THIS PAEB JOHU. TV J AM B8, KOTTOR AKD PBOPRIKTOB. 80B8CRItTJONH,FOSTAJK PAID. JBe yetr,5 00 Blajmontka, $16 ; Three Bostbs, tl 5 ; B month, 50 ceat. Ihe pFr wiU ba dHrd J rier, Te cf ehr re, in an J Pr of the eity, at the ot, rtei, or 13 cents per week. Adrertiaintr rw. low and libr 8abcriberB will pleareport eay and tl failure i receive their paportrcgnlarly. j?ew A d vertisements. THE GREAT FOR RHEUMATISM, tiaunalaia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell- ay and Sorans, a urns ana Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So PreiTticm on earth aquala St. Jacobs Oil. M iafe, sure, simple and cheap External K'roxiT. A trial entail but the compared re 7 triflinr outJr of 50 Cents, and rery one.iulftr Inj with riu can bare ebeap and poiitive proof c! it rUimi. Direction in Elcn Lauguaget. S0LDBYALLDEDGOI8TS AND DEALERS IH MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Id.tZT. 8. Mrs. Joe Person's Statement In Re gard to Cancer. I receive numerous letters askine'lf my remedy will cure Cancer. I can only cite tbe Allowing case, which is the only one I have ever cured, the only one upon which I have had an cppoitunityoi testing it in its incipient etage. Whenwe were married, in 1857, my husband had a small wart iookiDg place on his left cbeek bone,wbicb he told me then he thought would eventu ally terminate in cancer. We paid no at taction to it, though mo could see with ad vanclng yeais tbtt it was gradually in creasing In size. Then it commenced to form a scab, something similar to a piece of dry bran, which would shed 'every few days, another form, and so it continued until March, 1872, when it bnke out into a regular running, eating sore, which con- j tinned to spread with the most alaiming rapidity throughout that spring and sum mer. The sore had eaten in considerably, was about the size of a silver quarter, had the appearance of honeycomb, with the cells distinctly marked, b ed considerably, had a emarting, irritating sensation as if needles were pricking the surface, with occasional sharp darting pains, which ex. tended to the eye and weakened it. Every J body who saw it considered it a case of well wveloped cancer. Ihe physicians advised him to have it cut cut, whereas I advisad treatment at a ancer infirmary. At last one of the physicians suggested that I try my Remedy, and said he believed it would cure it. The thought ot uing it bad sever occurred to me, as I then only Ebew it to be good for Scrofula. I com menced its use ou the sore the lsf day of October and discontinued it the 7ih No vember, as it Was PEBJTECTIiY CUBED. It had then been a running sore for six months. It broke out again for four con eecutive years, in the spring eaoh time more severely, and requiring much longer to cure. I broke out last in lb79, when it ttquhed four months' treatment to effect a cure, since which time it has been and now perfectly well. I have tried it in nuny advanced cases cases beyond tin possibility or hope ot cuie, alwajs -villi benefit sometimes by, delaying it a pib greis, sometimes by giving pertect free dom from all pain. I am, very trulv, , MRS JOE PHRSONy Nov 11, 1831. Franklinton, N. C. The Remedy is for Bale in WilminKtcn. by Dr. WEH. GREEN. - Send, for CirJ culir. V jan 18 Dress Goods AND Trimmings I OU CAN FIND ALMOST ANYTHING I 10 this department, embracing does, all AND DESIRABLE STYLES. One of the finest assortments of SLAOXZ GOODS. Quite a rarity of terlurea and style?. ILL WOOL (blk) DIAGONAL, (40in.) A beautiful cloth for suits; It too cheap 10 lote the price, you must see it, you 1 Hke it. ' ' CURTAINS arc celling fceely. j for we bare juet put TOE PRICES DOW in reach fall. : . CARPETS AKD MATTINGS. A gK J a60itment. OIL CLOTHf,' MATS. RUGS, Ac IV3. (Viclntire. VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements CWYA.TFH--All Right , Heinsbehi EK.Tust Received ' Sam'i, NonTUkor, Agent Travlleis i Insurance Company , - , . .. i -. . . The rage for lace grows and shows no signs of ceasing.' j ! ! I . . j-r Uniteau needs a pair of suspenders. 