts a3 crden ta Ca a5ove r.mtd trsxeb. PLC ARB OTIOX. T7 wHlbeHad n rwmlr ecu8crWTr& fro w .? aa4 all smhVstaT caaeralfataratt VsS "Ztae aavt mi rerewMtm hm avwftde , A4 It ftefpially aad pcrtitxlxrly csr tew! that th eMie4.4net ot always tadors I the Tewf TT9tn4m valat e stal ' " ta tW elteHJ eoiaRS. Kow Advertiioraonta ' NEW YORK WIU.1!HQT0!I ' STEAMSHIP CO. Y' SEMI-WEIYiLinE STEAMERS 1 WILL SAIL KHOM NKW TORS: Ivwr WKDJf E8UAT aad KATURDAT. v at I V wk, r. M, ! BKXEJ'ACTOBBatttrday, JisuatT 14 BQDLATOB Wednesday, Jaamary Is GULP 8TREAM8arrday, Jaaaary SI Throegh Bills Ladiag aad Lowest Throtifh Batts guaraateed to ana .frea Point! Ia North aad 8uth Carolina, -For Freight Eafageaeats apply tv " TUOS B. BOKD, 8c?t, ' - ' ' : " - i 'i WBmiagtoa, 1? a . THKO. G. EG KB, Frrixht Ageaij 1 IS Broadway. Bew Terk WM. P. CLYDE 4 CO., " iaalS-tf li ; OeanAgtat.. CLOSI0G OUT 2 JACKETS. ::.''v :. AND ' . Very Cheap I LACE CURTAINS. t, A variety of good styles, and the prists will astonlah you, beioa; so cheap. Lam' 811kTidiea. . LARGE BLANKETS i, - ' V At redoeed price., to; close out. Qn Blaakets and Spreada. CAnPETS,nuosif:.ujrc A beauUfol asdrtr were srrer ao lew. Ua prSsd R. M. Qplntire. dee SI - - - . When tha Sun Eicon BIBG ta t YFAB ltil wUlbe fouai by examlntsf tse ALU ABACS at the Uffi BOOKvBTORK. . r Ulaaueaearefallrealealaudtor BorLn aad Meridlaa, thrwinr t Moon's Phaaea, , FeMptet, il&e of Tide, ..A-., for the year1 Faraaersasd Plaatera. aad Plasters aal rcharf thach, acd Horth Carotlaa Al-i miaaca. ow U the Hsm o lupplj yoaraelvai wiik that whloh i oa o h t out ta be witheai. Alaaaa'9, Alaaaae, for U83, at HElffft BRIG EL'S. Jaa 11 Urt Book aad Kaaie Btora 4O.O0OB f JATB8 FOB 8 4 LB LO W TO 0LCC3 Unssicanea. ! LUttBERi SASH oQons dilnof l A ad e vary it e f atiee of Bui ldinjLTaiilat erial. ., : Fa aia gocda aad pit, I ' ALTAFFfBy FBIC3 Jt CtX 1 lTUr, Tardi d Pflee f t ffa'cst at JaaO -. r , All Rferht f QH2ISTHA8 IS orr . 15D BTSSTTtll'G 19 QUICT -i : -' . " . " " . I . : 1 1 aow rs4r t't ar taalac i I , O. VJ. YA7ECr, I 1 I r 4

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