4- - ISIS PAPER J0 8H. T. J A M B8, .nBS0BirTIO5S,rO8TAOK PAID. fS 00 8iz ninths, 82 50 ; Tbr loaths,! Ml Oae month. 60 eeat. v- ,uxr; M ivered DT trier. frt, I part of to. city.. U ru. or IS cents per wnk. larsr rtw low and liberal -TSabseribsrs will please report any and n Jrtr" rdrihir papers regularly. ?eW Advertisements. THEGREAT r FOB RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' inqs and Sprains, Bums and t 1 Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar and Headacne,- Frosted f tat and Ears, and ali other Pains and Aches. Ko rMrtinii on earth equali St. Jacobs Oil m nfe, rr. simple and cheap External BmJT. A trial ntaiU but th comparatively HjilDgoutl? ot 0 OaU, and every onuffer tg wiih r'a can hare cheap and poeltire proof !' lUriaimf. Pireoii'-ns in Eleren Langn&ge. SOLD BI ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. IH MEDICINE. A.VOGEUGR fc CO., Baltimore, JHomU. 8. JL. Debility. Nxwseek, Sept. 6, 1811. T HAYS USED MRS. JOE PERSON'S TONIC for general debility, consequent upon living In a low country, and found great benefit from It as an appetizer which gate Une to the system. &MARY BAYARD CLARKE, For sale la Wilmington by Dr. W, H. QSEKN. . febl OPERA HOUSE ONI NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY, FEB. 10th. Fint appearance la thi city of the famous - American Actress Kate Claxton, Supported by Charles A. Stevenson, Mrs. Mails Wllkins, Miss Henrietta Vaders, and the celebrated Claxton Co , in Chas.Reade's greatest melo-drani THE DOUBLE MARRIAGE. Eegint Wardrobe, etc. Seats for sale at Djerey on Tuesday, feb 6-it TOWELS, TOWELS. LARGE LOT OF VARIOUS Styles. ' Jj ' . f ' '. '' prices are aU right. CORSETS, mediuMte good. . M. r.lclntire. 9 r H 1 LX1 VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. Ci, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1882. NO. 34 LOCAL NEWS.1 -NZW ADTEKTISEMBXTf". See ad Rosidalis ' , ' L ; Opera 1Joi3E Humpty Oumpty Troupe M fiCHiss, Prop Commercial Uetel IIeinsbergek Beautiful Valentines ; CW Yates Prang's Valentines j Opera House Kate Claxton 1 1)K Tuori F Wooi-Mart tig Vaccine Virus TtV"' I : ... I No City Court to day. More raia last night anil this morning. Next Tuesday Day. will be Valentine's Capt. T. L. Emryi of Weldon, in the city yeatcrda-. j j . was The receipts ot 'cotton Vt this port to day foot up 121 bales, I, i The weather is decidedly unseasonable and a.cold spell would be welcome. About the greediest thing known is a fowl eating corn. It takes a peck erery time. i I ! - Repentance is not so much remorse for what we bare done as the! fear of conse quences. ( -, - i If you have a doubt, ij it A girl nerer looks so killing &i when you tread on her dress. 7 ' There is no special style ot engraving engagement rinses. , A ppider's web, with a fly in it, is a very pretty device. . ' ' .The Hop at Germania Hal last even inff was larsrelv attended and was thor oughly enjoyed by thej were present. J vftnncr folks who T- T ' If anything .will impress th human mind with awe, it is the expression of the man's face who has just been aroused from snoring in church. ' Two men. one woman and two chil dren, all foreigners, applied at the city guard house last night for food and lodg ings, which were furnished them. We were pleased to receive a call this morning from Mr, E. A. Oldiam, of this city, but recently of the Newtern News and Nutshell, who has resigned his position on the staff pf that paper and has returned to Wilmington. j ' . i ; "We have personal knowledge of great benefits derived from j the nse of St Jacobs Oil. - "When wo get a supply of Jll, we uuu i prcu;uu lu puipuo uutexoo in bur medicine casei we merely open, the boxes, have them set) in a I convenient place, sell out of the box and open anoth . , iv., er. it seems as tnougn we retail a aozen a day. Pricb k Henry, Druggists, j Burlington, Iowa. Mr. Jno. F. Henry, of Jno.jF. Henry & Co., ot New Yorkj accompanied by his wife, was at the Purcell House yes terday. Aew years