. .PTUlMJ.rOhTAOK PAID. .5 CO ;.' tl 35; Oeo Bsoiitb, 60 cent;. c fc. I.il iu 1 be delivered cy carrier T1 T" .... rir 13 cents perweeX. ,e r . . in asd liberal Li'tTU- win nletse report any acd U-!f-.SCriic r - " Piyftiheir pacera regularly i iv . Few AdYertiseiaoats, i i i B ' " Li fll Hcuralgia, Sciatica, Lumoago, Backache, Soreness or the Chest, Gout, Quinsy. Sore Throat, Swell nqs and Sorans, Burns and ' Sciids, 'General Sodily ' Pains Tooth, EaVcnd Headacne, Frosted Feet and Ecs, and all other Pains jand Aches. v-, rroiWn torth equals St. Jacobs Oil JCslr'rr, ,hnjif ra.d clieap External "t'im1v - A trial -ntailt the comparatively x-tve .!itlv ' f ." Out". aild ever-v ?nO'Mlffcr;r ,,,':.,!, -n have cheap aud positive lroof i,fu : cteinu. . , i)iierti..n in Eieven Langnagei. 0LD L Y ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN UEDICIUEt A. fc CO., Hhttinire,JSId.V.S.Jt NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. SEEH-WEIKLYLIIE STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW "XOKK Itmt : WEDNESDAY and BA1UKD ? at 3 o'c.ock, P. M. BENEFACTOR Thursday, J-nua-y -S TtTjm.AT nit snr(lT. January 5 OOLf 8TREAM......Baurday, rebrnary BE5EFACT0Ii...We n day, Ffbruary RK'rDLATOB.........9aturday February 11 ai- ThroTigh Bills Lading and LowtB Through Ketss arairsnUod to aaa frcxB Foiuts.ia North end 8outh Uarclnii. For Freljbt Eogajetaait apl? t TnOS. E. BOND, Srp't, Wflmkitfi.-.n, V G. KGEPV FreirfA?t, 55 i'Toartvay. fri!. P. OLTDF A CO., Jan 26-tf" Gen'l Ae,ntf 4 " ' 31 Coart Place, LOUISVILLE, KY,; r- ,uj-c-Jaf-! a ti4 fi-aitl'-e-iritt rrv. . CnresoJl forof PRIVATE, CHROMIC aud SEXUAJL DIS EASES. ! ':" , t blrinatorrlica nsit iEipoicncy. " prfij".! cWif-sbnS l;i vputh, (sal.rmi in r--.-Tfji-, ornthfr ciuiv:, -uJ 1 Ji.r:,jt MirrrsI if . i i-w.n"- cc;: Xr"ou.es. Smiaa. rn.ii-.-o. (i-isiiJ ia-:- . "i -r lr.rt. UlmnMH ff .M3H, I" ttitii Kur.o .. l' y .. . '.lvj . , Vi.b Jioa V-.- J W-nt l. S.i: ( T r ; "-.-f-.-wa cf la'jK, of rciter. i.:., , 1 ".' iff i:i'.ii:nrr HiibW, n il.tu'-vfciv an.i p-.r:. :. . -v;-. ;-u,.j. sYPHIJCj IS,'-'iLt:-t v- '1 v1"" GLEET, Strict it. O.x-iiiii.. w. -j -.-.-;, miocFir prfrni diwts'J uickl.T cjrvi.;; t a uiu eU cf 4wa. nl triS tb-ti:t s !.-. '.. prrt tklB. )bT!cia3 kn.? tUiz i-tt t r r !imi".i p-:-jn 10 icy Cere. Whl, il i:: : " '! ,;' ' " v-'U is- f- trrtnx".it. K!W-!ne caw U: n.swi -'l.'eh-br mail or espi"r-surtlicrOi ' ' Cures Guaranteed ia ell Cascr. Dndertalicii. ... , . :. , u;m,s ,. i.nlir or I 5 ;ter fr-f n rv,.-j. PRIV ATI2 . COUNSSLOIl ' Ari-nti. m,h:,ji r.- r-jti ell. A-5crcs a- '-oo. S-e Vr fi-wi, v a. ;:. . r. if. f .ucuaya, 2 iO r. K. 11 1 Wanted. 25 000 FINE CKOS3"TIE3, 6 s s ffetlcng. For further partlculara er quiro COLVILL&CO. g Hd tin s. u n jimmmmm jaa3Atf 1 I- !1 " ': I, .,-..-,-,., ,. ..-- f" ........... ...... ,....v..J ; '" ' .' '' - - .' 1 ' :' . lllJiiv jJAMj 1 .JDlJCj V Jul! W . : VOL. VI WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY . NO. 28 LOCAL, sSEg. Ne" AUVEKTI3EMEXT5. ' S I) Wallace, Cash'r Notice S D Wallace,- Casb'r Annual MeeUn Carbonate of Lime i , i - Jl kioe Co Shin Notice 1 1 ki n kii ri;; Eu Valentines I Oi'EKA HorE 01irerl)oul Vroo. ( C W YATEHVali.