THIS TAP gaadayc i nflH . T. J A M f orroa asd fbofriktok. .nB80BimOR8,POSTA GE PAID. Jotthi, $i ; n,onth 60 oeHta- Bper will be delivered by carrier, T. rata., or Uoentt per week. idT.rti(r rte low and liberal , , .gaberibert will please report any ana n ftilnrM to rew." r-r. j- THEGREAT IA FOB RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Bout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sorains, Burns and Scalds,' General Bodily --Pains, Tooth, Ear and H q ad acho, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other pains, and Aches. tfo Preparation i.n earth equals St.' Jacobs Oil fr,r, simple and cheap External Uemtdy A trial entails but the comparatively trifliu.'ctJav of 0 Cents, and every onmffer Ing with ii'a a Lave cheap aud positive proof f it clitn. Directions in Eleven LangnageB. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGI8T3 AND DEALEH3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEIiER & CO., 2SalUtnore,Md.,U.8.JL. Kri. Joe Person's Statement In lie- card to Cancer. i I receive numerous letters asking If my remedy will cu Cancer. I can only ite the following case, which is the only one fbaveever cured, tlie-only one upon wbicb I have had an opportunity oi testing it in its incipient stage. When we were married, ia 1857, my husband had a small wart looking place on his left cheek bone.which he tola me then Le thought wouU eventu ally terminate in cancer. We paid no at tantion to it, though we could see with ad. vanclsg years that it was gradually in. creasing in slza.' Then it commenced to form a acab, aotnething similar to a piece of dry bran, which would ' shed every few days, another form, and so it continued until March, 1872, when it broke out into a regular rum ing, eating sojf , which con tinued to spread with the most alarming rapidity throughout that spring and sum mer. The sore had eaten in considerably, waa about the size of a silver quarter, had the appearance of honeycomb, with the eells distinctly marked, b ed considerably, had a smarting, irritating sensation as if needles were pricking the' surface, viith occasional sharp darting pains, which ex. tended to theeje and weakened it. Every body who saw it considered it a case cf -well developed cancer, lhe physicians advised him to have it cut out, whereas 1 advised treatment at a cancer infirmary. At last one of the physicians suggested that I try my Remedy, and said he believed it would cure it. The thought ot using it had cever occurred to me, as I then only aww it to be good for Scrofula. I com menced its use cn the sore the 1st day r f October and diacor tinned ,it the 7th No. veraber, as it waa perfectly cubed. It had then been a running sore for six months. It broke out again for four on ecutive years, in the spring cadi time more severely, and requiring much longer to core. I broke out last in 11-7G, when it rtquiied four months treatment to effect a core, since which time it has been ar.d know perfectly well. 1 have tried it in mny advanced cases cases beyond tbe possibility or hope ot cure, always benefit sometln by delaying its pro 8re&?t sometimes by giving perfect tree- ooni rrom all pain. 1 am, vei y trui v, MUS. JOE TE11SON, ovll,l88J. Franklinton, N. C. Tbe Remedy is for sale in Wilmington, bj Dr. WAT. H. GREEN. Send for Uir cular. ' jan 18 Fine Embroidery AND , LACES! I T IS OTJR PURPOSE TO REDUCE tae lines of sroodf. and some concession will be made to liberal buyers. The price8 ara already low, but we will do even better tor you 'now. A few fine , BALMORAL 8IIXT8 will be sold for less than value. LAiQE WOE BLANKETS cheap Without fear of contradict ion , the largest ock of medium and fine Lace Curtains to be foun In any Southern market. Carpeto, Oil Cloths, Rugs and Mats. Jnat received a full etock of Door Mats. S EUmatea given for I hurch Car 1 rliberal diseountllowed. jRj. rjlclntire. k.,ftllaTery afteraaoa. New Advertisements. ' LI -iL JLJLJLJ VOL. VI WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28. 1882. NO 24 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. IlEiN8BERnrr.BIank Books and Station- cry , .