1 (- J Quicksilver-r-tbat which passes through a newspaper office, , ' . The receipts ot cotton at this .port to day foot lup 4G4 baieW , - .. (jargling lager eer is Tecornmendetl tor the curcoi sore throat. - .' It i3 not to be denied that pljish skirts make hacdsome bal morals. . Brig Aton, Johnson, hence, ; arrived at Point-a-Pctre, Dec. 21st. V , 1 Barque (, lacier, Small, hence," arrived at St. Pierre, Al art., Dec 21st. '- : f I Dan. barque Elene, Dahl, sailed from Masslois, Jan, 1st, for this port. "Go ahead and be 3are you write," is what the boss editor said to one ef the subs. It a man gives up smoking, eating and drinking, gout will not trouble him long. I Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fall assort' fish Hooks and Lines. A ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f We are much indebted to experience and it is truly said we learn most from our mistakes. j ! , "Steamship Kequlator, Doane, cleared at New York,' Jan. 1st, for this port and sailed the same day. j J Mr. Cobb recently married Miss Webb; he knew they were intended other as . soon as he spider. V for each "She ' masher. never told her love," The fool didn't know $ays a lit was her day to tackle the onion; orchard. Hon. Geo Davis and Mai. Chas. M. Stedraan were registered at the Yarboro Honse, in Raleigh, on Wednesday. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi'sJ f It is said that money does not bring hiw happiness this is an experiment, ever, which every one wishes to try for himself. Of the twenty days of this first month of the New Year,' which "hate gone dow,n into the past," only three or four have had any sunshine in them. j Men who wear hats in doors and out, become bald after a time. You never see any bald-headed ladies, becaase they wear their hats on the back f the i head. He said he had sworn off and wouldn't tafce another drop until next Christmas, but it appeared that the him something, all the taking a lean on it. amp post owed same. He was An exchange believes that "cranks. are to be found among the animal crea tion as well as in the; human family. The editor doubtless has! had some expe rience with the business end of a mule. "Roosh on Rats." The thins desired found at last. Ask druggist for Rough on Rats. It clears bedbugs. out rats, mice, roaches, flies, 15c. boxes. Fast Tim. - I ! One day last week the fast mail train coming Sofeh, on the jW. fc.W Rail road.made the entire distance, 162 miles, between Weldon and WiImington,includ. ing four stoppages, in three hours and fifty eight minutes. Mr. John Hessenger was the engineer. ! The ladies who sometime! since were unable to go oat, having taken Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, are quite recovered, and have gone on their ' 1 way rejoicing. To Travellers - - We beg for attention to be advertise ment of tbe Travellers' Insurance Com. panj. of Hartford, Conn., as it appears in thi3 issue. The figures published speak for themselves. Those who travel can obtain policies on their lives for a day, a month or a year. iThe outlay is small and tbe insurance: is first class. Mr. Samuel Northrop is the Agent here and ha will-take pleasure in furnishing full information on all point. . WILMINGTON, N.C FRIDAY JANUARY City Court A white mn, brought before His Honor this morning, charged with being drnk.and disorderly, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $5 or take 10 days in the city