-itiiHS it i Da Tuos F Woriu-MaTtin'oYaccine Virus It h a rtid isiiibt to pee justice turned by a crai;!. It wih soon ; tir-v f r 'iCf nt-xt Lcac" crop to f.iit. Cow-milkif.g :s not half to nice rs it sc-iiTis to Le from reading poetry auoui ms to L( railkmaiJi. Lffhtniu-ir uever atrikts1 twice in the sau;e place; nd it nover knocks a tucoj frpeaker epeechiess. Quinine biscuit ia the1 latest novelty in tie radical pastry line , E,ch biscuit ; , , f .1 coniaiLs one fourth of a grata of quinine, and the taa'.e is so concealed that a hcartv individual can put them down . . I until tbo hair on the bead begins to curl without kuowing what he la taking. I L I . . . i ' I Next we ehall have castor oil sponge cake and equill dou-hunts. , - -ii.,-0 i ' - i i i ci im' tiot i We invite attention to the advertise mPrft of Messrs. French Bros.. Kocky - , ( Point, offering for sale Agricultural Lime and Corbonate of Lime. There is no' discount on rthese fertilizers. peculiarly adapted to the soil, of this section. They have Deen provea ana not found wanting, and; can be sold at Mepsrs. French Bros, will . I I low prices: furnish an furnish any information desired on ap, plication to them. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Kasb, blinds ana ioors, -vr.aes, . . . . - i -r-v niJ ! I. &c 'You cr , ftnd atthe ft r r j. I lowest prices " ' ' ' 1 1 Magistrate's Court . . . i -vt n.-ii i u i Uick uoston ana iNai. niu, uuiu tu- fl mnA nroro Kirmrphf KnlnrA .1 IIS t lf.fi MC I uicui v.w.w - - - . tuigg this morning cnargea wiiii uigu- Hill wajrouwe., . - " I aisouuwicu, auu uj,u --a- of the circumstances iney were uuuuu over in the sum of 100 each to await their trial at the next term of the Crim-j inal Court. ..Not being able to furnish the required bonds they were commiuea to jail. 1 ftlrtiorolue'ical. . .f rpRT. From the tepori oi me ojguai vmw at this port for the month of January we get the following items of interest : -The mean thermometer for the month was 51.G;the mean barometer wsfs 30.198; the highest temperature was 73? and the lowest 24-; mean fcumidUy and it was very mean 74.G; prevailing wind, fjW; highest velocity of wind 25 miles, and fromS W. There were 4 clear days, 13 fair days, 14 cloudy days' end lDtdayson which raiu fell. ! . f j! Flics & Mosquitoes. i A lfc. W of ''Rough, on Kfs,r will 1, keep housc free from flies, mcsquitoes, rats and mice, the entire season. Drug- rat gist - I The ImpirtAnce oilVaccitiittloa. The New York Board of tUealth in a special circular in regard to the extreme importance of vaccination, says: Vac cination is a public duty for the protec tioh of the whole community, as well as of each iadividuafand family, and it is so necessary to secure its protection in all places and for all, classes of people that none have a right to neglect it for themselves, their families, the public school?, or the community. Every infant should be vaccinated j before j it is, six mouths old, unless a good physician ad vises to the contrary. Every person who has passed the age of twelve years, should be re vaccinaUd with fresh heiier virus, to test the fact of complete pro tectioh against small pox; and those who have had that disease should be accinat ted, as it may attack a person who $ras marked by it, aaswell as a person who has been only onceWaccinated. Forthis purpose re vaccination is-, earnestly ad viced. Taccinatiou with lymph , from cleaji and healty iLOcnlated heifers causes no disease: : ' ... Poiut Caswell, e understand, is to have a uewspapc of its j own. Mr. L, Vollers was in the city jloiay for the purpose ot purcniiing tne necesaary ma terial. Vigorous Old Age. i j Dr. John Pridgeu, ot Oaintack, isjOO years old and jet he ia as vioronsnd hearty as many men of half that age He walks from bis home to Point Cas well, six miles there1 and six miles