- i . .. Dr Thos F Wocm-Martin'aVacclne Virus Opera Houe John T Raymond O W Yates Butanes Men Day's length 10 and 21 mioutes. Snn3et to-morrow afternoon at 24 minutes past 5 o'clock. , The receipts ol cotton at this port tc dij foot up 022 bales. , There. was but one interment that of a child in Bellevue Cemetery thi3 week. . : 1 J : There were two interments bbth children in Oakdalc Cemetery this week. . i . ! - There were five interments two adults and three children in Pine Forest this week. 1 ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. ' The matrimonial fever seera3 to have considerbly abated as the Regis ter of Deeds has not been called upon this week to issue a Bingle marriage L cense. - nteamboaimen report mat mere are nearly or quite thirty rafts of timber and naval stores coming down, the Black, river between here and Point Caswell, and that the river is falling rapidly, ' " 1 : Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. ' A full assort ment and lowest prices at J acobt's. f The Janitor of our building was crip pled with rheumatism ; his leg was so swollen and painful, that he limped about in the most pitiable manner, being una ble to walk and unfit lor his duties. He applied St. Jacobs Oil after vainly trying numerous other remedies, and it cured him perfectly. He is as well as ever and as lively as a cricket. A member of our house has. frequently tried the Oil and found it wonderful in its effects. We indorse it. A. Hartmann, of Hartraann Bros., r. state and VanBuren sts., Chicago,, 111. Kdtica tonal . D. Mayo, D. D , Rev. A of. Boston, Mass., will deliver a lecture to-morrow (Sunday) evening at 8 o'clock, in Christ (Congregational ) Church, on "The Re ligibn of the Heart." Dr. Mayo will also deliver two addresses, at Memorial Hall, on Wednesday evening, as an- nounced, ' on "The Education of the Head,"and'The Education of theHand." All lectures free. , A New Week!'. The Stanly Gleaner is the title of a new weekly which has just gone into publication at Norwood,: in Stanly coun ty. It is a handsome 24-column paper is printed well, edited well and seems to start well. Its enterprising projector is a young man by the name of Robt. W. Knight, recently foreman of the Anson Times, and whose father for many years edited the - Wadesboro Herald. Wc wish Mr. Knight a success of it. Bed-Bugs, Roaches Rats, mice, ants, flies, veifain, mosj quitoes, . insects, &c", cleared out by -Rough on Rats." 15c. boxes at drug gists. Sunday School Association. The executive committee of the North Carolina State Sunday School Associa tion, haviDg received official notice that Mr. B. F. Jacobs, chairman, and Mr. E. Payson Porter, statistical secretary of the I nternatiotal Sunday School Executive Committee, with perhaps others of their committee, with visit North Carolina ou the 24th and 25th of February, 1S82, at some convenient centrp to meet the Sunday School, workers of the State, desire to give notice that on the days- mentioned, there will be held irthe city of Raleigh, N. C, a special meeting of the North Carolina State Sunday School Association. Not oaly are organized counties earnestly. requested to send delegates to this convention, but every county in the State may and should have representa tives present; indeed any earnest Sun day School worker will be made wel come, and will be recognized as a mem- ber of the convention. A local commit)! tee has been appointed in Raleigh, to makc all necessary arrangements for holding the convention. From this com mittee farther announcement may be ex pected. 1 Board or Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in called session at tbe City Hall last nig"ht. The Mayor stated that he had called the meeting at the request of the special committee on tbe contract with the Water Works Company to receive their report. , 1 Alderman Chadbourn, chairman of the special committee appointed to. examine into all pointpjin connection with the con tract of the City with the Clarendon Water Works Company, made the follow, ing reperi: To His Honor, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Wilming ton : i We, the undersigned, your special' committee on the' contract with, the Clarendon Water Works Company, beg leave to submit the following report: We have with, the utmost care scrutin ized every section of the. contract, and have canvassed every objection to the same, and have sought information from every possible source, whether the Water Works Company, have complied with their part