IBIS Tit PES - PIXIES SOTXOfc We win be glad fr reeerre eoaianrJcs,ttoi rrcsi mr fMr c a y astd 'tU rrbfaeij I 'Him '. WPJii:lto f cITj a nr Fcorsirroa, flrriPTiONK.i'WrAK FAUX - 8 ;r fh 00 ftT Br.Pthi, 02 50 ; Tt '"I'-thsfl Olie month, 60 eeista. f '".plr ffiii b Slivered by carrier nhiffribf-rs will please report asy ttd '-" jjer drortisements. teiiMiJiriiif MM mm nmi llMMUitMiMI. 121 tieuraLiia, Sciatica, Lumbago, , Backacko, Soreness of iho Chest, Gcut, Quins j, Sore Throat, Swell GKj'nqs and Sprains, Sums and 'Scalds, 'General Bodily Fains. Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frosted fee and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. v3 rr,aT:--"n 0,1 'ar'1 ua's St. Jacobs Oil ' rnfe, mtf. simple avA cheap Eiterncl -iel. A tri-'l I' ntails l"t the comparative j iriiip 'I'Mliy 1 i' Ooln. and eTerjr onBuffer j'i Vi'li j'ln ;an Lva cliep and poiitiTCproof SOLD STALL DRUGGISTS AIJDDEALEK3 IN HSDICIHE, A. VOGELER & CO., HER CASE WAS 'AN INTERESTING STUDY- LnTtKioN, N. 0. Nor-10, 1881. Mm. Jos Pessox. n Dear Madam: I commenced last Jan's wry to use yoar Bitters and Wish oa cur little daughter Annie, aged twelve years, for Scrofula, with a tendency to White Swelling, the physician aaid. ! At the time I commenced using your Kemedy she was very cuch reduced In Ceh, com plexion sallow, appetite poor, limba very much swollen, bonea enlarged, with twa frightful Bores oa her left leg near the an kle. After using the Remedy a week or two I could see a change, as I then thought, for the worse. Tho sores dischar ged copiously a yellow corruption, some times ronBing in a stream to tbo floor in spite of the linens. But fueling encoura ged by your letters I persevere 1 and after UBlngthe Remedy a while lorjger her trength was greatly improved, ber.ap pe tite good and complexion mrch improved Those symptoms encouraged me. but the flow of corruption continued for eeveral months, and notuntil her general health was greatly Improved did the isores begin to heal. First the swelling began to de crease below the knee,and continued grad mlly downward, and whenitmearly reah me eorea tney began to heal. In the meantime the leg from tbo ankle half way to the knee became covered wijh run ning pimples, in fact the leg had become almost solid sore. After thia theeores healed rapidly. The worst one, on the in.. Up, healed entirely, the other to the size of a five cent piece, and it has remained in that condition ever since, which has been several month3 ago. For a month or more it baa not discharged at" all, and leokfi sometimes now as if it was entirely well. As a Blcod Purifier and Tonic I think it superior to anything I ever tried. If you could have wen my daughter wbefV she commenced using your Remedy, and now, you would hardly believe her to bo the same child Last January nearly every one thought she wouid die -Then she waa a living skeleton, uow ehe is fat and rosy, tier case was an interesting tody rom the time she commenced your lemedy. I can moat heartily ai.d cheer fully recommend it to bo wbst yon claim for It. Wishing you every success with your undertaking, and with many thanks for the beuefiU we have received from your medicine, lam, very respectfully, ?JRS K. J. ALLEN. The BemeHv is for sale in Wilmington by D. W. H. GREEN. feb 17 MARTItl'S VACCINE VIBUi. 'ORTH CXBOI-IKA MEDICAL JOURNAL A.0ENCT rOS TBT5 80UTHEEK STATES JpRESH AND ACTIV VACCINE from fce renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. krtin. furnished in large or small qu&nti- 1 Ms vaccine Is warran,ted.to tasein 111 primary cases. ' 7'Laacet Points for $1.60 13 do do S.CO ach lancet point will vaccinate one per- OR Orders by telegraph or mail wPl receive froapt attention. . THOMAS F-WOOD, JifLi Wilmington, if. C THE COMMERCIAL HOTtl. T) PAIRED AND ENTIRELY Eefitted, 4aVp5S.w 0pn for reception of PMt ttr. J ASD TRANSIENT GUESTS. ery enort made to give satisfaction. Spe Us lor Regular Boarders. M. 8CHLOSS, Propristor 5TlO W&M Bar Konatt&. VOL. VI VVILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY, FEBRUAIIY 20. 