t - 1MB PA PBS PUL1BS snmc2, 3IP' :iT-e w " .... . ei lit OnamoatiUOt;. . " WUI W -" "..-lTreW-.ipiewr"--V r.ilurM W " r-. . - , , - "SAdTortieoxnonta. FT C: AAx - n- - - , r 'TF: JUL f r ' lIIIEWv VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH 2. 1882: NO. 52 LOCAL NEWS. 5, i--r f&csi New ATEBTisratB3rr. D A Smith & Co Feather ' New TfJ-c and Wilmington Btesmship Co j TilLey A HiXTZB Mountala Bef Wm E Davis & 8o3r To the Public HEiKSBeoozB-wA. FuU Lice ) C W Yatko Vraiue and JtouMln I Dk Thus F WcKi-Martin'BVftrfne Vim pcnder, June 19-h. Co a ft WekJ Superior Conr-lfor the counties ia this immediate Motion will ohvece thii Spring as follows: Cmberland.Feb. 27tii; Bladen March 20tb; Columbus, March, 27tb;! Brunswick. April 10th; Oosiow. April 17th; Duplin, May 22nd; Samp- 00, May 29th; New Hanover, June Mb; danger RHEWIATISM, Vf-it! -J-t -. ..'.tn.iol lMtnu to-daj. ! - I A. n.! Tf R membar of vonr fmilT H HaxelKitke W printed ia EaleigW "in $&JS!5&.i tt lagt night. Great truths fewest words. ' eonaamotion,. bnt procure at once a T. u.uuf rv T-tn11 fnfrfc fiwrnn v aid aro otten eaia in neiwvwow --.- xmrothat coagh- Mr. John D.AViiliaros, of FayettevilU ! is in the city to-day. . ; ' City Court There irera bat two offenders brought before the Major chirked with o Senses this mornins;. The first ot these was Albert West, a colored lad, who was found asleep in a box on the edge ef the side walk. He was discharged. The next case was that ot B. J. Bry- aL 'charged with disorderly conduct. trhith iris contintd until to-morrow morning. fraa err firUadj on aty a&d 'all xescraiusemi m bs cf tt witter crt always 1 1 fa - Qpawsralst!g8.i artt bawrlttaa: cn'enJy eaasld. of ihapap.r. . ' Psrsoaallttss assttsaTeUed And II b atpMlaUy and ptrt!?ci5r!y csds ' rkwd that tb. Cdisrdo9f always wden tb vtowa et orrtejxmdeati kaaXes so sSt iatl. a4!torUolaeal! ,iBi ' T How Advertisements : Feathers UST RECEIVED A LOT 07 . LIVE QEESE FEATHERS! A prime article and for sale low by xnchid&w d. a. kwrrn&l CO. GEO. ;F. TILL CT. . U. HlNTzE TiHay & Hintzef : JORTH SECOND STREET, next to cor ner of Market. A lot of EXTRA FINE New AdvertiaQmon t. ? 1 -Bargains, 3 .. There have been three days of gloom in .'oui city, consequent npen the death o Caat Mnrchisoa. To day business' on the whatrea was&imost totaUy snapen- FOUNTAIN BEtF j on aale for " the next ded.eBrjeciallv cunn? the atternoon, tne few dare, can aca examine. . , l.. , . - flags on the shipping and public offices inch 2 The Sew Martlet Messrs. Geo. F. Tilly and Herman i nd consulate! were At half-mast and Notice. rpO MAKE ROOM TOR BPRING Stekt 1 am offerfcg greit bargains ia Fancy Artl clea. A largaatockof 'Ladle Sill; and Laea 1 Ties, Eilk and L. C. naudkerchleli; Ham banc Tritnmlogt, White Goods, rLlneu Col Iar, etc. , Genta' Silk Tie J and Scarf, very cheap. AUo, Gect Col'd Border IL B1. Handkerchiefs. . ' - The ladle are advised that I now nave evry eize of the celeb ated Ccralloe Coreet. leb 17-tf - J NO Bi UKDRICK. niv ufiE oETvEEjjnvauinc- TO?J AHO FAYETTE VI LLE V i rpiIE "SLADEN LINE", A. - I t ti,Maira Ia.1 iJiiirA sL - feelin? of i denreasion and 1 TTAVING SOL 'J OUR ICE-HOUSE AND 1 rh.,- Ar ' isMM. - The receipts of cotton at this pert ni-To r tl , w- w.m-. . rvu- (usk 917 1 gemer ana vm cubuuw i -rr t BUfliNfiisa to Metsri, w. e. ijavisi vksta' crt' w:'. n Hftfnd streeL near Market, at Mr. The potato is a susceptible vegetable. Hintze'axld etand. Mr. Thos. H. John Tl : 1 m.Ht iM.rUai4 i I - .. .. . . 