r xaia paper jOXH. T. J AM. rPiTOH aii rr.orwrrox. aI!KPCKI)TJfi.1'9WA6E PAID. Vr 5 GO mcBts, $150 ; Tfete ' J'atbi, Ob moath, 60 wot. ' er will b delivered by carrier, idertu..sif rater low and Iib .Wafc,fr.;brii will pieape report aa J a&d jcrcito rtttteir papers regularly. jg8-y Advertisements. 5S - 3 tieuralgfc, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Soreness of ihe Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell inqs and Sprains, Burns and ' Scalds,' General Bodily . Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feai and Bars, and all other Pains and Aches. 5 Vo Prprati"i ort eerth equals St. Jacoes On afe,utrf, simple and cheap External lUmedv. A trial Pntaila Lut tho companttlTely trifliujr "outlar of 50 Cnt, and erery oneuffer iiig with pain can havo cheap and pofitir proof ei" its rfoinu. Directions in Fiven Languages. fiOLD U Y ALL EEUG3ISTS AND DE ALEK3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., IZallimore, Md., U. S. JL. Debility. , Newbern, Sept. Gr 1S81. X HAVE USED MRS. JOE TEKSON'S TONIC for general. debility, consequent upon lirlng In a low country, and found great benefit Jrom It as an appetizer which gave tono to theJfiystem. QIAEY BAYARD CLARKE, For sale inj Vv'ilmlnsrton by Dr. II ORE EN. - febl OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY, FEB. 10th. Urst app;arancf in this city of the famous i 1 - American Actress Kate Claxton Supported by Charles A. Stcvensout Mr. Maile 'Wilkin s, Mi Henrietta Vaders, . aiid'th., celebrated Claxtou Co , in " Chz Kcade's greatest melo dramA THE DOUBLE MARRIAGE. Elegant Wardrobe, etc.; Seata for sale at DytreT on Tuesday. feb6-4t I , TOWELS, TOWELS, LARGE LOT OF VARIOUS Styles. ftl.'prlees are all right. . OORSETS, CORSETS All iUe$, from medrum to good. - fJf . M. lUiclntire.. i TIB , B'ATT.Y 1 BlWW' - ; " " I .'".." . - '. i I '' ' " ' ' p. ""(-'-, ' i" i ' ' ' m" " MMMmarTnirmfrir-ir-irn ' mum m i i -i i i - i i i n i 1 r - i i utit ' " - VOL. VI LOCAL ',.NEjV$J NEW ADVEHTIiEMENTi!!. , I Jrux We'iskr Germao Barber i Wm. La .n kins Notice, Lost A Jet 'E rilling , ! ' : 1 Oiei:a Kousb liuiptjriurapty Troupe HEixsBEKGEH Beautii'ul Valer-jtino O W Yates Prang's ValeuUiWs j Oi'titA House Kate CUxtoii ! l)u T:ios F Woop-MartiA'feYacelne Virus 4 Tb receipts otfcollou at th:9 port to- diy foot up 822 'bales. Barque San Juati Bach,' cleared at l0tlon, J an 24th, for this port. ! .Sleautship RcynioforJ MilU, hence, arrived at New York Fei Slh.l "Bchooncr Jcrmie TVL'rv.ChadwicV, hence, arrived f t New York Feb. 8th. Schooner Kate E. Gijt'rdt 'ijitham, hence, arrived at Philauepliia Feb. 7th. Barque Emilie, Krjuth, cleared at 8t. Vincent, C V., Jan. 12th; for this port. Schooner Alaygtc E. G ray Crockejtt, cleared at Baltimore Feb. 7th, for this port. " . ' I'' .' . : Schoouer T illie Vanderlakn, Bates man, cleared at Baltiraorq, reb. i7th,. for this port. ! i 1 j Barque St, Joseph, Tergesen,' sailed from "Waterford, Irejland, Jan. 22nd, for this port. . ! - 1 1 1 ' . i ! 'V-t ' Barque Guldamingat Johnson, clear ed at Newport, Wales, Jan. 24th, for this port. - , j 1 . . . !. The woman who pujtson "airs" wears a decidedly airy custume, but then it is very cheap. I . ' , , ' Steamship Benefactor t Tribon, cleared at New York Feb. 8th, for jt.his port, and sailed the same dayl !' 1 Pure blood insures good health, and the Hamburg Drops is !the best , blood purifier yon can use. i We always enjoy Greenback meetings, when thermeeting happens to ocpur be tween a greenback and ourself. , -j ' 1 ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. i I ' t ' 1 1 - - - - ( j f The annnal meeting of the stockhold. era of the Duplin Canal Company will be held at Magnolia on1 'March 10th, at 12 o'clock."