THIB PAPER Snidava ..' jo H T.' J ABIHi'.- rpITOB SP FKOFIIISTOX. nnr'BirTf )NB P oaTAQE PAID. eC 00 Bix motttta, 13 50 ; Thi froai onr Cr'-srton ; y a?d tt"&la7 -3 jIl JLllJCj Th uesie Cf wrvx iscjt alway t ; CoTcmvnXfntf.s wirrt fc ; vrtti3. ob obIj A! t I etplAlly ud t,.U-aiTty 9r v5 IMt'tii Edlt-d rt wjt eadcra. " s fl 25; Oamfitb,60oenta. I00t" lr will b delivered by carrier, - : ' " r - ... or 13 oetsts pr jTcnberi mil pleeae report any and y!jnitP receiTe their paperegttiariy. Hew Adverti8ements. If niiiiuuiAiiPMj iieuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, S we fl ir.qs and Sarains, Burns and Scalds,' Genera! Bodily Pains. Tooth, Ear end Headache, Frosted feet and Ears, and all other Pains end Aches. V, rr.r'"f!"n r" "lT'u prilials St. Jacobs Oit. . sa',.-"'rf. shnph- and cp External JVlIJr A uiai'tntM4 but the comparatively t-ifl.wr'r.i:!Jar (-1 .',! On is. ami every onetiffer l u' v .: p'Jri -an hivu rh'-ap aud positive proof fcf it- .-hfm:!. I v l.-Jret- .n? in KleTcn-LnaguagM. , SOLD BY ALL BSUGGI3TB AND. DEALERS JN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Haiti .fore 3!d.s ZT. g.A, I Mr. Joe Person's Statement In Re gard to Cancer. lreceire numerous let ers askiuj Jf my remfly wiil cute Career. I can only cite the fo'lowiug case, uliich is the only one I have ever cured, ibe only one upon which I have had an opportunity oi testing it in it incipient stage When we were married, la 1837, my husband bad a sma'i wart-- I looking place on his left cheek bone,whioh I ha fnlrl ma ttian tVirvnnVit wnnM VOntll ally terminate in cancer. We paid no at tention to it, though ne could see with ad vancing yeaTS that It was gradually iu creasiDg in size. Then it commenced to form a ecabeomething similar to a piece cf dry bran, which would shed every few days, another form, and so it continued until March. 3.872, wben it broke out into a regular rum iog, eating sore, which con tinned to 6pread with the most slaimiiig rapidity throughout that spring and earn' mer. The sore had eatea in considerably, was about the aize ofa silver quarter, had of honey-comb, with the cella distinctly marked, bed consider ably, had a smarting, irritating sensation as if needles were pricking the surface, with occasional sharp dartiug pains, which ex tended to the eye and weakened it. Every body who saw it considered ' it a case cf well developed cancer. Ibe phyeiciacs advised him to have it cut outj whereas I adFiied treatment at a cancer infirmary. At -last one of tre nhvsicians siisypested that, i j ro -try my Remedy, and said lie believed it wouid cure it. The thouaht ot - using-ft had i);ver occurred to me. as 1 then only ktew it 10 be good for Scrofula. I coai tteiiad its use on the sore the Ut da r f October and discontinued it Jbe 7th No. ember, as it was perfectly cubed. It had then been a running sore fur six ninths. It broke out again for four cfm wutive years, in the spiing ear.h time more severely, and requiring much loncer to cure. It broke ou. last in 17G, when " required four monlhs'.treatuierit to fleet 'cure, since which time it has been and cow perfectly weil. 1 have tried it in many advanced cases cases beyond the possibility or hope of cure, a' ways vith benefit somciiiniis. .bv delating it s rro- es?. sometimes bv eivioe Derfect Irrc dora from all pain. . I am, very trulv, . MltS. JOK PKKSON, Ko? 11. 1&S1. Franklintoo, N. C. The Remedv is for sale- 'in Wilmin2tjrn. Dr. WM. II. GKBEX. Send for t'ir. colar. Un 18 . o Court Pte: 1 OHlSUil! P. KY . " 2 " " "" 7 i rrfS? aH forms of PRIVATE, gHRgWlC and SEXUAJL D1S- Spermatorrhoa and Xnipotency. ttira!t ofsif-ibu ia Tutli, aoxtml in nja- !! K h''f cnr-i, a"4 i.redoriiiB eozat c f me Ji Mt; NnrousnAs, KmUMi-ns, (nif l.t raits-" iul"1- Ui!B0MS of SUlt, Dt-fectivc ltn-orr, Phy- f f Ue, Jr Sxu.l Poirtr. 