prison. He paid the fine and was discharged. There being no other business for consideration the court adjourned. ! j "urine DUaatrr. The brigantine Mary E. Dana, Ben son, ot port fcr Salem, Mass.,' from a Georgia New York, loaded with lumber, sprung aleak on the night j of the 1 Cth srridsSnow ater-logged, . about three miles south-southeast from Ports mouth, N. C. The Revenue Cutter Col fax, Capt. Gabriel3on, has gone to her afsisstance. Magistrate's Court Thomas Murphy, who was an attache of Coup's Circus, when it was here, was brought before Justice Millis, this morn ing, charged with cutting a watch guard and taking a watch from the person of Mr. J. R. Cromartie. The defendant was found "guilty, and was ordered to give bond in the sum of $200 for his ap pearance at the next term of the Crimi nal Court. Not being able to give the required bond, he was committed to jail. i Llppincott's Magazine. ; Lij&incolVsM&ffazine for February opens with an illustrated article, the first of two, on tbe Gulf Coast Tbe writer,' Mr. Barton D. Jones, was sent by the Secretary of the Interior to examine the government lands in that region and the information he gives is novel and in teres ting. Dr. Felix L. Oswald has an other article on Animal Pets, enlivened with anecdote and charmingly illustra ted. "The Capture of Derne," bj Charles Burr Todd, revives an almost forgotten episode in Araerian history, the expedition against Tripoli under Gen. William Eaton, whose letters and i i diaries, as cited in the article, bear testi mony to the adventurous spirit in which the enterprise was -conceived and -the difficulties amid which it was carried on, "An Afternoon in Rome," and a frontier sketch, "For Life," by Helen Campbell, are highly readable papers." ' As usual, a large amount of space, is devoted to fiction. There are poems by Rose Terry C6oke, Carlotta Perry, and Charles L. Hildreth, and many interest ing papers in the editorial departments. The King of Denmark is truly a paternal monarch. Finding that daring the recent severe weather tbe royal foot guards were suffering greatly from Colds and Coughs, this good old gentleman ordered a supply of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for them and now the sentries are happy. A Good One. One of the best and most appropriate things wa-hve heard in a long time, oc curred last month in a neighboring town. It was Court Week, the last day of the term the Court was the last in the dis trict, the Christmas holidays were near at hand and everybody, judge, iuryand officers were all in a hurry to get away. Just previous to the adjournment of the Court, Capt. Swift Galloway, the Solici tor for this district, arose in his place, his tall figure overlooking those around him, and pointing his long forefinger in the air, in that deep sepulchral voice which he sometimes affects, he said, "May it please your Honor, I move that the Clerk of this Court be placed under a bond of $1,000 " and here the speaker turned his head and pointing his finger "to get meaningly at Mr. B., added married before' " the next term of this court." There was a general laugh all around, and then Judge Shipp pointing his finger at Mr. B., said, "I have already taken judgment nisi on him. He jraust either get married in thirty days or go to jaiL" There was an increase of laughter which amounted to an immense shout, in which everybody joined, when Mr. BJ, who, by the way, is a gallant gentleman and an immense favorite everywhere, pulling his tall figure out of his chair, made a very pro found bow to the Court and replied "May it please your Honor, I believe I'll go to j iil." From Little Orleans, Md., Peter Clemens writes: Hamburg Drops bare made me a healthy, strong man once more, i My appetite