r niscellaneotis. - ' J Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chitis,Whoopmg Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive ersons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Dmists. Price, 25 cents. mi LYDIA L PIHKHAfJ. OF LYHH, Tim; - c a E o 5 M a a E o a (A ' c E o o VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is Positive Cure Coral! lbfse Painful f'omplnlnta find Weaknesses MMiira tourlt IViuule papulation.' Itillcur entirely the .worst f onn of Female Com plaliAs, all oTrlnn tronbles, Inflammation and Ulcer a ; Hon, Falling and Dkijlaceroent, and the. consequent f-Tnl "eakness, and is particularly adapted to to Change of Life. It will disaolT ana erpei tumors from the uterus la an early stage of derelopment. The tendency to can- . i . 1 I 1 . t-w 14. CMronn nuinurBuiflroja tutrvittru irrj uj u n.- It rMQOTMfa!ntnesit, flatulency, destroys all crarlpgr fcrellmulants, and relleTea weakness f the atomat-h. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Kerreus Froftrat icn, Oeneral DUlUy, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi rection. That feeling ei bearing down, causinff rata, weight aod backache, la always permanently eared by It use. It will at all times and under all circumstances aet in harmony with the laws that goTera the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LTDIA. E. riNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND U prepared at 233 and 235 Western Arenue, Lynn, Ma. Price $1. 81x bottles foi $5. Sentby nial! In the form of pills, also 1 n the form of lozenges, on receipt oc price, $1 per bos for either. Mrs. Pixtkhasa freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for yaaiph lac Address as febore. Mention this Paper. No family shauld be without LTD La E. PUftHAiFS LIVER PILLS. They oure constipation, biliousness torpidity of thelirer. 5 cents per box. tOT Sold by all Druggists. - Oingcr, rJuchu, jVlan tkake, Stilli'ngia, &nd aiany of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger ionic, into a meaicme f such varied powers, as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the Best Health & Strength Restorer Ever Used. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, & is entirely differentfrora Bitters, Ginger Essences and other Tonics, as it lng. Nrr fall t niton neveruitoXicates. riucox y iMthl nl o!or to gnj hair. & Co.. Chemists, N. Y. Sa. and ( 1 tit. Large Swing Bwy Ug Dollar Sim. Parker's Hair Balsam. The Ee-t,- ClflBt, and !LIost Koomlcal Hair Pratt- LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL. What Nature denies to many Art secures to all. Hagan's Magnolia Balm dispels every blemish , OTercomes Redness, Freckles, 8ailowness,Bongh ness, Tan, Eruptions and Blotches, and reiiioTes all eri dences of heat and excitement. The Magnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and natural complexional tints no detec tion being possible to the clos est observation. Under these cirenmstances a faulty complexion is little short of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold eyeryirhere. Costs only 75 cents, with full directions. I Z3 iOnr. Beloved C A R FIE L D - And his F&ithfol CabinetC An eitfAiit Uhromo Lithofrraph of oar ltti Prssident, making 8 fail lajtgth portraits, printed In lOeolort on hetry paper with a rich gold border. 