tins PA PES, 4 1 "HB. . ; 1 -w l 1 1 in .in y ,,1 - ' . -.1- VMM." l . ". ?r" v vl-r-tw 1 '' II W ' r i . i , r 1 M Pti" " r " t-md bv .1 ft fLXl . . T. J A OS. f KDXTOB AWD PBOTBJKTC , ' t wnM PTI01F F03TAG1S PAID. ft year, $5 00 Six months, 2 W Three sumt fl , U monw,evt- , " fie ppr will h delivered by carrier, afeharff, is ay par of thseity, tUe e ratee, or U cents per week. AdvertisiBf? rate low and liberal , ygabeeribere will please report any and . ,fl failures to reeeiTe their papen regularly. jlovr Adyortisements FOB - ' " Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, , ". Backache, Sore no ss of the Chest,1 Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' Jngs and Sprains, Burns and , i Scalds, Genera Bodily - fto, Ear and Headache, Frosted feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. " Ko Fr-paratien on earth equal gr. Jacobs Oil m tafe, sure, simple anji cheap External B-eaedy. A trial entails bat the eomparati rely . triiing outlay of 50 Cents, and erery ona-anffar-tog with pain can have cheap and poaittre proof . M itidaima. Diraetioni In Eleren Lan jiagea, fiOLD BY AILDBTJGGISTS AUD DEALEES nr MEDICINE, A. VCGKLER s CO., HER CASE YAS AH INTERESTING STUDt- Littleton, N. C ; No. 10, 1881. Mbi. Jos ; Pwwoxr ' - Dear Madam: I commenced last Jan-, nary to use your Bittere and Wash on our littlfl daughter Aonie, aed twelve years, or Scrofala, with a tendencj to White SwlUoji the j physician said. 'At the time I pomtBenced using your Bemedy the was very nuch reduced in flesh, com plexion sallow, appetite poor, limbs very ranch swollen, bones enlarged, with two frightful sorcs on her left leg near the an klo, "After using the Bemedy a week or two I could see a cbaDge, as I then thought, for the worse. The sores dischar ged copiously a yellow corruption, some times running In a streamUo the floor in spite otthelineDS. Bat feeling encoura ged by yonr letters I persevered and after uilog the Bemedy , a while longer her i strength was greatly improved, her appe tite good and complexion mcch improved. Those symptoms encouraged me.xjjut the flow of corruption continued for several mooths, and not until ber general health was greatly Improved did the tscres begin to bil. First the swelling began to de crrase below the knee,and continued grad ully downward, and whenlt nearly reach ed the sores they began to heal. In the meantime the leg from the 'ankle half way to the knee became covered with run clog pimples, in fact the leg had become almost a solid sore. After this tbe cores healed rapidly. The worst oner on the io step, healed entirely, the other to the size - of a five cent piece, and it has remained io that condition ever since,-which has .been several months ago. For a month ct more it has not discharged at all, and feck sometimes how as if it was entirely xrelt. At a Blood Purifier and Tonic I . think it superior to anything I ever tried If you could have seen my daughter wben she commenced using your ; Bemedy, and cow, you would hardly believe ber to be tbi tame child Last January nearly every one thought she would die. Then aba waa t living skeleton, now she is fat tudcrosy. Her case was aa interesting t fody from the time she commenced yonr jiemedy. l ean most heartily aod cheer SoUj recommend it to be whs t you claim or it, Wisbiog you every success with youi undertaking, and with many t bin ke for the benefits we have received from ycur medicine. "Iam, very respectfully, .r . JIBS. B. J. ALLEN, The Beniedy la for sale, in Wilmington by DB.W H. GREEN. r feb 17 i MARTIH'S VAGGINE VIRU?. - . . -t , i "1 fc : ; . . i J0STH CiXCUSA ' &lSICAL J OCBNAJ. i, u tsv inn J U b kl -" AeXCT ItB TBS SOTJTBXBX STATES TjlSESir AND ACT1TS VACCINE from we renowmed establishment of Dr. Henry A. lUrtia. furnished In large or small quanti V ties. This vaccine tSTwarranted" to take in Uprlmary eases. -JJ tii ; 7 Lamcet Points for $1.00 15 do do - S.0O, ch laacet point will Tacclnate one per- Orders by telegraph ' or maf! wPl receive foapt attention. . ... THOMAS F. WOOD, me - Wilmington. N. O THE COLlF.'iERCIAL HOTEL. 