of the contract, and beg leave herewith to submit the following facts without recommendation, together with the following documents: ' After the usual preamble, &c, section 1st of the contract reads as follows: "That they will erect, establish and lay down a system of water works in said city, with proper and necessary mains, pipe B, hydrantsand appurtenances, with a fall and sufficient supply of water suitable and fit for domestic use every thing to be of the best material and to be constructed and completed in a work manlike manner," &c. . The principal point in this section is, whether the water taken from the North East branch of the Cape Fear river at Hilton is suitable and fit for domestic use. The Company produced two analyses of the water, one in June and one in December, made by the celebrated chem ist, Prof. W. Ripley Nichols, , of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in which he states that by the analyses the water is good and fit for domestic use, but qualities this by saying that the surroundings, of which he was uninform ed, might be such as to . cause him to change his opinion. The Company present also the certifi cates of Capt. B. G. Bates, O. G. Pars ley, Sr., George Harriss, Jas. H. Chad bourn and George Chadbourn, who certi fy to the fitness of the water, not from any chemical analysis, but from a full knowledge of its surroundings and sources of supply, and from use and experience. Your Committee, deeming this a mat ter of great importance, addressed the following communication to the Board of Health : To the President and Members of the Board of Health of New Hanover ' County ;, "The Board of Aldermen of the city of Wilmington have been tendered the Water Works, as per contract with the Water Works Company, and holding the health of the city to be paramount to all other considerations, we would respect fully ask the decision of your Board as to the analyses presented to us by the Water Works Company made by Prof. W. Ripley Nichols, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "First. Whether these analyses of Prof. Nichols can be relied upon ; and if not, we would request you to produce some analyses more worthy of credit. "Second. J f the analyses of Prof. Nichols are trustworthy, state reasons, if any exist, why the Board of Aldermen should notrbe governed by them, in settling the fitnes for domestic use of the water taken from the North East branch of the Cape Fear river." The Boa.rd of Health irrelevantly dis cussed the fitness of the water, at two meetings, producing other analyses made by Prof. Dabney, of the State University, some of which, were very similar to the analyses made by Prof. Nichols, and others, made in September and October, 1881, showed a quantity of chlorine, or salt, that would seriously impair the fitness of the water for drinking purposes. The Board decide 1 that the petableness of tbe water could not be fairly tested by chemical analysis without frequent tests, taken at every period of the year or series of years. The Board of Health did not answer our questions, nor have they given any reasons for the following decision, which was made in secret, after your committee were politely invited to retire: Resolved, That in the opinion of th'g Board, the water from the North East branch of the Cape Fear river, as at present tendered to the city by the Clar endon Water Works Co., . is not suited and fit for domestic use according to the evidence presented." . In this connection we would also pre sent a letter from Capt. John F. Divine, President of the Water Works Co. atating that the Company is in corres. pondence with several houses in regard to filters, and aa soon as the Company can decide which is the best pattern they intend to purchase one regardless of its COst, which will no doubt materially im- prove tbe quality oi tne water 'Sec 2. That they will erect and ea tablish seventy five fire hydrants with one hundred and thirty five hose open ings, and locate them as directed by the citv authorities, prorided along street mains, and not more than five hundred feet apart." W inquired of the Chief of the Fire Department, and also of the Committee on Fire Department and the permanent Committee on Water Works for infor mation on these points, and they inform us that the location of