r. yHQfi33B""SSfi3CSfflBBSlSSM3HftfiB3Bg. i 1HI8 FJFEB PL21SB IT OTIO. Wo WlU fcaglsA to ruatlre oonunttidcatfo. 0W4 ill. A L. MA . a - - Mint '--- tt-t ; ' m - .- : . - ' V - i i-. . .... . . . . v .sec1 w 8Mdy jo an. t. J a m b hhtob AKX PRonntioB. -DBSGKirTiOI'9FOTA,aI5 rer,t5 00 8ix Ronths, $260 ; Three Bontfc f 1 M ; One month, 50 ents. v, pper will be delivered by carriers, M-eeherfeMj Prof the city, attke pirates, or 13 cents per week. idrertiiBJC ratef low and liberal gobseribers will please report aay and .a fail"" to receive their papere regularly. j?ew A d vertisomen ts: P. 11C Iffi fj 11 THE GREAT ikifi FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Soro Throat, Swell fags and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Jooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted feaf and Ears, and alt other Pains and Aches. Ko rrapmtion en rfh qual St. Jacobs Oil u $afe, trs simple and cheap External Baquxfr. A trial ent&ila but th comparatiTely main outlay of 60 Cents, and Try onauffr Uif with pain can hara cheap and poaitiTS proof tt itetlains. JNractioni in lern Langusgf . BOLD BY AILDEUGGISTS AOT DEALERS 15 MEDICINE. A VOGEUBR & CO., Baltimore 2TdM V. 8. JL. Parti cnlar Kotlee. AU the drawinRSwill hereafter be under the exclusive suDerrision and control ofl GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and UB AX A.EARLY; A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Third Grand Distribution Cites C, at New Orleans, Tuesday, Marc 14, 18S2 142d Monthly DrawiDff. Loiislaiia State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1863 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Irs Grand Siitglb Number Drawings wfll tale place monthly. - It never xsalet or postpone Loek at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. W0,000 Jwrns at Two Dollars Each. Halt-Tickets, Oxe Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of -1 Capital Prize of - - - $30,000 10,000 5,000 5.000 5,000 10,000 .10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1 CaplUl Prize of 2 Prizes of $2,500 5 Prizes ot 1,000 surnzes or J500 - - - - - 100 Prizes of 1100 200 Prizes of 50 - - 600 Prizes of - . 20 ----- - 1000 Prizes of 10 - - - - - APPROXIMATION PRIZES Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 Approximation Prizes ol 2001,800 S 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to - - $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at .all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid .. For: further information, write clearly, giving full address. 8end orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed oxlt to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La f tS, A DAUPHIN, 127 fa Salle Street, Cblcag-o, Ills. The New York Office is removed to Chicago! N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attention. The particular attention of the Pub lie ts UecLio the fact that the entire number oj the Tickets for each Monthly Ihwinais sold, and eonsequenity all the prize in each drawing are told end drawn ana paid fab l&-w4-Mt-4wdw MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRU - . Noxth Carolina Medical Jouskal ' AorKCT rox thx Eoctherx States SH AND ACTIVE YACCINE from renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A . irtia, famished in large or small quan ti tles. This vacdoe is warranted toukelR prinury cases. 7 Lancet Points for $ 1.00 15 do do 2.00 ci lancet point will xs.eeiat3 one per iou. Orders by telegraph or mail wPl receive lKp attention. u w THOMAS F. WOOD, fcasa-tf nac Wilmington. Jf. O ITJanted. A POSITION A8 CLERK or Book keep- w wherever the subscriber can asie hiaself generally usefuL fct , JOHN H. PUGH, Hn. it UUHU VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. f882. NO. LOCAL NEWS. New AprEKTisEMEST. Mrs Joe ; "Phrsox Medicinal R il McIxtibf White Goods, Laces, Ac Hexrt Savage, Tax Collector Notice Hall fe Pears all Coffee, MoUlmcr and 8uar - j IIeijjsberoeu Bridal Prernta ' (WYxtes .Always on Hand Dr Thosi F WooD-Martiu'e Vaccine Virus No mail's trate 'g court to day. 1 Ihe Grand Jury to-day. found two true bills The receipts ol cottoa at this port to day foot up 2."7 bales. i j Bare aud bleediog fetare often found treading the path of du'ty. j Scbr. U. F. Lee, Marts, bencej arriv ed at Philadelphia Feb. 14 th. Ncr. barque itauma.jGronblorn, hence, arrired at Bremen Feb. 14 th. ib Frr trimming on ekirta loigs to the furbelow on naturally he dresa. be