8ixa, 18x26 inohet. Th ialoftbU baaatifol work of art has. bets tiaplr anp eednd at SI per co y. Is ordsr tht ererr arnUy rear bs able to do - taa thia bitlfal and toacbiaff loareidrof m 1 m PmbMm my A Hm . Sln will m&I) it for ob I j (0 cants per copy. We o fan Is a this meaabj ct, printed i 8 eolort, redneeJ t 9xlt inebea, for only-16 eeats AQENT8 SSrJSTE WANTED the time for ajceats to reap a rich b arrest with these betntifal portraiu. Notkln; $ like theta. Send for terms and' btr saaplee te work with. 0091 ANT A OO fubs, BeT29-2n VOeitetjNew Tork ori Foreign Secretary of with Spam IN C03GEES8 TESTE Roil. sexaI-k! Washixgtox, February 15 -Mr. Jack son introduced a bill, presented by Mr. Morgan in the last Congress, for the re lief of the Book AgenU oftLe Methodist Episcopal Church, South.) 1 approprl ates $155,000 in compensa,tion for prop erty connected with the publishing house of said Book Agents, at Nashville, which was taken and destroyed by the United States in 1864, or at any other time. ! A resolution offend by Mi. Call was referred to the committee Relations. It directs the State to open negotiations for remitting the tax on cattle importea into Cuba from the United States, j The Senate, at 2 o'dlock, took ap and temporarily placed on ihe regular order the Anti-polygamy bill, and Mr. Call then addressed the Senate in support ot tbo proposed amendment to the Pension Arrears bill, declaring in favcr cf pen sions to survivors ot Indian wars prior to 1840. lie said that every I argument in favor of granting and the coLAinuance of pensions to soldiers of the last war, applied with equal force in be lalf of the disabled of the Mexican and Indian wars At 2:25 the Anti-polygamy bill was taken up with the amendments. I ( The sections and amendments were agreed to up to the 5tli section, whitjh authorizes the President to grant amnesty to those classes of offenders guilty before the passage qf the a(t of bigamy, poly gamy or unlawful cohabitation, on such conditions as he shall think jprcpqr. The wholesale exercise of the patrdening po wer contemplated in this section was objected to as trenching upon the kgislatire pre rogative, but after some discussion the section, as amended, afnd the remaining committee amendment, up to the 8th section, were adopted Several members debated this section, ab.d it was finally arranged that thej measure should be proceeded with immediately after the morning business to-morrow, and debate upon it concluded at 5:30 p. ra. Upon thifi understanding Mr. Edmunds, in charge of the bill, consented 1 to an ad journment, , JMr. uofce introduced a bill appropria ting S1CO.000 for the improvements of Galveston harbor. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House resumed consideration of -1 a . j i mi 1 ii ti ' ri ine Apportionment oiu, anu iiir. Her bert, of Ala., eontionued his speech in opposition to any j increase in ine mem bership of the Rous?. It was faid that large bodies had the advantage cf b&iug wore diffiult to corrupt, but he contend ed that more members would bring more schemes. Just in proportion as the membership was increased the members would lose their individuality and per sonal responsibility, and would rely upon committees. A eorropt man, iustead of endeavoring to corrnpt the House, would apply himself to " the committees. The committees could not be large enough to put them beyond the reach of temptation. He favored a constitutional amendment limiting the number ot Representatives. Le Date on tne Apportionment bin oc cupied the remainder of the day's session, after it was taken up, to the exclusion of all other business I An arrangement was finally agreed to whereby at the conclusion of bne hour's debate to morrow the previous 'question shall be considered as seconded and vot iag upon the various propositions begin. A vote will also be allowed upon 1 the question as to whether old or new meth ods of apportionment shall be