tHIB PATES 2 Asa ff oriqs a " fees gyf frU4s a a4 VJ aaifertaT "LfiW 50 -Tare f( of ir "7 Pft?t f th? cIt'" larertLHrfi- Md libera. jBT Scbtcrib rs wtil piae report any ted ii fTiiur c receive tnelr sJaper regent! j. Jfew Advertisements. THEGSEAT. &mlM I . '5 ? 12 k-J b RHEDIATSSI, Hsurahjh., Schiicd, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of ihe Chesi, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell was end Sorains, Burns and 8caldsi General Bodily Fains, Tooth, Ear and Headacns, Frosted Feet and Ecrs, and all other Pains end Aches. V Proration tn earth equals St. Jacobs Oil m safe, sure, nhnjUe and cJieap External Brandy. A trJa! eotails bnt the cornrarativoly riilo outlnv i.f 50 Onta. and every ooe-euffer-ftif wifh paii -an hava cbeep and poaitiT proof rir it claim. PImkUots :n 13r?ra Laagrsaje. ' BOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS AED DSALES3 IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., JSaltUntyre ZldL XT. 8. JL HER CASE WAS 'AN IHTRESTiflG STUDY- IiTTLSToar, N. C, Not. 10, 1881. Mz. Job P2Ros'. Dear Madam: 'I comcoencfKl last Jan wry to use yonr Bitter aod Wash on our fr Scrofula, with a tendency to White Swelling, the physician said. At the time I commenced using your llecedy aha wsa very much reduced iufiehb, com clixicn sallow, appetite poor Hosba very jcac'a swollen, bone enlarged, with to frishifn! gorei.on ber left Icg'Dcar tbcan k!a. After naing the Remedy a week or ro I coo Id Bee a cbange, as I tcsa thought, for the worea. The eorea dischar ged copiously a yellow: corruption, ome- timeerdnBing in a Eiream to ine noor id uite ot ine liaena. Eat fading encoura jpad by jour letters persevere i and after ccn tbe Eemedv a rbi!e longer her atreogth v?aa grstvtly irsproved, her aj?pe tite good and comiflesion mveh improved Those eymr,tot28 tDcouragd me, but tbo flow of corruption coDttnwd for aeveral month, aod not nctil ber. general. health waa greatly Improved did the .aorea begin to bail. Firot tbo fuelling began to de trfsc below the knee, and continued grad Billy downward, and when it nearly reach ei the aores tbey began to heal. Ia the meantime the leg from tbe ankle halt way to tbe koeo became covered with run ring pimple?, in fact tbn leg had btcomo ilmoit a solid sore. After this tbssorea . - .. , - - itp, healed entirely, the othsr to the size of a five cant ploco, and it has remained ia that condition ever aince, which has been several months ago For a month ot mere it haa not discharged at all, and kx&t scrx6tim?g now as if it was entirely veil As a Blood Purifier and Tonic I thick it auperior to anything I ever trisd. If jou could have Bten iny ausjhter when fc commenced usicg yenr Kenedy, and cow, you would hardly believe ber to be the same child Last January nearly ery one thought she would dio Then aha waa a livicg tkfeletoD, dow eho ii fat ana rosy, uer case was an interesting siody from tha time she commenced your Kemed, I can moat heartily ai d cheer-! folly recommend it to bo whs t you ciaim ! for it. Wishing you every scccfEi with joar undertaking, and with many tbanka for the benefits we have received from yenr medicine, lam, v?ry redpectfully, Mm B. J. ALLEN The Beft-edy is fcr sale in WilmiDston V DR. W. H. GREEN. f?b 17 MARIIK'S VACCINE ViHU?, XOXTB CjJtOLrS. MZDICAZ. JOTJBltAL Aetjrcr ro tn BovruTRj; States pRESH ASD ACTITE VACCIKE from JJ cowBed esablkhmeatpf Dr. Henry A. rtin f'rckhed in large or fmall quanti This vdeei ;e ia warranted to take in . rrtmry eaaea 7LncetPolntefbrfl W -15 dp. do 2 CO afT IiWm vr will v.Klii.hi rmm mr Orfiera by tal-graph or ttail wlU receive attention. . THOMAS T. WOOD, Jtt nae . , TYUmlnfetun if. 0 THE COMMERCIAL lWTf L P 'PAIRED AND KNTIRELT Kefltted, rIew Pn for th reception of P'K ?irPT AKD TKANSli-NT, GUESTS. Tty effort made to atUfactlnn. firje- ta lor Regular ardera. ifClaaa BaxKaa atM. i w ts tpfl r 1 II . H FM K Fl ii YriL RH p i H BIBS - jl'r- j " . n - --'-rja-r. . " :. a. . m -m - i- , i!nn.ii-ii w n I i ' -" ' " i'liiyl..;y.t. I - -" . i , ' or-iw t : i ' i -i ' . . . i - - V.