1 1.. ii lowueuiuvi) jjcwwu jUMftouow. , I son is we one I foot of I beUeve, the only butcher who 1 ' ft . lf. A ship is always called "she," yet we is now doing business in the New Market Molberry gtreL They -would make a ve often heard of mail steamers. house. And yet, it is oneof the most delidoul0hiDesQ gtew. ROV w. m.r f,-tt (Vim ntfrftnaira r lfK uapw . ju, dames, iuo xicaita wiu-1 erauy beatowed on us. i i - Feb. 18tb, lt?82. J . 25. LI rr ITT oc L U. ; RnUiiica. Lumbago, Backache, Soreness or the Chest, Bout, Quinsy. Son Throat,SwelL. ipns and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Gensral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted fflif end Ears, and all other fains and Aches- VollT7urrt tirnpla aid theap Xxtertml cf rtt claim. 4 7 - pirftlctis fa Eierrai Language. SOLD BY AliL PBUGGI8TS AOT) DEALBB3 IK MEDICINE, A.V0GEUSR. & CO. XtaJtinitrr. SltL, U. 8. A. German barque iana!5opWa,Sachan TB"r" "l .-i-JL ti .t.L.s .r. I the entire country. liUW, Dlincu kb JLiw uoucuu vau. eodveniently arranged market houses in To the Public. TTAV'NG PrJKC3A8 Dthe entire inter VESTA?, Capt. E.J. Love, and 'BLADEN", Capt. W. W. 8klaner, will be run regularly as above, stopping a t all Intermediate Landings aa required. , "The Bladen" will leave Wilmington m I ..4 T 1 ITDBfPT fn At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther- wKMiffflTON iOH-KougE. we ak for al Tueadys and Fridays, & a i i.r ii r a a m . , rrA Tiir.h ia bnt threo idearreea below . -r, -k- I feb23 tf DatiOSSET & CO. Areata stfw-vy w uiouu j uui yujiuuvuvo buu couua uj i - dealiog to all. men z W. E. DA VIS & BON. If it takes ten mills to make a cent, 1 Anollier Steamer - - i -i . i. i . where are the profits on a barrel of I . it is rumored that Capt. K. Jr. raoai-i Bammer neat. flonrt - I aon has it in contemplation to put on) ! . nia mama March is already favoring us with another and faster steamer on the route m&u, close and arrive at the City HEW YORK & VILMINGTUN lovely spring weather. Mayhe continue between this city and Point Oasweiu pt office as follows : i . JnnnAn . 1 The idea tsJto run the new steamer on a Northern through i mails 5.16 p.m. towitojww J L Ldde, strictly as a passenger Northern through and ,way Mrs. J. says that her husband will aff and to keep then ason on -2::: never be strucs: by lightning, becanse he tri-kiy trips as a freighter, as a officii between Hamlet and 1 i ; I I " . . . . i .1 . . . tr n A i - present IThe increase both of travel l mBfW:r'-"-r?'f - . . . - , . . - il: v.. uaAn u&iu tor me n, V. Turner! aimanac promises iir neme ana ireigm on w uum routes supplied there for the first three days of this month, and considerable, and the Dawson not only from, including A. fcN. O. so far it has been right. t,1 carries large freights every trip, but has Baiiroad,at. 6:40 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. : , , ,. :L ' also a laree passenger list. This is only Southern mails jot au pomw ine oaor oi ciovea ana wuuuwu - - - - ... STEAMSHIP GO. SEMI-WEEKLYLINE :0lCiuVW uu - . - f . .t. decUae. Boutll,ay.uup.m:.ua i;o ..lu. 1 Fieight received at all times. 