1882. NO. 43 LOCAL N-EVWS. New A i v r. k t i s em I. ; x s . Lost II-ir BrtaM pin , j, fKfM.y c A-ohuis Fruit t Auctin Die S A f'TCHMONiiic C irSaniaritA-i I.J Soui i:KKtJi?;i) More OTTElcoi:Ko4-Fo-Ti;n IV Notice by tht Daj;ks .e-A- York : llrnii tonj ,S S tine ' ; Anniversary 1 11 H R y K HEisf.nr.GKul--PopuftrSHeet Muis 'j Dr Tucs ? Wo: jL-MartiriVkiciue Virus - A 00(1, hard rain WeuM acceptable jast ut tbia time. ! I- ' I ; u-... . .. i.r) ... i 'Iho (j-'riminal Totiirt, ' having con eluded the ImsineF of4 tiio xerm-; ad jcurned to daj. j ' I j t . Don't sleep in a room without ventila tiou ot some kind. The water in the CapFear 13 again reported i:s failing. ' 1,1 Now 13 the time to get your gardens ready and plant seed. ' 1 ( Tbcj receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 242 baleg. s , 1 No Mayor's Court this morning and no Magistrate's Court. A ' ' . , - j-' A miser is a. man who maybe truth fully described as criminally poor. The shell road to tha'Sound has been very populir during; the past few days. Nor. barque Sa-rch, Christensen, hence, arrived at Liverpool Feb. 17tb. ! - j.. ! , j It is possible for a man to be , so very shrewd that in the long he cheats himself. J 1 . . , Steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. In gram, arrived here this morning from New York. Put a drop of honey on your tongue before you speak add see 1 how easy it is to make friends. r I Some much needed repairs are being made to the cebble i sione I pavement ' on North Water street.'. 1 1 Capt. Southerlano) has juist received another fine lot of horses and mules, which he offers for sale. I t Li And now it is said that "Dr." H. E. Seott, is casting longing elves at the Shrievalty of this county. ' i Beautify your nomes, by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jaoobi s. r t ' Ger. barque Hevcliils, Schuttpeltz, from Liverpool for this port, was spoken Feb. 18th in lat. 48, Ion. 13. I , ' .To morrow i3 known as bhrove Tucs 1 i day, and the great day for carnivals and masquerades in some countries. Bronchitis, with which a . number of our people are suffering, 13 a , diseasee which takes a fellow by the throat. 1 n r This is ono of the sad conditions of life, that experience is not transmissible. No man will learn from the suffering of another; ho must suffer himself. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines.! A fall assort. mcnt and lowest prices at Jaoc 00BIT8. f I'oBtal cards that have ave epn spoiled of pjpivt3 parties while in the hands cannot be redeemed at the postofGces iu the United States. 1 ' j, As to people saying a few 1 idlel words about us. wo rnuat not mindj that any more than the old church steeples mibd the rooks cawing -about theni. One very fine bunch 6f finest, in fact, we ever saw bananas, the was sold this morning on the schooner a auction for S3, and bought by a colored man. As Wednesday is a legal holiday the Banks in this city will not open for buai. nes3 on that day. 