the hydrants is satisfactory to them and the number of them in accordance with the contract. Sections 3 and 4 prelate to theexten- Siori of the mains and the placing ot ad itional hydrants, and therefore is a ques tion of the future; and not belonging to us to disposs aow. Sec 5 relates to the rate to be charged private consumers, and does not concern us as long as the Company keep within the rates named in the contract. Sec 6 relates to the replacing the streets in as good condition as before the laying of the pipes and mains. , We addressed a communication to the Chief of Police on this subject, andj he replied that the Company had restored all the streets, fcc, and left them in as good condition as they were in before. ' Sec. 7 relates to the furnishing of an adequate supply of water for fire and do mestic purposes, and provides the pen alty for a failure, &c. ' ' Sec 8. That they will guarantee at all times a sufficient force or pressure to throw from any five of said fire hydrants at one and the same time, through one inch nozzles, five streams of water to an average laight of one hundred feet. There was an unofficial test of the ca pacity of tbe Water Works made last summer, and a copy of the inspectors' report is appended hereto. The height of these streams is measured from the water level. Your committee would re gard the contract to mean one hundred feet from the hydrant. The Ccmpany states, and we see no reason to doubt, that they can comply with this, if it were desirable, to at all times carry such ohigh pressure as their pipes and ' machinery are all tested to carry three hundred pounds pressure to the square inch, and to throw a stream one hundred feet high requires only about one hundred pounds pressure. , If this high pressure is carried ordina ry plumbing in houses is not sufficient, and it would be dangerous to have such force in a dwelling; for, should a pipe burst, the house would be ruined before tbe water could be shut off. The Com pany propose to carry eventyfiye to eighty pounds pressure and this will throw a stream or streams over any house in Wilmington within reach of the hy- drants. It this is ample, as is certified to the Chief of the fire Department, your committee think that prudence and safety should be consulted rather than to have the Company carry a strain necessary to threw a stream high er than is ever needed. Sec. 9 relates to anv damaere that may result from the leakage or bursting of a stand-pipe. This section was in serted because at tne time it was pro posed to erect the stand-pipe at the intersection of Fitfh and Market streets. Sec. 10 relates to the right of the city to purchase the Water Works at the expiration of every ten years, and the manner of arriving at the value of the same. Sec 11 provides- that the failure to furnish an adequate supply of water shall not work a forfeiture if caused by riot, act of God or the public enemy. Sec. 1 on the part of the city gives and grants to 'the said Company the exclu sive right and privilege to erect water works, &c. Sec. 2 fixes the price to be paid by the city for the 75 hydrants, viz.: four hun dred and jbhirty-seven and 50-100 dollars upon the fir3t day of (each and every Sec. ,3 binds the city to pass and en force such ordinances as may be neces sary to enable the said contractors to construct, control and protect their works, and in lieu of any city taxes on their part the Water Works Company agree to furnish the free use of water at, in and about the City Hall, all fire en gine houses and- hose houses, for flushing fire hydrants and the gutters on Front and Water streets twice a week. Your committee would state that the Company have not furnished the water at the City Hall, Brooklyn Engine House, Brooklyn Bucket Co. and C. M. Stedman Backet Co., but we would pre sent a letter from the President of the Water Works Co. promising to hve all the above places supplied with water as i:oa as the pipes can be laid. Your committee also deem it of the ut most importance that the stand-pipe should be completed as soon as possible, for two reasons. First, that the water can then be pumped for domestic use on the last of the ebb -tide and can be al lowed to settle before using. Second, in case, of the npgligence of the engineer in the night the water in the stand-pipe