3tf L DstiU&3ET& CO. iAj TELEPHONES! ELEPUOUES. TELEPHOHES. rjpHB SOUTHERN BELL TELIPHONB and Telcgrapn Co., u tne cols LicxxsEE of the : , - ....... . --v,. , AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO for eupDljinff Telephones in the Btatas of Va , W.Va., (South of the B.& STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW TORB Mm. Job Fsesok. . . . I million ala are alauffhtered every year 1" r r uv.. on. I mailB 1UI T :-l.tri fl.ftn m sn..on.v .. airnn.r r.. u..m. t mmnumfiMi iaac an i -'i 1 1 Iran us. our iar-ou utwwuo, .vw- f i - nnceaoa unanwwu w. w.vr-. ATnr nauniouAi Ueai wniaut. r . . I . 1 .1 A ma.I. wavrn I .... ' . J -CC O. R. R.), N. C,1 8. C, Gsn Au. - It i, stated tbt th. nd th. month of M"l- foi-iii. . 5 TTr-v I f Ireon tVirt rrirla AT America W&rm. ' 1 . .-t-i: TTmm ita I m ani nffiftM rm .An. Ktirsn ft Tin tviiu uu ltui vf vv .....w w. . aMn lunnRiinn: wauua. -1! xouBiiiiei li.tla daughter Annie, aged twelve years.l n ... , r rAfid Li will ba aeem in the flowing West Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, fe.RnrnV.itha tendency to White ""1?" , . . Z 1" -;n v9m in IV) " - at:Slo?oek, 'v -- ----- , 7 . ' 4 . .... - -;ii hn. in ana xtumjb.... - w.mn the nhvslclan said. At the ni's f.r aasn, iunas ana i"'' w",-',v" T -7 Fayettevllle, via liumDorwo, BwalilDg, tne pnysic aa w . - n .'i-. t th tk. .amm. liirbt.' Saturn. Jupiter and omul.. ' - 7. i; - "i k t a a A. J a KM MAh W S 1 A. . - kJI P. M. 1.-C0 p. m. orjLF 8TREAM..Wedneaday, March 1 tim-t fATriMiencad nuns: your xtemeay ihs was ?ery much reduced In flesh, com fot prices. pinion eallow appetite poor, uu-uo Tot 1 . M S S 111 if.1 will raova in their appointed course I Onslow O. H. and intermedl nnrnach the source oi life and ate offices, every Tuesday much swollen, bones enlarged, with two Norwegian barque Adger, Johansen, TIZ the nlanets as they track 1 nd 'rfday . at.......... Sr!T - v. uft w near tha an , v n.. Vf.l l'ght. Thus, tne pianew aa aey i lthlle jnaU- by stoam- Tl? nSemedy week or "! 1 1'. their devious path among the snining daily, (except Sun- tolc0ndeee 4 change, as I then ory, aaucu .tars not only illustrate witn inem we days).... lbght,for the worse. The sores diacbar-1 lor wis poru ged copiously a yellow corruption, aomr-; limes runHinjt i u biicblu uo iv j Q wti v oite olthellnens. Bat fseling enconra- mn in ft balloon ? Because everybody failing chana to the science ot astrono- gO p. m. j KifAUTVtt...M..wM.Omruj vu asHTO D0MlNOO.,Tnesiay March T ft.OO S. m.l BKOUJiATUit. W.0BCsaayt. Lb GULF 8TR&A1I, Satardav, March 11 i i - i . . . . . . . 8 80 I BBNAl'ACTOB,MMWedcef aT saarm io I " ' la , fad 1 PBIVA'tE IiEVEO Constructed, Equipped with Telephones - and Rented. For particulars address - p fc TELEGRAPH COMPANT, t; feb 25-5m 195 Broadway, ' , K.wxor BLACEC SILttC, a. r was greatly Improved did the isores, ben I ahead of the price of butter, te hsil. First the swelling began 10 as . . . a. e .f...l(f liMTeni I Malla for Eaav Hill. Town asaazinz ocaavj v . -: r iffu Why is a fool in high station like a but also the variety that lends its n8VW; r8. af every Tues- day and Friday at , o.w a. m. ged by your letters I persevered and after I ftppearg little to him, and he appears I my. . -:. .'v ... 