adopted, i " ' 1 i- R-wg atd t'barvr Murdered. . Yesterday evening, late, Sheriff Now- ell received a telegram from Eugecej f 1 . Jones, Esq., a Justice of the Peace for New .Light township, informing him of the murder of Mr. Eldridge i Blake by a negro prisoner, Henry J ones. The mur der was cemmitted yesterday morning, near William St ell's four! miles southeast of Wake X Roads, i H , , On the 31st of January last Henry Jones, the murderer, is said to have stolen an ox from one BurwellFreeman,brought it to this city, and soldj it to a batcher here. The authorities of the townshiD had been on the lookout ior Jones, and yesterday he was arrested. Eldridge Blake and George Peebles were taking before a magistrate, hira Mr. Eu gene T. Jones, for trial. When the two deputies, with their prisoner, reached a large field near Stell's house, the prison er declared he would not go a step fur ther with them. Mr. Peebles then lelt Mr. Blake in charge of the negro, and went off to a house not a great distance off, to secure the help1 of the people. Returning presently with several of the neighbors, they wero horrified! to see, Mr. Blake lying on the wet ground, stone dead, i while there jwas no sign of the prisoner. Mr. Blake's shot gun, which was in his hand3 when he was left by Peebles, was missing, and it was also found on examination that a pistol had been taken from the dead man's pockpt. The only supposition of the men who looked at the dead body was that Mr. Blake had been careless, perhaps, for a moment; when the negro, springing upon turn, oeizea me gun, snot mm, ana teen taking the pistol also, had fled. : 1 The murderer, Henry Jones, is a bright mulatto, about 5 feet 10 inches in height, weighs about 150 pounds, and has a very full lace, tie nails irom Brinkleyville, Halifax county. The telegram to the Sheriff, in giving this personal descrip tion and information as to his home, says that he has probably fled in !the direction of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, as his father lives 13 miles from! Weldon. and near Kiogwooi. Much excitement was caused last night by the news of the horrible crime against law and order.- Sheriff Xowell telegraph ed news of the murder and a description of the murderer to a number of points. to head him Off. No information other than that above eiren. which cants from several sources, but ia thoucht to! be trustworthy, was "to be had last evening. Deserving Articles are always Appre ciated. The exceptional cleanliness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes it popu lar. Gray hairs are impossible with it's occasional uie. CAE0L13A- Fa r me r and Mechanic: Ma. Frank H. Cameron has resigned the Presidency of the North Carolina ! Life'Ininrance Company. ----Mrs. Rufns .Upchurch, residing a tew miles from Raleigh, acci dentally ignited her skirts at the fire place, and. was fatally burned before tbey coma oe exungtusnea. Laurraburg; Enterprise Lookout for i t - ml - t m cnicicen iBievesi abb coop oi air. James Sanford was robbbed of half a dozen, or more, fine chickens on Monday night. One night week before last the lurniture store of Messrs. Harris & Sanford was robbed of a wash-stand, five cbromo frames and a hat rack. On Thursday evening last Revenue officer Ostar J. Spares, with two assist ants, pounced upon a country wagon, stopping in the grove near our office, and seized the wagon, a horse and a mule and three-barrels of unstamped whiskey. The owners, or the men in charge of the team, made their escape. The revenue detectives appropriated the chattels for the benefit of the govern ment. j Charlotte ,06servr: The engine, jphmp, and a part of the material for the stand pipe of the water works is expected idaily. 