THIS PI FIB ...k4 -T.r aft-raoon. Baadays e jOSB. T. J l M B. fOiTOB A HI PEOFWOTOI-' .CE8CBirrA)N8,p6sTAGK PAID. 8Jrtfiti 00 Six iron tb, $3 50 ; Tire- rt. paper will b delivered by earriera, ,.w.r,.. in aar part of tbe city, atihe 7,f. rats., or 13 cents per west. -Bobieribars will please report any and .11 ttll art to receive their papers regularly . 5ew Advertisements. iTl THE GREAT intuit mm FOR RHEDIiIATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Bout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sorains, Burns and Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feeiand Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. . No Preparation on farth equals St. JACOBS OlV ,nfT,ure. i'.vlf and cheap External turner A tnal entails Jbut the comparatiYely triiliiK "utlav of iO nrt Try oneuner Jh with pain '"i havo cheap and poaitiTe proof of IWi rlainid. I Diwtioni in Eleven Languafci. . 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AHDDEALEK3 IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md.,U. 8. Mrs. Joe Person's Statement in Re gard to Cancer. I receire numerous letters asking if my remedy will cure Cancar, I can only cite the following case, whicli is the only one I have ever cured, the only one uponjwhich I have had an opportunity oi testing it in its incipient stage. When we were married, in 857, my husband had a small wart looking place on his left cheek bone.whieh be told me then he tbousht woul i eventu ally terminate - in canc?r. We paid no at tntion to it, though ne could see yith acL vancitg years that it was, gradually in ereasiEg in size. Then it commenced to form a scab, eomelhidg similar to a piece of dry bran, which would shed every few days, another form, and so it continued until March. 1872, when it broke out into a regular runi iug, eating sore, which con tinned to spread with the most alarming rapidity throughout that spring and sum mer, lba sore had eaten in considerably. was aoout tee size of a silver quarter, had the appearance of honey.comb. with the eellj,idi5linctly marked, b ed cons'derably. uad a smarting, irntatinsr sensation a if needles were prickioe the surface, with occasional sharp darting pains, which ex. ienaea 10 tneeje and weakened it. Every body who saw It considered it a case of well developed cancer. The physicians aarjaea mm to cave it cut put, whereas 1 adwd treatment at a cancer infirmarr. At last one of ti.e physicians suggested that I try my Remedy, and said (he believed it would cure it. The thought of using it Lid vx occurred to me, as 1 then only txew it to be good for Scrofula. I com- tneLeedita use on the sore the 1st day cf October and discontinued it the 7lh No ember, as it was perfectly cubkd. It tad then been a running soifr for s x months. It broke out again fur four cnu ecutive years, in the suiiue eaoli time owre severely, and requiriuj: much looser to cure. I broke out, last iu U7G, when t required four months' treatment to effect a cure, sicco which time it has been and snow perfectly well. 1 have iried it iu Ey advanced cases cases beyond tlw Possibility or hope of cme, always with benefit sometimes by delating it s pro- Pa", sometimes by giving perfect Iree Jota irom all pain. I am, very trul?, Nov 11, 1SS1. . Franklintoo, N. U. The Kerned v is for sale in Wilmioatcn. by Dr. WAI. H. GKKKN. Send for Cir. calv. fan 18 Fine Embroidery AND LACES ! I T 18 ODR PURPOSE TO' REDUCE eteliun of goods, and some concession C1 be made to liberal buyers. The prices We already low, but we will do even better 0T ou w 4 AnA Hir XfOPiT. EXISTS will be unld far less than valu. KKE BLANKETS cheap. rt ... " ll&out fear of contradiction, th,e largest of medium and fine Curtains 10 fo11 ia any Southern markel. ClrPt, Oil Cloths, Rug and MaU-- m "tied a fjill 6toek of Doer MaU. Estimateg given for t hurcb Car and a liberal discount allowed. . hI M. r.lclntire. Willi , '"-.-..'Ml-."