THIS PAPK if (in Irr- Three e ' j 25 ; One moctb, 50 oea'tf. -j:0"cC,p t delivered; toy carriers, - ... 13 oenta per wex. T6' rate.lOW and liberal aUriber. will piereport any and .. ....i.rMto reseat r r ij. 5sW AdvertisemQiits. C- v?. hSi m pi tat MAES. to day THE GREAT- v ur n r r" ' a Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago Backache, Sorensssjr xhe Chest, fiout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and ' Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Jc-ih Ear ar.d Hoadacho, Frosted Veef and Ears, and all other f p.'c cj( Acnes. z : . riVtT, pouala St. Jacobs On atnl cheap External f A I'-' . b'-.t the comparayveiy . .1 -nsv-. AnjI.tllfTill1. ve 'cii'.-ap and positiTO proof u-i Langnsgea, li !Ln !' Y Lli Q GISTS AND DEALEE3 I " JiT UECIGINE. A. VGiS-SiSR & CO., Jitt. Joo rersos Sta.emen. In Ee- gard to Cancer. I receive ow 1lf MkiHlf mv rPir.wlv will cureCaccer. I can only cite 11UIUV1VUJ ivny.v - . -J J ...-.1 1 .7 I h ive had an opportunity questing it in its incipient stage. V lien we were marrieu, 1 in J857. inv busbimd-had a small wart- I iook -7 . ba a! tetitii tnrm a scab', something similar to a piece cf dry bran, which would shed every few days ., ano incr 1 w , ,u - Unill flWmi, lOif, wneu 11. mmu .uw tinned t, ,plVu. .fa. Jt ah.iR ..l,.- in a .finrr cnw whipli (Yin. I ranitlkv thrculiout that scniis ana sum-1 nf o ci!r miariprtustl I l:e appearance or noney-como, wuu me cells dislincily marked, h ed consldeiahly lati asmarthi" irritalirff sensation as i occasional suarp uaruiig pan, iuw tended to the e,e and weakened ooay wno saw u ccnsiuer-v- it wel develop? d cancer. lho ptiysiciaiss advised Hm to bave it cut out, whereas I advii d treatment at a cancer iulirmary thlUcV ofula. I com- XliVo It the .lb NO- uiew it to be good' for Scrofula iceccedlts use on the sore October and diseovTinued vemhor i. it wan ntRFKCTLY CURED. It H had then been a mnning 6ore for six month?. It broke ont again for four cm sccutive years, in the epiiug ea!h litre more SftVirelv. and reaufripe much longer r r,,m T rMit too! in ITfi. wllhTt 1 -7' . .', .... it rsnuhed four month,' treatment to effact a cure, oUjCi; w mtu mm- u. - it.!. .: t,o l,on a-.. :s new periectiy wen. l naveiriKu u m many advanced cis cases beyond the legibility or hope ot chip, always v-itb Uem-sometiu by delving its pro. ;s new perfectly well, l Hive iriea ii in lttpfir wrvrw.t !W tlf JVl!)" I S CIO. res?, sometimes by giving-perlect tree- i!om n om all rain. I ami very trulv, Mi:s joe rt'iibON, Sov 11, 1B61. Franklmton, Tie Kemedv is for sale in V llmnutcr, byDr.wa.H.OKEEN. Send to Ci, cular. jan IS Irirm Embroiderv AND LAC E S ! T 13 OCR PURPOSE TO REDUCE theteliteiof goous, atu some ccnceseiuus i-m . m i,, m liberal buvers. The price6 . . ... ar already low, but we wm uo even mivi lor you sow. A few imc i.Auwu4i SKIRTS will be fold forjess than valxi?. LARGE NI E BLANKETS cheap. Without fear of contradiction, the largest stock of medium and fine Lace Curtains to be found in any Southern maiket. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rusji and Mats. Just r ce ved a. full ttock of Dod r Mats. UT Estimates given for I hurch Car- It.f ai.d a liberal discount allowed. . K' . m. EVlcintire. iaii K 11 . Cl II II II lk3 11 !1 II fcoJ 11 II If J 3HK0UT inK place on bis lcttcneeKDocefwu cxi ..T , , . V i sequently tne young iu-u- f L-T' rm. tvi. Ml ink f rfar-1 Plane told methenbothou2htwoui.ie7eniu ers with the Desi luxuries me uiarnei, church!and enjoyed unrestnetea inter- jr ."""7 rJ, rfniTof I ly terminate in canc-r. Vie ?aid no at afforda in the best styl and at the very course,! . .. , niV fashion notes bv Kate I ontoit,tLougnnccouta- Give hirn a call. " - h About the tenth day alter the aamis- -tr.tions by Louise1 C Tif. U- V-. g years iua is. gi-u . ... --r-r JL gion of the steward for rheumatism, ne 7- .viAnMhv Profa Rothrock. Barber.I n in tiya. 1 iie.ii 1 L li i i - -it r I n in tha l w - . . . j ii last, one ui pujsiu-iwuw-' the Hamburff Drops since 4 t, 1 a. I' l..;n:nnn AirrfYncitAl t Vi O I I 1 try my Kemedy, and said ne oenevea u . ho.,,1 o. Pftmnlaintr I would cure it. Tbe thought ot ming it , a " i Lad iver occurrtihto me, The VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. New Adyerti5iext3. SJonx H. Harlix Notice I ale Price 1 1st Cms E Hires Diary Freej Wm T Com-tock Books on Building Du Wm II. Parker KnoWjTbyeeir See ad ' Our.i ontioeut." The ChickeringPiiuo Heinsberger New Books C W Yate; Baiscess Meu been NotbiDg doing in magisterial circles - day, : The receipts of cotton at this port to foot up 472 bales. What is wanted in these days ?s not waa eo much the elevation of the stage as tbe J enlargement of tbe means of exit from tbe auditorium. Tbe papers all over the country bave m niin.ti, hi hataworn bv - 4U 4U it.A wa, aa ri women in the the atre. .e bave sa d nothing uppn tbe subject, for the hats we have seen offer nothing to be enlarged upon j 1 !, I A railroad man met with a paiufu1 He had lvVluvu vlv ww.. - " D I i I I jut eraptiea one scooner of beer, and was in the act of reaching for another, when bis wife aDpeared unexpectedly 1 upon the scene. Heas caught between i i I the bumpers with the usual result. - Indications. For the South Atlantic States, ! 1n , pionay weather and ram, northeast to aonneast r . . I wids, lWer barometer and riling perature Returned. . . Crazy Kitty, the poor demented color- a wao cpnr.itf f hft lnsaaa I "7f "7 "nnL alms hoOEe Lm k. hai returned, and was on our streets -to-day. . . , I Our people should lemdmber that have in this city one of the best restau rabta in tbc southf kept by V. A. tocn o 1. . t gQ renairs. " She is to have a new propeller - r .. . I :, i nF A foot in niamPTPT iinfl Will: D6 Olucr I fitSed for Mcom.nid.tion.Uety : . , 1 ! , Kntir.R will be aulv siven wnen noln rooHr fnr k tr ma. i tuiu. . ' J ,r: rtrvm I (tl. a ( 1 o nut nn inr a. i wun mkiziCU tt i tu 11 vi w rn- iuiai MT.1n1iHi.u4 uv tut a juajiumju. a ui w jmu mi 1 ne steamer uuucul 10 .o,ava -1 - , u Uo fr- BV .I-t, n -ktu . I " time undergoing quite extensive , , finWintendent of Health 'I . b'c H Clark, f Max Adler)! favorably, and the WOrKS wonoera ; uut, mtu ; s-. " caQ B0 change, as the loiiowiog from our esteemed fellow citizen H. F. R!wn;Sn will show: . I have sold ' ' ! 