--V ,TBra bhbib ksbm TMbh bmmbm m aaaMMMaaaaMaK nil , VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY FEBRUARY LOCAL N'EWS. New Advehtisememts. Notick Library Aetcci'ilon tj IlEiNSBKKOETNew Book (1 W YTT Frame apd Monldiasr Da TBcS'F.VCocD-SIartla'aVac'cine Vlrna Thc receipts of cotton j at this port to-day foot np 138 bclea. j - ; : I I Steamship Regulator, Doane, hence, arrived at New York FebJ 22nd. ": "v... - - ' Schooner D. D. Uaaktll, Elaikell, haace, .arrived at New York Feb. 22nd. Brig Francin Jane, Burnett, failed from. Kingston, Ja., Feb. 3rd, for this Prt. i 1 1 The receipts of rossin at this port to dy are quite largo x footing np 3,484 barrels. -v'X The new moon enters on its second quarter this afternoon! at IT minutes past 4 o'clock. " j,X ' Steamship Gulf Strear, Capt. ( j In gram, cleared and tailed hence to day for Nqw York. Mejor Smith sent Dave Mallett to the City Pri-on, this morning, for 24 hours for beirg drunk and down, 'i , Beautify your nomes by usrag the N Y. EnaroelPaint. ready mixed and war ranted. old only at Jacobi'bv t Mr. Delia Evans, who has been quite sick at his father's residence in this city, has so far recovered as to be able to ride tit. . t ' ! ! J We are sorry to hear , that Mr. S. D. Wallace, Cashier of the Bank of New i i Ilanover, ia sick and confined to the I ' i house. - . j; j Tho alarm of fire sounded at 2 o'clock to-day was a false one. It was Isaid to have originated near Ninth and Princass streets, bnt tbero wasn't any fire there. 1 - I Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A falj assort. meet and lowest Drices at J acobis. t Some men, when they go lo church, never think of studying the frescoing on the ceiling cf the edifice until the collection plate is being paeead oundar. , . t There is not a farm, I believe, in our neighborhood where a bottle of Ham burg Drops can not be found, for Chills and Fevers are very prevalent with us. But the f Iks know well, I that, if they only use Hamburg Drops in good time, they can save many a doctor's bill. K. Lakge, Morrison, Mo.. Second Fire. At 11 o'clock this morning fire was discovered on the roof, of the residence of Coroner E. D. Hewlett, corner Sev enth and Qaeen streets. There was no general alarm sent out, but the neigh, bors mounted to the roof, and jwith a few buckets of water put the fire out. I The damage was slight. The flames caught, from the chimney. Exports Foreign. , Russian barque Aalto, Grape, cleared at this port to day for Harbourg, with 3,573 barrels rosin, Bhipped by Messrs. Patersou, Downing & Co , and schooner Florence L. Schipp, cleared for Port de Paix, flay ti, with 87,484 feet lumber 50 000 shingles and 40,500 ' ' bricks, shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cum ming. Black KlTer SnTiXailon. The steamer Lisbon, Capt. Phillips, j which left here on Saturday last for Herringsville, Sampson county, via the Cape Fear and Black rivers, returned to i the city to-day. It was in contemplation to go as far as Lisbon, when, the boat left here, and there was plenty, of water f,r that purpose, but 'she only went as fr as Herringsville, where she remained two days. A few casks of spirits turpen tine constituted the cargo of her return trip. It was merely a trial trip audit was not expscted or desired , te take much freight. 