4c, nudTJ.; E . "jrapr or anh.pnr, r tbnrourbln .lift j?risk- XT:r"T,Ja that a phy iciB .liepin p-L! attfatloa r 01 &f 1:,a, ar. WatiM tboiiiacs aanj iJZSI? 1,1 "kl5!- MtcUMiiitt? thi' fart rttes. ndwh,i aranteed in all Cases aKen. ., A ' .-9rrt..doce inot ti til-.3iiU. otautify yoar nome by using the N arr,elpWttt. rekdy mixed, and war d Sold only at Jacobi'i. f r enzT&i S3 rv3 WET- I I link ISslfi sll io 17 lr n!u.BI i-JrlXr, JL -Fw'i ' GI TV Gonorrhea, rirJr'1. ritur. Urchiii. ficrnia, (or Jiui-wnr, ??IVATE COUNSSX.OK r- 4 n ' ';,oy nrel .-:!. for thrrtr W.',,,.''.,, t- all. idUfn a VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements, i I -Ai.taffep. Price a Co Sashf lioors, JiSimis, Lui!i-r, i I Ottkhbouro Wise Cal ulations ! F M AocaTixr The Dornico j Opera Housr: Oliver Doud Byron Opera House rank Alayo ' Colvili-e& Co Wauled E ti Barker & Co Agricultural Lime K M McIxtirk BrocbctShawU I OW Yates Valentin ! I. i i HEi.tfSBEB.aER Mark Twaiu'e Last i ! Pit Thos F WooD-Marlia'A'afc'ne Virus Opera House John TRoymond . , . Stcambcatmcn report plenty of water iu the river. i I . r The receipts oi cottoo at this port ic, dij foot up 445 bales. Rain is really needed heiej somiofthe cisterns and wells are out. Mrs. Jone? says that her husband will never be struck by lighting, because he gels insulate. II you are not ' vaccinated you may be pitied. Arrange the pun to suit your taste or convenience, li Classical: "Julius, seize her!" said Sambo, as Julius was contemplating a fat pullet in the moonlight. Watch your children during this changeful' weather, to guard against at tacks of croup and pneumonia. ? Kev. Tbos I). Pitts, tlector of St. John's Church, returned to the city ou Saturday night, after an absence of sev eral weeks in Florida, i Explosives A romatic young gir and a tenor singer -are harmless when aDart. but they mtke a terrific conibiua- " i ! tion. To Builders and others Go- to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glaiss, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. Whenever I see a real hausuni woman, engaged in thd wimmin's rights business I am going to take my hat and jine the procesehun. See if I don't, j John T. Raymond will probably have a huge house to-night judging by the dilapidated condition of the diagrame. It will be : a fine entertai i merit; of that there is no question. David S. Cowan, Esq., of Brinkley's, in .'Columbus county, has justj ret!uined from a visit to Florida, where he .has take a look at the the country and its advantages. r When the Old Testament ia revised and modernized, it will probably state that Adam, after eatinglj the apple, re. ceived 'word that his resignation would be accepted. v - j. !' There is something radically wrong about onr professions when a pious minis ter only gets forty cent3 for joining a couple, and a wicked lawyer receives iorty dollars ior untying tue same. The best Liver medicine known is the Hamburg Drops, and it is also a specific for Digestive ailments. , ! Old Peters wisest remar:, "Ef de descendants ob de rooster what era wed at I eter Was ter make a noise ebery time a lie is told, dar would be sich a uoise in de world datjyer could'nt heali de tens cackle." ' . ! ' ' ' Buchupatba," ! I New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urmationr kidney diseases. 