1MB PtVTA iLeasR wrvrto. i ' v-' bj'ad t r-tra ozamsLSlt tMom froa vnt frtaadj on ay sad 'all nbtftsT .. Ys a an a of ti wrltr wctt atar ! . Cosslestfot es be writ tea: oa aly "rtaIlt!ca nrrtbo aroldad ' 1 j And It ft etpoetaify mad jNurtfjmlarly cadar tiat t!4i atwaya etdort ,:.tea ere" aftuna. 8tadT " rKlFTIOK8,J OKTAGE PAID. BCD tt,i v. racer will baoeiiverec py corner?. 13 usu per wex. rtl"' iw.dlihra VOL. VI ; WILMINGTON, N. C.. FRIDA YS FEBRUARY ITls Ill jr. .bribers will plcae report any and in'-eiio receive their paper regularly. jl Sl3' j?ew Advertisements. 1 tie Tiswf fit carrpcsdBtt osLim so stal " in it THE GREAT ummu BU!gilftl1 HhRlfa fieuralyia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Qout, Quinsy, Scro Throat, S wett ings and Scrams, Burns and Scalds,' General Sodity Pains, Tooth, Ear and tieadacno, Frosted Fee and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. -i rror.wn-n "rtli rquals ST. JACOBS Olt fHsl Tiiaih Imt tb comparatively -f'j;'jV, . ' , .t...r.i'.".0 cnts. auJ every on-.iffr-., P7h jMin .-n havo rh'ap end pwitivo proof " if i' rlniiJJ. ' - JEOLD'BT ALL DRUQGT3T8 AND DEALEES III MEDIOINE. . ' VQGEHEEL & CO., ; NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP GO. 8EM I-WEEKLY LINE 1 -5M"sr '- STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW I0RK Itott WtDXESDAY and HAtliRDA) at 3 o'c ock, F. 14. BE.EFACTOB......Thur83ayf J-nua T 2f RraDLATOBM.....turday. Jauary Sfe ODLF STREAM .Saturday, February, a BESEFA0TOP...We-n iday, Ft-brnary 8 BKgULATOP Satardy, February 11 Throojh Bill Ladiag nd Lowif! t ' tnnapn n.ai3 fatransaei 10 tnu irn Pointi ia ortb and Booth Cf'Hnv. for Freight EsgaF8sasnt8 pIy t TIIOS, E. BOND, Bcr't, ' Wilainiftoc, N. 0 TliKO. O. KGSR. Freiirbt Afreet, Wlf. P. OLYD A CO., jan 16-tf Qen'l Ageatf 3? Court Place, .LOUISVILLE, KY., CnrPS nil formsofPRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL DIS EASES. - - J JSpermatorrheA ano. xnipotprtrr- i!,!ci:t of ia jouvii. iirxuii f.s-" i" r - t rtm, or w6(T Ma"!, ut iric-ii:p cf !hc ! m Dimsos of 8lsM, rffri?c .Mo-r- Jhr- i.l-,v, P!pifa rf. Jlrntii .Si-p. tv of J3.:. , CTiO hj cf liia. f Sei: Por. r W-i'r.- .VT frtmtfc tm. Gosiorrlica, i .ill rlji -f !- i, M trraut-'g ttsioi jpr..i ' pr-at siflt l'hTs! !a Wu"iti:! -t -.-.i ' i -r?oi t tu er. rfH V. i- i v T--'a.afc JSr Ire:Bnt. mrrJi.x c M-t jml- Cure. Qaarantocd iu Cnser u'idorta.oju , . , . '' ' ..n!' or hr hr t' r? 'r-!-. PRIVATE COUTfSELOR. " Wanted. &tkm. For farther paxticultra einlrc COLVILLACO, Jaasfktf LOCAL NEWS. . 1 -J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I Opeha. IToi e The Uatiker' iDaughUr , Alex 8iki t & Pox Ship Notice Johx IT Pugu 'ituation Waoied' ,A La.dt Situation wauted as teacher nElxsBEKQEK Valeotines , CW Yates Valentlnta j Du Thos F Wooit-Martfu'sVarktio Virus The Guard 1 loose is M.Tj. No Mayor's Court and no Magistrate's Court to-day. Fall moorrihia morning at f4 rainates past 12 oVlock. '""; The receipts ot cottonat thi3 oort to dy T-jtot up G05 bales. 6 . Myrtle (Jrove oysters very fine but very Silt sold for 7r cents iu the market this morning. per bushel A 3'ouc lady who isl thorougblv competent to teach the English branches desirrs a situation as teachei or compan ion. Bee advertisement! The News and Observer gives publi cation to a rumor prevalent there that Judge Russell has withdrawn from the contest-for Judge of the, District Court, in favor of Judge Seyniour. ' Mr. John II. Pugb, a gentleman of well known excellent business habits and qualifications, advertises in this issue ot the Review for a situation, which we trust that be may speedily obtain. 