mr wn..,i...,r-w,. . . 1 ; er0r7 .rieroa, 8d? frs ;nr YrWi u nt iui4 'all tbit a t nvt r ttm ws? Wja b 1 , .... u.wTiilV.PAlD. 'KJr Juin' II V- II H v v o f 7 .k. fl 25; One month, 60 ceate. 0DlJ ' L.iirM bTcuritri. fbe PP' .if tbecity.atthr ratel;orl3nts,er,,'k Hob.criber. will pleaaereport any ai ,.;1nrit0 recei r-r - - 1 -- 5eW Advertisements bers : tn, TOECRtAr RHEHIH1S1, fouralgia, Sciatica, 0'. Backache, Soreness or the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Tnroat, Swells ngs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily pains, Tooih, Ear and Headacne, Frosted Feel and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. v r,,.r;i m . .. -arth uals St. Jacobs Oil su rr .ohnle and cheap External 7 '( tria b"t the comparatively ,',?" w'.h : Juvc ch,P and poiitiTO proof l)irtt:i.r.s'.n Elevffi LangnagM. ... 80LD BY ALL DSUGGIST8 AND DEALEK3 IN MEDICI1IE. A. VOGSLER & CO., lialtitnorr, 21 V.3. A, Sr.. Joe Person's Statemeni In Re- gard to Cancer. i rwpipft numerous letters asking if my remedy will cure Cancer. I can only c:le the following case, whic'i Is tbe only one I have ever cured, the only one upon which I hue had an opportunity Oi testing it in its incipient stage. When we: were married, in 1857, my husband bad a srnaU wart lonkinpnlaca on bis left cbeek bone.wbicb be told me then be thought would eventu al! Terminate in eanceT. We paui no at tention to it, though we -could see with ad Tincing years that it was grauuany in creasing in size. Then it coinmencea 10 fnrm a .cab. sometbinc similar to a piece of dry bran, which would shed every few days, anotber fount and so u couumieu until March, wDeu it uroKe oui imo a regular runting, eatiDg sore, which con tinued to spread with the most alarming rapidity throughout that spring ana sumr mer. Toe sore naa eaten in cousiuerauj, was about the size of a silver quarter, hed the appearance of honey-comb, . with tte cells distinctly marked, b ed considerably. had aemartiDg, irritatiug sensation as if necdlea were pricking the turtace, witn occasional sharp darting pains, whicb ex tended to theeje and weakened it. jsvery- ody who saw it considered it a case of well developed cancer. 1 be physicians advised him to have it cut out, whereas I advued treatment at a cancer infirmary. At labt one of ti e physicians suggested that i try my Remedy, and said he believed it would cure it, Tbe thought of using it bad rver occurred to me, as 1 then only fcuew iL to b pood for Scrofula. I com menced lis use on tbe sore the 1st day cf October and di&cojlinued it the 7th No- Ternber. as it was PERFECTLYi CUBED, 1 bad then been 'a running sore for sx month?, it broke out anaiu for four con eecmive years, in tbe spriug eaoh time more severely, and requiring much longer to cure. I- broke cut last in li-IG. when it rtquited four raontb-' treatment to effect acnre,siDco whicn time it has been ana Is new nerfectlv well. 1 have tried ii in many advanced cases cases beyond the possibility or bone of cure, always vltb bentfit sometimes by delaying its pro frw, sometixnea by giving perfect free dom from all pain. I ra, very trulv, MltS. JOE PERSON, Nov 11, 18S1. Franklinton, N. C Tbe Remedy is for sale in Wilmington, by Dr. WM. H. GREEN'. Send for Cir calar. jn 18 31 tot Place, LOUISVILLE, KY,; awn'mrl. Hu--J aal lettally qaiUSI fl.jicin ao4 tb Crrt,s oil forms crPRIV ATE, gHR)NlC and SEXUAL Dla- ermatorrliea anrl Impolency. f 4f..- ia youth, aexttal excce in iva- rM or otla-r cu-, uai pi.