y T - - rtr - rr THIS Pi?Er i.vaw9BJ . j - w i,-j nr " ' 1' HBBBWiBBBBBBBBBBn " T MS . . - - im mmm 1 J O S II . T- : J A MBS . ":.,awf?Tros:a.iC8TAGE PAID. ri.. -ar wHl badeJivered by eairis . ,.w,...lntnT tartof tbecity. at the res oic-' - - . 4twT,rite,er!3cnttperwci. . Ma? rater lew and libera --h,eHbers will plewV report any ftli d;ffcilcreito receive tlielr papers rcgtuarly Hew Advertisements. L 3 BrV:fc. H'eurafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, 8ackache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell fags and Sprains, Burns and Scalds', General Bodily - - . Pninc. ;t. i Tooth, Ear and Haadacho, Frosted fesf and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, jio pprirwH-B rfh eHl t. Ja?S9 On, Ma anft,anrr, efinpls aui ctcop Extcrnil f..-madT. A tiil but tie corapantiTety trjfllng'cntloT of 50 Cent. kI CTery oneuffer-fc- 1th ria cn a" ft"3p nsd poiitiva proof jiircct.'oni ta Laososges. - - , - SOLD BT ALL PBUGOIBT3 AITD DSALBEQ 13 MEDIOIUEt A. VCGEIiER & OOm -SSaltinore,2Z&.,TT.8.JL HER CASE WAS 'AN INTERESTING STUDTv Littleton, N. C.', Nov; le, 18 8 X , Mm. Jos Person. Dear Madam: I commenced last Jan nary to use jour Bitters and Wash on our li tie daughter Annie, aged twelve years, for Scrofula, rith a tendency to White flrelliflP.. iho Dhvsician r eaid. At the timo I commenced using yonr Remedy J waa very such reducou in Cent), com plxlon eiaUovr, appetite poor, iirobB very much swollen, bones enlarged, with two (rightful aorea on ber left leg near the an kle. After wing the Remedy a week or two I could see a change, as I then thought, for the worse. The sores diachar. Ked copiotrely a yellow corruption, some time roDBtajr fi a stream; to the floor in spite of the linens. -But feeling encoura ged by yodx fetters I persevere! and after using the Remedy a while loDger her strength was greatly improved, ber appe tife good and complexion m'acb improved, Those symptoms enconraged me, but the flow of corruption continued for several months, and not until her general health was greatly improved did the tores begin to bail. First the swelling began to do crease below the knee.and continued grad eilly downward, and when it nearly reachr ed the sores they began to heal. In the meantime the leg from the ankle half ay to the knee became covered with run ning pimples, in fact the leg .had become almost a solid sore. After this the sores healed rapidly. The worst one, on the ic step, healed entirely, the other to the size of a five cent piece, and it baa remained in that condition ever Bince, which has been several months ago. For a month oi more it has not discharged at all, and looks sometimes now as if it was entirely well. As a Blood Purifier and "Tonic I think it superior to anything I ever tried. If you could have seen my daughter when sfae commenced usiDg your Remedy, and now, you would hardly believe her to be 4 ha same child Last January nearly eery one thought she would die. Then aha was a living skeleton, now she is fat aud rosy. Her case wag an interesting study from the time she commenced your Remedy. I can mot heartily aJd cheer. fnlJy recommend it to be wbet you claim for it. Wishing you every succtsa with your undertaking, and with many thinks for the benefits we have received from yenr medicine, I am, very respectfully, MRS R, J. ALLEN The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by DR. W. II. GREEN. feb 17 MARTIH'S VACCINE VIRU?. KORTH Ci-KOLTKA MEDICAL JoCRKAL AOKOT TOR THI Sotjthebx Statts IJ1RE8H AND ACTIVE VACCINE from ifce renowned establishment of Dr. JJenry A. Martin, furnished in ; large or small quanti ties. This vaccine is warranted to take In 'l nimary cases. 7 Lancet Points for 18 do do , 8.GO -JMrh lancet point will vacclnAte one per ton. , Orders by telerraDh or mail wilt receive THOMAS F. WOOD,- Wilmington. 5. O nac THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL T PAIRED AND ENTIRELY Befitted, tr-kH110w open for the reeeption of PiR MANKNT AND TRANSIENT GUESTS. f7 ffort made to give saUsfaetton. 8pe tfM aU for Berular Borders..ti. - v M-CHLOSi; Pwrprttior : w"aftIiBarEoi aUaeJIed. 2fe 5'i RHEUIITISI, 'fflPr.'1 1) A TILT - TRwww ;i ' - - - !.. ' . i ' ." " " r I - r - t r ' .ii - ' t - VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. CV THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 L882! s NO: 46 LOCAL 1 NEWS. New Atjvehtis: SEMEJIT5. CiiONLT fz Morris Fruit at Auction HEiNt.j.i- bqer New Cooks ! CT7 ? atCs Frames and Moulding In Tnoe F Wood-Ms klm'Vaccl he Virus . , j ! I No City Court to-daV. ' :9 .Windy and dusty and disagreeable again today. j I Vhat is the diflerence j between six dozen dozen and a half dozen dozen? ...Steamship Btnefaci6rt Tribon, cleared at Now York Feb. '21s, for this pert. The receipts of cotton in this port yesterday and to-day foot up 376 bales. 