Miscellaneous. , li4J ill V' rl',t i irer. I, t! e- fee Jh r idnejf ie.1H.ai'?'d' per-ect Boston Star.l ! I eat behind her at the play, (Fbey said It was Othello";) But bo appeared. or how 'twas done AVeil, asi koine oher fellawj ' h i - I krow an overture w played lJfcj aatno they played last season) Ami. tater, people cried VEncore!" (I tio not know the reason.) I - I I I hani a sweet, eu treating volde, a Hiried shriek, a groan a Short fetieriCfj that i take it Miufced tnadeafc of Dosjiemoha. .1 r j. ! ' ' lint this was all ; 1 ktmply writs 'ii estr lines eh a reminder ToK.iue one that 1 lost the play. . Iiscrtne,l sat behind her. ?t wn the Hat. Facts fori the Curldus . i 1 i : 1 Olc ostrich eirtr m Ubs a meal taree person. A good limber fest in ninr iiGun1; weight 1 )" feet uti hor. ' for i i CAii6sctnd only 9,000 tht in. ra.ise.his own A ml oaij sold com v. I' ,m-p:i HfUKiu" or m.uAV e,?re2 -j ? 1 b cnd by cis r!ere i K 0-,'knoflrt tlmeand tor yews Rt corr vriih-.ut fceicg "'' re 'Trie ?if-"v''J ' .r' 6d - k Si.r 5J -LTfer Gore mar a i. -a from iltPP 5 ir Vc. .a in i.'fr'e bo'.h of tha,i yrr&t rowi'B r rMt.ra acd kep f"d i L;1,, ,htt ca- pl n 'lie I wer ths oil"' ., , n ; I iiof H-. 't-i tnl safe remedy for fe- iVi d"i F n-e HwUi control t.gr Wita.oe4.Wom. iJ pot op ia SSu ioWbT DruEts ai.a h dler8 at U.POrtlTlVEB.me. R jia 3T-dir nroto Roghester XI he that ht Kin foniii a .nerect on .motiutain to g. for 12, with im- Tlbli, C.leadr, ete. egt t J ay addre . r,vZ,V. t j v rrififc s ftr.-iiAl aware fl.rW,V"f. ' d99 2S-4w A.T8. i fit". Books on Buildingy ' 1 3 O Uhtj pae 111 uloga!, &c dress on oloiinr tLr 3-csut itsmps, WiJ. T. COa rtTtJOK, 184 Broadway, fitw Tor. GOLD MED.L AWARDED THE AUTHOR . is:., miiMT:n3'ii to evrry man. -ntii!'l 't"re l5cin.-o r-t id:"." bonnd in liuest- FrDcU muslin, enibowl ,f ul' z'TZt) l-.ju?ps,rontainsbei'jf "1 '.listed ensrtviDSK. 13 tr-cTijit ifn3. pric on!r ft:1.25sr.t' ty JcsiJ ; illustrated sample, Co. ; nond row. Address Fpsbol tedi- 1 1 . o r- r IV T Pii;. H tf SELF. Wo-4 BolfiacbaUBostoa. naiiiou of doIJars v.cign a,Gc,r TI poo ads uVoiniapots, and l.OOD.OOO staMiarfl dollars ii our silrei c.in weigh 58,028.57 pcunda, ! f be Iarfrc5t xnd "ijest .)uii bridge ia lt.c world i.- said toj road frojn lh. 1 o. i aaothcr. " i An uncicot aud'remsriiable clock has been recently set hp in the reading-room of the municipal library of Rouen. A single winding keeps it "ruumug for four teen mouths and gomeedd daya. It t?aa cor.ett uctpd in 1782, underwent altera tiojia in 181 G, was bought by, Rouen for 1,000 franca in 1833, and has recently berti repaired aad justet goiog. The carrier pigeon ! that ia valoed at $500 must be u tine bird. Yet there are socral sach cu exhibition at the pigeon and poultry show recently opened at the ('rysial Palace, London. Some of these birds are said to have Ifonnd their I way from liorne to Antwerp, a distance of about 700 miles, in twoorEthree days, stopping, too, on the way to! gather fopU. A revolution in the treatment of nerv ous diseases is now taking ! place. D r. Benson oi Baltimore has discovered a Bure remedy in his Celer and Charr.o iiiile Fills they permanently cure sick and nervous headache, neuralgia" dys pepsia, sieeple8nessand all neryous dis eases. 