i i ' - I I il 5 BIB PI FEB irt' n6rt " 9 BflCRlTTI05S.POTAOE'PAlD. -..n ai, months. 60 ; Three 1. be delivered byearriera, rts pFer ! l ... inWF part of theeity,atthe Ailarherlbr will pUwereport My and fr reeelre their paper, regniany. Adyertlsementfl THtCREAT, FO-H RHEUMATISM, lieurolqh, Sciatica. Lumbago, Backache, Soreness or the Chos, Gout, Quinsy, Sara Throat, SweU inns and Sprains, ? urns and Scaids, General Bodily fain. Tooth, Ear and Hoadacne, frosted ' Feet and Ears, and ali other Pains end Aches. vTntin ru rarth eials Jacob Orj, JfZEwr?, shnyl J rheap totmrnl kg l'b da 1;to cbvp sod ritive proof r 1M claims. BOLD BY ALL DEUGOI3T3 ABD TJLBB3 IN MEDIOIKE. A. VOGELER S& CO., . JSaltimoretttd. 17. 8.JL. NiRCASE WAS 'AN INTERESTING STUDY- LnwLBTOv, N. a, Nov. 10, 1881. Un Job PtaOH. Dear Madam: I commenced last Jan ary to oae your Bitters and Wash on our httla daughter Annie, agea twelve years, for Scrofula, with a tendency to White .llin(T tVim nbvfician said. At the tima I enmnaenced using yoar Eemedy $ia wis very much reduced in fleh, com piwion sallow, appetite poor, limbs very much swollen, bones enlarged, with Uo frightful sorss oa her left leg near the an kla. After uaing the Remedy a week or two I could sea a chaDge, as I then thoaght.for the worse. The sores dischar ged coploualy a yellow corruption, some times runaing In a stream to the floor in ipite of tbe linens. But feeling encoura ged by your letters I persevere 1 and after using the Eemedy a while longer her strength wa greatly improved, her appe tila good and complexion much improved. Those symptoms encouraged me, but tbe now of corruption continued for several moDthi, and not until ber general health was greatly improved did the i sores begin U beji. First the swelling began to de crease below tbe kcee.and continued grad ally downward, and whenit nearly reach cd the sores they began to heal. In the meantime the lee trotu tbe ankle half vay to the kneo became covered with run fiicg pimples, in fact thn leg had become almcat a solid sore. After this tbe sores sealed rapidly. The worst one, on the io tep, healed entirely, tbe other to the size of a 6ve cent piece, and it has remained la that condition ever since, which has teen aeveral months ago. For a month more it has not discharged at all, and leoka sometimes now as if it was entirely well. As a Blood Purifier and Tonic I thick it superior to anything I ever tried. II you could have seen my daughter when' aa commenced ua'iDg ycur he needy, and aow, you would haroly believe her to be the sanvi child Last Jannary nearly very one thought she would die Then she waa a living akeleton, now the ia fat sad roay. Her case waa an interesting study from the time ahe commenced your Remedy. I can most heartily and cheer, folly recommend it to be what you claim for it. Wishing you every success with yoar undertaking, and with many thauks tbr the beoefits we have received from ycur saediciee, lam, very respectfully, MRS R. J. ALLEN.. The Remedv is for sale in Wilmington by DR. W.H. GREEN. 