'PAIRED AND ENTIRELY' Befitted, ew open for the reception of P&R- L IVT aVrrv ifd i vratvuv niTPQTfl TerV effort mA ..H.f.oMnn. Srft- rates tor Begular Boarders.' ! t-.L. M. 8CHLOSS, Proprietor Jnt Class Bar Roesa attacked.- -ra vVJ NaJ I. ,00 1 A. y, tr ...TdaJ,.. i ;i r, CI L4 Ii i r5.rj .m4tsfl a4?ii VOL; VPV WILMINGTONrm C.i S ATOT LOCALS NEiWS;- 3 NEW- Ad VBBTI8EMETTT p. w '."2 f I konly A MoBnisFrult at Auction Germasia Hatlr-Church It'estiTaL".' IlEiN3iJKiiGEa Popular Sheet Music . C W Yates Always on Hand ; Db Tnos F WooD-rkrlia'sVaccine Virus - r 1 1 " a 1 1 ' No City Court to-ay. : Day's length II hours and 3 -minutes. Nothing doirg in iragisterial1 circles today. :'; tep f f :- i.. Manlles lined with H monkey skins are Kftia in Kw Vnrlr ' I 1 V There were no interments intBellevue Cemetery this week.; '5.1r f . . Sunset to-morrow f afternoon at 4i minutes past 5 o'clock! , j ; I . .! -7 , ' ... , - . -J The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 114 bales.' ft.tv j tv ! Tl" Lent begins,, next .Wednesday, that, day being -Ash Wednesday."' ; , i ' NorV barque J5met't3jolander, cleared at London Feb. 15th for this port. S ' 'i f': rv'J- i, I -'"i " Schr. Edward Lameycrt Kendall, hence, arrived at Boston Feb. 16th. The Produce Exchange has had a iel ephone erected in Col. Cantwell's office. , , " - i r 't-i i i j Does loss oi sleep make a (man look. worn out because it takes the hap out of him? - - - s -i 4 The storm signal still floats, it was displayed all day yesterday, and last night... . ,."T- There were two intermepts-r-one adult and one child in Pine Forest Cemetery this week.; .: : - . ; 1 , ,. There were three . interments two adults and one child in Oakdale Ceme--teay this week. -UN - 1 ? Neither the rain nor the enow predicted for yesterday and to day by the almanac 1 . 4 1 f ' . ... , . . ... l l . Wait for others to advance your in terests, and yuu will wait until ttoj 010 not worth advanciDg. 5 j , i i -tt n' ; j ? The amount of pin money required by the married woman depends on whether she uses diamond pins Or rolliag pins, i Nothing so adorns the face as cheer fulness. When the heart is in flower, jits bloom and beauty pass to the features. An enormous amount of money has changed hands here during the past two weeks for timber and crude tor pen tine. ...... . - r r Freshwater Perch, ; Trout and Black fish' Hooks and . lines-1 A fnliassort. ment and lowest prices at J acob's. t When a girl is compelled to wed. first and fall in love afterward,, she usually does" so "with some other than her bus - band. : v.Thd Register of Deeds issued six mar riage licenses this weekfour j of which were for. whites and two- r for colored couples. - - - ; I 5 A - facetious 'housekeeper says that if beef continues to rise much longer it wiL soon be as high as wherj the cowjamped over the m6orifc I ictl! j i A l ' i Tbe cattle on a thousand hills "contrib ute to the milkman's wealth"; so does the water from . the! rills, that's slipped into the xana by stealth.' , ; - .j, f 94 ; A woman will calmly permit the cat to sleep in her husband's sealskin cap, but she will get ruffled if the cat Attempts to make a hammock of her swell bonnet. ; " ; l .' I !- i-ti Beautify your nomes by using,the N x. namelfamt, ready mixed and -war ranted.- Sold only' at Jacobi's4 I t There was a' decided .'t change in the atmosphere, to cooler this morning from the warm summer like weather of yester- day. It is a cold wate Begious, ! ' from the Lake u Quite a large excursion party came up on the Passport this morning " from Smithville, who poised the day iu "shop. 1 m a a 'a piag," visiting menus ana relatives . in the city and seeing the sights. . We learn that the ; freight f traffic on the Wilmington. & Welkon and VTU miogton, Columbia & Augusta Railroads continue to push the companies to their utmost capacities, and that; there is no appearance " of a decrease i for some tim to come. - ;'jt I ! .