-. . .. ,; , 1 , ! I PUUBII BTOTXQaH T7e wClJb-gU to tl JaasnUagrst Creas otr f4JU o y 4 all sa&wia CaaaraJInterasi fczl !S ftasaai r wtttar mut alwayt b ta alaUd to t!i lUItcr, crM7 'imrwotf Baacayi ..aoJtoa o rrTI)XS. POSTAGE P, PAID. sV7k a 81s moatas, $3 W ; Three P "":. , i. ona month, W) cent. i rani'" .v cn., Ooaaa umoom a sxt ba.Ivrltwa oa aiy cuotidmotthmpmvf- .... F t-iitt aas b avoidaJ . -rill bettalivexed byearriera, law P thecitT.atth. fr" ... nrltceataperweea. " " 1 ----- 1 - " t - - - "" ' - k '- - !. ' t ' ' . f . .... . . " s . i" - -" : - -JLJa, i ' ! II . LU -I . . - f :.'!,';: it la MpaTjy aad particularly taie ttoodtaath,Wlamdoaaas always aadort the ritol aorrwcMNidaaai .aaUas so ttat ( a tae editorial eolgmea,1! ' I-.-. r ' . a1 77 - Iav and libera VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY JANUARY 18, 1882 NO 15 ilSITeribers wiU plaaa report aay and recede their papers regularly. r - i . - - - 5ew Advertisements lEBiisEtfl RHEBHATISI, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the C host, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, S well' . inqs and Scrams, Burns ana -Scalds, 'General Bodily Pains, t - -Tooih, Ear and Headache, FrosfeY Feet. and Bars, and all other Pains and Aches. v-. rrrarion n arfb equals 'St. Jacom On. m W.w "'"P wt'P External Jmir A trial entail bat the comparatively iriBfnc'itl.Tof 0 Out, and t-rcry BflTOffer jn with ria haTS rhP and V TTX SOLD BY ILL D&TJGGISTS AND BEALEKS 4 IN MEDICIEE. ' A.VOGHLER & CO., n. Joe Person's Statement In Kf. gird to cuneer. I recei nnmerous levers asking :f my remedy will cure Caner. I cau ODly cite tbe following case, wbiclf Is the only one I bare ar e r cured, tbe only one Upon which 1 hmhad an cppoituuity oi testing it In it iacipient fciage. When we were married, ln.i867, my htisbnd b?d a ecuall wart iookin place on iita left t&eekvbooe, which to told me then bethought would 6ventu ally terminate iu cancer. We paid no at tauion to It, though e could see with ad. vancirg yeaia tbtt it was gradually in. creasing in slz, Tben it ccrxnienced to Jann a scab, emneibing fcimllar to a piece of dry bra' , which would shed f very few daye, another " fog., and so it continued until Afarch, 1872,.when it broLe out into a rejular running, eatirgsore, which con tinued to spread with the most tlai mino rapidity throughout that spring aud sum trier. Tbe tore had eaten iu considerably, was aboul tbe ize of a silver quarter, had tb appearance of b ney.com b with the cells dhtinctly marked, bed cons'deiably bad aimanii g, irritatiDg sensation as it needles were pricking the surface, itb occasional sharp dartlag pairs, - which ex. tetdtd to theeje and weakened it. Kvery budy woo saw ii considered it a case cf well de?e4ord Cancer, the phyiciaisa Adfiied him to bars it cat out, whereas I Adtjtrfl treatment at a cancer iuilrmary At la-t one of tt e physicians t-uggestedthat I try my Kemedy, and said he believed it would core 1L The thought of. udug it iad peter occurred to xne. as 1 theu oily tMsW it to be good for Scrofula. I com menced Ua use on tbe soreitbe 1st day cf October and disco tinned it the 7ih No vember. S it Was PEBTECTLY CUBSD, Jt bad tben been a runnlug soi for s x montki. It, broke out again for fotrr con tccutirt years, in tbe spring QH'h thee more severely, and requiring much longer to cure. It broke out last in, U 76. -when it rjquited four month tr eat mei.t tot fleet a enre, siccii wbich time it has been aud it low perfectly well. 1 hive tried It in many adranetd cases casffl byor.d th possibility or tope oi chip, always wiih tvuxflt aoroellajts by delaying is pre Srsar, sometimes by ghiug