7 feb;17 iiadtinio if Annitic uiniiD litHllll IU f HUUIHk WIMUui KatTH CiaoLnra Mraieai JorjasAL AeratT Ten tub Sotjtbekx Statt.s TffiMH AND ACTITE TACCINE from v . tbe reaowaed eaUblishsaent of Dr J Henry A. Martia, furnished In large or small quanti ties. This vaecina is warrantcl to take in U primary eaaea T Laneet Points for 13 do do C0 2h laaeet point will raeernftte cne per oa.. Orflers by talegrsph or mail wl'l receive Vvsoft attention. THOMA8 T. "WOOD, JaaStf cae Wilmington, t. O THE COMMERCIAL H0TL. T)?AIRXDAKD ENTIRELY Refitted, XV la nw open for the reception of Pi R fAJilKT AXD TRAKSLENT GUESTS. aort maaa to giTa aatlsfastion. Spe toa lor lUrular Boarders. il. 6CHL088, Proprietor jAstUaaS09taa atafc r VOL. VI ( WILMINGTON, N. C.v MONDAY, FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS. New AivaKRTisME5T. , Heisbberqer A Full Line C W Yates Prairie and Mo1 jildiiyf L J Otterbocrg -About Clothe 8 A CuKHix-rMule 1 ( Hexrt Savage--Salo fqr City Tase Da Tho F Wooo-Martia'aYaccirle Vinta The venerable Archbishop Pnreell was 82 years old yesterday. '. The sale of property for1 city taxes was continued to day at the Court House door. . , I l. 1 1,-. . ' Ur. ,barqe3 Rattie H., Cochrane, hence, arrived at Barcelona," Sp.rFeb. 2iBt; ."- . " Darane Graf Bismarck, Keilat, hence 1 t t , i r i I or wTerpooi, ws vWu,b.u L3th. 1 . , cdfrom Liverpool, Feb. 24th, tor this ;s port. I . Or. James E. Kea, after an absence of . i.-t U;- . I A cold is unlike most, visitors; if you want to get rid of it, w must giye a warm reception with Dr. Bull s Cough oyrup, iu Btaauaiu wuj V -J - ace. J? or sale by all druggists ai iweuiy i five cents a bottle. ' v-. i c.j Tan iOr. UU1UUU t)C;UIiUIUl.ll, vbuuM i , i hence, for Triest, was in the Straits ot n:v.,i- -cu il 1 i uiufuicii u.uu. i kJltaulDU!i' "tau,""," -wr-- , 7 aau caitvu iuo oaws I It is yet an nndecided question which is of more importance to iti possessor, a lady's trunk or an elephant's. Norwegian barque Erragon, Weber, numcKuiu i4u0 - , and Swedish brig Bore, Lundquist, en- tered ior loading at Liverpool,. Feb. 11th fortbispcrt. ; i 1 , . ..... :i l.J but the mere proiessor is nae piaieuHwr, .orsuwiuau... ....w get down to the baser metal , r' A splendid lot of mules, young and .A ar,A n.t frftm TTpntrjckv. are offered for sale at Mr. Curri's stables corner Second and Princess streets. I T3 u t .a niiv I ao that no diflkulty or hindrance should Deserving Articles are always Appre tex Perch, Trout and uiacJc I topretant the steamer's dated. The excepUonal cleanliness of Frajhw fish Hooks and LinesJ Afullaaaon- ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Steamboatmen report a plenty or wa- . a ter as yet about six feet on the shoals I between here and Fayetteville, although it was falling rapiaiy when ineyjmo down the river. I I : ' f..; f .ni draa. I thia dioor.. tion asaUU the .flbct of 8qa. shoulder., to attain wmcn nas ior some time eu principal aim of fashionable (women. Jfipauieties witnoui sieevea may appcur i an inconsistencv to manv bat i Fashion an inconsistency to-many, out. . .. ... . , L I rroa nn hp ranrir.inns WftV WltUOUL I sw r , . troubling herself as to what ii I coDiut- ent. The following opinion was givea my i -1 I Dr. Jacob Meyer, Saint Louis, Mich., in 1874. The Hamburg Drops deserves to be recommended. I have prescribed it for irregularities of the liver, disorders oi the stomach ana diseases originating i irom tnese csisturoances, ana nave ooserv- ed the most satiatactory results.