"THIS P1FEB V will bsgltd to rees!r csnsicsUatloai j 0 S H.T.J CS si, .oaths, M ; Three 181 f 1 25 : Oce month, 60 oeaU.' fn. Ptp - .rf theeitv. attfce ?"4 ... nrl3cenuperek. Loote r .nd liberal Lribere will piM report any and j"KJr nnerirfaralrlT. THE GREAT. .TISI, fieuralgia, Sciatica, lumbago, Backache, Soreness or the Chesty Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell was and Sorains, BurriS and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted fesi end Ears, and all other Pains and Acnes, v- Pr-Atipn rn rarth eqaal St. Jacobs Oil. ' .;k.a nnrl fhttan External lT wfth paii can hare cheap and poiiUye proof Mt cwnis. i)iretlon in Kleren Lnagnag'S. BOLD BT iLL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEE3 IK MEDICINE. -: ' . A. VOGEIiER tfc CO., Haltinlore, Md. U. S.A- HER CASE WAS 'AN INTERESTING STUDY Uttletox, X. C. Iiov. lu, T loaf. Tan nary to use your Bitters and Wash on our anahtr Acnie. ased twelve years, for Scrofula, with a tendeocy to White . itmiu - : . I Rm.NtW thA . nhvtician said. At tnel w ---r r-j-- .,in I time I comaeccea us ng your tbo wta very iuch reducea m uehu, com- f nltzion sallow, appetite poor, limbs very I r--- ., , j much swollen, oonea emargeu, witu tv frightful tores on her left leg near the an klo. After utiog the llomcdy a wees or two I could see a cbaDge, as i teen thought, for the ged copiously a tlmfl ranaingin " spite oi the linens, gnu , ,uu....w. rr uainethe Remedy a while longer Tho..jmpto.8lI1couragldme. M the W A I how of corruption continued lor several months, and not until her general health waa greatly Improved did the sores begin tonsil, firsttne sweuing oegan to uo crease oeiow tae auee.uuu uuuuuuou ntnrr 1mr,W In fact thft lfiff had become t almost a solid sore. After this the sores healed rapidly. The worst one, on the in BUP, healed entirely, the othec to ofa Eve cent piece, and it has remained m mai conaiuon ever uw, nmw lL.k . 1-. rt I been several months ago. For a month ot mora It haa not dtrcharced at all. and looks sometimes now as if it was Entirely the same child La3t Jannary nearly every one thought she would die. Then ahe was a Uvintr skeleton, now eheia fat and rosy. ner case was an interesting ajuuy iropi iua time i Iiemedy. I can most fnlly recommend lorit. wisningjou every succces with Ti-;i-rbk. for the benefit wa have received from vnnr medicine. Iam. very respectf ally. MRS The Remedy is for sale bv DR. W. H. GREEN MARTIIl'S VACCINE VIRU ? . I North Carousa Mepical JouKNat. AOKXCT TOR THS SOCTHERX STATES "pRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished in large or small quanti ties. This vaccine is warranted to take in all primary cases- 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do 2.C0 Etch lancet point will vaccinate one per son. ! Orders by telegraph or mail wiU receive prompt attention. " THOMAS T. WOOD, iaa 2Mf nac i Wilmlpgton. N. O THT COMMERCIAL HOTtt. "O PAIRED AND ENTIRELY Befitted, XV is new open for the reception of P R JAUENT AND TRANSIENT GUESTS. Tery effort made to give satisfaction. . Spe U1 rates lor Regular Boarders. M- BCHLOS8, Proprietor ISrjkiX Glass Bar Rotm atUchtd. Hb 10 - . ; lV " - mm? U A j . " Hdf&sa III L TV' T MV'tt 1- TP worse. The sores dischar- Y. namelraint, reaay mixea anu wr the foot 0f i)ock street, and tested their m jau awaiting ma prw, - .l nr-r-r. PPTXTTS yellow corruption, some- rant8d. '.Sold only at Jacobi's. t pnty;nP for a Bhort time, during which a nation, which will take plac at 10 VELVCi' COOrAiViJ a streamvto the floor in 1 . , A. ri, t,nNf u h nrpHanrP.. i o'clock to-morrow morning before; J ntice rTwcTriTjR print works is . But Ua ng encoura-1 The guano oaor now oegwuem w gecuuu w t. -.,.. 