perfect iree ikra irom all pain. I am, teiy Uult , ' 'ot11, 18S1. Franklint. n, N. U. The Remedy is for sale in WIlmlntcn, by Dr. WAf. II. GKE'EN'. Send for'Clr j" jin 18 Dress Goods AND immin&& ! YU CANJITD ALM08T ANYTHING 'a thUdepaxtmeat,embjairgaa it does, all TtW AND DESIRABLE STYLES. ? One of tbe flaeat assortmenta of ' nZilOZI GOOD. Quite a rarity of texturea and style. ALL WOOL (Mk) DIAGONAL, (40in.) A beautiful cloth for suits; it i too cheap to quote the price, you must see ! you tlUikeiu CURTAINS are selling ffeciy. fer we have last put THE PKICE8 DOWN in reach faU. 4JARPETS AliD MATTIHQS. A px4 aaaoi troent. : OILCLOTHS, MATS, RUGS, 4a. R. M. r.fclntire.' aa It LOCAL NEWS. New Adtebtisemextb. i . OlattoJi vu.zit Ki ights of Honor U eissbeiwjIu. Popular fiaeet Muic! Mbs. Joe Pexrwix Stateisent la Ergrd to Cancer . ' j ! CO Cboweix Fan ! NoW'ty : II A Bago, Cfcm'c To all whom it may J coueem ' CWYatbs AURisht Tbe receipta ol coitoo at t day foot up G33 bales. kg port !c Barque Erinna, Smith, from Bremen, forjtbis port, passed: I j?zafd !cc;:3Ut. .... ; , f , Schooner Kta S. Leonard, ?icOomt ber, heoce, arrived rat Baltimore Tan 16tb - 1 , Schooner i. E. Daxi, CompbelIf cleared at Ualtimote Jan. I6tb, for this - . ' port. . j . Norwegian barque Carl Imenass, Olsen, sailed for this port. from Liverpool Jan. 16th, Schooner Thdmas JR. Pilhbury, Pitcher, from Boston, for this port,! ar rived at Vineyard Haven Jan. 15 tb. A called meeiicfr of Carolina Lodge, No. 34,K. of H.jforthe conferripg of degrees, will be held at the Lodge Room to-morrow evening; , ' AshWedne8day comes early this year, it ocenrs on tne ztna or ireDrnary, just five weeks from to day.- i Good Fri day fails on April 7th and Raster, Sun day on April 9th. By notice published elsewhere, it will be seen that all -those whose property was sold fcr taxes in 1881 may, j in cases where the conntj became the purchaser, . .1 a 1 1 a n i i redeem" the same without the payment ol the 25 per cent, penalty! provided the redemption is made on or before the! first Monday in February. A rifle gallery is among the latest in Wilmington. It is located on Jriseess street, near the corner of Second, and is under the management of Mr; C. Q. Crowell, of Philadelphia, who is travel ling South and who will remain here but a hort time. Already there have been a goodly number of parties practising, and some very fine shots have been made. .St. Jacob's Almanac is the title of a yer pretty little publication, recently issued by Messrs. A. Yogeler & Co., the proprietors otSt. Jacob's Oil; at Baltic more, Md. It is a decidedly handsome publication, and eontainsmach to inter est and amuse as well as to instruct, the public The illustrations are very fine and the entire publication is attractive. Judzo French's Condition We regret to learn that Judge Freneh lies in a very critical condition, bo much so that bis friends have but little hopes of a favorable termination to hisjjj afflic tion. At last accounts ho Seemed to be entirely unconscions, and his dissolution may be looked for at almost any momant Is! Fifty-eight million dollars ! is the esti mated value of finger rings i of thb coun try actually worn, and still there are people mean enough tp go hacking and coughing because they do not want to invest 25 cents for a bottle of Dri Bull's Cough Syrup. Sheriffs Stttierornt i i -j Sheriff Manning yesterday settled with the Commissioners for the taxes for 1881, making the following exhibit, vizi , School Fund General Fund Special Fund Total . 