agd Mr. I Henry was at the head of ,the firm of John P. Henry, Curran & Col, probably at that time the largest drug house in the United States. , , ! " J ' Sheriff MannlDg, wtio . has j been to Rumford. Me., to attend the funeral of ii i his wife's father, has returned as far as Washington, D. C. on his ( way home. He will be detained at the Capital a few days, but it is probable that he will get here by Saturday night or Sunday morn nig.. The Commercial Hotel. Mr. M. Schloss, who has for some time past been engaged in reno rating and furnishing the Commercial Hotel build- ing, opened the house this morning. Mr. Schloss is an experienced hotelist, having besn engaged in 1 other cities in ! the business for r many years past, and under , his management the house will be likely to attain a high reputation. Mr. Schloss is ! assisted by his' son, and in a few days everything will be in trim and in excellent order. working V Resetted from Death.1 - I ! William J. CougHn of Somerville; Mass., says: In the fall ot 1876 I was taken with bleeding of the lungs follow ed by a severe cough. 1 lost my appe tite and flesh and 1 was cOBhned to my bed. In 1877 1 was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said! i had a hole in my long as big as a half dollar. At one time a report went artund that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Lun gs I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to feel better, and to-day 1 feel better thaa for three years paSt.. - , -' I . ) : . j ' -: I i ' - "I write this hoping every one 'afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take Wil- Ham Hall's Balsam, and convinced that Consumption can be cored. l ean posi tively say it has done more good thaa all the other - medicines I hare ' taken since my sickness. " r 1 i Unmallable matter, addressed as fol- I . . . - . ( t lows, remains in the Poatoffice in this city: - . : : Rev. J. Si Black, Burgaw, N. O. ; Jno. P. C. Morrits, Marlboro' Co., Ben nettsville, S;C. ? - i The Douhle llarriie. 't Miss Kate Claxton makes her first ap pearance in this city at the Opera House to morrowjnigtt in. the play, of; ,4tThe Doable " Marriage.", If the fame which has preceded; her is justly her due (and we see no reason to - doub t it, as the critics of all the larger cities of the North t . ' -if-.- have bit one opinion of her,) she is a most accomplished actress. Her support during this tour is said to be very able, and our theatre oere may expect a rare treat. r - - Bank or New Hanover The annual -meeting ot the stockold ers of the Bank of New Hanover was held in their Banking House in this city to-day at 12 o'clock. Capt John . F. (Divine was called to the chair, and Mr. W. B. McKoy was requested to act as secretary. The committee appointed to ascertain the amount of stock repsented reported 6,11 shares represented in person and by proxy. An election for Directors for the ensn iog year resulted in the choice of the old Board, composed of the following gen tlemen, viz : W. I. Gore, G. W. WiL lianas, Donald McRae, H. Tollers, R. R. Bridgers, J. W. Atkinson, C M, Sted- man, Isaac Bates. Jas. A. Leak, F. Rheinstein, E. B. Borden. Subsequently., at a meeting of the Beard of directors, Major Charles M. Stedman was reelected President, Mr. Isaac Bates, Tice President, Mr. S. D. 17-11 n t : ir nr t o t Tf iittc,vBUier air. vv . xj. ouuku, i r., Teller, and Mr. B. G. Smpie, Clerk. I . ' Flacky;. . : Considerable of a sensation was cre- atsd on Front street yesterday afternoon by the runaway of a horse attached to a light wagon and driven by Geo. W Price, Jr., a well-known colored citizen of this place. The horse became un manageable as he was i being driven down Market street and as he turned into South Front j street he broke into a run. When near Dock street one of the shafts broke bnt the driver held manfully to the reins. When near Orange street the wheels gave away and Price was throw 1 to the ground. Still he held manfully to the reins and brought the horse