8 00 p in 1.-00 p. n'. TnBHAIIA The malls doae aad arnys at tbs CJty Pout Office as follows j r Northern through tosJLg. 6 lo p. ra Northern throngh and way i oailf..... 6:40 . in. Bftlelgh............. ;;&40 a. m. Offices between ilamtst and Raleigh...... 7i80 p. m. Mails f.tT the N C- UsJlroad. and rootes sappiied thw from, Inolndin? A. Jk N. O. Rajirutu!, at 5;40 a. m. and 6 30 p.m. Southern mails for all points Booth, daiiy.8 CO p. m. and 7:45 a, rn. Wetem ccaiis (C OK'y) daily except Sunday 7:30 p. m. Mail tor Chwsw A Darling- ton , 8:00 p. m. Mai i for pliit be!wD Flo rrnccand Cbarleaton. ...... t Fsiyette7ille, and oCices on -Caj rear Rier, Tniwdays, and Fridays......... x Taycturvilie via Lumber tod, dai'tji except Snudayy 1. 7 30 p. m. Oneloi O. 11. arvi intermedi ate c-tfkt, eTPry Tuesday and rfiday at....... 6.00 a. m fitcilhTllif rcAibj, by steam Ixjit, daily, (eToent duo- daj) ..' Mail fcr Eaey Hilt, Town Creels, Shailotto and Littla Rtyer, 8 O., eywy Tues day and Friday at orxM FOB DKUVE&T. Northern i through and way malU.. ..7:80 a. m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Mail. 7:00 p. m .and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:30 a. m. Stamp Office open i from 8 a. rn. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:15 p. m Money Order and Register ; Department open same as stamp offioe, 1 General delivery open from daylight to dark, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. i Malls collected -from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m, S tarn pa for eaia In small quantities at 8 30 a. rr 6:00 a. m. make handeome bal- Fashion Notts. 1 he close iicgliah coinure still pre yails. Flash skirts morals. Pale rose and pure white dresses, with accessories, form the et of young ladies toi i CONTINENT ANEW ILLUSTBATED Literary Weekly Journal NEITHER POLITICAL 2T0R SECTARIAN; Conducted oy ALBION W. TOUCGE, suihor ot 4,A Fool's Errand," etc., as elated by Daniel G. Brintou &nd Robert S. Davis. silver and pear! ravorito evening of high fashion. Jerseys are broiiaht out with a lace ruffle at the bottom1, and lace bretelleson each side of the front;, which are now eut open and buttoned up. t. Lace is the most fashionable as well as the most elegant and most economical trimmintr for all costumes.! wraps, and toilets light enough to admit of its use. I Ladies who have leisiire, and are gifted in fashioning pretty trifles of lace, muslin and ribbou, can make, at a trifling avriAnc, nil t rl n i ntvln focinriB rtf t)in toilet jabots, scarfs, dollars, ruffles for the wrists and neck, aud caps. " Harper's Bazar eayaj that he Greek corsage is much in vogue just tiow. This is an ordinary corsage cut heart shape, with a plaited drapery of the material of the dress fastened into the left shoulder seam and utder the left arm. This drapery is arranged in various ways, being crossed, in frpnt, carried behind, or fastened at the bottom of the' back by.an artistically wrought metal clasp. Made of light, pliapt wool stuffs, such as nun's veiling, the1 effect is charming. general closed. delivery when stamp offioe It- First Ncmbeb Issued 'February 1, '82 Tin most distinguished authors and skil ful art la s, both American and Englib, biYe.tven engaged by "Our Contirvnt". 