1 1 l anu trnnw Virnt f Via Dror orantU i ' E;; r" say. X F ' r. .. J .1. T iw This is Ihe Law. A work, the 'Laws of Life A. UiV4VMa " " 1 i ' S " says that more quarrels: arise between brothers between sisters, Detween nireu .; Mi". 1 -J hired nnl,nn1 .iris Kattraon clerks f u4 A m . u,.. ' 1U Biurca, ucinwu, ulit. .vu, , . ,1 nusDanus anu wives, owing iu cicni.t-. nusuunus auu wuca, chantres through thei 0 u r. together night aft r systems by lodg- ftpr nitrht nnder the ;u3 '"o1"""-' '"b"""""i"0" 8ame bed clothes, than by any otner turbing cause. There is nothins I that will so tterange the nervous system of a I person who is ehmicalive in nervous - ,ie a night?inbed - another person who is absorbent in her vousforce The absorber will go to sleep'and rest all night, while the elimina- tor win oe tumonng ana tossing, resus and nervous, and wake hp in the morh- .... . 1 1 1 A : i 1 in. fretfnl. peevish, fault-Gnding and discouraged- M o two persons, no matter . i - . l i .i iAWiwwniiv o nan i wno tney are, buouiu uauuunjf Blccr together. One will thrive and the other will lose. This is tbe law. The First Shad. The first shad of the season was brought to our market this j morning. It wa3 caught in tbe nets of Messii Mills and Herring, and was bought by Mr.P.A. Schutte. This is rather late in the season. I I Work commenced. The foundation of the j fire alarm bell tower, a description of which we gave some days ago, was commenced to day under the supervision of the contractor and the work will bq pushed until the tower is completed iand the bell sus pended, l Daily WILMINGTON, N. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 25. 1882. NO 21 The Last Cm in Wilmington We have Eeen a letter from a party in the country to a gentleman in this city, in which it ia assumed that the email pox is in Wilncington, for the excellent rea son that! no denial of scch a thing has made. To quiet the raiDda of all .1 i . . , V.. of those j interested, we here enter tne denial; There is not now a case ot small 1 d pox, isolated or otherwise, any where within the city, nor, so lar as the knowl edee of those here extends, within nuy on cage, oi luuoo u , miles of it, and we mase inis asseruou on the authority of tbe physicians.: The last -ease appeared in May, 1881, nearly a year ago." It was on board of a vessel from New York, loaded with guano, and i Confined to oneperson. 1 wo were afflicted, but one was convalescent when the ve el reached the city. We will let Dr. Wood t;ll of tbe case, as he does in tne June (1881) issue of th North Carolina Mcaica. journal: Few commercial towns for a long time l.;.;iMinM Lf ftTnftli . notwitb- stanaae that it is the most preventable 0f nn diseases ; and small pox ooce having made its appearance is seldom limited to the introduced case. example of complete success m limitinc small D0X to the original case r . . ' .v. nnU no t nam nnnor nnr ZrX T Wlfrom Ujpw Yirk .loaded with guano, had a case of small dox on board. The disease made its appearance at sea, on tne person r t.n Panto n Tho vnnnff of the son of the Captain. The young man vas taken into the cabin and nursed there by his brother, who was a mate, and by the steward. Arriving at the nuarantine station, the