. ! PLAhll POTIOR .. IfTT afwnoea. ftvadays w TCgiatt rv I T Bti CAB 3 - , , - . .. ., i . . . -. - . - -vl ., v--.. f prrnn A H WWW. varRirriosfi.roarAQK paid. C as 00 Sixmontks, $2 50 ; Three ' will delivered Dyearriers, r!. ;.t cart of tbeeity.atthe r i- aed libera Ajrgafre"br8 will please report my and .f..l.rltOf"'""'" Advertisements. THE GREAT FOR BHEUMTISI, fieur algia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, S wen in as and Sorains, Burns and x Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So PrT.Hon on mrth equals St. Jacobs Oii. , MHfr.tntr', simple and cheap External iRMjHxJr. A trial fntaiU tut the comparatively tiiflmc ..ntiar oO (nt. ana eyerj rattuuw Ihg wifb fai'a :' rheftP n Pltilv Proof ol ibi naims. m Dlrwli nc in Ylrren Langaaffca. SOLD BY ALLDBUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER 6 CO., BaUimore,Md.,U.8.A, Mrs. Joe Person's statement in Ke- gard to Cancer- " I receive numerous letters asking If my remedy will cure Cancer: I can only cite tbe Jollowing case, which is the only one I have ever cured, the odW one upon which I hve bad an opportunity oi testing it in Its ndpient ktage. When we were married. io 1857, my huebaud had a small wart lookiDg place on his left cheek bone.whieb M told me then he thought wou! i eventu ally terminate in cancer. We paid no at Untion to it, though no could see witK-ad-TaDcUjg years that it was gradually in. creasing hi size. Then it commenced to form a scab, something similar to a piece of dry braB, which would sbed every few days, another form, and so it continued until March, 1872, when it broke out into a regular runting, eatirgsore, which con tinued to spread with ihe most alat ming rapidity throughout that spring and sum mer. The sore had eaten in considerably, was about the sue of a silver quarter, had the appearance of honey .comb, with the cells distinctly marked, b ed cons:deiably had a smarting, irritating sensation as if needles were pricking the, surface, -ith occasional sharp dartiDg pains, which ex. tended to theeje and weakened it. Every body who saw it considered it a case of well developed cancer, uhe physicUss advised him to have it cut out, whereas I advised treatment at a cancer infirmary. At last one of the physicians suggested that I try my Remedy, and said he believed it would cure it. The thought of using-it had never occurred to me. as 1 theu only JtLew it to be good for Scrofula. I com menced its use on the sore the Ibt day f October and discoi tinued it the 7th No. vember, as it was perfectly cubed. It had then been a running sore for six months. It broke out again for four cn secutive years, in the spring eaoh time more severely, and requiting much longer to cure. It broke out last iu lb70, when It requited four months' treatment to c fleet cure, sicco which time it has been ar.d iLCw perfectly well. .1 have tried it in mny advanced cases caeo3 beyoud the possibility or hope ol cute, always with benefit someliiiifs by delaying its pio freas, sometimes by giving perfect Iree dona froiu all pain. I am, very trulv, MBS. JOE PERSON, Nov 11.1891. Frankliuton.N.C Tb Kemedy is for sale in Wilmingtcn, by Dr. WM. H. GUEEN. Send for Cir. cular. - j an i Fine Embroidery AND LACE S I TT IS" OUI UejeUnes of j OUR PURPOSE TO "REDUCE " goods, and , sowie conccesion be made to liberal buyers. The price8 are already low, but we will do even better tor you now. A few fioe BALMORAL SKIRTS will be sold for less than value. LARGE MICE BLANKETS cheap. Without fear of contradict ion, the largest tock of medium aod fine Lace Curtains to be found in any Southern market. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rus and Mats. Just rteeJved a full stock of Doer Mats, tar. Eatlmaltes giren for I hurch Car aad a liberal discount allow etl. J. M. r.lclntire. I rrv5 (S3 f"l TTTi VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. -II II Wakkep. & Co-J-Sie Kldcey and Liver Cure bit Tiios F Vi-M&rtia'8Vaf cine .Virus Opkkjl HocsE4.IohnTKaymond Hejnbbekok-u New Books (' W Yates BuitiDes Men . Nothing to report from Masriateriul cir cles to-day j Bracelets made o coins are coming into fashion. i ' I Don't deBpife the lowh; the underjaw doca all the work. , The receipts ot cotton at this port, to day foot up 284 bales. i .The next Jtock report ! will be made on Wednesday, February 