-. German barque Carl Max, Beyer cleared at this port to day for Belfast Ireland, with 2,050 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt $: Son. 1 1 1 1 ' ! Myrtle green is the fashionable color for ladies' dresses this winter; deep blue is the fashionable color for the faces, of the men who have to pay for them. , j u . Col. A. Pope, of Richmond, General Passenger Agent of tha Associated Rail ways, is io the city o day.' Mrs. Pope has been here on a visit for several days. 1 Tha small bovi who was wont kwt summer to go in swimrmng a j half .dozen times a day dow shrinks ia strong aver eion from the maternal wash rag, , and evinces a decided disposition to go un earthed ail winter. ' 1 Now that weddings are of daily and nightly occurrence, . it. wUl!j he! worth whi e for ail hands to remember that throwing slippers afterhe bride in New York the other day .frightened the horses and caused u runaway. Tw6 of the families who have for the pastjday or two been legged at the guardhouse left this morning for Ab bottsburg, wher they h.i4 succeeded in securing work with Mr. John Colville, who has a saw mill at that place. The others, five in number, will, we ' learn. leave in the morning jfor New York! It is the Height of Folly to wait an til you are in Led withpisease you may not get over for months, when ynu can be eured daring the early M svrriptoms by Parker's Ginger Tonic. We have know the sicklies families) made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure medicine. Observer. ' i Graad Lodge K erP. The Grand Lodge of Knights of Py th ias in North Carolina convenes inGoldi boro on Tuesday next. Messrs. John J. Fowler, from Stonewall j Lodge, , No. 1 and John W. Gerdts, from Gerznania' Lodge, No. 4,4of this city the regularly accredited representatives from those lodges, will leave on Monday night to be io attendance. Io addition to these gen tlemen, we understand that some" fifteen or twenty others, members' of the lodges here, will go up on Tuesday, ; i WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY The Opera Home TcSIght. . That there will be a fall houto to night to greet the Kate Claxton troupe is evi denced by the fact that every orchestra chair! has been takenJ For this we arc glad as there i3 nothing so dampens the ardor of good and conscientious actors and actresses as to speak to a beggarly amount of empty benches. The company have maue railroad arrangements by wh'icli they will have time to render the play entire, so that our peoplejwill be sme to recieve ail they may pay for in the purchase of tickets. The little daughter of the editor of the Tiffin, O, Daily Star was immediately j and permanently relieved of a severe cough by three doses of Dr. Bull's t'ough Syrup. A tweuty-five cent bottle of this valuable remedy will cure tee worst cough. 1 -I' . - ! - - - - ' For the Oxford Oxphan Asrlara. Mr. Tj. il. Reed, representing the firm of Baxter k Bird, of Baltimore, Md., has kindly do nated a box of gravely tobacco lor the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. The committee having the matter in hand, wishing to realize all they can for it, have pat , it on sale at Kasprowicz's tobacco store, where all the lovers of the weed, and those who do not use it, may by purchasing a small piece help a worthy and charitable cause. Such is Life. 1 We endeavor to give the proper credit when we copy from oar State exchanges and they I should do the same by as. Some days ago, from information de rived from a letter received in this city, we stated that Gen. Jas. H. Lane had re signed his professorship in the Mining College at Rolla, Mo., and had returned to Virginia. The Raleigh Farmer Mechanic copied the item from . ub with out credit, and now it appears in this morning's Star credited to the Farmer Mechanic Likewise, a few week' ago, we spoken of Rev. S. Paxton W at tefs, formerly ot this city, who has gone to Morganton to take charge of the Episcopal Church at that place.rToe Baltimore Sun copied this from us with out credit and about a week after the Star got hold of it and made a local item of it, crediting it to the Stm. Such ia lifer- ' : , ' ,: ' Hampty Dumpty. ! Mr. George H. Adams, with his pan tomime troupe, will appear at. the Opera House in this city on Monday evening, tho 13th inst. Mr. Adams will himself personate the character of Humpty Dumpty, in which he stands unrivalled. Speaking of this performance, the Wash ington, D. C, Critict in an article writ ten by the young daughter of Mr. John T. Ford, the noted theatrical manager, says: ' Mr.1 Adams in the pantomimic art has ho rival he stands alone. His refined manner of presenting