IHIB PA FEB. , r i . j lmi . mm BBfcMwwWWBMMfcjgigg !' V"ihi w s fi ... t. James, is ff. 8ir raoatfct, $3 60 ; TLr . t - J . t f I 1 - Kill be delivered hf sarrter. ' A4rrUig rt low and libera pabieribrt will please report uy and ,a failares to receive their papers regularly. " Advertisements. TdZ-GtlEA?. tlr ' . una! mi lit ML tieuratya, Sciatica Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell was end Sprains, Burns and " Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, Toaifi, Ear and Headache, Frosted foe and tars, and all other Pains, and Aches. Prrpirati'C c-rt wth mu1i St. Jacccs Chi. m Wf $r, MhnplG Mid clteap External p..-,7,.viv- A rri.I entails !nt tli9 cocaptrattTely t-m ):' ciT'ii of 50 Oat, end every ono'uTer-li-i -f:b ; -whs to cheap and j-owtlr proof .-f'ltir'.' !;! :n Ebvra Lrngc . BOLD BT A LT. PSUCHHSTn AHD DEALEES - IN MEDICINE. : A,VCGSIi!ER c CO., HE CASE WAS 'AN iHTi RESTING MUUT LmrLSTow, N, C.f Kor. 10, 1681. MSB. joe raBaor;. Dear Madam: I commenced laat Jan eary to nee your Bittern aod.Wsh on our li.'tle daughter Annie, aged twelve years, for Scrofula, with a tendency to White Sireliinfr, the phjaiclan aiJ. At tbe lima I commerc&d Utsing joar Keroedj aho was very much reduced in fleh, com-' pUxion sallow, appetite poor, litr.ba very much swollen, boLea enlarged, with two frightful eorea on her left leg near tho an ki. After using the Pemdy a w?ek or two I cculd ace a -cbango,- aa I then tbooght,for tho worse. The sores dischar. gfd copioualy a yellow corruption, aome times runeiDg in a stream to the floor in epitb of the liaecs. But fseling encoura jd by joor la'tera I persevere? and after using the Remedy a . wbife locgar ber atrergth veas greatly improved, ber appe tite good and complexion cr:ch improved Those ayroptocia encouraged me, bnt the ftw of corruption continued for eovsral tnontti, ard not n.util her general health was greatly improved did the scree bfgin ta hei'. Firat the swelling lan to de eraw below tha kne.and ccutlnuod grad niiiy downward, aDd whenit nearly roach d tLe sores they b.an to heal. In the meantime tha leg iron? the ankle hall way to the knee became covered with run ning pimples, in fact tb leg bad bfcomo almost a solid sore. After this theiorea balfd rapidly. The worst one, on the in. step, healed entirely, the other to the aixe of a five cent piece, and it has remained a that condition ever since, which has heen several months azo. For a month n rxore it has uot diecharged at all, and (k4s sottetitiss cow as if, it waa entirely vl. As a Blood Parifier and Tonic I think it superior to anything I ever tried. If yen could have seen my C&ughtor when ebu fcotntr.?cccd usiijg your Remedy, and ow, yon wonld hardly, believo ber to be tea SAne ebiid Last Jacnary nearly every cne though; eho wculd die Then th uas a livirg ekcieton. r.ow she it fat and ry.. Her case w3 an ictereslloj; 'tidy f rem tba tircn eha cotDincoced ypnr Reinj. I, pn mon heartily and cheer. iDlly recommend it to be whet rrin ra; r:t. Wishirgjcn emy nccfs.i with yoor Drdrrtakiuff, and ith ciscy thanks ror the beiiteSfa we kiv received from ycur meiic:ne, lam, rsry . respectfully, MRS 11. J. ALLEN. The Rercei-Jy ;R for eale in Wilmgton hy UR. W.H. GREEN. fsb 17 MARTIfi'S VAGfiWiT VIRUS KOXTH CaKOLIITA WrDIOAI, JOURJTAJ Aokxct VCR irrx ScrTHrKV States REfiH AND ACTITE VACCINE from tte recowTied establlthmeDtof Dr. Henry A. Martlu furuthed in large or f mall qanti Ufs. This v eel-e la warranted to take in 3 irimKry cm 7 Lancet Points for $1 05 15 do do 2 UO tatb lancet point will vaerinare one pvr- Ordersby tal graph or ma! wH reed ve prompt attention. THOMAS T. WOOD, lan SUf . nac Wilmington N. THE COMMERCIAL HO TU.. "T 1 PAIRID AKD ENTIRELY Kettted, J'-V,"110 open for the -reception of p K AKIKT ANi TKAN8UNT GUEl?T8. Jff effort mc to rive satisfaction. Swt 1 aUa ior iUgmlar Hoarders. M. 80HLOM, TreptUm n&swsm fill b rug wis a ii h &&S I3 AMI b ill VOL. VI - - ' - 'JJIl . II M ll I Jl LOCAL NE WS. Nkw AovxKTisKMEjrr. . , J L Groom Qrocerie9, Ac ( Jxr. Sokkemanx Stali-Fod Bef OrEKJt Kocsb Hazel Krko Hmhsbergex A New Lot i Wzeuitt & Hoi.i.iKoswoRTir "M.ules ard Hortes I j Mls E KAaacii In Addilioc C Y7 Tatb Frarces six!. .MouldLaof 1b Tsoa K WooD-ilartinj'eYacicine Vim Spoiled poetal carda cannot , now redaemed at tlie oSc. ' - The tmallpox scare $6B35 to died out with the disease. have The indications point to cooler weather aid possibly rain for to-morrow. . The