1 - - ib "17 ' t-j j - F'iWsSljT5sBsWyeMsiBSlMSasMlS THIS PAPM arJi,ted every ' ester.-., 8d7f " j0f.u.(T; JiBi" (nOli PBOPBIKTOK. JlI7, oo Six coatk., $250 ; Thr- 0,it ?r will b delivered oyearriere, .5reF part of the city, etth, . raves, or 13 cent per week. rjink rateHow.ndlib.rU.. y wpabferiberi will pleese report s.ny end reiTft their papers regularly. , fftirsree jew Advertisements THE GREAT port RHEUffiATiSI, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of iho Chest, ' Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains. . Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fee, and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Vo rrvrirarion ' J rtti eqtmls St. Jacobs Ou, . i safl: siirr. simple ui cheap Extornnl f.vi.f'v K trial -ntiiiU but th comparatively trifllnp'.'itlar oftV nti. nnd rrery 0110 enflfcr int wi?! p:n .-vi ! chp nd iK?sitjTc.proof of it4 rl.m. i iirrfi-'P "n Klven l.a ullages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. , A. VOGElER & CO., !a!tiniorct Md., U. S. L. "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT."- Fkunswick, Co., Ta., ' November 5th, 1881. Mr3. Jos: Person, . Franklinton, N. C. Dsar Madam : It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful lookiDg aud painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve moDths afro, very much like a ring Worm. I painted it with Tirict. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I coold think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the. country for advice. He told me hejcouldcure me if I would take my bed ana there remain for four or five weeks, aDd if I did not do so pretty soan, it coold not be cured at all, as the bone won Id v become diseased; and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined , roe. . M ind you this was the advice of one of the beet doctors in the State of North Carolina and this conversation took place last February. I continued to. burn with caustic, as he advised until September, bat derived no benefit from his treatment I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, tiance as much and jump as high a jny man you know. Put me back to U ilst of September, let me know as much as 1 now do of the yirtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I eonld not gfttlt forlesa; I think more of it than any Joediciae in the world. I It is not only he beet Remedy to purify the Wood and cure all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I know it will c.nrei a. lovo for stroncr drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cured, if they could know c f and get your Remedy I am truly and respectfully, JOS. R. MASON, 1 South Gaston, N. C.r The Remedy is for tale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. XT. Green. Send forcircu lar of testimnials. nov 14-dw PLANTATION FOR SALE.. THE UNDERSIGNED Commit ioner, up pointed., .by the Judge ct the Superior Ccrxrt of New "Hanover county. iU rxpusv toggle at public aucion, on Thursday, I0th -?anuary, 15S2, at the Court Hons e door in tbcttty of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M.. that valuable plantation la Pender county n Kocky Point, known as Pembroke, cou Uinlng about one thou?and acres of fertile liud,to wit: A certain tract of Und in Pender comity, bounded ly aline, eomtnen ln on the edge of Black Creek, near the ndofabank across said creek, and i iru aloff thence S 10, E. 3fl chaius and 50 links to a pin and pine pointer on the afct tide of Dark Branch, thcoce i?. S. E 0 chains to the edpe of the Tide gwaajp at Char's spriDp and tbencein the fam direction to the N E Branch of the Cape Fear -xivcr, Qxzcc Up the jivcrto the line of the Vats plantation, thence with that line to a etake the uk)fn opposite to a row of Cedar tree aid thence to the beginning Tennaiiberal and made known af al. ALEX. T. LONDON, dec 17 W Cemmiwloner V H . V'. l . .v.: 'r- -rr-x- . " :-y x.x, -i-r- J - ,:V . : I . , tt. 7 MThTOV. ! a imnrf -: Din u r h.h-.mu i.r. : JLllili ,' JJ AJL JU 1 . XH, Jill V lift VV- VOL. VI LOCAL N'FWS. New Aiveutisemet . II Ei N sbero En-wfipai k i-ihg Humor'' X;t tebboi At f ostj !, Ol'EHA IIoik Pauline .Nfarkliam. Altai-teu PhK n it Co liuiMirg Mate rial. ' . ' ' S 1'SiiOTiKi.ut Co l',u av s Caifil i ,' CW Yates All IJiaht . : No City Court tolay. , "otlung !o-day. oin in njairister al circles The receipts of cot top at this port tr dty .foot up' SCO bab, ?. . Steamship 'Regulator, l ribon, sailed from New York Janf 14th j fc'r this port. Swedish "barque Ulrika, 'Cqdergren, sailed from Liverpool' Jari. 1-1 th , for tli port. " s ' t ij, rsteambcatnicn report, 1hat the i river was rising rapidly when ctteTiilecii Saturdav lasi tbey left Fay- 1 The thermometer indicated 75 degrees in our.offico ut 2.30 o'cljack thi? p. m., which wa3 within one decree of summer heat. - t ! 