JOSH. T. J !HK, uncf inR PAin. 5 CO 8U iscnthf, S3 50 ; Three J1' nB month. 60 oents. h. delivered dv carriers. or U cents per wee, raw, j - lifccrg. drtrttsi report any end wto rsceivelheir papers regularly. Advertisements. T1 lain Sciatica. Lumbago, Backache, Soreness or the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell inqs and Sprains, Burns ana ' Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headaohe, Frosted Feet end Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, o rrTr.nka 0T1 fnb eJ1,al8 St. Jacobs Oih m tafe.sur, simple and cheap External IUukkIt. A tril pnta but tb eomprtlTe!y frfliur out!r of 50 Ont1, and eTery oneiuffer iv wtrb ra3 'USlT9 cheap ad poiitlT proof r its fUiicj. fiOLD BY ALL EETJGGISTS A3JD DEALESS IN 1IEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., EaUimoret2ldV8.JL HER CASE WAS AH INTERESTING STUDY- LnTLSTo, X. C, Nov. 10, 1881. Mrs. Jok Person. Dear Madam: I commenced last Jan aary to use your timers ana wasn on our Artie daughter Annie, aged twelve years, ifor Scrofula, with a tendency to White Swelliog, the, physician Bald. At the time I commenced using your Bemedy he waa very much reduced in fleuh, com plexion i allow, -appetite poor, limbs very roach swollen, bones enlarged, with two frightful sores on ber left leg near the an kifl. After using the Remedy a week or two I could see a cbaDge, a I then thouzht.for the worse. The sores discbar ged copiously a yellow corruption, some times running In a stream! to the floor in spite oi the linens. But fueling encoura ged by your letters I persevered and after U3og the Remedy a while longer her strength was greatly improved, her appe tite good and complexion much improved Those symptoms encouraged me, but the flow of corruption continued for several months, and not until ber general health was greatly Improved did the tores begin to heil. First the swelling began to de crrai below the knee,and continued grad ually downward, and whenit nearly reach cd the sores they began to heal. In the meantime the leg from the ankle half way to the knee became covered with run ning pimples, in fact the leg bad become almost a solid sore. After this the sores sealed rapidly. The worst one, on the in step, healed entirely, the other to the size di a nve cent piece, and it bas remained io that condition ever since, which has been several months ago. For a month or more it bas not discharged at all? and looks sometimes now as if it was entirely well A a Blood Purifier and Tox.ic I thick it superior to anything I ever tried. If you could have seen mv daughter when be commenced using your Hemcdy, and now, you would hardly believe her to be the same child Last January neuly every one thought she would die Thou she was a living skeleton, now she is fat and rosy. Her case was an ictereslic ody from the time she commenced your Remtdy. I can most heartily and cheer- folly recommend it to be what yon claim for it. - Wishing you every success with your undertaking, and with manjrtbanka for the benefits we have received from ycur medicine, lam, very respectfully, ; MRS, R. J. ALLEN The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by PR. W. H. GREEN. feb 17 MARTHi'S VACCINE VIRIK. KoatH (olcta Hkdicax. Jouknal i AGxirCT TOK THX SOTJTHKKSr STATES jpBXSH AND ACTTVfi TACCINE from renowaed establishment of Dr. Henry A. rtla. furnished in large or small quantl- This vaccine IsTi&aiTflited to.take In W primary cases. "V 7 Lancet Poiatslbr $1700 x , 15 do do " 2.00 Isncet point will vaccinate one p er ica. Orters by telegraph or mail wIU receive prompt attention. , ' THOMA8 E. WOOD, l8&-tf n&c' Wilmington, if. O THE ...'COMMERCIAL H 0TL RPATRKD AND ENTIRELY Befitted, m a mv2,w Pen for the reception of PaR D TRANSIENT GUESTS, till I .rt m4de l? & satisfaction. Spe Wtateslor IUguli?Tjoarder. I3rtitri SCHLOSS, Proprietor uZur tClMBMoemattaehfd. I FOR : . as a M .