tSIfS PAVES a PT 'el kh nnrrr' s JOBH. T. AMRII, jaxrroK fboiritg. CHCK'fTIONb.OaTAOE PAII. ' ,oa:!,fl 35 OsenontbVsOcent. ft PPr wiiI bdBlivered tycirrieff, re ef ehergc, in "J P ti!e cityettfce rtu. or IS Cts per yk- X i.dTrtinr rte low asd iibm ygobtcrtber will pleae report any ecd C fHler to reeeiTe tteir paper regular) j. jf evrA dvertisementk, F'Olt rev '1 w ti n m lieurafgio. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacho, Soreness of the Chest, Bout, Quins, Sore Throat, Sure fl ings and Sprains, 8urns and ' Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and ali other Pains and Aches. y, Prpnti''n cn prth uals St. Jaoobs Oil enf 'c,nrr, fhtirjf and cheap External S. A trial cDtaila Imt the coiapnratirely IKIIinc ontlny of oO Coot's, Rtii every onruffr- with rain liaT,? cheap D(i powtiT prtxf f jt claims. Directioa3 in Eleven Langnagfj. BOLD 3T ALLD3UGGIST3 AKD DEALEK3 IU MEDICINE. A. VOGEUER., & CO., Baltimore, 2Z d,, XT, S. JL. Debility. KNewbebn, Sept. 6, 1S81. T HAVE USED MRS 4 JOE PERSON'S TONIC for generaldebility, consequent npcm liYlng In' a low country, and found great benefit from it as an appetizer which, gave tone to the'eystem. MART BAYARD CLARKE, For sale in Wilmington, by Dr. W, Hi GREEN, febl TOWELS, TOWELS, LARQE LOT OF VARIOUS Styles. Thejprlces are all4 right. CORSETS, CORSET 4 sUsa, froat medium to good. Twl. iiOcIntire. Altaffer, Price & &.m M AXOFAOTURERS AN D D AL' R3 IN tnnOQW SASHES A?1D BUNDS. DCOn:, FRAMES. 74 A hTLES UOULDINQ. BRAfeKETS. &e. ALSO, V Xa'xim MILL YARD AND OFFICE, J10- FootofWalnnt i?tret John Werner, PRACTICAL flERlUn BARBER AMD PERFUMER. 20 Market at, WUmlnton, N. O. . My mmy friend in SmithviUe and in the eoanUy are inrited to come and see me. 4 Captaiaa and Commercial Travel I'Te befit workmen and tbe flnwt ac oao0oni la the ctty. . ftb 10-ly 1 tJ$g&B3&&-zs mmA If 1 1 S i i m : i W Vy VOL. VI WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1882. NO LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. JasT PyrTTE-AV Feitljizera HEiXEBEsaEii-A'alentiiies ! C.W Yat Always on Hand Vr T,noe F WooUTMarl; n'aVaccine Virus No City Conrt to-3a More rain early this morning Sorrow 13 Eeldom measured by its Wood is agaia scarce and command good pricea. , A. It. on a lady's diploma means, 'aftr baclielors.". The receipts of cotton at this port to ri iy foot up 134 balejs. j Nor. barque Xoah, Salvecsen, hence, arrived at T;bee Feb. 12h. 'I - , Norwegian barque Saga, arrived at Liverpool Feb. 11 Bie, jhence, b. The best and rrorst thing you can say of. a marriage is that it is a tie. j' i lie that wears a tight boot is likely to have a narrow understanding. Barque San Juan, Bache, clared at London, January 30th, for this port. T. ' Schr. J. A, Griffin, Foster, cleared at Philadelphia, Feb. 10th, for this port. Barque GuldbringuA sailed; from Newport, Wales, January 26th for this port. v x i-! :- Barque CJu Weyer, Trenck, sailed from St. Tincent, 0. V., January 13th, for thia port. . I . , i. i Schooner F. B. Baird cleared at Charleston, S. C, February 11th, for this port. . j Joshua was the first man- "who ever tock a newspaper. Daily Sun. He s opped the Rafts of timber and naval stores con tinue to arrive with every ebb tide in large quantities. 1 Valentine's Day to-day and the little folks have been in a flutter for the past twenty-feuf hours. ,; , It our ancestors were! monkeys ; the; ' couldn't have been ignorant. They aU revelled in the higher branches. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Seld only at Jacob ia. t i The young' folks had a very pleasant Hop at the Rankin Hall last ! night, given complimentary to a young lady of this city. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Gjass, &c You can get ali i sizes and at the lowest prices. t Remittent fever is not contagious. At least delinquent subscribers do no seem to catch it, no matter how much they are exposed. t The fruit-trees hereabouts 'are budding and if we do not have a cold snap soo-n we fear that tho prospects for a good fruit season will be poor. On motion of Mr. John D., Bellamy Jr., Messrs. E.H, King and John C. Davis were yesterday .admitted in the Criminal Court to the practice of law. The next entertainment at the Opera House in this city will be j Ford's Operi Company, in" "Patience" Or "The Mas cotte," on the Wednesday of next week, the 22nd inst. j Schr. L. E. WJtitman, Campbell, from Providence, h. I., arrived at Orient. L. I.. Feb. 7th to load for this port. Touched on a sand; west side of Dutch Island J came off uninjured. bar on the Feb. 5th, but Mfcbjgan Personal Item. Among the many who have I experienci ed the remarkable benefit of the Great German Blocd Purifier Drops, Mr. Mathias Bauscb, Cold Water Mich, refers to the case of an acquaintance whe, after suffering tor a year with ; Indigestion, which physician and remedies failed to relieve, was made well j and hearty by theuse the Hamburg Drops, i , . 1. 1 1 .I ii i i -j j"" : Unmailablej Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice ia this city: ' 1 1 " '. " W. M. Ward, Oates' X Roads, S. C. Mrs. S. J. RichardsonJ Weldon, N. C; Edward Askew, Fondsville, N. C; Vir ginia A. Rowe, Tarboro, N. C. j Sallie DOzier, Britten Neck, S. C. ; Mrs. MaL lett, 309 Monroe street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mr. Frank C. MalUtt, 116 Pearl street, N. T. -!k .i At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 73 degrees, which is only three degrees lower than Summer heat. I Steam boatmen report an abundance of water in the Cape Fear, although there is a slight falling oft in the up country section of the river. So mild has the winter been in this section that a gentleman here tells us that there are now, on a quince tree in his garden, green i leaves of last year's growth. i I ' The fire alarm bell is now in position on the new tower, and was rung for the first time to-day, not to sound the alarm of fire but "just to see how the old thing worked' ! . " 1 A email delegation from Cumberland Lodge, K. of P., of Fayette ville, arrived in this city this morning on the steamer Gov. Worth, en route for the Grand Lodge at Goldsboro. Capt. D. R. Murchison, we are glad to learn, has so far recovered as to be able to travel. He left here this morn ing for New York, accompanied by his wife and hia brother, Col. K: M. Mur chison. I ' J Exports Foreign. Ger. barque Constantine von Ram ecke, Fretwurst, cleared at this port to day for Liverpool with 1,269 bales cot ton, shipped by Messrs D. R. Murchison & Co., and Ger. barque Michael Marx, cleared for Stettin, with 3,425 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs E. Peschau fc Westermann. ! Judge Seymour Nominated- j By a private dispatch received hero from Washington City, we learn that Judge Seymour was to-day nominated by the President as Jadge of the U. S. Dis trict Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, to succeed the lamented Judge Brooks. It is thought that in all probability Jadge Seymour will bo con firmed. Fertilizers. We invite attention to the advertise ment of Wilcox, Gibbs & Co's manipu lated guano, as it appears in this issue. This standard fertilizer enjoys a fine reputation in this State and has attained a large sale. Those who use