35.261.711 7,05433 535913 70 Ministers, physicians and other pro fessional people useancl indorse Ham burg Drops. Knights of Pythias. , The following officers of Stonewalj Lodge No. I, K. of P.) were j installed Monday evening by D. 0. G. C , R. S. Rartpfiffe: I R. P. 'CI. John J. Fowler. C. C J. H. Davis. V. C T. D. MearW. p. r W. KingJ . i M. of E. W. S. Warrock M. of F.-s-W. L. Jewett. M. of A. Arthur Prcmpert. K. of R.and S.W. J. Gordon. I. G. W. W. nodes. O. G.W.K. Belli I ' . 1'be Ldies who sometime since were unable to go out, having! taken Lydia E. Pinkbam'a YegeUble Compound, are quite recovered, and haTe gone on their way forcing. Internal Ri-renne Notes The' fourth United States Internal Revenue Collection District, of which Colonel I. J. Young ia collector is com posed of tbe following counties: Chatham Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Kashi Durham,' Henderson, Orange, Wake,1 Warren, Anson, (Bladen, Brunswick. Columbus, Cumberland, Harnett, Mont gomery, Moore,: New Hanover, Rich, mocd, Robeson, Sampson and Stanly. The Stato was divided into seven collec tion titstricta .February 27, I860. Tbo first district was abolished and consolidat ed with Jtlie second , on January 1, 1875 The third district was abolished and co-4 aolidatedj with the fourth February - V, 1876. The seventh district was abolish ed and consolidated with the sixth Jan uary 1, 1877. ' I Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort, ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f County Education. j At an adjourned meeting of the Board i of Education for the county, held N last : evening, the following apportionment of the School Fund was made: r School District No. 1 White chil dren 1,069, amount 2,018; colored children 1,606 'amount S3,2I6. Total -white and colored, 2,615, amount $5, 236: ! : School District Ntr. 2White child- Ten 343, amount $1,886; colored child ren, 1,510,1 amount $2020. Totalwhite and colored, 2.4C3 amount $4,906. School District No., 3i-White chUd ren 84, amount $168; colored children 92, amount $184. TotalWhite and colored, 176 ; amount $352. f School District No. 4 White children 144, amount $288; colored children 98i amount $196. Total White and col ored, 242; amount $484. School District No.5. White chil- dren 185, amount $370; colored children 305, amount $610. Total White colored, 490; amount $980. anJ School District No. 6r-White chil dren 37, amount $74; colored - children 445, amount $890. Total White and colored, 482 ; amount $964. Grand Total White and colored chil dren6,459 ; amoniff $12,916. Salcide and Djipepsla. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia ""Wells' Health Renewer." The great est tonic, best bilious and Liver Remedy known. $L Draggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. ; Board uf Auciii anil Finance At a regular meeting of the Board of Audit and Finance the sum of $800 was appropriated for the building of a bell tower on the lot occupied by tbe Howard Relief Fire Engine Company No. 1, on Fourth, between , Market and Dock streets, the removal of the old bell there to, from its present position in the tower of the new market house, and the attach ing of an electric fire alarm to the same The pay of the police force was con tin' ued at the increased rates until April 1st, 1882, the beginning of anotherfiscal Jear An application from the Howard Re lief Fire Engine Company No. 1, for a new set of harness for their horses; was granted. r J. D. O'Suliivan and W. H. James submitted a bid to furnish material and repair the smallpox hospital at Mount Tirzah, below the cijy, for the sum of $55, the same to be done satisfactorily to the Board of Health, which was ap The Electro-Mechanical Tower Bell Striker, as the instrument is called which is to be