1st. iveep an eye on your neiah bor; he might make a blunder aud wouldn't see t it. Many a raau owes his success in life to the hisse3 of his enemies, instead of the plaudits of his friends. The steamship Gulf Stream, Ingram, left her wharf in. this city, for New York, at 11 o'clock, a. m., to day. The abhorrent sight ( of a drunken fe male denizen of Paddy's Hollow was a disgrace to our streets tnis afternoon.' . . . . j A Great Obligation. "I ani indebted for my life," says Judge F. M. Brooks, of Columbus, Ga. "to Yarner!s Safe Kidney and Liver Care." The thermometer 1 in our office, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, indicated 7$ de grees, (Summer heat), all open. with the doors The man that savs that woman has never invented anything should listen -for a few minutes at the keyhole of the wlngsociety. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A ful assort, ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Doctors say that thej gout may be inherited. If the fellow were to leave ns the gout we should contest his will on the ground .of insanity. I . I ! . a - 1 There have been about 1,200 barrels of tar received here this week. As a consequence the article has fallen oS 40- cents in the last three days. . There are now G3 members of the Wilmington Telephone Exchange, be sides the fire-alarm stations, and the service is better "now than it ever was before. "Although there are scattered through the land maay persons, I ara sorry to say, unable to pay for a newspaper, I have never heard of anybody unable to edit it." ! !( Eggs, which were retailing at 40 cents per dozen during Christmas week, have come down to reasonable prices, and can now be bought at retail for 20 cents per dozen. i j It comes from aFHands and all classes of people. To consider the amcunt of solid testimony in favor of that Ruler of ilheumatic remedies, bt. Jacobs Oil, is almost beyond credulity. Some say it will be Judge Buxton who is to wear Judge Brook3 judicial shoes; others say it wil be Judge Sey mour, while many in th s vicinity thiak it. will be Judge Russel . I ! It is easy in the world to rive .after tbe world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after your own, but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. We are to have three! first-class enter- tainmeuts next week. John T Ray mond comes first oh Monday night, then Oliver Doud Byron on Thursday night, Februa ry 2nd., and then Frank and Saturday evenings, on Saturday afternoon. Mayo on Friday with a matinee We have received from Mr. J. I. Macks, President of District, Grand Lodge, No. .r, I. O. B. bI, his report of that orgaaization, and also the report of the other officers and standing commit tees ol the same for the 16th Annual Session, Jan. 24th, 182, all of which contain much valuable information for the benefit of the order. I ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cora pound, the great medicine for the cure of all female complaints, is the greatest streLgthener of the ! back, i stomach,; nerves, kidneys, urinary and genital organs of man and woman ever known. Send for circulars to Lydia E. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. ' , j ! ' ! City Court I A white tramp, who g4ve hU name a William Henderson, was brought before the Major th is morning, charged with being drunk and down. The charge was sustained, but as, he promised to leave the city forthwith! he was discharged. There being no further business, the court adjourned. 4 irevwstlr. It is said that a pinch of powdered sul phur put into each stocking when first put or absorl is) to a very considerable extentt ed by the system and is a most ef- fectivet preventive againstithe contrac tion o ' very nearly all contagious dis eases. Sulphur purified jby precipita tion is the best. This is a' very harm lets preventive and can Jpossibly do no haun cind is also very chpapT So utterly careless ar mny people as to the worth of time, that they, mil waste months of it io repiniqg at ' their ill for tune of always being sick, when they could j take H amburg Drops and be promptly cured of Dyspepsia, Liver Dis ease, Slood Disorders, etc. I Of Interest to Farmen. ; In connection with the annual meeting of the American Agricultural Associa tion,., National Acrricultural Convention will ble- held at the Grand Central Hotel, in New York, commencing on Wednes day, February 1st., and continuing three days. It is intended that the Convention shall I be made one of deep interest to the agriculturists throughout the entire country, and the management are making arrangements with the different railroads leading tothecftyyfqrla reduction in rates of fare, so that people from a dis tance may uot be deterged by the expense from atjtendingv To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass,; &o. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. T Fresh, the American In speaking of the above named play, which is to be presented at the Opera House in this city on Monday evening next with JohnT. Raymond in the title rolei the Augusta, (Ga.,) Chronicle and Constitutionalist says: Raymond is nothing unless he is funny and this play gives full scope to his pe culiar talents. In this play, as in "Uol. Sellers," . Raymond brims over with humor and makes the audience forget the imperfections of the play itself, tie is full of fun at all times, no matter how dangerous a situation he may be-in, and his appearance on the stage is always the signal for laugh. .We look upon this as decidedly the best of Mr. Raymond's characters. He is the play itself and he gives; full sway to his peculiar talents. The interest of the audience is sustain ed throughput. In fact, at no time is the attention suffered to flag. A Wilmington Artist- i Master Robert Hewlett, of this city has (developed quite a taste and consid erable skill as a wood engraver and ar tist.! He has never had any special teaching, which he only needs, to maket himla master of the art. ! When the news of Guiteau's conviction reached him, he at once took a piece of common white pine and with no other tools than his pocket knife whittled out a cut of a scaffold with Guiteauj suspended there from, a co (En against which was leaning a spade, while flia j Satanic Majesty stood near by with the index finger of one hand pointed to the suspended cul prit while that of the other hand pointed to the coffin. An impression was taken from the picture and although it presents ariughand unfinished appeacanc3 it displays an originality and genius which we nope to see cultivated. i Some Combinations. ' here are several peculiarities and coincidences in the year 1882. If you adcl the firet two figures together the sum s 9, and if .you add the last two the sum will be 10. Then, if you add the two sums together, the result will give as 19 Nw, ii yoa divide the third figure by the fourth, you wili have 4 The fourth figure in the year is 2, and two times 4 is 4. See ? Then,; if you add together the first and last figures, you have 3. Aud three times 2 is 6. i Now, then, 6 times 8 is 48, and 5 times 6 is 30. So, if you subtract the first figure of the year from the second, yoa will have 7, but if you subtract the third figure from the fourth you will have a lovely time ex. plaining how to do iL But 7 in 11 yoa can't, and twice 1 is 2, and once 2 is 2 too- These interesting and instructive combinations of the figures f this year may be carried oat, by n ingenious per son, to an almost indefinite extent. THIS ftsAlLA. Tha mail close aud arnva at tbe Qtj PoatOSca as follows : Northern throush mails. 6.15 p, m Northern through nJ Way- maila 5:40 a. to. Ralelgb... ............ . . . j 6:40 a. m. Offices between Hamlet and j Raleigh... ..7.30p. m. Mails for the N. U. Railroad, aod routes supplied tiwre from, i Deluding A. A N. 0. Railroad, at 6;40 a. m. and 6.30 p.m. Son t hero traib for U poijiw A, south, daily. 8 00 p. m, and 7:45 a. m. Western rals (C OK'y) daily (except Sunday). 7:80 p. m. Mail for Ohoraw & Darling . tcm...J. : ....j 8;00 p. m. Mails for points between. Flo rence and Obariostou 8:00 p to Fayetteville; - and oflioes on , Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays l.00 p. m. Fayetteville via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 7.80 p. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Tuesday and rriday at. ......... C.00 a. m Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun- : I idays) J.....L,... 8 30 a. n, Mails for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Sballotte and Little River, S. O., every Tues day and Friday at........ . . 