. erer? rteroB Bead ay i c- 51. T. J KE Croia r frfr:4 o y nj ' - .1 - - ' ' ' ', '- '. ' 1 n vt tb wHtr s:r alwart b : OcjtmvniftVn mrt he T7iHeo o& Uf '. 4 ft ft wtMMiAljj asd j-Miariy 3 'r tSt Tdltdo'sQ aIwyf"ero..-i fca Tr, wrrwrsdt:ti utJw to ttt r wrRJIIWJfP, ilWTA OK PAID. L Hia o:olft, fcS&tf ; Tnr- 1 35: One Donta, &o cent. f.TVt'-ar. will bd6livfred by carrier, r"TV. tf ?, or !3 cent per c-iii;njr nit' low Msd litwat ; VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY. JANUARY 23, 1882 NO 19 rt;to resiT their spr3reniarij. f?ew Advertisements. & 5 U 3 ? i 2M S2aSIB&3 tall Neuralgic, Sciatica, Lumbago, creche, Soreness of the Chest, C our, Quinsy, Scro Throat, Swell r,qs and S Drains, Burns ana : Scalds,' General Sodily Feins. 7 to:.?, ar end Headache, Frosted i-'eei aid Ears, and all other Pair. ir,d Aches. .jv-t'-vj irh equals St. Jacobs Oil ' a r, shutlo- nu'l cheap External . ' ir.'-! .-itaili lut tJie comparatively .'..'.'V.'.,.".i"i.-.-"f )' t?1 ant every one-onffer-. - v.'.f'i iii bac c'ueap aui posttir ftout .r-.r. z r iu, 'Hi; 0G5ISTS5' AND DSALDB3 A. VQGrrZ&H Sl CO., 51 rr. .fee rfrsonfs F,tatcmeni lir Ke sard to Car.ct r. 1 receive numerous laUera atking if ruy rc.'neJy wiJl cure Car.cer.. I can only cite tli-.: ii-liowk'g case, which is tho only one I Lareever c'sired, the only one upon w(iicb i h we Lad an c ppoitunity 6i testing it in ire . iiidpieui. ttage. When wo were married, ,n Itol, my "hufcband had a small war t lookirjpl&co'on his left cheek boce.which l-ofr.1,1 r,a (!iwn lif flr-!rlif Wfij'l ,1 fiVtnf 11 ally terminate in cane r. We paid no at tsntion to it, though -e could see with ad TALcizig yeais tlitt il .was gradually iu. creasing in t5ze. Then it ccniiucnced to torm a ecah, tometbirig iimilar to 'a piece of dry bran, w hich would shed every few day?, another hrv.i, uwl so ir, cou!iued until JWariL, ibT2, wbtu 11 brokf out into a regular running, eatirg sore, which con tinued to txead wkh the ix.ost cl&;uaing rapidity throughout that 'sprio ftnd eurn tr.er. The soie had eaten in considerably, vas about the size cf a silver tiuartfcr, had Ue appearai ce of hcney-coinb, with tbe cells diiiincsly irarked, b cd coiJ.dei ably had asmartiug, irritaJLirg 'sensatiou a$ if neeules were pricking the turfaee, ivith occasioual shaip darling pairs,, which ex. tended toiheeve and weakened it. Every - b'Uywho saw it ccn?iderei it a case of wp 11 developed csr.cer.. 'tl phyaiclsrss advised 1 im to have i, cut ut, vberess I Jitivii.-ii treatrnftut at. a rai.rAr ii'tirmarv At lat one of ti e physicians suggested tha. 1 try mv IJemcdy. and Bad he believed it would, cure it. Tlw thought o? u irg.it t.ad cever occurred to me, as L thu only t.ew it to be eood fur Scrofula. I com- uierced its use on the sore the 1st day f October and discontinued it the -Tin No veuilt r, fcs it was perfectly cuhed. It had then been a running iie fr s;x .months. It broke out again for four con Keutive years, - it- the spiiug ea:h time iiie're severely, and rt quiring rruch longer to cure. Itbioke out lasi in l-7Gf wh':n it rsqui-ed four mcnth tieaiment to tffct a cure, einco which tiiue it 1ms-been and tew perlcciJy well. 1 have trid it ir; f.finy advaiHd cass - ciies beyond tl 1 .l'i'Si.ibiiHy'.or bt po ot cin, ahvay vi:h tnerit iornetius by 'd?liug is pio t;res?f soriietimes by giving perlect iiee uom irout alt paiu. I am, very trulc, Mllb JO IS PERSON, Nov 11, 1SS1. Franklintoo, X. C. The Kemedy is for K:da in Wilmintcn, by Dr. WM. H. GliEEN'. .Seed for Cir cular. , jn 18 Dress Goods AND Tmnmines ! t Y "OU CAN FIND ALMOST ANYTHING m thii department, embracing as it does, all Etv AND