1 1 is .thought the material for the etand pipe will arrive in time to com mence work, before court meets. It is understood that a proposition has been made by two prominent capitalists of the city to a certain gentleman who is fami liar with the business ofrunning a cotton factory that if he would taKe the manage ment of such an enterprise they would invest a sufficient sum to erect another cotton factory in this city. Those of our citizens who wore accustomed to dealing in future contracts! on cotton were decidedly on the bull side at the beginning of the cotton season, but since January they have claaged front and have gone on tht bear side recovering; all losses, and are now realizing handsome profits. They are to day closing out their contracts, taking in large profits, Greensboro Patriot: The freight over the Richmond & Danville R. R. is sim ply immense, and unparalelled in the history cf railroading in North Carolina. Sunday freights are inhibited by the company, and it is well worth a walk throogh the mud to the depot to seethe miles cf freight trains to be seen there every Sunday. Every foot of track is used, leaving barely passing room for the passenger trains. I An old citizen re marked that there is more freight car ried jover the road in one week now than in a year's time 25 years, ago. The contracts beyond Waynesville have been let, A. B. Fortune having that betwesn that place and the Balsam Mountains Beyond the Balsam and down Scott's Creek, Fagg has the contract which em braces operations extending between 45 and 50 miles beyond Asheville. i News and Observer : Revivals are in progress in the Baptist and Presbyte rian churches 'at Durham. There have been fifty-two conversions up to date in the former church. The sad news was receivedf here yesterday of the drowning of Mrd. Ransom Jones, a lady well known here, and who has many re la tives in this county and city. For three weeks, it is said, her mind had appeared somewhat impaired, and it is said that she had before attempted to commit suicide in the same manner. , Her home was near Cary. Yesterday morning she arose early and went away from the house. Not appearing soon, search was made, 'When her husband found on going to the mill pond that a Mr. Adams had just taken h?r body from the 'water. All attempts to restore lite were unavailing. She is supposed to have jumped from a bridge into the pond and to have been in the water about half an hour when found. She was an estimable lady, and held in high esteem by her neighbors. bhe leaves two children. Bed-Buss, Roaches. Rats, mice, ants, flies, vermin, mos quitoes, insects, &e., cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 15c. boxes at drug gists. m. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Pot Office as follows : Northern through mails. . ... .5.15 p Northern through and way mails 5:40 a. m. Raleigh 5; 40 a.m Offices between Hamlet and Kal&igh 7.30 p. m. Mails for tbe JN. U. Kaiiroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, ati 5:40 a. m. and 5. 80 p.m. j-v.a e a ' toontnern malls ior an points booth, daily. 8.00 p. m. and 7:45 a. m. Western mails (C O R'y) daily , . (except Sunday )... 7:80 p. m. alail tor Uberaw & Darling ton......... . j. ... ........ . 8:00 p. rri1 Mails for points between Flo iecceand Charleston.. 8.00pm i ayetteviiio, and otHcea on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and fc rulays.... l.00 p. m. Ml v a .cayettevtiie, via Liumcerton, daily, except Sunday? 