1 On the return she stopped at the dlf ferent landings on the river ia order that the people might ascertain something of her capacity and convenience in -iracs-porting or towing their commodities to market. She is to be1 run regularly be tween here and Herringsville, and will be used principally in towing fiats up and down the river for the accommodation I and convenience of boatmen , i .Taking into .consideration the two clays' stay at Herringsville, together with her nomeroms stoppages upon the way back, the Lisbon &s made are Btikably quick trip. t ' Tha Fire lliis Moroto?. Between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock this morning fire was discover 3d on the roof of the Wilder Sc Morton distillery, oa Nutt street, between j Hanover and Brunswick streets. An alarm was teat out, but the flames had been suppressed before the engines could arrive at tVe scene. Only a small hole was burned ia the roof, and it is thought to hare caught frbra a spark. J Tbe Cut pff There was a meeting here this forarberi of the Board of Directors of the Wil. mingtoo k Weldon R. B. The meeting w is a pretty full one.but we have in vain enieavored to get a report for publica tion It was in reference, though, we are sure, to tbe cutoff from, Wilson to Florence, most probably to receive the report of Col. Gardner, the Chief of the Engineer corps, who has been out making a preliminary surrey, as Col. Gardner was at the meeting. ! Hold on to the truth, for it will serve you well and do you good through eter nity. Hold on to virtue ; it is beyend price to you at all times and places. Hold on to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, for there is nothing like it to cure a cough or cold. That Fast Ban. 1 We spoke a day or two since of the rapid run made by the schooner Mabel Darling, Capt. Banger, to this port and gave it then as 170 miles in 16 hours Since then Capt. Banger has made la closer calculation. He finds, according: to his log, that at 12 o'clock on Wed nesday, he was 30 milee below Savannah. At that time ho encountered the gale, which prevailed here that day. At 4 o'clock on Thursday morning he j crossed the bar here, l having made the run of just 184 miles in 16 hours, or at the rate of 11$ miles an hour. He ran under double-reefed foresail, mainsail and fore- stay-sail, but it is jevidennt that the storm was not so violent with him as it was with us, or he could not have carried any canvass at all. I "Bucbapalba." New, quick, complete cure 4 days urinarv affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. O. M rinds. The marry Heaven. The evenings during this week have been exquisite in their beauty. Last night, but one, between the hours of 10 anJ 11, the heavens presented a magnifi cent appearance. Orion.the most conspic uous of the constellations, following close uponTaurus,moved like a grand panorama across the zenith. Sirius, almost rival iug J upiter in brightness, shone in celes tial glory nponhi s throne inCanis Major, while his lesser brother light, Procyon, in Canis . Minor, added lustre to the scene. In the North gleamed Polaris, while above and below the circumpolar constellation wound their slow and ma iestic way. In the East Berenice's hair in misty shadow lay quietly below the Great Dipper, while Leo, sasily traced by the exquisite sickle forming the head, pluDged forward toward the zenith. East of Taurus and in a direct line from Sirius, shone the planet Mars, radiant in ruddy light, and a little North of East, sat Capella, white and brilliant in winter beauty. This beautiful star is recognized by a delicate triangle of three stars near by. Passing West tbe Plei ades shone in the modest lustre -atill mourning tbe "lost one," who was unfor tunate in loving a mortal, thus losing her seat in the heavens. Far down the Western horison hung the crescent