batk with all ea9e and he wants to po afishinar he jQmp3 into his boat and "paddles his own canoe." He bids fair to live at least ten years longer, and we trust that he ', " 'I".' '"'""Decided steos oueht to betaken to" cure a Cold or Cough at once. Wc should recommend Dr. lsnll s Congh ftyrup. I'his valuable medicine is indorsed by the physicians and you cm rely on its doing tne worK every tin e. Mayo as Hamlet Mr. Mayo and his great Company win present Shakespeare masterpiece at the t.nora Housa to-morrow evening. Here are some press endowments of Mr. Mayo'a representation of this great character; His "Hamlet" deserves to rank with the best performances of the .best trage- the dcsl penormancea cn tuc.u dians. Albany journal. M Mavo3 interpretation of" avo 3 lnterpreiauon orvaainiei wa8 particubirly distinguished for feeling, ana xook a remarsauie uum uu iuo ejtu-1 -. 1..LI. L.1J IK. n m I pay l FP UUUie"-'"w I mPII.I l.P.T - I M -p Mavo's rendition of "Ham- iet" Qt night was not a servile copy of 1 anyone. It showed originality, siuay, i nnn in ihh n v i i it-i . L.n. iuuiu uuu ub iui- i ' T t7Y "ZF" ZLa nrnvfi i. riia voice uuu uuotuiiuti ic- minded one of Booth, and was such as to - ".rr,. ? Ti Wlin HIS power. jxn-umunu mk. -i i Thoseho witnessed Mr. Mayo last evening were amazed and delighted. His "Hamlet" is a smooth, strong and ar- iiitpranr wm Ro admirablv adapted, 1 S II'. Mill It. I nLJIliliLflULl 1.A lO UObAVU IMiL i one to tue 0ther, that the auditor found the influence or nis art lrresisnnie. i U orcesler bpy. " 11 - tin wrn'a I I on Ot " 19 O. mflStPm PPR. I . , .ond thfi manner mwnicn ne lmuerauniiteu i e character last evening, shows that np nna TTisifiM it, :l siiKciiii hluuv. ua. rv u. Jnrinrr tS first, nr-f oi the piay . waB called before the cur- tain at tne ciose oi ine Becuuu. -u . p it. J J I from that time until the curtain ieu on .u i u rtri4?Tir.0i o-rr.ro in favor with the audience. The "Hamlet," impersonated by Mr. Frank Mayo last nitrrit-was tne Desi we ever saw k wb - - u Tv, Whrn rvnd ICQ It r nuuvuu w. v ' "-if ''QQrCL7n. ; c -a k trio r xCttuuiy juu, ttumC- 6 x. imuicn Buiw iTOuj wv,- " ranted, bold only at J aoob n. t Death of Mr. Isaac James. We are very sorry to iear of the death 0t Air. Isaac James, an oia ana promi nent citizen of Perder county, which uccuiicu C.jr "V v j 1 J .J I . A ASWJ-1 A W9 morning, A. iriena in jrenaer cuuui-y, u . . - physiciarri who was on a professional visit to the neighborhood at the time, writes us as follows under date of yes terday, in regard to his death : i "I have just returned from a profea- sional visit to Grant township. While there, I! was informed, as I regret to write of the sudden death, very early this morning, of Mr. Isaac James, of that township. He had been coniplain- ing for two or three days of a bad cold and pain about his chest, but was able still to be up attending to his business, T ' ua toir moHir.ino w nn I I T .-i :1 ,1 II mnml&O0 "COICIU Ai,auc, XJVUU. JUIWBM UT 1 w. Tftlrl f;:orite JacobSjCil: that H. Ender, Esq, Hotel very early and able to feed a vonte o j , ... jj. . , , . , . t 1 horse this morning again went1 to bed aud! died about break of day. He had . 