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOR DSXIVKBY . Northern through and way mails.... .....7:30 a. m, and 9.00 a. m. Southern Mails. 7:00 p. m. and 7.30 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:30 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:15 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. , General delivery open from daylight to dark, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. Stamps for Bale in small quantities at general delivery when slaaip ofiBce is closed. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas. U. Munds. Quarterly Meetings s 1 For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, j South. FIRST ROUND. Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown. Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor. . ' Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Uokesbury, at Bethany, . Feb zo-Zb Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap el ' March 4 5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . March 18-19 -The District Stewards will meet ta Wilmington at the parso nage of the Front StreetChurch at 11 o'clock a. m., on Taesday, the 3rd of January.1882. K. U.BURTON, Presiding Elder. . Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. . f New Advertisements OPERA HOUSE. Monday, January 30(li J30th PERFORMANCE 330th. The Kin? of Laugh-Makers, The Master Comedian of the Stage. John T. Raymond, la his great Comedy flit, FRESH THE AMERICAN. Specially 8elected Company New Scenery Throughout As produced Bpwards of 100 . . . . Nights . 100 At the Park Theatre New Yoik. Seats can be secured four day sin advance, at Dyers'. I v JOHN H, HA.RLIN, Manager. Jan 21-5t Sat-th-tri-sat-mon Album of Fashions I AM HAPPY TO: INFORM my custom ers and the public generally, that in ad dition to my large aud well selected stock i of MILLINERY. &c., I have secured the Agency of the Universal Fashion " ompa ny's patterns, which can be had on very reasonable terms- ! Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, jin20 Exchange Corner COSMOPOLITAN BAR AND RES ' ,. TAURANT. JOHN CARROLL, Prop. South side Market 8treet, Wilmington, V.C THE BAR i supplied with the beat Whiskies, WJne, Beer, Champagnes. Ac igara of the line grades alwaya on hand. At the Restaurant can be found the) finest Oysters brouzht to this market, which are served in any tyle deaired. 1 t'aniiliei supplied. Jan 17, ! NEW BOARD NG HOUSE T BURGAW, by MRS. JOajX oJUTH. Table always supplied with tbe best the saarket affords. Give us a esJL jaalJ-lt 27; 1882 NO;. 23 MARRIED. THORPE-BRINK On Wednesday, Jan uary 18, 1S&2, at the residence of th terldaV parents, by th Rev. lr. WTaUbn, EDWIN J. THOkPK to JSMNIE H. youoefat daughter of Edwin k: Kn uk. 2few Advertisement TXWJ!W A ft Kl E ti 'tiv" 32 (SCstE Thi Liaoiiis 8ciiktiht9 ov to dat azree that most diseesM ara earned by disordered Kidneys or Lirsr. If, therefore, tha t idaeyi aad Liver ar Sept io perfect order, per'eet health will bs tho rwult- Thia truth baa oaly been known a abort time aad for years people suffered great gory without being able to 11 nd re uf. ?n Oueoyary or War ner's Bfe Kidcey and Liver Oare marks a new era in the treatmect ef these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare val ue, tt contains just th element necessary to nourish and invigorate both of these. great orgaaa, and safely restore atd keep theaa ia order It s a POWlTITE Rsmsbt f it a'.l the diseases ibxt cans paias in the I ewer part of the body for T rpii Liver Head aches -Jaundice -Dlzzteess -Gravel Ja ver. Ague alarial ever, aod all dical ties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Or gans, - j 1 It is an excellent end safe remedy for fa males daring Pegnccc. It will control Menstruation and ia invaluable for Leucorr kcea or Falling of the Wcm&. As a Blood Poriner it i aseqialle-i, for it cares tbe organs that kakb tbe blcd. ThisRemedv, whiol has done saeh won drs, is put up in the LAbGKSV H1Z3D BOTTLB of aay medicine upefn the muket ardtssoidbr Draggists and all delers at $1.25 per bottle, for Diabetes, enquire for WA KNEE'S 8 APE DIAbET8 JU RE. It isaPOSiTrVE Remedy. " - H H V ARNBU A CO., jau i7-dwarmto Rochester IT MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRUS. - '. ' . ' . . - ' (,." North Caboltxa MXSIC1L JotrEKiL AOEtrcT for 7hb SotrrHisif Statks JRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished in large or small quanti ties . This vaccine is w arranted to taice m all primary cases. ! 