1 1 Beautify your ooraes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t There was a lis:ht frost ihh morning and yesterday morning there was a very heavy one, the tops of the nooses look ing in the early light as though there had been a snow- Indications. For the South Atlantic States, fair weather, northerly, veering to easterly winds, lower pressure. Rev. Dr. Mayo will meet the teachers of New Hanover c'ounty, in Tileston Upper Room, on Saturday next at 2 o'clock PrI. All of the teachers in the county are invited. I 2t. The February number ot the Chil dren's Museum isl atjhand. It is a handsome issue, beautifully illustrated and replete with excellent matter, in the way of instruction as welL as of en tertainment for the youthful imind. Published by F. B. Godclard &t Co., 6 Bond St., New York, at! $1 a year. Tho Superintendent of the Reading, Pa . Passenger Railway Co., Mr. John AS Rigg, narrates the following experi ence: One of onr horses was sprained in such a manner to be useless. We had tried different preparations without any results. The use of St. Jacobs Oil effected a complete cure, and I " cau re commend it as a truly wonderful com pound, r i Our thanks are due to Miss E Karrer for a copy of the Alb'nih nf Fashion published by the ' Universal Fashion Co.," of Paris, London and I New York, whose universal patterns for ladies' wear she has the agency for in this city. It is a very handsome publication; and is profusely illustrated with tho different stiles of ladies' dresses. i li 1 ! 'l Uninuilable Unavailable matter,- addressed as fol- it : lows, remains in the I'ostoftice in this city: , y v y Esther Eleron, Corian, Ni C; Sarah Brown, Lafayette, 479 ave. ; Joel Lilly, Hazlihrfrst, Miss.; Mis Maggie illver Sandford, N. C; John Hale, Rocky Point, N.C; Mr. il. L,ewis,jUonccpcion V. O., Uuval Uo., lex. Tanned Ucrc. Capt- F. M. Wooten. put up list year a number of canned tomatoes at his farm near the city and placed hera upon the market. . They were receHved with much favor by consumers so much, in fact, that Capt. Wooten proposes to enlarge his operations this year and in the course' of time hopes to embatk extensively in the business, iu which jre 'wish him much success. Ordination. ; Bishop Lyman is expected to arrive ja this city to-morrow r.ight acd will be the guest of Cel. John 1 Wilder Atkinson. He will preach at St. James oa Sanday morning, at the usual hour fur services, lur serv in Mr. and will nt that time ordai Ar- macd'Dellosset M cares, o! this city; as a Deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church. The candidate for orders will bt presented by BrJ Dr. jWatsen. DlisraCifol. There are aain serious complaints in regard to the conduct or some of those present in the Opera House last evening. Catcalls, stamping and even shouting were practised without any let or hin drance. 6o far as "we could sec. to the great annoyance and discomfort ; of the audience, and at limes even drowning the voices of the actors on the stage, 'here must be a ramedy somewhere for such a a state of affairs and it should be applied at once. i . Now tbey speak of Crude Petroleum as a remedy for Consumption; better not try it, but take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the standard Cough Remedy of the age. It is agreeable to the taste, never fails to cure, and costs only 25 cents 4 bottle. Toe North Carolinn Uedical Journal. We have received the January numbeT of thi3 excellent periodical, and a review of its contents shows that its able editor has commenced the new year in earnest The subjects treated, to our unprofes sional mind, seem to be such' as must deeply interest the profession and be of benefit to the general public. North Carolina has just reason to be proud of the position which the Medical Journal holds among the publications of the State, and Dr. "Wood, the publisher, is deserving of the highest praise for his unceasing and unflinching efforts to placee it in the very front rank of medi cal literature. Acroi8 tue continent I The fame which had preceded M r Oliver Doud Byron and his Company in the above named '. play, drew a large audience i to the Opera House last night to witness its rendition. The play was one of the blood and thunder, knife and revolver, sensational sort, interspersed with ludicrous situations and ' dialogues sufficient to keep the audience in a broad grin and to afford j universal delight to the "gallery gods," ' who were present in force. The acting was generally good, although we doubt the propriety or good taste of trying to raise a laugh by 'gags," which