lt has been decided by scientists that the man who snores 13 a sound sleeper. An heiness can afford to wcaranyihiog, from a hateful frown to a lore of ajbonnct. Steamship Gulf Stream, Ingram, hence, arrived at New York Feb. 14th. -H - - :- Norwegian barque Elektra, Irensen, hence, arrived at Livepool Feb 13th. Danish barque Margcyritta, Hansen, hence, arrived at St. John's, P, R., Jan: 17th. - 1 S ' 1 Ger. barque Lucy ' Paul, Andries hence, arrived at 13th. Bristol, Eng., Feb. Some men rely ori truth, some real-lie-on ialsehood, while others reel high on whiskey. - I 1 Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. ' .A full assort I ment and lowest prices at Jaoobi's. t No young lady of culture now thinks of callincr the earth bareJ She says the nude earth. ii i - One of the latest curiosities is said to be a fence made from the railings of a scolding wife. 1 Beautify your nomea (by ing the N Y. EMtmelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. , t ' 1 ; , 'I Don't be deceived by appearances a one cent cigarette makes more smoke while it lasts than the best Havana Clgar' ' x i j The backbone of tne cotton market has stiffened to-day and as a consequence there were a few shorter faces on 'Change this noon. Schooners 4ne LK. Lewis, Lewis, and Mary E. Van Cleaf, Thorndike, both from this port, were at Ponce, j P. R., Feb. 5tjj, discharging, for New York to Baikbout the 7 th inst. The receipts of crude turpentine at this port to-day foot up 2,484 barrels, which is the largest day's receipt? of this article since February j 16th, 1880, when 7,418 barrels were received here. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t Steamboatmen inform us that when they left Fayetteville yesterday the riv er was rapidly falling, but there is yet an abundance of wa rafting purposes. er for boating or Ranaway. Some little excitement was occasioned on North Water street this afternoon by the dashing up the street of a horse with the shafts of a dray attached to the har ness and dangling at his heels.; Be did not run . far, however, before he was caught. Two draymen had just lifted a heavy bale of sheeting on ja dray at the foot of Chestnut street when the shafts popped and the horse started 'off ODjthe run.- , t'" .r '' i i Body BecoTjred. The body of a colored woman by the name of Betty II iocs, an! oyster gatherer, who was drowned on Masonboro .Sound on Mooday last by tie capsizing of a boat in which she was seated, was recover, ed yesterday. The face and body were badly mutilated by the fish. She waa found by Csesar Baker and Aleck Gallo way, two colored men who were 4 grap pling for the body, and in' the spot on which she went down. An ltqueit will probably net bthsld. Criminal Coort ' The following cases have been disposed of in this Court since our yesterday's re port: -J-": . J: State vsl William Sweat, charged with larceny. Verdict not guilty. k State vs. Alice Fairfield, charged with larceny. r Verdict euilty. . . , ''t One case of selling liquor to minora was tried this forenoon aud found guilty. Mr. It. B. Postmaster at Askew, lato Assistant 'Baltimore," said some some time ago: "Having had occasion to try Ur Bull's Cough Symp, I unhesi tatingly pronounce it the best remedy i nave ever used. A small hottle relieved me of a severe cold." I . City Court. Major Dixon, a colored boy, waa brought before the Mayor this morning, charged with throwing a stone against the door of one of our citizens last night. The charge was sustained, and the boy was ordered to pay a fine of $5, or be confined in the city prison for 10 dayc Not having the funds, he went below. Emily Bradley, colored, for disorderly conduct, was ordered to pay a. fine of $5 or go fcelow for 10 days. 3he went be low. . ! A Fine Showing. Master Sol. Weill, a son of Mr. A Weill, of this cityj is now a student at the Hebrew Union College and High School, at Cincinnati. He will graduate from .the High School in June and con tinue his studies at a University. Sol writes to bis father, under date of February 12th, giving the following per centages as the result of his exam ination : Bookkeeping, 100 ; Latin, 99; Greek, 99; 'history, 98 ; chemistry; 95 maKing an average ot y. uouid any fond parents ask for more ? The Birer and Bar Works. . We learn from Mr.Bacon,the Engineer in charge of the works for improvement of the Cape Fear river and bar, that ihe work of dredging the river is steadily progressing. There are two