1. Druggists. Depot Jasi C. Munds. : . , . . A New York lady, who was traveling in Ohio, gave a baby her goldwatch to play with, and the baby gulped; it. down and cried for more. What they can't swallow in that State'must belover a1 foot in width. ' : v -f- j . ' 1 We acknowledge receiving lfrom)Messrs D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit, Michigan, a package of fresh garden seed and' a beautitul seed almanac for 1882. j Ferry't seed are noted for their reliability. They have a fine reputation. j Exports Forelso. j Bh brig Sea Jireezc, Starett, cleared at this port to-day for Polnt-a-Pitre with 14g,624 feet lamber. hippd by Messrs Iv Kidder & Son; Br. brig Zingu, Burns, for MatanriS with 3D0 empty hogsheads itind 21 empty puncheons, shipped by Messrs 'Worth & Worth, and Nor. brig Gazeiien, Weibge, forLondon, with 195 barrtla rosin and 1,507 casks spirits shipped by Messrs D. U. ilurchisoa k Co.. .v.:: ..rj WILMINGTON, N.-C. MONDAY JANUARY FrP Leciu re Re v. A I). Mayo, of Boston, Mafs., in compliance with the ..request of many citizens of Wilmington, will deliver a free lecture at the Opera llcasu on Wednesday evening, February 1st., at 8 o'clock, on education. Subject: Hovr lioes Universal Kdocation Pay?' The public are invited. i Having used Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup iu mj family for the last, three years, I find it ia the bsst preparation I have ever used for Coughs and olds, giving almost immediate relief. B Walker, i Gen'l Com. Merchant, 118 Light St., Balto.. Md; Has Left Us ; Dr. E. B. King has removed from this city to Goldsboro ,for the purpose of practising his profession in that thriving little cityl Our loss is Goldsboro's gain. We commend him to the good graces of the people of that city, as not only an excellent practitioner, but as a gentle man cans peur et sans reproche. Cllj Court. There was Jenkins, Obadiah, was drunk and in the mire, when the police very kindly took him in, but this morn ing, from the lock-up; they early made him walk-up and settle with the Mayor for his sin. Bis Honor, feeling kind, to mercy was inelined, and held the judg ment merely in suspense? so that if the sin's repeated, instead.of being cheated, the city will get double for the offense. Journalistic- j i That excellent paper, the Asheville Citizen, is hereafter to publish a semi weekly edition and has secured the ser vices, as Associate Editor, of that well known journalist and accomplished writer, Capt. Jno. D. Cameron. We congratulate Bros, Furmah and Stone on this evidence of prosperity, as well as onJ the fact of their having secured Captain Cameron's excellent aid in the" editorial department. i ! j Accidental. ! t A young man named James Mintz, in the employ of Messrs. Altaffer, Price & Co., had the misfortune to get the thumb and second finger 6t his left hand quite badly lacerated this morning, by having it caught by a buzz saw. The thumb was cut to the bone while the finger was not cut so deeply, and it was fortun ate for him that he was not more serious ly injurod. It will not do to chassez around a buzz saw unless you have ceaseless vigilance as a partner. Rev- Dr. A D. Mayo. This distinguished divine, who is now in our city working in the great cause of education, preached yesterday afternoon, in the upper room of the Tileston School buiiding, to a small but very attentive and x interested audience. His sermon was a powerful but beautiful exposition of God's love to man and the serene joys of man's love to God. His manner and! language; though manifesting the polish of a high culture, were yejt ap sim. pie 'that his meaning was within the comprehension of all. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and LinesJ A full assort, ment and lowest prices at J acobi's. t Oliver Doud liyron. "Acros3 the Continent," Mr. Oliver Doud Byron's specialty piece, which will be presented at the opera house next Thursday night, February 2d, is generally considered one of the best plays of its class, as it certainly is one of the most successful, having completed the decade of its unparalleled career. This is to be explained by the fact that it is on a large scale, requiring really , the services of two ordinary companies to portray it; and also by the careful, spirit ed acting Mr. Byron throws into it, in the leading part of the Ferret. There are lew parts of the country that have not seen and applauded the characters tic American work,- which itself includes widely varying scenes taken .from the heart of New York and from the wild gorges ot the Rocky Mountains respec tively. Not only is there exciting melo drama, hairbreadth escapes, and a grand closing tableau of rescue by United States troops," but in the prologue there is a full concert scene, giving half an hour's agreeable interlude of fun and minstrelsy by capable performers. I Suicide and Pjipepsla-. i A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia "Wells Health Renewer." The great est tonic, best bilious and Liver Remedy known. 91. Dnggists. Depot J&&.C. Mundl. ' . ' 1 New Secret Order, i There is another secret benevolent order which has been gradually advanc ing in this direction, and a lodge of which will probably be instituted here before many days. A lodge is known as a "castle," and .the order js called "The Knights, of the golden Rule' .The plan is co operative and mutual, as it is in other ordersJ ahd 'applicants' who can pass a satisfactory medical examina tion, aud whose i moral character can pass the scrutiny, hve, the option of admission into any one or all -of five classes, with insurance as follows : First, class . . . . $ 500 Second class . . . 1,000 Third class ' . . . . 2,000 Fourth class . . . . 2,000 Degree of Ruth . . . 1,000 The society was organized in 1879, is now in its third year, and has been a success from the beginning. It is .char tered by the Legislature of the Estate of Kentucky, and the Charlotte Observer, in whose city a "castle" is to be institu ted, is authority for the assertion that the order, so far, has stood every test that has been applied : ! Frank Mayo. This young tragedian will appear at the Opera Hoose, supported by a full company, on Friday night as Richelieu, on Saturday matinee as Ingomar, and on Saturday night as Davy Crockett. Mr Mayo has won high encomiums from the press .wherever he has appeared. In speaking of his performance in -the first named play, the Providence, j R. L, Eveninq Telegram says: Mr. Mayo's Richelieu, to our mind, is the best impersonation he has given us thus far, and we predict for it a favorite place with the public in his repertoire. His acting, in the first act, was excel lentand the famous curse scene was ren dered in a manner that was simply grand. That is the only word that expresses it. Its power and impressiveness fairly thrilled his auditors by its intense real ism. As the last words of the terrible invective were uttered, his tall form tow ered high and quivered with indignation and emotion, and seemed like inspira tion rather than acting. To our think ing it was the finest representation of the crafty and powerful Richelieu that we have seen, and showed in the originality of conception a distinct departure from the usual assumptions of the character, worthy of commendation, and from its excellence, stamping Mr. Mayo as an ar tist. ! THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Pot Office as follows : Northern through mails 5.15 p. m Northern, through and way ' malls......... 