tars PAPfca wr ftwno, Baadaya ncBllTlOKS.poaAGK PAID. JZlStt Sixnontas, $250 Three M th fl 25 Oae month, 60 cents. 7, will be delivered byearrierf, ,f ebirr;e, in .ay p " rWiU rate. low .liberal ,iare, to reeelTe their pg.pcr regular! j. dyertisementa fflEGROHV RHOTAT Inia. Sciatic. Lumbago, Backache, Soreness or the Chest, Gout, Quins, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sorains, Burns and Scalds, 'General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headac'm, Frosted fee, and Ears; and ell other Pains and Aches. Vi) rrrV'ta artU equals Et. Jacom Oil aafe,rr, simple and ehtnp Kxtecual BiWt A trial eMails but the comparatively frifliiiz'mrfl' f 50 (nts, and every onosnffer- fi rjh pais ran har-j cheap and potitira proof af"ia tlainis. J)irctii)Bi in Eleven Lanstiages. 80LD BY ALL PRUGGI3T3 AND DEALERS IN ZIEDI0J.HE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baftimore. .2rZ. JJ.8.JL HER CASE WAS 'AM INTERESTING STUDY Littleion, N. C, Nov. 10, 1881. Mm. Joe Person. Dear Madam: I commenced last Ja"n wry to use your Bitters aod Wash on our little daughter An nie. aged twelve years, for Scrofula, with a tendency to White Swelling, the- pbyaician said. ,:.At. the timel comtaenwd nlng your Bemedy she was very liuch reduced in flesh, com pletion sallow, appetite poor, HtXiba very much twallen, bones enlarged, with two frightful sores on her left leg near the an kle. After UBhag the Remedy a week or two I could see a change, as I then thought.for the worse. The sorea dischar ged copiously a yellow corruption, some times runsing In a stream! to tbe floor in pite of the linens. But freling encoura ged by your letters I persevered and after uslogthe Remedy a whilo longer her strength was greatly improved, her appe tite good and complexion mveh improved. Those symptoms encouraged me, but the flow of corruption continued for several months, and not until her general health was greatly Improved did the isores begin to he.il. First the swelling began to de crjane below the knee, and continued grad ally downward, and when it nearly reach ed the sores they began to heal. In the meantime the leg from tbe ankle half way to the knee became covered with run ning pimples, in fact tbe leg had become almost a solid sore. After this the sores healed rapidly. The worst one, on tbe in. tep, healed entirely, the other to the size of a fie cent piece, audit has remained in that condition ever since, which has been several months ago. For a month ci more it has not discharged at all, and looks sometimes now as if it was entirely well. As a Blood Purifier and. Tcnic I think it superior to anything J ever tried. If you could have seen my daughter when ahe commenced using your Hemedy, and now, you would hardly believe her' to be the same child , Last January Dearly very one thought she would die. Then she was a living skeleton, now ehe ia fat and rosy. Her case was aa interestio" study from the time she commenced your Remedy, I can most hear tily and cheer- fully recommend it to be what you claim for it. Wishing you every success with your undertaking, and with many thanks for the benefits we have received from your medicine, I am, very respectfully, MRS. R. J. ALLEN. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by DR. W.H. GREEN. feb 17 'MARTIN'S VACCINE VI RU : . Kokth Carolina Medical Jouknai. aoexct for thb seitthebx states pRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from t&e renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished tn large or small quaati t'e. This vaccine is warranted to take in 11 primary cases. 