.V-'" IBI8 FAFtfls ,io H . T. J M . ..,ia,CHIFTIONK';MTAGK PAID. D j t. ? i 35; One rce-i'h, W Cfsta . t ngcr "will . be delivered y csrriof. Wr.rct:,iP part of tbeeity.aitt-. ufi r.r n certs pr wtek. k 1 -JLjLijLJ. n fdrV v r 1 x. .. 4 : - if . 1 1 df i " ' VOL. VI WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1882 j.-.fcribern v.iii rjfrt sy rfi NO. .31 REIB 'JL SBlBSB WSS . ; . . ! ew A dvrrtieexiionts r Pi i r Sat ill THE G BEAT, -sail RHEHIAIISI, ' tSannnl.tln S'CiClii'Cd. LumbOOO, Backache, Scrcr.ccs of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-jnqs'-and 'Snrsir.s, Sums and Sczids, General Bodily Pains. Tooih, Ear and Headache, frosted Fee, end Ears, and all other Pains end Aches. j prfTxiiiJ " 1 rarth equals St. Jacobs Oil ,,Y v,,.-. "' . -utiple niiil cheap External H,'.;,r.ts. A tri.vl -ntiiU tut the comparatively :r:.!: i ' ""(! ' f "' Cents, and er'ery oncBuffer-,'"'-( ,, .;,) ;,!! liavo cheap and positive proof 1 :r-;;?i -:n iu Eleven Lanjtiag8. ' BOLD BY ALL D2 UG-G-ISTS AND DEALERS. ; IN MEDICINE. A. VOGKLER fc CO., Baltimore, 2Id.V.S,. Debility. Newbern, Sept. 0, 1SS1. J HAVE USED MRS. JOE FEKSON'S TONIC 1or general debility, consequent up :n living: in a low. country, and found great benefit Irom it as an appetizer which 2 we tone to the system. a MARY BAYARD CLARKE, For(falo in' Wilmington by Dr. W. II. GREEN. feb 1 NEW Y0RK7& WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. SEEI-?EESLYLINE STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ImyJ WEUNSm.'AY cd mH'KI'I It I oVcc'f, P. iT. . ;BENEFAOTOE....Thur8cliy, J so t, 1 RF.QDLATOK.....-tard, JDu-y GULF STREAM Saturday, 'tbraarj 4 BE5KPACT0B...We n tdy, F.brcr-?y 8 RtQULAT0B...M..8aturd7, Feb c j i 1 ThroTijjh BUI Lading cd Lowtf, Terough RkUe ga&rtntl to nA, frco , oiatiJln'Nortb xd South Crrliajc 'or Frdgtt En(Kaeu p?ir Tnps, B. BOND, Bryt, WUnaiCirtoB, N. O tUl0 O. EQKR, FreijrH A Rett, I Broadway, flew VoriT W. P. CiTUE A CO., ia 56-tf Qen'l Agtntt LOCAL NEWS. New Adveutisement STS. ' 1 .l.TAFFFf; 1'i.kjc V; fc'o I'.Hmia I t ., I . , TTF.EBut Rtj Aetiw 'AgfeiUs Wanted KM ooriiiMGiaud Saqueraue Bail f-t;i:! I r Huneiu;ek J'tautiiul Vklf-l.tines I ii l:i.o5so"M iV JUvan---Gyi"um . Si A MOi;Y, Sect "y Notice : Opera Hojsc Kate Claxtoh Dii Thc-s F Wo iiu-.Martitt's Vac-tint ViruP Onotcuch of winter mi ike? the TJhofe lc.it ale v;crid sfi.tkic. Chinatwn don't rock the cradle: thev rnake the sky rocket, 1 To dav has .h-evri bright, balmv and spriiisr-like, far more'iike .May, than like February. Tl eveaic 100,000 commercial drum mers iu the United States the largest bras l aud on record. I They are iiishin to-day for' the broken cable of the Signal Hue jbut at last 1 ac counts hud not lecovered it. A man eat3 cloves between tne acts, so tbat not a breath of suspicion may be cast oa his temperance character. ! Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and; war ranted. Hold only ut Jacobi's. f Artemus Ward used to say of liars: It is belter not to knotf so much than to know many things that ain't so.'.' : ; j Advice to wives Man is very much like an egg; keep him in hot water and he is bound to becsme hardened. ' "She stoops to conquer." Can this refer to the fond mother who bends over her wayward bov with a number five slipper? When doubting . persons cast their bread upon the water, jit is safe to say that there is something the mattet wiHh thebread. -rj f ATo Builders and ethers -Go to Jaco bi's for Sush, Blind3 and , Doors, Glass", &c You can get . all s lowest prices. zes and at the t ! A veteran needs no patent medicines to prolong his life. Put ' the vet. on the pension roll, and he ill hang' on to life wondertuiiy wen. u The man who advances all sorts of t t conflicting opinions j always; rises to say that anybody, expressing any opinion agrees with him exactly Kate Claxton is booked for the Opera House in this city on. Friday evening next, the 10th inst. and Geo. Adams' Horn ply Dumpty troupe! will appear next Monday evening. A . -.. . 