1 l.t L U Un been in rooust neaun, so mucu mi .uau he seldom compmmeu tur tue jrcu. or two 01 a iorinwcuniuiBcuu.p.u.i, ui the breast, i mei nun auuut wcB ago, and in our kind and pleasant chat he' was congratulating himself on his m TT t J A L. & b fine health and vigor, ue weignea iu u two hundred and twenty pounds, and was fifty-seven years of age. The cause of this sudden death is, of course, a mat ter of conjecture, but with the 6ymp toms described, the neighbors class the disease under that very comprehensive one in popular acceptance of heart dis ease. 1 T T;I : :Mt"r t" where he had been m the habit of stay- ing most of his time for several years as , . . . f u- i nearer his business of making naval stores. His suddsn death is the talk m many parts of the township to da and called a number of his relatives and neiehbors to his dead body and many en- " r. ,l. qmnes are maac . u uu,cu c o i , . .t - only persons wiu neio vu. u j yetas luli ol painoa a Knneo hprp And when he died, as I amirnnld wishj Tha soccii uvuw ,r informed. He had formerly selected a on the public road and near Mt. French's! Ki9;nr Plantation, of Eocky Point township. Herehebad spent most of life and he will be buried on te-morrow The receipts ot cotton at this port ic day foot up 466 bales. The Steamship Regulator, , Capt Doane. Irom New York, arrived at her wharf in this city this morning. The annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Bank of New Hanover will, be held in this city cn Thursday next, the 9th inrt. 1 " -';" .. ' . - " ' . i The Board ol Directors of the Bank of NewHanover hate declared a semi-an- nuaiamaenu oi .our per cen,., W"" Ojjaud alter tue eth inst. I Where H Orislnated 1 Si'Etxr.nKLi), Tenn , April 12, 1881. H. Ill Wacxkr & Co, : Sim A dis- tressing coagh, originating from I liver, was cured by your bafc Kidney and Liv- or rintf I ! A. Hopkixs. . j he only case belore the Mayor tnis morning was maioi oaraes laiauouri,, u French sailor, charged with disorderly conduct. tt. i?-J r L I. ne was unea ipj, wmuu uc Via applicants were accommodated . . . v i .. . . !" - iwi . t . -i , month. Of these, 50 were white males, . I . . . . i l -,a3 a wulte temaie ana y were coiorea males. , Rev. Dr. Mayo will meet the teachers 0f jew Hanover county, in Tileston Tjpper Koom, on Saturday next at 2 - . o'clock P. M. All of the teachers m the county are invited. 2t. Tr irty-four sentences were awarded in . . , . J the Mayor s uournasi monin ana oi.bu Mn fines was I collected. Of this amount j ,as turned over to the county, as ac- rcuing from a btatc case. : ..... T" J? i t:u vfifiref.ka Comtiound is the best for fama! wftaWaa that thev Z . . 1 . . " ever heard of: it arivts nniversal satistac- . . r t-, -i-.- nW?XLWa"!h ... ' pamphlets. , Tbo. nnlirA fnrr.ft marl A S4- fl.rrp.sts dnr- . . monthof JanTlar- " doaed.of " - - ? wbicb 17 were wmte maies, 1 a wniie female and 16 were colored males, the whites being in a majority of two. A rpvnlntiftn in the treatment of nerv- I - - I j: i. r lOUS UlBCtutcs is uuyt mmug iiavi . i uenson oi iauimone uaa uiscuvcreu a I sure remedy in his Celery and Chamo mile Pills they permanently cure sick and neryous headache, neuralgia, ays pepsia, sleeplessness and all nervous dis eases. , V The American schooner Thomas Wil. Edward3t from Brunswick, Ga., loaded wUh lamber ashore on F j Pan shoala. We are unable to I w give any further particulars of the disas ter than those conveyed above. We t&ank Miss Amy M. Bradley, the Principal ot Tileston Normal School, for a copy of the Lighthouse and Tileston Recorder, it being the first number of the second volume. It is a handsome little sheet of eight pages, issued from the presses of Messrs Jackson & Bell, and is creditable in every respect. Mr. W. H. Chadboum, Jr., is the business agent, PnrtIlfffi. Wia. . Columbia