has i returned; and although sevemy-six Years old, I feel s if 1 were but twenty. : : i . i To Baildera and others Go to Jaco bi' for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, . Yoa can, get all sixes, and at the lowest prices. t The Two Orphans. Miss Pauline Markham, supported by the New York Fifth Avenue Theatre Company, will appear at the Opera House to-night, as the blind girl, in 'TbeSTwo Orphans." Miss Markham has made a splendid reputation as a versatile and accomplished actress, aad we predict.fOr her a full house to night, judging from the Sale of seats. In speaking of her acting in j "Tbe Two Orphans,' the Indianapolis , sentinel says-y. , ' x 1 4'Miss Markham certainly delineates the) character of the blind girl . LjQoise, very beautifally and strikingly ; it could not be improved upon. She wins the sympathy of the audience immediately , and holds it until the end of the long play. - l . Another Bis: Purchase. We notice by our exchanges that Col. John M. Robinson has purchased the Old Dominion line of steamers, plying between ' Richmond and Norfolk and New York. He is joined in the pur chase by the Norfolk and Western R. R. It is said that this action was prob ably taken to frustrate Mr. Clyde, who may have had his eye on the line, Mr. Clyde, it is said, was desirous of purchas ing a controling interest in the Mer hants' & Miners' line of steamers, ply. ing between Norfolk and Boston, but could only get 49 per cent of the shares, while he wanted 51. What effect Col. Robinson's purchase of the Old Domin ion line will have on the commerce and transportation of this port remains to be seen. Thanks to Mr. E. G. Ghio, Superin tendent of the Seaboard & Roanoke R. It., for an annual pass over that road. . Ger barquentine Charles, Langhoff, cleared at this port to day, for Stettin, with 2,985 bbls. rosin, shipped by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co. A Reply to Pender. Mr. Editor: That it has been the common fate of invention, geniua and enterprise to be opposed and ridiculed by the ignorant and unlearned, is a mat ter of history, too well attested to admit of a doubt. At all epochs, little men and croakers have labored to defeat what, was beyond their powers of comprehen sion. A spirit like this characterized the conduct of those who opposed the idea of hndmg this continent by tailing West from Spain: laughed to scorn i the proposition ot Fulton to propel a boat by steam, and fought madly against the plans of improvement as proposed by the immortal DeWitt Clinton. At that' early period of our country's existence the veil of charity could be thrown over the conduct of such as would shut their eyes to the true light; but in this age the age of progress when eYery faculty and power of enlightened nature seems to be united in the development of the vast resources ot our common country, to find one so learned and distinguished as "Pender," opposing in any way, either directly or indirectly, an enterprise which has for its object the relief, wel fare and prosperity, not only of his own county, but that of all of the farmers and good people on the line of the pro posed road from Clinton to Point Cas well, and offering as a substitute a road from Clinton to Warsaw, which would not touch a single inch of territory or country through which the Clinton and Point Caswell road, as pro posed, will pass, we say a proposition so unjust ; so totally subver sive of every wish and hope of the freinds of our Clinton and Caswell road, must bring into exercise every feeling and imf pulse et distrust for "Pender. We are not disposed to surrender onr flag to this "Jupiter Tonans" ot foss and nonsense ; and we therefore remind him that, in a great cause like this, he 8 ho aid come