1 .i j f Frank Mayo and his company played Richard III. at the Opera House on Sat urday night to rather a slim house, which was oviog probably to the threatening aspect of the weather. 1 l: Freshwater Perch Trout and Black 6sh Hooks and Lines. A full af3ort nient and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f It is no use for poets to tacklo the sea with such words as "Roll on, old ocean, '.with thy cejaseless ioar.K' You can gamble 0:1 the certainty that she will roll a&d roar, poet or no poetl "Why are thoughtless jj ladies! the very opposite of their mirrors? Beciuse the one speaks without reflecting, the other reflects without speaking. j The new name for it is "smiling room." "Where have you been this evening, dear?" "At the smiling room, love." Sounds nice and innocent like, with sugar. e otten near 01 a woman; marrying a man to reform him; jbut no one ever tells about a mun marrying a woman to reform her. v.Ve men are modest, aud don't talk about onr good Jei;ds ranch. 1 Respecting the sewing, on of buttons, white a man may uot be able to do the job as quickly us a womai , and although: he may miss the eye of the button and! run the needle into his thumb njne jobs out of ten, jel when he gets the tisk completed, and breaks jofl the thread with a jerk, yon can be prdtty sure that the button will be ou his pantaloons long after tliey are worn ont. j r - Bcd-Dugs, Roaches. I Rats, mice, ants, fliesj vermin, mosj qnitoesi insects, Jcc, cleared oatj by "Rough on Rats." 15c. boxes at drug I Personal. Bishop layman goes to Waccamaw Iake this afternoon, where he will spend a few hour with Col. H. B. Short, after which he will take the night irain for Charleston, whence he will go to'Fiorida.. He has been the guest, while in Wil mington, of Col. John Wilder Atkinson. A j doctor at . Richmond j says that if people will take a bath in hot whiskev iud rock salt twice a year they will never catch a cold. Until somebody has tried this new remedy, we to the old and reliab Syrup. j would say : stick e Dr. Bull's Cough A Free Lecture by Dr. IlcsMon. j Dr. J. B. llession, of New York, will ... 1 give a free lecture in the Opera House, on Wednesday evening, February 8th, Tho-d who wish to learn how to dispense with the services of a physician should attend this le.cture; also, those who wish to pass a pleasant evening will find it instructive and entertaining. Let' there be a full house. Lecture begins at 8 O'clocl 1 . lock. Admittance free. I It " Mr. C.I A. Beck ford, Geu'l Agentfor Gaff, Fleischmann fc' Co.'s Compressed Yeast! in Troy, N. Y., is a warm in- dorser of St. Jacobs Oil as a remedy for horses. Jlr. Kline. 1 Mr. Theo. D. Kline, Superintendent of the Richmond & Petersburg R. R., is in the city to-day. Mr. Kline, it will be remembered, was at one time Assistant Superintendent of the Wilmington, Co lumbia & Augusta R. R., in which posit tion he made many warm friends in our city. He afterwards was appointed Su perintendent of the C. C. & A. R. R., and afterwards accepted the position he now holds. i Bishop Lyman. Bishop Ljman preached to a large cot gregation ; yesterday morning at St. James' and last night at St. John's J On the former occasion Mr. Armand DeRos set Meares was presented by Dr. W at- son, the Rector of St. James', to the Bishop as a candidate for the diaconate, and he was confirmed a Deacon. Rev. A. DeR. Meares is the eldest son of the late Col. Gaston Meares, the first Colonel of the gallant Third N. C. In fantry, who fell on the field of battle, and is the grandson of Dr. A. J. DeRosset, of this city. I 1 The Southern Historical Society Paperg 1 We have received the October, No vember and December numbers of this interesting periodical, combined in see volume. It is filled with valuable Sin formation and historical facts relating to the late struggle for Southern inde