1 Nor. barque Saga, Bie, cleared at this port to day for Liverpool, with " 2,1-11 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs D. R. Murchison k Co. ' 11 This year there will be two eclipses, both of the suu, and invisible here. There will on December Gth be a transit of Venus, visible here. This will be the last transit in this century, the next oc" curring June Stb, 2005. . j r Thanks to Mr. II: 11. Murphy, of Moore's Creek, Pender county, for a bag of those fine pecan nuts, grom by him, mention of which was made in tlhe Re view some (Jays ago. " jThey were' duly re ceived and highlyjippreciaied. j ,. . j ' Without any doubt the Hamburg Drops is an excellent remedy, writes Mrs. Maria Herman, Chetopa, Kansas. It has cured uie of adisorder of the Liver, for which I vainly tried many reraedief. I am very thankful for the discjavery of this valuable remedy ) 1 ... 1 Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and "war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's, j f .Found Drowried. At about 8 o'clock this moring an ob. ject was seen floating in j the riverj nesr the W , C. & A. freight depot, which some colored men, engaged on the wharf, said looked like the body of a mn. A short time after, floated up by. the in coming tide, it reached the vicinity of the C. C. freight depot, where it was dis covered to be the body of a colored iman, and w;as tewed into the dock at the foot fof Brnnswitk street, to await the verdict of a Coroners jury The body was iden tified as fnat of Jake Small, colored, who has been missing for over to weeks, and had the appearance of having been in the water several days. No one could giye any information whether his ( death was caused by' accident of he t;aj !een tyoully dealt with. llc vas a laipenter byj trade and when soHer was ji-oiisidred a good workman, but wap of very dissi pated habits, lie was about 48 years of Hgr : had been married, Wt separated from hia wife scvrr.d years ngo. Ii d-IJus, lioaches. . Rats, mice, ants, tlies vermin, mo quitoes, 'Rough gists. insects, Arc, c on Ruts." lfc. eared out by boxes at urugT The Two Orphans Next Friday aigbt, the ' 2pth, Miss 1 amine .tiarKnam, sup Fifth Avenue Theatre appear at the OiK-'r.i 1 Two Orphans." The jstar is said to be very fine as Louise, wliile the support !'g first-class. Of Miss Markhani and tilt )Iay thcNew York SUr say.s: ' '''The feature of the evening, jhjwever, was Pauline.. Markham. Her Welcome the first night was an ovation, and, reports to the contrary notwithstanding!, she piavcd tu Ijc as slatuefqaely 'beautiful and attractircas when she first appeared, to show us how good uature could be to a woman when it chose. Old as jis 'The Two Orphans." its presentation by Miss Markham and the Fifth Avenue Com pany gavt; the beat of satisfac ion to a very large audience. Miss Markham, with her inarvelou. beauty of person, and a knowl dgc of the stue learned bv Iougcxpcneuce, gives to Louise an un usually fine delineation." To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sasb, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &.c You can, get all1 sizes, and at the lowest prices. V t. .WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY JANUARY Postal " KuUnz?. No writing is now pe untied on third or fourth-class matter, except as follows : The name and address of. sender on th a outside or inside of package, preceded by the word from." On the wrapper way also be written the names aud number of articles inclosed (The sender is furthejr allowed i murk a "word -or passive in a ijook or paper .to which he desires to call special attention. He in iy u1m write a simple inscription r dedication upon the c7tr or blink leaves of a book or pam phlet. '1 here may be attached to art'.! e'ea of merchandise, by tag or label, ul in irk, number, nains or letter, for pur poses of identification. Printed circulars may contain the written name ol the sender, or of the addressee, and the date. Any olhr writing on third or fourth class mater will subject the package to lejttcr rates 'of postage, aud render the sender liable to a fine of 10 for each offense. 