-y. n i i j mi i ' i " ' ' ' " 'f - t rro aji rssa. nLKXrTi08. W)8TAGB PA1JD. 8f5 CO 8 3 55 ' ' iii bWelivered by carrier, Ure.Iowd libera J Efceeribers will please report ay and 7.11,10 receive uwr pF.s.., m RHEUMATISM, fouralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of (he Cftest, Bout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell jpgs and S Drains, Burns ana Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and lUadacno, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Kj Proration on ttTh l"1 &T- JaOBS ; if?,r inp l cheap "fi R,o.Ji A uiJ .-ntail tut the compirattrelj mx ofOKf ct W 0nts. and ereryoneuffer hs 4b fia am vo t UeP aod poeitlT proof iif rielm. Ductioa in Elertn LanroafM. fiOLD BY ALL DBUGGIST8 AHD DEALERS A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Hd, V 8 'JL Debility. . 'JTawBHHX, Spt. 6, iSZl. I HAVE USED MRS.. JOE PERSON'S NIC for general'debillty, consequent npoa Mjlog in a low countiy, acd foucd jret benefit from It s n appetizer which jie tone to tiie'eystem. EMART BAYARD CLARKE, For sala to - Wilmington by .Dr. W, H; OMEN. febl TOWELS, TOWELS, LARGE LOT OP VARIOUS 8tyles. The pricet are all rlgiit. i CORSETS, All altee, froia raedium to good. jf. TJ3. rJJclnfire. JiMew urant. ptt tJNDERSIQNED would rerptetfai; j J aouTiea tli&t ke has Jest fitted up at 8, Granlta Row, Boath Front at., a Res. jttraatfbriLadlea and Gentlemen, where jland refmlnnenta may be bad at all inoftha Qay, Ererytilng la new and jtntalM!, Pomtwafleriand eouneoua at jJ4anti. l"6ot aa uy ffau. Tin I" tfcpwrt aad Ct. ft - 'toDiiiT'r.;lBViEWi:v VOL. VI iWlI LMINGTON; N. C SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1882. NO 36 LOCAL iEWSl New Advjebtisemextr, ' ' "i A Popb Round Trip Excarin K&tes t New Orlcaue . , . RPPaddisox Reward j j Overa BousB-illumpty ')umptj Troupe Hcissbebqik Beautiful Yalfatlnea j. ' W YTE8 Prang's Valentin' -Dr Thcs F Wooi-Martin'Vaf cine Vlru S'o City C-onrt to-doy. Daj's lecgih 10 hoars and 43 minutes. Nothing deiog in magisterial cirales to-daj. f . j Sunset t morrow afternoon at $8 mxn nteB past 5 o'clock ;. -' The receipts ol cottya at thjs porl to day foot up 299 bales. 1 Scbr. Daniel PieroriM Summer, clear J tdat Baltimore, Feb. yth, for this port. There waa but one interment an adult in Bellevuc cemetery this! week. There were three interments all ad alts week. -in Pine Forest Cemetery this ! Steamship Gulf , Stream, Capt. In gram, sailed from, this port to-day for New York. , ! ! The variety and quality of Talentines this year, it is said, has nerer before been equaled. We made quito a "mash" a few days ago. It was one of onr fingers; Not very aesthetic. There ware three interments one adnltand two infants in Oak dtle ceme tery this week. Schr. Jennie E. Simmons, &race hence, for Philadelphia, arrived at Ohes ter, Pa., Feb. 9th. i I The swell youth now bangs his hair. This is because his father did not sufB cieatly bang his heir. A man is not necessarily a Christaia because he rents a pew. . His is some times a kind of pewter religion.! The Register of Deeds issued eight marriage licences this week, two of which were for white and six for colored couples. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors,' Glass, &e. Yon can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. !) j ' 1 .j : t There will be no services in the Second it t ! Presbyterian Church to-morrow at 11 a. m. Services at 7:30 p.m.,conducted by Rev. Dr. Wilson. . When a certain young man in town sits up half the night with his girl, he calls it a miss-spent evening. He is miss-taken, that's all. ' ( I To live with honor and happpinlss in the world, we must always.be what we would appear to be, and never try to ap pear to be anything different from, what really are. - j. The ear-ring advertised in yesterday's Rtfviiw was recovered before 10 o'clock this morning. And yet, some people say that it is useless to advertise, and that it doesn't pay. It is well to have your zeal for reform inf the world begin on yourself. After you' have finished the work needed there you may with justice extend your efforts to your neigbor's case 4. There are now 27 vessals in this port of 60 tons and upwards, viz! . 