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do . do 2.00 ch lancet point will vaccinate one per- Orders by telegraph or mall will receive rrompt attention. ; . THOMA8 F. WOOD, .JPfifl-tf nae WUmlnrton. N. O THE C0FJ1MER0IAL HOTEL. TTTtnT7T XT T-44a4 BaVSSS Pn for the reception of PJ R T AND TRAN8LENT GUESTS, ilf ort ttade to give satiafaeUon. Spe raU. or Kerular Boarders. -n. ' M. 8CHLOS8, Proprietor 10 CUw Bir Row .attetJw. ; Tsi; Bliii v Ei? at VOL. VI VyiLlillNGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1882 NO 44 LOCAL NEWS. New AuvEKTisEiiEjf'ra. Alex gpijuni i 80s Ship Notice HEisrsiwr 2B-rMusical Iustrumenta J O Whiie To Subscribers Tclepkono Excharge OW Yates Frames and Mouldin 1)R Trios F WooD-Martla'A'atclne Virus The off-shore storm signal is displayed to day. t The receipts ol cotton at tkia port to- ay foot up 161 bales. Ger. barque' Prospero, Kreuzieu, hence, arrived at Hamburg Feb. 18th. Schr. Ellen Tobin. Rose, eailed from New Bedford, Feb. 17th, for this port1 A grocer in the southern section of the city received nn order yesterday for "one pound of McErony." 1 "J pound When the aesthetic craze adopts knee breeches it cau.be eeen upon what slender foundations society rests. , fish Hooks and Line3. A fail assort- ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t The ladies are wearing little gold tuning forks for hafrv pins. iwhich indi cates that "there's music in the hair." Nor. barque Harmonic, Jensen, clear ed at this port to-day for London, with 3,529 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Paterscn, Downing & Co. ' Under the microscope a hair fchas rongh edges like a rasp. No ! wonder then that a young man's mustache of tern tickles a girl's nose. There is much talk abou altering the oyster law. They are now sold by the bushel, and the proposition 13 to sell them by" the hundred. . i It i3 stated that breakfast caps for young ladies are tbe latest fashion; and - M I1 conversely, faehionble young ladies are the latest at breakfast- ' xerrlbie L03S of Life- , Millions of rats, mice, cats: bed bugs. roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Rough 6n Rats." . Sold by I druggists, 15c." ''lii Hens .scratch up flower beds only when they are barefooted. That's, why people run out and ' -shoo" the liens to keep 'em from doing damage. t 1 u yhere was only one case, which was for disorderly conduct, before the Mayor this morning, and that was discharged. We suppress the name of the guilty party by request. ' Mr. Haney will be iU charge of the Signal office here for the next ten or twelve days, while -Mr. McGann, the officer in charge, goes to Norfolk, Ta.f on a short visit to his friends and rela tives there. . -!j - Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. The German" given last evening in Rankin Hall complimentary to Mrs. A. Pope was largely attended and was a yery brilliant affair. The only drawback was in the fact that the room was rather small tor the unusually large number as- sembled. 1 ' 1 .- This has been a fearfully disagreeable day. The streets are very dry and the windhas been blowing a gale from th0 Southwest, filling the eyes and nose ancl mouth with dust and making pedestrian ism an exceedingly difficult and un-, pleasant thiDg. , ' On the Caggcd Edge The U. S. flag which floated in glori ous splendor this morning it "the top of the flag-staff on the (justom House was metamorphosed during the day into a veritable raj?, by jthe yielence of jthe wind. There is but little left of it now but the blue square and the stare? the strifes having been blown away. y Uo WotiidQ't Eat A tew days ago a gentleman! in this city purchased for his son a goat, some, thing for which the Utile fellow ha,dbeen clamoring for some time past. : Of course he was delighted and at onie struck p a warm friendship with Billy. Yesterday his mother asked him ho w he goat waa when Matt responded: ! , j I "I'm afraid he's sick, mamma." "Why, what makes ypn ' think so?" asked the mother. j ' "Because, mamma," responded the little fellow with the suspicion of a tear in either eye,"I gave him some water and three pieces of brown paper and a' stick of wood; and he wouldn't cat it." - k Ranawaj. . ; - : About 1L30 o'clock this forenoon a horse, attached to a dray, belonging to CapU J. L. Boatwright,took fright from an empty barrel that was driven against him by the wind,and ran up Front street at a fearful rate, to Chestnut street, where he was caught, fortunately without damage to himself or the dray. ' Changed Hands. Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son have pur chased from Messrs. Jno. E. Lippitt & Co. the Wilmington Ice llouse.. They take, charge of it 10-day. They tell usf that they have made arrangements for a full supply throughout the entire Sum mer months and they may be relied upon to fill promptly and carefully all orders entrusted to them. , . ' , .... ,-i . - Clura Louise Kellogg is te receive $12,000 for singing twenty nights in Paris, -$C00 a night! No wonder she is in love with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the great remedy for coughs and colds, for what would she do without it, if she should be attacked suddenly by hoarse ness? A Might Fire. r There was an alarm of fire this fore noon, about 11 o'clock, just when the wind was howling around at almost its fiercest and there wa3 considerable trep idation felt as to tbe result. The alarm came from a frame dwelling on the cor ner of Wooster and STifth streets, known as the Stokely house, and occupied by a family of white persons whose name wo did not learn. At the first alarm, Mr. Ed. S. Griffith, who was fortunately not far off, rushed to the scene and in a twinkling was on the roof, where the fire had caught from a spark. He was soon joiaed by Mr. Isaac W. King and others and a few bucket of water suppiessed the flames. The only damage was a hole about as biz as a flour barrel in the roof of the building. 1 To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get- all sizes and at the lowest prices. t Proposed Dnpiln and Omtovr R. R The proposition to build a railroad, starting from the line of the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad, at Teachey's, in 1 Duplin county, to some point on New river, in Onslow county, has been mooted for a considerable time, and recently it has been discussed with a yiew to speedy action in the matter. Col. R. R. Bridgers, President of the Wil mington & Weldon Road, has been con suited on the subject, in order to ascer tain the amount of encouragement and assistance the proposed route would re- ceive from his co-operation. It is under stood that he is willing to entertain propositions such as those made by tEe Scotland! Neck Railroad, now nearly completed. In that arrangement the citizens in that section interested in the scheme, secured the right of way,?graded and cross-tied the road bed and, when all was completed, transferred the prop erty to tlie Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, the latter agreeing to put down the rails and run the trains. It has been supposed by some that the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Com. pany was to issue stock or bonds to the Scotland Neck Company, but such is not the fact; the former became the sole and exclusive owner of the latter as soon as it was graded and cross-tied. This has all been, done, and all the track has been laid with the exception of about six miles. As before stated, there is a probable certainty" that Col.Bndgers will enter, tain and favorably consider similar prop ositions from the Duplin and Onslow Company, and that being the fact, it re mains for the latter to determine whether the road shall be built or not. We suppose that a similar proposition made to Col. Bridgers by the projectors of the Burgaw k Onslow R. R., which was strenuously advocated two