'fhere arc no pumps where the cocoa- nut growg.wbkh perhaps accounts for the milk in it. . Barque Camelta, Brooks, from Hull for this port, sailed frcra Grimsby Roads Feb. 10th. 1 Schooner John S. Ingraham, Packard, from Ponce, P. R., 'was at Navassa Jan. 28tb, to load for this port. , 1 . r . In these lives of fours, tender little acts do more to bind ' hearts together than great deeds or heroic words. j These persons who respect you only when well clad, will be the first to aban don: you in your hour pf advorsity. This is a free country ! emrej but you can't get Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup free of charge; it costs you a quarter every time. The sale cf fruit on board the schooner Mabel Darling, which1 was postponed to day, will take place t-morrowj morning.' 1 1 . A fashion magazine says: 'Steel trimmings nro no longer the style That settles it. My aside your The river steamers are taking immense quantities of freight for the different landings on the Cape Fear, between this city and Fayetteville. 1 The Wilmington Fox j Club' had a splendid race yesterday, They got a fox but they lost one of their dogs who wss killed by a kick from a horse. Deserving Articles are always Appre ciated. The exceptional cleanliness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes tit pepu lar. Gray hairs are impossible with it's occasional use. ' j 1 Br. barque Northern Queen, Tucker, hence, for Gran ton, is ashore at the en. trance to Cuxhaven river and has been abandoned in a sinking condition. Crew saved." . f ' The star Algol, known as! the "Wink ing Demon," because of its' increase and diminution in size, is now to bo seen 1 nightly right overhead. It is the most mysterious of all stars. I To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. Dry buckwheat flour, if repeatedly applied, will entirely remove tho worst greasy spots 09 carpets or. any other woolen cloth, and will answer, as well : as French chalk for grease spots on silk. A telegram from New York, received this forenoon, reports Capt. Murchison's condition as being neither better nor worse than it was yesterday, no change having beeu . noticed ; within the past twenty four hours. Excessive use of powder isjvery vulgar, to say the least. .. The best , and ' least objectionable sort is rice powder, applied with a swan's down puff, and its super tuous tracks should be removed I with another kept for that purpose, h . A boy's composition on girls: "Girls are tho only folks that can have their own way every time.. Girls is of sever al thousand kinds, and sometimes one girl can be several thoosand girls it she wants anything. This is all I know about girls, and father says the less I know about then the better off I am.' ; ; ; Beautify your nomes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. . Sold only at Jacobi's. f - ' ' i " , Mr. J. J. SchabertJ Kankakee, JU., writes: My mother has been a sufferer with inflammatory rheumatism for the last fifteen years, in which tia she has triad numerous remedies without relief At last her limbs became bo swollen that she could not go about, and I gave up ell hopes of her recovery. As a final resort, I tried St Jacobs OU. ;The; ap plication gave her relief and tho - me of six bottles has.perfonstd a curt. -'-Che can go about as wall as enr,' .v 1 Ko ShipplB? at MaithTille. Wa are informed by Capt. Harper, of the steam yacht Passport, that the river at Smithville is now entirely clear, vessels ; a condition of things which has not existed before for maoy weeks, and which probably (will not continue for the next 24 hours. - Exports Foreign. British barque Echo, Dyer, cleared at this port to'day for Newcastle-on Tyne with 3,095 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, and German, barque Madura, Schnltz, cleared for Hamburg, with- 4,084 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. DeRosset & Co. Wilmington Library Association. We are requested to state that 1 there will be a meeting of Directors and mem bers of the Library Association in the Library Room under the Masonic Hall, Friday evening ,at8 o'clock precisely. I The young gentlemen of Wilmington are specially invited to be present. The River. Steamboatmen report that