-..i-' : Deserving Articles are always! Appre ciated. ,The .exceptional deanliness of Parker's : Hair Balsara aakes it popu lar.' Gray hairs are impossible with it's oet asional est. 1 t4 mmm -eji I -rV-. --A If i ' Ri A' - Steamship zEcgulator, i CapC Doane, Bailed hence this morning for New York. ;- Whai word is there vot five letters, from which if you take ; a way ,t wo,, you leave BixT-Sbcty; 1 r ;-The safest" way now",' to send a postal card is to inclose it in an envelope and put a 3-cent stamp on the outside.,'" ;s ... 1 he pareless man and .the thief are equally troublesome. -Neither of them ever leaves anything where he finds it. 4 -:" -f - --. " ' ' -r-:J ' v 1 1 Xnumberof gentlemn: iri this city will give af German next Monday eveniDg compUmentary to Mrs.,A,nFope, who is now on a visit here. " X p ; ,,!''v" i The Telephone f Exchange at this place is gainirjg in numbers. 1 Some four or five instruments' are to be put in next week for new 'subscribers: - J Talk to the point' and stop when you have l; reached, it. The J-" faculty some possess, of making ene idea cover a quire of paper is not goo Jor j much, Be comprehensive in all yon say or write. ..--t- "f,v4nllKTrip.. 1 ' The. British barque George Davis, Captain Malloy, sailed from Smithville on .the 24th of January, and arrived at Liverpool ' on the 14th of February, making the run over in 21 days. A re markably short trip. 1 1 A $1,000 Prize At the recent drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, on the 14th iost., ticket No. 20,609, held in this cityi drew a prize of $1,000. The ticket was held by a club formed here, who had in vested $50 in tickets. It will be rather long division, however, as these will be but $10 each when it is all divided, and parcelled out. "' V Josh Billings: "Next to a clear con- shience' for solid comfort cums an old shu. a Heprobably never suffered with a cough , or cold, otherwise he wonld haye referred to Dr. Baii'o Ooat fiy,P s being salsq a good things to sourc?reiief and comfort. ' i . ri We received a call this morning from Mr.The3.-W,;Brown, the genial advance agent of the New York Madison Square Theatre Traveling Companies, who vis its our city Tor : the , purpose of s making the earlier arrangement for the appear ance'here of the company in Hazel KirTcep otf 'Wednesday evening,' March 8th. This celebrated piece had a run of 486 consecutiye nights at the Madison Square Theatre, in New York, and in all has been represented by this company in more than 1,000 performances It will draw largely in Wilmington, beyond a doubt, and we think it likely 'that it will be the best house of the season. i . - i The Franklin House of Easton, Pa., is eptby Mr. J. W. Garren. sThis gen Uemad'ej';wlfe4 lthej;grhltism so badly" that she could scarcely get about. The physicians ctuld not help her, all medicine v proving, unavailing After using SUJacobs Oil for four days she was able to attend to her daily duties. ' f Ji EttcatIon In Brunswick. We were pleased to receive a call this morning vfrom .Mr. J. H. Mints, a m em ber "6f the Board of Commissioners in -Jfunswick'county, and Mr. Geo. Leonard, the Superintendent of Public Schools in that county. Mr. Mints tells' us that the finances of Brunswick are ma healthy condition, and that there is a sufficiency of money in the treasury torun the pub lic schools. He, as well as Mr. Leonard, regrets the apathy of the people of the county in regard io the educational fa cilities' offered theuf." ; t t From. Mr,Ieonard, !we learn that there are about 2,800 school I children in Brunsw.' county, of whom 1,500 are white' nd 1300. ttlortd. Only about onfth:. ofthese attend the schools. There are 51- school districts and 27 school houses, and 6 white and 7 colored tsanpwingged in teac--ig.A',pe per capita is $L25, Mr. Leonard is now making the