6:40 a. m. Ralelgb. .6:40 a. m. Offices "'between Hamlet and Raleigh......'............ ...7.30p, m. Mails for the N. O. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, Including A. & N. O. Railroad, at. 5;40 a. m. and 5t80 p.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily. 8.00 p. m. and 7:45 a. to. Western mails (O C R'y) daily (except Sunday) ........... 7;80 p. rxu Mail for Gueraw & Darling ton.. 8:00 p. m. Malls for points between Flo I renceand Charleston.. ........ 8.00pm Fayette ville, and offices' on !. Cape Fear River, Tuesdays,, and Fridays......... 1:00 p. m. Fayetteville via Lumbertcn, daily, except Sundays....... 7.80 p. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Tuesday and r'riday at. i -COO, m. Smith ville matin, by steam- : boat, daily, (except Son- I days) 8 SO a. n Malls for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O., every Tues j day and Friday at 6:00 a. m. OPXH FOB DELIYXBT. Aorthern through and way mails.. .7 :80 a.m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern; Mai la. 7:00 p. m. and 7.30 a.m. Carolina Central Railway 8:80 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:16 p. m. Money Order and Register j Department open same as stamp office.' General delivery opsn from daylight to dark, and on 8undays from 8:80 to 9:80 a. m. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. ra. Stamps for sale In small quantities at general delivery when clamp o face is closed.- i Just as we go to press it is snowing slightly. COSMOPOLITAN BAR AND RES TAUR AUT. JOHN CARROLL, Prop. I -South aide Mark rt Street, Wilmington, N.C. rpHEBAR ia supplied with the beet J Whiskies, Wines, Ber, Champagnes, &c. t Igars of the finest grades always on hand. At the Restaurant can be found the finest Oyaierajbrought to thia market, wtdca are served la any style desired. . JTaxallita applied, w . v I Jan IT 30. 1882 NO 25 New Ad vertisemen t Wanted. 25 000 PISE CROS3TIES 5 feet lon$ For further partlculara etqulrn CLVILL&CO. of jaa SO.'f Cheap AgriciiitiiralLiino yy-E HAVEON-HANt about 500 bbls. Lime, which we will sell at .10 cent cer bbl , or ier tun. Delivered F. O. B. Cars. Send orders to K. O. BARKFR&CO., janSOStwlttl Wilmiagtoa, N- C. The Domino jNa MASQUERADE BALL will take place at Germacia llall; Thursday uext, February 2nd. Masks can be had at Brown & Roddick's, and Domlaos of the under. signed, of whom Tickets for young gentle- men and married people, whose names are on the llat, can be procured Subscription, Masquers, Gentlemen, $1, Ladies compli mentary. : , Admiftaion, spectators, Gentlemen, 50 eta. Ladies 26 cental F. M. AGOSTINI, jan 80-2t Manager Kllark Twain's Last, rpaE F BIN OS A5D 1H FAUrEB. A new lot ja t ec3ii at HEINSBERGEEL'S. FAMILY BIBLSS. PitAYES AND HY M5 POOKtt, Gold Fens and PeneUs. at H EI N 8 BEBGER'B . PIANOS AND ORG A CI 8. A -area atook always on rand chsap tor casa, or on tha eaav Iaatalimdat fiao, at HEIN ilEBGE S, . jn 30 Lira Book and neic ritore. Valentines. pBANG'S , UTIfUL AND ARTIS TIC YALEN'TINVB thu jiira delight to tha eye acd joy to 'hi rau-t- W at it n a i - .' J of tboaa til ad laaaltig Com'e Ya'en tinei that have hratoL e ben an ayeioro to daeancy and a dlscraoe to the ouifcom. o. w. Vates, jaa 39 Bookialler andBUtioa r Brochet Shawls, gINGLE AND REVER3IBLS, Just ree'd. The prices range from $12 to $16.50. Thli ia one oi the moat useful wrap. LARGE NICE BLANKETS, -' . MARSEILLES SPREADS, 1 CRIB SPREADS, CRIB BLANKETS. NEWNLCK WEAR, embracing a variety of just such things as the Ladles will ad air e. . !..