pendence, and in this field of labor is do ing a noble and important work. The opening paper is entitled "Forgotten Testimony on State Sovereignty," by Charles liarriss, aud is a very able docu ment, not only to every, lover of the 'Lost Cause," but Jto every one who would like to preserve the history of the events connected with that fearful strue gle. The yearly'subscription is only $3 and it is published by Rev. J. William Jones, at Richmond,; Va., to whom all communications should be addressed. . Vaccinulon is. Rheumntlsm. We clip the following from the loca columns of I tue Petersburg Index-Appeal. It presents to us a peculiar case, but one which comes well authenticated. We publish it for the benefit of oar rheu matic readers : " As an instance of "new application of old remedies it may be mentioned that a lady of jthia city, who has suffered constantly and severely with rheumatism for many months past, has been almost entirely I relieved of her sufferings by vaccination. As soon as her vaccination had taken well, the rheumatic suffering began to decrease, and continued to de crease as recovery from the effects' of the prophylactic progressed, until now she is almost entirely restored, to natural health , and. whereas, she was lately in almost constant bedily p-iin, and could scarcely move without some pain che now enjoys delightful easel If vaccina tion can be proved to be a puro for rheu matism, as well aj a preventive of small pox, tho discovery will be hailed with joy and gladness by many thousands. Let the matter be investigated by the faculty and well tested. "The Kewt and Observer was mistaken in saying that Judge Russell's name had been withdrawn from the contest for the U. S. Judgeship of this district, in tavor ot Judge Seymour. There has been no change of late in the status of the ques tion. Tho affair is still 44 hitched and hanging up." The receipts of cotton at this port to dxj foot up 286 bales. Steamship Regulator, Capt. Doane, sailed beuce this morning for New'York. Scbr. St. Croix, Haskell, cleared to day for Point a Pitre, Guadalope. with 200,089 feet lumber, shipped by Messrs Nwthrop & CummiDg. The regular mectingof the Histori cal and Seientifio Society will be held thjs evening iu the Hall of the Knights of Y'ythiag on F root street. j The grand masquerade ball under the auspices of Proll Agostini has beeu postponed until next week. Due notice of time and 'place will be made ia a day or two. j . The receipts of rosin to-day foot up 4,308 barrels, which is the largest-day's receipts of this article in nearly a year, 5 242 barrels having been received on February 23d. 1881. Rv: Dr. Patterson was at the Warm Springs, Arkansas, last week, where 1 he had stopped for the baths. He proba bly reached Pales tiae Texas, in time to preach there yesterday. j . j We were pleased to receive a cull to day from Mr. J. H. Laine, general agent for Geo. H. Adams' New Humpty Dumpty Troupe, who are booked for the Opera House in this city next Monday evening. j ! Magistrate's Court James Anderson and Clifton Arm- strong, both colored, were before a Magistrate this afternoon, charged with the larceny of empty oil barrels from , the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. Co. They were both bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $100 each, and failing to furnish bonds, they both went to jail to await trial at the next term of tho Criminal! Court. 1 .-i : i ' - Empire Gypsum "By notice elsewhere it will be seen that Messrs J. R. Blossom & Evans, of this city, are now manfacturing and offering for s ile a superior article of Novia Sco tia gypsum. It is crushed here under the personal supervision of this firm at their Empire Plaster Mills and is un doubtedly a pure article. It is furnished in quantities t suit and at very low ! ' - 1 i rates. . 