1 - 1 A druggist in New Richmond, O., Mr. L J. Donham, writes us the following: 4 I consider Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup one of the very best things made. I use it altogether in my own family and can therefore recommend it," 1 This District. j It is rather early to talk of the thing seriously in the columns of a newspaperj but yet, public interest is already awak ened as to the nomination in this district for the next Congress. It has been un derstood that Hon. A. M. Waddeli and Moj, Chas. M. Stedman, the principal competitors in the last canvass, neither of whom, however, received the nomina tion , would be candidates before the party at the next Convention. This, however, is an error, as Maj. Stedman is not.in the field." A. few days since, in response to an inquiry from the Tditor or this paper, Maj. Stedman informed us that he i3 not now, and has not been at any time, a candidate for the position. His business is such that he cannot de vote his time to a canvass without , seri , ous detriment to his private business. He has carefully considered the matter and-he has positively decided, and has so informed his many friends, that he will not, under iany circumstances, become a candidate, and he would not accept the nomination if tendered him. Maj. Stedman ha3 many warm friends cind ardent admirers in this district who will be sorry to hear of hi3 determination. He is very strong, and would have made a spirited cauvass.. His determination narrows the competition, and it will be principally confined, wej think, to Hon John!V. ShacKelford, the present incum bent, and Hon. A. M. Waddeli. The Installation Services St. Thomas' Catholic Church was crowded yesterday to its utmost capacity by citizens desirous of witnessing .the solemn and impressive ceremonies atten dant upon the installation of the newly appointed Bishop of the uiocese of North Carolica, Right-Reverend II. P Northrop. At a few minutes after 10 o'clock the procession, headed by the St. Aloysius Society and the Young Catholic FriendsSociety, folio wed by the clergy and Bishops, and last by Archbishop Gibbons, moved up the central aisle of the church to grand and solemn music from the or tcin. j t he celebration bt the Mass was conducted by the Bishop elect, as sisted by hid brother and others. Dur ing its celebration the choir sung Far mer's Mass, a grand composition pecu liarly adapted to the occasion: At the conclusion of the Mass, Archbishop Gib bons preached a1 sermon of much power and installed Bishop Northrop into the important and sacred duties of his high office. - ihc services last evening consisted of music by the choir, sermon by Bishop Keane, of Richmond, and benediction by the Bishop elect. The interest manifested daring the dy was apparent at tho evening iscrvicc, and o large was the throng of visitors th:tt only ladies could secure seat?. There is to be a reception given to Bishop Northrop, this evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at the. Acidemy, on Fifth, be. tween Orange and Ann streets, when an a-idress ot weicomej will be deliver, to jwhich it is c spec tea that he will respond Archbishop' Gibbon3 and the other at- og dignitaries of the Church are led to be present. j . Fsh water Perch, Trout and Black fish .looks and Lanes. A full assort inent nd lowest prices at JacobiW t A Curiosity. Tterc iJ a tree standing in the yard of the Carolina ,Rice MilU, on Chestnut strewt, and near the V.ax side of the main building, whose trunk and branches are all as white as if frost laden, caused by the flour and dust from - the mill fail ing and lodging; upon them. The tree has the appiearance from the street of having beejn Ihorooguly whitewashed, aud is something! ofu curiosity. Itislitly rvJ. On last Siit u relay afternoon, about 2 o'cIockevcraLyouqgladfcs were seated on the piazza of n residence situated in the Lastern section of the city, when a white man, a stranger to them, walked up to the gate and leaning on it began t j make remarks which were, to say the least, very, impertinent. 