THXfl Pins ; 4'0 CB . T. JAMBS, ,nB8CRirTIOSB.l:b8tAOE PAID. ,ir 0 Bix noon the, S3 50 s Thr re tP- ,riU b deliTered byearriera, rebs-ire.ln"! P"tof dTertiaier rate low and Uberai -Bo'bseribers will plea report any ui jjfaW"0 receive their papera regularly. Hew Advertisements THE GREAT FOB RHEUMATISM, fieuralgh, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell- ihqs and Sorains, Burns and ' ' Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, . ' Tooih, Ear and Headache, Ftosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Vi'Pwmtioi) qnaU St. Jacobi On i $rfr,intr, simple ul eheap Extnial A trin! entails Jit the comparatively c riflii V "jUif rf 60 Cnt. nd every on roffer ine with nfa n hTB "heP and jxitlT proof Mictions in E!eT.n Laurcag. BOLD BY ILL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEK8 IS MEDICINE, A. VOGELER & CO., IUtltimore,Md.,V8,JL "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." BaDXSWICX, CO., Vfl., November 5tb, 1881. Mm. Jok Person, ' Franklinton, N. C. DkabV Madam : It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy Las entirely cured mo of a rnoet feartul looking and painful sore on toy ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinet. Iodine, until it became a vary painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I . could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in tha country for advice. He told me hejcould cere me if I would take my bed ana there remain for four or five weeks,' aad if I did not . do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would hare" to be taken off. Just imag ice how I felt, to be told there was no cure forthe sore but to lose my foot, or fire up all business -either Of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind jou this was the advice of one of the best doctori in the State of North Carolina nd this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with cauntic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from bis treatment. I was advised . then by friend to try jonr Remedy, (Bitters and. Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk a far a&Qce as much and jump as high a' jny n you know. Put me back to It ilst of September, let me know as much as I bow do of the virtue ot your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol hin a bottle for it, if I could not" got it for lets. I think more of it than any aedicine In the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and re all skim diseases, but I believe it will care all kfads of blood diseases, and I snow it will cure a love for strong drink I hope yon will have this published, as. there are many sufferers who conld be wred, if they could know c f and get your Remedy I am truly and respectfully, JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. Ths Remedy is for sale in Wilmington 7 Dr. Wm. fl. Green. Send forcircu rtestiKDials. nov 14dAw PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED Commissioner, ap. A pointed by the Judge of the Superior yrt bf New Hanover countv. will expose ?u!t t public auclon, on Thursday, 19th "l?? 18.52, at the Court IIoue door In :JejefWllminaoiitat 12 o'clock, it. valuable plantation In Pender comity tJr Polnt known ae Pembroke, con u?z tboTlt 0B thousand acres of fertile ? a lt: A certain tract of land in noer county, bounded by a line cemmen on the edge of Black Creek, near the ?. A0 "cross aald creek, and run rf VleEf'e 8 10, E. m chains and 50 Unk irf np , -tB(1 r1" pointer on the Kat tide oark Braceh, theDce 32, K. 03 chain f8 of the Tide 8wap at Cear's rprinj and thence in the fane direction to 5L, Brpb of the Cape Fear Hrer, acc Jip tie jirtr to the line of the'. Vats hi v vttth that line to a take ! ,4id JhJe oppoaiie to a row of Cedar t the bcclnnln . j . . ALBX. T. LOKDON. j., f VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. . New Advbrtisemekt. ; John Cakeoix, Prop Cosmopalitan Bar and Restaurbit R M McIstjre Dress Goodi rid Trim ming 4 Hkinsbsrger 8parkliD Humor i W 1 ATEt All Kl!?nt Lots of wood in market now, but the prices remain nearly the same.! T Norwegian barque frxpcdit. Rusted 1 i t .j i hence, arrived at Charleston Jan. 15th. Schooner Maggie E. Grch, -Crockett, hence, arrived ut Jialtimore, Ja'n. Hth. ' the, off hej.e t The storm signal aud shore signal were both displayed to day Schooner 6'usic Whcalley, Sipple for this cleared at Baltimore Jan port. Hth, British brig Sea Breeze, Starrett sailed frem N'oi folk Jan. Uth., for this port. The box theet for the sale of tickets to