..; j. t ... ..,r: . .. . v . . . - .. - " . . i . . " ' ' Fiji. - - , V. : '-'-. i " T ; : i' - " :'"'-. - -'-t- ' ' t , ... ,.' . - ,. I ! ' " i - - ... : . 5 - j ;v . . , I v i " - ' , - - - ! ' ' . ' I t ' ' " " -". v t.".- VOL. VI WILMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. JANUARY 26. 1 1882. NO 22 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements, j' Alex T 1 cndox, C'ora'r postponement ol Sale ' - 1 1r Thos F Wooi-lIartln"VftC(ne Virus Ckly 4c Mokki3 Adminlotriltor'e-ale Nw York fe V ilmlngt n ! S Company Miss E Kakuek Albums of Fashions peka House John T Raymond . Heinbberger New Books . ; W YATE8-.gulspe8s Menf C " Nothing doing in I Magisterial circles to-day. - f: ! V 1 lie receipts ol cotton at this port, 1c diy.foot up -105 bales. 1 Steamboat men continue to report good hoatiDg water in the river, whereof they are glad. j The meanest woman on record is the one who boiled codfish in a fire-proof sa,fe to keep her neighbors from getting atmelJ. j Crude turpentine, dariDg the last three dajs, has been higher than it has been known at any time within the past ten years. Ml Crushed carrots and j frightened mouse are the newest shades-. The young lady who discovered the latter tint mixed her color while standing in the highest chair in the room. Ouojboj is a boy ; two boys are half a boyjand three boys are no boy at all. pen. franklin J It is diflerent with girls, Benjamin. One girl is a girl ; two girls are more than a irl, and! three girls are an entire circus. I 4- . i Two white tramps (the streets jare full of them) applied at the guard hoitse for lodgings, and were taken: in I and locked up: This morning they jwere brought before the Mayor, wljo upon their prom ise to leave the city forthwith, allowed them to go, and they went. We haye heard both Democrats fnd Republicans say that there is nothing better for a Cough thain Dn Bull's Cough Syrup ; this old reliable remedy never fails to cure a Cough or Cold at once, and may be obtained at any drug store for 2d cents a bottle. Talk about mean men.andrwe'll tell you that the meanest, stingiest man we ever heard of lived "down !East.'l ,He was so mean and stingy that he carried an old bunghole to a cooper to have a cask put around it. Be said'It was a t;ood bunghole and he didn't! want to have it wasted." Next! ' A Chance for investment. As may be seen by reierence to our advertising columns, the bar, fixtures, wines and liquors of the lateK-i F. Eyden will be sold at auction to morrow, the 27th inst. The property will also be rented for the year commencing February 1st , 1882, and is a very desirable stand, being ner the business centre of the city. . This is to certify, that aftr jsuffering the most excruciatiug paiD for two years from chronic rheumatism, and using im mense quantities of liniments, oils aud physicians' recipes, St. Jacobs Oil was recotnmerded to me by a friend. I used it for a few weeks aud hafe not suffered with rheumatism from tbat time' until the preient nearly six months. I now consider myself entirely cured, thanks to St. Jacobs Oil.. j i Gilbert G. Hexeifld, j 1026 Mi'lira ukee Ave., Chicago, III.- I Again Postponed. I i The sale of the plantation advertised in our columns by Mr.' Alex. 'l London commissioner, which was postponed from the original date of sale until to-day, has been again postponedjunti 12 o'clock m. to morrow, when it will positively take place. The Mystery. "Rhoda, the Herodian Mystery," will make an appearance in thia city at an early date. It is said to bo one of the greatest curiosities in the world. Due notice of its arrival and the time and place of its exhibition wilt be given, but we are now able to state that the price of admission is fixed at the merely nomi, nal sum of ten cents, and! the exhibition room will be open fer ladles and children from 12 o'clock noon, to 6 o'clock p. m. Lydia E. PinkRam'a Vegetable Cora pound, the great medicine