1 he February numbers containing no els aud'storfcs by U-len Campion, Mrs Alex ander, EP Rce. Julian Hawthorne, John Hsbbert-nn, R n Davis, etc; poems by Os car Wilde, Louise Chandler Moulton, tJ H Boker, Sidney Lanier, G JJ Latbrop, Celia Thaxter, etc; entertaining sketch? s by C G Lei and, (Hans Breitman) 1) F Mitchell, (Ik Marvel) FeUx Oswald, etc; soii'l papers by President Tortor otY.-le, Eliot of Har Trd, F'rov(t Tepier. of Ucirersi'y of Pennsylvania, etc; fashion noU-i l y K:tr lieU : art illustrations by Iioniso C Tif. Uny; science by Profs liothrock. Barbri fit; social eliq:ie;te by Mrs Monlton; rnrs.1 improvement by Hon B G Nortbrrp ; fo:i and humor by C II Clark, (Max Arlier) "Uncle Uomus" and a boat ol'.cthers- nau'.iful Illus'raliou3 &r a-kadiigiea-tareof '-Our Contlrwnt". Tl y art; tb finest that art can produce aad ciaai to the raosl parfret io ttw-monthlies. Pric- 10 c&nts a number; S4.CU r vr; $2.00 six months. Hailed Ir. e of vostagn to any address. Spaciavcn copy fret. Newsdealers will find it to tblr mterest to present 4Om Cont Inert" to their cus tomer. Postmasters are InvUed to take suhsctin tians. Liberal ennvrd'sion. Book Canvassers can add larg.'lyto thoir incomes, without interferrig i'b tb.eir Wcular business, by ; acting for "Our Coi: tinent.' -'Writn for part icd are to 'OUR CONTINENT" J n 25. 4 w Where Spingfielij, it oHglnated rennJ,!Aprill2, 1881. 11. 11. W ark eb & Co. : Sirs A dis tressing cough, origiijdting' from liver, was cured by your Sale Kidney and Liv er Cure. I S A, Hopkins. are Items of Interest. A number ot farmers in Arkansas engaged in the cultivation of figs, j A cucumber from Talbott county. Georgia, that weighed fifty-five pounds, the waa ou exhibition at at M&ccu. A New York jeweler eays that late 3tate fair three ono decision store woman One before oht of every four men who corny into his store come to buy, but only out of seven comes to a lady paid l!o visits to buying a 39 wateLl ! ; Ar. intcnul revenue collector of New Yoikp&ys t here ure 25,000 cigar makers employed io that city. Tutre are 330,- 0 J0.C03 e.gara ur.nUally.rnade there and 230,000,00!). ci'Karlettes: 4hTeaa before the" war ocly . 50,000,000 j cigars made per annum; wtre untaxed, At that timi hiladelphla, Pa , . THE THE HI8HEST AWARDS "jST.rfS3K GltKAT WOItLD't,Pni In LONDON, lt.he OHHAT KXPOSmOTT in TAIUS, hluf.VL18 lNTERA--L EXPOSITION XI It lyUSii3 tne gracd CEN'TEN iUL KXHlBltlON la PbiladclpLia, iA!""1 tahlna to parthar (or vUvi t".,r,l,e are respectfully In S:xJor Circular asi Mm Utt. CH1CKERHIQ & SOHS, were they Druggists say that Lydia E. I Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is the best remedy for fecsaie weakpess that they ever heard of; it gives universal satisfac tion. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham 233 Western Aveuue, Lynn. Masa., for pamphlets.. . j "Bornan pucch" is so called because ft t-mi it 13 mace oi irezen lemonade end rum, thiDgs entirely unknown to the Romans. Nciy Orleans Picayune. j A perfectly safe elevatoris n process of incubation, we arc happy to announce. herald Do you I mean that it. is in the hatchwav? Boston Cdmmeraal Bulletin. ' 1 i ' This weather oaght to diminish the attendance at some of the! theatres. Thea people get so much slash outdoors they do not want brother dose indoors About half the Chicago now are . IVew York, 1883. Tax BUN for 1882 will make its fifteenth aaoual revolution ends: tne present man agemsot, sbisLag, as always, for all, big and little, saean aad graoioan, conteatsd and ua happy, Kepublicaa aad Democrat, depraved and virtaous, intelligent and otose. . The ?"U's Ufcht ii fr manklrd and womankind of every sort; bst its genial warmth is for, t. egojd, while it pours hot discomfort on theblistarlotf backs of t'e persistently wicked Tub za of 1868 was a aewapaper of a new kind. It discarded znany of t e forms, aad a raultitode of the superfluous words and pbracss of ancisxt joaraaliam. It underta k to report ia afresh, neeinct, nncoaveat-onal way all the news of the world, omlttlof no eTeot of human interest, land commenting noon sffslrs irltb the fear.ennss of absolute inlependsnoe. The sacoeu of this experi ment was the success of thai Han. It effected a peraaaent ehaose in the style of American newspapers. Every important journal es tablished in this country in toe dozen years past has been modelled after ths 8uo. J&rery important journal already extatiag: has been modified ani bettered by the force of the Ban's example. Tki 8vm of 1882 will be thesme outspoken, rruth-tellingr, aud inte estiog newspaper. By a liberal nse of the means which an ib udint prosperity affords, we shall make it better than ever before. We shall print all the news, suttiag it in readable rhape, aad measuring its impor tance, not by the traditional yardstick, bet by its real in tern 1 1 the people Oistanoe f rem Printing Bocsa Pquare is net the first consideration with the Bon whenever any thisg happens worth reporting we get the dartlonlars, whether it happen, in Brooklyn or in Bokhara. ! Inprlitics we have decided opinions: tad are acoustomed t express them in langaage that eaa ba understood. We say what we think about men and events, 't ht habit is tte only eetret of t"e run's political coarse. Thk 9 xiilt fc'oa gathers into eight nagt-s the bes matter of the ter.n dally iwuea. Ab Agricoltaral Departmeatof uneqaUed mar it, foil market reports, aad a liberal propor tion of literary, sciestino, asd domestic in telligence eomplete the Weekly baa, and make it the best newspaper for the farmer's household tbat wai ever printed- Who does not know and read asd like the Sunday Hun. each number of wbiov is a Goico&da of iateretlg lkerature, with tbe best poetry of thedaytprose every line worth reading, sews, humor ma-ter eooush to fill a gocd sized boox, and ia&nitaly xwre Taried ant entertaiaiog tbaa any book, big or Htt!e-Y If our idea o' what newspaper should be pleases yon. send for the bun, ; tlor terms are at ioilowi 'For; the dally un, a four-page sheet of tweet v-elght coIukgs, the p'ice by m il, p t-pid ia SS ceiits a month, or $5.60 a yeat: or, including the Monday paper, aa eight-page sheet of fifty is columns, the price u 65 eeots per month, or $7.70 a year, post age paid. Tha Buaday edition of the 8 an is also far ebbed separately at $1.10 a year, postsge paid. ! Tbe ptloe of the Weekly Bau, eight pages, fifty-fix coin mas, ia $1 a year, poitsge paid, ror clabt often aending$10 we will send as extra copy free. Address I 1 W. BNOLASO, PubliiheT of the S un, New Trk City. nov 18- , i- We Want Buyers for J QQQ BBLS. NBW FLOURS 100 Bblt 8TJGAR, i 2500 8ck,LIVERPOOI'8iLLjri gQQ Sacks FINE 8 ALT, BROVJW'S Ur1 SOO, ' - -f-" h 7. ..." : . '.. i A TRUE TONIC T AVnOLKS ALB PRICES. iuxlui uo'stica Nprs .t Mioi.