would furnish sufficient press are to last until the pumps could be brought to bear on the mains. We would also recommend the use of an alarm gauge at the works to Bound an alarm whenever the pressure falls be low a given point. We would also recommend that some additional support be furnished the main over the C. C. R. R , as iu case of acci dent to the railroad bridge, we would be temporarily deprived of water. Your committee have endeavored to act with-the utmost fairness to all parties concerned, claiming all just rights for the city, and trying to deal equitably with the contractors. We would farther state that the Com pany have cheerfully given cs all the in formation we asked for, and havo prom ised to arrange all the matters to which we objected. I l( , W. H. Chadbouex, L n. Bowdex, A. . Aldf.rxax. Alderman Telfai moved that the re port Jbe received, which motion was adopted, "' Alderman Chadbourn offered the fol ' lowing resolution : Whereas, the fitness of the Water for domestic use is a Question fonjrirate consumers to decide for themselves therefore, be it ,, . , Resolved, That the tender of the Water Works be accepted as an . entire fulfilment of the contract with the AV. ier Works Company in every respect, and, that the first payment under said contract shall be made onTlhe first day ot March, 1882, for service during the month of Febuary, 1883. . The yeas and nayslbeing called, Alder man Chad bourn's resolution was adopted by the following vote: Yeas Aldermen, Worth, Chadbourn, Northrop, Alderman, Bowden, Telfair, Sampson awl Willis 8 1 1 Nays Alderman Hnggins 1. Mayor Smith offered the following: WheeeasJ It appears by the report of the committee on Water Works that the said works are not completed accord ing to contract; and the Board of Health having pronounced the water to be sup plied not fit for domestic purposes, I protest against the acceptance of the was as presented. People who cannot spend the season ot winds and cold rains in sunny Florida should keep Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in the house. It is the best remedy for Coughs and will relieve sufferers at once ; Unniailable. Unmailable matter, addressed as lows, remains in the Postoffice ia fol this city: ' : Miss Alice M. Roberson, Monroe, N. C; Mr. Nicholas Moore, Young's Hotel, Boston, Mass.; William Smith", George town, S. C; Joseph Piner, Sumner, N. C. Personal Rev. A. D. Mayo, D. D., of Boston, Mass., who is now travelling in the South in the cause of education, gave us the pleasure ot a visit this morning: He comes to our people bearing the highest testimonials of character, .fitness and love for the noble work tft which he is devoting his life. He iaa fluent, forceful and graceful speaker and his addresses are interesting and instructive. He comes endorsed by the educational organ izations of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsyl vania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Mas sachusetts, and also by many prominent individuals, who are interested in the cause of education. His is a worthy mission, and we trust that our people will extend to him that cordial co-oper-ature and assistance which his work de mands. A Narrow Escape. This morning, about 10 o'clock, Mr. James W. Stroud, whose place of busi ness is with ' Mr. W. P. Oldham, on North Water, between Princess and Chestnut Btreets, had occasion to go into the loft of his building to get four bales of hay that had been ordered, taking a man named Stevens with him. He di rected Stevens to more the bales ot hay to the hatchway, when he (Mr. Stroud) would lower them by the aid of the -fall which he has for that purpose. Mr Stroud came down, and as he reached the lower floor ot the warehouse, his little son, aged about two years, who had been brought down by his nurse, entered the door, and seeing his father, ran with childish eagerness to meet him. J ust as he was passing under thehatchway, a bale of hay was pitched down by Stevens in violation of his instruction?, and atrnnh t.bft flnnr within n. fpw inrhpn eX the little fellow, and, rebounding, knock ed him down aud feil upon him. - Mr. Stroud immediately, with parental anx iety, palled his son from under the" hay, and, although the latter was vjery much frightened, he waa not seriously hurt. The distance of