the Two . Orphans", j will be open ! at Dyer's to morrow morning. , j Bed-Bogs, Roaches i i Rats, mice, ants, flies, vermin mosj qnitoce, iosecte, &c. bleared out by "Rough on Kats." loc. boxes at drug gists. Unmailable Unmailable matter, ! addressed . as fol this lows, remains in the PostofiGco in city: " . - ' j-. Lieut-Col C W Pellett, Greensboro, N C ; Rev Willis Wooten, Lagrange NC. i .' - The ladies who sometime since were unable to go out, having taken Lydia: E. Pinkham'a vegetable Uomponna, are quite recovered, and have gone on their way rejoicing; - j At the earnest solicitation of numerous citizens, Bishop Keane will lecture this evening in .St. Thomas' Church, on "The Bible, the New Revision and the Catho Ucl Church." The public are ( invited to attend and the seats are all l free. ! u Death or Mr. Kyden- , . We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Rudolph F. Eyden, which occurred suddenly in this city last evening. Mrt Eyden .was stricken with apoplexy at about 6 o'clock and died at 12,' without having had one ray of consciousne? a dur iae that interval. He was , a native of Hanover, in Germany, and came to this city about the year 1858f having been about 46 or 48 years of age at the time of his death. He was a large hearted, generous man, end his untimely death will be mourned the most ' by those who knew him beet. ' Confedrratc Pkket Fare. I Picket duty at Fredericksburg, Ya., during the harsh winter of 18C2-'63, was very severe and trying. Fies,exceptsuch as proceeded from small arsis or cannons and which were haidly agreeable, were of course forbidden ; sharp shcotirig was fre'quent along the line, and the rations served out did not make up on attractive bill of fare. A private of. Ithe 54th North Carolina, returning from a tour of duty, complained bitterly of the com missariat to bis Colonel, saying that he had had nothing to eat. , "How ia that?'' said Col. Mi "Yiur rations were sent to you every night." 'Yes, Colonel," replied the mm, 'but you know, we didn't have no tire ; acd all we got to eat was raw beef and hit not cooled J' 1 I he KAlnfall. Mr. Daniel McDuffie, who lives near Point Caswell, in Pender county, fur nishes U3 with the nmoant of rainfall at hii place for each month daring the years 1880 and 1881. The account wa3 kept by hjni peraonally with an,1 instru ment which he Ijceeps cspecklly for the purpose, and without being a3 positively accurate as ths ioatroments prepelred by the t for such purposes may bo taken as very nearly correct The figure are interesting a3 showing how nearly equal the tainfall 'was . dis tributed dnring the two years. In 1830 it amounted to 41 inches, and in 1SS1 it amoouted to 41 inches; a difference of kinchin the two years. The ieaat rain dan'Dg any one month was in May, 18S0, when there, was but finch. , la October, 1681, there was but i of an inch. The largest araouot reported is in August, 1681 . when 7 inches fell, The next largest was in July and Sep tember, 1831, when 6 inches fell etch month. -1 !,M, , I, M M , n I,,,!, mm T ii mi' ' "' t'- ' JL -iir"'J'" " " f Early m the cason. On this L7th day of January, the new grass is springing up in favorable locali ties in the Eastern section of tha city, and in the yards daffodils and jonquils are putting forth their new leaves and buds, and in one instance, at least, there is a jonquil in bloom. ' This is something very remarkable lor the time of vear : but if the present warm weather contin ues for h. Jew days longer, it will not be surprising it toe earner blossoms ere in !,, . . . 'bloom quite generally, especially in sun- nv-locliU. No man k'lows what a ministerm" ar.gel his wife is until he comes home one day, suffering with a dreadful Cold anjd she happens to havo a bottle of DrJ IJull's Cough Syrup iu the house More Water From a gentleman doin? buainetiS at Lisbon, Sampson county, on the head waters of Black river, we learn that there hi a not been a freshet in that Btream or its upper tributaries, the Six Runs, and other branches, since last April ofsaffi cent volume to enable the people to raft their timber, turpentine1 and other pro ducts of that section. This is a very un usual occurrence! and one which gives great inconvenience to many who, living remote from railroad facilities, are com polled to await the 'moving of the wa ters," iu order to reach out market. Jould plenty of water be had at all seasons of the year, thousands of tons of timber and naval stores would reach our city from that productive section of Sampson