mis PJFEB V&ua Ttty aftera. Beads,. - T. JAMBS, rTITOB AJD FBOPBIXTb. -nPCBim0P08TA0E PAI1, 8fz iFCBtt-i, S3 50 ; Thr J ' w. 1 15 : One oontb, 60 ceata, ; One xaonti '"feW..iy Prtof tbeeity.atth ,rlt,.1orlJMntip.r.L idT-rtisp rate Jow and hber Sataeriberi will pleas report any and !iiar w to, reeeire their papers regtuarly. 5ew Advertisements. nicer will b delivered Dj eaxrier., RHEUIATI J timurafoa. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache; Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, . l Tooth. Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet ana tars, ana an oiner . pains and Aches. ' No Proprtim on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil j $aft,urr, simple and cheap 'External tuv"lj. A trial entails but the comparattTely rltonctitlT if 50 Cent, and erery oneeuffer lof wTth pain can have cheap and poaltivo proof f its claims. JJiractiotu 1b Keren Languages. BOLD STALL DBUGGISTS AM) DEALERS IN MEXapiNE. A. VOGELER fc CO., JBalHmore.Md.U.S.JL. NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK IretTj WEDNI8DAY and 8ATURD J ' at 3 o'cloer, P. iL IXSyACTOR...... Thursday, Jisat T I MGULAT0B...8aturday J anuay it GULF BTREAM......8atuiday, February ' BBJEFAOTOP...We!n!iday, February 8 KQOLATOB.........Saturdaj. February 11 Through Bills Lad lag and Lowest Thfoorh Btus gatrantsei to atxa fnn Poiats.in North and 8?nth Carolina. 1 'or Freig at ngagema apjly t THOS, E. BOXb, Scp't Wilmington,' N. 0 THIQ Q. JKQKB, .Freight A cent, ' t& .Broadway Be For. . P. OLYDH CO.. ' Qan'l Aganti Jan M-tf J LIU Lracr 31 W Place, LOUISVILLE, KY.," nlmrtT raacabxl Ml WfraUv qualifiej .htak-aj a'aJ Ch' tuorc-afat. hit iwii.f will I'lVTe. " ' V&re all forms of PRIVATE, HRON1G and SEXUAL DlSl ASES. . Spermatorrhea and Xnipotency. tvra!t ft wtr-kbo-t in youlfc. cxil ricrc in rw ;r. r other cause, mud vrwllK-'"' e f lb hii--t; Nerroutaws.' Sai(nl Kniiioiii. (nith mil ( , dnmuu). Oiaaan of fcislil, DefcvtWe Slmtocy. Tbj " 10ct, Pmn4ioa Kace. JkTrin laSvcirtt of teaxka, .a.iaa af l.o of heuJ Tower, tit.i rendtTiEg . intifotw ir onhartr. mn thoroughly nd pmt a- TS;uSYPHlX IS ti' i1 -pie J" ?,rni: Gonorrhea, fXj.L, SIncturo, tlraiiiut, RernU, (or liuLUuc.-, MUl iithM .1: i .1. t t "fTioB a pfcjr tiHan who payi tprcisl aUeBtieo , ,. "'"setaw of dioae. and treatiiiit th uiuind m.u- rm.ml! PbTHciao knoirhn thi UcX oit-c t?fttJ P-'toat u or eare. W hra U i- iwenrenuiu ta ol m'l"? Uoanoot, wxilciiKM caa U rtl fritawiy ! Bail or csprri aavwbcre. VfmakCen?ra,lteed C CkiTl, 't"w bUt or r Wer frr and inritod. "ooable ac4 carmiwoAoace atrici! eoabCttuust rw,PRlVATE COTJNSEJLOR via, o anr adJrt. arcarrtr teold. for thirty VT tmmc X. M. to H r. 3if . Soaaaja, S to 4 J. U. Wanted. 25500Ot.INE cross-ties 6,88 feic. Fr farther parUculari eBqulre - C0L7LL&C0. Msa-tf hf ' ' y' Jill Mmmw. SI i r A s JJ I VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1. 1882. NO. 27 LOCAL NEWS. , New Advebtisemejtts. Mr Joe Pehsox Debility . Dr ii XV. Bexsox Celery and Chaino mile Pills . j 1 " ' , ' Heijtsbkrger Valeiitines J Bhoda IheGieit Hercxliaa Mystery Opeka Hocse Oliver1 boud Brroa Opera. Bouse r rank Mayo i :W Yates Valentin a Dr Tnos V WoDD-Martia'BVacc'ne Vlrua We guia xhis month 58 minutes of day light. ."