'Paper falling due on Wednesday -jhould be1 paid to-morrow. Rev. Mr. Pitts, Rector of St. John's Charch, is preaching ja series of sermons, or Jecturcs, on the history of Christianity. The first of the series was' delivered last The wind has got around to the South again, and as there inconsiderable of it and as the ground is very dry, the day has been like unto a blustery day in Match. You make a great mistake in think ing that the world will break all to pieces when yoa leave it. It is barely possible, on the other hand, that you are persist ently standing in the ' way of a batter man. Tlie Uaiqaeraaf. -1 j The Masquerade Ball given on last Friday night, at Gcrinaoi Hall, under the management of Prof. 1 Agostini, was perhaps, the moat successful affair of the kind ever known here. There were 1 : ...... -1 over fort y masquers on the floor und some ot the custumis were vpry rich, while others were very" grotcaqae. The mas quers wtjre principally, of the younger set There were a large-number, of spectators present and at 11 o'clock the maeqnes were removed and " the . spectators were voted ib privilege of the floorL" It was voted an exceedingly pleasanjL aft.xir. i I They sav "a wa :ient," but we thu a WArd to the wise i9 snffi- ittk it takes about five, 4 Use Dr. Bull's' Cough Syrnn.' You can get this article lu any drug store for twenty five cents. Physicians recom mend it. . . 1 ' The Angola Tramway, j Mr. Gibson James, President of the Angola ;Tram way Company, was in the city to-day. He tells us that the com pany is fully organized and that the stock has all been subscribed for by re liable parties who will pay ia every dol lar as fast as it is called for. The amoant of the capital stock is 10,000. The road will run from Williamsburg to Croom's bridge, on the North East Capo Fear, a distance of ten miles. This route will avoid the crossing of both Shelter.aud Shaking Creek, and will save a considerable amount in bridging. The descent from Williamsburg to Croom's Bridge is about 25 feet, or 2 feet to the mile,' which will in itself be an assist ance. . . ' The river is navigable for steamers to Croom's Bridge, which is about 15 miles above Bannerman's Bridge, at all sea sons of the year. It is proposed to build a road bed for the road steamer, of sufficient width, ditched . on each side The engine and cars will 1 run on rails made of scantling and held solid and kept in position by cross ties. A part ot the capital stock la to be devoted to the purchase of a steam saw mill, and as There is a plenty of fine timber all through that country, and there will be little or no grading necessary, the road can be constructed at a ow cost. .Of the $10,000 subscribed $2,500 is to be devoted to the purchase of the saw mill, $2,500 to the estimated cost of the road bed, $2,500 to the purchase of the road steamer and'the remaining $2,500 to the construction ot cars, && They are to purchase 1 a steamer weighing 8 -tons, and warranted to haul at one load 10,000 feet of lumber, and 100 bar rels rosin up a grade of 100 feet to the mile and at a speed of 12 miles per hour. The advantages to be derived from the construction of this rood may be es. timated from the fact that it costs $750 a year to feed and keep up a' four-horse team and pay tho driver and the hands. Work on this road will not bo begun, however, until the Fall, not from a want of money or a lack of interest in tho en terprise, but because those who are inter ested the most want to get this year's crops all out of the way before breakiag ground oh the tramway. The work will be begun in the Fall and pushed vigor ously, and in all probability it will bo in working order early in the Spring. I We kill our rulers when we remove from the human system whatever disor ganizes the nerves. Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills relieve from sub jection to the power of headache, sleep lessness and dyspepsia They contain no opium or hurtful drug. "We understand that there are peaches on some of the trees at Mr. W. J. Mott's place, known as Love Grove, in the Northeastern suburbs of the city1, as large as small marbles. The like was never known here before within the re collection of the oldest among us.' From Clyde, O., Mr, G J. Bolg writes: Having by personal observation assured myself, it ia my duty to make the follow ing known to tho : public: For three yean, my wife suffered with moat terri ble j pains in the small of the back; so intolerable indeed, that for whole nights she could not find rest. I consulted the best physicians, - placed her under their treatment, and spent a great deal of money; (but all of no avail. She could not be relieved. With ' each change ot the weather she would be unable to move, and therefore unqualified to attend to her daily duties. I had read of the wonderful cures made by St. Jacobs OH, and concluding to try it bought a bottle, the use of which soon stopped all the pain, and to-day my wife is well and strong -and fully able to discharge her houso-hold duties. The sum of fifty cents has eared her of paim which she would not take back for a thousand dollars. The sale of fruit ion board the scbr. Julia Elizabeth will be continued by Messrs Crooly & Morris to-morning 1 0 morning. 1 i If you can only persuade yourself to say, "Mrs. Eve, I never did like apples,'' you will live a good life and have a large. ly attended funeral. r , f - - , . ... , , The finder of a gold mounted hair breastpin, which was lost this morning, will be liberally rewarded on returning the same to. this office. : Hazel Kirke is to be presented here on ihe Tuesday night o'f next week, in stead of Wednesday night as we iocoi rectly stated on Saturday.! , Nor. barque Jorma, Olseni cleared at this port today for Bridgetown, Barbadoe3, with 200,157 feet lumber shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cum ming. Thero are ten shades of gloves which are fashionable for evening wear, and there i3 no earthly excuse for a gentle man blundering in upon a wedding with a pair of buckskin mittens on his paws. There waa a fierce fire raging some where to the Southeast of the city, and not far from its limits, on last Saturday night. So bright was it that the reflec tion from it could be' noticed on the streets. The same light was risible last night and there must have been consid erable destruction in the forests where it passed. Information was received here yester day by Mr. Alex. Sprunt,l British Vice Consul, of the death1 of Mr. Geo. R Walker, a lawyer and a very prominent citizen of that place, and the son of Mr. H. P.I Walker, the British Consul &t Charleston. In consequence the- British flag has been displayed at half-mast to day on the Yice Consulate here. The Way of the Transgressor, Ac- The following persons were convicted and sentenced at the term of the Crimi nal Court just concluded in this city : Dick Boston, larceny, six years in the penitentiary; Nat. Hill, larceny, six years in the penitentiary; William Mc Neill, larceny, four years in the peni tentiary; Alice Fairfield, larceny, four years in the penitentiary; Charlotte Green, larceny, four years in the peni tentiary; Abram Beatty,- larceny, two years in the penitentiary; William Lloyd, larceny, two years in the penitentiary; Cass Lawrence, larceny, one year in the County House of Correction; J. II. Lof tin, larceny, one year in( the County House of Correction; Thomas Maultsby, assault with a deadly weapon,' six months in the County House of Correct ion. 1 AnniTersary Ball. The 26th Anniversary Ball of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Company will take place at Germania Hall on next Wednesday evening, the 22d inst. Messrs. Al Adrian, M. Rathjen, F. W. Heycr, J. G. Oldenbuttel, E. W. Dosher and John Haar, Jr., form the 'committee, and these names alone arc sufficient to