t.-'-; afternooe, ftocdtyi j:tJH.T.- J "A M E, K!10K ARD FBOFEIKTOK.. ,rlN(-lil prions. POSTAGE P AI D. . " r 00 Bix P2tb $2 60 ; Tbr JS 3 T!- .fcp, Jl 2 5 month, BO OSBtS. rvIOrrer will U delivered by carrier, T'rate?, or 13 cent per wet. "tmn rater low and liberw "ftr? nbecriberf will pleacorepori any and . ''ft!lU I"""" r - r. , n & t r3 Bay'1 r m - V v 5 T 2! 5 ikurczfgra. Sciatica, Lumbago, Jache, Soreness' of ihe CBest, ' Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell i qcnd 'Snrains, Burns and ' 'RcalJs, 'General Bodily ; P'j.inr., F'Sr'ur-i! Headache, Frosied 5 JCVJ ;(' tart: and an otnon ,. itli equals Pt. Jacobs Oil . ,; . , ,.h tn.t cheap External l-ist the-comparatively ;. Mid every onesuftVr iivp and ibsitirc proof TC: GISTS AND DEALERS liall'siiorct Md.3 XT, 8. A, Xt. ,Jp IVrson's : Ktalemem In llc gar'd to lancer. I rte-ivu numerous letters asking If ray m-td 'whi cute Career. I can only cite t! T; I'own.K ct.i.a. v.l.5ch is the oniy one J ever :u; t'v!, the only one upon which 1 !j .vei ad an-:ppoiUf1iity oi testing it hi its iri.ci.ifi,Ltage. "tMientte were married, in iT, !iiy LnVo td hrd a sinallwart JM.king place on his left. .'cheek t;oLe,whi:h 1 toid me tlsen he tl:ou?l.t woul J c-ventr-s;l!y terminate in cancr. ' V paid .no at toi linn to it, though' v.e cou'ti see wilh hd Tai.cirg seara li i k vaa j:radu&.ily in cn r.sing "Iu size, Ti en it coii-ino-ncrid to form a scab, tomelhir.jE: iimilar to & piece drv hiav, which would shed evey few. xlay?, another fa-ni, ani so it continued until Jianh, 17", M'L n-it brc&o oil', iv.U; a regtdar 'runviu!:, t-Ah p sore, w.h:c!i con'" tinned to -kir pad y jili ihe most lia'tning rapidity thjcugl-'-ut xh&t s .rinse, and &um' iiicr. .-The .sw;e had eater in considerably, was about thi dn) ('f a f ilver quarter, lid the appearar.ee if heneyecmb, with the celli dislint'ily marked, bed consideiablv. Lid afuiartir g, irritatirg sensation a3 if l.eedlos were pricking the surface, 'A'ith uccasional sharp dartitg pains, which ex. tended. to tlf e . e tr.d weakened it. Every -body s ho saw it ccnidere 1 1 ft a case cf veil develop' d,' career. the phyicHns aJrisediim to luive i:. out mi, wheieas I adv:i(:t!eatmet a cai;.cer ibhrinary At last- on of tt e physiciaVs Eiiggestedthat 1 try-my Herra-dy, ai.d S lid he bt-lieved it would cure. it. 'Tlw thought of u ii g it bad L-evor rccuutd to me. as l then oidy Knew it to te good for Scrofula. I com merced its use en the sore the lt da f October and disco-tinned it the. Tlh No. veniber, as'it was peifectly cuefd. It had then been a anx.nirig eor- for p x xaouths. It broke cut ag-ln f..r four en secutive years, i;- ibe ewrjr.g u'h tin e irere severely, and requiring much longer ure. It broke out last: in 170, wiaun '! rui;cd four months treat irei t to f fleet a euro, tir.co which tiue W, lis, been ard rw perfectly weii. I Ijive . tiiej ", it in .nusjiv.-advanced' cases c-ses, beyena tbJ . s;hiiity or bepe .ot en;1, "always yi h l)"neiit soniftii.Ms by deLins i's p?o- .tris, sometiines ly f,ivit-!i prfeet. lice !(,ni ttom al pain. 1 m, very t-til ', Aii.s jo?: rkiibox; 'ov UilSSi. Fi"anklininu,X.-t The Kemedy isor silo in Wilininstten, t y Dr. WAI. II. GKEEN". Send tor Cir mlar. jm 18 Fine Embroidery AND - LA OES ! I r IS O R PURPOSE TO REDUCE Ui?icl:'tp; of ;07d5, atd Eome concessions ... ' : '. s U b Mn ace to jiberal buyers. The price alrea 3y "ow, but wc will do even better o: you xow. A few' tine : BALMORAL SIhTS will be fold for ess than valui. Urge sl-e blankets cheap "itiicut-fear of contradict ion, the largest SvOvk t,j " liicdium. and tine Lace Curtains ' 'be found in any Southern maiket. c'an:i'.8, Oil Cloth?, Kngs aDd Mat?. Just xue-ved a full ttoek of Dor r Mats. ticutes civen for tliureh Car- it.i a liberal discount allowed. i jt8W Adyortisements. LOCAL NIE WsI. . . r . ! 