-r.; ;-."'v -P-i Shad were selling this afterDooojo $i -ia a pair. - 'The receipts ol cotton at tbia port tc dsy foot np 459 bales. . Fftbrnary greets ns today jwith a bright balmy atmosphere. ' ' The Domino and Masqtierade Ball, to be given by 1'rof. AgoStini, has been postponed until Tuesday evening, February 7th.. I ! To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, 3tc You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . ' ! t The mysterious Rhoda draws large crowds to the exhibition on South Front Street. Many ladies and children thronged there this afternoon. , - i v . Ger. brig Express, Fretwurth, clear, ed at this port to-day for Bremen1 with 1,107 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs D. R. Murchison: & Co. I Yesterday's Newborn News says that a fleet of six vessels are lying at the Midland pier, with corn from) Elizabeth Cityand Hyde county, fer Boney & Sons of Wilmington. One of the oldest merchants of Akron and the leading druggist of that section, Mr. E. Steinbacher, informed the writer that without exception the sale of the Hamburg Drops was the most satisfac tory of any thing he had ever sold, and that'the unprecedented demand was due solely to its merits. Such emphatic expressions need no comment on our Part -, -, j : Yesterdays Savannah News says : 1 The decrease in the receipts of cotton to date, as compared with last year, is 74.269 bales, or about one tenth, which is a better showing than any other port makes except New Orleans. The News is referred jto the repor published elsewhere in these columns, where it is shown that at Wilmington the receipts up to to day are 15,239 bales greater than to January 31st, of last year. ' j j 1 " i j Educational! - 1 i ..i Rev. A. D Mayo, D. D.,;of Boston, Mass.', will lecture at the. Opera House this evening, with "How Does Universal Edacation Pay?" as his subject. He is a fine speaker, is master of the subject which he proposes to die cuss, and all his energies are wrapped up in the cause in which hi i now engaged, and. we hope that a large andience may be in iittend ance to be benefited and instructed by his address. Official Changs- i Mr. W. A. Ridcb, who has been ap pointed Auditor of the Wilmington & Weldon and the Wilmington Columbia & Augusta Riilroad9, to take the )lace recently occupied by'Mri) J. R Lattai arrived in the city to-day to enter upon the duties of that position, ilr. Latta, we understand, will remain in the em ploy of the two railroads, but in what ca pacity we were unable o learn 1 i r j It is the Height of Folly to 'wait un til you are in bed with' disease you may not get over for months, when ynu can be cured during the earlyi symptoms by Parker s Ginger lonic. i1 We hate know the sickliest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this 'pure nWicine. Observer. iM i IeuUi of Dr. H. P. Mnrphy. The large circle of friends; and ac quaintances of Dr. Hanson F. Murphy will be pained to hear of his death at his home, in. Pender county, on yesterday evening. Dr. Murphy's- friends, have been aware of his hopeless condition for several weeks, and will not be surprised at this announcement. His disease was aneurism of the emoral artery and bis confinement was painful and protracted. Dr. Murphy represented New, Hanover county in the State Constitutional Con vention of 186.V6 with1 the lamented Win. A. Wright, of this city. He was a brother of Dr. C. T. Murphy, who died recently in Clinton. i . i ' TPv . ii ii f. i r -1 a i r jhhii l Cotton Figures. The receipt of cotton at tbU porV from last September 1st, to date, foot nP 116,821 bales as against 101,582 bales to sj me date in 1881, a gals this year of 15.239 bales. The receipts for January 1882, foot up 12,463 bales, as against 7,303 bales in 1881, a gain for this Jan uaryof 5,160 bales. ' ' j i Harbor Uaster'fi Report We have received from Capt. Joseph Price, the Harbor Master, t his report of the arrivals of vessels' at .this port dur ing the month of January, 1882, from which we gleam that during that moo tb the arrivals were as follows: i ? American. Tonnage. . 