DESIRABLE STTLES. Oi.e of the finest assortments of . BLACK GOODS, Quite a rarity of tertures and styles. A LL WOOL ( blk ) DIAGONAL, (40 In. ) A beautiful cloth for s uits; It is too cheap to quote the price, you must see it, you ill like it. .' CURTAINS are selling freely, for we hve just putTIIE PRICES DOWN inreai of all. ; . . CARPETS AND MATTIfiGS. - g(vd aseoitment. OIL CLOTH?,' MA1"S. P.UGS, Ac. J?. m. EVScSntire. LOCAL NEWS. New ADVERTISEMENTS. The Robescnian Lutnberton Ottebbol i;! The Grand Cot.t Sa'e F M AG03TINI Matquerade Ball Ckoxlt & Mokkis Administrator's Sale C W Yates Butanes Men HziNSBEaGER Where, h. Where, Altaffeh PkicE & Co Building Mate rial. Plenty of Ice ibU morning. A burnt moustache dreads the short cigar, i : The man who had so elastic a step wore rubbtt?. ' " Necessity knows no many Iawyeis. law, but a great Persons of abandoned habits dealers in old clothes. Craftiness is a quality in the ; inind and a vice in the character. The receipts ol cotton at this port tc dxy foot up 79 bales. 1 The cleanest of persons dofnot object to handling filthy lucre. j Men with missions da not disappear till they have fulfilled them. Did you ever think how much plea santer it must be to be; shot dead than shot liviDg? It requires strength and courage to swim against the siream, while any dead fish can float with it j ; That kind of insane flattery which, in the popular slang, is known as soft soap, is made of very oor lye, j Tho wind got around to the Northwest last night, and as a consequence it was again cold this morning, j It is easv to meditate tan a' far-off heroism; 60 difficult ? to cut off a little self indulgence quite near at hand Freshwater Perch, Trout" and Black fish Hooka and Lines. A full assort. ment and lowest prices at Jaoobi's. f i i Mr. James T. Pettewaybas returned to the city after more tban a j month - i - i passed in the interior of the State on a business tour. Girls, don't think a fellow js a gentle man because he gives you a polite bow. Bowers are always knaves, so a euchre player informs us. . We are glad to Jearn that Judge French's condition to-day is better and that hopes are now being entertained of hisiffimate recovery, j Fashion has decreed that the b onde takes the front seat this season. As soon as the brunette finds' out that she is unfashionable she will dye. i . j : Better the chance of shipwreck on a voyage of high purpose than to expend life in paddling hither and thither on a shallow stream to no purpose. Mrs. Jno. Smithhns j opened a boarding house at Burgaw, and we new un derstand that she keeps an excellent table and that the charges are very low. See advertisement in this issue. The stockholders of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad-are to meet in Fayetteville, February 2nd., to consider tho matter of the sale of that road Canedo people. ! 'Bough on Kals.M o the The thing desired found at last. Ask druggist for Rough on Rats. It clears out rats, mice, roaches, pies, bedbugs. loc. boxes. - it is said mat tnero are; T . .1 ... a lot of sheep which in the killing dogs in this city absence of mutton to work upon, have taken to slanghtering goats. A fine goat, the property of a lady residing near the Eastern termiuns of Chestnut street, was killed by them last night. Ilev. Thos. D. Pitta, Rector of St John's. Church, is still in Florida, where he has been for the past two weeks, pe is cow on the Gulf coast, and writes home glowing descriptions of that part of the State. . :: j ; : Persona!. Rev. S. P. Watters, formerly of this city, but more recently Hector of the Episcopal Church at Newport, R.I., has returned, to North