Co.. lyfo.,-, raports that Mr. George Fitte, of Wyocena, was cured of a severe case of rheumatism by two bottles of St, I V , m . j that lheir editor wag Cttred ol a severe sprain, by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. I 1 geDtieman ,who arrived here last evening from the Black River section, via the Mount Misery road, informs us . , lan(linff erected for the entrance of ehicleg into the ferry flats opposite a ba(J conditioQ and dangerous. We call the atten tion of the proper authorities to tnis fact. , i - i Across the ontinn Oliver Doud Byron and his,excel- lent troupe will probably be greeted by a large house to night. The liox sheet is pretty thoroughly scarred which is a sure indication of a full, house. .They played in Raleigh on Tuesday night and P 1. , " ... .. . . excellent endorsement: . . n O ver Doud Byron and his excellent Compan well sosJuiod. at Tucker Hall jasl CTeniDg,he reputation so well won. The house was crowded by one of the largest audiences of tha s.-ason. and con- sunt applause marked tuc course of the .xcitioi ulay. which ia tut Sensational, and i 'v-' i j ud tan b Lean alty parts of 4 he i 1 m , r k performance deserve b.gb V. uur 3 , I The phxeootogi.t U governed, more b I tis flins thn ay i ousiness. TSTe-sy ' Advertisement. Ship Notice. k LL PERSONS are hereby , XX. CAUuonea sgauifct naroor- gjgj inaj or trusting any of the crew of the Nor. Barque W A LLC. ZjZSctir Capt. Walle, asiic debts of their cootractinEj will be paia by Master or Confrurnee?. ifi:irirvc co., , Con$tenec feb -;;t otice. rpiIE iBOARU OF liUiECTORS OFlE NRw iiASm EUhave decUri a Semi Annual dividend of Four Fcr. Cent., payable on and after the Sth init. twa ft i fb 2-2t 8 P. WALLACE,. Cash'r t ; I Annual feetine:, rpHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of the Bauk of New HanoTer will be held at the Banking House, i thicit THPRSiHT. tb9th int- t 12 nooa. feb 2.2t 1 S. D. WALLACE, Caah'r. Air ii p.nl turn. 1 l.iiiip and Carbonate of Lime, :gEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS. Send ior Ciraular and Fnce List, I - - - :- 1 - - " " 3 FRENCH BROS., feb 2-lmd&w Rocky Point, NC. Album of Fashions AWTTAVPVm TVl-nM r-no trim-1 I VT. :i,V"h Tn XI dition to my large and well selected stock of MILLINERY, , &c, I have secured tte I Cl-VT k.u.'w w- x ny 'a patterns, which can he bad on very enaWe Ur. ' ..t MISS K. KARRER, Jan 2$ Exchange Corner i m jcv - c EL. THE DRAMATIC EVENT OF MANY SEASONS -d.. BfW. T? orl a l--J j. - . Matinee, Saturday, 2 P. fS, Frank fV3ayo Supported By the Largest Legitimate Dram atlc Company Travelling ! FRIDAY EVKNINa, HAMLET I ' GALA MATINEE, SATURDAY, at 2 p. m. for Ladies and Children. Price 25c 50c. THE BEAUTIFUL V n W rh l&r . r i love &TORX, in uumiin. AND RICHARD Bale of Saats commences Tuesday morn ing, at Dyera. Usual prices.1 jan su-at OPERA HOUSE, Okb Night Onlt, Thtjbsda.t, Fkbeuabt 2. The Funniest Play in the World Engagement of the Young Heroic Actor, OL.I VJE r d oud b ybon, Who wUl appear fa this City In the world renowned Play, entitled . Across the Continent l Supported by the charming Actresa i , Miss KATE BYRON. 1 AN ENS SM BLE OF TWENT1 ARTISTS 333 Laughs In one Play ! The Funniest Til TX7AA Now in its twelfth year of success, and play ed everywheie to crowded houses. JOHN PENDY In bis Epecialtiea. Matter CHAS. HOGEN, in hi ImlUtions of - . Pat Rooney. Sale of Seats commenced at Dyer's this (Monday) morning. jan 30 3t Valentines. jgQYS AND GIBL3 L&UGH AJD BE Merry, and eoae t HEINflBaRQFR'3 and get tout OOMIU rL Tnkifc i -fTY QROfla GOSii entirely new at IflfiLIVS U ' K KS FOR W1RM HEaTS, ; ' . .letrBt- -nz-d V 'tii Valtoti" ;ri' icte-.jr al arl!ti'aily triaisad lib s tk ; . j Or.1ersfroji xl oa -try c;t.a lj io- ,lCiUd- . 