1 T ;r 7r f norcorornl anr aftAr I (0V0ro vorv mnrhlv and I and had to Pe rePlUCOa BY aOULUer. 1UM I I cu w i"- -- r - - llydownward,andwhenltnach. - J - - iioni cleanUnesV of No. 434, K. of H., for conferring de- iclor 'j I ed the sores they began to heal. In the overcoats apqiire.. 1. Parker's Hair Balsam makes it popu grees, is called for to-morrow evening. Q 0Q who buy and wear their1 prints will, meantime the leg from the antia , na n Venuer, the weather prophet, predicts iar. Gray hairs are impossible with it's T- 1 thev feel confident, find them superior in dur- wen. as a liiood mriner ana iodic i as falling rapidly, though there is as yet fl; breakfast strips, 14 cents v 10; ury ne leading article, "The Jeannette and think it superior to anything I ever tried. water for good boktingpur- salt sides, 11 12 cents V ft; eggs, 18 her Crew," by Joseph I. C. Clarke, con- If you could have seen iny daughter wheu v V B A. t,, ' . Ar ooi in ' a tains the details of the organization, she commenced using your . Remedy, and poses. They also report that there are an cenU) V dozen; batter.: 22 40 cents Joffe "00, las fifteen now, you would hardly believe- her to bo immense number of rafts of timber and $ ft- lard, 12 15 cents V ft; chick- fi "'iiina.rationa. There is an article on n Tir VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1882; NOf 45 LOCAL MEWS. NEW ADVEKTI3EMEXT8. ' i Ceoxlt& Morris Fruit at Auction . i CHi.Ei.t- S P ires Diary Free $1000 Reward j Dr.VV H Parker Know Thyself ! Wm impsox& Sox Know Thyself Clittox Giles:, D Knignts of lienor Heixsberger Musical Instruments , CW Yates Frames and Moulding Dr Tros 5? WooK-Martifi'b Vaccine Virus I I The first stands. roes of summer on fish "God's weather. poor' are thankful for this , . L4 j j Farm laborers are scarce I land in de-1 mand at high wages. Clear and cold this morning with the wind from the Northwe3t. . , It takes an old woman well versed in herbs to give sage advice. Barque Ribnitz, Fretwurst, hence, ar-1 4 .' rived at Liverpool Feb. th. r rpool As Ion? as girls are pretty, men can't help being idiotic about them. Judge French's condition, we are sorry to learn, does not improve any. Sw. baraue du?arrf Pens, hence, ar- . ! . . I . rived at Bristol, Eng., Feb19tb. Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, hence arrived at New York Feb.i20th. A few days more of such weather will send all of the fruit trees into blossom. Schooner Frank. Litartimg, ireene, hence, arrived at Philadelphia Jbeb. iu. Mr. W. V. McDiarmid.of the Lumber : I ton Kohesonian, greeted us with a visit this forenoon. A few weeks more vi, weather aQd then the willbe, "O, hOW h0t It 13 I By the use of the ! Great German trMK nr, An ran main- rt,eiucu v. uauiuuiK vuu, w i . d dieestion. I t . - i -TT, tn.iVnn i v nen onu wumuu di. Tw ai g of tte dawn of bright era, :'fcWo lenare bcouuuk buiuu ""a"""'" i - ,- trying to borrow saleratus. 5 I nnrnpa hv nsin ' the N 7 mvw ,j as toe aays grow warmer iuo puuuvj 1 v. rrtv.