VALEMTItf BSi I. A uusbaso fru tore. ," . not the moonlight and the rose, 'TThd.y oUnne in old laras syne. , rS MWiS" e auppliaot to jour feet. 1 Kir 'OS 10 - Valentine. l. 1 soberer days iue Diwihuin uiu t fbe rrftrnt as In old lang syne. A? Juu in spirit and in truth. prftyW.'ur Valentine. I. A iFE TO HKR H'CSBAHU.' wiiuu Wr.l once sang in early bowers 'lluZl ,ui re now all done; ?i's turned autumn, and our flow gar pn- 'jjicsMUtn the huu; 7 - ,1, vai.u Uas it own delights, " wUfru't tii tiooni'Hdo-iti requites TSd licow no " designs. ... wreathe our brown with memories L J uir tne iXmuuik and the breeze, ' naJu oU. doubly biead. ..V.rll Hit' btreuslli. we know that Uoo w,V(i, rLe we rashly Bueaaed. A,C!bad lroa, t; t:n . Ibe North and South in lhe War. led iust here I had some intention to ;Dtrodace 1 couiparis u belweeu the mil "tart attributes of our iNorlu and boulh, displayed 10 the civil war now so hp Tilt almost a dim memory or the past. KQtbenlremtMnbertuat pleasant tune . i-barlestou a&iong the warm-hearted Southerners, in which you Northern men of Connecticut participated, and of which I was a delighted witness, I re jriin and , I believe you will mrree with nc, that 1 do rijht to refrain. Then ,t seemed to tnc tcaaible that 1 might at ast institute some comparwou between the American man as a lighting animal, and the men composing the oiu world armies of which I am speaking to night. All through life I have been an exact man, adventuring opinions only on mat ter whenever, by reason of actual per tonal knowledge, I bad some title to be an authority. Now, here is ray present difficulty. I have seen the German tight, the Russian fight, the Frenchrcan "fight, the Englishman fight; and the men tight of some half score of nationalities. J Hut 1 have not seen the American fight. I ' have seen the American man perform ..a difficult and delicate 'duty in a position virtually that of au "ambassador with rare tact, genoine good feeling and 'ins stinctive good taste, in the person of Governor i3 igelow. And I have seen an American regiment drill like clockwork and behave with most admirable selt restrain't and decorum in .the face of al most unique temptation to license, in the. shape 01 me f irst uonnecucut mmua. Bat I have never seen an American man in battle except in fierce and successful combat with a lunch ; and what is more, 1 hope the day will never come to me to lee the American man in battle. The full data for Comparison, theiL be . tween him and his compeers of the Old World, are not -in my possession. But, although I have never seen the Ameri can man on the battlefield, I have stud ied the story of the battlefields all athwart the Republic from the Atlantic to the 1 Mississippi, tm which he has fought, bled,: conquered or been beaten; bat when beaten, beaten by no alien, but by an American man like himself. I have been not a little with the Ameri can man in peace time. In physique, in endurance, in manliness, as in patriotism, intelligence and resource, he will com pare with any nation of the Old World. I have seen him, cool, clear-beaded, and not afraid of his skin, in danger nots less appalling than any danger of the battle field. I have seen him drilled by Col. Barbour, and never saw an Old .World officer know his duty better; never saw Old World soldiers prompter, more pre cise, more painstaking. Well, all these attributes of the peace-time do they Tltt Anti'rta ma thepast silent, with its testimony of worthy soldierhood, to draw a rational