to the front, and fight no longer behind a masked battery ! but let his people know that, being too large for Pender county, he has resolved, Atlas like, to assume the interest, enterprises and burdens of all the world, and the rest of mankind. j We say the road from Clinton to Point Caswell is a fixed fact, and in despite of the secret opposition and exercise of the mighty powers of omnipotent "Pender," wo wiU t&e it a success to the joy, hap piness, honor, prosperity and credit of our people! Very respectfully, True Pexdes. Quarterly Meetlnrs For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Churcb, 5outh. FIRST BOCND. Waccamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Jan ... . . 21-22 WhiteTille, at Whitcville. Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Klizabeibtown, Feb : 4 -5 liUdeo, at Windsor. . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Ftb 18-19 Cokesburyi at Bethany, . Feb 25-26 OTllie J District Stewards will meet ta Wilmington at the paiso nage of the Front StreetCharck at 11 o'clock on Tuesday, the 3rd of January .1832. . , , ILOBcaTOX, Preaidinj Elder. 20, 1882. NO 17 New Advertisements Traveller's mnm Co, OF HARTFORD- CONH. LOOK AT THE REG0R3 ! JpUGURES ARE MORE ELOQUENT than Words! Hear what they say : The ash .taouiry 1 182; were (J,T1 4, 5C2.70. ! - f ! ' : 't he TRAVELLE R'S wrote 07,504 Acci dent Policies in 1SSI, a gain of 24,:4 over 18S0. and a gain in premium of $407,9t!i :0. Paid onlauns iu Accident Department, 15,8'JO policies, whicli is nearly one iu every t-ix persons inurci, and the amount paid oh these claim wa 1714,00.16 which was nearly $00,000 per month. In the Life Department there was a ain in amount of l ife Insurance iu lorce of $1,412 883. j i These figures speak for themselves. Poli cies for $3,000,25 centa for One day : $4.50 ior one montn. Preferred Risks, for year. Polices written by $5 per $1,000. i SAM'L NORTHROP, Agent,-1 jan 20- Wilmington, N. C. Just Received. QIE OF TAB LARGK8T 8TO0K8 OF BTATIONEBT, auoh as Oopying, Presses, Cop jing Books, s Oopinjc Oapa, - Blank Books, Invoice Books, Bills Boooivablo, I Rubber Ertitrs, Load Pencils, Ac., ever brought to tbe cltj, at V rjEUHBERGER'S, jan 20 Lire Book and Kuulo Store PLANTATION FOR SALE. mHE UNDERSIGNED Commissioner. a- X pointed by the Judge of the Superior uourt ot JMew Hanover county, will expose to sale at public -auction, on Thursday, 19th January! 1S82, at the Court House door in the City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M., that valuable plantation in render county, on Rocky Point, known as Pembroke, con taining about one thousand aerea of fertile land, to wit ; A certain, traat of land In Pender county, bounded by a line commen cing on the edge of Black Creek, near ths end of a bank across said I creek, and run ning thenee 8. 10, E."S6 chains and 50 links to a pine and pine pointers on the East side of Dark Branch, thence 8: 32, E. 93 chains to the edge of the Tide Swamp at Caesar's Spring and thence In the same direction to the N. E Branch of the Cape Fear river, thence up the river to the line of the Vats plantation, thence with that line to a stake in the said lino opposite to a row of Cedar trees and thence to the beginning. Terms liberal and saade known at sale; ALEX. T. LONDON, j) Commissioner dee XT Ha The sale of the above named plantation has been postponed until Thursday the SStu inat, atl3 M. janl9-td Fun ! Uovelty I Rifle ! Practice Shooting Oallery, CnTrinceis St, next to the Corner of Sec ond, Wilmington, N. C, C. G. CROWELL, Jan 18-8taod Of Philadelphia, Fa. S. P. SHUTTER & CO., EXPORTERS OF j i . - Kice and Naval Stores, Baltimore Wharf, Water St., Wilmington, X. v., JUlly Bail ding. Bay St., Savannah tta. jan l&-lw Health