to a stop, escaping r fortunately with but a few bruises. j A western paper says: Nothing will cure some sick men more quickly than an office, properly applied. This 'cure may be very successful in many cases, bat we would say: If a man suffers from a cough or cold, give him Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. "The Decline of Wilmington," ' We are reminded of one fact which' we neglected to state in our editorial article in Tuesday's issue of the Review, relative to the alleged "decline of Wil mington," which I will be fooiid of inter est in connection with this subject As was stated by us in that article the in crease of cotton from last September 1st to January 31st, of this year, was 15,239 bales, tally 15 per cent over last year. In addition to this there would have been a further increase of about 20,000 bales bat for the fact that freight room could not be had here. We! know of one firm alone who had expressed a de cided preference for this port and who did ship largely here, who would have given Wilmington at least 15,000 bales more could the freight have been obtain- i rva " ' a.1 iniswouia nave swelled our irH crease to about 35 percent ever last year. How does this compare with other ports, Savannah, for instance, where the decrease was one-tenth, or1 about 70,091 bales? There was a plethora of shipping at Savannah and a dearth of it here, and the rates at that port were, in consequence flower .than they were here. Yet, in the face of this fact our increase was 15 per cent We know of cne shipping firm alone, Messrs. Heide & Co, who. ordered several veszais from Sayannah to this port to receive cargoes for foreign ports. These facts' are well known to the mercantile community here and are pregnant with iestiaony on the subject ef the "decline c Wflsdngton.; And ttra ara , cticn to i hich we nay adTCttta ft aj cr tin. i4 . DB HEaiOH'B LECTURE. Graphic DeacrlpUtn of Brlght's Disease Dr. J, B Henion, of Rochester, N. Y., trave- a very interesting lecture at the Opera House last evening, on the cause and cure of Bright's Disease of the Kid neys. The .doctor said anything that had a tendency to, deplete, the system would cause it or, an ? excessive use of oer-eat iog would produce it: but the most prolific source of Bright's Disease was tromjblood poflioniog, especially the poisoning of the blood with bile; there was rarely ever a case . of - Bright's ,Dis . ease ef the -Kidneys without a morbid condition of the liveit He said that he had been brought down to the verge of the grave with the disease, and that he consulted the most eminent physicians in the country and they all said he had a liver, nervous or dyspepsia trouble, and that he doctored himself for liver and stomach trouble and malaria for two years before he discovered that he had Bright's Disease. That he had been reduced in flesh from 207 to 124 pounds, and had given up all hopes of recover ing, when last June he was induced to take Warner's "Safe Kidney and Liver Cure" and that it had saved his life and eured.him; he gained twenty-six pounds in three months on the use of this rem edy; jthat he was j here as a living witness of the cure of Biight's Dis. ease;" he gave the' lecture in hopes that he might induce others who had given up all hopes to take "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver. Cure" 'and be saved. He knew from experience (net only in his own case but in hundreds of ethers to whom he had prescribed it since his recovery) that it would positively and radically cure Bright's Disease, and all other diseases of the liver and kidneys. He made an appeal to those who were suffering! from these i diseases and to all females in delicate health, not to be deceived by doctors but , to take "Warner's Safe Kidney; and I 11 ver Cure." As a blood purifier this remedy stands without a rival; it produces a healthy condition of i the liver, which; makes all the blood in the body, and enables it to make pure, healthy blood; and if ladies who have been