inference regarding the Amercan man in the war-time? . , And there is this distinction between the American soldier and the Old W orld oldier, thatjthe formerjataads unhamper d bj the obsolete.Ted-tape routine of the centuries. He is free to exercise that alert keen ingenuity which is per haps the most remarkable characteristic of the American idiosyncracy. In '61 the American was os ignorant of the rt of war as a baby; in four short years of intelligent experience the soldier-babies of '61 had learned more of that art than the Old World soldier had done in all the vearg' smceuVaterloo, had ripen ed wto the finest' fifmy the wprld ever saw, and actually ranked before the na. tions, uot as servile followers, but as bold , original pioneers iu the science of w&rfare. Problems in that art, which war scientists in the Old World were puzzling out through the fogs of rou tine, American Ingenuity had solved es knife eats-batter. The independ ent' use of cavalry, the infantry attack in loose order, the habit- om resort to artincial coveras protection against fire, the preference ior flanking over Irontal attack, -the accumulation of artillery in mass all these improvements in the art of war, improvements now universally incorpor ated inta the practice of Old Warfara. date their adoption from your great civil war. You have notin this repub be ' that perfection of national military wganization which marks the German mobilization system, and a sudden, war oald, inevitably take you momentarily uowre8j but while a leaven remains of J9 reterans who 1 fought with Grant, ; and Sherman, while the tradition writes of their work and the memory of jreir. JPloita keeps green, no future war, would it unhappily come, can ever Tta iud the manhood of your nation ooiesin the art military This continent never see a repetition of Bull Bun. tUnd opon tbelr feet, JJ5m en or women are often troubled U-t8?"9 pains and weaknesses in the .loifil iiid otkerparu of the body. tr?.i a P10 beyond a doubt, how SI wracr8 Safe Kidney and CtrbleU preveatiTe 0f A Catechism' 11 l ls-thls man? 11 is 1 a reporter. Has he been to a funeral? jX0; he has not been to a "funeral; he baa been to church What has he been doing at church? lie has been thinking or some new he to tell about the music Why does hb look bo sad? He 13 not sad; he is only thinkiog. :. Of what is he think ing? He is wondering what to do with his money. Has he much money? Oh, yes; a great deal for a reporter; he has fifteen cents which he found. .Are all reporters so rich? Well, no not all; this one is an exceptional case. , Do the re porters receive Christmas gins? D. 8.; bat they give a great many things away; every reporter ba3 a liberal heart in this respect. Where is 1 the reporter going' now? He is . going iuto a saloon. What is he going to do in there? He is going u tlt-iiver a 'temperance lecture Is the rcpui icr a good mau? Yts my child asleep. Does1 the reporter know anything? Kverythiog. Doca he print all he kuowt? Not by a-r- good deal. What is the best thing a reporter duee? Jie aboul weddinysJ 1 ariits, bill?, and peoplepjs it right to ic No, it is not right to lie. but it is papular. Is thing the reporter does popului? every Weill, not everything, but most things. ' What 13 the matter ..with t,hi3 man ? He is full. Is he very lull ? Chuck(up. How came he to be tall ? iie ha3 been celebrating Cnnsi:uus it comes but once a ear, you know. Will he feel better to-morrow ? So:, he I will feel worse ; he will have 4 dwelled