steam dredges at work on what is known as the Horse Shoe, this side of Smithville, deepening and cleaning out and straightening the channel; and this work is to be continued all of the way to Wilmington, 16 feet at low water being the uniform depth to be obtained. After this amount of water is secured there will probably be more ' dredging done for a still further increase. The work is being done now by contract. Col. Craighill's estimate for the ensuing year for this work is $300,000, and this is the sum that Congress will be asked to appro priate for the Cape Fear. I The improve ment has been so great and the increase Of water so decided that there should be no difficulty in securing enough money to complete this very important work. The rise of tide is 3 feet at Wilming ton. 3 feet at Bier Island, 4 feet at the Horse hoe and 4 J feet .on the bar. . Three days use or tit. Jacobs Uii was sufficient to cure Mrs. Joseph Hinkle of Hanover, Pa., of rheumatism, after being unable for a Ion? time to attend to her work. i .-, Sufferings at Sea. Ship Jessie Burrill, Churchill, which arrived at New York, Feb. 14th, reports that on Feb. 9th, in lat. 3S.30, loo. 70.30, she fell in with the brig Jennie Mortont Granger, hence for Baltimore, lumber loaded, water-logged and dismasted; took off the crew, five in number, and carried them to New York. ' . The Jennie Morton left here Feb. 2nd and had pleasant weather until the 4th, when, according to the report of the sur vivors, she experienced a fearful gale during which one of the crew had his arm broken and was subseqaestly washed overboard and drowned. ' The vessel was thrown on her beam ends and the crew I were obliged to lash themselves to the chain plates. They suffered, untold hard ships and the steward died from exhaus tion and exposure. Two cans of con densed milk was all the sustenance the fiyeremaining men had from Monday, the 6th inst. until Thursday, the 9th inst., at which time they were rescued at above stated. ' - ; " The Jennie 'Morton was cleared from this port for New York by Messrs Geo. Harriss & Co. with a cargo of 158,856 feet lumber, shipped by Messrs Colville fc:Co. i a;,. j Br&in&SerTe- . Well's Health.:Benewer," greatest remedy on earth tor impotence, leanness, exmAl debiUty, 'c. 51, at draggists. Depot Jai O.UddJ.V, :.. , Bishop Lyman's Appointments March 5 Sunday, Chapel Hill. March 12 Sunday, Newborn. March 14 Tuesday, Kins ton. March 15 Wednesday, Snow Hill. March 16Thureday, Wilson. March 17 Friday, Rocky Mount. March 19 Sunday. Enfield. March 21 Tuesday, Ringwood. March 23 Thursday, Halifax. March 24 Friday, Weldon. March 26 Sunday, Murfreesboro. I March 26 Sunday evening, Winston. March 28 Tuesday, Gatesville. March 29 Wednesday, St. Peter's, Gates county. 1 i 'March 31 Friday, Hertford. ' April 1 Saturday evening, Camden. April 2---Sunday, Elizabeth City. April 3 Monday, Newoegun Chapel. April 5 Wednesday, St. Luke's. Washington county. April 6 Thursday, Columbia, Tyrrell county. April 7 Good Friday, St. David's, Washington county. 1 April 9 Easter Day, Edenton. April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth. April 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents,' Bertie county. April 14 Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. April 16 Sunday, Grace Church, Bertie county. , April 17 -Monday, Roxabel. April 18 Tuesday,' Jaokson. North ampton eounty. I April 20 Thursday, Faison. April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. April 25 Tuesday, Smithville. April 25 Tuesday evening, S t. Mark's, Wilmington. i j April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds boro. f I April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, Baleigh. April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh. ' j May 5-j-Sunday, Christ Church, , Ra laigh. I j - May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Raleigh, j May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck, ! May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. May 19 Friday, James ville. May 20 Saturday) Trinity, Beaufort Connty. - May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday, Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church, Beaufort county. 