vessel at iub w&g mae to set the signal for the quar - T ' tern-Untvne officer, , for the alj U LG . UCUUlwUOiU w w the case of small pox was convalescent, and the eruDtion on the face and hands waa accounted for. by the guano fumes, The yessel was permitted to co-e to w;iminortrn. and the stewaru was aamit-1 ted t JtSe Marine Ho,pital with rhecma tisff: , ..L. t tuuoicBu "" r" I did not come under the observation ol any medical man. For, '-as the friends of at Smith vine iney uouuteu u iuc woo waa a-all-pox. bat chicken pox. and con- nAlifip1 within an hour after the " a!-'J --.5 nmntmn WftS OlflynOSllCU WJU UUU nuicctut withouk herttotlo. tbrt it w-n-ll-pM. nreDaration wai maae lor me remuv" ui j;vr t..... f ai r.:t ui. oitv In three . "77.1" ;thnnt thfi ne- wuo;eauairiiauu ----- currence of another case. i J All credit is due to the Superintendent 1 .r n ul r. h nNtmnr atinn ana 10 ui xacanu iui u - th and countv authorities for sus- I tflinintr him in his efforts. It is the first S57i55. our recollection that small- p0x has ever been limited to the original S this city, and we kpow that it is l' I a rare thine elsewhere. . . . 1 , After all the arguments about cheaps as and aualitv it appears that Dr. Bull' flea3 an(j quality it appears .rt iL. I 4 ..nnnJn Fnwt ib a ftnnirh Svrun is the best rei uougn oyrup ia iu u--J "Ar cure of Coughs and Colds ever offered to the public, The price is only 25 cents n uttl. .nt .vera rlrntro-pflt in tne lana j - -on , 8ell8 an(j recommenas n. Sent Forward A couple, consisting ot a man and his . 4fiirmo. of whom ia an invalid v" . . " . " " . ' from paralysis, applied at the city guard house last night for lodgings. They came . 1 , i : "?SZ . r tuiiua. ruaw aaw uwv. m o jr i f thft hrother r -? I J . . yesterday evening. iDcT reiurutju cut ini ucj I " . ... 1 A 1 They were mrnishea witn iooa ana ine necessary lodgings, and this morning, through Ithe aa-n fnrnished them and they depart UI UUt ucuciuivm. V f ed lor tueir nome in aaicigu. i . - . i ri.i.:u X Locky Han in Mlliord, Del- Th( Ttrieach crop of Delaware about ihis time lyearly becomes the subject of newspaper paragrapning. air. Ackerman, at Milford, however, does not tak the Rame interest in the affair he did before he drew a part of the $100,000 capital prize in the December drawing ! Ui.t. T all in. ot 1 Be ljouisiauit oww j, formation about which can bs had by writing to M. A. Dauphin, JNew uneans La. i j' ! City Court I A whi e tramp, who has been for a number Of days travelling about the city tPllintf fortunes, was brougni Dei ore uie Mayor this morning, having applied for lodgings at the guard house last night Upon hia faithful promise to "skip" the city, ne wa aiscnargru. .. . 1 nn p w in nwm uv vtuuuuu. " imnrnTPmpni nvnonii u uuiuuuu i uu ' ' ' - V -f Ne7 Advertisement Notice- THK 8 ALE OF TICKETS for "Fresh" mill commence at tbe Store of John Dyer & Son. at 7 o'clock Thursday morn ing The Raymond Tom pan y will not leave until Tuesday morning, going North, and will give the WHOIjE on Monday Will Fife luc u nuijia nIen 1n fir8t clas styl. jaja25 JOHN II. JIARLIN, Mang'r. I , . p. itar ig. with im- o!inrfar, e! S -t to acy ddre I receipt or two xnreoent fiaaapa. Aa- HXBES. 