I and treating the ridiculous situations and wonderful facil ity of provoking mirth by quiet facial ex pression, and his great acrobatic feats are marvels ot surprise and delight to all. Besides the extraordinary merit of his company, which is probably thS greatest ever in Washington since the days of "The Ravels," Mr. Adams presents many specialists of rare attraction and interest to all. The pantomime posses ses a charm of its own for persons of all ages, which is sufficient to insure success wherever it may be jerformed, and so true is this, were the truth but knoisa we fancy there are many theatres which owa their financial prosperity entirely to this seasonable piece. I Didn't Want to Mix. The Cape Fear river presented a sin gular appearance opposite our office this morning. The recent rains have caused heavy' freshets in both the Northeast and Northwest branches of the river, and whilethe former comes down black with the mud of the lowlands and swamps through which Its course meanders, the latter is yellow with the clay of tho hills of the up country. At their con fluence at Point Peter to form the main river, each seemed to be upon its dignity and refused to assimilate with the other, and aeon siderable time during the earlier part ot the day the line between them was drawn with great distinctness, the western side of tho river retaining tho grayish yellow color of the Northwest branch, while the eastern half was black with the waters of the Northeast branch. There seemed to be a struggle between them, as at times tho colors would change sided, and again at times they would be ptrtlillj laixsd, until later in the day, when the grayish yellow from the upper Cape Fear gained the mastery and the black color of the water waa en- tireljchHterated. i ... .. . . . ... . , .. , . , fK The storm signal is still displayed here Nothing doing in Magisterial circles to-daj. ; ' Turner's Almanac promises rain for to- morrow. i The yotjog folks had a very enjoyable German at Rankin Hall last evening. Prof. Agostioi's 1 grand masquerade ball is to take place next Friday evening. i " i Tho moon enters on! its last quarter to-morrow morning at 20 minutes past 3 o'clock. A little heat lit at can't bo beat, the window open wide; a little breeze, a lit tle sneeze, ami you are the doctor's prido. . The most fashionable animal in jewel ry in New York is the tadpole, and the second on the list stands the crawfish. This is working by degrees1 toward the skunk. . 1 " I 1 Citj Court- 1 : i James Lloyd, colored, was brought beiore the Mayor this morning charged with the larceny of a ceat belonging to Capt. Schroeder, ot ths schooner Amer ican Eagle. The testimony was so canclosive that the defendant was bound over in the sum of $25 to the next term of the Criminal Court. Not being able to furnish the required bond he was com mitted. , , Cut This Oat. , We have been very kindly favored by the Postmaster in this city, Col. H. R. Brink, with the following table of dis tances from Wilmington to some of the chief cities of the country, together with the time in days, hours and minutes re, quired in the transmission of postal mat ter to the different localities: Place. 1 Richmond, . . Washington,1 D.C., Baltimore, I . Pis. D. 249 365 H. 10 14 16 18 21 I . 3 23 M 34 52 25 45 35 30 42 25 20 40 30 20 05 30 '12 50 407 i 505 .V 596 830 1 605 1 41,178 2 1,259 1 Philadelphia, New York, . Boston, . . Pittsburg, . Chicago, . . St. Louis, . Omaha, . . San Francisco, Charleston, . Savannah, . Jacksonville, Atlanta,- . New Orleans, Lynchburg . 1,680 3 3,596 8 i210 325 , 497 I 444 940 1 389 8 12 19 19 23 13 iEniiOE Reyikw: Would that you could have been with me on the 26th of January last, to have enjoyed the social feast at Mr. S. P. Hand's, prepared in honor of his mother's 86tn birthday. Mrs. Nellie Hand, the mother, in whose honor the feast was prepared, notwith standing the frosts of so many winters have silvered her locks, is in good health,; moyes about with ease, and wo hope and pray that she may be spared to us 'yet many more years, and that I may always remain one ot her numerous friends to be remembered as each succeeding year rolls around. 