-yJurtnit fmtftt tV.rto- tftcu Nrrroutaeu. Seminal Kohsmvus. (niM tr Uimn. of friiht. tHkcie i!-nirT. Thy- u, . p-.aiiiM on Kc- x i ersi to Soty .1 fW of iMti of rcer. lc. r-wlttmt H mirr;r or nnhaprr. are tliorouffcly n r-- r; rlf GouorrJiea. "litOiT. Fbictur., OrcaiUs. Hertia. ioc .uturcj. ornu, cij 0, ji,iW k. trrotiup U.-oasaod etiBU- w4 rrvi, to m cre. TThm it l ii.ivfuat for trc.uanit. nwdicinn ca bMatiuMr i- by am) or ngnn aujkbrra. tUM fl..n J nil C&C . - Nartaka. . .. .jwimn.! r-TlW or b Jctter tr 4 - PRIVATE r50TTTffST!X.OR p.. . - Tr-rt T a I.. uuitti . . . """t fcor trn. 4 . y. , i Kdi. lMif - Tflnr nnmfs hT nainir the N Y. KnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ar i - i r jcfv jhvk: J -ir - i i3 fm FOR " ' VOL VI 1 WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisem exs. GfcOBE8AL'nN, 10 M-ket Street. Opeka Oliver Doud Byron OpUA Hol's-e rrarik Majv i J W Yate Va'.eotliU J I1EJJJ3BEROEK Mark Twaiu'a.Laetj Dxi Thos F WooD-Martla'oYavc ne Virus j The receipts of cotton dij foot up 49a bales. Lt' this port tc5 Thn rain came iat In time to fill num- of exhausted cisterns and wells Steamship jJenfitctor, Coot. Trl ng from New arrived here this morn York. ! One mouth of the new. year has gone already There is no "tvboa" about this. 'January.'': i Once . colonel. lt. colo..e.. no - a . - V.Q mn toicl out of the militia. th 1 FreahVater Perch, Trout, and Black fiab Hooks and Ines.; j A lull assor- ment and lowest prices at J aoobi a. T Sweet noisanee: How can you pet a . i r . 'u' J leather. iouiy your .mTunw .T There was a very slight snow last . x ; ; evening, just as we weui yic, I was followed by sleet, the sleet soon giving place to rain ,..-f... f.n:.L.i.;Ja.av lUCUtCI iBUlugBmiii-j, ."- I y i morning wnen tne eibcjo ville. There was then abW 30 feet of water on the snoais. . -i T o Builders and others Go to Jaco nuuuuu-u V.MV.U s for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, c. You can get all sizes! and at the oweet prices. I. Z BI t Khor.n V continue? to ar- rive here, while there ore thousands ot -a'ut-n ti vpi miles !of Wilmington which could be made to produce three crops a year. Mr. Ed win J.'lhorpe and his loyely hndA i hp vnnnfjesi. uauautciiu . R. Brink, have returned here from New York, io which city they went on a short - j 0 bridal tour. Don t Die In the House ,. Ask druggists for l-R6ughonRat' It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roach- " . r, ' . . I u,. Mm es, vermin, nies, ants, mscc. xc. box. We return thanks to Messrs J.H.Ennis & Son, the publishers of the N. C Farmer, at Sleigh, for a package of Buisfs garden seeds, and we kriow of no better way .to repay the , compliment ,an to s,v thn K. O. Farmer, in the inan ,-v re , M-isinir publishers, de. h nanas oi us "utrpnuK FM4-w-f - - rtnfin,o PtPftm and sun- selves the connaence. esteem uuu port of every reading farmer in the i i port o State. Thn Ranlrpr'a Il.111?htpri . i We were pleased to receive . a can to-dav from Mr. C. T. At wood, Business . . Manager for Collier's Banker's Daughter Combination, which plays here next Monday and Tuesday evenings. We have never seen the play1 but we have read the book from which it is dramatiz- ed and we look for a fine eotertain..ent i -I The Combination comes frorrt the bouth and brin: with them warm endorsements from the press. CUy Court. .The well-known David Maltett, select ed for his pallet, a soft, muddy place in the gutter, when the police come along and knowing it was wrong, in fact, too utterly utter, they took htm in tow, oujt