years ago and for which a charter was obtained from the Legislature, would be itst as favor ably entertained. If anything is to be done at all by the friends of this enter prise they should be np aad doing. The owner of the Walnut Btreet Liv ery Stables, Lancaster, Pa., is Mr. Issac Powell, who writes: My mother used St. Jacobs Oil for a bad swelling, which doctors pronounced rheumatism and dropsy combined. Although so ill that she could hardly walk, .after the use of St. Jacobs Oil ehe went about with ease I also used St. Jacobs Oil on a horse that was Isadly galled; it removed the soreness and healed mora rapidly than any preparation I tyer saw t. , RAILROAD ! The Point Caswell and Clinton R. R A Larze leathering at .Lisbon Last Saturday. A very large and enthusiastic mec ting was held at Lisbon,- in Sampson county,! on Saturday .last; in the interest of the ! proposed Point Caswell & Clinton R. R. j The speakers were Hon. A. A. McKoy, ! Mr. D. T. O'Hanlon, of Fayetteville, Mr. B. W, Kerr, of Sampsou, and Capt. R. P.Padduron. of Point Caswell. It was decidedly the most interesting meet ing yet held in favor of this object and gave great encouragement to the friends of the proposed road. The speakers were very happy and felicitous ia their remarks. J udge McKoy enumerated the advan tages that would result to the people all along the route and especially to those of Sampson county by the construction of this road. He said that if the people of Sampson county should so determine they could themselves construct; this road. Ho kne w of over $200,000 which was at that moment lying idle in the hands of residents of the county and there was perhaps much more of which he did not know. ; Mr. O'Hanlon gave the warmest en dorsement to the scheme. He estima ted that a narrow gauge road could be built for 95,000 a raile through such a level country and he felt satisfied that $225,000 will build and equip the 40 miles of road between Point Caswell and Clinton, He urged a united , effort on the part of the people, confident that this is all that is needed to ensure suc cess. Mr. E. W. Kerr commended the en terprise most warmly.' He spoke of the needs and necessities of the good people of Sampson eounty for a com munication by rail with the outside world; of the wonderful wealth and fertil ity of resources fer which the old county is famous and of the determination of the people to have a railroad connection in some direction. He believed that the people of Sampson would prefer this out let. Wilmington was naturally their fint choice for 1 a market. He was a warm friend and advocate of the propos ed road to Point Caswell and believed that it would be built. Indeed, he felt sure that its construction was a fixed fact. 1 1 j Capt. Paddison made a plain, practi cal, business-like talk. He pointed out briefly and concisely the many advan tages to he gained by the construction of the road, gave estimates as to its probable cost, explained the exact route through which it is proposed to carry it and called upon those who were inter ested in1 the enterprise and through whose country it would pass to give it practical aid in the way of subscription to the stock. He thought that the pros pects for success were at this j time very brightbrighter than they had been at any time yet and he -now felt sanguine of success. The meeting was very : harmonious and yery enthusiastic and the speakers were all greeted with loud and earnest jap, plause. The prospects ot the road are, indeed, yery bright at this time, and we hope' to hear soon that the stock has all been subscribed and that the construe tion of the road is an assured fact. A charter will be applied , for at the next session of the Legislature. , j The Gale- 1 The gale from the Southwest, which commenced at an early hour last evening and