14 barques 6 German, 6 Norwegian, 1 British and 1 Russian 3 brigs, all.American, and 10 schooners, all American. i A widely known Reading, pfa., gentle man, Mr. W. F. Po tiger, was afflicted with Rheumatism for three years and had useJ numerous medicines without avail. A bottle of St. Jacobs Oil cured him. 1 The receipts of cotton for the present erop year up to this dateFebroary 11th, foot up 120,255 bales as against 103,512 bales to February 14th, of last year, an increase this year of 14,743 bales.1 If you have silk or satin that is creased do not iron it but stretch smoothly .and tightly on a board covered with a damp cloth, secire well with pins and let it remain until perfectly dry. This , will not hurt the most delicate shades. ' j - c ; i - ; I The man who stores his mind with old proverbs must become wise.. For intanee, he will learn that "An empty bagj can not stand upright." No one ever thonght or believed it could or ever wanted to; bat it is well enough to know sch j Handsomely Said. . : OapL Ashe, of the RaleighAru's and Observer, copies from the Review some of the facts and figures given by us rela tive to the "decline of Wilmington," and adds : "We ourselves add that there is more capital employed to-dsy (attiWili mington than ever before in its history more live men, more diversity i i its busi ness, and greater stability in its aflairs." Life is too short to try half a dozen djiSerent kinds, of Sare Cures," when one suffers with cough or eold stick to the best and use Dr. Boll s CouSfh' Syrup; it will cure your cough and never disap point you. AU druggists sellit at twenty five cents a bottle. I i The Biter - There were thirty feet of water on the Shoals at Fayotteville yesterday morn ing when Capt. Smith, of the steamer D. Murchison, left that point, and at that time the river was rising fast. This is in consequence of heavy rains in the interior, in Chatham and Alamance conn ties, and there is no knowing, as yeti whether the present rise will be heavy or light. Up In a Tree. . We understand that the s tenner Wave, Capt. Robinson, on Thursday night last rescued three colored men raftsmen, from a tree at a point known as Narrow (jap, about 20 miles above the city. The men were on st rait be longing to Mr. Frank Davis, of Durham, about 28 miles below Fayetteville, which had gone to pieces near 1 Narrow Gap the men saving themselves by clinging to a tree in passing. ' k Slight Fire, Between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock this forenoon a fire was discovered on the roof of the one story frame dwelling house on Fifth,1 between Queen and Wooster streets, .owned by Mr. A. B. Cook and occupied by Mrs. Mary Harker as a residence. The alarm was at once given, and the fire department turned out with characteristic promptness, but the young men in the neighborhood had succeeded in extinguishing the -flames before either of the euglies reached the scene, and the services of the latter were not called into requisition. The extent of the damage to the building was the burning of quite a large hole in the roof, which can be easily repaired. Mrs. Harker sustained some damage to furor tura by breakage in its removal from the house. The j fire is supposed to have caught from a spark from the chimney. "Onr Continent." . I