-rr I of the tBro patent. ' wara ... - Dredictea Kill a. V W V " 1 - yesterday as a probable visitor here to day, tally verified the prophecy and Ujr0Hfrht with it a bracing northwest SeriOUS SHOW DiOCkaueb m tuc . .. and M iddle States for the close of the present month and probably exceedingly ru 8 0 t.J.a .lL aar,v nart ftf ml VHTV rMUI I M II I 111 ill LO 1 Ll CUW V,Mt A T r-. ; March. Steamboatmen report the Cape Fear nVfli atnrPS in the river ! on their wav k , i I 'w I . Before dippl , into ink thirklv crnmmed w th dried ink a few ttoi ,-,,,,, it f'cu- Thea leave I their not in use, some accountants T. B.na. and others-Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, ou.can .fflM rt lowest prices. They do say that a certain judge not long siace, in making some remarks to a ,ury on me law lor ia prejenuon i cruelty to animais, saiu 11 ougni. 10 appiy to horses and to be enforced, but not to mules, for a mule would get even with a man who maltreated him, eveh if he had to wait six long years to do it. j . Hafts of timber continue lo come down the river, and there seems thu$ far to be no diminution in the number o j daily ar rivals. We learn that quite a number of tfiem became broken up and I otherwiee demoralized during the gale of yester. day, causing considerable labor and trouble on tha part of the raltimen to get them together again. , 1 1 - . 1 U.. A o nino itw fnr -r AnnniJ a. p ,wi. mw..-D w. a- . J rt,K --rr,rttrlrrr nnufhino which The I,nten Season The penitential season, for those who observe the Lenten feasU, was inaugu- rated to-day, when serrices were held in the Roman Catholic and ' Episcopal C hurches. j There are forty dajs in Lent, not counting the Sandays, which are feast-dajs. It begins toj day, Ash Wed nesday, and closes with the Saturday be, fore Easter Day, known as Easter Even Easter ibis year falls on the 9 th of -i -r : fvll t TfU f P"1- , ib lc" wu April, just eight days later. February 22nd. . Today is the 150th anniversary of Washington's birth day, he having been iuguuo "v w --o i born on the 22d day of February, 1732 It being a legal holiday the banks in the citv have been closed for business, and h Mi office3 have been opea ahnrt timo dnrintr thft morniner and ivi umv - w o r a - I evening. The stores and other business houses have been open to trade through- , li j u ,f u out the day, and our thoroughfares have , , ;. . r nrftRfented the usual appearance of trade i I and traffic. "I would not live always, I ask not to stay." We do not wonder, with sucn a cold as yours, but there is a bright side now under the hands of a skillful Svrup never fails to cure the most stub- J i. I oorn cougn. i ' CllJ Court- , Scipio Hill, colored, was brought be- TLJ with disorderly conduct. The charge was sustained and he was sent below tor four days. j J. R. White, charged with disorderly conduct, was next arraigned ana jaag- . . ?1JJI mem in nis case w uucu. Hardy Cromartie, colored, for disor- .wJderlj conduct was found guilty and fined $2 which he paid. ,. , , , I This concluded the matinee. Howard Relief Anniversary. HOWara Beuei Anniversary. Th Howard Relief Fire Ensrine Co.. No. 1. were out this forenoon in uniform w - ' I . , , , . . . tnr parade ana mai oi ineir euKiuc. i - r---- u: ,ni;. rrnw nay, aaiw irum ucu8 wB da v: is an anniversary day off the com- -i - . - tjanv and the members combine the two .pay celebratiou. They started nto.ma!!. v... -f steam ana arew water nuiu cue 1 " . v . ii. . I trt- .hniit ti nnnr. wnrn ine WCic uu ivi - 'ttSS ".?TJ ayocauons, to uxcci. v uie q celebratioQ cf the day by a Qermania pjall. The Retail Market- I The following are the prices or some articles at retail in this market: 4 ' M n' Kama lfi enta tb: N. U. sidek.15 cent. N. C. shou.de, v - -- 2l cents V B&; Baltimore hams, 16 cents na 15 fa) 30 cents each: ducks, 35 cents .,),. o-pprp so (7b 65 cents each: turkeys. ' ' .x . . T" v " . ' ,. . . , shell, 60. ' ' 50 061118 V gallon ;. 