- The Drops uUo cures constipation in a short tipation time. viy vuura. . . , Manuel Hackettcolored, was brought hefore the Mayor this morning charged with sustained and he was fined distarbance. Ed. Herring, was drunk and down, but was dischargee. Beautify your nomes by using the N y. EnamelPaint, ready mised and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f The Frosts. Tbe heavy frosts of yesterday; mom" icgand Saturday morning. have wrought considerable destruction in the floral kingdom hereabouts. Numbers of tender plants which were left out of doors and many which were in bud and blossom were cut down. The track of the frost 1 was plainly percepuoie yesteraay aiier noon at Oakdale Cemetery, hut so far as we have been able to ascertain, no very great damage hss beenjdocei to fruit and vegetaoies. ... 1 . 1 SKinoy Men.! i Wells Health Renewer. Absolote cure for nervous debility and Weaknesi of the generative fanctiona, $1 atdn Black BlTer Kavlsation. Id reporting the trial trip of the steam er Lisbon, to Herriogsville, a few days since, we were not aware of the many difficulties under which' Capt. Skinner labored, nor of the many obstacles which had to be overcome in reaching that point. He inform us that four days were consumed in removing treca which orerhung the river, and placing them upon t be bank, where they would cot impede his progress iu subsequent trips. There are quite a number of-logs in the bed of the att-m which, when ibe wat becomes loVeY, wSf bare to be removecr; which he ivde terra ined shall be Mone. At the present time .there is plenty of water for.boatiucr Durooses to Herriujra .llo s A awa fnv4fAi. 1-inf f i s Tint, in i . I I tendedtoroo regular trips he yond tbe uo Th hv . . ' . A .. . eipectcd to consume a weeks time. The s&m draws but thirteen inches of mfw vlitn IlirTif rA AS i t Ijl nft. ITi' ' , , tended for her to carry would seem that she might be able to run at almost any season oi me year. Her business will consist, principally, in towing flats tip the nrer and when re- . ukQ the timeiMd rem0Te any anK0 r Mharobstrnfttion which e ; - i may De m me way, ana oy iai nnww It " expeciea man me sircam may uo .. . . t j t . i i i ., , , , , , I awoilahlft at. almost everT season of I vuo jrco. , .. I ODEQUO aC up l-UO uuuwiwuw u I tuawwrpn.., auu - tasiioff aavaniasea to u uenveu iiuoi iw. " uty ttej owe to themselves to do j ..... i ... i 1 x j l all they can to mako this stream navi gable and, consequently, valuable, and they should, of their own free will and do aU fa theif powcr t0 ftCCOrd ao aU la meir power to pUla th(J dwired reiult. Tby , . Q ba gated, tha people who are to be benented, and a ittfe reflectioa Bhould cbnvinea them of TI,MftBBVt n tnm nnt as nn mau, uu muk u suituS j i ;--." r't paratively light were all interested to take holder the matter maniuiiy ana .with an eye t0 4beir 0Wtt pecuniary i whtM bridffea the stream sulta. hie draws should at once be constructed I , tl. .,M r , ...liar, way nairs are impossible wun ivs See to vat a wmwimwn w uv s interest. enterprise has been in contempla- j0Q of MTiral months, and its possibil I ltiei gtudiid with much care, it m I now become a fixed faot. and will be vt- at. laa'st. ander Cipt. Sklnnert muageoieat and imme ""I The Demon in tne 8KJ. nt , mrt.f ,nor.tlno- airhts in vuo w. o a a , va.i. li watched the "ky il t wa&er -m,ftn jfpMne. aavs the New York . .. ... j. n. 3un, is the Tariation in me ugaioi mo ... . Arabici name , means .m.. - , - Oemou. ThI.'wonder.l .tar ta n0W in a a 5 a I e .I,..... Inn