Ulier.y ult .u.j - ;-"ir of the rain, sleet and snow, and lodged him at the cost of the city what a pitjl This morning the Major thought,' it would be only fair, about, that Dave should fork over four dollars, or else ba torced to go, to theregionsbwn below J where he wouldn't be troubled with many callers. He hadn't a cent and down he went. '! . r- 1 - T Kavft been a ereai sufferer with rheumatism for the past seven years and part of the time have been confined to my bed. The last attack kept me m bed for seven long months, in wbicn time I employed the best medical sunt ( with out securing relief. I was iodoced to try m. Jacobs OU. which remedy nas enxire- Mv hands have become be nsed as well as ever. t have induced others afflicted with rheumatism to use it, and they have ex perienced the same happy result. I wish it was in my power to tell BufTering ba- manityor tne curative powen ui o. -cobs Oil. Edward Rhokklijio, Seracton, Pa, 1 Placing Setller. We are glad to know thai Capt. John T. Patrick, of Wadesboro, has been quite successful already in placing a aumber of fra rites on the rich farming lands of the Pee Dee section. Captain Patrick advertised the enterprise in the Kktiw, and he writes to let us know that the said advertisement has aided him materially. Upt. Patrick is an enterpris ipg gentleman and seems to succeed in all he undertakes. He acts under au ithority of the Dixie Agricultural Association, of which he is the Secretary, in nUcittfr settlers. Full information ... , a i will befurnisbed by- addressing him at Wadesboro. Souvenirs. Byron, wb Oliver Doud Byron, who.will appear as the opera house in this city on Thurs . mm a h ak ma rm v n a i r u bu furnxi v j- "T". 1 Itte rails. SDlttea auu vica uocu u w" 7 v tv Frank he temporary track around the Frank- vn cottage at Elberon, N. Y., where t'he late pre8ident Garfield died We -. , . - intention of Mri Byron to baild, on bis beautitut grounas at Long Branch a Garfield cabin, to be an exact imitation of the one in which thp Prent was born. It is the inten- I7 , tion or tne possessor 01 mo rails to have the rails cat into Email I . , erwiti.tll e BDikes have . . . . .. . i,,... ti.em nickel plated, m order tnav tncy 1 I may be used as souvenirs. bneof the drawbacks of married life is r hfl littla ones. For a Cold sicsnesa 01 iuo wuw. - 1 " . TO cannot find a better remedy Rnn Karlv J - - -it aJd J0 1 fami,f should be without it. - . . ... jonn i ivajuiuuu. Notwith8taDdiDg the inetoncy of tne weaher, there was a large attendanice ftt the Ooera House last night to see the u L-a in hi. lanhable v . rn naMafjat above named gentleman in his laughable character of r'Fresb, the American. The plot of the play amounts to very little, and were it not Tor tne me ana mirth imparted to it by Mr. Raymond in his character of "Fresh," it would Um TTnid .nd tiresome. In fact, 'id and tireBOme. fact, Tia ia the Play, ana nonchaleDt g00(i humor lastnight which g3emed to 8parkle and bubble up at all times and under all circumstances, al most involuntarily kept the audience orerBowiog ithUghter from tbe mo- appearance untU the men-ui u vv , An-foin ilpcr.pnded noon the last act r His support was good, especially so with m:.. Arrno. Prnctor. as Erema. the u,.n w5th Parisian ideas." . . Point Caswell and Jhe Proposed ion f Point Cas Mr.JohnR, Paddison, of Point t,as. wen, who u ---- -- Uhat the neonle of that flonrishing little , . - Mt;AT, nt t,ft town are all anve on vne Hui i mtirn nri n i mtvn uii luu uussw. w. " , frftm Pojnt Caswell to proposed railroad from Point Caswell Jto uiinton, , iuucw, w w r-- between those two points. He says that the trade of Point Caswell nas been ex- . . iL t - ceilent during tne montu oi I . . f . 