head. Is it right to get full ? It is Jil you can stand the facjtiet. I What is the matter .jvith this little boy ? He attended a jyuuday jtchool Christmas celebration and uto tool much candy. No, ho has not an. aching void, but he is not void of aches. Does he attend .Sabbath school regularly ? Not much ; he is found iu thej fold but once a year. Will he be there next year ? You bet. What becomes of little children who go toSunday school only atFourth of July and Christmas, and go fishing every other Sunday m the. year ?j They some times get drowned, but not often. They generally grow up to be congressmen or circus actors or justices of i the peace. Has this other little boy alsOjbeen to a Christmas celebration ? No ; this little boy has been to the matinee. " Do you get candy at the matinee? No; no little boy needjbe afraid .of I getting too much luxury at a matinee. What do little boys get at the matinee ? They get to give up their seat3 to nice ladies, and go and, lean up in the corner with the um brellas. 'Is it nice to go to the matinee? Yes, it is nice for the ladies. :Is that man trying to tie. his legs to gether? No; he is inebriated, and the inebriated stand on slippery places. What makes him so? Egg nog.' What is eggnog?- A compound ofjmilk, sugar, spice, and rum pleasing, but deceiving. Whatdoes it do? If warms things up and induces a desire In the breast of the imbiber to paint things red. Who is this tired-loioking man? This is a post-office clerk, j What does he do? Nothing but stay around the office twenty-two hours out of twenty-four and get cussed by people i whose Christmas presents do not come. Does i npt make the ..'postal clerks feel very bad to be cussed? No; it doe3 not. jfhey are used to it, and feel disappointed if 'somebody does not swear ,at them every ten minutes. Are they oen disappoint ed? Not very often. Would you like to be a postal clerk and wear bluj clothes? No, we would rather be, one of the public who Gusses them. ' j Ij Who is this tall man? 'Phis is a dry goods storekeeper. Why does he look so happj? Because he has been selling umbrellas that cost 75 cents for 2.50. Wheeling Intelligencerl j 1 Many MiserablePeopledrag themselves about with failing' strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into their graves whn, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commenc ing with the first dose, and (vitality and strength surely cominir bade to them. Seo other column. I 1 PUBCE1 n a u, u ONDEE BW A WllHWSTOH, N. iO. Lte Froprt-H - fi. Firet ' ' t - r ia 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., . rrti'urlr rducatod and Jerallr nosvlified nhvaiciaa and thi tu-i succeTai, dim prmcucts win prow. DnrM n.11 farms of PRTV A TP CHRONIC and SEXUAL DIS- Spermatorrhea . afid Impotency, as t" erult of.clf-abu'ie iu roiuli, sunl fxcfws In m 'irw(3f!. or otiier causes, a. ad produciD; toxu C f the ful !tr;n j; tiW-:: Xervou-incvi, Seminal fTinisioDs. (oigbt rmi :! liT dreams). Diimuesi of fcut, Defcciivp Ueatory. Phj--i ! Hrsv. P':iUlr"a Pa-, AretiMin t Scckr of Female. ' Cu'ujmou of Uoa., I.os if Sexual Power, ic, rendering mirr:;i(re impitwuT or unhipr, re tlioi-OLgblr and perm bulv ousvii. SYPHXIi IS r',iT'"ly cured sod en- !rC vrX!nUl' r Gonorrhea, uXjXILiX, StrK-ture. liivluus. Henaa, or .Rupture;, arttither prirate diwie quicklr enred. It i s-'.f-ei 1 iont that a fhy siciao who para ,pcia! attention 1. .1 irtjisi cla-! of ditusei, and treating Usouunds aonn-aci-.r?ji cr;-at skill. Plr?icimi knowitu thit fact nficn rf .i,ninJ erjn to my care. MThen It i inor.n eoimt u - ;-t i 1 ci.'r for treat airjit. medieines can it cat piirmeij -afsi by ni! er esrrr notwhti. Cares Guaranteed in all Cases nndertahen. Can-: i'i.m..ut ;eriiil!T or hv letter free and inr-.tcil. Cli.r5 ivasoui.ile and correspond: qc srrictlr con&'UuUal. PRIVATE COUNSELOR V S0 races, nt tr. any addma. aeemrety aoaled. for thirty ' ceai. bbouid read bv alt. Addrets as abora. '-iScs huuri frum 9 X. il. to 6 P. M. Scadas, 2 to a F. it. . 