4S W. UUar At9 PMU . ) . 5ju4w , . . . r" Ofl,DUIIUIUKf T4"iTIvot I eoratiog, or 18J, 2jj, ftxoOK, 1M Broadway, eW York. an S-sw G0L0 MEDAL AWARDED I THE AUTHCa. A new a treac meu ' orjt. inditpens&ble to ever? nam. entitled "tbe Seience ot life," boand in bncat French ntuslin, embosvd.f al! giit. 300 paeea,contains beauUiul steel Aivr. 31 uwiaww ar. ,ax. H)HfSLfa UK,o.4Balfiaclist.Bostaa. f . : a. - t . TIF NtT i CONTINENT A NEW ILLUSTRATED Tif firorV Week V JOUmal j u NEITHEB POLITICAL NOB SECTARIAN; hKSS sisted by Daniol G. Brinton and Robert S. uavis. j t, wkritit abv 1. '82 .ti'mi.hed author, andlkil- . . . -n.iit. JS-S TheFebruary nnmbers containing np.els der -gj p-Rce, Julian Hawthorne, John anu StOrinS Dy sxvwii XjAtuyuviif xu-iB aim Habberton, R H Davis, etc; poems by Os . uaaii , ot, ouwa.uu. . j ftJSgS ..Hnola Remus" and a host of others. , Tll - . laelntfTAS, nflguuiui lUUliiMtwu S f 0 ?2' J?2IfLS! i"v"r;. 1 most narfect in the montnlies. I Price 10 WDtS S numMr, S y-ST, interest ens- T"..t inteil tn tate anbacrio ! TT... . url l.rlv to their ,;r i7Iimw th1r incomes, without teng jj ttrfr Utular business, by Wcmg for "Our Con. cinerii. vvriu) iur paint.uito j 4nTTR f!ONTTNKNT.- jan 25.4 w W w' " f Philadelphia, Fa THE THE HIGHEST AWARDS in th GREAT WORLDS PAIR in LONDON, isst; at the international EXPOSITION 1851; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in AKl. I mal, exhibition in pnuadeiphia, ists. in CHILI. 1875: and at the grand CKNTKCi- rJtll persoo wlshlDff to pwrrcka (or eo aine) lastrument are reapectfally la yrtfd to rialt oar Warerooms. Scndjar Circulatand Pric List. CHICKERIII6 & SOUS, B0 Fifth AvMie.N.Y. I 156 Tr-montSU, Bottm. Administrator's Sale. ON FRIDAY NEXT, 27th lost , at 10 o'clock, A. M.. we will sell, at the Kestanrant or tne late k. r. ryaen,aec u, rNorth Wat r Street), a'l the Household and Kitchen Furaiture,Bar Kixturea, Wlnea, Liquors, and everrthiog therein containea. By order of J. O. Wright, Adm'r. jan 33-St v' Auctioneers 4O.C0O JATH8 FuB ciL LOYT TO OLCBK Oonilgament. ! LUMBEB. SMH. DOORS, BLIKDI y Aad erery dieciiptioa cf Building MateriaL KxtMio9 odt aod priees. ALTAVF'B, PE10 it 00. Mill, Tarda aad OtSee feot Walaat rt Jaali: ! mW j To Builders and others Go to Taco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, kc. Ton can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. New Advertiseraerjts. Vaccine Virus. -w- Air vAiir QTTDm tpn thitti -xr t I ovrr.u.u a; CINE IN LARGE QUANTITIES 8UFFI CIENT to fill all onlere. ThU Bovine or , r . , u Animal Vliua ia from the estab'.Uhment of Dr. H. A Martin, ' of Boston, and is war ranted to take, In aTl primary vaccinations, v r .. 7 Ivory Pornto; fjr $t.C0 13 do j do 2 00 Orders for any quantity by telegraph will receive prompt attention. - '. THOMAS F.OOD, lan25-tf hac j Wilmington ; N. O. t New Books. ! ! I ' ' - . pAITU Af-D UN PA ITU, I A new Kovel. juit eat, by tbe llut'hess. THK PR1N0S iND THE PAUPitB. A Tale for foxing People of all agei. Br Mark twain. For tale at I KElNriBERGbd. UNABRIDGED DIG- TIONA.RY, Worceter?e I nabrldged DIo- ti- nary. Just received land for sale at HEIIfSBKRGKR'fi, Lire Book and Music Btore. jan24 NEW BOARDING HOUSE AT BUkGAw, by i MRS. JOHN SMITH. 