it once are sure to use it again and the sale conse quently increases largely year by year Any information relative to it will be cheerfully famished by Mr. Jas. T. Pet", teway, the agent,' in this city and at Laurinburg. t Hampty-Damptr. There was a large attendance at the Opera House last night at the above named , performance. Mr. George H. Adams, (Humpty Dumpiy) when with out his "war paint," is a reserved, digni. fled young man in j appearance, from whom it would seem useless to expect a joke,but when he bounces injto the stage he is the very personification of mischief and fun, and keeps the audience convulsed with laughter as long as he remains. The other, parts of the performance were good, the cat duett very good ; we have heard better ventriloqual efforts, but have never seen a better acrobatic per formance. I I " "llow old are you," said an ancient dame to a grinnisg little tar-pot. "Well, ir I goes by what mudder says, I almost ten, bat if I goes by de fun I'ss had, I'se most a hundred." O! that all could measure their years in this way, but how many, measure them by long night watches, and almost fatal coughing spells, which could have been cured by a bot tle of JJr. .bail's Cough byrup taken in season. Vennorfor February. Some of Vennor's predictions for the earlier part of the month were remarka bly . correct, but he J tailed partially when he said that the 11th and 12th would probably bring a return of cold and blustery weather. " We bad the cold without the bluster. He said that the week between the 11th and 18th is likely to give alternations of mildness spent with enow and rain storms, these becom ing more severe, toward the end of the week, the 17th or 18th 'giving general snow falls. The 19th will probably other in a terrible week of rain-storms (snow in some quarters) and floods, with days of very high winds and gales. These will be more marked ' in western and southern sections of country, aad will terminate in generally cold weather ud beavy esow falls toward the 25 th and 26 th days and entry of March. . IfasUtrate'i Court. - Warrock Perry, colored, was brought before Justice Millis this ' morning for examination, charged with an asiault and battery with a deadly weapon a hatchet upon Joseph Buie, also colored. The defendant was found guilty of the charge and, required to gve a bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court,- in default of which he was committed. j Joseph Buie, the plaintiff in the above case, was araigned upon a charce of as sault upon Warrock Perry, the defend. ant in the first cue, ani was found i guilty and ordered to jay a fine of $5 and costs. He paid up and was discharged. Criminal Court j After the close of our report yester day the following cases were brought (o trial and disposed of : Abram Bcatty, charged with larceny; found guilty. Charles Williams, larceny, ' not con cluded. 1 Grayson Jenkins, larceicy,! nol pros entered and defendant discharged. Nol pros were entered in several other cases and quite a number were', continu ed. The proceedings to-day.were as fol lows: j. . J. H. Loftio, larceny, found guilty, bat sentence not yet pronounced. Primus DeLeonJ larcency, found guil ty, but recommended to the mercy of the Court, i ; ; Clifton Armstrong and Jaae Ander son, larceny, jury out at the time oar re port closed. List or Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed. In the City Postoffice Wednesday, Feb. 16: A Dollie Anderson, B L Allen. B Martha Brown, Hannah Bell, Mary A xtishop, w 11 JiynnsviLIe, Ma nerva A Bryant, Jno Baker, (4) : W A Bird, E L Burriss, D E Brown. C Alice Conncll, Ada Cox, John Cooper,) A il Carter, Unas Cowles, Daw son Couekin, J O Craig, JS Croon, John Copeland, Virgil Oarr. D Viney Dewey, Mary Ann Davis, Eliza Davis, Dent Davis, Henry Davis, James Davidson, (2) j Lewis F Dectwick. S Julia Everett, Chas Edwards. F Katie Farrow, Wright Foy, J W Fails. , ' G Hannah Griffin, William Gleason, Hamilton Green, D P Garner, F L Gor rington. H Aimy Howard, Harriet Hill, Se rena House, Susie Herring, Watson Hall, H Hard wick, W H Henderson (2), S Hamersh, J Q Hall, John Holland, H F (Hanks. I G Irvon. 