1 We Want Buyers for 1000 BBLSNEWFL0UR" 300 Bag8 C0FFE' 1 100 Bbk Sl7GAR, 2500 8acks LlyRPO0L' ?alt 500 ack F1NE SALT' 2 ntds.CUUA tfOALSSES, HALL & PEAESALL. jaalO A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. lit OX BITTERS arc highly -oairijccdcd. for all diacs requiring a certain and enicient ionic; especially Indigestion, hypepeia TrntHUent Fevers, Wcntqf AppeiULooj &rentfhljv& of Energy, Jinriclies the blood strengthens the mu5cles,and gives Dew li fe lo t he nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, rcmvrinj alldyzptptic fmplomj,sndizs Touting the Foot, Bddiing,IIeai in f?tcSfomcwhJIcariburp,e. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the troth or prive' headache. Sold hv all druggists. Write for the A H C Rnofc If.f bn. nf an.l amtinrr rpjid- inri zrvtfrrr. BROWN CJIK3I.IC.VI. CO., Baltimore. Mel. See that x.l Iron P.ittrs are mrfe hj TZnory Cnr.Mir at. 0. mat hvoeroMl id hntt on wrapper. aBaanBaHaaaaMMaBaaanaHMnNMHHMHMaBaBMaaBBaBM pll2arif-t? : ; j ; 1 1 Wil,f CoU & Augusta Bail road Go. Vrrics of Gemkbal KrpT, "5 WiIminiton,j &. O. a 1, 1831. f 1) HANGEOP 80HEDULB ON AND AFTER Jaouarr 1, 1882, at 10.15 if M, the following PaMenyer dchidui will ba rua on tai road SiQHT BZPaESS TBAJjrB (Daily). ' Notu 48 West and 47 Eait. Leave WUmington... 10 15 P Jl Leave Floreuee...MM.M....;.M.MMM 2 20 A M Arrive at C O and A JunetlonM.M. 6.10 A M Arrive at Oolambl....,.... 6 10 AM Leave Columbia... ........10 00 P M Leare O O and A A JuaetloaM.M....10 20 P M Leaf e Florenoe...... .................... 1 36 A 11 Arrive at Wilmington 6 10 A M Kiesr Mail and PASsixesa Tbajr, Daily, mo. 40 Wkst. jLd Dat Mail ahd Pa. xiieia TaAis, No, 43 East. Lsave Wilmiaeton iu.mmMHMU 05 arrive at Florence....... 2 47 Lare I Florence......................... 1 25 Arrirel at Wilmington... 65 P M A M P M P M Mail and Pabbehoeb Datlt, 42 West, 45 1 . I feast. LsaTt Wilm!nton............i. 8.35 A M Arrive t Florence.... i 12.45 P k Leve r'iorenoe 5.45 A M Arrive at Wi miogton............. 12.00 M Ncs. 48 aad 47 stops only at Britklev's hiteriile, fleiningtoD, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, TimmoDSTille, bumter, Camden Junction atd. Eajtover. ' Passengers for Columbia, and all point oi (i. A li. K., O., U, a A. tt. K. wtauoQ, Aiken Junction, and all points befoad, should take 48 Nicrht Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charlestoc od for Augusta on train 47. , All trains run solid between Caarlaeton and Wilrainjrtonj ' JOUST V. DIYISKQeaeral Ht A. PiPK, Gen'l Pass. LnU n?x 2- UTew York, 1882. maS 8UNfor 1882 will make its fifteenth A aacual reyclaticn under toe present man agemeot; ehinin9 as p-lway for all, big and little, mean and gracious, contented and un happy, Kepnblicaa and Democrat, depraved and virtuous, intelligent and obtuse. The fuVj l:eht ij for mankitd and womankind ofevery sort; bit its genial warmth is for' t egoad, while It pours Lot disoomfort on the blistering backs ui t? persistently