for the cure of all female complaints; is the greatest streegthener of the back, stomach, nerves, kidneys, urinary . and genital organs of man and woman ever known. Send for circulars to Lydia E. Pinkham Lynn, Mass. , The Collector. ' There is another Richmond in the field. It is said that Bishop Hood, of the A. M. E. Church in this State, would fike to be Collector of Customs at this port. Ue is tired of preaching and thinks that he could do better at some thing else. J The race then will be be tween Capt. Pennypacker, Bishop Hood and Mr. Canaday. We are betting on Pennypacker. . M I Tiie Pjrst Sbad- We referred yesterday very briefly to the fact of the arrival of the first pair of ehad of the season, and their purchase by Mr. F. A. Sclyitte, for his cafe on Front street. It isja remarkable fact thar shad were in the market a month earlier last season than they were this year, although not in large quantities. Mr. Schutte, as a caterer who is bound to give his patrons all the luxuries of the earliest markets, has been on the lookout for a month past for that first pair o shad of the season, which he succeeded yesterday in capturing with a silver hook Fresh, the American i For the first time iu this city, says the Columbus (Ga.) Enguirer-Sun, Gunter's farcialplay of "Fresh, the American, was presented last night to a house filled almost to its capacity, and Mr. John T. Raymond's performance was most heart ily approved. There is no littxary mer it of any consequence in the play, but it proves an excellent vehicle for Mr. Ray mond to portray an exaggerated type of the keen-eyed, shrewd, wide-awake, generous American, who, when he says he can do anything, can do it. Thus it was. that he appeared last evening and scored a ' hit," if we are to judge by the continual flow of laughter and applause during the entire performance. The play posesseses the advantage of bring ing Mr. Raymond frequently on the stage, and he' is always received with minifestations of pleasant delight by the audience. The company supporting Mr. Raymond are exceptionally good and sustained the characters assigned them in a way credit able to themselves and pleasing to the audience. The ladies of the company are (generally pretty all of them gocd looking and rendered very acceptable supoort. Miss Agnes Proctor, as "Ereina Almi," a young Egyptian princess, sus tained the character remarkably well, and So did Miss Lizzie Cruse, the schem. ing young widow. The other ladies had little to do except to look pretty in the harem scene, which they very well accomplished. The entertainment throughout was very enjoyable, and made Mr. Raymond a greater favorite than ever. They go from here to Macon. Hot Water for Plants, 1 has long been known that the roots It f plants encased in earth would stand water so hot as to be quite uncomfortable I I 4 1 ... to the hand. M. Wlilermoz, in the Jownal of th e Society of Practical Horticulture, of the Rhonej Francs, relates that plants in pots may be treat ed with hot water when out of health, the U3ual remedy for which has been repotting. He says when illbealth en sues from acid substances contained -or generated ! in the soil, and this is absorbed by the roots, it acts as a poison. The small roots are withered aud cease their action, consequently the upper and youager shoots of the plant turn: yellow, and the spots with which the leaves are covered indicate their morbid state. i In snch cases the usual remedy is to transplant into fresh soil, clean the pots carefully, secure good drainage, and often with the best .j. . .. . - l results, li ut the experience or several years has proved, with him, the unfail ing efficacy of the simpler treatment which! consists in wateriug abundantly with hot water at a temperature of about 145 degrees F., having previously stirred the soil of the pots so far as might be done without injury to the roots. Wa ter is then given until it runs