-tiT 5fi'! Jet crstly; In tacrlr f up a! r tijrMJrs' he tote cbrred t A PERFECT STRENGTHSNER.A SURE REVIVER. moXBITTEPvS .lugal.r ;v..tm.ki;4iHl : jr r d'seasns rwuiricir". a ccriam and etScient touic; crialiv iMirrefticn, lhTpepzi2, Intertr.i2sut levers, II cl(fAttLGr,2JSuiaQhJl-cf-'Lna-xtc. ljariches the tlc-ad, alrer.gtheiw the mncles,and gi ve new iiie u ih$ nerve? . They act like a cliarui ou the distire organs, removing all dwyepiiz ;ap-ema, ruch va Tcstivj the Foci' IMchin&Ueai in (tie SiittllIcartbHrr..eic. The onlv Iron Prcparaticu that will not blaclcon thn totli or ivo hcAtlaclib. Sold Vr. all drngsisfs. 7rit for ih A V f'Rf.V fr. ir. c.Tv-, tnd aa:cI1-red-ing mifr. BROWX OIIE?JiCAL.' CO., l?altimore,Md. " Tt"UcsPw. ic4bT Tlziivz CswiX. Co. nr.i. H'-.ts crssad rod los onrrrf ir 1 & III L HMs, ? O-. t Dfr 8a!$d MIM,I'WI,,B,,MS,MWI-"'"MISBSWMWMWM) M Q apl 12arm-te " . - : t - : - j KT.W ASV fi. ! . ti.trtbeT!. j 5J;iTJ S .V-rth?,trr.N:a Us ; nr'.h.r, j? & ... . , ! CA N lLLi F ?rr-. V E j IT&ll.w , L-i . iis-iz.vz,', at j tort.srii yestory, ij la i iJtir t er6., y 'tz j Stls. To i Ut7i-fc!vJT, v &...' lii".., V 23- t Lfc-jTTt, 7? r. ...... WftS 111.. i5:? LS co o II 13 O 4 Mi l CV f -he ?x ' I. CAROLINA HAILBOAD fV AND AFTER Jan. 1. 1883, tie V loving schedule wiu 1 COMPANY. Omtra Gaaeaati 8sraaiTaMy, ! I Wllaingtda. fT. a, Dec 30, lfrl.; ' Chakgb of SCHXDinir, fol- be operated on tbis Railroad : FA8BE9GK&. MAIL AlfO EXPK&88 I "'BAIN, DAILY. f Leave Wilosington.M....M.8.20 P M (Arrive at Charlotte at.... a. 60 A M Leave Charlotte atM.MM.10.10 P M J Arrive at Wilmington at.T.JJ a 11 Tralos 5os 1 and 3 stop at regular stations only, and points desig&ated in the Compa ny's Time Table - : PASSENGER AND FB EIGHT. Dally ezeepCRudaytj Leave Wilmingtoa at.. 5:t0 A Arrive at Charlotte at. T5 P Leave Charlotte at. 4:15 A Arrive at Wilmington at. 6.55 P WilsvGole & Augusta Bailroad Co, Orrros rs';HKBAL Spf't, WL'mlnirt03,-Bf. ft Jan. 32, 1882. 0 1 Ko 1 Ve 6 SHELBY DIVISION. Pi8BKNOKR,MAlL r.KXPRK8 AND FHKIQHT. T Daily exee I Bnsdays, - Leave Charlotte atM.............-'-'0 -A st Arrive at Shelby U...- . -J ?u Leave 8helby at.....- !0 Y a Arriye at Charlotte atM....M....M. 5:v0 r M Trains Nos I and 2 make close eonnectisa at Hmlet wi'h BAA Trains to and from Raleigh, aud at Ctarlette wih Shelby. I i- vtrirni T'rsln. Through aieeplng Oars between Wilming ton aad O' ar otteana Haieurr. ana vnmiiuw. Train No. 1 makes connection at Charlotte with A., T. A O. , lor BiaiesTuie conneetlog thsre witH W. !f. O. R, K. for all points ca sat v road. Trains Soi 1 ard i make eonaeotioo at Charlotte wi h As NO R R fo- tpartan- barg, Greenville, Athsns, AUnU and all prints beyoa . i ' , ., Tvstn hod msrea doae connection at Wil mlasrten with WsWBRfr points North. Trt R Kn 2 mirei ctnss ooDnecuua W., C A A 5 fdc 31 OsrI Raovtrjtn4-t 3. r ii 5r ?sT CHANGE OP SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER January 23. 