wicked he cur of 1368 wts a newspaper of a new kind. It discarded many f t e forms, and a multitude of the superfluous words and phrases of 'scle-1 journalism It uodert) k to report ia a fresh, uccicct, uncooventioaal way all the news of the world, omitting no evest of human interest, and c mmenting upon sftrs uith the fesreesnses of a bawl ate independent The :ticcs of this ezpi7i ment was the su c sso the Sun. It efTes'ed & permssent obaoge ia thestjle of Arxericia a - spapers. Krerv important journal es tablibed ia this a nntrj in t e dozen year p&st b as been mcdelled fter tho r na. Krerv -m of tant Journal already exist in jr has been modified an i bettered iy the foceofthe - u&s example. r Thb -us of 1882 will be the same outspoken, truth-telliDg, and inte estisg newspaper. By a liberal use of the eans which an ab ndnt prosperity affords, we shall make it better than eTer before. We shall print all the sews, mttinz it in readable I nape, t-d mAasnricjr ite impor by tba tra iucnal jarditick. bet b' ita real inter tt t j the people Distance f m Printing Qocse Square is cot the first oni4e'ation with the Bun. Vhen-ver any rbisg hppena worth reporting we get the rartionlare, wheih r it happen in Brooklyn or in Bokhara. lap'litics we have decided opinions: ni are scoasnmed t express tem in language that caa jbj understood. We say wbatwe think about men and events. 1 hit habit is re only e re of t e'-un's political course,' Thb itKLv res matters into eight page s the besi matter of the rev n dally ijtues. Anf . cricil ol Departme&tof uneqatlhd mer it, t 11 ma! set reports, ani a lineral propor tion of Jitera-y, scientific, acd domestic in tlHgOBoe complete the Weekly 8un, and make it the best tewsoaper for the farmer's household that was ever printed. Who does not know aad read and like the Sunday tun, each number of - which is a Goioonda of iaterestii g literature, with tho best poetry ot thedar,proee every line worth reading, news, hamor matter enough to fill a gord sized boos:, and infinitely mare varied and entertaining than any book, big orlitt e? I If our idea of what a newspaper should be pleases you, send for the Sun. ur terms are as follows For the daily - vs., a four-page sheet of twenty-eight columns, the pice by mill, D st-nsid. lis 55 cents a month, or 16.50 a year; or, including the Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet of fifty sis columns, the price is 65 eeats per month, or $7.70 a year, post age paid. I The 8undy edition of the Sea is also fur niched esparately at SL29 a year, pottage paid. . I ' The prise of the weekly Sua. eight pages. fifty-tix columns, Is SI a year, postage paid. For clubs of ten fending $10 we will send an extra copy free Add res " Publisher of the Can. New York City. BOY H" TONIC SAILROAD COIiTPAlfY wsnov of uib'l otrrtmtsrraaoxxT l Wilmington, 2f. 0., Jan 1, 1882. I GHANGB OF 8CHEDULE. ON AND AFTER January Ui, 1882. tt 6.40 A M, Passenger Trains on the Til- aiiuRum m rr tuuon aaiiroaa wiu rua St DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TBAIS. da! y Nos. 47 North and 48 South, stave wuaungton, Front St. Depot m tn a. Arrive at Wldftwat.,, MMt Leave Waldon -., Arrive at Wilmington. Front Sr. Depot at ; 12 50 PM 3 37PM 9 55 P M Fast Throne-h Mail and Passenger Train "suj-aos. 44 north and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front Bt- Depet at ; 6.15 P M Arrive at w eldon...... 1.15 a M Leave Weldon.......... 6.J5 P M arrive at Wilmington. Front at. Depots........ .. .in so t m Day Malt and Passenger, 1 Daily, Nc. 45 "XT u an . 1 ioria ana s BOUUa. Leave Wilmiaeton Front St. . Depot at... 00 P M arrive at we'uon aU..........9 (0 P M Lieave eldon at .l 35 A M Arrive at WilminirtoB s ir a m Train No. 4Konh will eiop only at Hooky ont burg&w, Aagnolia Warsaw, Mount wire, uoaiev, uoiascoro, Wilson, hootv Mount, Afield tnd Balifax. i Train No 40 South will stop only at Bocky Mount, Wilson, Goldaboro and Magnolia, trains on Tarboro Branch Koad Leave ttocrv aountfor Tarboro at 7.15 P M. Daily and Tuesdav. Thnrrf an si .-.. . 1 1. A M. Returning, leave Taib&ro at 9 00 A M -M j a m - . a iiy, ana xaonaay, weanecdsy and . n at J lituar Mho. 1 mx. 1 Train No. 47 makes olosc eonneetion at Weldon for all points North deitr. 411 rail via Richmond, and daily exoept Sunday via oar uiae. Train No 43 rana datlv nA connection for all points North via Rich mond and Washington 1 rain No. 46 runs via Richmond and Wash- ingion, ana mazes close connection daily to Richmond, and except Saturday night for sill wtstamts - 4 a V. 9 " aata uiuw uuriuvi r McnsTjonq, A.11 trftinfl ran mnttd hsivAftfi WfiMUssiM . - . -wsifwii v aaeai 1 ss ai tvsi and Washington, and have Pullman PaTaof nieepera anuaetu 1 JOHN F. DIVINiS, Oeniral Snjt. . POPE, Gea'l Past. Agent dee 1 , r ..' j 1 CAROLINA UXNTRAL BAIJ.ROAIj 'COMPANY. Ovnc QanaaAL H6pj&iYwf , : Wilmington. 5. O., Dec. 30, 1M1.-' OHA2TOB Of SOHKXrrr,t rVN AND AFTE2 Jan. 1. 18F2 t. fnl losing Behedale wi'a be operated on ir ta aaxiroaa : PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS KAIN, PAILY. n 1 Leave WilrciEcrtan. 8.20 P M (Arrive at Charlotte at..6.60 A M No 2 1 bira hariot at in in T II J 'rriveat Wilmiagton at.T.32 AM TraiBS Ncs 1 and 2 ston at ravnlav rtatfAnt only. anJ oointa dairnai4 ln ihm Hnmnaa nj 0 iime aaoiv -- PASSENGER AND FREIGHT.; Daily except Sundays ! F . Leave Wllmingtou at.. 5:40 A V w aw -yusH luetiQ t JT W - e f Leave Charlotte as..... 4:15"A II Arrf reat Wilmington at. 6 65 PM SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, AIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Daily except Bnsdys, Leave Charlotte it...MN..nmm.Mm80' A Arrive at rtbelby at M..l 3. CO M Leave 8helby at..M..M...... 1:00 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at,... ...... ....... 50 P V Trains No I and 2 mat elrM at H affile t wl h K A A Trains to aad frr Kaleigb. and at 01 arlotte wi h Bhelby I i vision Train. Throueh rleeoinf Can hta Wu; . - - - WU UU VJ ar Uliiu. ta!r and ITharm.i. Train No. 1 makes oonntetirn at Charlotte wiui a-, 1. a. y ft. h. , fo - atatesville, coonecting tn-re wit W. N. O. R. R. for all points on sai road. Irai-s Noa 1 and 6 make conneetioo at 7ba lotte wi h A A N C R R fo- -partas-barg, Greenville Athsns, atlnU and all - ints byo y . Tun No makes close connection at WIL m ngt- n wi-h W 4 W R h f r points North. Tra"n!lo2 make's ccie cennecdon with W , A KK . -r w . , . fi li. JOHNSON, Idee 31 'eeBaral Rertnten4t 8500 Reward. W B Wii.L PAY TM K AB.