are made personal and local, as was repeatedly done last night Mr. Byron, who played the leading part, is a very good actor considerably above the average while Miss Kate Byron, who played the parts pf "Aqnes Con stance, a broken-hearted wife? and "Louisa Goodwin, the merchant's adopted daughter," acted both difficult parts to perfection. The other actors were a fair average of those who visit this city. A Raving Maniac. I The well known colored man, James Anderson, who was adjudged insane a short time since, and was sent to the County Poor House, has become a raving maniac. For three days past he has re fused to eat or to drink, and is so violent that it is necessary to keep him confined in a straight-jacket. This morning he sent word to Mr. Savage, the Superin tendentthat he would like a little toddy, whereupon a tumbler was mixed and taken to him by Mr. Savage - He then refused to take it, but after swallowing about a spoonlul, he took the rest into his mouth- and spat it out. On last Sun day, seeming somewhat more rational, he was allowed a little liberty, of which he took advantage to escape by forcing off some of the boards of the euelosurc .i witn a piece of scantling. He was fol lowed and recaptured, and brought back and placed in the straight- jacket A few days since. his arms being at liberty at the time, he made a fierce onslaught on one of the Superintendent's assistants and choked him severely. Mr. Savage rushed lo the rescue and finally succeeded in throwing hirn on his bed and securing him there, but not before nearly all of, the clothes hd been torn from Mr. Savage's person An fcflort was made a few days since to secure Anderson's admission to the Insane Asylum bat it did not succeed at there is no room there now. We sug gest that the effort should be repe ated and that, failing again, some specii! means for his security be taken at once. There is no doubt but that he is a raving manioc and ia all probability an in carablecase and that he is very danger ous, to others as well, as to himself. There has not been a female prisoner in the guard house in nearly two months They generally go in, almost ef their own accord, daring the holidays but this season they fought shy of it, lor the first tcwKactna!ly, ia five years. A Dexen House bold Hints- In icing cake, dip the knife frequent- Lly in water. I A little ginger put into sausage meat improves the flavor. Every closet and room in a house should be thoroughly inspected once a week. -. i ; 1 In roasting meats do not salt before putting into the oyen, as salt extracts the juice. If voar1 coal fire is low, throw on a teaspoonfai of salt, and it will help it very much. , In warm weather' put your eggs in cold water some time before you are ready to use them. : Lemons may be kept freshl a iong time in a iar of water, changing the water very morning. ' A true test for eggs is to . drop them in water, and if the large end comes up they arc not fresh. Hams wrapped in thick paper and packed in a barrel of wood ashes ia the cellar,' will keep all summer. To te6t nutmegs, prick them with a pin, and if they are good the oil ( wil instantly spread around the puncture Bar soap, 1 when first bought, should be cut in square pieces and put in a dry place. It lasts better after shrinking. All fish 'skin should bt washed, dried thoroughly, cut in small bits, and put in a box or paper bag to use in set tling coffe. An Exciting Runaway. This afterdoon Mr. C. C. Ketch um, who resides on Wrights ville Sound, stop pedhis team, a horse ! attached to a com mon country cart,in front of Messrs Hall & Pearsall's on South Water street, and after getting out he hoisted in umbrella to put over a sheep skin, upon which he had been seated, to keep it from getting wet. This frightened the horse and he started upon a full run and turned down Dock street, where the cart came m cod tact with a 4 ray which was standing in from ot Mr. W. P. Oldham's grain and meal store, from which it broke one of the tail pieces. He continued his way up Dock to Front' street, where the horso became disengaged from the cart, and was