1822, at h as STh mar il s . H . ' . AW.1B r sx, tne louewing passenger tichadoJe wui oe ran on this road VIOHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily) Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wilminrton...., io 15 P a Leave lorenee J 2 20 A Arrive at O O and A Jnnet!onU..M 6.10 A K Arrive atColambia.M..MM..m..l... 6 10 A 14 Leave Columbia.M.MM.M..MM.UMM10 00 P U Leave O G and A A Juaction...10 SO P H Arr vs TloreneeM.MMM.MMMM.Ml.... 1 S8 A M Arrive at wiimfagtsn,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,, c 23 A It NiexT Mail xhd Passueia Txaiv, Dailt, Ko. 40 Wwr, .n Day Mail ad Pas. sxaexa Teaib, Ho, 43 East. Leave Wilmiagton atM..KMMMM.ll 05 P M Arrive at Florence-.......,.......... 1 25 A M Leave FlorenceM.......M............M 1 25 P II Arrive at WUznington.M.MM..M... 5 65 PM Mail and PAssevesa Datlt, 421 Wfst, 45 . N Cast. Leave Wilmlngtep............ 7.20 A M Arrive at riorence.....M..........11.40 P M Leave FloreneeM..MM..M...mM....M. 6.45 A il Arrive at Wilmington ........,..12.C0 11 Nrs. 48 ad 47 stops only at Bri kley'o, Whiteville, Flemfngtoa, FairBlufif, Marion, Florence, Timmocsville, Hunter, Camden Jnnetioa ard Eaitover. Passengers for Columbia, and !) poiaMot Q.SO.K. Ii., C, O. A A. K Ii. vUt'.cns, Aiken Jonetioa; and all polntr b?yr-ic!i, should take 48 Night Expreer. Separate Pullman Rleeper (or ChrlestJt and for Augusta on train l? AU trains ran solid between Ghwitrfcrs and WilmingtOB P, OI7I'S,f)rvti r4 A. FOPF, Oeu'l Pa. AgetU nor 28 . ! CUT'l'Oa TUit New V Ul i Cti I I'iethwi - i i0KTHJ Tsrr, fctnth ...... . l fLOOii-Fias, t?bH......... 0 ' H3 .r, JSortfcern, V lLl.. a rand ' ttU.. T! C!ij rmiKxBni'sr V bbU. 7 03 ' Fan:i?7rbfcU.. f to " Ux Family VbbL.. & CO f acxel, Bo. I, ? 03 So. 1, y X bbl 8 75 Maaxerel,i?o. 2, fcbU..12 60 JTo. 2, V K bbL.... 00 Mackerel, No. S V bbl .00 CO Bulls U, V bbl 3 t0 y. C. Herring, yteg. 5 10. Dry Cod, b.... T VERTILIZERB Peruvian Guano, 3000 Ss.CO 00 Carolina Fertiliier " " CO 00 Navaxsa Goano, " ' 00 00 Complete Hanaro ' 00 00 Wliann's Phosphata ' " 00 00 Wando Phosphat. " 00 CO Wilcox, Glbb Co., ca nipulated Ocsxo.. CO 00 GLUE 9 E). GRAIN CorBtore, tbHts uarn, cargo, y 00 20 Jl io fei a u ' 25 h c r . !' u . i. u &- 10 t li .. ? : HHCJ .1:,. IS J2 ' i a i t- 55 G i If. x o " it -c e l tu co e cb i 40 0l i !"' ": c t. e.' 1 o s w o : f o 8 u 9 TO es CO 66 70 4 19 30 JG S8 Clo &a coo OJ & o 50 G 6 JJ ti 3 75 O70 CO CJ40 CO OiO CO ije7 o: OiO 0) O0 C3 CM to ¬ la O 0 U Is 73X 7b 10 7 ' ' ' ' 11 40 15 Corn, y si., bushel. Oati, bashd....... Pess, sow, bushcl..-.. BID&-Grn, Yi a Dry, ? E HAY Eai tarn, W 100 fiorth Rivftr. V 103 Jt.... HOOF IKON y toa.i, 60 00 85 Da LAJiD Northers y rs.. 11X0 12 North CarcL'ca 9 12&J3 13 LIMK hblw........ 1 20 Cl I J J LUUBKS CitjateiSisa'vrd J Shjp stuff, resawed, y H ft, 19 CS f?21 tc ; Rough edre pixnt, y ft. IS CC Ji? 13 West India ear go, aerord- ! " Ing to qn&Uty, V M ft-..I2 CO 5l8 (-0 ' Dreed eooring,8arcceJ.I5 CO C"5 CO ttcasuing cia CKT-arUj, c 03. mon. M ft....u. CO MOLAEBF.fi Caba,hhdS! 34 ! lYlhx. ..j.. 