'Ihe yourg luiies were, of course frightened acd mildly told the mau that he was miBtak eu. He continued his remarks, however. atthesmc time sfUirting tobacco juice over the fence into the garden, when they let the 1 piazza and ran into the house and loclied the door and the man thereupon left. None of the gentlemen of the , house were at home at the time but when they arrived at supper time they were told of the occurrence and im mediately 8 tar ted off on a hunt for the individual. They found him at a house not far off where he had a chance acquaintance and where he had been taken in for the night. At first he de nied all knowledge of the affair, but af terwards admitted it when hq was told that he must go to the house and apolo gize to the youDg ladies for his dastardly conduct. He is a big six-foot fellow, and blustered considerably at this but when told he must cither go or "take a lick ing", he concluded to go. He was fully identified bv tho ladies and then made a most humble apology after which he was taken to the front door and summarily ejected from the premises, and afterwards from the House at which he had been re ceived as a guest, if all such rogues could be as summarily dealt with as was this one, we would hear less of outrages on private premises during the absence of the gentlemen of the house. From Florence to Wilson. Hon. R. R. Bridgers, President of the WilmiDgton & Weldon R. R. and the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R., has returned from Fayetteville, where he has been on matters connected with the survey of ths new' road which it is proposed to construct from Wilson to Florence, with the yiew of shortening the distance through to the South. Col. Bridgers states that the engineers will probably get fairly to work in the coun try! to-day, there being two surveys both under the direction of Col. Flem ming Gardner, one of which goes South from Fayetteville to Florence and the other North to Wilson The survey, it i3 thought, will probably be completed by March '1st. - Col. Bridgers thinks that public opin ion iu regard to the building of this road has gone ahead too fast. In response to inquiries from us he states! that the snr vey, which is merely a preliminary sur vey, is the only thing which has been decided upon a3 yet. This survey ig made merely with the intention of find ing out the cost of the constructioi of sncha road. There are no orders as yet to build aud do sach arrangements have been made. The survey, when complet ed, is to be submitted to the Board of Directors. ! 1 " r In answer to questious from us Col. Bridgers stated that although there had been no determination to that effect arrvjed at yet, he was certain that the pad would be built some time in the near future, say in three years from this time. If begun in three years, say in 1885, it would be completed in 18S7, as it would probably require ahjout two years to construct it. It might be begun etrlier, however: He looked upon the matter as an absolute necessity. He thinks that it canDOt injure Wilmington, while it will be eu re to bene" fit the city if her merchants will but dis p'.ay the energy and enterprise ncce-saary to 'compete with other cities. The country between '.Fayetteville. and the Carolina Central, Col. Bridgeri wiysi fs a veiy fine turpentine country and the new road would throw this business di rectly into the lap of the city. ( The ladies who rfcomctime sincejwere unable to go out; having taken Lydia K. PInkhaui's Vesre table Comrxmnd. are Lquite recovered, and have gone on their way rejoicing. , 16. 1882. NO 13 Now Aavertifeements S. P. 8M0TTER & CO., EXl'ORTEIld OF Hi and JVavAl Stores, Wilminirton' Baltimote Wharf, .Water St N. !Kelly JJuiblinir, Bav St.. Savannah OPERA HOUSE. For One Night Only -'!:' I - . - . FRIDAY,- Fan na ry . The famous New York 5TH VENUE COMPAtlYj. supporting the di.stinaruished fitar,' r AU LIS E MARKHAM , In the most ronular play of this centurr. The Two Orphans. I . M Enthu6iasticl!y Greeted by Crowded Houeee. Cast to the, full Strength of thelBcst Coni- nuy iu America, Ufcual Price. Rceryed Seat on sale at Dyere'.ou the 18th,. ian 16-4t At Cost I At Coot ! OTTER BO URC'S SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE " . - ' 1 OF FALL & WillTER CLOTHING. 