- BHSDB&TlSffl; VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS.,1 NEW ADYEttTISEMKiTS. JsoJHedbick Bargaiug Ceoxlt fc Mobbis Jfruit at Auction i f j F M Aoof-iixiDoniico and Masquerade Ball . t . . HEissBEROERPopular Sheet Maic C W Yateb Always on liand i Dn Tiios F Woojy-Martift'r Vaccina Vlrupj New moon to-night titp:35 o'clock, j , a, . . , The storm algnai wa3 displayed to-day Vulgarity is selfishness in a jcrude torm. - You can now bry a very nice pair of ebad for 81- I Nor. barque Christine, Jensen, hence. arrived atlireme Feb. 12th. Barque Saga, Johnson, sailed from Gerstemunde, Jan. 30th, for this port. 'Z Barque ioZJteejiHadland, sailed from Maaeliua, Jan. 3l8t for Jtbis port. Barque San Juan, Bache.'-from Lon- don for this port, passed Deal Fb. 1st. Schooner Cocheco, Seaward, sailed from Baltimore Jan. 15th, for this port. It is said that the bite ot the festive bed bag is a cure for rheumatism; no cure, no pay. I "One must be poorjto know the luxury of diving." That may be bo, but we think anybody can enjoy tho luxury of giving his fellow-sufferer a bottle of Dr. BulPs Cough Syrup to cure his cough. There was a pretty stiff breeze, about half a gale, blowing last night from the Southwest. The Grand Jury yesterday visited the Poor House, House of Correction and County Jail. . i Sheriff Manning returned to the city last night from the lorth, after a pro tracted absence It ij strange, but nevertheless true, that a dog can keep up hik pants without the use of suspenders. I i . . I p Pop corn is said to be a sure remedy for nausea, and cranberries make a good poultice for erysipelas. -1 I Good oak wood sells for 75 cents a load. Ash or maple can be bought from CO to 70 cents a load. . The farmers and truckers io this sec tion are all now as busy as bees prepar ing for the new crops.) . j - The estimate is, that if men or women live to be 72 ! years old, they pass at least 24 years in sleep. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort men t and lowest prices at Jaoobi's. f At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer jn this office! registered 74 de grees, which is just two (degrees below Summer heat. j The ladies of St. Thomas Church will hold a Festival on next Monday evening in Germania Hall. There will be music, dancing and'refreshments.i Nort barque Abraham Skalle, Greg ersen, and Br, barque Greol'ge Davis, Mallroy, arrived at Liverpool, Feb. 14tb; the latter lost sails and received other damage on the passage. The beautiful ground moss is in bloom in the woods near the city, the fly traps are above '.ho ground and the fragrant yellow jessamine is in bud, while the grass is green everywhere! Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at J aoobi's. t X - i . . Prof. Agcstini's grand masquerade ball will surely take place this evening at Germania Hall. Masks may be had at Brown fc Roddick's, and dominoes from the Manager, from whoni tickets may also be procured. j . The i Igg of the Wilmington girl o the. are small, tapering, and beautifully shaped, her 1 1 are as beautiful as the and she is without a her frown is a f, and her figure excites 1 ! I of surprise and a hankering - her. An excursion party froirSmithyille is expected here to morrow. They have chartered the steam yacht Passport for tha occasion, and a large number are expected to attend. It is to be given for the benefit cf the al. Y.J Church a- Smithville. - . ' s To Builders and others Go to Jaco Bi'a for Sash. Blinds and