'iJ ulA Eagarljouachbds. gal. . fctla. t-alw Orleans Cboioe fcfcli. V c VgU 1 THE; BEST OF ALL- in pin phenyl L U livJ 1 y 11 vJ 11 70S KMT AND BEAST. For more tnan a third of ft century the Mexican Mustang Liniment has been known to millions all over the world as tao only safe relianoa for the relief of accidents and pain. It is a medicine above price ana praise the best of its kind. For every form of external pain ""Oil ISAM Ma 9 tan sr Liniment Is without an equal. .It penetrataa tlesli and muscle to tli very bone making tbe contlnu Rnca of pain end inflammation impos eiblc. Its effect b vroon Human Flesli aol tbo'Brnto Creation are equally wouOer- mi. Tiie-Nexiean 1 Liniiuent la needed by somebody In every honso. Every day brings news of the agony of sin kivxhi scald or burn subdued, of rheamatlo martyrs re stored, or a valuable horse or ox aaved by the hoallr.gf power of this which speedily cures such allzaente of the HUMAN FLESH as Rheumatism. Swellings MtUT Joints, Contracted, janseies, asurma and Scalds, Cuta, Bruises and Sprains, Poisonous Bites and 8 tines. StU&tess, Laxneneii, Old Sores, TJleers, Frostbites. Chilblains. Sore Nipples, Calted Breast, and indeed every form of external dis ease. It heals without scare. For the Bxutb Ckeatiox it cures H Sprains, Swlnny. StuT Joints, 'A Founder, Harness Sores, Hoof Dls- eases, Foot Rot, Screw vYorm, Stsb, M llollovr Horn, Scratches, Wind- sraiis, spavin, inrnin, mngDosc, Old Sores, Poll Kvil, Film upon the Sicht and every other ailment to vrhlah tho occupants of the Stable and Stock Yard are liable. The Mexican 3fnatansr Liniment always cures and never disappoints; and It Is, positively, divorces granted ia hid to be on ! ac- conut of tao drunkenness of wire. Chicago men are getting rto be jrery fastidious. Bosten Foit ' Chesterfield used to say, 'ever walk fast; a gentleman ia never in a hurry. But then, there were co or horse cart; to cvtch Lou ell Ci'tizsn. i railroad trains In ' his day. 22 Utds. CUBA XOAL88ES, Ac, eVc, dfce. HALL & PE ABO ALL. Album of Faohions I AM HAPPT TO INFORM my enstom crs snd the public generally, tbat in ad dition to my large and well selected stock of MILLINERY, Ate., I hare secured the Agency of the Universal Fashion Compa ny's patterns, which can be had on very easonablt) terms. . Respectfully, J 1 4 h3 IK OF ALL nn p nil t 11ilE iiu 11 JOB M&IT OS BEAST. WlUiStHQTOH & WELDSR fiATLnOADCOKlPAHV tf 3H AAi Qyrxos os Gaa'L ocrnTsasssrt I WILriagton, N. 0., Jsn. 2J, 1882. f 1 CHAKGS 07 B UHED ULE. ON AND AFTER January 23, 1832, at f.40 A M, Passenger Trains on the V? mington A "Weldon Railroad will ran tt foUows ; , J DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS. TRAIN, dai Nos. 47 Nertb aad 43 8outb, Leave Wilmington, front 8t Depot sweee mm imei sstse ts ee eooose 6 10 A S5 Arrive at Wsldonat. 12 60 P fr Leave Weldon.................. 3 7 P li Arrive at TOUdagton, Front St. Dspot iu.h.. . 9 65 P M raat ttkrogh sfsJl an4 Paesenper lral nai'y Nca. 4? Ncrth aid 40 gcuth. Leave Wilmington, Front 3t- Depet at..... GA&lr . Arrive at Weldca,.... ll 6 A M Leave WldonM..MM..Mn.M.M!.MMM 6.J5 P S Arrive at Wilmington, front at. DftpO ssstsMass4ssssssssssseiss 2 0 X 1 Day Halt and Passeeger, Daily, No. 46 - North and 42 South. -Leave Wilmington Frost St. Depot at. ssttfStaessaHeas sasssain Arrive at We don atM..MM.M..jm.9 (OF H Leave Weldon at ........................ 