1 May 2$ Friday evening, Pantego. ' May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. j May 31 Wednesday, Makelysville, Hyde county. June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde county. June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hyde County. ' June 11 Sunday, Rockfish, Consecra tion. 1 I June 11 Sunday evening, Fayette ville. ' Jane 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. Holy communion at all morning ser vices. Collections for Diocesan Missions. Mourning for Gen. McBae. I "The engines and cars are all draped, also depots and offices, and everything possible is being done to show respect.1' The above is extracted from a private letter to aj gentleman of this place, from an officer of the Western & Atlantic R R., of which Gen. McRae was General Manager. A delegation would have come on from the road to attend the fu neral services had they known of the sad event in time to arrive here. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of j the Methodist E. Church, South. T FIRST BOUHD. Bladen, kt Windsor, . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, I . Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap- i el, . . . March 4 -5 Duplin; at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . March 18-19 tThe- District Stewards will meet ta Wilmington at the parso nage of the Front StreetChurch at 11 o'clock a. m.. on Tuesday, the 3rd of January.1882. K. O, Bubtok. Presiding Elder. Bescned from Death. William J. Coughlin of Somerville Mass., says: In the fall ot 1876 I was taken with bleedintr of the lungs follow ed by a severe cough. 1 lost my appe tite and nesb, and I was confined to - my bed. In 1877 1 was sdmitted to the Hospital. he doctors eaid I had a hole in my lung s big as a half dollar. At one lime a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Lungs I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to feel better, and to-day 1 feel bettor thaa for three years past. . ' I i "1 write this hoping every one ! afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and convinced that Consumption can be cured. I can posi tively say it has done more good than all the other medicines I have takes tinea mj sickness. 40 How I Advertisements I Office Tax Collector. City of Wilmington, N- C. .. February 15th, 183. Wotice. rpHE SALE OF RtAL ESTATE, for jthe City Tsx of 1831, will be-io. on MONDAY, I FEBRUARY 20th, at 12v o'clock, at the Court House door. All persons inter- I ested must pay ;. before, th&tdate to art id the ADDITIONAL cost of sale. ' , HENRY SAVAGE, 1 Tax Collector feb 16 3t WHITE GOODS, LACES, NECK WEAR, &C. I JUST RECEIVED WHITE and Brown Linen Thread for Embroidering purposes, all sizes. ' CORSETS In good Styles. THE TOWELS shown in such variety the past few days, are selling freely, the prices are right. - I Closing out CLOAKS, DOLMANS and ULSTERS at very low figures. CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, a good assortment. . i - -1 LACE CURTAINS, I the largest stock of such goods in the State. 6V3. Elficlntire. feb 16 Coffee, Molsgaeo and Sugar. gQQ Bags COFFEE, 1 Cif Hbds. and BbJs New ' 1UU CUBAl MOALSSES, 100 Bbl Refined SUQAR 1200 Bbls' Good FL0UR' Orders will be filled at lowest mar ket rates. tCD HER CASE WAS AN INTERESTING STUDY , Littleton, N. C, Nov. 10, 1881. Mrs. Job Person. M . . Dear Madam: I commenced last Jan nary to use your Bitters and Wash on our little daughter Annie, aged twelve years, for Scrofula, with a tendency to White Swelling, the . physician said. . At the time I commenced , using your Remedy she was very much reduced in flesh, com plexlon sallow, appetite poor, limbs very much swollen, bones enlarged, with two frightful sores on her left leg near the an kle. After using the Remedy a week or two I could see a change, as I then thought,for the worse. The sores dischar ged copiously a yellow corruption, some times running In a streamito the floor in spite of the linens. But feeling encoura ged by your letters I persevered and after using the Remedy a while longer her strength was greatly improved, her appa tlte good; and complexion much Improved. Those symptoms encouraged me, but the flow of corruption continued for several months, and not until her general health was greatly Improved did the sores begin to heal. First the swelling began to de. crease below the knee,and continued grad uslly downward, and when it nearly reach ed the sores they began to heal. In the meantime the leg from tho ankle hal way to the knee became covered with run ning pimples, in fact the leg .bad become almost a solid sore. 1 Alter this the sores healed rapidly. The worst one, on the In step, healed