Doors.! llass. ic. You caa gat all ixes' aB at the lowest prices. t WILMINGTON, N. Cj,fFRIDAY. FEBRUARY - Knights or FjtMasi i The Twelfth j Annual Meeting of the Grand .Lodge of Knights of : Pythias convened in Goldsboro on Tuesday; last; w 1th the followiog officers: Grand Chancellor, J. A. Bouitz, of Goldsboro. ' i';';: : ... Grand V ice Chancellor, Chas. It. .Jonea. ot Charlotte. J f ' ' Grapd , Prelate, J. T. Townsend, of CumberlaHd county. Grand Past Chancellor, John L. Dud i ,i ..... ley, of Wilmington. . , Grand Keeper of Records, and Seal, J. W. I'hillips, of -Fayettevile. 1 Grand Master of Exchequer, R. T. Stanlin, of FayeltevilleJ Grand Masterjat Arms, H. C. Prem pert, of Wilmington. Grand Inner Guard, W. II. Gerkcn, of WTilmiugton. Grand Outer Guard, A. Edwards, of Goldsboro. The report of the Grand Chancellor shows that since! the meeting of the last session of the Grand Lodge, Lodges were revived at iRaleigh and in Pamlico, and a flourishing Lodge established at Salisbury. Dispensations have also just granted for the organization of two other new Lodges one at Oxford, with 25 charter members, and another at New ton Grove, in Sampson county, with 15 charter f members. Tho Order khows a steady growth within the jurisdiction, ( and the endow msnt feature connected with it is like wise growing in strength and popularity. The financial condition of the Urder is in a healthy condition. j I Messrs J. H. ishultz, W. H. Gerken andJ. C. Breswter were appointed a sperial committee on the reports or the Grand Chancellor and Keeper of Records and Seal. -j . The following constituted the several atandiner committees during the session of the Grand Lbdgo viz: I j On Laws and Supervision Chas 'jR Jones, J. J. Fowler and W. T. Hollo well. On Finance and Mileage W. H. W Gerken, J. . Moore and George Dewey. On Appeals and Grievances John L- Dudley, L, S. Overman and J .: C. Brew. Bter. -. : ,;- ,-!: On Credentials W. S. Farmer, J. H. Shultz and J. C. Brewster. On Printing and Supplies J. W. Phillips, R. T. Scanlin and W. H. Col lins. ' ' I On Foreign 'Correspondence J. W. Moore, D. G. McRae and Chas. Dewey. 1 On State of the Order Thos. H. Sut ton, Junius Slocumb and F. W. Foster. Reports from the several standing committees were read and accepted. Col. Chas. R. Jones entertained the Grand Lodge during the morning session of Wednesday with an eloquent address full of interesting and instructive sugges tions touching the tenets, aims and pro gress of the Order of Knights of Pythias. The Committee on Constitution sub mitted a new Constitution, thg was adopted. ! - j; : I Considerable legislation affecting the good of the order was enacted. ( P.S. Representative W. H. Gerkin, of this city, exemplified the secret work of the older. , The following Grand Officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: J. H. Missilier, of Newbein, G. C. H. C. Prempert, of Wilmington, G. V.C. . I J.T. Townsend, of Lilly's Grove, G. P. . ! . R. T. Scanlin; of FayettevUle, G. M. R. of E. ; John L. Dudley, of Wilmington, G. K. ot r. as. r ! J. C. Brewster, of Ralejgb, M. at A. Robert Chambers, of Charlotte, G. I.- G. .' rf;- ,f ' W, T. Hollo well, ot Goldsboro, G. Oj g. ,;.r;. . . Julias A. Bonitz, of Goldsboro, Sups . PG. John J. Fowler was appointed D. D. G, C.'of Stonewall Lodge, No. 1, of thifcity, aid P. Cf John TV. Gerdts was appointed D. D. G. C. of Germania Lodge, No. 4,also of this city. Col. Charles R.; Jones, of Charlotte, delivered the closing address which was considered, by those who bad the pleas are of hearing him, as a very able effort. , Every Lodge; in the State was repre sentee and 7 quite, ja number of Past Chancellors were in attendance. , j Members of the order frem this section of the, SUtoi 2ffho ;were in attendance, ipsaX la .high tftrsiof ;ti cozritsj, re ceived while in attendance upon the meet ing of the Grand Lodge at Goldsboro, not only from members of the order there, but from the citizens generally. . - .