8Wee P01068' 80 S ii! ,. J Z. LLZL 12 cenk turnips, 80 cents V bushel; coffee, jRto, 1QJ .15 cents V ft ; Laguyra, 30 cents ?.ft. Jwater Perd,, Trout and Black Da xioou ana 1 'inR- a iuii , ppice8 at Jaoob t Through passenger travel from ine . " ..M:.imn.Ti;-nffinHnA To-a ors,whicharethoroughlywashedinhotwater I North ;towarda Florida still continues y0Iinger portion of society, but February nearly as large aa it haa been at any time uth, this year, was made memorable in . it. Twc-entBeaaon t 1 New Orleans by its being the occasion during the present season. of the 14ist. Grand Monthly Drawing of 'x , " Sea Here. The Louisiana SUte Lottery, under the You are sick; well, there is just one goie management of Genla G. T. Beaure. remedy that will cure you beyond possi- gard andJubal A.Early, when over bility of doubU If it's liver or Kidney $110,000 was given away to the favon troable, Consumption Dyspepsia, DebU- tea of fortune. The next drawing wUl ity,Yells, Health Kenewer is your hope, uke place on the 14th of March, and SL. Druggista. Depot Jas. C. Munds. ftDJ information . relaUfe to it will be 56 . 1 cheerfully forwarded on addressing M. A. Strawberriea and green peaa pass Dauphin, New Orleans, La-, and if $2 or throaah here Ttrj day for the Northern $1 is sent he will foward you a whole or markets. , Wftlcket, Past Saline. Schr. Mabel Darling, Capt. Banger, which arriTed here to-day irom JNasau, made a remarkable ran yesterday. At 12 o'clock Capt. Ranger says that he was 30 miles below Savannah and at 4 o'clock this morning he crossed the! bar at the mouth of the Cape Fear. He made the run, 170 miles, in 16 hours, or at the rate of lQf miles an hour. : For Ui penuntlary: The prisoners convicted at the late term of the Criminal Court and sentenced to servitude in the State penitentiary. I but who taTC-confined in jail in this city gince lhcir trjajt are to 8tart for ais city since meir inai, re w bmiiiiui i Raiegh t0 morrow morning to commence tno service 0f their term of punishment. om i , . their ub during Lu. - : , a ia v,i rt VLlCir iCCpCbUIC trCl U19 (kuu aovr pay 80mething towards defraying the enBe attending their trial and convio 4 . - -t i tion. . ! Capt- MuTChlson. We are glad to learn that Captain Murchison is better. Such was the tenor 0f a despatch received here this morning jrQm York, where Capt. Murchisen I specialist. The crisis of his disease, we ' 1 3 xt. I understand, nas peen passeu, uuu vuo physicians thmk now that he will recover I rrfi ;S atill attended bv Dr. accompanied him to New York, and j who advised ttat the case . b iven into the tandg Qf the epe. . , . I coma to Grief i , mornin a youag colored -man named Major Dadley stole ft CQwand calf f Andrewi Moore. als0 ..v.,;-. abottfc lA milea from ' . ' I - - .. the city, in the neighborhood ot the Poor House, and started with them to- ... .J i.tm Urt fnna ennn A !rkVAPP(1 -V- 7 came lo" and started in pursuit. He came . . ... i i m sight of the cattle and uuaiey ana vIim 4 kftAr saw tli&t hn wan diaeov- . Ured he left them and took the swamp. , - - moore gave vo -j j u: vmj uT:n ioauuuuuumuSuuCuiuU0.V6 ered with the mud through which he had waded. Dudley was arrested and is now . . ., . , . , ... . I ... i UZZ coined to llWa CroDly & Morris. Schooner Mabel Darling arrived here Th sale will commence to-morrow morn f nir at 11 o'clock. - i Frank. Leslie's Popular Monthly far March on.,- Mjal ia Alaimr1 tft h the cheape8t in th6 world, and everyone who examines the present number will doubt- . Ul. .V . w " m .mm . mf . . . 