Carolina, and has ac cepted the charge of the church at Mor, gantoc. Previous to the war Mr. Wat, ters was one of the largest and moat successful rice planters on tbe Cape Fear and has many relatives now this city. residing in City Court Lewis Larkins, colored, was before the Mayor this morning, charged with violat ing one of the city ordinances, which le lates to fast driving. He was' found i guilty and sentenced to pay. a fine of 55 or take 10 days in the city prison. He paid tbe fine. i ! I H r ' Bnrslary at liasnolia,! We learn! by a telegram received by Mr. F. A. jNewbury. in thia city, to-day, that tbe store of Messrs Nawbary & Soiiiherlani, at Magnolia, Doplin j: ty, was entered by burglars last night, and the cafe broken open, The particu lars have not reached here- and we arc unable togjve the details or the amount of booty which the burglars secured. The parties! are unknown and, as jet, there is nolue to lead to their discovery. There is jomething soft and tender in the fall of a single snow flake; but it al ways remiadg us to look after our bottle ot Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.our old stand-by in the days of Coughs and Colds, for we have always found it reliable. Index to the Weather 1 1 The theory has been advanced by those who claim to have been paying some attention to such matters, that the first twelve days of the year control the weather of the twelve months in the regular order: that is, if the twelve days of the first of the year, or any number of themare rainy, the whole twelve months or the corresponding numbers of the months, will also be rainy. If this rule holds good for the present year there is little probability of next summer being a dry one. The Sound Steamer. We understand that the little steamer which has been in process of construction for some time past, at the ship yard in the lower part of the city, and which is intended to ply between the mainland and tho banks at Wrightsville during tbe Summer eeason, is nearly completed, and will be ready for the water in a few days. Tbe building of this boat, it will be re membered, was delayed by some damages resulting from the severe storm in Sep tember last. Nearly all of the machinery has been placed in the boat as she lies in the yard, 1 An officer of Company F of the Third NJ C. Infantry, has furnished us with a list of the members of this Com" pany as it was when it left Wilmiogton in 1861 to join the regiment at Garyg burg. The list was published in the Journal at the time, and we reproduce it here, that the We would suggest, by the way, survivors of this Company get together and try and preserve some relia ble record of the gallant deeds of those who dared so much, and braved so much and suffered so much for the cause they held so dear. The members of Company F were 'drawn mostly from hard-working mechanics in this city, and the Company was formed on the basis of the volunteer organization known as the Cape Fear Riflemen. The following is the list : 1 1 W m. M. Parsley, Captain; Hardy B. Willis, 1st Lieutenant; Eobt.lS.Radeliffe, 2d do. John W. Runciman, 3d do. 11. N. Bell, 1st Sergeant. C. H. Summersett, 2d do. K. I. Garrison, 3d do. Frank: V. B. Vopp, 4th .do. k j C. W; McClammy, Ensign; W. A. Montgomery, 1st Corporal H. W. Potter, 2d do. George M. Crapon, 3d . do. J. H. Peugh, 4th do. Thomas Clark, Fifer, H. C. Utly, Drummer.; Privates A Anderson, B Atkinson, G J M Bell, G W Bistiop, H M Bishop, G W Brantly, J E Byrd, A Casteen, Henry Craig. Edward Craig, J H Can ady, J Cooper, Isaac Croom, John Col lins, PI H Chandler, E Cliff, J -H Eldridge, J G Evans, C H Farrow, T D Floyd, a Gildea, D