7.80 p. m. Onslow O. H. jand Intermedi- ate offices, every Tuesday and r riday ( at j. fj.00 a, m. Smithvilie malhi, by steam - boat, daily, (0XCP Sun- , . days)... J L 8.80 Mails for Easy Hill, Town a. ra Greek, Shailotte and Little River, S. Or, every Tues- day and Friday at......... . . 6:00 a. m. OPESrOB DSLrvzar. I, Northern through and way mails. 7:30 aJ m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Mails. 7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway.... 8:80 a. m. Stamp OfSce! open from 8 a. to. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:15 p. m. Money Order and ! Register Department open same aa stamp office. Genetril delivery open from daylight to dark, aud on Surdays from 8:80 Id 9:30 a. m i Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. .,f: Stamps for eaie In small quantities at general delivery wten slasip cfJce Is mm sioseo. conEiEcoiai. nnTzo; VltitfTTOTOa UsRgKT. " -i -- rxSXTAMX H.-4 T SLr ; sriBIZa X17ZE3IIIZZ-QaoteI..flrm at 4t eeats. Ho tale reported. BOOHf Quoted steaAr a tl 15 w atrala edaod tlObr Cooi 8tralned. wlta aalea as oflsred. TAE-QuoUd stead at U 74 per bW e2S Ikx. . at 12 OS tor Hard. S3 25 for Soft and tS W fox O and YI (attxed? and Dry Vlrgjln ). COTTON footed armx. Sales of 153 bales ea m basis of UK eenta for Mlddllnxl Tbe following- are tbe official quotations : Ordinary 9-16 Ot flood, "rtnury. -,m 15 -IS Low Middling It II 1 klUallac-.-... It Good Middliag - . W SST bale 107 easts a8 ob nno 44 Uottoc. Spirits Tnrpeni aoelzM, y eiiLT maonrTt rtrs. ............ wihii. Tar. Grade Tnsenflack ...... 07 ..M 14:4 ilAHINE HEWS. JLH&IYED. Steamer Kllaatb, Blsbee, 8mtthTUl. tlaster. -- Steamer North State. Green, Fayetterille, Wortb A Worm. 8chr Ltissle Major, Barker A Co. Schr Jno a Ingram, Q Barker & Co. roster. Boa ton, Paekard, Navaeaa, OLSABKD Steamer Kllaabetb, Blabee," Smith vilie, Jklaater i Steamer North State, Green, Fayelteville, Worth c Worth. Steamer John Dawson; Sherman, Point Caswell, It P Paddiaon. SoUrTR PilUbury. Pitcher, Portsmouth, Nil Jm H Chad bourn A Co, . . ! 'j exporta COASTWXSZ. PorUmouth. If H soar T B Plllabury 314,7D5ft lumber. fVEEKLf STATEMENT SToexs on hxhb rsBsvutT II, 1881 I ' ; ;. Ucttoa ashore.. ' 6,749 afloat. teeeaeeeMeiieseeeiMetetJw - is.031 Total... ltMNHIH4MIMI Spirits aehoreM.MMMM...M. afloatM..MM.M.M. eeaeee 8,760 3,625 Total. ISMtlNW Ooeia ashore. Afceseaaa)e)eeetaeae e Total. 8,625 9,SS0 ;8,18T .107,567 Tar asherawM, afloat Total., Crude ashore, afloat.., seeqeeaeieesee)j ejejejsee XS0 leeeeeeeeeeeaeaaeeeeeaeeei weeeee ' veissleaoa eee 99m aaaaea asoairn 1101 ru. 1 to fas. 11. 841 j THE UltCOK GIBBS d CD'S MANIPULATED CX: i Is c!a:mei and admtlied to fco 11:3 Bestt Host Eeliable and Choapost Pon in use for Cotton ana otnor Cror:. s . ' ' ' -' '; "Ycu en al 8 depend npon iK Aiim.1 ce for tout auppJies at mc on tha U3aal terra,- All material compoeiog Fer:ilizars na?e ad ran led aui sjozicf c are diffiaoJi t j ges. but tier is no advanQa io tha price ot cri ti? zers : x -: - - - For suorlies sni any informviicn inxeg. r2 to Guvno con-.f, ; I . Wilmington rtdLiora Ub U CtottOnasjaejejaeeeeaasasaeaeta '834 1.CT1 S08Xfl a eeasn)aes oaxa-e ee e 2 5a 4 e a v eeeaseaaej a m,35T 0rUd6l(NMHMMlimiNMSMMHINNM I S60T j f.FO fftCK fUsl TO flsia 11. OomMtio asaejeejaeasejeaaaea)ejaeja ae ejejsief ea Cotton 8piritsM.M.M;M, 4&osiaM..MM.M., v.. urnae....... Foreijcs. W.tWUra.MMt .......... mll..,.tttwllimiWtMMHU. Uashi . S.801 1,121 1,1S6 4 SIS 130 1,107 a 2,059 NEW YORK i WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP GO. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE y y STEAMERS f WILL SAIL FROM NEW ' IORK ErervrrWEDSISDAT and BA TUB DAT --- '.