1 1 City Court. j Joseph Harper, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was discharged on payment of costs. ! Francenia Moore, also colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $5, or else go below, and below she went. Two white men, whose names, at their own request, are suppress, were found guilty ot disorderly conduct, and' were fined $5 each, which they paid. I ( The Banker's D&ugti er. rI he Banker's Daughter is to be pre sented at the Opera -House this evening by the Collier Combination Troupe and we are glad to learn that the prospects are good for a large house. Comment ing on its presentation in Wheeling, W. Va., the Intelligencer, of that city, says : The Opera House was filled last even- ring to witness the second presentation iu this city or that popular society play, v-fiie Banker s Daughter." It can be Safely said, without fear of contradic tion, that the organization that appear ed on the boards in this city for the past two nights is the hnest one that has been seen in Wheeling since "Diploma cy" was performed, three seasons ago. Every member 01 this combination is an artist and perfectly fitted to the part. Everything is said and done evenly, naturally aod without affectation, and, for the time, each seems to live and. feel the part assigned. Given, as the dra ma is, with elegant costumes and hand some stage accessories, ; the seemm? lack of appreciation 'show'' by the au diences is deplorable. Both evenings toe absence of old theatre-goers shown was noticeable, and the coldness by those that were present must have been depressing 4o the company. The play abounds with fine situations that appeal to one's sympa thies, but yet last evening onjy.once or twice did the audience acknowledge the same. e must again speak in praise of the performance of Miss Florence White,' who assumed the title role. Her acting was perfection itself. Mrs. Walcot, as "Mrs. Browns, ' waa delightful, and farther, it is impossible to speak in da tail, all were so good. It is hoped that Collier's Combination may visit Wheel ing again and be greeted with packed home. I . The Board ; of County, Conmlsaioners rnst this afternoon but the proeedisgt art too late for this issue. f Ketch Thlen This was tte cry raised on Market and Front streets this forenoon. Abram Brady, colored, wa tempted by thV ap pearance of a pair of pants at a store on Market street, and so tttcrnpted their capture, j He was seen and followed with a 'hoe and cry of "Ketqh;. thief .!" and finally brought up in'a yard in the rear of Messrs. West' & Co'.'s store, where, lie was captured by no less an ..individual than Capt Brock, Chief of Police, who sketched" him. , lie will make his appear ance before" the Mayor to- morrow. Regular monthly meetiog this evening of the Bord of Aldermen. ! Quarterly Meet i tigs 1 For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. FIRST EOCKD. Elizabeth, at Elizabcthtown, Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor, V . ; Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap- , el, . March 4 -5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon . -March 18-19 The District j Stewards will meet ta Wilmingjton. at the pafso nage of the ront StreetGhorctt at 11 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, the 3rd of January.1882. . R.O.iBcbton, Presiding Elder. Now AavortiaemQnt. Postponed. rjlHE GRAND MASQUERADE BALL has been unavoidably postponed until next week, date to be announced hereafter. F. M. AGOSTINI, feb 5-H . Manager EMPIRE PLASTER MILLS, ! WILMINGTON, N. C. Cypsurn. 1 WE ARE NOW prepaicd to deliver Fre6h Ground, N 6 va f-eotda Gypsum, at low rates, in large or Final 1 lots. J.R. BLOSSOM & EVANS 'eb 6-1 d w;f Wotiee- THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF the Historical and Scientific Society wiH be held ia the Hall of .the Knlghtsof Pythias, on Front street, on Monday . Feb ruary 6th, 1SS2, at7t2' o'clock, p m : . 