1 4 r::?SW L R. taa 24 RS. rcEntire. -I'iiJCi JU Alii i 1 ftijtlli W. VOL. VI NtW ADVEHTIiSEMESTS. Dr Thos F Wood Vaccine Virus Heikebergek New Books S A Kixti, pk For Sale i It M AIcIstike Fine EmbroiJery, Ac C W Tates Buisritsa Men No city Cfcurt to-day. . u The receipts ol cotton at thi3 0ort tc- diy foot up 873 bales. Sbakcspere's comment oa Xlqiteau What! canst tbou gav mi ihis-ndnefer blush r When joa marry you fondly expect to fee the end of all jour troubles, but ... ! . Li, 1 you can i leu wtucn ejiu. r lib you really know what a weak and uit when- foolish' thing ytu carry iu yeiur ver you go cut to walk ? If your refutation ' $3 the only inher itance you have to leave your, children, the sooner it is mended fh.e better. The steamship Gulf Xtreabi, Ingram, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this titv at 12 o'clock this nooli. If Guiteau ia insane, and ifhe got his i insauity from his father, fit ia probably yfthc only thing he ever came by honestly. The men who have "a! great mind" to be honest jietferallv succeed. It is the man ot small mind who yields' to ternpta ticn. I ". . The reason why New Yeer's resolves are so often forgotten is because maDy who turn the new leaf forget to gum it d jvn- . i A fashion journal says that 'plump girls are no longer popular.' Correct t's the slim girl with a plump fort ne l. k . ... . i that now takes the case, j. i The .. steamship Regulatory Capt. Doane, left her wharf in this city! at 10:30 o'clock this forenoon, for New York, carrying a large cargo. ' Norwegian barque Xorge, Ilenricksen, cleared at this port to-day for Hamburg, with 4,000 barrels rosin, shipped by Messsrs. J. R. Blossom & EyaDS. Many a fast young man when told that his course of life will shorten his days consoles himself with the thought that it does at any rate lepgtken his nights. When a scandal is circulated concern ing you, false of course, it is I. like daub-r iDg your coat with fuller's earth, for when it is rubbed off the coat is all jthe clean er for it. No matter how religious you may be, thirty minutes with a jumping toothache will cause you to use language which shows that there is plenty of room fer improvement. - We return thanks to the Marshals for an invitation to attend the 47th Anniver sary of the Eazeliau and Philomatfceian Societies of Wake Forest College on Friday, February 17th. We were glad to meet this morning with our good friend, Capt. Aionzo Garrason, formerly th;ey opula'r command er of the steamer 1). I Murchimn, but now an enterprising merchant of Fayette- ville. i According to the Signal office bul letin, it was 11 degrees colder nere this morning than it was yesterday morningj At 7 A. M. to-day the thermometer at the Signal Station registered 30 degrees. At New York, at the fame hour, it was 1 degree above zero! and at Bismarck, the coldest point registered, it was 5 de grees below zero. j Magistrate's Court A commission tlelunatico inquireiido, cousistingof two magistrates and a physi cian, was helI this morning in the case o James Anderson, colored, a well known drayman, aged about 50 yeajrs. As the result 'of their investigation he was, ordered sent tc? the county irjsane asylum. ."A crown will not cure the headache, nor a golden slipper the gout." Very true; but a crowned head when it aches doesn't have to keep right on devising ways and means to procure bread and butter, cor doe3 a gold-sbod todt when it twioge3 have to support the weight jof a toiling body. And I yet i both tfc crowned heads and the steady workers; the gold shod feet and the weary toilers erjoy the same inestimable blessing Jof curing todily pains and achejs, beginning with rheumatism, . by using St. Jacobs Oil which cot3 but tifty