-Y reward for a' v case of Liver Complaint. Dvs- pepsia, Sick Headache Iadltion. consti pation or Cott'veneM we eaanot eaxe wita We fs Tegeuble Liver Pills, when the ci lections are strictly complied wita. The are put el y Teg etble, and never fail to give satiif action 8urir eoaUd. Large Boxes, eontaiaiag Sl Pills, 25 cents. For tale qy all Druggists, beware of counterfeits aatf imitations. The geaeiae manufactured only by JOHN O WEST CO.. The PUltaa ken,. LSI A 183 W Maditoa St, ChSaafo. Free-trial paakage sent by soaH prepaid oa reeeipt of a t cent ttaxap. aua X2-dAvly . IP" V - 1 ' . I " - ' " ui J ""'S j 1 I . IIlscGlianoouB; the mrrv STORE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD KK . spectfully notfrj his friends and the : public that he has recently re torned from a visit to the Northern Twlarkets 1 - -. - 1 -. - . j- I where he has purchased the Handsomest Display " i -OF FJILLlflERY. FANCYtGCODS. NOTIONS AMD HOLIDAY GOODS. ..... y he has ever o&ercd in'this citr. J ' J My stock is r r v" Large, Complete nd in ' GBEA.T TT ASSET'S I have tbonjanda of things which it would takecolamns to enumerate. My fine. fresh FOKN OU CANDIES are a specialty. I lead in these goods as my patroDS wcl know. 1 1 have an elegant variety of j Millinery Goods, I Hat Trim 1 siiiiv, Ac., To which I invite the attention of the Ladies, r ! My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is fall and complete and haviDg been bonght low will be sold low. j I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. I L. FLANAGAN, - j Variety Store, dec 19 0 No. 42 Market street. OF ALU FOE UAH AND BEAST. For more than a th Ird of a century the Mexican Muatemg Xttnlment has been known to millions all over; the world as the only safe reliance foij the relief of accidents ami pain. It is a medicine above price ana praise the best of its kind. For every form of external pain Mustang Liniment is without an equal. it penetrates nesli and muscle to jl the very bone making the continu-1 Ha. vice ot pain ana lnnammauon impos 8ible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and tne iirute creation are cquauy wonaer ful. Tho Mexican Liniment is. needed by iomebody in every house. " Every day brings news of the agony of an awful scald or burn subdued, of rhenmatla martyrs re stored, or a valuable horse or ux save a by the dealing power of this which sneedilv curea such ailments of the HUMAN FLESH as Bhenmatlim. Swelllnes. Stiff Jolnta, Contracted Moaelea, Bonn and Scalds, Cuts, Brnliei and Sprains, Poisonous Bite ud Stincja. StildesSf 7 Lameneis, Oltl Sores. TJlcers. F'rostbetea, Chilblain). Sore Nipples. Called Breast, and Indeed every form of external dis ease. It heala without scan. For the BauTE Ckeation it cures Sprains. SwinnyJ StifT Joints, Founder. Harnesa Sores, Hoof Dis eases, Foot Kot, Serew Worm, Scab, Hollow ITont, Scratches, Wind rails, Spavin, Thrash, HLnjEbone , Old Sores, Joll livil, Film upon the Slsrht and every other ailment to which tna occapaats of the Stable and Stock Yard are liable. The Mexican Mustang; Zainlment always cures and never disappoints ; and it Is, positively, THE -BEST OF ALL w FOB MAN OB BEAST. GRflfJD BARGfllfJS, SOLJBM&BROS : ? OFFERNOW ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS. Ready-rflatlo t i thing I FURrilSHlMC GOODS ! Dit GOODS ! BOOTS SHOJES ! :-H jfia,T;S !: : - A FULL LINE OF Oil, CH.OT3EJ! ; ' ANDJ . 'j We respeetfallj iolicit tcs - V: bton purchasing elsewhere. " COL. BEOS' CCtZJ. uvu ui u m WnOLKSALE PRICES: T!i foUowinsr anoiateoBS revraasni wbclesale prtees generally. Ia making up all crdsrs higterrrires Lave to be ebarsed BAGUINO bteaoara.. I2MO 00 o e O IS O 7W CAOONorth Carolina, aaa -M. BhoaJdare. V . WeaUrn Bxcled Cams Steei. VB, Sbouiders... Dr Ctiwd eiits. p En. v0 ti -HO bfceplJars. 'O 2: USZT Live weibt... BARRELS-trir5uTurpntins s reencc tixia, cb . New Vork,e&i, ncw... I 85 sua wax v ft. 20 URICKS Wilmington, VM 7 CO Northern. .. go 0 1 to 4? O C CO O 8 00 OX4 09 BUTT EX North Carolina fc ! 