continued through the night, reach ed its maximum velocity at 10 , o'clock this forenoon when it blew here at the rate of 40 miles per hour. This velocity was maintained uatil 10.30 a. m. (a half hour) when there was a manifest de crease. There has been no damage to the shiDmnxr in port, so far as we could learn.' - j At Smithville, as we learn , through the courtesy of the Signal Service ofS cials.the gale was comparatively light,the maximum velocity of the wind being oa- ly 23 miles per hour. j t The gale has equal force on the Florida coast that it baa here. There is an in terruption in the working of the tele graphic lines north of Fort Macon, hich was tiused by the gale, which blew with force in tht locality yesterday. The wind will probably shift to north west this evening, with lew velocity aid a decided fall la the tesperatars. Another Suppression. Another fire was. checked in the bud this afternoon. At about 12:15 fire was discovered in a bale of1 cotton on Messrs. Hall & Pearsail's wharf, between Mar ket and Dock streets. No general alarm was sent out and those who were near at hand rushed to the ?pot and soon succeeded in suppressing the flames. It is thought that the fire caught from a spark, from a pipe or a cigar. , I'nmaUable ' i Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Pofttoffice , in this eity: : . - - Miss L. G. Nixon, Chatham, Ya.; Miss Emma Townsen, Pleasant Grove,. Lan caster co., Pa.; yellow stamped envelope with no address; Mis3 Lilly Haylitt, -150 Paul st, Baltimore, Md. List of Letters. Tbe following is a list of the letters re-? maining unclaimed In the City Postoffice Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1882: A W H Andrews, (2), Francenia Ashe, Emma Adkinson, McAllister Al len, Jno W Ambrey. ' B D P Burgan, D M Bryant, Sai ah A Branch, Edward Bird, Wm Bryan, Harry Brooks, Anna E Byrd, Andrew Biackwell, Aaron Brown. 1 C Benj Campbell, Ann Carter, Clara C Chancy, E Camp, Helen Costin (2), Jacob Cobb care Jno Taylor, Sarah Jane Cotton, S Wallace Corbett, Mar gnret A Curtis, Martha Campbell.' D Chas Davis, Eli Davis, Haynes Davis, James J Dray, James H Davis, James Dumont, Jas C Davis, Lizzie Dawson, Margarett Debose, Sophia Da- vis, vv v jjantorth, vv c Dickey. E D P Evans. Albert Evans, Chas Emyen, Edward Ebson, Nathan Earp, Lanrina Earle, Sarah Evans. F Walter Ford, Bryant Fonville, Samuel Faucitt, Sallio Fletcher. G Flora Green, Eiizah Goss, Mariah Gause, Simpronus Griffiam, Thomas Gardner. H C W Hudgics, Edward Hill, George Hardy (2), F J Harden, George Haves. Julia Hooner. Jessie FTprrino- Jerry Hankins, Anna Hooper, Jennief iiusseii, Maiissa Mines, M F Hufman, Richard F Holmes, Samuel Hankins. I Henry Irving. J -Annie Jones, E H Jones, Jno L Joiner, Mary Jones, Palace Jones, R H Johnson, Ramson Jones. K Alfred King, James King, Mike Kelley, Thomas Knight. L -James W Lane, Ishmael Leonard, Joseph Lathon. M George McMillian, Ann Martin, David Mosely, Hugh McDonald, Mariah Mallett, Wra T McLaurin. Jane C Merrick, Jno W McKenzie, Joannah E Moore. P-AG Person, A G Phillips (2), Lenoah Potter, S rearce, Willie A Potter, Thos PoliteJ Wm Purnell, Jno Pearsall, Jas H Price, G W 8 Prififge. R Jno H Brown Rufus, R Roberts, Lucinda Ross, Nancy Robinson, Jno H Roberson, A M Ried. SHiliered Shines, Ed Sims, Dr Henry Shoup, Jno L Spray, William Sweet, M J Suton, J F Steiner, William A Shelton, Wm Stancell, Samuel R Simmons, Jno Thomas, S M Thompson, R H Tarland Imogene Thompson. . Persons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertiseKr; If no claim ed! in SO days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. O. E. R. BRINK, P. M. . Wilmington, New Hanover County, N.c ' .v.