6.377 . 312 Steamships Barques Brigs . . Schooners Total Foreign. Barques Brigs . j. Total 7. 1. 3, 25, 36, 12, 3. . i .15 691 6,195 . 13.575 Tonnage. . 4,753 1 642 . . 5,495 Making in all a total of 51 vessels of all sizes, registering 18,970 tons. j "Tis more brave to live than to die." Therefore don't wait till a slight Cough develops itself into consumption bat secure a bottle Of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at' the small outlay of 25 cents, care your Cough and lire on happily. ' Cold Weather. From a letter received in this city 'by relatives of Sheriff Manning, from Rum ford, Me., where his wife was in atten dance at the bedside of her dying 'father, we learn that on the day that the latter gentleman died the thermometer indica ted 30 degrees below zero. We complain of the cold here in the "Sunny South' where it seldom falls to within 60 degrees of that chronicled above, but we have in fact bat a faint idea of what real cold weather is. Go down in Maine where it is so cold you would freeze your fingar8 while taking a chew of tobacco and where they have to warm ice before it is fit to use and yon will find . out ' what cold wheather really is when it gets fairly to work and means business. We don't p se to try the experiment. Freshwater Perch. Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort. ment and lowest prices at J acobi's. f Chaoge of Programme As will be seen by reference to an nouncement in our advertising columns, Mr. Frank Mayo will play Hamlet, in stead of Richelieu, on Friday night and Richard III, instead of Davy Crockett, as previously announced, on Saturday night. This change, we.learn, has been made by the manager in response to a request from some of our theatre-goers who desired to see the two plays which have been substituted for the original programme presented on the stage of the Opera House. We hope this change has not been made unadvisedly as we are aware that there are many who would like to wit ness Mr. Mayo's rend itio l of Richelieu, and there are some who are doubtful if he has a support equal to the demands ol Richard 111. j The Ansola Tramway. A communication from a friend in Pender county, which ehouid have been received yesterday, tells us of a meeting which was held on Saturday last at which the Angola Tramway Company was or ganized by the election of the following office! s : J Presidents-Gibson James. Superintendent D. J. McMillan. Secretary and Treasurer K. F. Pow ers. .- . j 1 j Directors John W. James, JL K James, K. F. Powers, Gibson James, D. J. McMillan. !i The road is to , run from Croom's Bridge, on the Northeast river, through Angola Bay to a little settlement of, which we spobe some weeks ago, called Oak City, but which has since been changed to Williamsburg, in compliment to Mr. Geo. W. Williams, of this city. The distance between the two points is about 9 miles and through a j level coon try, too, which is not olny very heavily timbered.bat much'of which is among the finest farming lands in the State. The stock has been subscribed and the road ' is expected to be