attached to' the alarm-bell, 13 said to be a very useful invention ; is made in sizes to euit bells weighing from five hundred to five- thousand poundsi and is in use at over one hundred stations in the United States service for striking frg bells on the Atlantic, Pacific aad Gulf coasts. i A $20 00 Bible Prize , The publishers of Rutlcdge's Monthly in the prizs puzzle department of their Monthly for February ofiVr the following easy way forsoinejone to make $20.00: . To tbo person telling us which is tbe shortest verse in the Old Testament Scriptures by February 10th, 1882, we will give $20.00 in gold as a prize, j The money will be forwarded to the winner February 15th, 1882. Thosa who try for the prize must seed 20 cts. in siiver( so postage tt .imps taken) with their: answer, for which they will receive tbe March number of the Monthly, in which will be published . the name and address of the winner of the prize, with tbe correct answer thereto. Cut this out; it may be worth $20 eo to you- Addrees, Rctlzdgz PrtLBSEtG CexrxxT, Easton, Pa. : - City Court- Castle Lawrence, a colored boy, charg ed with the stealing of copper from Mr. A. H. VanBokkelen'a distillery, was bound over to the Criminal Court in the am of$50. ' Two cases for disorderly conduct, re sulting f)om a too free use of bug joice, were disposed of, one party being dis charged j with an admonition andthe other, an old oflenderj being scntlbelow for five days," and. thenr the 6urt ad journed: . A Hevr Mota 'n Louisiana. Ihe success which has for ee veto 1 years-8itende the close personal atten tion paid in ; the sole superintendence of the drawing of The Louisiana State Lot tery semi-annual Grand distributions has culminated in General G.TV Beauregard, of La., and Jubal A. Early, of Vs., hav ing perfected arrangements by which in the future thoy will act in a similar ca pacity for the monthly 'drawings, which take place always on the second Tuesday of each month- The full particulars can be had by. writing to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. !! - BUhop Keane's lecture. As was announced, j Bishop Keane delivered ; a lecture at St. Thomas Catholic Church last evening, taking for subject 4The Bible, the New Revision and the Catholic Church.' There was a large throng in attendance, who were anxious to hear tbe Bishop upon these subjects, which he had r been requested to discuss. His lecture ! - occupied about an hour and a half, in ! its delivery, and was listened to with profound attention and interest by all present. The Sew Hotel. Mr. M. Schloss, the lesseo of the Commercial flqtel building.is in the city to day, making arrangements in regard to the opening of the house which he hopes will takes place on or about Feb ruary 1st. Mr. Schloss was recently proprietor of the Charlotte Hotel, in Charlotte, and is said by those who have stopped with him to have kept an excel lent house. He proposes to open with new ( furniture and on entire renovation of the! premises. He has not yet divul ged the name he proposes to bestow upon the new house. Knights or Honor The following officers of Carolina Lodge, No. 434, K. of H Monday night by D. G. D., Jno. D. Taj lor: I j D Clayton Giles. f Y D-Josh G Wright A D C W McClammy. Chaplain Rev J W Craig. Financial Reporter Jno L Dudley. Reporter Geo N Harriss. ' ' Treasurer Wm A Willson. Guide Walter Small bones. j Guardian Jas P Williams. Sentinel Jas M McGowan. Quarterly Meetings j v For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Ohurch, South.. j FIRST BOUND. Brunswick, at Sharon, . Jan 14-15 Waccamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Jan . . . . -. 