We have received the initial number of the above-named weekly j magazine, published in Philadelphia, with A. W. Tourgee as Editor-in-Chief. It is print ed on excellent paper land the typo graphy of the body of the work is neat and the contributions are of a high order of merit. The illustrations are not of the best, and one of them, at least, is decidedly botehy. The cover of the work, and' especially the title page, is limply abominable to look upon, and as a work of art it looks as if a boy of ten,with a pocket knife and rather a poor ideaaf taste, had wrought the design. It may be considered as a production of "high art," but if it is we thankfully rejoice that our appreciation of art is primitive and crude. The subscription price is $4 per annum, which would be cheap enough were it not for the hideous looking cov ers. Railroad Hatters. The friends of the proposed Point Caswell and Clinton Railroad are to hold a meeting at Lisbon, Sampson county, on the 18th instant. Judge McCoy, we learn, has signified his intention to be present to speak in relation to the nat ter, and Messrs E. W. Kerr and E. T. Boykin are also expected to make speeches, at the meeting, in behalf of the enterprise. As these three gentlemen are all from Clinton and are men of in' finance and position, it would aeea that that end of the proposed line is waking ap to earnestness in the matter. Mr. Dun can M. O'llanlon, of Fayetteville, who is a skilled engineer, is deeply interested in the proposed enterprise and will be present and speak en the subject at the Lisbon meeting. j It is proposed to hold a meeting to ad ranee the interests of the proposed road at Clinton on the 2nd day of March next, at which it is hoped thai Hon. A. M. Waddell and Major C. U. Stedman, of the city, will be present as speakers to eSer wcrdi of cscssrartssat to tha Kardl Graa. ''' I By advertisement of Col. A. Pope, Geaeral Passenger Agent of the Associa ted Railways, published elsewhere in this lssueitwill be seen that round trip tickets to the aiardi Graa, at New Or leans, will be on sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next at $31 from Col am. bia,34 from Wilmiogtoo and $35 from Goldgwo. z i" f " Unmallsble . Unbailable matter , addressed as fol Iqwj. retB&m in the Poatoffice in this city:-' V " 1 ; ! Mis3 Maggie Gaston, New Burgh, C. ; Miss Caroline M Bird, Belfast ; Rev. J. S Black, Bnrgaw, N. C. ; J. R. Paddison, Point Caswell, N. C. ; Mrs. Grice, Norfolk, ,Va. ; Mrs. Jane Pinkney, to all the churches on Pink uey'B Island, Inquiring Letter. !' - ' apt- Hnrchisoo. Capt. D. R. Murchison is still quite sick at his residence in this city, as he has been for a month past. We are glad to know, however, that his condition is now considered as improved. Dr. Wood the attending physician, says that he is doing very well now, and that what he needs most is perfect rest and quiet- As soon as he is able to leave the house a change of air and scene will be pre scribed, and probably a trip to Europe. Backwater. Capt. R. P. Paddison has lost 20 fine milch cowsjfrom hispasture,atMaultsby'i Point, caused by the overflow of the pas ture lands, resulting, not so much from a freshet in Black River as from backwater from the Northwest Cape Fear, coming in principally through the Thoroughfare. Capt. ,P. offers a reward, elsewhere in this issue, for the recovery of the missing cattle. He thinks it likely that! they may have taken to the Bladen lands, on the West side of the Cape Fear. I All Explained Tho discharge of musketry, heard last night j just after the close of the perform ance, was the work of the soldiers repre sented in the play who had not the ne cessary caps at the time they charged the imaginary battery during the perform, ance. . Being