-f : The Grand Lodge adjourned to meet io Wilmington on the second Tuesday in February, 1883. I j . -Tor HerriDSHYllle. r The haiidsoas little steamer Lisbon ; which has just been completed by Cap ;. 8. - W. Skinner, at the 6hip yard in the lower part! of the city, will leave heilc to morrow morning for Qerringsviile, in Sampson county, with a tow of lighters. HerriDgsville is at tho headwaters of Black river, about 100 miles from this city, and.Capt.' Skinner is confident that he cau run regularly between the two points. ' The Lhbon is a handsome little craft, 0 feet long, 13 feet wide and 3 feet depth of hold, i She is a stern-wheel boat, with doubly engines, and draws about 12 inches when light, and can therefore make herj way up almost any watercourse. She is commanded by Capt. K. Phillips, a steamboatman of much experience, and is owned by Capt. S. W. Skinner, who will also be the agent here Eclipses This Icar. In the year 1882 there will b two eclipses of the sun, and a transit of Ve nus over the disc of the sun: I A total eclipse of the san, May 17, not visible in America, the line of total ity passing across Africa and Asia, and risible a3 a partial eclipse in Europe. II. An annular eclipse of the sun No vember 10, not visible in America, the principal phases being confined to the southern portions of the Pacific Ocean. III. Transit of the planet Venus over the disc of the sun, on December , visible throughout the United States There will be four contracts of tho cir cular discs or limbs ot the sun and plan et, namely, a first external contact of the limbs, and then, after an interval of about twenty-one minutes of time, the second contact, or first internal contact will take place. After an interval of about six hours tho third contact or second internal contact will take place, and about twenty one minutes after the third, the forurth contact or second ex ternal contact will complete the transit Llpplncotts Magazine. LtippincotVs for March opens- with a second paper on tho "Gulf Coast," by Barton D. Jones, which is full of inter est vnd novel information, while the il lustrations are among the best that have ever appeared in the Magazine. "The Burping of Columbia," by S. H. M. By era J who was a prisoner at that place at the time of its capture, is a singularly vivid account of the scenes which came under the writer's' observa tion, and ot his personal adventures. An article on "Some Curiositiies of Super stitution" is especially noticeable for the similarity which it traces between mod ernjspiritualism and individual necromaa cy. There are some capital stories in College Eating Clubs," by Henry A. Beers. G. H. Pierce comments"" on "Manners, Foreign and Domestic' in a satirical vein. "Bread i or a Stone" is a frontier sketch by Helen Campbell, and "Washing ton on the French Stage by Theodore Child, catalogues the attempts made by French dramatists to utilize incidents in tho American Revelation- There is a long instalment of "Stephen Guthrie," a serial which is attracting much attention "A Fair Confederate Among the Pines by Fannyj Albert Doughty, is of course a Southern love-story. 