8 A JTORY, feb 6-lt Secretary and Treasurer OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY iTRBDAY, FEB. 10th. First appaarance In this city of the famous j American Actress , . Kate Claxton, I - Supported by -' Charles A. SteTfenson, Mrs. Maiio Wllklns, MIm Henrietta Vaders, and the celebrated Claxton Co , la I Chas.Reade's greatest melo-drama THE nOUBLE MARRIAGE. I Elegnt Wardrobe, etc. Seats for sale t Dyers' on Tueaday. feb6-4t Prang's Valentines PkZ PESTTT AND TAHTKFUL. OA L . . .. ' : - i andsea'thev. Dieter Bros , Pianoa, atrict- : " ' - ; . " ly Firtt-01a ; . Wwd'i Orgins are eelebia; --' -' : f;?U't i?:-; Ud for toie exd n.ija and ere aoli low an on eaar terms by C. m YATES; fbC Bookseller and StatienT Beautiful! i j VafentinQS. 4 NEW JUnr-H'.fltv1l 3l .FOd L ) l & UF A!.LG1L1S1 Koja, tht tboe CO IC. .-TflJBLlY'l .CK H Pianos and Org arjs, H 8 --. Ftf-'KaoaO i.iaE tAoV S ir.sUI: las . tpUe, at .feb V4 Bovkac4 6or w 25 000 Is??S5"Tt:s,l 8 feet lcug. Per farther particuUrs ttquire or ? C0LVILL2 A CO. m20-tf iOTjDOAnDii;a;nousEi. k T BTJBGATT, by ' ''":' iflL : JOHNfilirnL "7 Tatta always suppUtd wrth t beat he caarkat tCzvU. CIts us a call. . ; , -.1..' . '-i v 7 A. Ac tlY ; Awvt : , - Vhli od ; ?, Jn crry Iowa huJ Vqia in HQHTH aVo gOUTii ' CAROLINA To solicit oraert f or V , . j : Famous Seady-Miido -. All Good i srtLt u O rfnd prlri'ce pf exarnltnjioy Klveujpjovilf-g rrot-lverV jrei to p- freight thanres, whloh' wf ildolc onlj," fitr. t i U ILL HE SONS LY ,TJj;i .JSOUJIIRtVTO ailRPAS , IT; H now tpeeirtag lts'ficilng touches prior to our personal Inspection and shipment. ' ft ide-a wake. reliableNineii can earn ffoo4 agea by workicg Jor ua A liberal eom mlssion will be paid, arvd saraplea of Spring Stock will be sent up6n application. Write for terms and 6end references. , -4 ' TKehave recently purchased LOW DO WN Five Hundred Odd Sack and Frock Coats, which will bo diacoscd of in' lots-of t com Six to One Hun tred not less) at (tL00) One Dollar aud Ninety ' Cents. Country Merchant and Contractors wi tte for par ticulars There's Money ia em. "zT " f ! X3T Remember, only Three Weeks mora of the Sacrificial Sale. Clothing at Cost land lees. Buy now it will pjy you of . KI'G CLOTHIER .r- w i Imington , nI d. febf or E3TABUSIIED 1S44. nth m MS Are purer, better, stronger, and Ikmger known in -the market than any other article cf the kind." Are always satire and reliable, and never fail to insure the best' results in cookery. Ask your grocer., for it( and give lit a trial, Satisfaction guaranteed or OPE R: A MQU3E. 7$6 : day and Tdedy.J?eb;& .apd 7 f Enaement of tha famou f . BANKER'S PAUCHTER COMBINA'tf. j Under the auspices of A M' Palmer, Union Square Theatre, . NV X., in, Brpnson Howard's Society Play . THE BANKER'S DAUGHTER. Ag played Upwardi of 1000 ties--TIiflr Longest Run on Record. , -! Klatorate Scenery will be brought here by thii Compiny. .Cpnmes.a ia.Mode, . and a Grand Cat't of Chaiacters, . EtT Usual prices" , of adnil66iorii.i,i J)qjr SheH now open t Djers'. - ' 'fob 3-it m MARTIfl'S VACCINE VIRU?. Nobth Cakolixa Mepxcal. Joraxi, , Aoexct roB ths oc jBEy Stxtbs ERESH AND ACTIV E : VACCINE from. the renowned eitabIihmeiit'of Dr.'lTenr.A, Martia. famished fn large or final! quanti ties.? This vaccipe iwarra.ted?t take fa all rrlmarv ca. . . 1 vv:? 7 Lancet Pointi tor fl.OO 4 1 i." v. 15'..':' do' -'--:.f Jo C0t,'iit--m Xachant poat, w!J vcimu one per son . ? ' '. r A. '"' i ' Orders by teJf grar& nr: fca'lVB J n ve P'ompt aucnuon.. .. . ,t ' , , TfTOMArir. WOOD,- "A! uiffc f, Price GV !- M ANCFA CTURERS A2s if l)h AL - jtS,JJf wiwqqvi s as k e s a h 0 ' d tin o t c OOOSS. FRAMFS llArlf LESrf ; I MOUlplMG. D?ACaT. i MiLb YAtir vn itmntss l'idt& .1 "tt'. si jjaaSftyv IceiefWalsatsIti Jfcci efWtlsnt tmft 1. ,C - -k r POSITION A&fLKr Book k jt: er. or bcrt y r tlv. , eubecriber eaa t make hinxself giifcrIIy ustYul. . I . AdOrtcs, JOHN II. FCGU ?i feb S-lw r P. O. liox ec AYLGR I." u. ! I 1

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