suffering for years from female weakness would discharge their physician and faithfully use "Warner's Safe Kidney and J Liver Cure." he could promise them! a speedy : and permanent! cure, and while seme canons might get well by tak- ng two or three bottles, others might require three times that number; and he coild assure all those who - were suffering from Bright's Disease," or Kidney and Liver disease of any kind, also irritation of the Bladder, if they woeldpersevere in the use of "Warner's Safe judnev atd Liver Cure," their re. turn to health and hanninesa would be permanent t . ', I . A Good Joke. , That is a good goak they tell on Capt SV M. James, the efficient Health Officer. Some one told him that there was a bad odor preceptible about the Postoffice and that OoL Brink wanted him to go there and see about it. Capt James hurried to the spot and after a long and fruitless search, while confessing that som thing did smell bad yet declared that he could find nothing to account for it The only explanation that could be furnished him Was that there were so many dead letters on the premises. i -! 1 11 It is the Height of Folly to wait ca til yon are in bed with disease yon may not get over for months, when ynu can be cured daring the early symptoms by Parker's Ginger Tonic. We have know the sickliest families made the healthiest by timely useof this , pure medicine. Observer To Builders and othera--Go to Jaoo mi's for Sash,' Blinds and Doors, Glass, fee. - You ean get all sizes and at the lowest pnoea. T The Robeconian, JpTJBLISHED EVERY Wednesday, ia Lnmbertoa, N. C.,by W.!W. McDiarmld, ' .. ...... k-. r has the largest circulation and the largest advertising patronage of any country paper n the State. It now has over 800 subscrr bers in Robeson county alone, besides ta general circulation in the counties of Moore Cumberland, Bladen, Columbus, Rich mond and the adjoining counties, Marion Marlboro and Darlington, Una. in South Caroa j jax.23 Wanted. 25 000 NE CR0S8"TIES 6x8 8 feet lougJ For further particulars esquire of " COLYILLS & CO, JaaSS-tf ;.;;'. .1 : Wanted. ; A POSITION A8 CL2RK or Book-keeper, or wherever the subscriber can make himself nrally usef aL - -j - Aelress, John n. ruQn, i ftbiw r. o. Etx in TUB' MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the Cltv Poit Office as follows : , . , Northern through mails..... .5; 15 pt' jn Northern through and way.i . t - rnails. ........ a. m. Relelgb.M . . . . . . .5:40 a. m. Offices between Hamlet and - Raleigh... '..'...i7.80 p. m. Mails for the N.-O." Railroad. and routes supplied there- ' from, inclodihz A, AN. Oi 1 t Railroad, at. 6:40 a; rxJaDdfc.80 p.m. Southern mails i for all; points iH j r douth, daily.84M) p. m; arM.7:45 a. ra. Western mailaO ORdailyMlii ' il v : (except SundayT..; ....v. 7 :Zd n b; Mailfcar Ohferaw Darling f fmf ton....MM.r 8:00 p. id W mm ( . - Mans lor pole u fcoewfen I' lo renceand Oharleetoa..; j 8:G0rni tayetteviue, ana onices on Cape Fear RiTcr, Tcssdays, and Friday. .00 p, a. Fayetteville;' via Lnmberton, daily, except bandaye....... 7,30 p. in. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Tuesday ; and rriday at.............J 6.00 a. Smithville mails, by steam- j m. boat, daily, (except Sun days).....................;..... 8.80 a. n Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little . River, S. 0., .every Tues day and Friday at.........'. 6:00 a.m. . OFKN FOB DELIVEST j , . Northern through and way I mails. ....,. .,7:30 a. m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Mails. 7:00 pj m. and 7.30 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:80 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M,f and from 2 to 6:15 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp offica. 