12 O G Jortfcrr, y B.... CANDLES- Sperm V Tallow, V Adswan tine, V j Rcr'tbera Factor t, . a. ' Dtiry eraaa, 'a.. r.te. E......... mmmmm,?!:. ' pio, . iLercyra,T? D . COliJt fetAL n baar 25 ilO o f, c o c 14 13 :5 u if o 10 m Pieced - I li DOUESTIC Bheetinj, 4-4 5 y ard.. 1 Tare, V hunch 1 00 FLOUR Fine, V bbIM. 0 00. Scper, Northern, V bbl... 5 60 ' Ixtrado f y fcbl.u C 00 FamUr ErbbL.. 7 SO City llillfcx,.8cper bbl. 7 CO ' Family V bbl... 7 50 Kacxerel, No. 1, p bblI6 SO J.'h V Hhbl"""- 3 75 Haekerel, No. 2, V bbU..12 60 5 J V X bbL...MMMM. p0 Mackerel, Np. 3 72 bbL..00 00 o 0 4 00 O 6 to 7 6 CO G 8 00 O 7 25 j O 7 75 i O 8 25 036 CO O10 50 000 Oo O 60 O 15"3 O S 75 o CO Ballets, V bbl a so aaiuisia, 01 N. C. Herrinir. Vkes fi 50 Dry Cod, V lb.. T lEIiTILIZEEa- Psrnvian Guano. 7 2000 2&S.C0 00 Carolina fertiliser " 00 00 JTavaata OuanO, " 00 00 - Complete Manure - " 00 00 Whann'a Phosphate 00 00 Wando Phorphate, " CO 00 Wilcox, Glbb A Co.. ma- O70 00 O40 00 O40 CO 07 00 O40 00 O0 CO , TJWif Guano. CO 00 OU 00 Mrfcrri- - ' GRAIN Corn ,store,W6C&t 70 Corn, cargo, f 68 fes.. 68 Corn, y el., busheL. 00 Oati, V bushel... w 65 eas; eow, p bnsheL.... 70 , HIDIS-Qreen, E ... 4I Dry, S io CA Eastern, p ICO 1 30 North River, V 100 lbs.... I 1C 49 a o o o o a 43 11 1 40 in 0 UUUr inn MM MB a n4 LARD-Northern y & North Carolina V I2W 13 LIME-bbl...... 1 voO 1 25 LCMBEU City suam sa'wd Bhjp stuff, resawed, ?m rt.18 0C Cl 0t , Eongh edge plank, V Mft.16 00 Cl WJ Wt st India saro, aeeord . . - Laj to onality, y M fL..13 CO 018 CO Dressed ooring,seasonMl.l5 00 OSS 00 Seantiinff and boards, acm. ..m.05?,M 17 W UOLABSE3 Cuba.hhd'Sgl Zi j Cuba, bbls., V gaT....!H 41 5ngar bouse, hhds. "3 gal. 25 " bbI-Vgal' it Orleans Choic febla. & irsL CO NAILS Cnt. 5Gdio4d,Vk'g,bal OILUTKero6te, T gal.... in lt V gal.MM...n.,m... fij I Linseed, p fral.;..w..w go Eoein, gal.... .. . 25 PEANUTS boxhel.. CO POTATOES dwe&t, bus. 00 OH 49 O O & U I 47 S O ! G & o 10 G 2 Bo CIS CO 600 00 600 00 inn, noruiem, bbL..., 1 35 POaii Korthem,city mets.17 -60 imn, v no-....M..MM.....G0 00 Prime, y bbl ( extra).. :..00 CO Bump, $ bbl ...00 CC 600 01 KIC Carolina, 9 fi..... though, V buahel... HAGS Country, ft 6XO 75 O IK 1 City.9.Xb.... .................. lifilDPntiM M....M. ...... M... MaElllaM....... .......... mvm 6UG A B Cuba," & Porto Eico, fx'K . 13XO 10HO A CoSee. &.. B- V c- v e Crushed S. O o o 49 O 00 70 76 00 SALT Alum, V sackMl Liverpool, V sack. Ameriean y taek Karshal't fine, 9 task, Cadis taek ..... 49 O o CO BOAP Northern. W IV aSUiAUxaus contraetaPJfl 8 00 BTAVE3 W. O. bbL V M.12 60 47 Q18 0 470002.1 - r.rzzr' r ...yo co TaLLOV a 49 09 TJMBER-Shipping p M.l4 00 019 00 T aj.......... ju IHI SJ14 00 ""'IF' lui " V mm ........ USJ Mill, fair oer M fl wi 012 CO O 00 49 7 00 O 5 00 0 5 CO 49 1L10 O 00 0 n 47 12 Coifltnon, per MM... 6 00 Inferior to Ordinxry.per M 4 CO X9 II I8KE Y Nor tb'n 'por gl 1 2 1 N"orth Caroina, per gal ... 2 CO WOOX Unwashed, per lh. 20 Washed, per Z , , ; Barrr woo!, per 3v..... 10 JOB iEI TIM ! AT THE LOWEST PEICES ! ASCERTAI MY LPRICES BfFOHE HAVIWO: YOUB PRliiTlfiO 00HE!ELSEWKRRE ! SaUslactjcii Cuaranteed pBJKTXNO CaBfrULLT irJKCLTJO Cjrspertoaaxt!dfLg cuCtf it e Ityr;i to than by &aii fir of r stags. i : E m. waBOCX , OerBsr Chaaitjii aad. Water tiree OSce Levlsw.BatdJsf 11 IS 8 14 00 21 10 llv M , 50 1 Tu 1 CO - Ti , I lb 14 70 CO C7tf 76 39 41 CO CO 25; 7 it 1 1 tm 00 8X & U; CO C0S 1 86 OJ X 2

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