1 20 A H Arrive at WilmlagtoBM..MM.MW .7 CO A M Train No. 43 North wiils'op orly atEosky Po'nt, BnrgaWflaagnolia, Varea, Mount Olive, Dadlev, Goldsboro, Wilson, hccly Mount. Knfield snd Halifax. Train No 40 South will stop only t Roeky Mount. Wilson, Goldsboro and Magsola Train; No. 47 makes eicc eonueetjo t Weldonfor all points North dtilr. All rsi! via Richmond, and daily exesti Heay v U Bay Line. Train No 48rasdsJ0y snd o.Airefe?ff 00 nr stolon for aU pmat N-.r4.i. U l'Jl4H mood and w afei Iraia No., 5 rata Tiaiiletsstd ard ah i r on, still QMti c!i eoccc; rn daliy to Biehmond, std except atsrday eight fcr I all folate nu'b vt hictnzid. f All fates ran solii borwevu W'imtrgio aad Wavbiteirinn, aed have Pa. I tr.su, Falac-e tSleepers Atcbee. 4t)ti? DITIIK. GaersJ Bryi, ! . POP-, ttse'i Pas. Agnr. dst CALL SEE AKD PRICE I A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE aseors. sent ot Wedding, Christmas and Dolt day Presents for sale low down at J. H. HARDIN'S Drss aai Cheasioal Store, deelij NewlSarke ilfaew Restaurant. IJU1E UNDERSIGNED would rerarctfui; ly sxnonuce that he ha Jrst 15ttd ,uj at No. 3, Granite How, Bonih Frrrt at., a Res. tanrant for fLadiea and Gentlemen, where 'meals aa4 rsnVeahsienta smay be had at all ! " S kours of the day. Xvrry tht&x 1 new and first elaas. Polite waltm and courteous at taBdanta. j ' . "'. ' : ': : CTTGama and Oys , ltaasn. Has) Tnnet, LisUOT and Cltn. , i . , , scrl T. A. tCHVTTSt Pit?. 41 25 20 CO EAILrlCat, SOdtotd, kg,t&ris Umwh I l'J C) 35 60 CO eesasreers eeeoseos) OILS Kerosene, p ga taro, w gal ......... Linseed, gal.M. Eocin, y gaLw... PEAK UTS y buahel.... POTATOES Sweet, y bua Irish, Kortbera, bbL.. 7 25 FORK Northern, eity mesa.17 fcO Thin, y tbL................40O 00 Prime, y fcbl(extra).....00 CO Romp, V bbl..M........00 00 RICE Carolina, y B?..w. fiocgh, y busbeL BAGS Country, y 3S 41 4 CO CO Si City, y, CO 70 75 00 vi ............ ...... . . He0P...... .. Mifcilla. ...... fiUGAIi Cats, ft B.. I'crtoE.vO. V Ej.. A- UoiT., ? li " ts fl ' ' ' fe b s O p Crushed v ...... ftALT Alojr, y laci Liverpool, y aaek...,.. Ajseriean y sacx i Marshal's u, y ficJt. Cadis y sackmiM.:.M.MM. SOAP Northern, V bUINGLKS Contrast. WlM Common, y M...m... 3 00 STAVES W. O. bbL VH.M M H O hhd. E-.. c-0 CO TALLOW w-S 6 TIMBER Shipping y H ...1 CO Mill, extra p?K. 10 00 Kill, prime por id.......l0 00 KlU.fiSr j r M H C9 CinuiOi, per M...........5 (0 ; ta rlor to Ordlcary.pwr H 4 CO niEY KortVc,por gl iorth Caroiaa. per ral, COL CcwashevJ,p.r Sj 76 1J a o & g sp 2 r u 018 V 'J 600 CK) G00 (0 coo 10 7 1 ill 10x0 10s o 1 00 & 4iO MOT li to m n lv 10 to 16 Ci burry wool. ier E... 1 5 to 30 f 2 18 0! 0CO 3 1 0 CJ C13 C& f li 03 &12 CD 1 8 C3 tf 7 6 f? 1 1 10 JOB . PES 116 . " -i . ' . t : C3 CO ii 10 so 14 1; AT THE LOWEST PBICES I ASCERTAl H&VIHQ YCU3 PRlKTIq ! CG'.'E ELSEWKCSE.: I . .1-. tr pjiir ' to theai by :,li r? t1 ' - II E.ittiTFU f fteuy svdse 0 ' fisv:ev.!saig .

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