hainn I crooa poBltioa iur uuoc uu( uu8 mOArv overhead at nichtfall. It is the briffnteat 0I lhe little eluster called the Head of Medusa, which, according to the 0W table, jrerseus carnoa m iu uu h hurries to the rescue of Andromeda, 1q y t d asd fc balf " " . tv . nA i -j in oKQat three hours ana a tnira it .hm .n .htk fnn. hi magnitude, ffhmmer- i, Biau a.w a.w -( m a nr Mfphl.th at a' casual observer would . " ' a . r ie w m.M m wm a in its neiguoorauuu. . .uu Ajfrbtpen minutes, and then it remains for begin, to brighten .gam, and. in the same time that it occupied m growing dim, attains its former brilliancy. From one minimum to another is two days, twenty hour, and rearl, forty-nine minute. Ta tact that a star inua brightens and growl dim at regular interrali is in itieif wonderful, but it appear, all the more wonderful when we are told that Algol is a sua, probably larger than our tun, having an enormeus dark body revolving around it at tre mendeni speed. Some astronomers think that this mysterious bedy will fall into the star, producing an outburst of light aid heat that would be fatal to any living beings who might exist with in millions of miles of that distant sun. Such a catastrophe would be risible to as in the sudden increase: of splendor in A, . iUr- 1 ! Tkere was a good rain .hereabouts last lEVIEW. ... .- -' : ' ' . t -. The receipts ot cotton at this port to-day foot p 247 balsa. Nor. barque Homhurgsend, Xeilsen, cleared at this port to day for London with 250 casks spirits and 3,350 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs Pateraon, Down ing Co. . . ' Returned. Ex.Mayor James Wilson, who has been iuNswYork ever sinbe last Summer, has returned to the city aud will remain here throughout the Winter. Mr.sWil son-has large real estate interests in New York" bat-he proposes to dispose of those and to reinvest the money "at the South. i ... i Capt. Murchison. ' ( The latest information relative to .unf- Mnrr.nisnn fr.nnit.inn cn rp.rj.tvPd -7 -j; :r " V w b-v iegraph from New York. Wt regret to say that it is discouraging. The J? "7 fcW - --b. The telegrams say that there are still g3r0e hopes.bat they are slight. , A Crank. indiTidiml who a'ulea himeal j p. terson from Seotland. lately tbrough Caaada Uttitcd a..tc. i JaatA , ' " " . ,7. T" ' 1. " 7 " aaaressea an auaience oi aooui one nun- d d Dergonli a uT mai0rit7 of whom ' POlored . in the Onera Honsainthis I . . i... city, w e aia noi near mm out; unaer Btftnrt that the "lefttnre" was distmsruisn. . j- il.'. .u. gentlemen, a yery prominent citizen. He . .. . . ... , is eviacnviy Oi craua, tuu uuo au ctaoas t An Old Citizen of Duplin Gone. Mr. James Diekson, one ot the oldest uc kduwo aau wobi ciwrewsu iwmoua UfTtnTilln --v-" ."77" n JT-rfi rrT:': UB 4U,I "v j f Q . i f county, and was a gentleman ot the old . J ftrftBMMom mat within --7-- "J yi v nau rwpcfc oi aao pwpio w a greater degree than he had and no one was more s Parker's flair Balsam makes it pepu- rwainnal ant www TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. . The committee appointed by the Wilmington Light Infantry to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the . T ,uined b. thf dsath of q,,,, SbWd' Whereas. Our former comrade. Wm. MacEae. aftsr a career as soldier and I v:-l fl. U - It ciuzen, wa reucuwu u i were associated with him ia war, or the :.n