E Holmes, J H Haw kins, John H Hewett, J Hicks, James Hagarty, W Hardin, H Jarrel, E Justice,! A H Justice, J M King, H Laurens, J Lynch, V H Lane. P Mc Courtney, J Montgomery, M Murray, A W Moore, J H Marshall, Wm Nolin, A D Ormsby, W H Pickett, M Potter, FDPaTio,TPrevatt, JohnEuss, Ed ward C Reaves, J F A Reaves, R F Robbies, P Roddy, J D Sellars. J Shay, Jli Sampson, T Smith, L Springs, J E Smith. J V Simpson, Peter H Smith, Isaac Simpson, J E Stephens, W T Spooner, W J Simma, T 'J hompsorv C S Terry, TO Weeks, John A White, John A Willson, P Williams, G W Williams, WmE Wright. All liable to Stomach and Biliary dis eases should regulate their diet, and never allow their bowels to become con stipated; bat use in time . Hamburg Drops, the i surest and safest Btoasea and Liver Regulator in the world. - Hatquerade Ball The grand masquerade ball j which Prof. Agostini has bad in projection for some days past,. will take place on Friday evening of next week, February 3rd. Those whose names have been placed on the list may obtain tickets at Heinsberg- ers. T , : - - - r : i Col. Wftddell. Wade Harris, of the Concord Sun, is one of Cel. Waddell!a most ardent ad mirera fle commends his recent com ouo-Jmunication on the Mahone question, as published in tbe Review, most warmly and threatens to put him up'for Governor of the State at the next nominatiom. This is not the first time Col. Waddell's i name has been mentioned in connection with this office, and it may be, it will be brought forward , very prominently a8 such during the next twelve months There is one disqualifying clause, how" ever, and that is, he is a Cape Fear man - ; : The Richmond State says of Poe: "It was long since settled that he was bom in Baltimore." "Is not that on error ? Was he not born in Boston ?" the WiL mington Star' asks. We have heard it asserted on excellent authority that Poe was born in Norfolk, in one of the upper rooms of the residence of the late w. S. Forrest, the historian of Norfolk, on Brewer street. Norfolk Virginian. - Edgar Allan Poe was born in North Carolina, Brunswick county, about, nine miles, more or less, from the city, in a log house erected by William Patterson, Esq., and afterwards occupied by Gen Washington's body servant. The house is .now nearly gone, nothing remaining but a hole where one of the windows used to was. This ought to settle it. The wind blew a pretty stiff gale yes terday afternoon. Tennor was near the mark this time, nearer than the Signal Service whieh failed to predict the blow. Messrs Cronly & Morris will sell at auction on Friday next the entire 'stock of liquors, cigars, furniture, fixtures, &c., contained in the Eureka Saloon, of which the late R. F. Byden was the proproie- tor. Mr. Geo. W. Gates, formerly of this city, but now Master Machinist in the Western North Carolina R. R. Shops, located at Salisbury, is here to-dayoa a brief visit. . j A New Haven minister of tbe gospel told one of his deacons that he was con stantly hearing a loud soand,which keept him awake nights. Since using Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, his hearing has become normal, and his nerves are steady and true. a The residence now being erected by Mr. John C. Heyer, on the corner of Fourth and Red Cross streets, is one of the largest ond most beaatifal in the city, li has thirteen largt;rooms and will be finally completed about the first of April .! To Builders and others Go to Jjloo si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c Yon can get all sizes and at the I lowest prices. t I DIED. BELDEN In thta city, this morning, January 23d. BAR AH FORBES BELDEN, youngest child