in operation next Fall. The right of way will be given and as the gentlemen who are at the head of the enterprise art all energetic an go- head laen, the enterprise will, we are assured prove a successful one. , filTBEWo 1 Deary Freight Trade. We are happy to learn that the differ ent railroads terminating in this city are doing a larger business than they hare ever down before at this season of the year. The Wilmington & Weldon and the Wilmington, Columbia" & Augusta Bail roads are Used to their utmost carrying capacity to convey the immense quantities of freight now being forward ed. The freight traffic, instead of di minishing, as it usually does at this sea son of the year, is decidedly: oa the ; in crease. ' I Beautify your aomes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed aid war ranted. i Sold only at Jagou's. f TUB fix AILS. The malls close and amve at the City Poet Office as follows : ' Northern through mails. . . . ..6.15 p. m Northern through and way i mails......... .................. 6:40 a. ra. Raleigh ..... .&40 a.m. Offices between Hamlet and j Raleigh: 7.80 p.m. Mails for the N. O. Railroad; and routes supplied there- I from. Including A. & N. O. . Railroad, at. 6;40 a. m. and 5.80 p.m. Southern mails for! all points ( South, daily. 8.00 p. m. and 7:45 a. m. Western mails (O C R'y) dally (exoept Sunday J.,........ 7:30 p. m. Mail for Oberaw & Darling ton.... .. . 8;00 p. m. Malls for points between Flo rence and Charleston.......... 8,00 p m Fayettevllle, and offices on Cape Fear River. Tuesdays, I and Fridays...... M 1.-00 p. m. Fayettevllle, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays....... 7.80 p. m. Onslow O. H. and Intermedi ate offises, every Tuesday and rriday at. 6.00 a. m Smlthvllle mails, by steam boat, daily, (except San days.. ........ 8 80 a n Malls I for Easy Hill, Town j Greek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O.. every Toes day and Friday at......... . . 6:00 a, m, OPE7 TOB DELXVXBT. northern through and way mails......... 7 OO a. m, and 9.00 a. m Southern Malls. 7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. . a-k uaroiina uenirai oauway s:su a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M.., and from 2 to 6:16 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from daylight to aarfc, and on bondays xrom 8:80 to 9:80 a. m. Malls collected from street boxes every day at 400 p. m. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general V delivery when stamp office is closed. " . Quarterly Meettnri For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. FIRST BOUND. Elizabeth, at Elizabeth town, Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor, . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokeabury, at Bethany, . . Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap el, '. . . March 4 -5 DupliL, at Wesley Chapel J March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . March 18-19 t-Tbe District Stewards will meet ta Wilmington at the parso nage of the Front StreetChurck at 11 o'clock a. m.. on Tuesday, the 3rd of January,1832. 