guarantee that this anniversary ball will be as pleasant as the most pleasant of those which have preceded it. Tickets may I be obtained from any one of the committee. - , To Builders and others Go to Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors,1 Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices, i i I t New Advertisements. ! Lost. i - ' i rJlHIS MORNING, a Cold mounted Hair Breastpia. A e uitable reward will be paid for its return. Apply at feb 20-3t THIS OFFICE. Fruit at Auction. E X SCHR. JULIA ELIZABETH, just arriTedfrom Naftau. N P., Oranges, Ban ana, Pineapples, Cocoacats. fcc on TUJSSDAYi 21tt iot., at Fruit Wharf, at 10 o'clock. A. M. CKOKLY & MORRIS, feb20-lt 1 Auctr I 1 Notice. i fJIHERE WILL BE NO BUSINESS transacted by the Banks of this city on Wed nesday, 22d lnst .f that day beluga legal holi day. . A. K- WALK ttR, Cashier Firat NaUonal Baak. 1 8. D. WALLACS, f - ft b 20 CaaVr Bank of Nw Hanovar New Advertisements Snore- ules. -pORTY HEAD JU&J ': RECEIVED, for sale. Also, few good HORSES. T. J .1 SOUTIIERL AND, febSO-at Stables. Set-ond Stieet nniversary rjlHE TWENTY-SIXTH ANN IV 1 R3AKY BALL rf the Howard Riklef Fire Fuinc Co. vrill tkc place et GermBisvHftl),Wed nesday Evea'ng, Feb. 22d, ISSij. jCoDiuiittec--A; .Adrian, M. Rathjen, F. W. fiejer,, J. G. Oldenbutttl, '. V. Doicli er, John Haar, Jr. I I I Tickets may be had of the Committee or at the door feb 20-1 1 Frames and Moulding 1- ,; , . y ELVET AND EBONT COMBINATION Framas, all sizes. Photograph and Auto graph Albtfmi, Motto Frames, Cord, Ac. Blank Booki, School Books, Writisir Paper, Ink, Fenelfl, Mceiiage, Gold Pens, Tlolia Striate, Ac, Ac. C. W. YATES, feb 29 Bookseller and Statie&tr 1 FOR TEM DAYS I Rare Bargains , ' "' '. IN - I 1 ' ' ' ' ,', - I'. ' , Red and WWte FlariHel .i 1 . - ,;. These Goods at less than New York cost to ' r - 1' . . I I I close out before Spring. Heavy Weight Garments at sacrificial prices to wind up. Spring ' Goods now. In coarse of majrufao- i ture. 1- . ! ' "We wUl show Specialties this Sea- j i son, the sale of which will be confined ex- - ' ' ' - " j ' I . clusively to our House. 1 Otterbourg-, ' KING CLOTHIEB, ,1 feb 20 Wilmington, N.C. NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE i . .. jsw. r. 1M j STEAMERS ; WHX 8AIL FROM NEW YORK Brerr WED NKBDAT I and PA TURD AT . I at 3 o'clock, P. zj ' BENfAljrOK.Wdaegday, Feb nsry 32 REQULATOttMMMM.Satarday, rebraary S6 GULF 8TrtEAM..We4Ecdjy, March 1 BKiVE?AtTOS .;...? rJ ay, Harcli I 4 BGGDLATO?..... Tf suday, March ,8 OUL? 8TR!tAiI, ..SatcrdaT, Mareb ll NErACrOR,l....Wd'5MfT, ilr.h 35 UkOrLA OBl...I.....aatwdar, March IS QULF 8TBE , .iatardsr. Karch 2S Tbrn:h Bills Ladiar d Lowest Threas;b j Rats guuuttfi v ana frea Polats la Worth and South Carcllsv For Freight EaeacsKaats ipplj.ti ' I fBBJirtoa,:ll C , TBSO. O. BQ 12, FrtJf ht Aea f . ' M Broatfwty, Sr Yortr. IFJf. T. CLYDX CO - . t Caul Asraati stic r-i i ; H$eT nj tiwyi be f Onmaacfilttsjo: t as ie. written; ca only Gseeida of tha psi?. ---y-- , Persoaftllties zaast be avoWei . id It Is epeelaily and parifsoiirly aadler rtoo h tbe EdiVwdow tei elVarf 'enden ib Tvsofeerrjrcd&tc kKffiles to rtt la tte 6dlt0TiIce!Tr3n? ' ! ' aawiiuiii t I NEVER TAILS. Cured my little gcirl of fit. She was sUo'doaf and i dumbj but It enred lir. Sh can nowtalkhand lif ar aa ' ell as anybody. Pms Koss, bprlilgwater, Vila. ' SJLSlAItlTJLS NEKV1XE i1, Haa lcen tae means of curing my.wlfe of rhamattsm. J. B. FlstcHk. Fort Voillus, Col. , SA5CATX1TA- NEKVIXE , 4 Made a sure cure of a case of Ats for my son. ' I E. B. Kalls, lliattsvlilc, Haa. 81MAKITAX XEUVI. E Cured moof vertlzo. hmralzta And alclc headache. L .1 Mrs. Wm. IIsnsox. Aurora, I1L SlMARltAN XEKVIXE , i "Was tho means of curinp my wife of spafmi. i liEjv. J. A. Cde. Beaver, Pa SASIAKITAX NERVINE i I Cured me of aailima, after spending oVer 13,003 lrlta other doctors. i?. I;. IlOBfeOX, ew Albany, Indi 8AMAKITAX NERVINE ' i Effectually cured me of spasm. ! I. ' I 1 Miss Jesxtts Wakbxs-. . 