finally caught in front 'of Mr. J. C. Stevenson's, near the corner of Market and Second streets. Fortunately no one was hurt and no great damage was done, but pedestrians had to be lively to get out of the way iu season. Mayo TQ.HiKlit. None, should forget that to-night is promised one of the greatest Shakes pearean treats ever offered to our citi zens "Hamlet" artistically presented Every character is in the hands of an art ist. Of Mr. Mayo the press are lavish in their praise. Read what some of them say :' ' -. ..; r;" Mr. Mayo is evidently a keen and un tiring Shakespearean student.bringing to his work an analytical mind of extraor dinary strength, and a quick apprecia tion of the meaning and beauty of the lines written by the great master. Their true significance rarely escapes-him, and his intelligent reading has in itself a charm entirely dependent on his dramatic action. Cil City Derritk, Oct, 1881. Mayo's portraiture of the melancholy Dane was a most careful and studied performance. Mr. Mayo gives evidence of careful, utmost religious study of the play. He steps aside from the conven tional way of speaking certain speechesT and acting certain scenes. The ideas were conveyed so .clearly that even the gallery gods could understand the meta physical arguments. In the scenes which called for grand and impassioned acting aad tremendous power, he was .great even to the verge of sublimity. The play Bcene was elegantly done. The effect upon the audience was electrical. This was the climax of Mr. Mayo's ' acting, although the duel and death . scene was well brought out. Providence Preis, Sept.', 1881. ; Frank Mayo made new friends last night. His best character of the week was that of last evening "HamleL" Iu this proverbially difficult character Mayo: made a hit, and truly rose to dramatic height he had not before approached during the week His interpretation of the character ia novel, more robust than any other "Hamlet" w have ever seen, but the part did not suffer by this inno vation. Mayo was on bis mettle, and he determined to show to a somewhat criti cal public -that there is staff in him equal to Shakespearean parts, and he did iL He displayed true dramatic power of the highest order, and in the subtlest parts the cunning "Hamlet seemed to liveupoa the stage. StrPatd Journal. - ;; . . : ' i .. To Builders and others Go to Jxco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, fcc You can get all' sizes aad at the lowest prices. t r Hot7 AdvertlBemntv Wanted; 2 A POSITION A3 CLERK or Book-keep-J.ert or. wherever the subscriber can make himself generallr useful. ' u; : - Addrew, JOHN II. PUUIL .. feb S-lw p. OJBex CSi LAD WHu CAN ; TEACU WIK ; - - . i " ' . Karl ncliah Branches deyirenfa situation at teacher in a irvate faaiily, W las coinpin ioa to a lady. Addrcs Mies M. C, Cre L. L. Lyon, Tarbom; feb H tdSiw - dgecorabo co., N. C. '..- Ship1 N oti ce 1 1 A LL PEKSON3 are hereby 7k ciuttoned and torswarneti aainsi. oaioorio or creuiiinfj rynA any or the crew ol Br. barque gyf-g? ZCflU, Capt. Djcr, a ueitiier the Matter or onstgneea 'will be responsible for aiy debts contracted by them. 1 - ALEX. 8FAUNT & SON, feb 3 It ' .... Consignee OPERA HOUSE. Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 6 and 7. Engagement of the famous j Collier's ' BANKER'S DAUGHTER COMBMA'n. Under the auspice of A. M. Palmer, Union Square Theatre, N. 1., in j Bronson Howard's Society Play THE BANKER'S DAUGHTER. As played upwards of 1000 times The , i Longest Bun on Record. Elaborate Scenery will be brought here by i is company. Uestumes a la Mode, and a Grand Cast of Characters. Usual prices of admission. Box Sheet now open at Dyers'. feb 84t Ship Notice. A LL PERSONS are hereby cauuonea against naroor- 2rj2$. ing or trusting any ol the crew JQfis of the Nor. Barauo WALLE. sJZtSS? Capt. Walle, as no debts of their cootractinff - 11 I 1 t . j I r I . O win oe paiu oy masiei or vonsignces. ' HEIDB&CO., feb 2-3t ' J t - Consigneea Notice. . -i - - - rjHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFT3E BANK OF NEW HANOVER have declared a Semi-Annual Dividend