1 1 Presidinfir Elder. New Restaurant. FTIHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful. ly annouuee that he kaeJuat fitted up at No. 8, Granite Row, 8outh Front at., a Res taurant for tLadies and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all keurs of the day. Every thing is new and first class. PoCte waiters andjeourteoua at tendanta. L ' I . tST'Gauis ana uys pa season. Fine Wines, liquors and Cigars. nov,18 F. A S'HUTTE, Prop. SIGU PAINTIflQ, BROnZINQ &c fJlBE UNDERSIGNED WOULD re spectfully say that until further notice be may be found at his reidence, corner Third and Market streets, prepared to exe cute all orders in tbe above named fcranct. es. Room Sets, Tin War. Ac, oeaUy . .. . j t- repainted and varnished. i , , Jan 4-tf C. IC'BURK. NEW BOARD-HQ HOUSE ATBUROAVf, by ' f MRS. JOHN SlimL IZT Table always suppUsd with t best lie aaarkei afTerd. Give ma a eaU. JastXXt niBD. HOWARD In tbia cjty, this morning, at hU residence on Dock, between 'Pixth and Seventh atreeU. or consumption, Mr : AL FRED O. HOWARD, aged 27 year?, 10 months and 16 days. Hia relatives and friends are Invited to hit funeral wbjch will take place to-morrow, the 2nd lost., at 10 A. M , at hts late resi dence, and from thence to Oakdale Ceme tery I -. . - Ifew Advertisements THErOREAf HEnODIAM P.1YSTERY ! " la now on exhibition on J FRONT 8T., Between MARKET & DOCK. A.dmiMion 10 eta. From 1 to 6 P, epeciallyfor Ladies and t hildreu. feb t-lt J. T. POWELL, Manager. Debility. 1 Newbebx, Sept. 6, 1831. T HAVE USED MRS. JOE PERSON'S TO NIC I for general debility, oonsequent upon living in a low country, and found 1:1 ' great benefit trou it as an appetizer which gave tone to tne'system. MARY BAYARD CLARKE, For sale' in Wilmington by Dr. W. H: i GREEN. 1 febl OPERA HOUSE. THE DRAMATIC EVENT OF MANY ;' .. - . - SEASONS !.- -i ! . .' Friday and Saturday, Feb. 3 and 4. J Hatinee, Saturday, 2 P. ET. ' I Frank IV-ayo, Supported By the Largest Legitimate Dram atic Company Travelling I FRIDAY .EVENING, February 3d. HAMLET GALA MATINEE, SATURDAY, at 2 p. ra. for Ladies and Children. Price 25c 50c. I umJsioRT, ING0MAR. - AMD . . RICHARD III. Sale of Seats commences Tuesday morn rnnT t a tttivi TT ing, at Dyers'. Usual prices. jaa 3W-SS - OPERA HOUSE; Onx Night Only, TnuRSSXT, Febbuabt 2. The Puuniest Play in the World- MMaaMOBoaMMtfaajoaaWBWMMmaH ' Engagement of the Young Heroic Actor , OLIVIA IMOUD BYRON, W ho will appear la this City In the world renowned Play, entitled Across the Continent l ! Supported by the charming Actresa Miss KATE BYRON. AN ENSEMBLE OF TWENTY ARTISTS 333 Laughs in one ! Play 1 The Funniest . nay in the World I i i i - New In its twelfth year of success, and play- ,e everywhere to crowded houses. - JOHN FEND Y In his specialties. Mater UHAS. HOuEN.in his Imitations of PatRooney. , 1 , Sale ef Seats commenced at .Dyer's this Valentines. - ... ..... i . -gOY8 AND GIBL3 L1DQB AD BE Merry, and eone t BEIIfSBKROER'3 ssd get vow OOHItf TILST1MH. WiftY OROftH OOMI "8, enre!y xtw jit 1HELIVB BOi'K nT-BB FOR WARM HEALTH, 1 Hepant inttd VaeEtIs Valentloe Oar4fe iee(y ni artlriailr trlmmod - ith a Ir - I Orders from th coa.trr i cteetfaily ao Iieitdd. 1 i HIS BE8QE"fl. feb 1 ' Livt Book ard tfvsfe Store. MARTIll'S VACCINE VIHUfi Nostit CaBOLISA Medicai. JoriiXAL AGxarcr fob imst fiocmrsx Stxtes jpRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowned establishment of Dr. Henrv A. m m 1 SI x i mjjtuu xnrnuae m ; large or small Qnanu- Ues. This vacciae Is arranted to Uke In all primary eases. I i 7 Lancet Points for 1.00 1 " 15 do do 2.00 , Each lancet point win vaccinate one per son. ' Orders by telegraph or mail wfq receive yrosaf t attention. , ; i - Til O MAS F. WOOD, laaSS4f use Wftrnlngton, N. O ?m Vrwv aoT5ir.irtr from our frij oa aVy as d 'til tbWT t aaae of t -rrttsr i s i slcW XAiicf9 L- ji j eaettaAfjip9y . I,,-..