is Wealth I PVtt B O IWESrS Nxava aid Bain U Tiunnn, a ipeelfle for Hvateria, Dlx alnoai, Qoavalaiona, Norrotu Boadaoho, Meatal DaprawiOD. Lom of M emocr." Jmro- uney. Irematore Old Age, oaoaod by over exertion, exeetaes. or. ovtrinduis'enoe. which loads to mitery, decay and death. use box will euro recent cases. Kaon box eonUias one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six bozM for five dollars; eeat by mall prepaid b reesipt f price. Wo guar, anteo six boxes to cae any eve. '"ithflich orcer received by as fo sic b xei, we will sead the parebu y our written reemBt to retora themo&ey If the treaiiaeat Co not eftaef euro. aaraie iuueo Vv WH U ii.KK.H, Drarci't, (neemivr to Grrm A Flaanar) Wiloi gtus, S O. Orur Of mail will roeeire prorapt attebtion, neb ?3-dawtlt I Dissolution. I rpiTE FIRM OF HARDING JOJINSON A CO., is tbi day dlxeeifed by mutual con . I i sent, 8. P. Shottor retiring. The assets and ; uabllraes are assumed try Harding Joaxsost wao win sign tn uqmaanoo. 8. F. SHOTT'R, . VTilihingUn, N. C. Jan 1, I Cl ViUi iO wiaawi. fataan. aUtnt klUno. TMaaa47taiaac. Paaaiaaa ri far lass at aacr.tar rmynra.vanaaM rem Uaa to tMCUZAtk I af aaattaaart mi sutuecTV ral rXJfTO vraara4 tra far lavaatan. iHMnnua tetfMiaiMM. aUirt ta at aaaa. iaatraetioa. W ana riuiii at H. w. Frtrcrraid & Co. rt'Jo a4 Cbaaia. . la4 aaixaartlr farraaenck gr vA Batr Uva. aiasaa a4 P4 tanhtM taaaaaaaaaf Paaai t Jataara tar "tm utMMMr." doe ndlwla PLHABR WQTIfJK, We Will b v lad tn rt&v from omr tri&dt cm 4 aj nihW-"T I ;...!. " " rtt of la wrttar neat at way b r e!ah4 t is Kditor. OoBmsalMSton a bo Jwrllw im coir Frn&lUas aoal bo aroUUd ' it u totally aad MrtiovUrty adr ttoH that ho KdiWdoo Mot always oadors tb -rivrm eorrwfxiadoata naloat m tui ta U'UtoriaJ ooht-rtoa " Kov Advertlsomenta OPERA HOUSET For One Night Only I FRIDAY, .Tauary SO.1 The famous New York - S 5TH AVENUE COMPANY, aupporting the distinguiihed f tar j PAULINE MARKHAM, Iutlm n,..t popular rl,j 0f ,, .,, The Two Orphans. Enthusii,tic.allj Greeted y Crowdel Ca,t to the full Strength of the; Jfrt Co.; t- i t pany iQ America. -I ii Lual Pnce Re.-ened Se4ts on sale a5 lVers'ou th ism, liouees ian 15-4t 40,000 LATaS FOft 1LE LOW TP OLOSij Oonsignraent. LUMBER, SASH, ODORS. Blltm And every de cripjion of.' ' ! uildiner Material. !Fx,min. oodi .ad pile.,.' ALTAryEB, PSIGB A CO. NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. SEMI-fEESLYILINEi' STEAMERS!- WILL SAIL FROM NEW YOBIl Eve.'T WEDVEBiVAY snd HATURDlT at 3 o'o ock, P. H. BEjrEFAOTOR...8atn REODLaTOBLWoJiieaday, Jansary 16 ODLF 8TREAM Salurdsy, Jaao.ry 21 SU Through Bills Ladlac and Untn Through KAm gurantoi to Tana frow Points in North and Fouth Carolina. For Freight f:ora-emeau apply t , wilmLoKton, N. V THEO. O. EGER, FreLjbt Agezt, . S5 Brnadtray, tTew To; k P. CLYDE A CO., Oen'l Agentr fan 15-tf All Rieht ! IHRIBTKAS IS OVER AND 1-VERyTflING IS QUIET J am now ready for regu'ar baaiassa. cl W- YATES, jaa9 BookieUer and 8Utioar We Want Buyers for 1 000 BBL8, NEW rL0UR ' gQQ Bsgs COFFEE I JQQ Bbls SUGAR, 2500 8kiLlVEBpoLSALT 500 8acki mE SALT Hhds. CUBA MOAL8SES, Ac, JLc.,' , 4tc, & PEARSALI. . 1 - . 1 Sale cf Ctambaat; ST VTETUC of a pwar contained in a! certain deM of ntortae made bv tee Wallace ta Y. II. VanKmpea, dated theSd day of Jaouarr, Ll, and duly rec istered In vhc Citom H?u: in Wilmioo ton, N. C, b- which dred w.i convive.! the Steamer j linton of the tofmajre of 43 ( tons, the ul'.-i tinted tt&eignee ,n( sakt morte;re wiil .k- said Btmcr to aa!a at put)Jci aucilou, at the foot of Walnut street, In the city of WiliUogton, S. C, at the hour of 12 M., ou the2Iat January,li', Terms cash CHARLES WESSELL. jaali-Uf

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