connty, while it is now only shipped ia small quantities by flat loads. Beautify yournomes by using the. N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at. Jacobi's. t I Death of Dr. C T. Murphy- It is with deep regret that we learn of the death of Dr, C. T. Murphy, one of the most prominent citizens of Sampson county. He died at his residence in Clinton, on Sunday night, the 16th inst., aged about 60 years, bis death having resulted from cancer of the! face, from which he had long been a sufferer. Dr. Murphy was one of the represen tative men of this section and had more than once represented his county in the Legislature. He was at onetime prom inently mentioned for the representation in Congress for : this district. He was a gentleman of excellent attainments, o? a large charity, and in every position of life he fulfilled his duties with a fidelity and conscientiousness, which in these latter days ia as rare as it is admirable. i Freshwater Perch,Jrout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort, ment and lowest prices at J aoobi's. t The New Horse Disease A few isolated cases of pinkeye, the new horse disease, are said to have ap peared in this city. This "disease as sumes its worse form only in damp and murky weather, so that for the benefit of horse owners, the continuance of a cool, dry spell is very desirable. Some of the primary symptoms) of the disease are those of fever, rigors, dullness, suc ceeded by a swelling of the eyelids dis charge of tears from the eyes, pain in the limbs and tumefaction, more particular ly around the! articulations. The pain in limbs is manifested by restlessBess, i shift ing of the feet and irritability; the sue. ceeding swellings are superficial, invol. ving the subcutaneous areolar tissue; and their occurrences give relief to the pain At first they are limited, but soon extend upward and downward, i embracing the greater extent of the limb or limbs affected. The pulse is hard in this di. eease and the impulse strong; the temper ature of the body is increased to 103 or 04 degrees, and when blood is j with drawn it coagulates firmly and manifests the presence of an increased quantity of filbrin. The color of tha conjunctiva; altered to a pink, hence the term pinkeye The Sfck. "c are sorry to learn that ther was no improvement manifested to-day in Jndge French's condition. 1 Capt D. 11. Marchison, who has been quite sick at his residence in this city for a week past, is, we are glad to learn, much better to day. 1 Swedish barque Eulalia, Bergstrom, cleared at this port to-day for Liverpool with GOO cask spirits and 3,780 bariels roam shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprnnt & Son. i i The receipti of cotton at this port to. Uy foot np 749 bales. ' last HUM'S Reception The large school room on Fifth, be tween Ann and Oracge streets, was brilliantly lighted last evening for the purpose of giving a public reception to the newly installed BishopNorthropnd give him an .introduction to the people, among whom be is; called to labor, and a large throng -was in attendance to. be come personally acquainted ..with him and to bid him welcome. Bishop North rop, accompanied &y Most Rev. Arct bishop Gibbons, Right Rev. Bishop Keane. Very Rev. M.S. Grosaud, other clergymen who had taken part in the it. spallation services, arrived at aboutS o'clock, aud after ell were aea ted, Col. B. R. pore, who had been selected by the congregation to deliver the address of wet come, aroso and addressed Bishop North rop and in a speech teeming with earn estness, beauty and eloquence bade him a heartfelt welcome to Wilmington. The speech was conceived in the happiest vein and was a fitting, appropriate and finish ed! effort, giving the Bishop a bird's eye view of the peoplo with whom he is to live and work. 1 1 was heartily and de1 servcdly applauded by the audience. Bishop Northrop responded in an ap. propriate and felicitous manner to the address,of welcome, and at the same time in a friendly, homelike charge to the.peo pie. He was listened fo with profound attention, and it was plainly manifest that he bad at once won the affections of the congregation. i Archbishop . Gibbons and Bishop Keane, being called upon respectively, made short, but welHimed and well-conceived addresses, after which the people flocked about their new Bishop and in formal greetings took place between them. After a pleasant and profitable interchange of sentiment the meeting closed, a acting nnate to an event loog to be remembered by the Catholics of North Carolina. The Grand Lodge of the order of Knights of Pythias for North Carolina will meet m Gold sboro on the 14th of February, next. Washington, (Ind.) Gazette. Artemus Ward and the -Michigan I Reglmeut.'