cenjs a bottle, Ex-GoW Salomon, now ot San Francisco. was cared of severe rheuma ic paics by the uso of St. Jacobs Oil. WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY. JANUARY Our Little Ones. I j The! Febarary number of this very handsome publication for the little folks is at'hand. As usual it is excel lent, with pretty little thiDgs, poetry and prose suited to the comprehensioa of the ju veniles and with handsome illustration?. Published by the Russell Publishing Company 149 Tremont street, Boston, at $1.50 a year. Our Opinion , VLIow to Treat Small Pox" is the title bf an article intsne of our exchanges. We didn't read the article because we don't want to treat it. How to get rtd of treating it is what we want to know We wouldn't advise any ofiOur friends to attempt to treat Email pox. If they ate anxious to treat anybody let them try some worthy object us,' for instance. Smallpox don't know bow to appreciate ireai, out wuuu. iry usiwiiu a uua of cigars to commence with, and see if wc are not lively subjects to treat. Let small poi alone, by all means. An Octozenarlon. j Mr. Geprge R.French, senior member of bie well-known house of Geo. B. French & Sons, reached the great oge of eighty years to-day, and will cele- brate his eightieth birthday by a recep tion at his residence from v 6 to 9 o'clock this evening. The number is few indeed that reach to such a great age and retain their men tal and physical powers so well. He has our hearty congratulations upon this memorable occasion, united with the hope thai there are many days'of tran quil peace yet in store for him.j A man is wiser for his learning and the sooner he learns that the only proper way to cure a Cough or Cold, is to use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the better he is off. Blasphemy.1 i There tie city is a pen peddler going around who pretends to be deaf and damb and who, when he sells a pen presents at the same time a pnnted sneet which is headed, I'The Bible; The Word of (God; Immortality; and Eternal Life." We have a copy before us now, handed us by a friend, and we have no hesitation in saying that it is one of the most blasphemous things we have ever read. We call the attention of the au thorities to this fact, and would suggest, if there be any law by which action may be taken,! that the wretch who utters this thing be sent at once beyond the .limits of the city. See Here. ! You are sick; well, there is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possi bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debil ity, Wells' Health Renewer is your hope. $1. Druggists. . Depot Jas. C. Munds. i The Magnolia Burglary. The reports received by letter to-day from Magnolia goto show that the burg, lars who entered the store of Messrs. Newbury & Southerland, on the night of the ,22nd inst., mention of which was made in t le Review yesterday,maae very thorough work and escaped with a large lot of booty. The safe, as we stated, was blown open and about $150 or $200 in currency and $400 or $500 in silver were taken, and all the , notes, deed?, mortgages, receipts and insurance poli. cies belonging to the firm, together with deeds and other valuable papers belong ing to Cat. J: M. Hartsell and Mr. D. D. Southerland. They also took a gold i i watch, several silver watches, a ring, and in .fact almost every thing the safe con Wined. The woods n the vicinity were searched yesterday in the hope that the scamps might have thrown away the papers, but no trace" of them was fennd. The sale jwas' ruined, as the door was blown open. People living in the neigh borhood heard the explosion, which took place at atout 3 o'clock yesterday more iDg. I . This loss falls very heavily upon the firm, and especially upon Mr. Newbury, who has heretofore had