there is plenty of water for boating purposes in the Cape Fear, though1 there is a grad ual falling off in the freshet. They also report that nearly all the rafts with jwhieh the river has been re cently filled have reached the city and there are but few now on the way. The Passport. LCapti Harper, of the steam j yacht Passport, thinks that he will establish the summer schedule for his boat this year about the first of April. In two weeks from this time he expects to lay np and have a general repairing and refitting so as to fit the gallant little craft for her Summer duties. The upper deck will be eovered over, just as it was last Summer. Bed-Bags, Roaches. Rats, mice, ants, flies, vermin, mosj qui toes, insects, &c, cleared out by 'Rough on Bats." 15c. boxes at drag gists, j If aslsirate'8 Court Major Dudley, the young colored man arrested on the charge of stealing a cow and calf from Andrew Moore, ajso col ored, mention of which was made in yesterday's Rsvixw, was brought before Justice Millis this morning for examina tion. The charge was sustained, and he was ordered to giro bail for his appear ance at the next term of the Criminal Conrt in the sum of $100, failing to do which he was committed to jail. ... 1 The inniYersarj Ball. The Anniversary Ball, the 26th, given in Germania Hall last evening, by the members ot Howard Belief Fire Engine Co., No. 1, was largely attended, j and was greatly enjoyed by all who were so fortunate as to be present. It was voted the most successful of the many given by this gallant fire company. So great was the enjoyment, in fact, that the dancing was kept up until 6 o'clock this morning. I A Water filter. We find in the Southern Farmers' Monthly the following sensible sugges tions: I Serious sickness would often be averted from the household if, among other sani tary regulations, none but filtered water was drank by its members. Water may look and taste like the purest, and still contain disease germs that we would retreat from in horror if they but present ed themselves duly labelled. Wells' cisterns and springs that oeonpy ground lower than that of drains, rani ts or barn yards, within a hundred feet or more, should be regarded with suspicion, .no matter how "splendid" the water may appear. " ' j. A good and efficient 'filter can be made in this way: Take a cask, remove one end and set it upriffhtfee fopen end at the top. At one-third cf the distance from the bottom place a round partition, pierced with retind holes. Oa this ar range a layer of eleani small pebble, and over them a Uyer o charcoal and an other of sand, topping it with more peb bles. Orer this pat another with holes in it, or a lajer of good siied stones, to prevent the pebbles from being disj tnrbed when water is poured in. A fau cet is to be placed m the bottom to draw off the water. A pail t of water , and a lump of ice placed In the top of the cask and doselj 'conred; ex?Ucst-io j-arfee? tiea of drinkisg ratrr to- twoty-tsar I Another Excursion Boat. . We understand that Oapt Bisbee, of the steamer Elizabeth, has purchased a new boat in Boston, which he in 1 ends to run between here and T Smithville. She is said to be of suitable size for an ex cursion boat, and is expected here in a few day. ' '; : j , To Bs or Sot To Dm. Wikt'wfth th? Wilmington 4: Onslow railroad, the railroad to the Sound, the Bargaw Ooilow railroad, the Duplin & Onslow railroad the Clinton & Faison railroaJ, Lhe Warsaw 1- Clinton railroad the Clinton i Point Caswell railroad the AngolaTramway, a line of steamers to lierring8ville,- in Sampson county, new steamers for Smithville, and the Duplin Canal, together with the routes of travel by land and water already es tablished, it would seem that our citizens might be able to go about where they please and that all resident in the coun try who would visit the city on business or for pleasure might find means of con veyance jwithout much difficnty. We hope, for the benefit of all concerned, that all these projects may be speedily executed, and, in fact, wish that they were already completed. Taking Time by the Forelock. At the November elections to be held intbis State.saya the News and Observe or, there will be five ballot boxes at each voting place and the tickets will be pl&c edin each box in this wise: 1. Members of Congress, to be voted for in each Congressional district (Should it be decided by Congress that the member gained by this State is to be voted for by the State at large, the name of this additional number will head ' " I r the Congressional ticket in each district.) 