supplied with these afterJ the play was over they discharged the pieces inthe yard of the Opera House, causing considerable wonder and some consternation to those who were on their way home from the play. Killed 0; wounded 0; missing this morning, the enure troupe. ITho Knows? From a report of a musical perform ance, contained in one of our exchanges, we make the following extract : "The first introductory bars, in sixths, oy tne 'cello were in perfect unison." We should suppose that the ''first" would naturally be "introductory," and that if measures were substituted for "bars," a more correct definition would be conveyed ; but how they conld be played in sixths on the " 'cello," or any other instrument, "in perfect nnuon," which is merely and simply unison, (the word "perfect" being altogether un necessary,) Is more than we can under stand. We are free to admit, although we have (paid some attention to. the science of music, that we are at a loss to know what the writer was driving at. , r The Dsubio ton-lage." The dramatisation of Charles Reade's novel of the above name, presented at the Opera House last night, was witnessed by a crowded house. The play, like the work from which it takes its plot and name is improbable and unnatural as, in fact, are all the works of fiction of that much overrated author. We have never read one which was not improbable, unnatu ral and distorted. "The Double Marri. age" has all those imperfections, and in. stead of holding "the mirror up to na ture", it presents a deformity repugnant to nature. Of the rendition of the rlav. last night, there was much to admire and much to condemn. There seemed to be at times a lack of warm sympathy bo" tween the different characters that was chilling to the audience and at times the acting was simply mechanical which, of course, could net arouse the interest of the listeners. There were situations however, when each one manifested th actor or actress with marked excellence Kate Claxton is a finished actress, and at timet rendered her very difficult part with exquisite skill. . . Beautify focx Acmes br esi2i W T, zZdPai2t. readT Blzed and ttt There are 12 barques 10 Norwegian, 1 Danish and 1 British and 4 brigs I Russian, 1 German, 1 British and 1 Nor wegian, bound for- this port from for eiga ports. . '' -; -..-!... U Rescued from Heath. , William J. Cougbiin of Somerville, Mass., says. In the faH ot 187C I was taken with bleedinjr of the lungs follow, ed by a severe "conrh. I lost my appe tite and nesb, and I was confined to my bed. In 18771 was admitted to tha Hospital. 'Ibedcclors f aid I had a hole in my long as big a3 a half dollar At one time a report went aqond that I was dead. I gave up Uopei" but a friend told me of Dr. William 0all's Balsam for the Langs I got a bottle.' when to my surprise, i commenced to teel better, ana to-day I feei better than for three years past. -.: I' ; ;' " " "I write this hopmri every one afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and convinced that consumption can be cured, l can posi tively say it has done more good than all the other medieines I have taken since my sickness. - V Freshwater Perch Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines.1 A fall assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. ; 1 1 New Advertisements. ? J WILL PAY A LIBERAL REWARD for any information as to any of my twenty (20) MILCH COWS! lost in the recent freshet lu Cape Fear River, from my low land pasture nearMaultsby 's Point. . feblULt R. P. PADDISON. i BOUNDTRIP Excursion Rates ! TO NEW ORLEANS. XaARDI 6RAS1 4 VIA THE ASSOCIATED LIIIES ,' OF Southern Travel ! : Excursion Tickets to New Orleans and Return will be sold at the following Re dneed Rates : - , From