1 . A an( that the prospests for the future are very bright, facts we are glad to learn. As for the proposed road fr,om Point Caswell to Clinton, we look upon it as one of. the wise projections of tho day. The peeple of this city are deeply inter- Csted in its success, if they could but be I m ' . t. ill raade to realize the tact, it win open up a beautiful section of ocuntry wbicn nas hitherto been entirely without -railroad facilities, and will pour down into Will mington an immense amount of trade. . . . t i .ix We have been all through that section of country and know something of its resources, as well as of ita practical re quirements. The road can be built, and itghould be built Hit. Th. Cain Tn.TlilT Thcrainandsleot which commenced falling here yesterday evening ana set- - -1.1 tUii into steady rain this morning, has heen onite ireneral. extending from Pen- - af L CU- .aiaW Pla. to Washineton. D. C. The - I W VW mm, - J O ' greatest velocity of wma nas oeen at Hatteras f of course) where it blew, from Southeast, at the rate o! 40 miles per hour. At Sraithville it blew at the rate of 25 miles per hour and at 11 o'clock, had the "-".oc U this citj lor a short time. The gale was abating when tnis was oemg wrrneu. Th storm has been general throughout a the Southern portion of the country, but has beea the heaviest at Charlotte, this .State, where the rainfall amounted ... . to 8.l00 of an inches, in tms city .mooted to 6W0O of . iach. The i. now searlr orer ia thn sectioo, and Is etidently p8iDg Borthward to wards the Late region. ; '! I list or Letters. Tbe follow ing Is a list of lh Mters re uiaining uuclaitnfeJ in the City IVtttottlca Wednesday, VmH, 1: A Sosaa Ashe, A C Abrams. B Buck Dos well. J L Bender, Bryan Barlow, Bertha Bataon, A S Bartiey," II Burr, Isaac Baskin, J l Blood worth, M C Bower, Nrah Boudinot, Rotert Bowdec,' Robert Brockett, ReT Samuel Burney - v"r .1 C A S ChUdsr Charlotte Campbell, Jno Cowan, (2; ThQ5'B CUrk, Andrew D-Anoa Devsnet 0 Dudley, Kdward Daniel, F A Dew, Chfirlolte Davis, Mattie Davis, Jak Dewy, Safah E Kr- erell7 ' V r,L , x- f James run n, unouiu r arrow, . M 1 arrow, lieoecca rosier, v icwr yialAop WnaVtintrtnn (J Fprirna. ; u.ttl "-.r ' V, I. ' I i f : : t llnw.;inn nBro tlonwrrt Amelia Gallowav. Ii Hans J llolt, Anay u uowra, Y v E ta5 to Thomai m w w m - i w mm i r i . a 11 i aai i a. m m a a mm m a ua Berring, W C Hearts, Edward B Holt. J g;nrJ Johnson, Eli James. la James Lowery. OT Lewis, Kate - . v . j n rrn. I T.ansla. Phebe Looker, R B Leakly. I ai",-. m . MWash Mo3ely, ausan MCJoy, Mnrrav E E (2y L McCrady, James jjoore j P Martin. (2) SVajtWaMc- ar T O al..; OX VMnoinift Mr. I J- Koy, G W McFarland, Ella Martin, I . ... Tit ft m ffL Ht Benj Memu, vvm mwun, ia v Farland; Neil , t aanrtra Ppamon. JO Phillies. igaae Ph'air. C H Petteway, W,A D.u. t? t oil "J-"t A;. " , Kyi T-" A 1iamtn 1 Ann i KAr R V A Rieman. John Robertson, S E Rice, Emma Rhone, Tamer Robert- son. a.j o:-.J B- Anarew oiewart, .Aounw o . n ,n t m a:.u i son, George Anna o wan, w o i John Sheridan. Jno aweeney. oames Swawn, Jno Sykes, Jno Smith. Ldzzie Sinletary, J Sloan, Shepard Saul,Thos R bmitn, J en sterling. a. " tf r . I T William incKer, lownsenu, T7i,v,Ktl, TwUi. ciftmnAl Thornton yD P Watters, JITrancis Wilkins, Geo B Wood, Josephene Williams, Johnson Wiggs, Samuel Walker, Wil - "?,7 " ! Y R B Yadely, B B Yeakely. pr 8 -ow for wters in above list pleftge gariadTCTti8ed"; not claim- ed in 30 U 8ent to Qflj Washington, D. C. t tjutmit dead letter e. e. brink, p. m. vttm t "VT Umm f Unntv vvnmingwjn, ncvf AuAwei wuuvj, TOE MAILS. The maili close and arrive at the City Po.t Office Mw. ; Northern through malla 6.16 p. m Northern through and way i malla. ... 