of Louts 8. and Isabel Bel den, aged 1 year and 4 months. The funeral' services will take placey to morrow afterneon at 3 j o'clock, froaa'the residence of the patents, corner Fourth street and Cottage lane, thence to Oakdal Cemetery. The friends and acquaintances of the family ate respectfully Invited to at tend, j Star copy Ilew Advertisement NEW BOARDING HOUSE- AT BTJRGAW, by I MRS. JOHN 8MTTH. Table always supplied with the best the market affords Give us a call. I i jaa 2&-8t Admini8trato 's Sale. ON EiIDAT Nf XT, 27th ioet.j at 10 o'clock, A. M.. we will sell, at the Reatanrantof the late R. F. f yden, dee'd, (North Wat r Street) all the Household and Kitchen ForBiture,Bar Firturea, Wlaea, Liquors, and everything tkereba contained. By order of J.G. WrUhU adm'r. CaONLT & MORRIS, jan tZ-Zt Auctioneers The Ia8querade Ball rflSE LIST A FOR THE MASQUERADE I and DemlncBall, t be altea on Fri day Eveming, yebruary 3rd, have, been CLOSED, and the ticket cau be procured at Heiosberter's. Tickets will be sold ONLT to thoe whoae names ara en the LUt'. Sabaerlptiea Gatemen.enmaaqaa, 91 : Ladies en maaque, i complimentary. Admlnlon for Spectator a, GenUemen 3 eta. Ladles 23 cents. F. U. AGOSTINI. jam 33 2t-m-ih Hew Advertisement THE GRSNB COST SALE! - . v. . . Co 4 h 5 n AT OTTER BOURCS EEenV Wear Drpit, . GOES j BRAVELY AHD SATISFACTOHILY UH We yet hve left a fw thousand dolajs - :i - worth of FALL, AND WlNTi-R GAKr MENTS, which under our new departure are moving elf rapidly. Prions the least intend of a Suit or Overcoat, on Id do no better than buy NOW and of US. FIVE WEEKS stm remam, and pur chasers can't ba loo quick to take advan-1 tage of this RARE OPrO&TUNITY. WE ARE DETERJMIXED to dear our i I Ubles during the next month. THEN LOOK OUT fur the GRANDEST STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR ever exhibited iu North Carolina. OT TERBOU G this season intends to sur pass all efforts of any previous season. In - i doing this Money and Taste combined wiil I ... take an active part. MEN'S WEAR DEPOT, 22, 24. 2(5 and 28 N. Front St., jan 23 Wilmington, N. C. Business Fwlen JW WAVt OF BLANK BOOKS AR resptfal y aaktd to caU and exraiee r. new Stock nd note LOW PRICES. Sta- , - ' ' ' ij tionsir adapted to any Use of taticefg Wood's Ore ani, Decker Bros,, Celebrate Planes. C. W, YATES f jan 33 Bookaellar and 8tatien:r Where, Oh, Where, QAN I GET A HANDBOMU VaLK- kWTIIE FOR MY BWEETBEABT f Tb? a t walled a rerdint loyer, mntll a coaapas Ion. ate iadividnal Informed Um cf "the fact tbet the first stock ef the season had Jast arrived at the only Live Book 8t-re la ths c ty, whereupon the lore smitten twain, as by io atiet, repaired to ( HEHfBERGEti'l. Where he found an elegant assortment of Oomloasd Bentlmental VALHTIS8, w ptsiallv desLrned te express- the tender paa ion of the lover, or provoke the mirth of anmonita. jan 73 The Robeoohian, JpUBLlSHED EVERY Wednesday, In Lumberton, N. C.,by W. W. McDiarmld, has the largest'clrculation and the largest advertlsiDg patronsge of any, country paper in the State. It now has over 800 subscrl ! - i - - . -I bers in Robeson county alone, besides a general circulation in the counties of Mcore ! ' . i Cumberland, Bladen,; Columbus, Rich mond and tbe adjoining counties, Marlon, Marlboro and Darlington, iu South Caro. lina. -'Jat 23 4O.C0O JTATH8 FOR 8 AXE LOW TO CL08E Oorsigsment j LUMBER. SASHi DOORS BUHU6 AnJ vry de criptirtacf Buildine: Material. - - ! ' I " " " ' ' I x nine ,rode kui p Ires aiiTAfMS, iKr?u a ro. MiV, Tarda Cice fo-t VBrt;t et Fan ! Jov-elty I Oallery On Prince's St.. next to the Corner of Sec ond, Wilmington. N. 4. C. G. CK05V ELL. jan 18-3taod Of FtUadelf hU, Fa. S. P, GHOTTEd Ci $0., EXPORTERS OF ' Bice and Naval 8toresr, Baltimore Wharf, Water 8t, WDzaiogtoo, N. C , KeUy BrUdiTtj, Bay Bt- Savannah TfiSs 1BSDK11C3 Co., OF HARTFORD. COHH. imi AT THE EEGOBD -p'GURES ARE MORE ELOQUEN T t'han voids! Hear what thW say : The p lid up Capital Is $600,CO0. 