rounds of the schools, speaking TrhereTer he goes, and '-isiting the;, people," ad endeavoring to awaken an -iterest in ths cause of edoemUeu He findi ?,the; Echoob generally in good con ditibn, but bewails the' apathy which prevaib in so many sections. We can but trust that his earnest efforts for awakening an interest on the subject may be cceifuL--rr: '!ki'T.'' . t!;. ...v- oJTa ' 1 aW--Go to Jxco Mlcf Ii:d;;)ocrs Glass, i Yc -can gst 'all sisss and at the lownt prices. t , C-arged irlth Intlniditlon. Pour parties from Sampson county, two' by the name of Herring, one named Mathews, and one named Giles, were fix mined before U. k Commissioner Mc ftwggthis - morning . on tho charge of caving intimidated one Lewis J. Smith, Pi .ureenoac-er, during the late r residea tal election, .The warrant for their ar rest was issued by T. R, Purnell, U. S. Commissioner at Raleigh. Commissioner McQoigg heard the case and ; discbarcced the parties, there bemg no0 evidence against then, to conviet. : 1 Criminal Court ; The proceedings before this tribunal to-day were as follows: , ' John Statcher, for an assault with a deadly weapon was found not guilty. j William Lloyd, for Larceny, was found guilty and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. ' During the present term of court the Grand Jury brought 24 true bills and 5 not true bills. They were discharged at noon to-day. j 1 It is probable that all cases for the jury will be disposed of to-day, and that ou Monday next the Court will hear mo tions and adjourn. i 1 Some very nice Myrtle Grove oysters were offered to-day at 50 cents a bushel. The woods seem to be full of fire's and the smoke from them has spread through out the city to-day. i i i .i Vests are now cut so high that yon can wipe off your chin without going to the trouble to pull down your Yest. Messrs Oronly & Morris will continue the sale of fruit on board the schooner Julia Elizabeth on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock. A woman only stubs her toe once to a man's six, but when she does she goes down like a tipped-over churn and cuts The receipts of cotton at this por t for the present crop year to date foot up 122,761 bales, as against 107,015 bales to February 21st, 1881, an increase this year of 15,746 bales, j Do not attempt to economize by de creasing the I washing bills or family washing. To keep the person scrupu lously clean frequent change of under garments is as necesary as bathing. The Festival to be given by the ladies of St. Thomas's Church will take place at Germania Hall next Monday evening. There will be a plentiful f apply of re freshments on hand and musio and danc ing for the young folks. r cnurch services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows I ST. JmCS FABI8H, Corner Third and Market streets. Rev. A A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Qainquageaima Feb. 19. Celebration at 8 a. m. Morning rrayer at 11 o'clock:. Sunday Schoor at 3 p. m. Evening Prayer at 4:30 o'clock. FISST BAPTIST CHTJSCH, comer of Market and fifth streets. Ber. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School jat 90 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. Miasionar v Meetine buuday ulabt at 7:30 . "o'clock. YToung Men's Prayer Meeting i Tuesday night at J 7:30 o'clock. Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. ; yiBST PKESBYT A2i CHUSCH, , corner. Third and Orange streets. Bev. J. K. Wilson, D. D., pastor. .Morning Services at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Nlgnt Service at 7;30 o'clock. Thursday night Lecture at 7:30 ocloc r" :- : ST MASK'S CHTJBCH, 1 Corner Sixth and Mulberry streets. 1 Rev. C O. Brady, Minister. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock. On Holy Days services at O a. re. and 4.