1 !0 Y.'est Van B urea St.. Chicago, III. ,' , 1 8A3IAUIT,if NEK VINE , r Cured onr child of fits after: Riven uj to die by oar family physician, it havinss over 1M In 24 hours, i ' Henry Ksee. Vervllia.i Warren Co.. Teniu SAMAKITAS NEStVINE , ' I Cured ma of scrofula sftersufferfnif for elsrhtyeaw., M ! ), Aj-bkkt SiMi'sopr, Peoria. Ill. SAMAEIT ax nervine 'I Cured rajt son of fits, "tor sending 2, 400 with other doctors, i .1. V. lEon.Mtis.j Claiborn, Mini. .' samar:txv nervine, 1 1 ' I . Cured jne permanently of er.ileptic fits of a stubborn character. Key. Wm. MARTl:'.ilechanc8tovra,Ud. ' ' SAMAaiTAN S ERVINE " ' (, Cured my son of fits, f ter havlnj? hnd 2, 900 In etghteea moipths. . Mr.3. E. Foseti. Weat Potsdam. M Yi. SAMLAR.l'i'AN NERVINE Curcdmeof epilepsy of hiae years' etandltag". ' i 1 Miss Or.tEKA Marshall, Grauby, rewton Co., Moj SASlAn'lTAV HiroRTIKR 1 OH l ! Has permanently cured me of epilepsy years r duration. Jacob SuTEK,;bc Joseph, Mo. ! SAMARITAN NERVINE ! Cured mo of bronchitis, ftsthma and general dpblltty. I -Or-rvEit Mtibs, Itonton, Ohio. SAMARITAV N ERV1E 1 Has enrod me of asthma; i?so Rprofula of many.yeaira standing. 13A.AG OEWEiJU covingtou, ity. . i : Cared me of fits. Havu been wil lor over four Tears. CilablesE. Cuetis. Osakls. Douglass Co.. Mlno. 8A51AR1TAS TvlTirvrr! Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly, MfpHAELO'Cosyjj. liidsrway. Pa. . SAMARITAN NERVIXE lias permanently cured rue of enlloptie nts : David TitEuijDes Moines, Iowa. SAMARITAN NERVINE ' Cured my wife of epiipsy of Sj years Ptandlntr. i ' Hkmu' Clauk Faixncid. Mich. ' SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head. 1 I i E. Graham. North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared my son of fits. H-j has not had a fit for about1 four years. Joii.v Davis. I Woodijuni.,Macoapla Co.; IB, SAMARITAN NERVINE IS FOR SALE J it BY ALL DRUG-aiSTS Or may be had direct from us. For further Informa tion inclose stamp for our Illustrated .Journal: giving' evidences of cures. Address t I , SR. S. A. RICHMOND 4s CO., i - World's Epileptic Institute,-- ; 1 3T. JOSEPH, MO. : BLACK SILKS ' COLORED SILK 3 & SATINS. BLACK & COL'i) SILK VELVETS! ' . - . - . - j. . . . gPECIAL ATTENTION 1$ called to thi above poods; a good assortment and at tha. lowest cash prices ;: - ' NEW LACES AKD NECKWEAR, ' BlackJ and preara fishue and' 8cars Ladies', Gents', ai d Children's Merino Underwear, very cheap. CURTAIN LACE3 A largre stock. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, te - .i. " We are busy all tao ia3?, and itprjyea! that we mean busicese. Come and see us;! you can spend the time proStably. 1 1 : ; 1 R. M, Illclntlra. fab SO . . - - Church ;Festival. 1 THERE WILL BE A FESTIVAL by f Ii. Ladles ol St. Thomas' Cathbilc Church, on Konday avenlDg, February 20, et Gernucia Hall. Supper ard Belrchm!m will im provided. Music by the Jt Btrtoi; Band and Danelng". Tickets adxftM.ccr Lady aDd Gentleman, 50 cents; tiDI'J tickets 25cts. fb i8-2t r-s . Evening lOvvers- T HAVE JUST RECL'2Vlil,by Express, J. a very leaut:fui un cr Krsmng Flowers. versa! Fashion Couoccj patterns wLick caa t had on very rcacn&bl terms. ' " , Respect fully, r f- !-'. MI5S KARBER, - fss 11 Exehansrt Craec - i will receive ty 5tenir "lgtuator'tha I have secured ttus Apxncr ot the Uni i : i t. 1 I i i 3 I ' i, V .1 1 i I i . , r i t, i 4 I

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