0!P fw wing the Remedy a while longer her PJ . - r , 1 ? Northern through and way i Ur Want-Mittle to everybody. j , , Bed-Bagt. Boacbei- I nls;.70 m. and 5.00 a. in. 1 ... 0 , . ! u t 1 . " ,. . a iM . .A A m. vermis. DOS. QMitkmi Maii.7!00 tl m ana .ou a.m. 1 uie gooa am wnpiiun mvcu impui. I a man witn a smau saiaiy auu m i mh, bmw I , " .,fin I Those symptoms encouraged me, but the 1 . m ...p, worft ft fall he Uuitoes, insects, oleared ont by fjaroUna Central Railway. :0 a. 1 iu:7Wwl2 "it- ' 1 1 family says if pride goes oeiore a xan no 1 Hj"" -,"7.H wm at drus-l 1 a- niA nrum from 8 a.m. to woicooa ,!VfttofiM nridastartoh .aiUttto?" I u"TT XTo KtlR . Money Polat. In If orth and Beuth CaroUns. monias. ana noi nnu ner geacnn mwku 1 Ikisu. I .wrr . " - ' . 4 -.J,I 111 " . uraw mu ioBt "r-"- . - 1 jror CTeigni jsngagesasan appijatv The last Of Barth. same as stamp office. .... SANTO DOMl5G0.8atord.y; March 18 QOLORED SILKS S ATIHO. REGULATOB,M.MMMMSat8rdayt Maa 211 ; . . , ur t,tTt GULF StREAS(M8atardayy March U BKlTE7iOTOBM.MM.WedB.sday, March 29 Taroega Bins Lading and Lowe it ITaroagh Bates guaranteed so and frees Am s PECIAL ATTENTION is called to thai . " I u 4 i-Ji t. .o.o . KThfl man VOO I I . Vt 1 , ju laolicrhxl TRQS. 12. HON mlm D crease below the knee.and continued grap aVuuwVu -j- ; - - - The remains of Uapt. li. alu- uenerai "jt -r- T' ' ' : J na v downward, and whenlt nearly reacn-1 lauehs is tne sympawewc uu. - ;. w .-ninir on the train u aara:, w YYiiminirtGn, u. above goods; a good assortment and at tha i lowest cash prices. " NEW LACES AND NECKWEAR Black and Cream Flshue - and :. Basra Ladies', Gents', and Chlldren'a Merino Underwear, very cheap. . ' ; , ed the sores they began to heal. In the garpriginff how many sympathisers a "w " w Tfc.v w.ra met a!, the to 9:80 a. m, meantime the leg Irorn-the ankle half !v i . -n K.linadand nnrU from the North. They were net a wo coUectod from street wavThYkn fellow has when he slips dow and huru dei b 0BBittfte fron the Produce dsyt4H)0D.m. .'. . . ..... a 1 - Vtmaolf -i I--.-- I . . . fJ..J. ari Mil. a.a (Vta sals In small it ning pimples, in fact the leg bad become I himself. almost a solid sore. Alter wis me sores boxes every TBBO. G. EGEB, Freight Agent M Broadway, Jf ew Tcrk . . a k. fnVnds and rela-1 Ht.mna for sale in small quantities at Ladies will wear bangs, although told fo to th8 late resi- general deUvery when stamp oSce is wM; P. OLTDH W? r , . mL!lJ I ft O&m. I . - - ! : men j-u m that condition ever since, which has directly anUgoaistic to every true pna been several months ago. For a HKleiple of tote. or more it has not discharged at ; all, and 1 kjoki sometimes now wfcll. Asa Blood 4. : v .. : . Tf J l . 4.,..v,a. othn I U"'. JUU CUUIU USTS KQU IA1J .OUjjMw . 