2. An Associate Justice of the Sa. preme Conrt; fonr Judges of the Superior Court for the 1st, 2d, 3d and 6th judi cial districts, and solicitors for all the j udicial districts. Each district votes for its own solicitor, but his name goes on the judicial ticket. ( 3. Members of the 1 General Assem bly. . I , 4. Clerk Superior Court, Connty Treasurer, in counties having the office; Register of Deeds, Snrveyor,JCornoer and Sheriff. 5. Township constable. THE HAILS. ! The malls close and arrive at the City Pottt Office as follows : Northern through mails. 5,15 p. m. Northern through and way malls 5:40 a. m. Raleigh.. .6:40 a. m Offices between Hamlet and Raleigh 7.80 p. m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, ; and routes supplied there from, Including A. & N. O. Railroad, at. 6:40 a. m. and 5. SO p.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily. 8.00 p. m. and 7:45 a. m. Western mails (OC R'y) daily , (except Sunday) 7:80 p. no Mail for Oheraw k Darling ton.... ....... a? . . 8:00 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston M 8:00 pm Fayetteville,1 and offices ou Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays...... ........ L00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays..!.... 7.80 p. Onslow O. BL and Intermedi ate offices, every Tuesday and r ciday at............. 6.00 a. Smithville mails, by steam m. m. boat, daily, (except Sun Malls for Easy Hill, Town 8.80 a. n Creak, Shallotto and Little Biver, S. O., every Tuea day and Friday at........... 6:00 a. m. OFZS TOB OXLTVESTl Northern through and way j rna'la.. -7:80 a. m. and 9.00 a.-m. Southern Malls.7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:30 a, . no. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M,t ana from, 2 to 6:15 pi m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp ofHee. ! General delivery open from daylight to - dark, and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:80 a. m. Mails ooUeeted from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. nu I r . Stamps for sale la small qnantltlss at general delivery when stastp cfl3c is closed.".; - I Qoarterly Ueettogs For the . Wilmington , District of the Methodist E. Church; South. Cokesbury, at BetEsnv, . Feb 23-36 Cobarie Mission, at Wesley Chap- eL . ? .;tI". " March 4-3 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon . March 18-19 CTThe District Stewards ,wiU meet ta ' Wilmington at the parso nage of the Front StreetChnrch at U o'clock a b4 oa Tcrdsy, tbe Srd of Jaacsry,123X ?S f t: vxXLOEtT22& t BlehtfD Lyman's Appolntmenis March 5 Sunday, Chapel Hill. . c March 12 Sunday, Newbern. March 14 Tuesday, Kinaton. 1 ' March 15 Wednesday, Snow Hill. March 16 Thursday, Wilson. March 17 Friday, Rocky Mount.. 1 March 19 Sunday, Enfield. March 21 cesday, Ringwood. ; March 23 Thuridy, HaUfax. , March 21-Friday, Weldon. : 1 March 26-fSunday, Murfreesboro., ' March 26Sunday evening, Winston, i March 28 Tuesday ,s Gates ville. -' March 29 Wednesday, - St.: Peter's, Gatea county. f .. , , ,st ; March 31 Friday, Hertford J .V;, e 1 April 1 Saturday ' evening, Camden. April 2 Sunday, Elizabeth City: v - April 3 Monday, Newoegun Chapel. April 5- Wednesday, St. Luke's Washington county. j April 6 Thursday, Columbia Tyrrell ceuntyl . 4 - April 7 Good Friday, St.N David's, Washington county. , . . . ' ; April 9 Easter Day. Edenton. . April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth. April 13--Thursday, Holy Innocents Bertie county! 4 April 14 Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. April 16 Sunday, Grace Church, Bertie county. April 17 Monday, BoxabeL April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton connty. 1 April 20 Thursday; Faison. April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. April 25 Tuesday, Smithville. ' , -April 25 Tuesday evening, 8 U Mark1?, Wilmington. . April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds- boro. -1 ' ' April 30 Sunday. St. A mgustine's, Baleigh. 1 April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh, il I May 5 Sunday, Christ Church, Ba leigh. - : : May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Baleigh. . , , May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, ScotHnd Neck, May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. ; May 18 Thursday, Williams ton. May 19 Friday, Jamesville. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort Connty. ' 1 ." - May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek. ; May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday, Bath. - May 25 Thursday,- 2ion's Church, Beaufort county. ' ' j May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. ; ! May 31 Wednesday. Makelysvilfe, Hyde county. r ' June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde connty. I j June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde ITew Advdrtisexrieiits Fruit at Auction. TO-MORROW MORNING . commencing at! 11 o'clock, we will sell, from on board 8chr. Mabel Darling, ju6t from Nas aau, cargo of West Indl Fruit, coneistlng of Oranges, Bananas, Pineapples, Cocoa nuts,! Watermelons, Ac. I . CBONLT& MORRIS, feb 23-lt Auctr's TJevv Books. JOBS EAX A5D HABIIILOV. I ' Bj Allsa W.Tourgea PR1HOB AND FAUPKB. Bj Mark Twain For sals at j HElV3BEBGEBfS. Pianos and Qrgansj CHE IP FOB O ABB OB Off THE EASY laatalmest plam. , t SO HABH t some and look at tasai feb 23 At HEUrSBBBGEB'S 55ew Restaurant. rjpHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful ly annouuee that he has just flttedjup at ..... ' f No. 3, Granite Bow, South Frost at., a Res taurant for 'Ladles and Gentiemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of the day. Every thing la new and first class. : Polrte watters and courteous at tendasta. , ET" Game an Oja " In sAaaoc. Fine Wln, Liquors and Cigars. , BOT 18 F. A. fiCHUTTE, Prop, Coffee, Hoissraes : and Sugar; Qnfl Bags COFFEE, ej ... T . "i, i fTk lUU CUBA MOALBSZS, , lOriO BDlS, OOOd FliOUB, -: iraan wui oe uuea at sowets mar- kat rates. ' fTe Win ta f sd t rcfva cms'aslailM ftroa our friaads a kxy aad 'all nblvatTT r?l laterwt bat tils ef tit writer swt always bata aiahed t Ua Editor ' y-t. : - vj ,.. . uoacrrcnUatlont tanst fea wrtrkn oa oaltj ouerilaoftas papv " r. , - ' Farafflanttss nut ba avoided ( I 'And It Is especially and partkuUrly uadat rtood that & Editv does nol always aadors tha. views ot sorroepondeats nslecs so etat Oad:(orialaolaaa.t : V, 1 Sow'rAdvrtiaemfit 1 T?pivrr IlEAD just REnErvin t. ale. Also, a few good CORSES. feb 50 St Stables. Second Etteat Fra mes ; and Moulding -ysLVfcT AND E80JTT COilBT!f ATlOJT Frames, all sJsf. j FfcQtocraph aai aat graph Aif;.K0ttotrraaai"t C ia. Blank Books, Scboal Books. Wrtfene Fapar, Ink, I'ene Is MnclUje," Odd Peas; MelU Striojs, Ac, Ae. ' . G. W. YAT-ES. fib 25 npokseller and Stato'oatr Lost. TJ1IL& MORNING, a gold mountad Hajtr Breattpia. A suitable reward will be paid for its return. Apply at j febCO-St1 THIS OFFICE. BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS & SATING, BLACK a COL'D SILK VUVETSl s PECIAL ATTENTION Is called to the I 1 above goods; a good assortment and at the lowest cash prices. I i j NEW LACES AND NECKWEAR, Black, and Cream Flshue and1, ficirfa - ---- 1 - t Ladles', Gents', and ChUdren'sj Msrlno Underwear, very cheap. t i CURTAIN LAUES A large stock. ' CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, A; j We are bupy all the tlme and It proves tn&t we mean business. Come and see us ; you can spend the time proatably. I rR. RS. P:clntire. I feb SO - NEV YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP GO. 1 . L'-. - . ,J SEMI-WEEKLY LINE STEAMERS WDLL SAIL FROM NEW TORE.! Every WED SI'S DAT and SATURDAY l': . at 3 o'oock, P, U. . BENEFACTpRMMW Wednesday, Feb nary M BEGULATbBWMWM.Sturday, February 15 :i ' .. -.'II' GULF 8TB EAI.. Wednesday, March ' 1 BE5EFA0TO3 Saturday, Mrrch 4 BEGULATOBm. Wednesday, March 0 GULP BTRKAM, M.MSaturdaT, March 11 B&NE FACTOR,... ...Wed ceilsr, llsrch' IS BEGULAT03,....M.Satarday, March 18 GUL7 STBElkf ,.M.M8atardsy! March 2S tst Throagh Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteai to ana from . 1. . j Point la North aad Soaib Carolina, '. ' For ' Freight Esgraaaeats 'vprl t) THOSE. BON D; : 8rr't, 1 TBEO. G. EGEB, Freight A rest, I .. . j.. ; . . !3 kroadwar. w YoHu' jTM. P. OLYDS h 03., -fab SO-tf -! : j TO SUBSCRIBERS TELEPHONE EXCHACIQE. TTOU WILL PLEAS 2 ADD THE FOL- lowjng "New Subicrlbera'' to your llat : No. 21. Altaffer, Price & Co. ' No. 19. Cantwell, J, L. "Produee Fx.' No 6. Hall & Peat sail. No. 45. Martin, A. Of2et, No. 80. . do. Naval Store Yard, No-12. Patenon, Downing & Co , Office. No. 101. do do. Yard. Subscribers are reqaeatel, when tarocsi I7 -j- . t - - - - I talking, to pull lever down; mention own number, followed ty the word 'oi"- thtia, 41 toff.? or whatever your, nttmber la. " A Z. WATS KZZT LSVES DOW3T VSTt SUU TAPS. " ' . " f ' ; lj j iAny Information, cladly atvaru SshSl J.aWAIXAMsA'fir .1 1

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