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville. Jau 28-29 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor. . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap- : el, . . . March 4 -5 DnpliL, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, March 18-19 CS"The District Stewards will meet ta Wilmington at the parso nage of the Front StreetChurck at 11 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, the 3rd of January.1882. i R.O.iBcbtox, Presiding Elder. A Card. . 1 o all who are sunenng irom the er rors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loes of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, free or cha roe. This great rem edy was discovered by a missionary! in South America. Send a f-elf-addressed envelope to Rev, Joseph T. Ismajc, Sta tion J, Xcw York City, deod w6m To Builders and othersGo to Jago bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, can , get all sizes' and at the lowest trices COSMOPOLITAN BAR AUD RES' TAURANT. JOHN CAHKOLL, Frop. SouthldeMarketstrcer, "VttainsrtoB. N.C THE BAR t fnpplted wttti the bast Wbikkie, U !, fkvr, Cnampagaet &c j 1 tgn of tbe fiuett tcrades alwya on hand. At the Kestaurast can be found the finest Oysters brought to this market, which are served in any style desired, JaxailSea 7 r mpplled. jsa 17 The maila eloao and arnvo at the City Pout Office as follows i Northern. thrt nga malls 6.1 ft p. Northers throngk and way m vuiii ..... M 0:40 a. w, rati" "1 . naieign.. u.. ;.6;40 a.ir. Odices between1 Hamltt and Kaltigb M .7.30 p Maila for ihe N. C- lUilr .t, : and route eupplU! 't"?K-fe- m. frotn, inoliidiGR A. & O. - ' Railroad, t 5:40 . in. and 6 30 p.m. Southern o'uS fur "all, points . South. tieti.8 (rt) p. Daad 7:45 a. "m. Wwtgru maiii J C It'y) rfily (ixcept Sonday) .. J... . L . 7 :80 p. tu. Mail for Cberaw A: Darliosf ' 8 00 pi m. .. 8 00 p ro L"00 p. re. Mails foT.Ksnta bctwea Flo- , fence and Gbarleaton FayeUeviile, 'and orSt on Cape Fear Biver, Tuesday , and Fridays.........,.......' Fayettevillo via Lumbcrton, cally. except Sundav 7.80 p. m. Onslow O, H. and interne b- ate omces, every loeeoay and r riday at...wL..... 6.00 SmitbvtlW maibf, by steam boat, daily, except Sun- a. m. daye)..............,.... Malls for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotto and Little Biver, 8. every Tues day and Friday at........l . J 8.80 a. tb 6:0Q a. to. OPEN TOB DSLTTEBT jj Northern through and way malls. .M7:80 a. m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Maila. 7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:80 a m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:15 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. . 1 General delivery open from daylight to dark, and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:80 a. m. ! Mills collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m, " Stamps for aale In small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is cloBod Hew Advertisoments. Knights of Honor. Q VLLED MEETING CAROLINA Lodge. b. 434, K. of H., for the purpose ot Con- i ' ' . - - ' ferrlng Degrees, to-morrow evening 19th lost. CLAYTON GILES, D. GeoN. Habxiss, Rep. j ' jan lS-lt ;i Pun ! Hovelty ! Rifle Prnctice 8 hooting Gallery, - On Frincea 8t., next to the Corner of 8ec ood, Wilmintttoo, N. C, . C. O. CROWELL, jan 18-3teod Of PhiladeUhla, Fa. Omci or Couxtt CoMinsroNER3, Nxw Hahovkb Coctntt, January lfcth, 18b2. ) TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERri i ALL PARTIES WHOSE PROPERTY waa sold for taxes for the year 1881, In i I - -. - which the County became the purchaser, may redeem the same without the pajmeot ' - ., ! - . I of the penalty of 25 per cent, if said re demption is done on or before the first Mon day in February next H. A. BAG'S, Jan 18-1 1 Star copy . Chairman.