'Demoiselle Daphne," by Mary Mather, gives pleas ant glimpses of Norman peasant life; and "A Breakfast Story," by W. H. Bliss is very effectively told. Two short poems' by William H. Howells and. Henrietta R. Elliot, are sure to be widely copied. The "Monthly Gossip" and "Literary Notices" complete a list of contents which is unusually varied, and which in cludes nothiBg that is not readable and entertaining. . I Mr. C. TV. Braun, in Eureka Springs, Ark., thinks it pays to follow cood ad vice, and sends the following item, pub lished in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. I had been a sufferer with Dyspepsia for the past three years. Ad vised by a friend, I used Hamburg Drops. At oaoe, after the first dose, I experienced relief. I continued its use for one month and found myself completely cured. There are so many suffering with indigestion that my advice to such would be: Do as I have done take the Hamburg Drops aid get cored. 17, 1882. NO. 41 The receipts ot cotton at , this port to day foot up 81bales. II. A. Bags, Esq., Chairman of the Board of .County Commissioners, pays an official . visit to the Poor House this afternoon. There were but two cases before the Mayor this morning, and thole were for a jfailure to pay license tax. The cases were dismissed on payment of the tax. i , There have been lots of (our country cousins in town thit week and the river is alive with timber rafU, whichtied one to another sometimes reach far out into the stream. We ar8 indebted to the1 Goldsboro Messenger and to Mr. W. H. Gerkin for the report of tho proceedings of the Grand Lodge of K. of P., published else where in this issue. Schooner J ulia Elizabeth, Ingram, arrived here to-day, from Nassau, with a cargo of W. I. fruit, which will be sold at auction to-morrow by Messrs ' Cronly & Morris. ; The river is again swelling. The water was rising slowly at Fayetteville when the steamers lef there yesterday morning. At that time there was about 20 feet of water on the shoals. i Mr. J. L. C room has leased the build ingj on North Water Btreet, recently joccupied by Mr. R. F. Eyden, deceased, and will open there on March 1st,, with a full stock of groceries and liquors The entire time of the Criminal Court was occupied to day in the hearing of one case, which had not been decided at our close. The testimony had been heard but the arguments had not been made. - I Thera have been about 75 rafts of timber sold in this market this week. Some of these, however, were small rafts, from the South and Coharie rivers, in Bladen and Sampson counties. The 'delegates t o fcthe "Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias, in session at Goldsboro this week, as well as the visiting members front this city, re turned here this morning. Now Advertisements. Fruit at Auction. TXSCHR. JULIA ELIZABETH, . just arrived from Nassau, N. P., Oranges, Ban anas, Pineapples, Cocoanuts. fcc. on to morrow. (Saturday) at Fruit Wharf, at 11 rt1rtTr A TUT ' ' , CRONLY & MORRIS, feb 17-lt i Auctr's The Domino jfND MASQUERADE BALL will take place at Germania Hall THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING. Masks can be had at Brown & Roddick's, and Domlnos of the undersigned, j ' . f of whom Tickets for young gentlemen and married people, who are on the list, can be procured. Subscription, Masquers, Gentle, men, $1. Ladies complimentary. Admis sion, Spectators, Gentlemen, i 50 cents.; Ladies. 25 cent r F. M. AG03TINI, feb 17-lt j Manager. Bargains. fJlO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING1 Stock, 1 am offering great bargains in Fancy Arti cles. A Urge stock of Ladies Silk and Lace Ties, Silk and L. C. Handkerchiefs, Ham burg Trimmings, White Goods, Linen Colr lars, etc. Get' Slk Tiea and Scarfs , Tery cheap. Also, Gents' Col'd Border IL 8. Handkerchiefs. CZZ3 The ladle? are advitetl that I now tutve every size of the celebrated Coralioe Corset. iebl7-tf JSO I If. UK DRICK Popular Sheet Music, w HEN THJE LfiATf a HfiOlJf to Tara. in the OIaAicig. B!?e Xlaxtiaa Wa'.