moon, midway between Saturn, a few de grees below, and the jplanet Jupiter, always glorious in beauty, but far more glorious as he passes over the western boundary the three forming a brilliant figure not unlike ft scalene triangle while in the East rose tbe constellation, Bootes, the Bear Driver, where shines Arcturns, one of the most magnificent tan in the celestial hemisphere! Per haps we have lengthened this starry ret rospect rather more than is necessary t bat to ftU lovers of the beautiful in na ture the evening was one long to be remembered. .The mind must become lost in wonder and admiration ia con templating tuoh ft icene were it not that the heart gives utterance to the words "the Band that made them is divinel" "Praise Him, sua and moon; praise Him all ye stars and lightT ' fc . , '. To Builders and ethers Go to Jxoo iie for Sash, Blinds and Doors, - Glasa; is Tm egtta feftltS; lowest pticfs ' t Ho I. For Carolina 1 We jkave received a song and chorus bearing the above title, the music and words by Dr. William B. Harrell, with an arrangement for the piano by his wife, Mrs. A. J.B. Harrell. It is music and harsaooy la their-very,' vtry simplest forms,: and' the words, while breathing the sentiments of a pare patriotism and love for the "Old North 8tate," would not stamp the author as a' poet of high order. Published by Alfred Williams Co., Raleigh, N. O. Price 40 cents. - - - " - . - Bain is needed to lay the dust. Bre. Haney will please make a note on't. . i'or th Jievlaw. T6 the Voter of ihe Third Congre$ sional District : I see the names of several prominent men mooted for Congressional honors, and amongst them the name of my honorable friend, A. M. Waddell, whom I have al way 8 admired and appreciated for his many viitues and ability. His name is a tower of strength within itself ; and but few men living in North Carolina has done or could do more honor to the high political position than the Honora ble A. M. Waddell. But we have another in ocr District who has never flemished in a political eirele and whose name has never been before the public for any position. His talent and ability cannot be doubted ; and while he is an humble citizen his name stands high all over this broad land of freedom,and should he be honored with a seat in Congress, his talent and ability would be heard and felt in every State in this Union. We see and feel every day the great necessity of sending our wisest and most able men to Congress; therefore Jwe must lay aside all personal preferences and localities, and vote for the man who has no superior to contend with in Congress. I claim and assert, without the fear of contradiction, that that man is Dr. 8. 8. Batch well. I hope his name will be banded all around the district from now until tbe day of the Democratic Convention, and then receive the unanimous support of all the dele gates. Tab Hsil. tturgaw, render Co., N. o., Feb. 16th TOE MAILS. The malls olose and arrive at the City foot umce as follows : Northern through mails. 5.15 p, m. riortnem tnrouga ana way malls........ 5:40 a. m. Balelgh 5:40 a.m Offices between Hamlet . and Balelgh..... .M ..7.80 p m. Mails for tbe U. ttallroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at. 5;40 a. m. and 6:80 p.m. boutnem mails for all points Sooth, daily. 8.00 p. m. and 7:45 a. m. Western mails (C O By) daily (except Sunday )......... 7;80 p. m Mail tor uneraw a Darlings ton. ............ .... 8:00 p. m Malls for points between .Flo rence and Charleston.......... 8:00pm rayettevtlle, ana omces on i Gape FearBiver, Tuesdays, and Fridays M 1.-00 p. m. ij'ayottevllle, via Lnmberton, dally, except Sundays..... 