1.M.V f!k 1 Lira Bookard Kar.e ht-jre. MARIIH'S VACCIriE VI 3U?. -"-"' Kohth Caroms Xkvicau JouKxir. AcrJfcr roie the Foithesk States TT1RE8H AND ACTIV.t VACCINE from Th rpnovmcJ eatabllabmeiitof Dr. nrry A Martis, furnlahed ta large or small quanti ties. This vaccine u warrantee, lo iaxein 11 nrimarr cases. I r 7LanetPoinUfor tl.OO J .15 do i do 3 00 -II Eah lancet point will Tacclaat ona per- Orders by Ulegraph or mail wlU rexeivs rompt attention. L"-.. r"Tr v t j : THOMAS r. WOOD, Ua ;S4f ,bac . WSminton, N. O plA8B sarins : will bcia4 t9 r9iT naickat!t fro a o3r madj ua y ed 'ail rabWatafT jteara! latMa b ;., I . ". i " ." . r ta wrttr fc-iiri lav f a'fhaJ ti JMitftr. : ' . . 1 .1 : ' i wtA f t! I And tt U paiaiiy aid pw-alarty unlar j t" it!t tbs Edrvudoet n aJwayt erdort th !-' Mvrrcednta tJer ro i 1 ta tii Adltorixl colawt V ' SSTJ AdvortifiemoDtft Valentines. 1 pHASKr BEAU ns Us. ahTIS- T O V a LE TIM S thit f Ira de!lg ht to ' i tin eye rd jcy toths eirt. We atll n ae of thcai Til a-d icealii g Coa'c Ta ea tias tht re hrretofv bwn ;an ereaoia t ecjccy ni a if.r cj o th or torn. ja 30 I'ookaelUf aod station r I Debility. : ; Newbebk, Sept. 6, 1ML. I HAVE U3ED MRS. JOE PERSON'S TONIC . for general debility, consequent . upon living in a low country, and1 band great benefit from It as an appetizer w hick gave tone to the eystem. j V . MARY BAYARD CLARKE, ' For eale in Wilmington by Dr. W. I H; GREEN; , fab 1 Brochet Shawls, gINGLE AND REVERSIBLE, just ree'd. 'lhe prices range from $12 to 41C.50. This ia one qt the most useful wrap3. LARGE NICE BLANKETS, . MARSEILLES SPREAD3, V CRIB SPREADS, CRIB BLANKETS. . . NEW NECK WEAR, embracing a variety of just such 'tbioga as the Ladies wUl ad mire. 1 CARPETS ICDlt?ilCE, CURTAINS. The.prices are JUST RIGHT, as you will I find on examination. ' I A few Cloaks and Dplmans left will be . . ' ji sold very cheap i R. EV3. ianSO The Robeconian, pUBLlSHED h VERY Wednesday, in Lumberton, N. C.,by W. W. McDiarmld, has the largest UicuUUon and lho( largest advertislrg patronage of any country paj ec n the State. Itj now has over 600 subscri bera In Robeson ' county alone, beiides a general circulation ha the counties of Metre i i - Cumberland, Bladen, Columbus J Rich mond and iha adj-'ning cuntlcg, Marlon MaHboro feud Darlington lit Soutjb Carou ' llia. j . - - r ' ' . Ju' , ' rpHE j UNDERSIGN ED would rcepectfulj ly annouuee that be baa jest fitted fcup at - . ' . I- No. 3, Granite Row, South .Front at-, a Kes- I ., tauraat for Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may bo had at all hours of the day. Every thing ia new .and first class. Polit- waitcia and court eoua"at tendants. '' f3f Game ana Uys ! a season. FJaf Wine?, Liquors and Cigars. nov IS . F. A. EC II U PTE, -Pre p. sinn PAifiTiac, bronzing. &c. rnaK UNDERSIGNED WOULD re- fcpectfu'Jy eay tba: ui.t.l farto ;r BOticehe may be found tX bit A til Ul SUU JU Jkirt, .-tl ' - J ju J'"'K- - - cute all orders i. il; itce named brand;.: ' " I tm.. Ryvtm 5.At? Tin W'-Tt- ACti Cai'T! I ;"- ' .! repainted and taniUted, I ;n i.tf r. rr burk. fiVi RAARniKn HOUSE AT BURG AW, by MRS. JOHN SMTH. Tabl alwave supplied with t tt -be taarket aSTorda. Gtve us a call. i

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