1 1 , She has six children- four sons and two daughters.' They all have families, and just before the eventful period ar rives, there is always a sort of friendly disputation between them as to which shall have the honor of preparing the annual feast, which each desires to do. I-havo been so fur tuna teas to have been present as a guest at six of these birth day dinners, and the last always seems the best. Suffice it to say that the last was a feast long to be remembered. When I tell you that it was prepared by that estimable lady, Mrs. S. P. Hand, formerly one of your citizens Miss Kate Bunting -you ' will well understand with what taste everything was gotten up.. Mra 3. P. Hand presided at the head of the table, and invoked an appropriate natal blessing for her mother. Dr. W. T. Ennett was then called upon for a toast and responded in appropriate terms, andj being the family physician, referred feelingly to the kindly senti ments and intimacies j which existed be tween them, and hoped that tey might long continue in fact, for al time. To see the children now old men and women gathered aronud the table pre pared in honor of their mother's eighty sixth birthday, was a bcene long to be remembered . Tears would trickle as the venerable mother would talk to them and urge tbem to prepare for the life to come. She would remind them that her three score years and ten had long been run, and that may be before the next birthday should arrive her life wohM be, ended ; bat 6he wanted to meet them in a blessed land, where there would be no more part ing. Again, at times, smiles and laughter woald prevail as she related anecdotes and experiences of her Younger days. 1 For the family and their guests it! was an enjoyable occasion, and, for myself, I thank the family, and especially Mr. and llrs. S. P. Hand, for the privilege of attending. That tho mother may be i m i rn IiJMUCU AW JKMCB IU uw UA CUJU sent of . her present health and strength I it the earnest wish of BvsttAW. 10. 1882 NO !35 J i The University., Lditoe Review The University R. R. that has been . talked of so much ia nearly completed. It is now within' & mile of Chapel nil!, i The Coamanv has made a schedule and will commence -to run it soocjjmaking daily trips froip the Iron Mine to Raleigh and return leav ing the Mine 7:10 JL. M., arriving at Raleigh at 10:15 A. M. Round trip tickets twjo doll jrs each. IWhat agreat advantage this road. will, be to th?a goingjto ard from j Chapel , JJilll No m.crc-rough riuing jover the hilly utid mqddy roid from Ohripel Hiltr to J)r-( ham. I 'Everything teems to be brighten1 iag up about tho village, ihe old Col lege bell secuu tofoaui with a now tonj ncd instead of profound quietness early in the morning, we beur the rumbling noise of a locomotive a thort distance from the village!, j ; ' . .;; j . . , Everything seems to be wrkiDg smoo t h ly at t tie Lf n i ve i s ity ;' The s t ude n t s are generally jmfictnal in the discharge ot duties assigned then. The kind treatment towards the students and the deep interest manifested in them by the President and Professors serve as great incentives to voluntary performance. The Dialectic and Philanthropic SocieJ- ties have published the first number of their marine titlfld . TTn,Vitv their magazine entitled "Uuiversitv Monthly." Feot-ball seems to be the favorite came among the boys here now. The row of trees recently set out on each side of Cameron avenue adds very much to the looks of the "lovely Campus." ! 1 I Yours truly, i S. J, Chauxcey, Jr. Beautify your nomes by fcsing the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only1 at Jaoobi's. f 1 Bescaed from Death William J. Cpughlin1 of Somerville. Mass., says. In the fall of 1876 I was taken with bleeding of the lungs follow ed by a severe cough. I lost my appe tite and flesh, and I was confined to my bed. In 1877 1 was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. ; William Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. I got a bottle, whoa to my surprise, I commenced to feci better, and to-day I feel better 'than for, three years past. ; ; : i '. j.LwL "I write this hoping every one afflict-i ed with Diseased . Lanes will take - Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and convinced that Consumption can be cured. I can posi tively say it has done more good, than all the other j medicines I have taken since my sickness. . . T When you squeeze a young lady, it you ever do, and she exclaims "Oh," do not think she is at all displeased. It is only an involuntary action of the vocal organs, simply oh-ingtothe pressure. ! Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks, and Lines. A fall assort, ment and lowest prices at Jaoobi's. 1 i Hew AdvertiBsments. Loot. SN WEDNESDAY AFTEBNOON A JET 3. RING, gold mounted. The finder will be liberally rewarded on leaving . the same at this office. 1 ' feblOt ' John Werner, i I PRACTICAL H ; j ; QERMAU BARBER AMD PERFUMER- 29 Market sL, Wilmington, N. C. , t&j miny friends in Smlthville and la the country are iavlted to come and see me. Also, Sea Captaios and Commercial Travel lers. The best workmen and the fine it ac commodations la the city, j feb 10-ly Notice. 4 . 1 fTlHg ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock- holders of the Duplin Canal Company will ba held at Magnolia, March 19th , at 12 6'clk feb 10-lt WM. LARKIN3. Preaftj Prang's ValenHiie ; A ULPB.fcTTY KXD THliFUL. CA' L Lek-e? Bro?,! Pia' -etriet Fint-l-U Woo d'i Diart ar i ct-ebia ted for to' td fief rad r ol 1 low an oa mt taras by h- :c 1 1 ,Js ; I feb t Pffpkifllw and fitatlwi V - r Wanted, 25,000 ?s feet long. For further particular! enquire ol ; ' . COLYILLS A CO. . JxaSS-tf tVantcd. a POSITION A8 OLEBK or Book-keep- rx. er, or wnerever the subscriber x&afce buaeeir neralrr veefoL dims, JOHN VL PCGII. 1 ' Mr-?e.wtU tIad in. rJw i--, "Cosuiil5aUcj:" c?jt b;wi(.fta' Va.o al PsTO!mf rat U aroU-rvf 1 r, I L "litf ft f9?f!alryasd ?tnilar!y trader, itw'.tSst ti Efltdaof t alvptys eadori sis; xlzws c! orrtrpcdati . al?ra go xt , : , ia tpt editorial WlarM."' .' T 1 I 11 Si. ti MONDAY AY ICIGHT ONLr.FESr.TJAnrit PIR3T AND CTKEAT EFFORT : a GeoiH Adams'' hukpty; dumpty I TilOUpp ! 3r. ' ; Geo. h. vAy$;Tnr, oi.onb: "I. lUt Superlative Specially . iliiUarjr Brara Band and Orc&e.trV ' J li' ' ' : .' v ,:' - ' ' " Tjndftr tho management cf AdamToreikugk F(- particulars' 'fits Mammoth i Dills, Tdat. eis, c. Trice a , usual, at Dyers' Frday, Feb 10. " feb 9-at-th sat-mou i- a Seats 6ecuiel THE iGOMMEfiGlAL HOJL.1, 1) ErAIRED AND ENTI RELY VveQtted, I V.1!?. ?Pfnfor tbe recepUon of ;FpK- I iH .TKASIKNT ,QUEaT3. iEvery effort made to give satisfaction. Spa- cjju-raws lor liegruar ooaraera.' ' ; 8CHL033, Proprietor 8"First Class Bar Room attached.!, J leb 10 - - H '-.-'li' Beaut if 5.5 E :i:,b;';::.t...vaientine Jj NEW LOT J08JR0EIYED FOR OF ALL 0LASBK8. Eojd, tut tuoa COillCS. J TAB LITE BOOK BTOftB. Pianos and : ,Orgarij3, CHEiV FOii or,n p:: 6 'i TflEE Aar 'test&lmirt pUaaf . febO l ira Hook end Knso Btore. ARTIH'SVAtJGnsOlnflif. Noxt Oakolina1 M edicai." JoubnaL , "Agexcx fob ths Eocthekx AT RUAACTiyYA tn& renownckj'cktabllmenTof Dr. ilenryA. Martin, furnished la large or small quanti ties . This vacci o e la warranted i to take iu . all primary cases; ;i & ' i' tffir Is 7 Lancet Pointalbrf 1.00 ,-41, . J5 . ; do do -2.00 , Each lancet point will vaccinate onelper son. ; ; , i . .; Tt' ,-;;',s"- Orders by telegraph : or mail will receive, prompt attention. r ' THOMAS F. WOOD, 1 il lau 23-tf . nac I , Wilmington, N. O : i i - ; .. :AttattBri.lPrlbtt-&-rCaf , . ..... . ! . f i ; fc. . 4 - . MANUFACTURERS AND DEALSrV 1k wmoow; sashes fm odoRs, frames, ?m Arams.' ! - 1,' - - ' . . J f : MOULDinO,. BRACKETS, ft'6. ALSO. . 'I i' A y.if J, r-m .13 .; W MILL YARDAND OPFICZ1; r:i ; Jan 80- :; i " f Foot of Walnnt Street NEV Y0BK?& WiLMIHGTOM j , .- r ;' : '-m- .;1 i. ' lit Z4 " r' ' STEAMERS -'.'.aJc WILL ? SAIL rFEOM i &mC2CllK ETeivJ WEDITI8DAY' and sASUBDAT '"-r at S Vc'oc IVM. ' 1 BFNAOroS.Thurtdfiy.. Jiaci v It REGQLATOS. Btordaj, Jacaarj OUL?.rf RKAILtfrdy Ftbntr.j EE 3ULaVoCf urd s rf'' Ttira SVy II. Through Bttw ge jrbtr r laoa'J frc Pofatt SaNr an2 jy'S Vtt9?A- TU03, L. -BOry ;IMJ2U O. ' I ' . ... - - J.I , J rnto:of rar.v aj 1' Ge&T Aii j r h k. . I ' 'I. " t. h i i1 4 fr ; - t;3 t:e5- ai'i?;

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