1 J Annie Johnson, Mary K Jones, Wallis Johnson, Lewis Johnsons J L Cenie Lewis, Lilda S Lee, Monroe Lewis, (3), R S Logan, P W Lawriri, M Long, Frank Lillie. I M -John F Moore, Joseph F McMil lan, Martha A Melton, Mary Moore, Mary Jane McBride, Thos D Murray, F Murray, Carrie Merton. P M C Paterson, E W Phile, Rev Jarry Paterson, J H Parker, B L Perry man & Co. I R Abram Reed, William Rass, Herny Rhone, F Rossi S B F Sanders, N H Sprunt, (2), Swain, Mary Stevenson, Moses Spruill, Jefferson Sl$epard, Mary Spencer, Jen nie Stamps, Fred Strauss, B Smith, Elsie Swain," Eugene Stewart, Cathie Sims, Andrew Stevens, D E Smith, Rev Thos Smith, O H Strode. W S A! Wallace, Roseanna Waddell, PMK Williams, Maggie Williams, Kate Walker, Ella Williams, David Wiggs, Charlotte Watters, J F Wilkin, Rose anna Waddell. Y -Soloman Young. Persons calling for letters In above, list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, .Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, - New Hanover County, S. C Catarrh of the Bladder. ' , Stinging,! smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas. C. Munds. ! Qnarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of the Methodist K Church, South. ' FIRST ROUND. Bladen, at Windsor. . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Job b son's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap el, . i . . March 4 -5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11.12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . . March 18-19 C3The District Stewards will meet ta Wilmington at the parao sage of the Front StreetChnrch at 11 o'clock a. za on Tuesday, the 3rd of Jannary.1882. ; PR.O. Brno PrtiidiagEldsr. 38 How Advertisements. EF o p 5 D 5 so rr sKMif 5 0 5s S i?3 ! THE WILCOX1 GIBBS & GO'S MAUIPilLAT 0 QUANO 1 Is claimed rk1 Best, Host Eeliabl0 and Cheapest Fertilizer in use for Cotton and other Crops. "You 3n al xa?s depend upon ih" . -; T - - 4 Airiape bnr aupplies at bnc.'oa tKe usaal tarm: . All material oompoaioffFerfilizsis are diffieuik to fcet, but iterate ho advnca id: Vha rre of cur lrfcui For suppUss tnd any iufoxmu,km in regir.Guina' comrnunicitd feb 14 ' , Circulatinsr library. fJlHE ONLY CIRCULATING LIBRARY in the City; 15 cents per wee;' 50 cents per month; $1.15 per quarter, 14 per annum in advance. 1 Best 5c and 10c Cigar in the market. Call and see me, feb 13 HARRIS' NEWS DEPOT. Evening: F lowers, I HAVE JUST RECEIVED.by Express, a a very beautiful lot of Evening Flowers. I will receive by Steamer "Regulator" the nrst spring uats and .bonnets. I have secure the Agency of the Uni versal Fashion Company's patterns, which can be aad on very reasonable terms. Respectfully, I JI8S E. KARREE, feb 13 Erahange Corner Now is the Time 0 BUY YOUR MULES AND HORSES. Just arrived and for sale twenty Mules and ten Horses suitable for all wark. Call, ex amine, price and buy. I T. J. SOUTHERL A.ND, febl3-3t I Second Street ew Restaurant. T HE UNDERSIGNED would respectful lyannouuce that he baa juat ttedup at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front St., a Ree- taurant fori Ladies and GenUemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of the day. Every thing Is new and first class. FoUte waiters and eourteouaat "Game and Oye , Cm'seasoxu Fine Wines, Liqttors and Cigars. . ov IS ! F. A. BOHUTTE, Prop. THE V ARIETV STORE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spectfully notify his mends and the public that ho has recently re turned from a Tisit to tho Northern Markets where be has purchased tha ? Handsomest Display 1 OP MILLiriERYi FAflCY GOODS, nQTIQn8 AND HOLIDAY O000S bejas ever offered in this city " : . Hyetockle -' ; - laarQC, Complcto And in I have thousands of things which it would take columns to enumerate. I My fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. I lead in these goods as my patrons wel know. 1 nave an eiegani variety of. , -1 . - . MilJinery Good, Uat Triramingr, &CrV To which I invito the attention of tht Ladies. m"m My stock ef CHRISTMAS GOODS M - ej .. ej is full and complete ana caring oeea bought low will be sold low. i 5 sKl I respeetfally iavite a call rand issptsr tion. Jj. FIjAN AG AN, j Variaty Ctcrj, dealt Ne. Uarkrtttrt. PUR CELL H8USE, OJrpES sfETT XxAffAGSlirST, TuMa9T03, B O i ''-! d iv peaur, v J- V pro? r LAts Fiprfefcr Attestle xUiel Fft ttuf ie bB it srofiltxnU, Tcra iS.it$3pereT. febttt. ttlvt fzxttini ay aad 'ill rebkurT ?a tai of tae vrff nxM eliy be f Coianseiawtgiajs be; vttttea: cs j And it Ii espeeiaUj and pczlxrly oad? r ood that the Editntoeg tsxi always tad or ?-F,ot Prrwrpcedesti taleea aa atat la,Oie edllorfaj olasiaa4 f Hew I Aiyartiieiriont .- "5 t5 i e adaaittM to te' the have fidvan?od Wilmlrlgtoa hd Liaiiinbur?; Al wave! ori Hand 9 i BCHOOL AND BLASE BOOKS, StaUonery, Oo!d Peas, Albumri W; Ac. , - : i --..-vr . 't - r Agent for the Celebrated ; Decker, Piaaos i W 4-- .'Yates, Bookseller and, Statlenf r feb IS Valentine Oh I little ibreliest lady mine '. Trhat shall I sat d for your Yalentlne t '' Bummer aad FJcwers are far away; ' Gioomy old winter is kicg toW ay; r ' Bads will: not b!ow aad lua wiU not shin.. What (hall lido for Valentine"? . . . - . E.OQQ, ANSWERS . 00 TO THE LIVE BQOK STORE There you wUl fisd the ffrettast variety anJ i i j finest se:ortment la the city, and all Freeh and Jew. feb IS m X f ' " BOUND'fTRIP Excursion ates I TO MEW OR le Arj s; VIA. THE ASSOCIATED LINES Southern Travel ! , ; Excursion Tickets to New Orleans and Return will be sold at Uie following R duced Rates : . , . , ? From COLUMBIA, $31. -; -: golD3Boro $35, wilmington $34, , - Tickets will be on, sale at above point February 13tb; Hth, and Utlu Good to return tfll March 4th incluiive. Period ot travel limited to three dsys each way J- J: :, : r'; ApdPE?i - febll-St-llili-k ; Gent PaasgVAgt f m ppOMEMIAL HOTEL TJf VAfBti D AND ' ENTIRELY iefitted, XV U new open for tbe reception of Pf R. MANENT AND TRANSIKMT flTTT?jrrfl- Every effort znade to cive ftufzi-tiem. gn. clal ratee for Regular Boarders. J- . t v . M. BCHL03S, Proprietor C5First Class Bar Room attached. ... io 10 r. . ' . MAflTIIl'S VACCINE VlflUS North Oiioua-ifiwoXt5 Joraiil't ABBjrcr roa xax copx fxsxr CTXira TTlRESn AND ACTIVE TACCINE front JC ' .r"2f -:cr SI -? '"t sne rtoowmed eetablbhmentof Dr. Henrr A. Martla. furnished ta large or small quanti ties i .This vaceice i warranted to takeia . all primary cases. j ' -j vi s 7 Lancet Points for f 1.00 j r V15 - do . i do 2.00 . 'X aek lamcet point-will rarcinate one per-! Orders fcy Ulegrapb -or, mail wCl receive i prompt attention. " ' ' ' ,t...k fan25.if sac "a . w . Wnmlnrtm. ML O . , , - . - i f- , 1 ' ! i i 1 1

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