-;-; i. - New Advertisements Musical Instriunents. y-lOLI&'S, BANJOJ, AOCOBDEONB, Conee-ninai, Q altar 1, Ilarmonicif, Plates, Fifes and t first class itoci of Tioiln aod Gaitar Btringf jaat received at : ' ' I HEI5SBKE0Ea'S. A New Stock jyOTE PA FES, L pa pa pes; Footeap, LealGp, 1 Fnrelope", Blank Bffik', &o, at reb21 HSINSU TO SUBSCRIBERS TELEPHOrJE EXCHMiQEi YOU WILL PLEAS ADD THE FOL I lowing 4lNew Subscriberfc" to your lut : No. 24. Altaffer, Price & Co. No. 19. Cantwell. J. L. "Produce Tx." No 6. Hall & pearsall. 1 No. iS. Jlartic, A. Office, No. 80. do. Naval Store Tard. ' ' No. 12. Paterson, Downing &. Co.,Offlce. No. 101. do do. ' Tard. Subseribtrs are. requested, when through talklar. to pull lever down: mention own number, followed by the word ,oa" thus, "41 off," or wnaierer your numoer la. A 1. WATS KZZr UEVXB DOWTC XTSTH. Blli TAT. ' Any inlormauen sladlyjrlyea.; f aft Xl J. U. W111XE. ilan'rr t Wa will b glad U rsslv eamiaaaieaUaa 1 fro 31 cur firlcads oa amy aad 'til safebetaT gtmzrl !ct7st feat . S t!t cj & writer KiEjt ait-ays bfi sUiisif to ih cuter, ; i;- - OwBBTrntcstlcsiparlbe W7!ttn!cr only etMsofthpattr ; - - - Fefcaaliii9tattsibayoH9d ( 1 Aad tt !s rjeclally aad pxfil!arly aadsr attwl that tb Edlfef does aot always rodort . Ih4vtwi6terrpanda&ts vnclca taeut . la ia editorial eohi'mi.t Ship S2tic A LL PERSONS4 are hereby Ol ciunonea ana forewarned against harboring or crditlD any of the crew of Br. hrmi i ARVHITECT, Capt. AVeber, at neitheTtS. jier or i oosigceea win be responslhle, for any dtbta contracted by thtnu I A LEA. SfkUNT Jr SDV feb 21 It ( ocsigctea , jpORTr HEAD JUST RECEIVED, for eale. Aleo, a few goeil HORSF. . .' - T. feb 20-3t J- SOUTIIERLAND, T Stables, Second Sti eet Frames and Moulding VKLVIT AND RPONT OOMBINATIOJf Framsf, all aizea.' Photograph : and Auto griph Aibc as, Motto Fraaas, Cord, Ac. Jllaak BoOka, School Booka, WrlUas; Papar, Ink, Ptjne:lB,llBeIlage,' Geld Pens, Tlolia Btrinnraio., Ac.;";::;: : ;:V f. ' .' fab 20 ; Bookseller and Btatlentr ' fJlHIS MORNING, a gold mounted Hair Breastpin. A suitable reward will be paid for Its return. feb20-3t Apply at THIS OFFICE. BLACK SILKS,,' GOLOPiED SILK8 & SATINS. BUCK & COL'D SILK YZLYETS! gPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the above goods; a good assortment and at the '.... r , , lowest cash prices. ., , , NEW LACES AND NECKWEAR, Black' and Cream Fishue and Scarfs ' ' f -1,1..,. Ladies', Gents', and Children's Meriao Underwear, very cheap. ; CURTAIN LACE3A large stock. H 1 CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, Ac.' We are busy all the time, atid It provaJ. that we mean business. I Come and see us; you can spend the time profitably. ' ' , J :!j;M.;Mcjntireg HEV YOk & VlLft?3NGT0N ; STEAMSHIF GO. SEB1I-WSSSLY iME ift ; 1 v. 'v f' v.v. rJ '-STEAMERS r, , V.: . WILL' SAIL FROM NEW TORE," Every WEDNESDAY and HATURDAjT :;( at 3 oVock, P. M. BENEFACTOR.... Wedaeaiay, Feb nary 17 KEGULATUSMMM.8tard&y, febraary 3 GULF STItEAU.. Wednesday; Harch BfcUEFAOTOi:.;.-..Satardjy, iltrcn 4 - 1 r B3UiiATOR.M Wednesday, L'arch 8 GULF STREAM, ..SaUrday, llareh 11 BSNEyACTOlC.....Wednes3ayrf Uarth lfi HEGULAT03,.j....8atarday, March 19 GULF 81B,...atarday, Karch 24 - j . ' " ' ' "( 1" -?pau- Tiroagh Bii'a Ladis and Lowest Throvtjh i Rataa guiTzzzed to ana frca Points la North and 8ath Cartlina. ' j For Freixh EBgefemtn pp!It , THOS. E. BOWD, Bttpt, , ' I j It . -. : :') WilBjSea,f ifQ. TUoJT,0. EQEB, FreJgMAcrif, ; f" Broedws.fftw York mr.'p. ciJTDJs & fab 19 If Even i 'rig Flowers. - i - I HAVE JUST RECtlVED.by Expresf. a a very beautiful lot! of Evenieg Flowers. I will receive ty cteimer"Re?nlator"the first Sprlog Hats and Bonnets. - f I have secured the arencv of the Uni versal Fashion om pany 'a patterns which can be had on very reasonable terms, H - f s,i , ; JKeapectrnlly, , Uy lt t -e ; lS . : , jjjcaijj come 0 9 j ii i 1 1 1 1

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