1 , :L. t,.M 4li f I Tf Lt tr.nc anvona will suffer ine lunenu .awrv -- -- Vonght on by impure blood. teraoon at bt. James- vnuren, u - Rotadalia will restore health to the Howto secure neaitTL . mi Pa nri mm C I from de- IRE UW IllLEilHULI. CURTAIN LACES A large stock . CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, We are busy , all the time, and It proves GenT A gentle I thit we mean business, i. Come and see n you can spend the time profitably. i rJlclntiro. ! feb 30 4 Via Mm ft?na were conveved to I v.MiMi ryanf.atinn. It la a streDSthen- as If it was entirely f usbwaier rercn, xrou, fcU' . "rl, nn.. rirTntT; take, and the D EST PuriOer and Tonic 1 Hook Lines, A full ossors their last resting piaco blood PUBIFIER ever discovered, cur- to obtain admittance, and the procession ceM 0f the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Malaria, ONE OF TheSBeat newspapers Frames and Moulding In the South ahe commenced usiog your Kemedy, and Here is a 3 mtle probleni for seme ? fAjlflwei tbA bodv to the gravel Nervous disorders, Debility, Bilious com now. you would hardly believe her to be . wmtm make oat in their whlch lo the poay 8 . DJieMrt 6f the Blood, Liver, . f a. T .... . VI ice aame enua -bbi bui 'raoT .Uto lEUtet 8 rf 7 mk.S :V4ir'ZlZZZ. 6l : .BAlBaPA.rAHA0B4.p-a ,,0 SEnSATtSBSUSMi! and rosy, tier case was an wuresunjE 1 feCuy iexiUmate. Answer to morrow. 1 - . ir- w H Bernard. andy CromtheV0?0 ....n. :' i' "'""?. t w a tkin I i D HA KOGEB'S WORM SYRUP In. S1IS an . aLT Bn naTHaVS I. M. SI . BaT . aak SW - . " fc. . . V tlC aV T- I VOU . w l.tMM 'dflatrova WUJSMS. ie s ' son and -Mr. Remedy i cn teioai. neariuy aoacn-BT. 1 i. iaarn Auxiliary tcbwviuuj gol yy, . jejuoswv, w. v. " - 1 - - dafttro-.g V-ORMS. fnllv recommend it to be wbst you claim 1 -nnfrihntmna to the mlta cheats 1 --. 11 n FT. Robinson were wei 9wm". , ' " - . ... I wm - 1 ill uyu . w . VELVET AND E SONY COMBINATIOIf r - - - t Frames, all slses. Photogrsph and Aute- graph Albania, Motto . Franxss, . Cord, ... Blank Books, Sohool Books, Writing PsperJ I rk. P-naTa. Madlace. OolJ Peas, Viola HO IMLIUKALIITSi: " " " ' - ' ' - i . - ' I . for it. Wiahlog yo.uevery success with yonr undertaking, and with many thinks now being circulated by thej Sunday pallbearers. Quarterly Meettrigs EffiZS h" e ,71B"r - cbUtoo to U. ttU to .ucco ' AB0D . to th. proci.i tt For Wilorngtoa District of the Augusta medicine I am, very respectfully. The Eereedy is fbr sale in Wilmington by DR. W. H. GREEN. feb 17 MARTHl'S VACCINE VIRU Kesra Cutox-ora Moicai, JorRSit Aozjrer vox tub Uh-ihej: Statxs J-RESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from tbe renowaed establishment of Dr. Henry A. Marttn. famished In large or small quantl tti. This valine U warranted to take in H primary cases- V Lancet Points for $1.00 IS do do 2 00 . - Iac Uticet point will vaccinate one pr smi. . . . Orders by telegraph or mail wPl receive prompt attentkm. .-, THOMAS F-WOOD, Un e.tf nac ' ; Wilmington. N. THE COMMERCIAL II OTELi T PAIEID ixn ltNTIRELT Befitted, Xi U aew open for the reception of P' R- aJJNT AXD TKANS1KNT UU-io. Vfry eXort mads to give satiafaetJon. Spe- ait1 -..& s Mr jurnlar Boarders. . M.6CHL0SS, Proprisver J?vCUssle-aae-ti" 1 tit outside cf their chnrch &zd paiot the Wilmington Light Infantry, in full nni-1 Methodist B. Church, Sou i-t-w 1 s I r- with arm reversed, tne v ewrao 1 first kou- iuvvi .