ths misfortune to be twice1 burned out. He is a driving, go-ahead, eBergetic business man, put it is not cheering to work for years to at tain success and then have the results of vears of toil snatched away in a single night. While the loss of the money and other valuables may be in time re placed, the loss of the papers will fall with greater severity, as they are docu mentary evidences of transactions, which cannot be j-eplaced. j Coffee drinkers should read the adver tisement ia another column headed Good Co fee. I -.. " The street hands are now engaged in making improvements upon Chestnut, between Second and Third stts.,which bid fair to make that thoroughfare as good as any in the city, and permanently rid it of the mud and water which has here tofore stood there after every rin. - Fresh, the American. Our theatre going public have good reason to" presume that there will be no cutting of the play at the Opera House on Monday evening next, at which time Mr. :jJohn T, Raymond will appear as "Fresh, the American' in, a play; with thai title. His Company appears .in Charleston, S. C , on the 28th Inst:, aud will, of course, come from there to this city, working their way k North, j As there is no Northern-bound train from here after 6:25 o clock p. m., until 6:40 o'clock on the following morning, there would be eo sort ot exc:i j for not giving the play in its entirety. For the Review. Rrilroad Heetlnc at Point Caswell According to advertisement, a very large crowd of people from the surrounding country met at Ibis place and at 12 o'clock the mesticz was called together. On mo tion Mr. Owen Alderman. Sr., was called to th-j Chair and E-A. Hawes, Jr, was re quested to acs as Secretary. The Chair man, after making a very forcible speech, called on Capt. R. P. Paddison to more fuliy explain the object of the meeting,and to tell what the people or Sampson county and Wilmington were doing to help the great local enterprise which bids fair to be of so much benefit to the people along the line from Clinton to Point Caswell, and also to the merchants of Wilmington, which be did to the satisfaction of all present. Stirring speeches were made by Dr- Jas. F. Simpson and Mr. R. B Fraj zer which had a gcod effect on all present, after which the subscription books were opened and Dr. J. F. Simpson came forward and beaded the Hit with one thousand dcllars, which was followed up by others until nearly five thousand dellarswere subscrib ed, f ALd now.Mr.Kditor. let me right here say i hat if your city will make a liberal subscription, the road 'will be a success.) It was the general opinion of those present that at the next meeting the sum oi ten thousand dollars would be raised. j The Secretary was requested to send a copy of the proceedings to the Review and Star and request the publication, un moiion the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman. E-A. Hawes, Secretary i i i Freshwater Perch; Trout - and Black fish Hooks and lines. A full assert ment and lowest prices at Jjloobi's. list of Letters. I ; The foUowing Is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed hi the City Postofficf Wednesday, Jan. 25: 1 A Sarah Andrews, Rufus Andrews, Mrs Allen. BF S Bryan, Fannie -Brown, Eliza Ann Bryant, Kattie Black. C Hellen Coston, J O Colman, Jno Carrol, Kattie Cowans, Mary Close. D Lizzie Davis. Jacob Davis. E Anna Evans, Elsie Evans. F Susan Freeman. G Daniel Groves, Ellen Gron, Eliza Green, Chas Gordon, Winnie Gayland, N C Gibbons, M A Grant, Mary J Green, James G Green, JEN Gorham, Fannie Gaither. H D F Henry, Annie Mariah High- smith. Geo Hooper, a C HilL uenry U Hasriss, Joe Hoe per, Joe Hall, Joseph Hill, L Hall, O R H oil in gs worth, (2), R G Holmes, S Howe, Thos P S Hop kins, W m T Hayden, Geo F Hall. J S W Johnston, Walter