freely from the pots In his experiments the water first came out clean, afterward it was sensibly tinged with brown, and gave an appreciable acid reaction. A fter this thorough washing, the pods were kept warm. Next day the leaves of ficus elastica so treated ceased to droop, the spresTd of black spots on their leaves was arrested, and three days afterward, instead of dying, the plants had recover ed theirnormal look of health. Very soon they made new roots, immediately followed by vigorous growth. Across the Continent. The bill posters are adorning the boards with the show bills of Oliver Doud By ron's company, who are to appear here on February 2nd., in " jjcross the Conti nent." We have heard the company and the play highly praised, and we hope they may have a full ! house, and tat the performance may not be cut, as sometimes are; " - ' 8nndsy School Association Mr; Jas. T Lineback, chairman of the executive committee of the Northj Car blida State Sunday School Association, has just issued the following, which is of interest to the Sunday school organiza tions throughout the State: "The exe cutive committee of t he North Carolina State Sunday School Associastion having received official notice that Mr. B. F9 Jacobs, chairman of the International Sunday School executive committee, and Mr. E Payson Porter, statistical secre- tarv. with nerhnnfl rtthpr Uf thA. m. :..r . "r " mittee, will visit North Carolina on the 24th and 26th ot February, 1882, I . . v at some convenient centre, to meet the Sunday school workers of the State, desire hereby to give notice that on the days mentioned there will be held in Raleigh N. C a special meet ing of the North Carolina State Sunday School Association. Not only are or. ganized counties earnestly requested to attend, but every county in the State may and should have some repre sentatives indeed, any earnest Sunday school worker will be made welcome, and will be recognized as a member of the convention. A local committee has been appointed in Raleigh which will make all necessary arrangements for holding the convention. From this committee other announcements may be expected. . For the Review. Sentiments of a Democrat. , Mr. Editor: W e read in the Review, with some degree of surprise, not to say regret, the announcement that our hon - ored "soldier friend," Maj. C M. Sted-, man, had resolved not to be a candidate for Congressional honors in this district We regret it because he is no politician, and in allowing his name to go before the lat Congreiional Coaxeutiou he but yielded to the wish of a large major- itj of the industrial classes, of whom he is one, and with whom he is in full sym- pathy. We regret it because it was abundantly demonstrated in the primary meetings, and conventions of the Beyers! ii r j. : . , counties of this Congressional district, as well as at I? ayetteville, that he was the choice of a large majority of the Democratic voters, and that his nomina- tion was defeated by such a combi- nation of the manipulators as has , e . , r.,, . , too often defeated the will of the people, and which is nigh unto destroying the democratic party ot our! .District I and state. Alter his deleat, at t ayetteville, with his characteristic zeal, he came promptly forward to the support of the nominee, devoting his valuable time, abundant means and fruitful talents in a manner which could but challenge the admiration of such of his opponents as could appreciate the chivalry of Due with whom they differed. The detejmination of Maj. Stedman not to be a candidate! is unfortunate, for he is now. as at Fay etteville, the choice of a large I majority I ot our neonle. Wo hone, however, that I souud policy, guided by principle, may take the spirit of crimination and re crimination so common with our party in, the past, and that ihe strongest and wow suau uics wwavuguu iui nut va a la hu next campaign. . Democrat. Who ever saw a lovelier day than this, in the month of January ?J Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J acobi's, f ; Quarterly Ueetlnss For the Wilmington . District of the Methodist E. Church, South. FIRST ROC5D. Waccamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Jan . . . . 