7.80 p m. Unaiow u. u. ana intermedi ate offlees, every Tuesday and r riday at.............M 6.00 a. m Smithvllle mails, by steam . boat, daily, (except Sun "daye).....MM....M.M-M..MM.; 8.80 aiana ior tuvsj nui, xown ' a. tit Greek, Shallotte and Little i Blver, 8. O., every Tuej- , day and Friday at..... 6:00 a. m. OPZ2? 70B DSLlYHaT. northern through and way mails ...7:80 a. m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Maile.7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:80 a. m. Stamp OfSce open from fi a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:15 p. m. Money uraer ana iiegtster Department open same as stamp omce. . General delivery opaa from daylight to dark, and oa Sucdays from 8:80 to9:30 a. m. . Mails collected from street toica Vrorv day at 4w) p. m Stamps for sale in small quantities at geceral dtiverv wsca stawp jfiee fr r.oee. What Did It- Mx3trBia, Tenn., April 20, 1831. H. H. WABKxa & Co : Sirs I have been a sufferer from infancy with a disease of the kidneys, which yielded neither to doctors, medicines nor mineral springs. A few bottles of your Safe Kidney and Lifer Cure, however, restored me to per fect health. Gabs S. Booxxa. .. ' ACarfi. ; To all who are goffering from tho er rors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Acv.rwiU send a recipe that will cure you, mi or chakox. This great rem edy was discovered Jbj ft missionary, tn South America! Send a self-addressed envelope to Hzv." Joixra T. Ixxa, Sta tion D, Jfeto Terh City. : deed w6a Wanted; FISRS CSOC3-TIE3 Cxi 8 XerfrCrT .rtrfrrnr rr-rSn 25000 i 24, 1882. NO. 47 BUhon Lyaan'g Appointments March 5 Sunday, Chapel Hill. March 12 Sunday, Newbern. ! j March 14 Tuesday, htinston. March 15 Wednesday. Snow Hill. "March 16 Thursday, Wilson. iiarch 17 Friday, Rocky Mount I . March 19 SuadayEofield., ; 4 . March 21 ' nesday, Btngwood. ; - Aiarcii z -i'narsday. El ah fax. -i March 24 Friday Weldon.: ; I March 26 Sunday, Murfrecsboro. March 26 Sunday evening, Winston. March 28 Tue-day. Gatesville. I - March 29 Wednesday,, . St. . Peter's, Gates county .' "'. f " . March 31 Friday, Hertford. - i? ? April 1-1-Sanrday evening, Camden. . April 2 Sunday, Elizabeth City.; April 3 Monday, Newcegun Chapel. April 5 Wednesday, 8u Luke's Washington county. . . j April 6 Ihursday; Columbia. Tyrrell county. i . ; April 7 Good Friday,! St. David's, Washington county. , , ? ' April 9 Easter Day. Edenton. ' . April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth. : April 13 Thursday. Hoi v Innocents Bertie county. 1 April 14 Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. April 16 Sunday. Grace , Church. Bertie county. April 17 Monday, Eoxabel. April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton county. j -. April 20 ''hursday. Faiaon. April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. April 25 Tuesday, Smith ville. April 25 Tuesday e veaiocr. S L Mark's. Wilmington. , ' April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds- boro. i i ! April 30 Sunday, SL Augustine's, Baleigh. . ' ... ! . April 39 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Baleigh. May 5 Sunday, Christ Church, Ra leigh. I May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Baleigh. J May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. , May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck, May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton., ' May 18 Thursday, Williamstoa1. a May 19 Friday, Jamesville. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort Connty- ' May 21 Sunday, Washington. M ay 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday. Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church, Beaufort county. May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. May 31 Wednesday, Makelysville, Hyde county. j June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde county. June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hyde County. June 11 Sunday, Bockfisb, Consecra- tion. June 11 Sunday ville. 