502 7oTtU JarUry 1 18S2 were 1 lt TRAVELLlcrv'3 wrote 97,564 Acci dent Policies in 1 SSI, a gin of 24,824 ovrf 1SS0. and a pain in premium cf f 407,569.:&j! Paid on claims In Accident Department 15 30 volicies, which is nearly one la every fii j erbODS injured, and the amount psl! on the? e claim was $7U,00S.1G wbich was uealy $t ),OCO per month. ' In th Life l.'epartraent thero was a jraln in amount of Life Irturance iu iorce of $1,413 853. j Theee fisrurps epeak for themselves. Poli cies for $3,00 ), 25 cents for one day ; $4.60 for one month. . Preferted Kieks, for year, $5 per $1,000. Polices written by 8 AM'L NORTHROP, Agent, jan 00- Wilmington, N. C. PLANTATION F03 SALE. - rpHE UNDERSIGNED Ccmmistioner, an- - t,poiniea ny tue uuge oi tne oupertor Court of New Hanover county, will expose to sale at public auctipn, on Thursday ,19th January, 18S2, at the Court House door la the City of WUmington, at 13 o'clock, M., that valuable plantation In Pender countv. on Rocky Point, known as Pembroke, con taining about one thousand acres of fertile land, to wit : A certain traet of land In Pender county, bounded by a line commen-t ' cinir on the edge of Black Creek, near the end of a bank' across said creek, and run niog thence S. 1VE. 3r. chbins and 50 Lnka to a pine and pine pointersjon the East side of Dark Branch, thence 8; o3, E. 03 chains to the edge of the Tide Swamp at Cnesar'a Spring and thcDco in tho same direction to theN E Branch of. the Capo Fear river, thence up, the liver to tbe Hue of the Vats plantation, there with thatj Hoc to a stake la the said line oppose to a row of Cedir trees and thence to tho beginning. Terms liberal and made known at sale. ALEX. T. LONDON, dec 17 tda Commissioner The sale of the above named. plantation has been postponed until Thursday the 2?th ioet., at 13 -M-. - ;.,:;..:v Jan lfl-td-. We Want Buyers for J QQQ BBLfl. NEW FLOUR, 1 ;gQQ BagaCOFFJiDti, - 100 Bbl f UGAK' O CAA Sacks llVERPOOL 8 ALT J 500 Sacks FIXESALT' Hbds. CUBA MOALSSE3, Ac, Jbc, - kc. E a LL & PSBwIlB kLTi, Pittsboro Academy gPBIMG 8Es8tOV ef l2y pens JiaJ. ary 9tb. StnJents of anj. age receiredld rrepar d for College or for Budneas JLifo. Ton Piincipal he had a. air ?ari ex;etS tnc Ik fetcbl p. ' !. j Te mj, pr Eetsion tt 20 wejfca, Boaic. and Tuition $75. Heftrs to K:lt r of tl i . . Bit law. Fr partlcalsw, addrere O B DKNPOv, ; Principa Ice3i tf mm PAiriTifiG, nncuunz, &c rjiHE Undersigned would re. spectfuUy say that aotil farther notice te j .: . may be fouud tt his reiidence, czru r ' ; :- r Third and Market ftrctts, prepared to cr eate all orders In the above farced branch. es. Room Sets, Tin Wire, &c, cea' repainted and varnished 1 jan 4 tf 0. K. DUKHJ - i3illinery;&e. T AM STILL RECEIVING the latent noir- eltie in Vlllincry Good, Fancy Art'clts, Ac. New Stampfo-rairerrif, Hilr Goo tf. Braids, Scollops. e. , : t - v MIS 3 E. KARRER, an ktc i t' ira-f C03M0P0LITA BAR AfID REX- TAunAriT. JOHN CARROLL, Frop. South rid Market t?tret,VtlmtDgtoni V.fi rtlHE BAR U i upoM? -I with the bes t 1 Whlakle. -Irrt, B-er, Champagne, &c C fgaraof ih: firt cradea alwy mij hand. At the Hestauraotcan be found tbe! finest Oysters brought to thia market, which are served la any style dflrt FacaU'u rmui. ' - JalT as jsa If-lw I

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