the Ml was about twelve feet, the bale weighed 2 "0 pounds, and if it had fallen directly upon the little fellow, it would have undoubtedly proved instantaneously fatal. As it was, it may be considered as a remarkable and almost miraculomr escape. We rejoice with Mr. Stroud that it was no worse. It takes 800 fall blown roses to . make a single tablespoonfai of the famous perfume, and yom can get enough per fame oat of an onion to drive a dog on the gallop oat of a slaughter house. And yet we admire the rose more than we do the onion. . . N r will toftatf rewire romfi)cailcs) froze. ou rtM4ft o. y t4 ail nbtoeta t eaerat icterart bat aa of tt writer Mart atway be fa alsU4 a tie Editor. . - OoaaaOnn mmt b writua: ea only 9a ta nf bum. ' 'j"''-- . ParaoaaatUa aamat b avotted .vv,;',;.Vhi- Aad it u MPMiAlJy and partievLarly sader- eor tht hP ledtodoee ot always redors 1 ih vtrvwM WTwrxwdeau utlm to 9 tae edltorUJ eolaoa. - J ", City Court- '. W. J. Blaine, colorvd, wasbrought be fore the Mayor this ; morning" charged' with on assault and battery .upon V his wife,Annie, and was found guilty, but was discharged upon the pay ment of costs. Frank Baker and Jordanlfaker, both colored, were arrested last r ijl) t on sus picion cf stealing 5 cotton, arul lodged ' in the guardhouse, but they were discharg. ed this morning as there was no evidence 1 upon hold theja m' ."'-' - " " ' ' . 1ft Port and Bound lit re. There are 14 barques and r. brigs now on the way to this port . from 'oreigri ' ports. Of the barques 4 are German, l1 Russian, 6 Norwegian, 2 British and Danish, and of the brigs 1 1 13 Russian,1 1 British and 1 Germin. - ; There ure T barques, 7 brigs and 20 schooners now in this port. Of the bar ques 4 are Norwegians, 1 German, l Swedish and 1 British, and of the brigs, 3 are American, 2 British 1 Norwegian and 1 German. The schooners are all American. ; (, Fresh, the American. The Charleston 'Neics and Courier of the 27th inst., in speaking of Mr. John T. Raymond, who is to appear 'atj the Opera House in this city on Monday evening next, Tn the title role of tho abeve named play, says : , ' The quality of Mr. Raymond's humor is well known to Charleston play-goers. It is quiet and unforced, with a simplicity which is the perfection of the art, and is full of delicate touches and subtle hintsv , He has evidently made a careful study of this new part, and he plays it with his accustomed fidelity, and with2 that restraint which is one of the best features of his dramatic method. . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, the great medicine for the cure of all female complaints, is the greatest 8trecgthener of "the back, stomach, nerves, kidneys, urinary and . genital organs of man and woman ever known. Send for circulars to Lydia E. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. 4 New AdvartisGiriGntf. Blank Books and Stationery. LWATB ON Hlil) A Lar8tckof Ledges, Joornali, . . ." 0b Kooki, Day Ko k, . eitar Rjok , Jno'ie Bcoki. ; Cf A;; f z, ',. . And etsttoaary ia General, at vary livteit. pri ei, at I1K1N nERQER'S, jan 38 Lire Uookaed Koaie Store. OPERA HOUSE. iTIonday, Xaiinary 30lh, 330th PERFORMANCE 330th. The King of Laugh-Maker?, The Master Comedian of the Stage. John T. Raymond, la his great Comedy Hit, FRESH. THE AMERICAN. Specially Selected Company New Scenery Throughout As produced upwards of 100 . ... Nights .... 100 At the Park Theatre New York. Seats can be secured four days iu advance, at Dyers'. JOHN H. IIARLIN, Manager, jan 21-5t sat-th-lri-sat-mon MARTIIl'S VAGCI.ME VIRUS. North Carolix a Medical Joukjtat Agexcy ron the Southern STAtr.s JpaESII AND ACTIVE VACCINE from tne renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished la large or mull quaatl- , ties. This vaccloe U varrautel to take In all primary cases. , , 7 Lancet Points for $ i .00 15 do do 3 00 Each lancet point will yacclnats one rer aott. Orders by telegraph or rta'.l wiU receive prompt attention- THOM A8 K. WOOD, Un SG-tf nac ... ; WiiminctJn. N. O. - " ' - Business EVlen k JS WANT. F ULkUK HOOKS AKS reapectfaly aikid to cll aad ermine jx y new Stock ni acta L'P? PRI tH. BtU tione y adapted ti any Ha of tuaireav T7oo4 Orgae, Pectr J:r Oeleb.-at Piaaoa. . . . Cm YATES3 r jaa33 BookjaUe and HUtlea r s !' I ' .1 , - f . - ; . .. r. i - -i i - u