i: ,.. k. nii I .. . . , . j w another state oi exisience, ana as it is due to his memory and to ourselves to . m,;.4;t, ftf via K 5.S3r3r S i vprerore. Reaalved. That ia the death of Gener alWm. MacRae, his country and his friends have lost one whoso whole life 'eason illustrative of the power of i jjUman ja shaping human destiny ftna the inestimable importance ot energy, induilry ftnd courage, as factors accomrjlishment of success and in the diitinc- Riftlvd. That the W ilminstoa Liirht rnftintrv reflect with pride upon tbe career of the modest and reticent youth i . . . .. .t i ... who once wore tneir unaorm, ana wno, . r v a.-..i i a private ana; came out. oi it ouo ot iue most distinguished Brigadier Generals, ana m,o esog -j- M I . a ! i t. ll, . . :-4 f . . , th ti f big dQ&lh at the age 0f 47 years, a reputation j as one of the mo.t succcssiur ana aisiinguisnea JifteS cf the Company will always cherish the memory 0f their heroic and worthy fellow citizen, and that a page in the records of the Company shaii oe fteatn to. Ialions fcrwarded to the brothers of 1 our departed comrade aud pubushed in 1 tbe daily papers or to is cuy. A. J. Howzxx, Hoa. n.McKor, B. W. Dcxhax, Thos. C. Jxxzs, Committee. If you haye any skin diseases or diseases of the hair or scalp any itching or discaloratipni, sua burns, J pimples, rough or dry harsh skin, yom EL in Tr.38 W.Benson's Skin Cure, I a sure, perfect and elegant remedy. Bold by all druggists. 27. 1882. NO. 49 How to Secure Health. It Is ttrange anyone wiU suffsr from de rang? m -ct5 brought on by Impure blood, wben RosadalJs will rrstoro health to the physical tguiizttion. It is a fitresplber Ing syrup, pleasant to 'ake, and the CEST BLOOD FURIFIRB ever discovered, air ing SrofuU. Syphilitic disorders, Wea ceaioftbe Kldrer?, Erysipelas, Malaria, fert,uu3 1irdte, Liability, Bilious com plaints arid Diseases cf the Elod; hivor, Kidneys, clon;acb, bstn, etc. B AKER'S PAIN PA3f ACE A cur 6 pi a Jn Man ami Iast. ! D. ROGER'S WORlil SYHUP in stantly oVBtrfys WORVS. f.b52 - t Ifew Advertisements I Mules-- Hules ISuIes i .i JUST ARRIVED from Kentucky, the finest lot of MUL128 erar brought to tha city. Alt jouajr. and sound, arid for sale low. Call, examtue .cd price before buy ing elsewhere. 1 Can be wen at) B. A. CURRIE'S Livery and Sale Stabler, corner 2d and Princess street. feb 27-2t OiUce Tax Collector, City of Wilmington, HC. ' February 25th, 18SJ, The Sale of T EAL ESTATE lor tU$ non-payment of XV - j . .... j City Tares tor the year lb:l, wiu ue con tinued on MONDAY, Febniary 27th, 1882, at 13 . o'clock, at the Court House door, and continue from day to day until completed. HENRY SAVAGE, Iel27.-lt I Tax Collector A Full Line fY MISCELLANEOUS BO0K3, Fooke ; Bock', Itk Stands , Pea-Holdersf leai Feneils, Tor ule at HEINSBERQER'S, Pianos and Organs, CHEAP FOaCAaHOROV TflEEiSl iaatalmsat plaa. 1 j tab 27 At HEIN8BFBQKB.'8 Frames and EToulding yfiLYAT AND EEONY COMBINATION Pramas, all sixas. Photograph and Auto- i r - graph Albums, Motto Frames, Cord, A o. Blank Books, School Books, Writing Paper i . ' Ink, feaols, Matllage, Gold Pens, Ylolla Strings, Ae. , . b. W. YATES, fab27 JBookieller and Btattener About Clothes. niFANYBOOT WANTS TO KNOW what kind of Clothes are best adapted to their purposes of business or pleasure, at home or in travelling, for all seasons and climates, we