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do 2.00 Each lancet point will vaccinate one per son. - Orders by telegraph or mall will receive prompt attention. THOMAS F. WUUU, iau 26-tf nac Wilmington, "N. O. Notice- nHHE SALE OF TICKETS for. "Fresh" - will commence at the Store of John Dyer A Son.at 7 o'clock, Thursday morn ing. The Raymond Company will not leave until Tuesday morning, going North, and will give the WHpLE PLAY, on Monday night, In first class style. jan 25 JOHN H. HARLIN, Mangr. NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO.: SEIiU-WEEKLYLlNEi STEA&lEItS SAIL FRO" NEW YOPJ W.DN48DAT end haIUSDAY WILL Zrir at 3 o'clock, P il. BENEFAOTOK Tbu n'tav. J rna T i6 RKODLATUB-.M....H.trdaT. Jnaarr IS OOLF STKKAat 3a nrdtr ebroary 4 BSJfKFAUTQ ...Wrn tdir. bmT S RK3ULA.TOJZ.. .-atardiv, Feb tar j 11 Throvgi Bills Ladisg and Lowett Throozh E U g i fatr t ?aoa frca Pols ts.!n."5ortb-aad toxah Cli - rr Freicht InfafeBsata apiy to TnOS, B. B05D, Bcpt, J TBXO. O. EflXE, Frerht Agnf : S3 Broadway, Mew Tork. tnt.P.CLYDB A CO aa Goal Agnts 3 ' Ug.teatteaOcm s&ait b.wiitta! ea vly ?tik t,.ikum attsi W avoided . rJ Am it u rtiiidtj Hurtiiari j udaf" mx liai it Cdiirjdoaaact alwava Mdon ia rUmtu ciaioa4aU. JIdM so rut ta Ue diiuriaiooluBiuk!,' rT'. OF HARTFORD.; COKOV LC t K AT THE H ECOBD m IiGURES ARE MORE ELOQUENT thiK I- V Woids : near whiUhty aay V. Xjif J'. . ; The pild up Oanital 1 i$r(un ' ;S.,i8teJllttmijr''3( ft,nv rolIcIeslalSSl; a in of 24,24 ovir tfi, w f1" Accident Department. t5J i.riciea, which Is nearly one in everr it persous fa.ured, and the amount on iijck-claims H-a8 ?7l4,0o$.lfl which waa i' nca-ly m,l)W jht month, r lu thvLife j-vpartment there M as a ca'n f fl.JlT?.! lfB IcEur,,nce . iQ lorce1 of Thrc ???Tes fa themselves. Poll cics lor ,000, 35 cents lor one day : 1 4.5t fur one month Preferred Risks," for year. . per $1,000 Polices written by i ' ion o 8AM L NORTHROP, Agent, jan20- .! WilmingtontN. C. New Books. . . i -; ' - pAITH AUD UN FAITH, 1 A new Novel, jest out, by the Duiehesil T - ' i THB PRINCE AND THE PAUPER. A Tale for Young People of alt ages. , Br Mark Twain. Tor sale at . BKINSBERGER'a. yBSTEi.'d UNAIJRIDOSD Did TIONARY, Worcester's I nabrldged Dic- i i -. i ticnary. J uat received and for sale .at I - ! ' H INflBKUQER'S, Jn U live Book and Knaic 8toreJ 1 : ; - Business Men JN WANT F BLANK BOOKS IRE reepectfol j asktd to call and examine Wr now Stock and note LOW PRICES. Stai . " f j tione-y adapted ti any line cf tutisefi Wood's Orgaas, Decker Bros , Celebrate! Piaics. ' ' jan 23 V&oksellcr and Stationer I ' .it SIGHS PAINTING, BRONZING, c. fJlUE UNDERSIGNED WOULD re. spectfully say that until further notlcehe may be found atgbis residence, corner Third and Market streets, prepared to eie cute all orders In tbe above named branch, es. Room Set3, Tin Warf, &c., neatly repainted and vambhed. . . , jan 4-tf C. K. BURlJ. j Health is Wealth! DREG 1 WEST'S Nzavn ao Baaia TaxATxaiT, a specific for Hysteria, Dis xiow, Convnlsions, Nervous Headaobe, Mental Lepr0sion, Lobs of Memoty. Impo tency, rem star Old Ajre, eaased by orer exercioD, excesses, or over-lad nJgenoe, which leads to misery, does and death. Ore box will - cure) reoent cues. Each box coat-ias one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for fiva dollars; seat by mall prepaid on receipt of price. We guar, axueo six boxes to care any esse. w ith each orfer received by us fo' six b xes, we will send the purchaser our written agreement t retam the money if the treatment does not effect a oura. finaranteo Usaed by WM It OREKN. Droit, (saoeaa'r to Green A Planner) WUmi.rtcn). S O. Orders br mail win reooive prompt attention. I sacb 22-dAw.lv i We Want Buyers for 1 000 BBLS N-w flour" gQQ Bags COFFEE, 1AA Bbls SUGAR, T 2(500 840518 LlERPO0L SALT IgQQ Sacks FINE SALT, 22 nbdJ CUBA MOAL8SE8' HALL & PE HSALIo jan iu 40,000 LATH8 01i i'a.S LOW TO OL03B i ... , fi- ( . i Oonsigamtnt. ( ' -X ' - ', LUMBER, SASH; DOORS. BLIN0 And every d eriptioa of BiiilidineiHaterial. j Fx 'mfne 0reda aod ptiees AL7AFriB,3PRicr- oo. : Mill, Yards as d Cfe foot; Walsall . '.H v -1 r s t' .- i -1 I r I 'i r "a

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