1 evening, Fayette Jnne 18 Sunday, Pittsboro Holy communion at all morning ser vices. Collections for Diocesan Missions. New Advertisements Notice THERE WILL BE A MEETING of the Directors and Members of thfe Library A mo elation, at the Llbrtry Kxm, unde the Maeonic Hall, Friday Evenlngr, at 8 o'clock precisely. " The young gentlemen of wumington are specially united to be present.. v leb i'4 it KEROSEHE OIL. T7'EROSEN OIL 12 cents per gallon WATER WHITS 15(1 fif tet 20 cts. pararallon. 4 - t HANCOCK A DAGGETT, 1 feb 2-t-lt No 5, Market atieet Mew Books, r JOHS EAX Aa M ARM i LOT. By AUea W. Tcnrgea PH NC3 AKD PrjpRr Pj ifarkTwaa For Piaiios and Organs, GHBaH FOiOA U OR O THK iI A4t ioatalatkt laa. . HO HAtLU cem aal look at thok it 13 :f ''At. ui3$0iiQiii'a Htm Restaurant fflHS UNDERSIGNED would respectful. ly assouvee ?hat he has Jest fitted up at No. 8. Granite Bow, ionth TtooCmU. a Res taarautfor ;LaUs aad Gtutiessa, where meals aad ratrtshntnts may bo had at all hours of Uia cay. Every thing 1 fuv and flrat claas. Pcia waiitzs and eoarteous at TTtasj, Uqpea aad Cigars. Ms2V U F. A. ICHCTTB, Exo ' fi r ffee'wTfif ft3i $lYt oaf ' , ' . ' i 5 Cnuna&featket wtttmt a oai eaqsUe ef.iStf stapox.': ".v: zlz t "ftaso&aiittsg aaat be aroUal - aiss:? 1 And li b ewiaiy aid iriVtttaiiyicieV 4.ttt WlfdWaei always enters Uir!waot orrpoT JtaT vcImb, to ttal fajaf.-ailOTlai.aoiw'-awiZ-- ." act5? Jka r.-rtit?i 3 n t K frames and Koiildin T :U?VZAkii k'EO'Y. COMV.ifATlOJSr,' Framt U j'im. rtotorapb aai (crapirbatrt; -Kett Fran.' O rd. AeJ m&oU; H;5co! Vfackr, WriUoV TTr, fk,' i'eas Is, 'Jccl-Ace, Odd Iiis lolia f T 3f -' fMs'tllira 'Platan r : f BLA-O'K SI LfGS,''i eOLOSCD SfLKS & SATIMS. BLACrCA CCL'S SILK YILVnS! SPECIAL ATTENTION . li called to the a v! ,00:. 0(1 sssortment aad'at the lowest cash pilcee. a k . V . - NEW LACES AND NECKWEAR,' ' Black and Cream FLhue and Scufs Ladles', Geflts', and ChUdrea's Merino Underwear, very cheap. CURTAIN LACES A large stock. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, &. , We are busy all the Ume, and It proves ' thU we mean business. Come and at9 us j you can spend the time profitably. ark icBnti fawmt& WILMINGTON STEAMERS WILL SAIL FKOH NEW 10HK Evetv WEDlfESDAT aad BAIURDAX I at S .oVocr, P. M. , ; ' BE2?EFAcrOD..lwedsesdky, FeVuary 21 EGULATOKrL.3turday, rebrnary 15, GULF STREAM:... WedEesdsyi March I BE5E?ACT0!?.....;.8atnrdaji March 4 SEOUL AT03?... Weniidcy, March 8 GULP BTRKAiT, ......Salurday, Hartb 11 B SNEFA OTOR, .... Wed aej iayj " Mr h 1 5 R?GCLATOF?).......;..8At3rday, Uarib 18 GULF fll EE li: ...... Satordiy X arch 25 8SU Throa?h Bills Ladinj and oweit Thr.ugh Hata gairiniel to astt from Polots ia North aud booth CaroHaa, I For Freight Enj? aresa43tt ajv!?; t- ' .'A :.. : L'aiapjr o. ' 1 ITttEC. :,Q, Fra:fci A ?&Lt, ; , S3 Froadwsr, 5w Fork. WM. P. CXYDS & CO.. fb :o tr TO SUBSCRIBERS TELEPHONE l : ExcHAHCF. ; : Yu WILL PLEAS S ADD THE FOL- lowing ' New Subscribers" to your Ikt : No. 2L Altiffer, Ptice & Co. Ko. IV Cantwell, J. L. -44 Produce Ix.". No- 0. Hall & Peat sail. No. 43. Mai-tic A. Office, No. SO. do. Naval Store Yard. No. 12. Pateraon, Downiog5s Co.,Oace. No. 101. do do. yard. Subscribers are requeue I, when through' talking, to pull lever down; meolloa own Dumber, followed by the word "ot." thus. m ku ui.w oatever your nana ber ts .T . ALWAVS KSP 3LSTXS IKW UJJUi ESLL Any IaformaUoa Jt,'la41v dvei feb 21 J. ITS. TJtn'gr Cofiee, Hoists uguri THA Bhda. and Bfels Ntw - I iv vraera ttiudo misa at.jowst rnar- ket rates, r V, ., ... . . - hi7T