shall be happy to furnish '1 1 both the desired Information and the CLOTHES. This season all previous efforts will be 1 sarpassed. We shall make j A SPECIALTY OF F1HE.CLQTHIHQ. And will fsrn'.sb, when requested, a written guarantee wita EVERY GAB MENT sold. 1 i 1 OTTJBRBOURO'S Men's VVear Depot Is now one of the . i FIXED INSTITUTIONS OF WIL MINGTON. As YTi!migtoa groxs, GROW WE ALSO. I Both Wi'mington AS A CITY, and OtterboTirg AS A CLOTHIER are prosperous. Io tha mean tima Heiry Weight Gar- tnenU AT COST. L. J. OTTERBQUHG, Proprietcr Meas Wer Depot, Laageat Clothing Houso in tba State, feb 27lt svenine: Flowero. IHAY JUST RECXm5D,by Express, a a very bautiful lot of Evening Flowers. I will seaatve by Steamer "EeguUtor" tha Crt Snrfr? Hata and BonxMta. I have secured the Agency of the Uni versal Fashion Ck)clparryJ8 patterns, which eaa be had on vary reasonable terms. Respectfully, ffzb S, KARTlCTa le15 aaaluiat PL2A88 SOTIOS. : 1ft VOX tUJ to Kes!vt tcataaaieatSea frcra oar Waadf oa aay atd "ill rstieeti t aa of ta writer vtrft alvaya ta ri aU2 to tha Eilior. 0ozBBS3st)esa rm t vntua- otlj oat tidaof taa nar. -. r PanoaalltUs gxbj t ba avoUl And It is WpeeiaD y and jerJTiiirly arsl m rt?od thst the Edltdoa not. always f-cdort tfcs viawsct eorra?po2;(?at utka aortAt la Uo editorial aoloa-ta.; k . 1 . No7 Aavortisomont - FALL AND WiHTEB' GOODS' 'AT 1 -Mr.-' m. KjaTZT-:-; brocht"i ib'a'clty, lritialTtka latcat.Vrv e'Uek aai Bhades ia '-T A : Ml' 7C ,. w -1 Fla MarTi!lenT, Satin de L703, ilhitf. amen, trorrahj. Brocades, i'olre Aa- tque, Casael a Hal, nc Ye!- ' 1 vet, Hushes, COLORED BLACK AHD rILLUMIHA TED CASHMERES ' Ea&riettas, Mohairs, Baitings, Alpacas and Flalda la endleia rtrlfcty, Paaiameate le, ' j Tricges and Triicailn,Whlte Goods,. - 1 , r i Oousekeepia Qocd, ' DOLLMAfiS, GLOAKS AND . . 1. SHAWLS, .1 ilon andBoj's Wear, Flannels, Merixi5Ua- , derwear, Hosiery, Olores, orsets, j iiSOcs aad Fdgingi, OTJHTAIr LACES, CB25PBS,r -. i J V Staple & Domestic Goods. JJIa short' every tbiac dctirable. Warranted fo come up price and quality, to any bjbi pie from retail toases North. Call and j aayo extra expeuse by buying Croat Kflarlcet Streets cot 31 BLACK -SILKS; , COLORED SILKS & SATiNS. BLACK & COL'D SILK VELVETS! gPECIAL ATTENTION I3 called to Ui above goods; a good assortment and at the lowest cash prices. NEW LACES AND NECKWEAR, Black and Cream Flshao and Hsarfs Ladies', Cents', and Children's Merino Underwear, very cheap. I CURTAIN LACES A large atock. ! CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, Ac. We are busy all the time, and it provea that; we mean business. Come and! see as you can spend the time profitably, i R. m.-Wlcintirei . uu.o - - - ' - I TELEPHONES-TELEPHONES.1 TEIEPKOKES, j( 1 IJIHE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE and TeletrrapH Co.-,.l3 the Sole LicrNtrt of the ' AMERICAN BELL j TELEPHONE CO., tr supnlying Telephones in the States of Ya., W. Va., (South of the B. & ! O. R. R.), N. C, S. C, Ga " ?1 , and Ala. ; . ' PBIVATlJfIiJraES,:' Ckmstructed, Equipped 'with; Telepaccts " j and Rented. , ' Forparticularajaddre , J .... OTJTSERK BLLL TFLPHONI ; Ss TF JZQ R A VJl COMPANY, 1W Broadway, j New York. febSm i Wanted. AAA KSS CF.OSS-TTES, xS, s feetloaz- F01 feet loaf or farther partlcntsrs arenlre lznsa4f 1 . 1 Ms Ma Mfl, 36 g4rw. iepcw. u. ttcfc j night and this corning.