6:40 a. m. j Balelgh.. - 6i Oftices between Hamlet and i Raleigh....... ......... ...........7.80 p. m. Mails for the M. U.W sum-.- Plrcd, at. 6:40 a, m. and 6.30 pjn. raaUi for aU potnta aouui, aauy.o.uu p.,u,. u t-. Western malls (0 OR') daily TeentanndaTi. 7:30 p. m. r i a - Mail for Oheraw'& Darling- r J 8:00 p. m i Mali tor oointa oetweeu mum i Charleston 8:00 p m Fayetteville, and offices on fkna Fear River. Tuesdays. p,.-. , '.i-oO-d. m. I - . , ......... p.vetteville Lmberton, ally, except Sundays....... 7.80 p. m. Onidow O. H. and mtemedi- d0e76.oo . m. SmUnTille oy ateam- boat, daily, (except Snn- days)....... 8.80 a. r VjfaUa fft' KOI Hill. LOWn "7.. " ' r ,tt. Creek, Shallot te and Littla Birer, S.O., every rues- day and Friday at 8:00 a. m. opkk fob dkltyebt. Northern throagh i and way mans......... .ov un mv. - Soathern Malls.7:0o p. m. and 7.80 a.m. colm Central Railway...... 8:80 a. m. - 8tamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 !H J" - Zl "rZi I mmw-A mm afamn r.fiflAA ' . v- General delivery open from oayitgnt 0; d Baadw. . Iwa-aao Mjalg ooikctad from street boxee every W VaW. - Ma day at 4:00 P.m. I- m . . ' . 8tampe for sale to small quaatmea m I JmmY " " " 17 I 1 1 u V i -n. n nffiu ia gene1 7 w f - Quarterly Meetlnrs For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, bouth. first round. ""J dr? Feb 11-12 cliBtOT .t jotnMn', Chapei, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . i? eo d-o I Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap- B m - 1 aT mm. mmm JaT el, ' - MArtih 1U l2 in .t fi(,barton . March 18-19 --The District Steward will meet ..I . - . . .t . rst V. u wuramgiona. me Prw i60 F ront Bt-"a on R. O-lBrjXTOJr. PresidiBfcTlHisr. 31 i; 626 pxportt.Forelsn. Swedbh barqueitine Svithgodt Wich. man, cleared at this port to day for Glas gow with 432 casks spirits and 2.500 bar rels rosin; shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son, and Nor, barque Ja Christiansen, cleared for London with 4,750 v barrt-ls r?in, thipjtd by Messrs D. R. Murchison Co.- New Advertisements fc-JarK I WaitVS LRSt, 7 flK RNCD H. FAtJ eew k) ra i .ecaired atHfelN iaaOEiVA . . ,4 T7AMILY BIPIH. PiATEH AND Hi MI Oold Pe d PenPia, at P ? 4: . th assy Iau::mnt t' an, at UBINSBEBOKR'S, : JwSO . Liv Book and Kusic Store. r " Valentines. TlUNG'8 BEAUHFDL AND ASTI6- T10 yAue9TiNS3 that give delight to the eye tad joy to th beirt. We atH nose of thole vile aod laauHirg jomlc Va'ea Uses tiat have heretofore been an eyesore i 'i - ': . -r to decency and a ciagr'ca to the oat torn, O. W- YATES, jaa30 Rookeeller-and Btationsr ADrnn HOUSE, vr&HH y One Night Onlt, Thursday, February a. iaa i ,W . I The Funniest Play in the World- . I .. ! Engagement of the Young Heroic Actor, Who wDl appear in this City in tine world renowned Play, entitled Across the Continent l Supported by the charmtng Ac trees ' Miss KATE BYRON. AN ENSEMBLE OF TWENTY ARTISTS 333 Laughs in one Play ! The Funniest Play in the World ! , T l i. An.jKt. C . 