1 3 leas admit the lacU' ine pages aDOunui I 7. . . - j i: SrSSteS be reciated and enjeyed by all classes. fin a illnstrntions. straHhnro' with eiffht illustrations: a I most interesting one on "The Growth oi I il. n it .:wMn ninpf.rionC. kk.;. illrmtrationar and several 1-ri. Xi dep-t-wt of fiction1 is unusually rich; and there are he?s' .me?'nL ?Aa .PffT.-11, oi large quarto pages, present a literary banquet enjoyable ' "d ijtijractory. A single number is offered for 25 cents, or 53 per annum, sent postpaid. Address, pNeYork.' moiisher, 03, od a A Pleasant St. Yalentlne'i Day. nn l i ' mAmAyiAQ rf Qf 'Va.lpn . dav are cenerally kept by the i The Soiree Club (the Kids) 'gave a very pleasant Hop last evening in Ran kin Hall. Two sailor,anamed respectively Harry Matthews and John Thompson, belongin to the schooner Wave Crest, Captain Hewitt? were arrested and taken to jail to-day at the request of the Captain, for detention, as alleged deserters from his vessel. New Advertisomonts Knisrhts of Honor CAROLINA LODGE, NO. 434. & PEIAL MEETING TO-MORROW (Thursday) evening, at o'clock, Cor the purpose of conferring degrees. (jLAiTUN O I LKS, dictator Gzo. N." Harriss, Reporter. feb 4-i Fruit at Auction. rpp-MORROW MORNING, commencing JL H 0lc,lo.ck,' 've.m"e ronUon ooara oenr. aiaDei Aianing, juBi irom xmsb. sau, cargo of West. Iudid .Fruit, conIsting of Oranges, Bananas, Pineapples, Cocoa- nuts, Watermelons, &c. f UKOKJLiX 55 AlOKKia, feb 23-lt ' . Auctr"a E"!t : f--. for 1882. with im MJf I rV r ICO proved Interest Table, Calendar, etc. fcent to any addxeM dr oli 43 Jawl Ave.rmia. j tap iw k. m. i-i nT . -rT-t t ui RJOQJ rVi Ridinrilch. ia, ulcerated, or Protradiag FlLJd that 8lOA P1LKRBM BDYf.il. to .tare. SffSt? pKla. one fJiSS. without h" Jftg ttwJ i !: 60LD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOTtj a new & rre&t Aiucai v orx rrar rntad the best od chee 6t, indisDensabla to Tery mna. entitled th 8ince of J bonnd in. fisest II'tcboIi xnusiia,embosed,faM?iit,&39 pase...oontsinsbeatiinJ steel nsrravinja. 125 prescriptions, price only $1.2.r) ent by mail : illustrated sample, 6 c. : send row, Address Peabodjlledi v fn-titut or Irr. W.VLPaIi. HYSELF. kick, o-4 BoiaachsLIioatoiL. HE BEST CALICO. I TT.crMDCnA. , xjj.j.rj.j. jisj.v w vim. rrpwrww crrnvn MfilTRNTNG i ki""'",u -z BLACKS, i- IJclntsintheeountrv. THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY has enabled them to attain such perfection I that they can with confidence ask you to test the quality of Oar work. They careluiiy I J .11 tvnennnne ilmirc m?lr nnlO 13 ST ml. IVU1U i JWWVUVHO vuugxy J " I ability, artistic style and finish. Be sure and I ask for their goods, and see that their marks I and tickets are on them. Wllflll Tqfmentg JUllSlCtil JILStrUIIlUIlU I . TTfnT.iva. HANJoa. AHnORDEONS I f V I fpacartinaf. Guitars, Harmonieaa, Flutes, .fifes and a first claw stock of Violin and Guitar fitriags, just received at HEIN3BE3QEE'S. A New Stock t JOTfi FAPBE, LTIeS FAPEU, Fooitcap, Local Cap I . . . Envelopes, Blank Book, Ac, at JebSl HEINSBBQ&'S J3gw Restaurant. No. S, Granite Row , 8outh Iront st., a Res taurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of the day. j Every thing lis new and first clas. Polite waiters and courteous at tendanta. " ''' - - y I l-Game an oya f in eeaeon.' Fine Wmes, Liquors and Cifan.! j nov 18 T. A. 6CHUTTE, Pro?. Evenine Flowers, j I HAVE InJST RECEIVED,by ExpreM, a a Tery beautiful lot of Evening Flowers. 