-30 p. m. ennday School at St. Barna- bas -cboolno-se at s.30 p. m. seats free. CHBIST'S CHUBCH (COKGSSeATIOa'AI.), on Kan, between Sixth and eleventh. Bev. D. D. Dodge, Pastor. Preaching at 11' a. zn. and 8 p.m. r aster's Bible Class at 12ip. m. Prayer and Praise Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. xn. SSCONO BAPTIST CdUSCS, on Sixth, between Church and Castle sts Rev." J. P. King, pastor. Services toor row at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. rBOST STB-XT If. X. CHTJBC, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rer. F. H. - Wood, I pastor. Services i at 11 a. m. and 7 J p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Weekly Prayer Meeting aod Lecture Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock, FIFTH STBXBT M. C CHO-CH , (SOUTH,) on ! Fifth, between Nun and Cb streets. Rev. T. P. Bicaud, rjastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. babbath School at 9 a. m. Jrayer Meeting Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. ! 8T. PAUL'S XJPISCOPAZ. C UBCH corner Fourth aod Orange streets, Rer. T. Ii. Ambler, Rector. Services at 11 a. xn. and p. xn. Sonday Scbool at ZCO p za. sea iree. Bishop Lman's Appointments March 5 -Sunday, Chapel Hill. March 12 Sunday, Newborn. - -March 14 Tuesday, inston: : T March 15 Wednesday, Snow Hill. March 16 Thursday, Wilson. ' March 17 Friday, Rocky Mount. March 19 Sunday, Enfield. . -March 21 'luesday. Ribgwobd. ? v March 23 Thursday, Halifax. : r March 24 Friday. Weldon.: r i March 26 Sunday, Murfreesboro, Gates countv. " March 31 Friday; Hertford. 4 :) -r' 1 April 1 Saturday evening, Camden. April 2 Sunday, Elizabeth City. , April 3 Monday, Newbegun Chapel. April 5 Wednesday, St. Luke's, Washington county. 1 - -J April 6 Thursday, Columbia, Tyrrell county. . - I 5 ; : April 7 Good Friday, , St j David's; Washington county. ' - 7; , : : : April 9 Eaater Day, Edenton. . .. .:. . April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth. i April 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents, Bertie county. April 14: Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. April 16 Sunday, Grace i Church, Bertie county. I April 17 Monday, Roxabel. i: April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton county. I w ! April 20 Thursday, Faison April 21 Friday, -Clinton. ; April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. April 25 Tuesday, Smithville. I April 25 Tuesday evening, St.Mark's, Wilmington. April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds boro. April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, Raleigh. i ,r;.-J; ; 3- - April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep- nera, vaieign.r. . i May 5 Sunday, Christ Church, Ra leigh. ; May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, naieigh. May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck, May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton, j ' May 18 Thursday, Williamston. j May 19 Friday, JameSville. , May 20 Saturday, Trinity,' Beaufort Uonnty. 1 May 21 Sunday, Washington. Z May 25 Thursday, Zion'a Church, Beaufort county. i May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. . ' ' " '" May 31 Wednesday, Makelysville, Hyde county. , June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. ' , June 2-j-Friday, Fairfield, Hyde county. v i ' ' : June 4 Sunday, St George's, Hyde County. June 11 Sunday, Rockfish, Consecra tion. , , - ;-;::U:y' - . ; June 11 Sunday evening, , Fayette ville. ! ' ' June'18 Sunday, Pittsboro. . ;t i Holy communion, at all morning . ser vices. . 1 f . ,,f ,: , Collections for Diocesan Missions. ." Don't Die in the House Ask drucrcrists for MRouh on Rats. n It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roach es, vermin, flies, ants, insects. tl5c . , per box.:,. . Hew . Advortiiumwnts. Fruit at Auction- E X SCHR. JULIA ELIZABETH, Just i arrived from Nassau. N. P., Oranges, Ban anas. Pineapples. Cocoanuts. &c.. on MONDAY, 20th Inst., at, Fruit Wharf, at 11 0 ClOCK, A. il . ' t r CBONLT& MORRIS, i . febl8-lt - ' I i v Auctr's O hii rch Festival. fTlHEBE WILL BE AFE8TIVA Jty the LadlM oi St. Ton Catholie Cutc, on Monday -veslog, February 20, at Germania HaUL Supper ana Ketresmets will do provided. Music by the Italian String' Band and Dancing. Tickets admitting Lady and Gentleman, 50 cents; single tiekets 25 cts. Coffee, Mol83as3 i - I r- ; r and Hugavm gQQ Bags COFFEE, i "1 C f Hfcds. and Bbls New . . - : 1UU CUBA MOALSSE3,. 