1 1 xZJuS&ZXT. 1 . . . .... I . J(jHK tr&nux ia nis specialties. jcaaier OIIAS. HOQEN, in his imitations of PatKooney. Sale of Seats commenced at Dyer's this (Monday) morning. jan oO 3t : OPERA HOUEa THE DRAMATIC EVENT OF MANY SEASONS 1 Friday and Saturday Feb. 3 and 4. i. Ilatlnee, Batnrday, a r. n. Frank Mayo, " - a SnpportedBy the Largest Legitimate Dram- auC company xraveiiuiK 1 FRIDAY EVENING, February 3d. Richelieu. GALA MATINEE, SATURDAY, at 3 p. m. for Ladies and Children. Price 25c A 60c TilJb llc.AU iir uii T1Ifr.rT A t LOVE 8TORY, llluUftlAK. l- AND 1 "! v SSuf'Davy Crockett. Sale of Seats commences Tuesday morn ing, at Dyers'. Usual prices. jan 30-st ' Brochet Shawls, s INflLE AND REVERSIBLE, Just ree'd. The prices range from $12 to $16.50. This U ne of the most useful wraps. LARGE NICE BLANKETS, MARSEILLES SPREADS, CRD3 SPREADS, CRIB BLANKETS. NEW NECK WEAR, embracing a variety Ofjuatsucb things as the Lad i? will ad- mlre. ..-. CARPETS-CORNICE CURTAiHS. The price are J C3T RIGHT, aVyou w 111 find on examination. " ' A few Cloaks and Dolmaiis Utt will te sold very cheap. . t P . tVl . tVl c I ntire. MARTIIl'S VACCWe VIRUS. North Carouxa Mewt. jouai. A.OESCT IOR 1K2 SoCTHrKS Statks TJ-RESB: AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowiied establish ment of Dr. lTeory A. Marti, fornlahed la targe or amall nnarf!i Uea. ThU vaccine to warranted to take In ail primary casesV 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 : 15 do do 2.00 r Each lancet point wm Tacclaate one per- Order by telegraph or maQ win receive pn.mptau.naon. ran 25-tf aae ; Wilmington. N. O Perscsahtias ccsst b aTot SLt4 It la eavvdaiiy aad 4;wf?iUrlf 9t e KdifWdoe not alwsyt erdnrf ta tta dltorlal ootTitn. GLOBS-SALOO?J; I 16 S3AaiIK STJ321T. STJLL if AS ON I1A1. tliut fi&efOt d Crystal Uiook" Vldk ty, Bbf -idei4t ttr 1 line Lquor." An aWojteI ttcck jot . to Ctjrari!. You can tk yr eho'tv. V' : Yii 1 have on Thursday the iijst Jot of Xcvv R'vfr Ojrstcriie-'a luit- th!tei5pn. : J-n I - I - .. 4. f HEW YORK a-WILMIHGTBii STEAMSHIP '. Cb; "it i ' 3ES1I-WEESLY LINE . .... -I a . 'i ill Jr f ' Avfe -t.. i k STEAMERS ; WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK. Bverv WEDKBOAY aad SATURDAY I at 3 o'ccr, P. U. . I ;. .v - i BENEFAOrOB.....tThnrid.y, Jno.ty 56 REQDLAT03j......Satnrday,l:Janary 18 tGDLP 8f P.EA!MM..a!urday, rebrnaiy 4 BEflBfAOiUB... Vi flcn'raay, iearatrj- a BEQULaTOB... Satardsy, February 11 Through Bills Laiax ind. Lew: St Through Hatsi ga"nt-ei to aou frns Points la Kofth aad 8 u'h Curoliai. For Freisrat F:a.T3io ap?-,1 TOOS. 12. BO.V D, Kc?V TQEO. Q. EQER, Preibt Arest, I , , W, Broadway. Sew York. WM. P. CLYDE A (70., I ' - i Jan 26-tf ; Qen'l Agentif FALL AND WINTERS GOODS I " r... AT MaM KiiTZV fflHB BEST ASSORTED BTOC& EVER brought to thia city, -ith an tho uuitzfcv .1Hfiand ohide, la Qg g SS a GOODS Satin Aiarveilleux, Batin de Lyon, Rhad amer t Parraha, Brocades, KoireAn- . tqa. Camel Bi Hair, t Uk Vel . vetf, Iluihea COLORED BLACK AKD rILLUMirJA3 TED CASHMERES. Hturiettaa, Mob aire, 8citiDk' Alpaeas ani PlalCs ia ecdleas variety, PMramettuie, Prirges snd Trimntir) ga,W bite Ooodi.J 'r Hotuakesplag Oocdi, 1 r ' .-I" D01LMAN5, CLOAKS AND " - . i SHAWLS, Men andBoy' War, Flanstl Hariio Ua derwear. Hosiery. Glove, V ittces aad Muga, crseta,. OTJHTAIK L ACES; Staple & Domestic GoodsJI la saort feverytr-in Je;i tb't Warrad to'cim P ia prie d qcalit , tt ay n ia plejroia rali LVair. VJ.fy.";', - '. -,J Call aad at j xt: 7 fcaTisg from . s .. " is 36 RJarket Streetv eetll 1 9W a " tw.- SoW only at Jacobi. t

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