1 will Teedve by Steamer "Regulator the first Sprlog Hats and Bonnet, l have secured the Arency of tha Unl- Yersal Fashion Company's patterns, which a.u be aad oh very reaaonable terms, V 1 Xeepectfully, v - - . ft ll Cxthaaca Ctrao 1 ll Servers! ir rr t-i Fartcaa&tiss taot b aroUrl i 1 -. : ' v i ' A&4 It U eepeclallj aad parccUriy eaiar , lioi Uiat de Edltidoes ret alwRji asdort lib vkwi oi corrs?sdeBtf ,9B?t? to ttr Rpre fyiule Urn sale. Also a few good v I r ! ? - H T. J. SOUTnERLAND, feb 20-St ; Stables. Second Stiet I. Frames andHould infe yELYiT AND EBONY COilBlNATICfff 'r ;;V! ':M j -.li . ' Frsms?, til eisa. rsotcgrsph tad auto grtph Albaas, Motto Frarce-v Cord, At. Black Rookt, Scbool BockB.'Wrltiag Pr Ink, resells, Maclisp, Gsld Pecs, i t iolia String, 43, ie, ' ' ': . ' GW YAT SSji fb23 tcoksslley and Htatloa'r Lost. rini3 MORNING, a gold mounted Hair Breastpin. A suitable reward Hill be paid, for its return.- Apply at . ? . ; feb 20-3t ! , " : THIS OFFICE. B L AG K SILKS, COLORED SILKS & SATINS. BLACK& COL'D S1LK.YELVETS! gPECIAL ATTENTION is called to U above goods; a good assortment and at th lowest cash prices. new l Aces and neckwear," Black and. Cream Fishue and Setrfa Ladies', Gents', and i Children's Merino Underwear, very cheap. . CURTAIN LACES A large stock. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, &. We are busy all the time', and ltprovaa ' " . I ' . . it., i that we mean business. Come and sse us; . ' . - you can spend the time profitably, - . feb 20 i NEV YGiiEC ViLMIHGTON STEASKfP C3. ! I SEIHI-WEEK&Y LINE STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW I- i Every WED N 3RO AT . . r and 01TCEP.Y at 3 o'c ocfc, P. Ur ENEFACXeil...-.y7dseBday, Feb; vary 21 REGULASOli i&tardsy, Fobrnary 55 i " a GfJLF BTKI3AM..We!lneBday March 1 BE5EFA0TOUl.....SaiardAy, March 4 REGULATOR ...". Wednesday, March 8 onLP HTREAII. Sairdav. March 11 BNEyAOTOa,...;..Wjedoeslay, March IS EEGULATOS,.........iSatnrday March 18 GUL? BTREAfal......SatttrdyJ March 2i ta- Through Bills Lading sai Lowest .. " ' , s" V It Through Rates guraatol to aha froav Points ia Iorth aad South Carolina. Per Frdjht Ensgsasou a?flyt) - Wnmiato&,ttC( U TQEO. '.G.' EGER, FrelgMAiceat, ' I . -1 ' Vss Frowar,',rtw.Tork! - - ' ' - ,.' i - . WM. F. CLYDE k 03., i . Qiul Aztntf feb 10-tf t-' - 1 TO SUBSCRIBERS TELEPHONE " : EXCHAHGE. ! j WILL FLEA8E ADD THE FOL- 'No. 21. ' Altafler Price &i Co: j j No. 19. Cantweli; J, L; "Produce I X." No' ft. Hall & Peat aalL r No. 49. Martin, A. OCc, Gli No. so. do. ntru euj; No. 12. Patersoa, Downing A Co.,Ofl!c. i No. 101. . .do do. " Yrd. j r- jBubseribera ar j equetteJ, when throcjh talking, to pull Jver Uowb; mention own number, followed hr the word ol" thus, '41 on" or wbstever your number k. . I AtwxTS xxxp XErca dowjt t'jrru. belu f 5 TAT. i- Any information clallyiriven. fb n J. V. WfllTEt Maa'gr e x .

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