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville, Jan 28-29 1 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, Feb -4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor, . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 vuesuurjr, b mkusuj, . ecu .0 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap el, . . March 4 5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, Mrch 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . March 18-19 C3The District Stewards will meet ta Wilmington at the parso nage of the Front StreetChurck at 11 o'clock a. xzu. on Taesday, the 3rd of January.1882. K. U-JliCRTOX, Proaiding Elder. Beautify your nomes by using the N j Y. KnamelPaint, ready mixed slad war ranted. Sold only at Jacou's. t To Builders and othersGo to Jco bi's for Saah, Blinds and Doors, Glass, kc You can get aU 'Bizes and at the lowest prices. I - UeTr Aavertifternenta Album of Fashions I AM HA PPT TO INFORM my custom ers nd the public erenerallv. that in ad dition to my large aud well, selected stock of MILUXRKY. &c, I have secured the Agency of the Univereal Fashion ompa ny's patterns, which can tc had onver reasonable terms, j Ka;Hrtfully, MIS3 E. KAHRER, jan ?J Exchange Corner . Administrato 's Sale. M. CROIVLY, AuclV. ' I B Y CRONLY & MORRIS. rpHE AUCTION" SALE at the fialoe-U and JL :f !. Reataurantcf the late R. r . Eyden, dee'd. comprising the Bar, all fixtures, Wiae, Liquors, Ac , and all the Household anl Kitchen Furniture, '..will commence at 10 W U M BAM VAK - U A. 4 A A MM I nil. WW 1 ll-M. o'clock, A. M., on to-morrow. FRIDAY 1 27th inst., by order of U O Wrieht. Adm'r, At by order and for account ot the owner' of the building, we will rent this popular stand from February I , o vciooer ist, looz. Jan ant MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRUS. North .Carolina Medicai. Jouknax Agixcy tor the Socthern States JjlRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the. renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. "Marti d, furnished. In large or small quantities- This vaccine is warranted to take in all primary cases. I 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do 2.00 Each lancet point will vaccinate one per son. : I . Orders by telegraph or mail will receive prompt attention. THOMAS F. WOOD, lanS6-tf nac Wilmington, N. C Notice. HPHE SALE OF TICKETS for "Fresh" X will commence at the Store of John Dyer & Son, at 7 o'clock. Thursday morn ing The Raymond Company will not leave wm give the WHOLE PL Alt on Monday 1 U1fsh in nrst ciasa style. jan 25 JOHN H. HARLIN, MangV PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED Commi3t,ioner, ap pointed by the Judee of the Surerior I Court of New Hanover county, will expose fcr''S'ai tne City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M. , t8Sg5?gl ISSSSt taming about one thousand acres of fertile laud, to wit: A certain tract of land in Pender county; bounded &y aline commea- SZJZ! nr the end oi a bank across said creek, and run- amg thence S 10, E. 8 chains aVid 50 Ska to a pine and pine pointers on the East side of Dark Branch, thence 8. 32, E. 93 chains to the edge, of the Tide Swamp at Caesar's 8Prinff nd thence in the same direction to SL'?lv?i?J' tneacc tip the river to tne line of the Vats plantation, thenee with that line to a stake in the said line opposite to a row of Cedar I trees and thence to the beginning. Terms liberal and made known at sale, i ! ALEX. T. LONDON, t dec 17 tds Commissioner The sale of the above namedTolantation has been again postponed until to-morrow, ffii? at 12 MV lively take place. Jan 26-U iinff vnni n. urn iiiiinTAfti HEW lUIUi C4- iflLlillnu I Ull ! QTCAMCUID Pfl Ol CHlYlOflir UUs g EM-WEEKLY LINE STEAMERS WILL SAIL FRO NEW YORK Iretv WEDMtSUAT aad SATURDAY at S o'ooet, P. BKXK?ACTOR.Tha alar. JBa T 26 RIGULATUU.....