F Jackson, Joseph Jenkins, Henry F Johnson, Georgia Johnson, E D Jones, (3), Annie Jones. : - : . . L H Lowery. r M Jno S McFarland, Lott M coney, Capt M Mulcahy, Rcbert Maxwell, Richard t McCallister, Sarah J Moore, B Merritt, Daniel McKinney, Eliza Mc Lauchlih, Ellen Menroe, Hannah Mike, Hanry McCall, Harriett Montague, Wil liam Moore, James McDonald. N David Nelson, James N Nichols, Mollie Nichols. R Solomon Ready, Solomon Roberts J L Roberts, J T Regan. S Duncan C Syme, Mary A Smith, Ida Strauss, Nancy Sauls, R O Spooner, T B Smith, Samuel Smith, G H Smith, Joo Suggs. T Sallie Trask, E E Thomas. W Carrie K Watson, Frank W Willis, Harrison W inciter, J W Whit ney, Laura Wood. S W Walker, Mary Wright, Wm Whitney & Co. Z Zell'sAcid M'fg Co. Persons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim el in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C E. B. BRINK, P. Mi Wilmington, New Uanovvr Count j, H. C ' "'-'j'- ;-"'-' '"', i'.t Many MiserablePeopIedrag themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into their graves when, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic' they would find a cure commenc ing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to then. Sea other column. NO 20 To Builders a nd xthers Go to J a co 8i8 for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, 6c. You tan get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . t BBBesani Ifovr Advortiaomonta. For Sale TOUR HUNDRED ACRES OF LANH XVknowna Woodford' V ia Columbu PAtinf. .1 .t.. . 1 .1. . f -m wuimti) uu ei kuaicvi uu uic ijspc r ear river, about twenty miles from Wilmington. Foity acres of high land nuder cultivation. A two-$try dwellinr, containing seven rooms and a!I ntewwary outb ildln in inr eraer, on premue Any quantity of man oi easy ccr&s, m d a nne pple and peach orchard, vln-yard,' Ac. on tremUet. For farther prticutr and term-, apply w s. A. MMU.Er.. Armour, Columbus Co., K. C. janai.dlt2tw Vaccine Virub. '... i AM NOW SUPPLIED WITH TAC- :.".-;:'. i - . UINE IN LA RGB QUANTITIES SUFFI CIENT to fill all orders. Thts Bovine er Anioaal Yiius is from tha tiUblishmeat of Dr. H. A. Martin, of Boston, and is war ranted to take, in all primary vaccinations. 7 Ivory Points for $1.00 15 do do 2.00 Orders for any quantltv b v telegraph will receive prompt attention. . , . THOMAS F. WOOD, iau S3-tf nac Wilmington, H. O. rJevv Booko. JpAITH AND UNFAITH, A new Hovel, just out, bj tae Dntohsss. THX PRINOK AND TBE PAUPER. A Tale for Young People of alt af ei. Br Hark . !' Twain. For sale at BEINBBERGXag. w EB3TK' '8 UNABRIDGED DIO- TIONABY, Worcester's Tntbrilged ticn&ry. Jast received aad fer sale at Dle- HEINBBERGER'SJ Liva Book a ad Kvslo Store. jn 34 MEW DOARDINQ HOUSE A T BTJBGAWVby ' jL MRS. JOHN SMITH. Table always'suppUed with the best tha market affords. Give us a calL . jam 28.81 . ... " Admiiii0trator'0 i Sale. ON FRIDAY OTXT, 27th lost, at 10 o'clock, A; M., wa wiU sell, at the Restaurant of the late R. P. Eyden, dee'd, ( North Water Street) all the Household and Kitchen FurmIture,Bar Fixtures, Wines, Liquors, and everrthinr therein contained. By erderofJ.Cr. Wright, Adm'r. I - jan23-8t . AuctioBeera The Ilaoquerade Ball- THE LISTS TOR THE MASQUERADE and Domino'Ball, to be givea oa Fri day Evening, February frd, kave been CLOSED, and the tickets' can be prepared at Helasberger's. Tickets will be sold ONLY to those whose names are en the Lists. Subscflptisin Gentlemen.en masque, $1 ; Ladles, en masque, complimentary. Admission for Spectators, Gentlemen M ots. Ladies 25 cents, F. M. AGOSTINI. jaa 23 2s-m-th Busineos Men JN WAN r OF BLARE BOOKS ARE reapeetfol j askid to eaU and extmlae ny new Stock and note LOW PRICES. Sta tionery adapted t? anx line of baaiaen Wood's Organs, Decker Bros , Celebrate. Piaaoa. '-': C. VJ. YATES, jaa 23 BooksaUer and8tatloaer The Robeconian, "DOBLISHED BVERY Wednesday, In Lumberton, N. C. ,by W. W. McDlarmld, has the largest circulation and tha largest advertising patronage of any count ly paper in the State. It now baa ovr 800 subscri- I r- - - bers in Robeson county alone, besides a general circiLatlori in the counties of Meie Cumberland, Rlsde Columbus, Rich mond and the adjoining Cj u titieg, Marloa, Marlboro ami D Arlington, iu Suuin uarou 4O.O0O JATHS FOB 81LE LOW TO 0LCS3 4mslgamaat .;.;.': LUMBE& . SASU CLinDi And every de cripcoa of BuHdiiiir Llatorial. Fzimiaeeodaaadprioas " 'LTAi-PZIX, PStCS h cbt i Jim, Yards ssaa d Once feet ITalait tt jaa is - 24. 1882. pi.gacn cun A V wta toglad so retCvae Crcxa ear ftUaa cm cay ca4 '3 taeraIUirMi avn .TIkaaJMf eaasU.oftU w sam act tJ3CZJ la ta adhtorUI mtdmm , r Uot7 Advcrtlrcz: 1 1 ' i ma0mmJQim ' OF. UAQTFC20, CZZZt T look at tci niupij; F 'CURES ARS MOWSiXritiC Words ! Hear whaa tav ear ? - . ' . .."'".' i The paid up CaprUl is tSajCZX : ' 1 j The TRAVELLKR'B wrote 571 i " dntPoUcleain lSSl, a jpU ofIi C 18S0. and a gala ia Dreminma at f ' ? ' Paid oa claims in Accldeat lt -15t90 policies, which ! nearly csStf c ait persona intured, aad the csurr on these claims was $TU,003,lf y, " nearly $00,000 per montk. t In the Life Department tier we in amount of Life Iosurasce f- tr $1,412 S83. ! . Trr-. These figures sneak for taeMr.: ciea for $3,000,25 eentafof oaeC:7ft. Preftrred iJJaka.T for year. W fst Polices written by , T rr- JAM'LKOBTHROPfAc jaaSO- WUaiwstSTlX.CS' PLANTATION FC.1 CT rflHE UNDERSIGNED JL poiated by the Judge wjun ox mew nan over to sale at nubile auctloa January, 1882. at the Court rrm 1 ' the City of Wilmington, at 12 Vdsd't that valuable plantation la Pcacr C" en Rocky Point, known as Pesafetcav taming about one thousand aerts cf C land, to' wit : A certain tract cf tC Pender county, bounded by allaa TT dBff on the edge of Black Creci, tzQ end of a bank across asid creak, crl ning thenea S. 10, E. $A chanu a&2 L 1 to a pine and pine poiatera oa tna r ' J of Dark Branch, thence 8; 83. H O C to the edge of the Tide Swaaty at-C" LBtm aS- r Spring and thenee ia the saaaa lxn i . I the N E. Braneh nf tha yPmmm ' thenee up the river to the line ef CaA . m plantation, thence with fkat Mae te a in me aaia line opposite to a rev ex trees and thenee to the beainml. i Terms liberal and made kawwatty - The sale of the above has been postponed until Tknreav2 . , lost., at 12 M. : JaWliLiTI ' ! We Want Buyoro C3 1 000 HBW FLOJ 7 h 300 f COFf3 1 " 2500 8UTMPcoici;: QQQ Saeka.FINE flALt,; . HALL & jaa 10 ft 4 Pittcboro Accicr Spf iff g BEiatosr of i: pxc ary tth. Students of aay agetfr'r preparrd for OolWjre ft for Tae Principal has hai many yagti cp ' eaoeUteaohl g. '.," :7. Tt-auu pa? Baailan W 22 wtiC aad Talfloa $T6. Befcn to Rirr 'cj Raviawj . For paHealara, aiirca ;i dee St tt siora PAiuTino. vzzuuzz rjIHE UNDERSIOKED WOUL&tX spectfuly say that until farther 'r w svss alwtacO , .;: . i .. .' . t "'. . . ' j eft&aCc- Hi counrr, wac i PEimOvrrs may be Craud at his ret2das3 CII ,;j-tJ :-: " ',,'V..-:. '7,y;r v' Third and Market streets, ffepsi OCt cute all orders in the above casai tr; I esi yRoom Sets, Tin Waw Xt VZJ' repainted and Tarelahed. ' ' s jan4tf 0. nSIIInflw . . T AM STILL RSOEITINO tbe UT3 tltiea in;lfflUnery GcoCi, W&tJ.&Cjr' Ac. New StajByiif Patrerw, ZttfClZlJ Braids, Stellepa. A. - " J EespetfuUr, . . : -,r..,.- uiss t. rAtrr an - AxttnAX en JOHN CARROLL, TtCpt South aVlaMark8tStreet,TmtsJsrts;C, THE BAR ia anrplied witk tl9 tl' Whiaktea, Wlnea, Beer, Ctusz" y ' jec. risan or we a arse arracae ajwaya. - hand. At ue Boatanraaa eaa ne xazza v tasst Oyatars tntmjht to tilcrirc! i are tawed a say stria &tn I ' x fe - 4 I f