3y Table always supplied with the best I the market affords. Give us a call. jaa 2d-8t ' . ' usiness TJlen N WAST VY BLANK BOOKS ABB respectful y aifctd to call and exfmine-y i . t L ". B' ' Cel?b't' YATES, Bookseller andStatiener HULBERT BROS. YH3LE SALE PRICE LIST. No. Price. A Ptann 1 rtit - RnilATU. TOSfiWOOd. 1 carved, agraffe. .$159 00 7 Piano, upright, li oct., cabinet grand 174 00 iri nrotn. 4 nets reeds. 9 stops and i irnnd nroran .......... 59 00 ina nr0M. 6 seta reeds. 13 stops. Coupler, Buuuaj Our Jfianos ana vrrizansr warranted first-class. - 2 Violin outfit, boxj bow-strings,' ; complete. . ...... ............ 3 Violin cremona model, extra fine.. 4 AecordooB, 6 keys, bass box, fine tone... '.. Q Accordeon, .10 keys, 1 stop, 2 gets reeds, perfect. ......... 7 Mouth OrganSjVienna concert, 24 holes ...j. 8 Mouth Organs,Qenuine Richt- er 1 0 holes, OS.... ...... ll Mouth Organs, Genuine , Con cert double 24 holes, Q S.. 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 I keys, boxwood 17 Fife, in ebony, German silver 3 00 9 00 1 00 3 00 50 24 1 09 5 00 is Mo.T;4tuiV,c,kny.fiD; i ferules 9 8 tune, wind witn lever, large , 25 20 Violoncello, tateui, macnine VA nnA 10 (X) 22 Double Bass, patent head, 3 or 4 strines. 23 00 24 Guitar, maple, machine head, fine finish.. 27 Banjo, 10 Inch, 4 brass bracks s 28 Cornet, brss enrnopeon at I case and crook. . . . . . . . . 30 Drum, brass, Prussian, orna mented.. 4 00 2 00 0 00 t 9 00 Gold VIo'fn, Gu.tar and Haujo Sfrinei U H:os....... . Silver Violin, Guitar and Baijo Stiioirs H Br ... Steel Violin. Guitar, aud Bi'j Strines H Bro.... Gut, Kneslan, Germsn or Ita'ian, bet qnailty.... IntructiOD Books, Howe's or Wiiv i ' lrfirw. anv iiMri;nieit. . . . . Bavins ioat made a good trade tor 100 Sineer5iewinilachiheswlllselltb.mrjr $25 each while tbey last. Money is quit sale in common leuer p!i iy addressed. 1 Terms strict y casn w'u viun. 'Iyan uuj take stamps. . . . , mn'mm9w inDfillTAPl RAR AMD RS- rents and dealers aei-u ior our Catalogue. ... J m I TAURAiiT. onabove net wholesale prices agents I ,RUTn" can maks 100 perceot. profit. I JOHN CARKOLL, Prop, Call on us wben you coma to tot- lxrau. i gjje Market Street, Wilmington, N.O Befereiic any bank or wholesale house I rriTlcl,AT. u .nro!ied with the best in the dty. . Hulbert Bros is tne oruy LeneraJ I ciof tbe finest grades always on Wholesale Music bouse In St. Louis. I At the KestauVant can be fund the H LBKUl liKUa., 923 Olive Street, Saint Louis, Mo jan 25ly . PLZAHSAOTIGJC. w t;i tMglad to rlT oEuaarlcatl t frots tmr r4s?s os acy and 'all cabjettf I " Y&a nazec cf tie writer ntrt tlway b i . nl!iJ 4o ta Editor. : Oosasaa!MUoaa nast be wrtttea ob y q tide of t piptr-v - ' -I 1 FeMcaallliM mzs. be avoided -ad It b e;ptaliy and partkralarly sd r tco4 that tie EdiiTrdo sqI alwja tndori the vie ot eorT3fodat nsbti to -la tie editorial coIqwm v i .' New. Adyertifiensonts. Trnvellep-s Iracs c;, ' - QF HARTFORD, COHrt. LOCK AT THE FECORO ! 