! In a Louisville, Ky. hotel one day, Artemus Ward was introduced to a colo nel who had eommanded a Mississippi fcegiment in the war. Artemus in bis way "that was childlike and bland' said: "What Michigan Regiment did yon command, Colonel?'' Then it was that the "Colonel" spun like a top and swore like a sailor until pacified sufficiently to hear an explanation. Artemus with surprise observed, that he "was always getting things mixed about the war." It is always unforunate to get things mixed, but never mora so, than when one is sick. Then it is that the right thing in the right place is wanted more than at any other time in life, " or under any other circumstances. It is a pleasure for us to note in this connection, the experience of our esteemed fellow citi zen. Col. Samuel H. Taylor, who as is well known does not get things mixed. In a recent communication he writes: "I do hereby certify that I suffered very much from Rheumatism and Neuralgia during the Fall of 1879, and tried many remedies with little it any good results. I heard of St. Jacobs Oil, and concluded to try itj more as an experiment than with any hope of good results. lean with great pleasure commend it to oth ers, fer the reason that I know it cured me." Col. Tuylor, by the way, was at one time Postmaster at Cumberland, Maryland. .- Quarterly Meetings For (the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. , I l FIRST BOCSD. Brunswick, at Sharon, . Jan 14-15 Waccamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Jan - . . . I . . 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville. Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor, . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Jobhson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . i Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap-- el, . ' . . March 4 -5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . March 18-19 rgrThel District Stewards will meet ta W.lmiocton at the parso nage of the Front StreetCharch at 11 o'clock . m.. on Tuesday, the 3rd of Jaouary.1882. R,0. BcaVox, Presidio Elder. , K Card To all who are buffering from the er rors and indiscretion of youth, oervoas weakness, early decay, loss ot . manhood, &c, 1 will eeod a recipe that' will cure you, trks oV chaegk. Thia great rem edy was discovered by a missionary m South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to Rev. Joseth T. Ixuxx, Sta tion p, NtiD Tork City, deod wSta 3 To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Ax. You, can; gat all sizts4 asd at tha lowest prices. f 17! i882. ' NO 14 :" TUB MAILS, i The mall eloea and arriTa. at ! thA ftv Pout Office as follows ; , Northern through, mails .... . .6.1 6 p. m Northern through and way malls....... .... 6:40 a. m. Ralelgb .......m.- . j . . .6:40 a. n?. Offices between Hamlet and , Raleigh ......7.30 p. m. Mails for the N . .O. Railroad, r and routes isuppiied there from, Including A. &N. O. ' Railroad, at 5:40 . ro. and 6 30 p.m. Southern mall h- all point Sooth, daily. 8.fi0 .. m. and 7:46 a. m. Western mail C G VL'y ) daily (except Sunday );.;. . . . : . 7 :S0 p. ru- Mail tor Cheraw ,& , Daritog- t ton......... I 8:00 p. Bu Malla for pttcta between Flo tencpnnd Charlsaton. ......... 8:00pm FayetteTille, and. offices on Capo Fenr River, Tueadaya, and Fridays ... ....... 1:00 p. m Fayettevill, via Lomberton, -daily, except Snrdiy....... 7.80 p. tn. Onslow: O. U. And in termed! - ate offices, mry Tuesday and rciday at...,....... 6.00 a. m. Smltbvllle caalhi, by steam boat, daily, (except Sua dayB)....!,.,....,..... 8.20 a. na Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallot ta and Little . ; River, S. O., every Tues r: j day and Friday at.......... . 6:00 a.m. OFES FOB DXLXYZBY Rorthern through and way j Emails... 