-: - CARPETS.XORtJICE, CURTAINS. The price are JUST RIGHT, ai yon will i : find on examination. " 1 I A few Cloaks and Dolmans left I will be sold very cheap. Mm HI. Lie I nt ire. fan 30 Altaffer, Price & Co.. j ... . . i MANUFACTURERS AND Dl AL1ES IN WIN DOW SASHES ATiD BLIND T DOORS, FRAMES MA3TLES. MOULDING, BRACKETS, &c. ALSO, , Ti : MILL YARD AND UFFIC-, San 30- ' F.-ot cf Walnut htre:t The Robesonian, JJUBLISHED KVKRY Wednesday, in LUmberton, N.CiMby W.V. McDiarmid, P i' . ' . " . - 1 . has the largest rirctiWtlJii and I In largest ad?ertlairg patronage ofar-y ctMibtry paper n the State. It now has over $00 aubscrV beis In Robeson county alone, beWidej a gene ral cirenlatlon In the counties of Moore Cumberland, Bladen, Cdnmbus, Iiicb- raond and the adjoining counties, Marion Marlboro and Darlington, ; in South Gam if OPERA.'' jHQUSE.' Osb N'ioht O.VLT,,FjeaRi;ARrjJ 4 The Funkiest Hay ia the World. Engasrement of the Yeut.g Heroic Actor M ho will appeir li thJa City it the - world j enow ne l Ply, enVtlel Across (he Continent 'i but ported by tbe chaim'n? Actress Miss KATE hi HON'. 4 AN ESSSMBLTfc 6b' TWENTTf .ARTISTS, p-'i La'ushV hi "one Pr nh-lrannlcirT" ruy la the r"orid ! Its twelfth year of micpcs. audpljf- "cd tverywheie tJ crowdvd housea, JOHN' i'2.VDn.j Lis' fp?cialties. .VaUr CHAM. lIOQENitilhl tmititions of ,... Pat iloorey, ; Sa'e cf Scats commeBced", at Dyer's thia (Mouday) moruh). jan SO "l J - v. 1 THE DRAMATIC EVENT OF MANY SEASONS ! Friday and Saturday,- Feb. 3 and 4, Matinee, Saturday, P. H. Frank Clayo, Supported By the Largest Legitimate Dram i atlc Company Travt-llin ! i fridat kto; Richelieu. GALA MATINEE, SATURDAY, at 2 p. m. fpr Ladies and Children. Price 25e 50c, THE BEAUTIFUL . . LoVEfcTORT, INGOMAR. AND 8aS'c Davy Crockettl Sale of Seats cnrnmencc3 Tuesday mpra lng, at Dyers'. Usual prices.4 jaa SO 3t , OPERA HOUSE. iTJondiiy, Jannnry 30IU. 33th PERFORMANCE I30th. The Kins of Laugh-Maker, The Master; Comedian of the St3ge. J.I John T. Raymond, i In his great Comedy Hit, FRESH' THE AMERICAN. Specially Selected .Company New Scenery Throughout As produced upwards of 100 . .' .'. Nights .... 100 r At the Park Theatre New Yoik. , Scats can be securedfour dayain advance, ' JOHN H. HARLTN, Manager: jan 2l-5t sat-th-tri-sat-mon WISE CALCULATIONS OR Striking; the Natl on tlio Head. i:. OTFERBOURG Is his own Prophet; iu fac ths buslnea as done at the MEN'S WEAR DEPOT,, for the past year, has been on tho Prophet, able basis. - v J . ' s OTTERBOUflG,predicled mild weatt er. aud, as ij his L&ual cuetcm, in order to close out all heavy weight garments, pro " - Li claimed to the public the facts. COK CERNItfG HIS GBA.NDSEMI-ANNU-AL COSTjSALE asale wherein si! PALL AND WINTL : GARMENTS are sold REGARDLESS OF ORIGINAL VALP E i A Suit fotmsrly sold for $17 50 can bow ba bought for $12.50 Sacrificed pricr. A few Boys' and Children's Suits left at figures calcalated to make mom- "Two HundreJ' Umbrellas fJob lf.J), prices ratjgiug from 85c, $1 and $1 50. , An early departure North necessitatis a complete change of bis 3. it will pay you to visil our Mammcth Clothing Store. .,!. Otterliaurr. , -1 - r 22, 24, 20 and 2S N. Front St.,' . jnJJ0 , t Wilmirgxii, ,N. C MART HPS WACC1HS. VinU?. ,i ---"'- North Carolina yizuicw Jot'uxAt , AGExev.roj; rir: ncTuzray States , . - T - ' "I " ' - JpiRESH AND ACTIV VACCINE frcm - the renowned eatabM&hmeatof Dr. ilenry A. Martin, furniahed In Jargeor email quaoti- - ties. This pec I Ij narracted to take in . all prima rr ciiees , 7 Lancet Pd at for. 1 .&) , ' ' I 15 do d j 2 OU - ' Each lanctt p&iat wl;l viccinata one jrer- on. Orders by telj;U 'r uia!I wi'l recelre . prompt attention. i ; , - TBOJIAS F. WOOD, ' ,. fan 59-tf nac Wlim!nton, N. O j f i f ' .i 1 .!

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