COLUMBIA, $31, ' GOLDSBORO'i $85. WILMINGTON, $34 Tickets will be on sale at above points February 13th, Hth, and 15th. Good to return till March 4th inclusive. Period ol travel limited to three days each way. A. POPE, feb ll-St-ll-18-H Genl Passgr Agt I John Werners PBACTICAL QERMAn BARBER AHD PERFUMER 29 Market st, Wilmington, N. O. My mtny friends in Smlthville and in the eountnr are invited to come . and see me. Also. Sea Captains and Commercial Travel lers. The beat workmen and the flneit ac commodations in the city. . feb 10-ly Prang's Valentines BE PRETTY AND TASTEFUL. GALL and w tbam. Becker Bros , Piaa, rtrict y F!rt-OIa a. Wocd'g Orgacs are eele bia ttdfor tor t d a 'Jt h tnd r tell lew in on atv teroaty ; " : : C. W.-Y-ATES, Fookseller and Statn r Wanted. J ft; AAA PIKE CEOS3-TTES, 5xJ, $ ftelong. rcrfhrthw particulars acquire of . C0L7TLLS c3 CO, JaaO-Cf rjantcda. :- ; A POSITION A8 CI.TTTt7r or I?ook-keep-;J er. or wherever the sthsolber tan mala t,.-nst2t gtncralJy csefal. i AAirtss, JOmi II. PUG2L JaTtTt.nr . p. o. Bx7c3 We will beglaJ V reeerre eoaiaittaJaAtlB " fro ax oar frUn&caaiy asd i 'all. ftLfwtiT ebWMUHini OH I K Vaaa&ecr tT7lu:3iUl7aytbra ' "GaiaatfGujjKTut t..wr!aa' ca calf eke aide of tAe pp8r -- V , .. j JPro&aUti4 inaaJ U roW-5' f AcJ it U ydiilj tad j;?telauy nnUr EJI?oe alwtyi eadoro V. :. i ..... . , la ia; ftUrial u4a4 r. :i k.i i fTT Mo;;bAX igut pnly; febrixart it. r. FIRST AKD GREAT. EFFORT !' r Geo. H- Adams' '' v ow.v xsw " f- HUMPTY2 BUMP TV TilQUPE 1.' i a . .. J - 1 ' " ' ,-' SuperlatiTc Specialty-AsaemnlyJ ' 1 , i Military: Brass Band- and Orchestra1 Under the management cf Adaci Forepaua I For parU:ulars f e Mainnioth Bills, Post- J - """" ' "..-"7'r- en, tc. Prices, at Juml. Eeatt . secured : at DjerA Frday, Feb. 10. . i feb9-St-th satmen' " ' 'J . : THSvCQfViluCIAL- HOTEL;: T PAIRED AND ENTIRELY Reattod, j XV is now open for the reception of PhH4 i Wwr AXilJ TR ANSIENT ; GUESTS, f Every eifort made to give satisfaction. Be-' i clal rates lor Regular Boarders, , i - i. :i- kM. SCIILOaS. ProriHfttftr ' tSFiret Class Bar Room attached. . !eb 10 i Beautiful 4-::- Valentines- A" NEW LOT UST RiEIT ED Y j TOR LOViR3 OF ALL DIA? 3 S3,. Boys, but those COMICa;. h 'imkd . I i ' J , is THE LIVE BOCK:. STfdRE. t- Pianos ailU b O CHEAP FOii OA-sH'OR'fiX THE EASY loetaloaaat rlaB,t-, . . . : aKiy--BEEOEEsi feb 0 Live Boole and Kusio Stcre. MARTIH'S VAGC1HE VIRUS; Noktu Cxbowna: Mzxip4.t. Jouawai. . . :Age:nct ron ins Soxrt bxbit States FRE3H AND ACTIVE VACCINE from' tue renowned establishment ot Dr. Henry A, , Martin, furnished ia largo or email quanti ties. This vaccl a ei warranted to take lu all primary cases. . . . 5 - 7LancetP6lntsfor$1.00 V - c 15 ... do- do 2.00 Each lancet point will vaccinate one per son.. . -! . Orders by telegraph "or mail will receiVe prompt attention. -; J , ... , J ; THOMA8 F. WOOD, 1 i Ian 20-tf . nac WIlminRton, N. O Altaffer, Prico & Co.. Li .4 -' - MANUFAOTURER3 AND DEALERS Cf - VIFIOQW SASHES AJiD CLIIJDr DOORS. FRAMES. MA flTLES. ; M0ULD1HQ. BRACXETSvc, : ; MILL YARD AND OFFICE, . 'i e, Jan 30- , .. . Foot of Wslnnt Etreet . HEW Y0RK?& WILMIHGITOH r STEAMSHIP CO SEMI-WEEKLY LINE . -.; 8TEA1IER3 , i-py A - v-;-;a i WILL SAIL FX6iL IfS I OMt p: ' ' -Em V3 WEDNIBDAY acd DATURDAYi at s Ve'oek, P, M. , .i EENEFArjmaThurtiay, Jtcea r YS REOULATOuUM.M8atarday January : 3S GULP B7EEAM -I'. - . . ; ..-Tt Saturday, Tebrolry A BBSPFACT03.rftdT, February RKQULAT02. Sttardy, JebrearyU : Through i RU! aid LewVrt Poiats iaNrtS asd ftjta Crc2aa.'U rocs, jx uor::; . X, f THEO. Q, tUfX;' i'T'Jcy kfrj - -1 - iwW it "f "r things.. i i?txk. rated. Ccli ezlr at Jaeexr'a. t . Qtz'l Acsti i Jan JS-tf

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