of Four Per Cent., payable on and after the 8th intt. feb 2-2t S D. WALLACE, Caah'r Annual Ueetina: fJlHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock . holders of the Bank of New Hanover will be held at the Banking House, La this city, on THURSDAY, the 9th insL, at 12 noon. feb 2.2t a S. D. WALLACE, Caah'r. Agricultural Lime i and Carbonate of Lime, TP) EST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS. I Mend for Clraalar and Price List. i , - FRENCH BROS., feb 2-lmd&w ' ; Rocky Point, N. C. Album of Fashions . . .. - . . i . . I AM HAPPY TO INFORM my custom ers and the public generally, that in ad dition to my large and well selected stock of MILLINERY; Ac., I have secured the Ajrency of the Universal Fashion Compa ny's patterns, which can be! had on very easonable terms. . . Respectfully, 11ISS K. KARRER, Jan 26 Exeh&nge Corner Valentines. T OTB AND OIGLS LAUGfl 1HD BE Merry, aad coast t HKINSBERGER'S and getourCOIU VlLKVTlHiK. ' f 5 - TY GaOf4 CHMI?, rn I-ely nw it - YfllE LiVlC VO( K ' HE. Ylht Jr?J Jc i Tiai ariirifsuir trimcaed Ith la ! trterafrft;b eotrr tra;iT ao lisitod. - i t HCIK BEBGC-8. feb 1 . - i li r Book aid Krc Btora. MARTIIi'S VACCWE VIRU?. fiontB Cawoiixx Manicn. Jovnyxv AoexcY fob inn BoxriBTihx tateo pRESH AND ACTIVi: VACCINE from the renowned establish men ted Dr. Henry A. Martla. famiahed In large or axnall qoaaO ties.' This vaeeias is warranted to take im all prloaary eases. 7 Laacot Potats for $1.00 15 do do 2.00 Each la?coVpc4st will vaeoiaato omo per son. : t ; ;1" Orders by telegraph or rcafl wHl receive proaaat attantiom. THOMAS F. WOOD, am S3-tf sae Wtalajfkm, If. O v ; ' : ; , .ijj - Voyr; j AdTortisoEseutai : : ; Valen pSAQ'8 BEAOrVtU-. NBt ART1S- J O ViLE TIN'S tht ilvt .'jdajight'to h J 'tdjoj toh lettu We a itaojo a Vcn Til asd Inroijl'g. Co a to Yt en. tis tt fcixe Lacton e b9ato ;ftor toi 'ecstcy ani atiir .ea to tUi etftoa. ; jan SO " 'toelfef and tatio r -- I Debility. i Xewb8BV, Sept. 6, 1SS1. T HAVE USED MRS. JOE PERSON'S I TONIC fo- general debility,, consequent upon living la a low country, and found great benefit trpna it as an appetizer whlck '- " '. i gave tone to thejsystem. MART BAYARD CLARKE, ' For sale in. Wilmington by Dr. W, B. GREEN. . " I ' r,Mi!- Brochet Shawls,! glNLE AND REVERSIBLV, Just ree'd. Ihe prices range from f 12 to $10.5oi This i one ot thTmost useful wrapa. " LARGE NICE BLANKETS, MARSEILLES SPREADS, ' CRIB SPREADS, CRIB BLANKETS. NEW NECK WEAR, embracing a variety I' - I 1 . of Just such things as the Ladles willed - . - - :x , r 1 mire. ' , CARPETS rCOHHICE CURTAKIS. Tlfe prlces'are JD8T RIGHT, . as you Will find on erkmination. ' ,! A few Cloaks and Dolmans left will bo sold very cheap, i R. RJ2. CV2clntire. faa 30 The Eobesonian, PUBLISHED K VERY Wednesday, ia Lutaberton, N. C. ,by W. W. McDlarmid; has the largestVlrcahtion and the largest -advertising patronage of any country paper n the Stale. It now has over 800 sublet i bws In Robeson county alone, beiides a general circulation in the counties of Mccre Cumberland, Bladen, Columbus, Rich mond and the adjoining counties, Marioa Marlboro and Darlington, in South Carou Una : JaO 2$ ' , SIGN PAIMTiKG. BRONZING 1 &c. rjlilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD re spectfujly say thit uotil furfner cct'.cehe may 1 fonnd at his reid4ncj, cernirl' Third and Market streets, prepared to eie cnte all orders In tbo above na-ned trancr c. Room Sets, Tia Warf, &c, xtcatly repainted and vamUbod. 7 "Jafi;4-tf 1 O.-'-RBUBK.!--. Altnftr, Trice & Co.. 1 ' ' - ; 1 " ' - i 1 r I ' MANUFACTURERS AND DiAL'TS IN WINDOV SASHE3 AfiD BLINOS. DD0I2S. FRAMES. MANTLES. , 1 MOULDING. BRACKETS, &c -i" ; : ALSO, . ,i . MILL YARD AND OFFICE, j . Jan 80- Fwt of Wa!nnt etraei COSMOPOLITAN BAR AHD RES- - i . - TAURAfJT. 1 JOHN CARROLL, Prop. . South MMarket Street, Wilrategton. V.C rpHEBAR is urp!FJ with the tfit I Whiskies, V.Jn, .lier, Chanpaxai. Ac. f igarscf thei5r.t od? alwya cu hand. At the i:esUur.t can be fi.und the flneatOyetera.brougat io this -market, whkk are served U any style4 deJrad Jaia!KM ftrypUcd. i Ja ITS :