-z. I Pfai;dipbi Glad ffil x. ; or sale at ! ' lIBIff -BURGEE'S. Pianos l and Organs, CHEAP 'Fovm-noao HK KA8T laatalnajtplaa, t t I Circulating Library fJlHE ONLY CIRCULATING LIBRARY In the City; 15 cent per week; SO cents per month; $L25 per quarter, $1 per annum in advance. , j ,... . . Best 5c and 10c Cigar la the market i . Call and tee me, , . feb 18 HARRW NEWS PEPOT. Va wKl tf lad to reoeiva 5taiatalat!a frota wr frf ends oa txj a3 'all rtteetoT c fc cr sze wrlicr kw alrayt be f nit hai ti ditr ...-. j ( MsSdof tie paWr. ! 1 FerscaallUei taest ba avoU4 And It u espedialiy aad pfjrtrs laxly under i staM thit tbd Edllrw dVea tot always esdors ib Tiirs ot eorrsspoadeau cn!&&s taittt In taa dltorial ooiai ni.; , T 1 1 A V E J CST R1IC i rTDby Exnrfe5. J f. a iferr b?ant!fa! Irvt n Vmniurr fiatta.. I will receive ty Steamer Vllcffulator" the iirsi, opricg uaxs ana lion nets. , , . I Y I have secured "the A pency of the Imij versal rashion t'ompany's patterns, wbica can te had on very reasonable terms. -1 I ; I-pectful!y, - , i : MIES K. KARRER, feb IS r t- Kxchanj Corner -- . . "-a 4 vi V9 : and Sugar 1 AA Htd?. and Bbls n4w ' iUU CUBA MOALSSE3, 100 Bbls Keflned suoak. 1200 Lt:' Gocl FL0UU , ZrT Orders will be filled at lowest raar ket rates. feb IS J9 Office Tax Collector, el I City cf Wilminfirton, N. C. ; ( ; - February 15th, 1SS3. !, Notice... rjlHE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, hr tae City Tax oij.lSSl, will begin on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1 882, at 12 o'clock, at the Court House door. All persons Inter ested must pay before' that date to avoid the ADDITIONAL cost of salo. , HENRY SAVAGE, 1 Tax Collector feb 10 St WHITE GOODS, LACES, 1 NEGK WEAR, SC. JUST RECEIVE D jVHITE and Brown v Linen Thread for Embroidering purposes,) all sizes. ' I CORSETS In good Styles. ! THE TOWELS shown in such variety the past fewyys, are selling freely, the prices are right. I Closing out CLOAKS, DOLMANS and: 1 -I I ULSTERS at very low figures. CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, a good assoitment. ' ' .: " . . LACE CURTAINS the largest stoek of such goods in the State. . m. PiS.-clhtire. fob 16 Always on Hand QGMPLHTE Vim O i BCnOOL AND BLANK B.OQK9," StatloEery, Gold Pens, Album i Ac, , : I-'-"-. :' '- . v , : '.-' A cent far tie Celebrated Decker Plsaof : G. m, YATES, I i fib 11 Bookseller and Btasiensr AKaffer, PriceZ& Co,m MANUFACTURERS AND DiALtRS IN : K - V -:. WINDOW SASHES A?iD 6U0S DGOHS. FRAMES. MAHTLES. p8"QULDl?JG BRACKETS, &c. MILL YARD AND OFFIci, I ' i ..... ...., . 1 Jaa SO- , Foitof Walnnt Htrecfi 1 I 81500 R evard. WE WILL PAY TiiS AUOViS reward for aav ca of Lirer Coopliat Djs-1 pejwia, 8ick Oedaoi I:iifetlcn, I cnsti natlon or Ccet rtcets we c.utiot oorewita West's Vegtall Llrer itla, wiiea t!u di iecti!5trs are rtrtstlr oraplid with. The 4rrBrsir Vesetatit. aad aover fail t? ?ive i.ufctioa. tsarir coated. Ltrgy fcoi ooiiUlciis? -33 Pills, 25 j&suu. ' icr ula qy all DrajrU. Ilasr&ro oi OiaterLJtj aad ImlUtloBs. ' -The tren-Ms t:anaf4St?ir64 onljr j by OHN O .WEtjr M d) rZho Pill Ha- j ' 131 4 V7 slaiur-n. -1, Liiietzo Fref triil r"'Vi ty r. ll -wpaid on receipt ot a:5ect , o' JWAwly COSMOPOLITAM CAIt AfiD RES- 1 TAUnAHT. , JOHN CARROLL, Prop; Bouth sldeMarke: Etreef, Wflmington, N.cj fTTHE BAR U supplied with the best 1 Whiskies, VVM!st ricer. Champagnes, Sc.' Cigars of the flntsi grades always! on hand. At thi iiesUuraut can be fimml the 1 finest Oysters brocit 17 this market, which are served la any stjld fifslml. ' Families -mm

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