1 ' General delivery open from daylight to dark, and on Sutidaye from 8:30 to 9:80 a. m. j Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. , 1 1 Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when elaBip office ie closed. I Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish "Hooks and Lines." A full assort, ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. r ' : t . ( Now Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE, MONDAY NIGHT ONLY, FEBRUARY 1. MY, FIRST AND GREAT EFFORT I Geo. K. Adams' . j ' OWN NKW j '." HUMPTY, 0UMPTY TROUPE GEO. H. ADAMS, THE CLOWN, Superlative Specialty Assembly l C ; 1 " Military Brass Band and Orchestra 1 Under the management of Adam Forepaugh : !'-; . " j . " - :i For particulars see Mammoth Bills, Post. ers&i. Prices as usual. Seats secured at Dyers' Frday, Feb. 10. , , ; feb9-8t-th-sat.mon 1 r J M THE GOUMERCIaI HOTEL. REPAIRED AND ENTIRELY Refitted, is new open for the reception of PER MANENT AND TRANSIENT GUESTS. Every effort made to give satisfaction. Spe cial rates for Regular Boarders. ' J 1 - I M. SCHLOSS, Proprietor I tSyFlrst Class Bar Room'attached. r feb 19 j j Beautiful . I Valentines. NEW LOT JUST BSOXIVED ! FOR L9YERS OF ALL CIAS a S3. - 'a . - " '-'' Boys, but those COMICS. j THS LITE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs ifHEAP FOE CABH OR OS THE EASY V lastalmsat plaa, at . I HEIJTBERGER'S. feb 0 ! Lire Book and J&tuie Store. Prang's Valentines REPRKTrY AKD TASTEFUL. CAIL i.'i aadeetbeo Decker Bros-, Pisaos, striet ly First-Ola s. : Wocd'i Orgxkt are celehnC ted for toae sad fialsh cad are soil low tn oa easy teras by,J,,.L.- 1 I -. i W..YAT.SSi fbS Bookseller aad Statieatr Album of Fashions T" AM HAPPY TO INFORM mv ustoas X rs and the publie renersily, that ia-ad- dition to my tarn ana weu setecxea noes: of MILLINERYl Ac, I hare secured the Areney of the .universal Fashion Cozape ay's patterns, whieh can be had on ysry aaonaoie terxasr J&a2t Exflasgt Ceraer i i i TTeWl from cur frlatcj t?y tz& -41 sabfi geaexil fsltrert .net1-fe . . . TSat2aaf tta wrttr aasi always lsf , Wtfi)pAu:t;. -;; :;- C-osttaile2t!orsrt be. Vrftta( c eel e?t die of the syF '.--rp"- - I' . JPersoaallti saet be avoide4 And ft U ecpeeUSjand rsralarly cader rkoi tbM IMiWdoes not alwtys erdors Jfe.J??? rteomspwdenu. ,Ralesa,jo rut I a? e41loTiaJ oleics. - r. A LI S . THE GHEAT SUUTHERH REMEDY B9CS33 a fcira of f .Scrofula.s.Syphifc , Ofulcni Taint. 11! olalanat and all che&ses atteig troai BLOOD. 'SKIN, or SCALP. -SADA-L.16' ' CURES- SOHOFUEA. -n - IILTISM li-Ji tTJSHa .Cares Rheumatism , Cured Syphilis. a T 1 ; ' , . Cores Malaria: 1 aosADAiis: Cures Nervous Debility. S03ADAIIS . i Cures Eruptlous.;! OMqMPMMBMM E0SADALI3 has its ingredients published on every package. Show it to yonrphyBlcianj and he will tell you it Is composed of the strongest alteratives that 'exist. and is an excellent Blood Purifier. Boia Dy ait jurug- gittu. - f. r -i;t.ii : j X: fob' 10 ;i Trc a Tv a t Y;i . a rv J t If :! MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRUS. Noktii Carolixx Medical Jouknal : Aoenct roit hie SouTnRjc 'States FRESH AND ACTIYE : VACCINE from' the renowned establishment of Dft Henry A. Martin, lumisiiea in large or 6mailj quanti ties . ini3 vaccine is varrantea to take lu all primary cases. : " t 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do - 3.00- - Each lancet point Will vaccinate one per n i ! - i . - son. Orders by te! egraph or mail will recelra prompt attention. THOMAS & WOOD, Wilmlngten.N. O lauSC-tf nac MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS 11 WINDOW SASHES AKD BLIflDF DOORS, FRAMES? : M AUTLES. MOULDING. DfJACKETS, &cl , r also, l 4 . . . 1 -! ; i ' MILL YARD AND OFFICS, I janSO- . Foot of Walnut Street HEW Y0RKs& Vi'lLMlUGTOM1' STEASHiBlCOsd vJ'iiii m SEMI-WEEKLY LDtk1 1 STEAMEE3. .fl WILL BAIL" "FROM- KEWYORIv ireiyii -W EDNSSDAX: ; acd SATURDAY iztU 3 Veiockr p9jicmAS : BZNEFACTOK.TliarBdiy, jVici'fr i 28 RIQULATOR.M.2tnrdf .Jaattry. 2 GULF , S7RAllMJ4tafcUj ebjnafyi REQULATOSZ'.. Sateudsjj February IX v.i mno a a-. A tr , For Frti. Tiro." o. roFi:; FxiiAc i 1 . .5rs4trajf'JSrn TcjU XtVL F. CLYDE 3K M V2.M:.d Gea'l Agsattf !.'! I mm mm A"iTP 1 Jaa 2-f 1 . - 1 t I .,1 -1