7:80 a. m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Mails.7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:80 a. m. Stamp OfSoe open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:15 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as itama offiee. General delivery open from daylight to dark, and on Sundays from 8:80 w viqv a. m Malls collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 d. ra. Stamps for sale in small quantities at I v f geaarai oenvery wtn eiavop omoe ib elosed. j '; p Hew Advertieementa. COSMOPOLITAn BAR AND RES 1 TAURANT. JOHN CARROLL. Prop. South aide Market 8treet, Wilmington, N.C. THE BAR is supplied with the beat Whiskies, Wines, Beer, Champagnes, &c. Clears of the finest grades always on haad. At the Restaurant can be found the finest Oysters brought to this market, which are served in any style desired. Families supplied. j Jan 17 Dress Goods AND ' Trimmings ! YU CAN D ALMOST ANYTHING la this department (embracing as It does, all NEW AND DESIRABLE STILES. One of the finest assortments of 2&AOXX OOOD0. Qolte a rarity of textures aad styles. ALL WOOL (blk) DIAGONAL, (40 In.) A beautiful cloth for suits; it Is too cheap to quote the price, , you must see It, you will like it. CTJRTAIN8 are selling freely, fer wt have just put THE PRICES DOWN iu reach of all. ... - . ' CARPETS AND MATTIIIQS. A good assortment. OIL CLOTHS, MATS. RUGS, Ac. P?. R2. aiclntire. Ja- 17 i . . S. P. 8H0TTER G CO., EXPORTERS OF Kice and Navnl Stores, Baltimore Wharf Water St, WnmlBglon' , N.O., Kelly Bnlldlnx, Bay 8t., Savnnah: 1 Ga. Jto 18-1 w Sparkling: Humor HD CURIOUS UfFOBIIATlO-li o f 1 K- -I haal aa for iae inquiry at the live Bock Hor. Attomtioa is invited to the superb st-eT o BOOKS ia every departaeat of Liuratora prtstatiQg the most catertaioiag toIsmm cf Llterarf character that have bsea etfuaJ te the rtadUg pu'tlto of the praaeot fraara- ttoa. - - - Blhlaa. Pravar Books ao4 al ot'arielijrl oai werks la ail ttylas of Uadisi jror sate at Jan IS . live Book aad -ioura sion PAiQTinQ nmnutiQt &c rjlHE U2ITJECSIGNED WOULD ra. fpectmJy say that tzntQ farther settee be may bt Crc&d at his reildance, eorcsr Third and Ifsrkst streets, prepared to eze cote all exdszs la the above named branch, es. Beosi "Sets, Tin TTart, 4 seatrj rtpablsd and TShtd. . ' CJan 4AT Q.1L ET75U. bvr frlea is oa aa r -anJ all MiT gt-uraltatarct lot . , Tas -use e wxttsr ta tti'alvsya'tM f Biihadte the Wiaor. ..4 ttoaa nasi bevrtma 6 mtr FataoaaHaas saast bm avotdad ' Aad tt Is aapaelilly.ftAd psxtieslszty cadar stood Cut ths Edit does not always odors lhe vtowolorrtada'ii;uXess sastat ia ta editorial aotuBas ' f -' - v- ' ' Not? ; AdvcrtteenioutD. HOUSE, For One Kibiily; I The famous New York Iran 5TH A VEflilE COMPAli Vj ; supporting, the dUtmguisheaSUr In the most popular p.'ay,bf this centOr The Two Orphaho. Eatliu, jjreowa bi"' CrtWaia I Houses - . . j Cast th trie futl Streugta of the Best Cc-1 IT . ... J UiCllCk ua! Price. . Re trv i . - . on the 18th. t . r;.- .Ian lfl-4t Office Tax Collector. : City of Wflminiton, ' January 12th, 18J Notice. ; , QN OR ABOUT THE 21st of jthls aoirth 1 propose to advertise, accordhxg to'lsw, ALL property for gale upon whkh the CiV Tax for 1881 rematna unpaid.' To avoid ad vertisement and costs all parties ia ; arreara must pay up before that date. -; HENRY 8AVAGI, Tax Collector.! Janl5-3t ; iV. 40,000 ATH8 YOZ 8 LIS LOW TO OLOSaT Oonslgtment. ' w' M . - ' j -r ' LUMBER. SASH. DOORS, BUttO 'Anderery detcrlpUoa of BuiidinfiMaterial. 4 Exnofn goods and pi leva ALTAFflB, pRfCE A CO., 4 Mil', Yards aad Offica foot WaJnat t I jsn II . i MEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. ttL - . , , ' v.: .i :i - -' . selii-weeiily!lihe: , I , ." iv v"4 ..' .--' B TBAMEBS: WILL? BAIL FROM-NEW " I0RK iTeiv WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. . atJlV clock! P. ,,; ,v.;;,;- f.$ '. BENEFA(T0RM8aturday Jsaiary U BIGULATORWeiteaday, Janaary i ii GULF 8TREAU:.wSatarday; Jmvi St C Through Bills Laxli aad LovHt Thrsngh Bates gatrtateed toj aasf ;ifrom Poiats fa North and Pouth CarllaiiiC for Fralght IigeaBentt aptii .:Sj. TTJOfl, C. BOND, ttujt,. p ,. -. - mial&ictaa, f-0 rwi. a: pupo 'Til th Droad a;; fftw' Tqxtt .t 'it r ) J .'S WU. P. CLYDE A CO . e ija1 ' fas lJ-tf - 'rt 1 . J ,-v. v. llrr.. V I- All Rieht ! C HR7STHAS IS 07J?R s AND EYEHf TBIJIG "la'qVlKtJi 1 am now ready f r rtyo ar baifg9 t .-a ,1 CW..VATEG; iff Jsat PkwU' aod utUa' r TY yjXTUt of a powr contained la T JL cartain deed of mortrage. xasda VJ- Jamee Wallace to P. fT.4 anKampeu, dated . the 8d day of Jseuarv, 1Sl, : and dolyrcg " Istered In the Cutra House la. WUxsfasr ton,1 N. C", hr whkh de4 was eovrvyed tb- i Steamer fJlnton of the to&naae of 43 S3-10J . tons, the .uod rtlsmed aaatcoee of salt raerUr'e; . win eipoe aJd Steamer to s lm at public auetioti, at the foot of VrLut" 1 street, lo the dty of WQalcgtou, If. G., s & the hour.of 13 11., oa ths 21st Jsnurv,l&3. Terras rash. CHARLES VTZZZZLL . Jaail-t4 . ' . 'I.I

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