- Popular Sheet Music. TT7HBT THE LEAVKB BEGIN to Tarn. TV rradle'f Kmptj. Baby's Gone. Blue Alsatian af a stain. Boccado starch. Traaieriptina f'Om theSoos;, A Yloltt from Mother's Grave. lorsalskt BsUNBBE&GZE'd. Rosin j Weight Books. RULED ESPECIALLY for, this tnariet, ai alwajibahal at I HKI53BEBGBti'S. jan IS Live Book and Kuaic Store 8. P. CHOTTER G'CC.j EXPORTERS OF t . Kice arid Naval Stores, Baltimore Wharf, Water St., Wilmiogton N. Ga. N. U., KeHy Building.. Bay St., Sar.r.nah Health is Wealth! DB B O'vTESTTS Knvi io bain TaaarsnnT. a specific for ti)tri, mi sincss, Coavaicosa. Hnrcn Beadaeba, stcatal Dcprccsios, Loaf of Hftmory. Iro taacy. ramatara Old As;, eassad by over axcrtioa, sassmbc, . cr ovcr-iadnjger.ee, which leads to misery, data axd daata. Oa box will car raocat caaes. Kaeh box e lataiaa on tmoata's trctmat. Oac daUar a box, or six boxac for fire dollars : seat by mat! prcpali as receipt of prie. Wa faar. aatca six box to srarc any ease, Itheteb orfr reeatved by as for sic brxas, U ccad tacparehaasr oarvnttan agraemart to rvtara tMsaoxvcr If tha traatsMst dcea noi aSaet a cur. (JaarsatM lacacd by Wjj U GttKFV, Dragckt, (saaeeawr to Greta 1 riaaaar) T7Cmifkm, B O. Orlcrs by mail wu receive prrrea i asanoa XT .... OPERA HOUGH. ( . For One Night Only I FRIDAY, JaunarT CD. I The famous New York 5T(f AVENUE COMPAUV, , suppoitiug the dUtiuguUhed Star, -' PAULINE MARiaUW, In the most popular play of ibi cearnry, T h e-TwOirph a no. Entbaii tjr.Ur Jirx by Crowded I . Houses. Cast to the full atreogtn. of the Best Cera rr , PJ ia America. Uaual Price. Reserved 8eate on sale at jau lMt Office Tax Collector, bit?' of Wflmiiurtoi IJ. a ( January 12th, 1883. Notice fy OR ABOUT THE 21st of this month propose to advertise, according 'to law, ALL property for sale upon which the City Tax for 1881 remains unpaid. To avohl ad vertisement and costs all parties in arrears must pay up before that date.' - HEKRY 8 AT" A OK Janl5-3t Tax CoUactw. : 40,000 JATHS FOB 84.LH LOW Ta CLOSD OonsIjrDmenN ' LUMBER SASH. DOORS, OLINOs) And every descri tloa of Buildiner Material. Fxjimins goods and prices. ALTAtriB, PAICB GO, t HilV Y, ttdPffi foot'iralaatst . t Jan 16 .j NEW YORK i WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. SEMI-WEEKLY!LIHEI 8TEAMERS.:, . WILLS SAIL FROM NEW YORK. Irerv WEDNESDAY ana 8ATUROir at 8 o'etoek P. IL BXNEFAOTOBMM.8aturday, Jaanarr 14 EEGDLATOB JWeiBesday, Jaaaarj 18 GULF BTBEAUBatarday, Jisvary tl i ta. Through Bills Ladlag aad Lowcft ' M '-! Throagh . Batsc gasrantacd '.to aaa .fresa Poicts ia Worth aad Bontb Carolma, For FreJfbt FogagfBiaBts apply t Taos, is. boh d tB?t, I ; ! ffdmbpgicm, Ifj 0 : THEO. G. XGEB, FrcLtbt A rent, 1 r IS BrcUn . BTw Tcrx. ttU.V. OLTDH M CO, I t Jaa ll-tf , All Rieht ! QH R!B1 It A3 IB OXiVL AVD ETEUrTfllMO 18 QUIITJ I im tnw radj f r regalar br sines. C. W. YATES, jaa 9 Pa1cm1I an I ataUaNr Bale cf Steamboat. TT VIBTTJ of a' poorer contained la a. Q certain deed cf mmfage made by Jamea Wallace to P. II. Vanllaxo pen , d sied the 8d day of Jacoanr, and dulyreg istered ia the Cutnet th)m ta Wllmiuc ton, V.C.tit wbich deed was cenrryed the Steamer f Unm of tb tonnajre of 43 SS-lCft tone, the cc5erjTweJ aMirnee of aaitf. mortc'ce, will poe Mid 8taaar to ca at public action, at the foot of Walntt strrtf. la the city of Wibxlngton, N. C, s the hour of 13 I.,eQ the 21st Jaauary,lC2 Tarmseaah.. CTTARLn WX"?J& j 1 1 s 'A I. . ..." ! n r r r. 'I s I - -. - i 4

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