entirely, the other to the size of a five cent piece, and it has remained in mac conaiiion ever since, wmcn nas been several months ago. For! a month or more it has not discharged at ' all, and looks sometimes now as if it was entirely well. As a Blood Purifier asd Tonic 1 think it superior to anything I ever tried. If yon could have seen my daughter when she commenced uaicg your Kennedy, and now, you would barclly believe bar to be the same child Last January neirly every one thought she wonld die ' Thsn she was a living skeleton, now she Is fat and rosy. Her case was aa interesting s'ndv from tha tixr.s be commenced your Remdy. I can most be-irri'y akclcfceer folly recommend it to b! wbat you claim for it. Wfshmz von every succsj witn your undertaking, and with many thanks for the beoeriu we have received from your medicine, I am, very respectf ally, i Mil IL J. ALLEN. Tbo Ime !v is for sale in Wilmington bv DR. W.H GKEBN. I feb 17 - : John Werner, PRACTICAL QEnr.ua baroer ajio perfumer 29 Market at., Wilmington, N. 0. My mvay friends in SxntthvQle and In the country are Invited to come and see me. Also, Sea Captains and Commercial Travel lers. . Tho best workxnon and the fisert ac commodations ts the city, r itb 10-ly t Tie nun of tha writsr start lsyi(4fa . Blsftsd 4s Editor. : j - ObamaalcatJons tsrt ht ; written" ca d nl on Roe oi mo pspr. FxocHties mnst bo aroU4 And it Is especially and pa?tJcularly oadJ stood that the Editatdoes not always eo dors the views etjrreepoedentf vsXt9 to rfst In the editorial corneas.; Hewi Aav9rtiorn9!its, . I Circulating library. fJlIlE ONLY CIRCULATIN0 ; LIBRARY in the Cityj 15rccnt3 per i week; SOcentj per month; $1.25 per uart?r, $4 per annum in advances ' 1 v - , , . - t , , Best 5e and JOc Cisar in the market, i Call and toe in", , feb ir HARRIS'. NEWS DEPOT. I HAVE JUST.RECEIVED.by Expres- a a very beautiful lot of Eveniug Kloworti I will receive by, Steamer "HcffuUtDr.' the n rat frpriog Hats and Bonnet. ' I Jiave secured the Acrp.-v f 'irid versal i Fashi5n: Company's pattemai which can1 bp had on very reasonable terais. . l.espectfally, " IT f V - MISS'E.'KARRER, feb 11: ; , y.; .EbaDge Corner Wow is the Tim rjlO BUY YOUR MULES AND IIOR3ES. Just artived and for sale twenty Mules and ten Horses suitable for ail wart.; Call, cxi j i ; amine, price and buy; . ' T.. J. SQUTHERLAND, feb 13-3t, , . v iSecond Street! THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. RPAIRED AND ENTIRELY Refitted, is now open for the reception of PJCR-Y MANENTT AND TRANSIENT 'GUESTS. 1 Every effort made to give satisfaction. Spe cial rates tor Regular Boarders. i j I M- SCHLOSS, Proprietor 1 B&"Fir6tClassBarRoom attached. I .leb 10 I J Bridal Presents. A1 L AEGE AND BEAUTlFUr. Arsori. llEINaBEKGEli'S Pianos and Organs, pi HEAP, FOS CA8H OR O S THE E A8V J icBtalmsLt plan, at i j iiEINBERGEEk'S Blank Books LAEG2 AII CDllPLETE BTOOK alwaTS on hand at ! leb 15 I HE1N8BEGER'B Always on Hand OMFLEIE L'ZJE O?, is) BCHOOL AN D BLANK BOO Stationery, Go;d Pets, Album?, Ac, Ac. Agent for tte Celebrsted Dockir -PJaosi feb 13 ' Boai asllor an Btitlen r The ahtJmark, I ';, .''V i; PUBLISHED at:( j STATES T I LLr J rXBXD ELL O 0 C, Leading Newspaper in Wei torn. North Car ' . oliai. ' It is theoaly Denoeratia Paper pub ished in Iredell county ona cf the largest sod wsalihie.t eonntias in tha r tate &d has at taiaed a larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published la tha con sty Its circulation is Alexander, VFilke', Arte, Alleghany, Yadin, Davie and Iredell J is larger, thaa tnat ot ny two papers in tbo 8tate eombixied; and li rapidly scqnlricg a strong foothold ia Forsythe, Sorry. Bdwaa and western sieckleabsrg. . ,tv j . It is ths enlir paper in Western North Car elina that employs a Kegnlar CanvarsiBg Agent, and if tbns kept cocttantlr before tbe people. Under tins system a rapidlr incroai ing cirooiation b re&it, uaUag; tho Landniarjc, ' ; j 3Ti!e Best AdverUaing edinsi in WeitJ ern North Carolina. Addrew, ' "fiNDif k? 1 Stkrriil,jSC ). VIONRQriAVLSR E3TAELT SITED ISil. 113 WATER ST., PflTW TOIlXi.: ..A( LlKlt JMfc.tv, . e.lWMjt& m-.-f,-- Lccrsm in the market than any other article of "the kind. Are always sure and reliable. ann never lau 10 insure mo cm ; in cookexr.- Ask yoar grocer for it and give it a trial, SatLiactipo guaranteed o a no fsh 6 Sxdlw 1 vNCi r I -f : -V- '? ;.f J V. ' ' - . j

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