'CURES ARK MORE ELOQUENT han A . . r, I . .. r ! . .it' worus near wnannpysay : T he p iid up Capital i f CiXl.CoO. The assets January 1 . were $G,U4, 502.70. - !. ii ! . . ; TheTRAVELT.KU'3 wrot Ac f. d-nt Pollc'eslnlSSl, a pin of 24,324 ovt 18b0. and a pain in preroioms of $4G7,PC9.3Q.i Piid on claims in Accident Departinei t j -i 15.SVW policies, wnich is nearly one in even- fit pereous iained, and the amount paidi on these claims was $7W,00S.lf which W;y! I nealy '),0W per month. ! In the Life Department there was a frail in amount of lfe Insurance" iu force of $1,412,883. ; : - j' These fitrurea sneak for themselves. Po-l- cfes for $3,000, 25 cents for one. day ; $4.50 ' lor one month. i Preferred hiske, for year, ; $3 per $1,000, x'oiices written by r i 8 AM'L NORTHROP, Agent, I jan20- Wilmiogton, N. C. PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED Commissioner, ap pointed by the Judge of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, will expose to sale at public auction, on Thursday, 19th January, 1SS2, at the Court House door hv the City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M. ,' that valuable plantation in Pender county, on Kocky Point, known as Pembroke, con- I taming about one tnousana acres or leruie land, to wit: A certain traet of land in Pender county, bounded by a line commen-j cing on the edge of Black Creek,' near the end of a bank across said creek, and., rual niDg thence S. 10, E. 36 chain, and 50 llnki to a pine and pine pointers oh the East tide of Dark Branch, thence S. C2,E. 93 chaias to the edge of the Tide Swamp at Caesar's Spring and thence in the 6ame ' direction to theN E Branch of the Capo Fear riverj thence up the river to theJine of the Vata plantation, thence with mat Hue to a stake in the said line opposite to a row of Cedr trees and thence to the beginning. ' Terms liberal and made known at sale. ALEX. T. LONDON, , decl7tds , Commissioner The ealc of , the above named plantation has been postpoded until Thursday tho 26Ui inst., atl2M. jan lS-td j We Want Buyers for 000 B FLOUR,: ()Q Bags COFFEE, JQQ Bbls'.SUGAR, 2500 Sek8L1VERP00LSALT' 500 SackBjFINE salt Hbds.-CUBA MOALS3ES, - &c, &c'.., &c. ' HALL & PEilHSALIo jaa 10 j Pittsboro Academy g'LINO BEiaiO? of lf82, rpem Jan ary 9th. Studeatj of any age reeivedud prepared for. Collie or for UadoeM Life. Tbe Principal hu had icaay Tears cx;eii no in teacM g. . ; ' Te.mB, per PecBloa' f 20woki, Pot d and Tuition 1 76. Cof?r t Ecitcr of the' Ravisw. For particulars, addres O B. DENSO", Principe dee 31 tf 50 w sions paihtiho. bbohzibo. ac I 00 ImEE, I NDERSIGNED WOULD ie say that until further coticale - r j. specif uily may be found at his re-idence, &mf r Third and Market streets, prepared to exe cute all orders in tho above named bransbv ;!' 1 i ! es. Room Set3, Tin War, Sc, neatly 15 i repainted and varnifibe'd. , , ! jan4tf j O.F. BUBK. ;;'.MHjinery&c- 10 li r AM STILL KECEIVIKO the latest rev- eltlejin Mniinery Ooodf, Fancy Artfcl t ITair Goods,, : ..I Braids. Scollops. &c. - hi Respectfully, I ; R, KAKKBK,; i u-pxge i MH.iimr .11 WhlskJee. Wine-, Beer, ChampagUfS, 1 finest Oysters brought to this market, wwen I are served in any etyle desired. Famniei 'supplied. JtnlT ....

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