-,tarday. Janasry 2S OULF 8TBKAU-..Srdy, Tebrnttj I BKSEPAOrOk.WKi).adaj, Fobroary I 8 rkouLATOB... -atard.y, Tebraary 11 ifl Tbroua tiHl Liac aad Lowest Through gu trnt i to faa fri m i i - . ' Poiatia"5orta aad foath cl aa. - - For Frolfht Xagaf omosu apy t TflOS. XL BOfTD, Bc? 1 V- "Wflaiatftoa, HilO. ' TRIO. O. ZGZS, JrslgU Act, t Broodwj. Mrm Tcs. 1721. F. CLYDX k CO Qrrt Igsatsj , w will btf !td to relv woaQaaJallb nm oif Craads on ay aod 'all tnbets T ffeftwral !arM bni J , . Ta aaaa of lit vrllsr Bart sJwaya b tm tahew w s Erfitor. . - !.-. ' OostcdeiBoasatitbw. wrttua oa oaly one aid of the ptv . - PenoaailQas tszit be avoided , "'-V Ad it U espwUDy aad ptrtlaalarly wider tood tbat the EdiVwdoes not always endors Ike views ot eorrwtposdeats obIw to at ' in to odltorUl eolttucs. ' " " , Notf Advertigcmepts J OPERA HOUSElH "T PERFORM ANCK ssoth. ' 'V The Kins' of LuJw-thJi , l J T ComdIaa of theSttge. ' ,V Jphn e . -R ay mbndv la his gceat Corned y flit, r FRESH. THE AMERICAN. - : Thrtughout-4.A8 produced upwards of 100 . . I" NfghU I.Vioo .1 c f 1 the,Pllrk Tlieatro .Vew Yoi c. aflrv" bc MCUreif'-dajia advkftoe, o, r. JOr,N" ,r' ARLlX, Mata-er. ' jan 21-r,t S4t-th-tri-sat-mon " J m - . The Masquerade Ball. rilflE LIST FOR THE MASOUERAI1P 1 and DnnjnoBall, to be &.oJ j r?ni?nlasU febroJ 3rdif: have C LObED, and the tickets can be procured at lleiufcbcrser's. .Tickets will UiLX tO tllOSO whnKin.m List,. SubscrlpUon-Gentlemen.en m que, I I OF HARTFORD CONN. LOOK AT THE RECORD ! piGURES ARE MORE ELOQUENT tluin Words .' Hear what they say : ' The paid up Capital is G0Q,000. , The assets January 1, 1SS2, were $0,114,. a 'J?iTV?LL,FTi'd wrote W4 Accl. lh0. and a gain ia premiums of $407,9G9.30. ini? Of claims ia Accident Department. 15,890 policies, which is nearly one in every six persons ituured. and the amount paid on these claims was f714.C0S.16 which was nearly $00,000 per month. , i In the Life Department there was a1 gain S fio fIif? France in force of I These llgures speak for themsel ves. Poli cies lor S3.0C0, 2. cents for ono day : $4 50 for one month. Preferred Itlsks, for year, $5 per f 1,000. Polices written by j . a SAM'L NORTHROP, Agent, jan 20- - Wilmington, N. C. Mew Books. 1 ( TpAITd aa D UN FAITH, ' ' - I A nw Novel, jut oat, by the Duchess. PRINCE AND TDK PAUPJKR. Tale for Young People of all ajtei. Br Mart Twaiai For sals at 1 BUNHBERQKiv'a. TTr-B3TSa'8 UNABRIDGED DlO I TloNARY, Worcester's In abridged Die-. tU.niry. Just rereived aad for sale I at , Ukl5eBEROEasr JanM Lire Booka&d HnslcBtore. i . Business Men JN WAST CF BLANK BOOKS AR3 respeetfal j asktd to call aad exnalaeii y ww Stoek snd note LOW PBICE8.' 8ta- tioae y adapted t any line cf tniicer Wood's Org aas, Decker Bros , Celebrate. Piaacs. . H ' " ' I C. W. YATES, jaa 23 Fooksaller and8tatienr SIGNS PAINTING. BRdNZINQ &c. V. ,. .., WOULD re. fJlHE ' UNDERSIGNED spectfully say that until further notice h e may be found at his residence, corceri Third and Market streets, prepared to exe cute all orders in (he above named branch I es. e Room Sets, Tin Warf, Ac, ceatfy repainted and varnished. jn 4-tf . C. F.. BURtf. COSMaPOLITAN BAR AND RES- TAURANT. JOHN CAR BOLL, Prop. South sideMarket Street, WilrnlDgton, N.C.v THE BAR Is supplied with the best Whiskies. Whu-s. iVer. Charnrairnea. &c Cigara of the finest irrtdeft always oa hand. At the KeUurait eiu be food the finest Oysters brought to this market, which are served ia any ityle desired. JfamOles supplied. . jan 17 NEW BOARD HG HOUSE A T BURG AW. by I I MRS. JOHN SMITHJ Table alwaya supplied with the best " f ' - . ' i- i the Market affords. Give us a ealL jaa23-8t I. h . r';

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