--.-" at S oVoek, P. M. jajEXisrAUTOBMMMTharaday, Jaaaa'T 2t l! BEGULATOBM:M.M.8atarday. Jaaoarj IS - i - i GOLF BTRKAMSatnrdaj, Fehraary BSKKrACTOS...Wentsday, Tabmaxy BEGULATOBBatarday, Fabrmary U Through Bills Lading sad Lowest T&nmgh Katss f asxaataei to aaol frcss Points LnlToTtband South Carolina.! For Freight Eagajemeats apply ti THOg, G. BOND, Basrt, WllBingto&tw 0, .!'-. THICO. G, EGIR, Freight Agent,: . 6 Broadway, Sww Tori. WlU P. CLTDB A 00 Jaa 24-tf h. ':'-" Oeafl A4Tsotse Health io Wealth! DBS 0-W8r8 Kaava asr Baam Taaaxxair. a soeelfia fa wat. r natn, voavulalona. - Msmu Ruii.n. KrtUll.aprea.loa, toes of tfeaory. Isapo- tmr.tt fill . m-mayi- 1 - m auueea oy ovar fmmm'S wwr-fadalganee, JS11?! 10 docayaad death. One boxwiU eve reoemt easee. Kaea box eontias one month's Uaatxamt. o. in.t a bor, or sia boxes for fire doOan; aoat by tamu prepay to raoeips or priea We roar, ante, six boxes to ear anr aaaa. VlriT...i! orer reeeived kv aa for six kM . .. eand Ike purcb asar our writtsai airseoMBt so retora thasMMT. If tlMtrtataeat does not tffeetj acara. .HiBArsaUtlssafd by XtU fl Jlasaer) 7iIiai?itoa, U C -Qt&ggm by .n wta rira rrrayt attention, Jm I. SSI 1 SJIIE) 1 1 & 13 SOUTH FROrJT QTrSCET HAS ALWAYS OURIflQ THE As well aolat all other tlmoo, ofTorod tho Flnccti and Choicest selection of PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE f.'tVVi LIQ UOI! D Etc A RTJJklENi! , WHEBE CAN BE FOUND THE BEST SELE0TED0F Old Fine Sherrios, Brandies I j Champagnes.. ; Oordklj AND THE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS OF ' V 3E3E I S Z 3H3 Ql 0 SO LONG SOLD BY THIS HOUSE. ' .,i T A BTiB AND COOKIKTG RAscdTJJi THE USUAL VARIETT OF ' j .- - g .r . - a--c, J -jr L NUTS AND FINE' CANDIES 1 ' -- - - Cento pbi?1!!)! FIE ' I JVZinoe Meat at 1 0 PLUrJ PUDDIHG ! wMwaMsw ausaaaw aissttWAI 'VaVaaUUUJU.i. T7 .!? -ii v . , . . I . : a.Terytnins wwi te soia iow; try once and you will call. essin. dto M ix anu io ooutn rront Streotr Fop th LrOoDyyo!: I AM OFFERING A GREAT VARI BTY OF NEAT AND ft ATfDSOlfZ llUr jJL.ua aulTAiSLiJfi JfOK PRESENTS, - I offer the largest and cheapest stock of Handkerchiefs, in White, Clear Lavs, Cc Aoiucra auu .amoroiaerea. , .4 Fancy Handkerchiefs, in Fancy Cartons. All Linen Bordered Ilandlderchkfitf each, A Variety of Cotton Handkerchiefs as low as 3 cents. . ; x L. C. Ilandkerchiefo, in handsome carton with Christmas Card; Gent's CcisI, der L. C. Handkerchief, enperlor quality.: Ladies', Gents and Children's 8ilk Handkerchiefs, in every style and quality, from 15 cents to $2 each. - . . Spanish Lace Ties and Fichus, at p ' Silk andLawn I Ties, (hilars and CoilareUes.V - t" 1 m , . . t . j . , . . t ' -.... GenVe Keek Ties, the largest stock m tho , city. Boy. Neektief at 5 tzZ : of low rced handsome arti r j Our COirlttmas Towels srirpass afl osa. Table Cloths. Table Covers, Piano Covers, Jlaadata tzit Corsets, Calicoes, Cheap Dress GoodsTccttrrara, : Goods for Men's and Boy's Wear. - ' at Ladies and Gentlemen desirins Invited to give me a call. v n TIr 4 4 v I OSOIT ! ---. i'mm m0s" m The Robeson iani TJUBLISHED KVERYi Wedoesday, in LumberUm, N.C,,by W.W. MeDIarmld, hsa tbe largest circulation and the largest advertising patronage of any country paper n tbe 8iat. It now bas oyer 800 subscri bers In Robeson county alone, beiidet a Uumberiarjd. IHaden. Cftrimh. tm.v. llarlboro and Dartiatct. t Vr Itoliv Pricolfi MANUFACTUIl3 A22D LZJL) - . . - - - 1 - . . ' -' - ; - - t . " .- . . -1 - e a . vinDotir SACjiBnil i ooatts.rnAnES,t tsj&. e - s - AlOf . ' . - MILL TAEJ AND 07fIC? jasio roetofWaburttJr BHaMfiWalf t-- a wvaut aruu .s -c