100 Bb1C Befind SU0ASi fr Orders will be filled at lowest mar ket rates. & PEaasAtt, fsb H I cc:nopoLiTAn can at:d ceg- TAUnATJTa JORX CARROLL, Proy.f 1 , South sidellarket Street, Wnmlngton,'y.C rpHE BAR is supplied with the best I Whiskies, Times, Beer, Cmp&gnea, EL CiSTuti of tha finest grades always on nan At the Restaurant can be found the finest Oysters brought to la market, which are eervetl ta any style desired. XaxaSles supalied. JaalT March G Sunday evening, Winston. March 28 Tuesday. Gatesville. March 29 Wednesdav. St. PeleA. 4. i 4 ....... . . t . " May 22 Monday, South Creek., , May 23-T-esday, Durham's Creek.: ' ttl bsgix4 IO t-KT9 3rrl Crrr Crrl oa axy an! rl?--JT re3STsIi?trwt tcf - - cse er rrfisr --nt sJ-spstj be fa t-ici u tij Z2iar7 ''". - ' Ccroi"at be ; wilrla!' oa c tjj tJiti'irouli ('.' ? i And It la C2pey and pracalarly if ood.tt atatdoa net always Mdorj tba viawsol frrf?otjde iialcst eo tut la -a e torial ooia'caa.; , r PLYj QIRCULATINa 'LI BR ART StliT'o1-5 cnr ?ek; 50 cents par montb;- $1.2o per quarter, $4 per annun? ia advance. , - a ; i; u , r UUUi Best. 5c and 10c Cl(-at lathe market. T Callarideeem, -fab 13 ; at HARRIS NTEWS DEPOT. u mil (r: vuci ;. Bargainis, - fP? Roo;roK spring; stock,:.? 1 tm Pff HrCla? Fancy Arti- ' c!e. A lajgejitock of tidies Silk and Lace T'?PfdHP- Handkerchief; nam, burg Trimmings, White Goods, Linen Col ,arf -J GenteJSuTIeiand Scarfs, very; , choap.Alao,i Geatj Col'd BorJcr sj 'Handkdrchiefeiti":,'i ' rh The ladies are advised that I now have vary size of the celebrated Coraline Conet pular;Slieat Music. THB LEAVa Bl1 to Tarn, 1 ,:. . In the Gloamlaj, , '' I J " ',, : Bias 'Alsatian llountaits. . '. ' ' i i-' - V r i Blue Alsatian Waltz. v I , ,r Philadalphla Glade Welti".' - I . .. For sale at i. ,! , " ; HEIIfiBEEGER'S. Kanos and Organs i CHEAP POlt Oian OR O.V THEEA8T Isetalmoot plaa, at ieb 17 L BEiySBSRQER'a , Eytsninsr FlowersV I HAVE JUST RECEIVEDjby Express, . a very beautiful lot of Evening Flowers. ' I will receive by Steamer Reffulator' the first Spring Hats and Bonnets. . I have secured the Agency of the TJni- I versal Fashion Company's patterns, which. 1 can be had on very reasonable terms. illSa K. KARREXk, j : t Exchange Cormer feb 13 ; , .. . oifice Tax Collector, i - City of Wilminfftoa; DH". C. ?: - ; : , : i . m Ot I CO.' v.. rjlHE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, for t 1 4 City -Tax pf 1881, will begin on MONDAY, J ' FEBRUARY 20th, 1883, at 12 "o'clock,' I 1 Court House door. '1 persons ifltar.1 ested must pay before that date to avo d. tkeADDITlONAt, cost of sale. " r ' I , r ' : - i . f i , . HENRY SAVAGE, -feb 16 8t - ;: - Tax Collector, TUSt RECEr7ED?Wx2fTErand Brown linen Thread for Embroidering purposes, all sizes. '- rt: a vl a exe't CORSETS In good Styles, " , " - :;-"r f- - - ' -v cJ n'str r- '- h THE, TOWELS shown , in such variety -.,1 I " ' " ' the past few days, are seUlng freely, the prices erfghtT'. . .T" " ' f , Closing out CLOAKS, .DOLMANS ULSTERS at very low figures,, n CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, aasspitmsnt. V,.it,. lj .j .LACE CURTAINS, the largest stook of such gods la the State. -: " 61 f3, niJcrhtilre. Always on Hand V. SCHOOL ANU BLAlfS BOOK3 , 'I'J ;.'1;!VM t;vr , SttUoaery, Gold Pe2sAlbaral,fAc-, 4c. Agea t for tba OeUbrated Deeker Plaiof f!bl3 Booksaller sod Btatie ar AltalTer, Erico & Co.. : MANTJTAOTURER3 ANDJDiALZRS IK VinCOV SASH 3 AHD CLIIiOSt ; D 002S-. FHA M ES, f !AUTLES. t:SULD!r:C- BRACKETS e. ME YARD AND OFFICF, iff '''" -', ' ' jxmt Yortcf T7ait Btrif r i ., - . : i ..I : i 1. f 1 1 V1 -I