1000 Orercoats and lieversibles, 2500 i Odd Cacbtmere Salts, 800 Odd Diagonal Suits, 1500 Odd Casfcimeie Sack Coats, " 600 Odd Cassimere Pants, 250 Alpac. and Ging'm Uombreilaa,(Job Xr ' Underwear, Neckwear, i Hosiery, Novelties, c. . ALL AT NEW YORK COST I Ed" Our object is to make room for the Handsomest and Largest S ock of Spring and Summer Clothing ever exhibited In North Carolina, j EST Stock and Prices exhibited with pleasure- No trouble to show Goods. O TERBOURG, Clothier jan 16 Sparkling Humor A SD CURIOUS INF BMATIOS to be Ea for tho inquiry at the Live Book Store. Attention it invited to the inperb stock of 1 BOOKS in every department of Literature, 0 " presenting the most entertaining volumes of i - - r Literary character that have been offered to the reading pul.e of the present genera tion.. I i .- Bibles, Prayer Books and a 1 other Beligl oat works ia ail styles of bindings. Iforsa.eat- UKIJfABEBGEE'8. Jen 16 Lire Book and Kasio Store 4O.O0O J . JAXBS F02 8 ALE LOW TO OL03E Ucnsignment- LUMBER, SASH. D00RS, BLINDtf j And every de.criptioa of j Buildin? HateriaL Exuntae goods and pz Ices. , 4 ALTATFEbJ PRICE A CO. Mill, Yards and Office foot Walaat tt Office lax Collector. City of Wilmington, H C January 12th, 182. I TJotice; . O N OR ABOUT THE 21st of thu month 1 propose to advertise, according to law, ALL property for sale upon wt Idi the City Tar for 1SS1 remains unpaid. To avoid ad vertisenient and costs all partfei io arrears must pay up before that date. HE5R1 BAVAGK, Tax Collect ar. J.al5-3t CALL SEE AND PRICE ! A LARGE AND ATTBACTIVE assort A meat ol Wedding, Chrlstsias acd Holi day Present for sale low down at J. H. HARDIN'S I Drear and Chemical Store, -dec 20) , .New Market PLS4HB sroTiaa, 01 Dtfia4 to rvMT MavaleatSr Croa ov (rlml oe y aa4 all nbUitTT Mn.1 Uiu.u Vl - aHalwejtbefe .Jt 'j tii . . . -4 !. ' - t " ' j -!!.-' ? - . - ' - -. j OnwaveieeaouBi aeft4eorthepf. it be ;vtittea: oa eeiy rnuaUoii Man be aroidea Aad it b NfeUUj ead partieeiarty ameer etood thai th so doee ao always eadon a nmw oi orrpodeati Kebwi to ital ia i wutorui olu&aa. Hovr i Adyertieexnenta. NEW YOniC & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. 1 . SEttll-WEESLYiLinE . STEAMERS'" i -WILL SAIL FROM, ;NEW .IORIl, I ret t WfcDW ISOAY and 8AI D BDlT X . t S OVOC. P. M.: ' ;' oe. erAUTU8aturday, JiBatr U GULF BTREAM..8tarday, Jaaiary 21 Throogh Blila Ladiat; tod Low m Thrcojfh Bates gatra&teed to ena jfroxe Points Lo tforth and eonth OaroIIae 1 For Freight Eagsfemeate apply it THOBR. BONP, Bcn't, I frihxi&gtoB, nm e, TflEoj O. KGER, Freight Affeat, T!I IS Broadway, JTw Tort. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Jen 15-tf 15 -I Geal Agents. CLOSING OUT S JACKET: . AND X:-'X,-- , ULSTEE2C. Very Cheap I LACE CURTAINS. A variety of good styles, and the pricey will astonish you,.belo? so cheep. Ltoe 811k Tidies. 1 - .1 i LARGE BLANKETS At reduced prices, to clwr ow V Blankets and Spreads. CARPETS, RUQS AND MATG A beautifal assortment and the price were never so low. . 1 R. ai. r.Qclntire. dec 31 ' ' - .: ' Vt'"v WILMINGTON & WELDON R. B.CO.. Oulce of Secretary and Treatvrer. I Wnmtngton,N.C. Dec. 24, 18l. DIVIDEND OF THREE PER Ceat on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington Js I -"'.!.-' " 1 1 Weldon Railroad Company will be paid oa 1 . J and after the lth January, 18S2, to all whef are Stockholders of record on the Books e f tae Company on the Slst Inst. J. W. THOMPSON, acc tuy-vo. Beey and Tr All Rierht t QHRlSTkAS Jfl OTFR AND F.Vii rxflufo 13 QUIIT. I I am now ready t,r rega'ar bssiaM. --j. C. W. YATES, jaa PArtkeUr an f tie ' r Sale of t3amboati ST YIRTU mt pw contained in a certain- detd of mortgage' made by lee Wallace to P. H. VaaKempen, dstedl the8d dsyof January il, and duly rrzm istered in th Chutom Hotif In WQmlaa ton, C, bf orLfeb dMi conTrred tba fiteamr lintou of th toons pe of 5 28-100) tone, the roderfthrced as s!gse of eaidt' morterge, will epe said Steamer to sa7 at pnM!c uiSoti. it the foot of Walnut: street, to the city of WUa.l0ton, N. C. et. the hour oi 12 31., on the 2 1st Janoary.lWJ, Terms cash CHARLES WZL21 jsn Xl-tda . 1 ' ! - . j J - K

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