- -s iviiu s w- ' i The only case from this district of in- Corps Cany the Imin tsrest here before the Supreme Court on btean - ir. M Tuesday was that iof Bute vs. WilUams thetnembers of the Produce change anover. which was " v. v, for the! lne services ware w-uuewu j -.. Bicaud Dr. WaUoo, assisted by Rev. Messrs. Pittj, Ambler and Ueares. t c arirued by the Attorney-Genera State, with Messrs. Bosseu , for the defence. Golden Dajr. Ur. Julius Bahn has already been to Tha Murch nutLber of this beautiful the North on his regular Spring pilgri monthly for boys and girls is; at hand. He returned home a day or two It is as charming as ever and Is replete ago and a beautiful stock of. Spring with matter that will interest the old foodrwfll toon follow, due notice of the folks as well as the yomnger ones, ine arriral ana opening w wnwa wn illustrations are numerous and are very I oads. -:T ,. :. , . fine. We can conscientiously commend rjj, wen well line- with It as one of the very best magazines of . . - . nA babies in csnisge the day. It is published by James EL. Lj afternoon. . And this reairds us verson, Philadelphia, at f3 a year, cr 09C6 tearf a lady say that she 25 cents per monthly number. Beautlfv vour nomes by using the Y. EnamelPaiat. ready nixed and trar believed that Wi-ain'ston eould beat any tlij of tie tsxae populatlca for beastlfol bahics, aU of we saa ssu trs cutely errta trlta trr, th. GMOl itl e.GonsiiH Usl Striae, Aa, As. O. W, YATEO, fab 27 s SBcoksallerlSBd Etstie&er Cokesbury, at Bethany, , Feb 3-zo Ooharie Mission, at wesiey unap. - . . . siarcn - Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 1UJ2 Onslow, at Lebanon. . March 18-19 - - . a GTThe District Stewards win mee. 1882. ;-T . . .,'(.'..-.'. Subscribe for It. o - ,. , . 1 xrxc v i iv w-w ta Wilmington at the parso nage or tBe I TtjtION ALIST is the oldest newepaper Front StreetChureh at 11 o'clock ma thmn the cldeat in on Tuesday, the 3rd of Jannary.1883. I , TTn:ta having been eetablleh. IwU.uktoji. . 17gR While thoroagbly temoa Presiding Bwer. . nrincinle. it is liberal, progrcs- . ... and tolerant. Tee uaEOSicus con- T M1S3E1LA5EOU3 BOSKS, Pocket Bocks, Ink &unds, , f6:'.? ..v, PHoldersrieUFsas - - Tor sal. at " k. - " 1 ! Hn.raBisaES'Ss Parker's Hair Balsam lar. Gn occasional use. Pianos .and ;; Organs, -ihkiv roo.baoso3 tbc east A, mm V. srs lr. fSra-haira are imnossible witnusi --- .L.,;.t maiinm. it covers I r iebS7 At . ! - , Deserving Articles are always Appro- Bg fom .u parts th, cUtecL The excepUonal cleanliness of . M CreVclas TU.- n.t. TJola.m vnalrAS II I ' i II ...t rrur ail imwim m.- . . . . , i m. a t iuiii l'um - - - - - r i.b lT At - BEiN8BFBOIa the counter In Georgia and Ooaa torou-1 '-,.-'-. tZlrkv-in-natribuUrytoAugMta., 1 ' ;i I ; UVei1inS If lOlOFw ijikd. " I tv- -ndaavor to exeinde sensational-1 'wt-' wTrrmM.a : "-tt -Ivit.!. artlelas of an In. T HAVB .Wi-uw;" --.- r LT i KILLKT-In thl. City, Marcli, sirw p-rr T " " " A Wm JJl?.:,Cst OIVSIl HILLIAKD, only ehtld of A2a i cocrsi CMraF . l IwIU receive 17 a-r. E.,andtheUe01iverKelley.aged23yetrs. iTfitt&lfl: -.m t.v r!A from nisi JtW. rVJidencrcm rVurthnear Oraxure Daily one year.. SJSff Prtdlv.he M -nstnt. at 10 Tri-Weekly. one year.-, are respeetfniiy idvho w wf;;.m- I Add raw, v mu i " . -i -- 1- - gk -r " jt . a ra ,-rrT Af lia' Ual- MMMM.....vv v ., t.,ma!i 1 omtatiT 'a oaKerns. w- ww 1 te bad on vott reason-- rSS rieVTue and Louls-urg.pa- AcgsaU, Cra. "V r-Tr.a-4.-d ....... . . . -... . 1 j

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