-. c s ; - arsPOAKtiM -srrt ba STff44 ; ; lad !t U e-7elally and jpTTtf eelar ly iwdar flood fttt the Edlrr does not alwtyt etiiori ' ' las vfcwi of ecrrsrp(ndssta Vali kV t ' ta tae editorial eoUcta : .1 - ,7T ! :;---T- ,r -r '. v NetT Ad vortiBsncoa tc , 'W: TT. ' : I' - ' ' ' i f DR C W. BEAS0.V, orBaliimorcJldJ, ?t inveutor and proprietor of lho! celebratd'd Celery and Chanroniie pills. These pills1 are prepared express ly tn cure Sick' Head.' ache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Paralysis, i Sleeplessness aud Dyspepsia, and wir,L cuee any case, no matter how obstinate'- ' I if properly used. They are not a cureall,1 1 uui kuij iui lujso optxiai ciseases. iney ' csntaiu no opium, moiphlDe or quinine and are not a -purgative, but regulato the ' bowels and rare constipation by caring or ' removing the caiiise ol it. They have a charmicg effsc't upon tbe akin, and a lovoi ly quieting effect upon the cervous syttcm J simply by feedii g its tea thousand bucgry, ! yes,1 in some , cases ' starving absorbents. They make or create terve matter 'and give power, force and buoyancy to the ; nerves, ana iu in&y way increase mentui power, endurance and briliiancv of mind. a - t I Nobody that has a nervous system should V I reelect to take them two or thrp montiia i ! in each year, as a neive food, if for no ' otner purpose. j Sold by all dru ists. Price 50 cents a box! Depot, 106 North Eutaw St., 1 JJaltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2.50 to any address. DR. C. VV. ,CEH30N'S' c-w Pe - H is Warranted to Cure ' BWEKA. TETTERS, HUMORS, i SCALP, SCROFULA wLCEirS j PJMPLE3 & TEMDER tTCKINCSoaaUpartaoftlio 1 body. 7i makes lUe tk:n whito, soft and amooth i i-emovcs tin and frcx-ilcs, and in the EZST toilei drcs3i3 in.'jjun VC2XD: Zlcant;v cut tin. tvfo botil?i f1 a,aa ?'u ..CHAS. N. CRITTENTON 115 JXwJtaxro. Fnlfn St., New Yoik City, sole spent for Dr. c. ! W. Benson's remedies, to whom all orflera i i hould be addressed." ' I J. W. C0N0LEY, Agent, 1 : Wilmington, N. C. ! feb 1-em-d nrm ' i Valentines. pRAKO'S HUaUT'IU AND ARTIa- 1 -' ' ' I ' " : . "T ;' ' no Valentin th Kire delight to tha eye and joy to lbs ke;rl. Wesdlniss of t-oa yil aid Ineulti g Coaa'c Va en tints that hare heretofe been 'an ereaoie to lecency ani a lijjrr.cd to the outssi. j - :0.'W.:YATSS,!:li; jau30 Hookajllar and.tatloa t 1 ' M I j III I I ' Brochet Shawls, O INgLe AND REVERSISLF, ju&t recM. Ihe prices range from $12 to $10.50. This 1 one oi the most useful wrapa. I - - ' r . r LARGE NICE BLANKETS, , , MARSEILLES 0PREAD3, . pRIB SPREADS, ClllB BLANKETS . NEWN2CK WEAR, embracing J variety of Just such; things as ithe Ladies will ad mire.. : j ' r CARPETSJiCORNICE. 'CURTAINS Theprices are JUST RIGHT, as you wlU - ! " i I find on examination. A few Cloaks and Dolmans left vill bg sold very cheap. I. R. ffl. tVJcJntire. fa? 20 j . I - "i T h e R o b e s o n i a n ? J jpUBLISUED EVKRY Wt dUsayJ In Lumberton, N. O.,ty w w; HfDTmU, has tbe'largeft.r ci. hn And t'jjjs . iJrges advertising patronage of ay couutry paper d the State. It now has over 600 sabicrlt " bers in Robesca c.noty a!oue, teMz$ a I . i r . i r 1 ! !. general cl'CulatlDri in tliecauuties cjf More i ' j " -:' : ! - ' ; - . ' : ' 1 - ! ' Cumberland, Uepf Columbus, F.icL- monc! and the a5jjlnin counties, Msrlcu ) ' Marlboro and Darling x-n, in South Czro Una, ' I Jta 23 njINFLAWmATIOH, MILK CRUST, j ALL ROUGH GCALY ERt;.TKN8, " BiocAbCS O" HAIR AND r. (