martin?, the euro harbinger et Sprirjg, taveoppeared bereabocjta- Nor. barque JRrragon, Weber, galled frtm LiTerpoo!, Feb. 2Stb, for this port Should your food , cot properly digest then it is time to take Hamburg Drops" - ' Provisions still remain very high and with no probability of a redaction soon. I ii- i.i n Li. , - - The river steamers all continue to carry heavy freights and large passenger lists. German barque Graf. Bismarck, Kliest, hence, arrived at Liverpool Feb. 17tb. Barque Glacier. Small, hence, for Baltimore, passed in. at Fortress Monroe March 1st. . The objection to knee breeches is that there is nothing abput them to hide the calf in society. The old gold, mustrad plaster, em broidered, i3 the prettiest thing one can wear for a weak back. 1 I Bociety is supposed to' wear sackcloth and ashes during Lent, The. sackcloth is very handsome and expensive. 1 The world is ali a fleeting show, we say, but somehow we all -want to se tbo show a little longer. , Women are not cruel by nature. We never heard of a woman ' thoughtless enough to step on a mojase. Steamship Gut ktreain, Ingram, cleared at New York March 1st for this port, and sailed the same day. ( Some men are born 'poor, others achieve poverty, and a legion more start newspapers, and live on cord Wood and promises. , ' i i L4 : At 3 o'clock this aftepoon the ther mometer in this effice registered 79 de grees, which is three' degrees above Summer heat. 1 Lives of wealthy tmen remind us, that by using printer's ink, we can1 die and leave behind us, monstrous piles of golden chink. ','':!- . 1 ! i Steamboatmen report that the Cape Fear was rising rapidly when they left Fajettevilie yesterday, owing to the re cent rains ia the np-cpantry. j The shell road was alive with vehicles this afternoon, many persons driving as far as the Socnd. It has !een a lovely i I i - day for a visit to salt water. j No man ought to complain if the world measures him as he measures others. To measure one with his own yardstick may be hard, but it is fair. Parties sending news items or commu ications of any kind for publication must send their real names if they wish to save their letters from the waste' basket Deserving Articles are always Appre ciated. The exceptional cleanliness jof Parker's Hair Balsam makes it pcplu lar. Gray hairs aro impossible wUhit's occasional use. i W. F. Loften, cejored, was arrested to-day, charged with receiving stolfn goods, and will have an examination in the matter, before the Mayor, to-morrow morning. 1 Mr. J. L. Croom, in this iiaoe, informs the pnblic that he is ready to serve cus tomers at tho stand recently occupied by R. F. Eyden, deceased, j He has a very handsome stock, new and fresh and just from first hands. ' I Algol, the Demon Star,! is now clearly visible, just overhead. These jloTtlj moonlight flights are ! just the thing for young folks to sit up on the front stoop, after the! old ones hare gone to bed, and nake astronomical investigations. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hoftka and Linea. 1 A full assort snsat and loweaj pritat at Jxcextn. f I WILMINGTON, N. C,, No Go. We learn that Rev.(t) Jaa. Paterson, who m ide a speech at the Opera Efonso last Sunday, intended to lecture at Brooklyn Hall last niht and stood at tho coor for along iima-trying to per suade the passers-by to purchase tictetg of admission, but without success. As Somehow or, other this 1 climate does'nt seem to be suitable the genius of Mr. Paterson nor do our people tem to ap preciate his wonderful gift A predicament. 2 o'clock in the morn log, Fleet on the Bide-walk, baby got the croup, and no Dr. Bull's Cotton hyrup m tW house. , i CHj Conrl .. ( There were two cases for the consider i ation ef the- Mayor this morning. The first was that of the young man for dis orderly conduct, which I was continued from' yesterday. In that case the charge was sustained and tho defendant ordered to pay a fine of $5, which he paid and wag discharged. 1 The second was a charge of disorderly conduct preferred against Andrew Matz zering, a sailor. He was guilty, but as there were extenuating circamsUnces judgment was suspended. Suicide and Djspepsla. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia 'Wells' Health Reaewer." The great est tonic best bilious and Liver Remedy known. SI. Draggiste. Depot Jas.C. Hands. i i n i The wlea'her. The Chief Signal Officer of tho Army furnishes the following special bulletin to the press : The barometer is lowest near Eastport and highest north ot Minnesota. Clear weather prevails in all districts east of the, Rocky Mountains, except in the Tennessee Taliey and Northern New England, where cloudy weather and rain or sleet are reported. A storm of slight energy developed oo the New England coast during Thursday morning Heavy rains in Northern New England. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick; the disturb, anee has moved slowly to the Northeast and is now central near Eastport. .The following stations report moro than 1 inch of rainfall during the past 24 hours: Eastport, 2.54 inches, and Chatham, 1.8$ inches. The temperature has risen slowly in the Southern, States, and in the Southern portion of the Middle States, and has fallen slightly In New England, Lower Lake Regions and in the North west, and the i Missouri Valley. It has fallen from 10 to 20 degrees ia Minne sota; it is below zero north of Minnesota. The following temperatures were reported yesterday afternoon : Norfolk, 66 : Charleston, 69; Savannah, 69 ; Jackson ville, 74 ; Galveston, 72 ; San Antonio, 77; San Diego, 77; Port Bids, 71. The indications are that fair weather will eontinue until Saturday morning in the Middle and South Atlantic States, .fol lowed daring Saturday morning with slightly cooler weather and increasing cloudiness and probably rain during Sun day. Beautify your nomes by us ing the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted, field only at Jacob t Death of Mr. strauas. It is with sincere regret that we are again called upon to chronicle the death of one of our oldest German citizens, Mr. John William Strauss having died at his residence in this city at 9 o'clock this morning, aged about 60 years. Mr. Strauss was a native of Caarsen, ; Province of Hanover, Germany, but has been a resident of this country for forty years.' He arrived in Charleston in 1842, and after having served as mate on the steamer Gladiator, plying beJ t ween this city and Charleston, on the Vanderbilt line, he settled in Wil mington in 1847. He married here and here he has remained ever eince. engaged in mercantile pursuits, except for a few years when he was in the employ of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. j At the breaking out of the war be tween the States Mr. Strauss, who was at that time on the pioneer corps of the German Volunteers, enlisted for, the war and served in Howard's Cavalry At the organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in this city he was elected a member of the Church Council, a position which he held at the time of his death. He was also a member of Cornelius Harnett Council, Legion of Honor, and Clarendon Council, Royal Arcanum, in both ot which he bad a ben efit. t ! - Mr. Strauss wis a man of sterling worth and of an open, upright charac ter and be will be sorely missed and sin- ctrtly cocrned by alarge tircle of fer rsiris j frlsnds. PC3 toalJtiiti. FRIDAY, MARCH Tho answer to the puzzle propounded by us yesterday is 12. I 1 The receipts of cotton at this to-day foot up 342 bales. , port Tha receipts of resin at this port to day foot up 2.264 barrels. -FYlTi VflAftn trumAfrnw avam'nrf c aputes past 7 o'clock. MSers. Merritt& Hollirgsworth, two eaUrpriaing and reliable gentlemen. hare jast rceived a fine stock of horses and1 mules, which are advertised in an other column. t 1 ' i " ' i ii' Mis E. Karrer has jest received a new stock cf seasonable and desirable gooca w weicn ana invites aitentton tn a a ? v v . . . . the advertising columns of this issue. The fragrant yellow jessamine is put ting forth its beautifnl blossoms in the wbods around the city. The trailing ar butus is also blooming. , British schooner Mabel Darling, Ranger, cleared at this port to day for Nassau, with 15.000 feet lumber, 60,000 shingles, 10 bbls. tar,- 1 do. pitch, 10 bass wheat bran and lO.do. rise douse, shipped by Messrs. Cronly & Morris. Hazel Kirke will be presented here next Tuesday evening. There will be but one performance and those who wish to see this attractive piece presented by an excellent company, should arrange for it at once. The box-sheet is now open at Dyer's. , The New Minister. Mr. H. B. Eilers received a telegram this morning from Rev. Mr. Peschau, the newly-elected Pastor of St. Paul's Evan Lutheran Church.which was dated at An gusta, saying that ha would be here with his family to morrow morning. He stop ped in Augusta today, with the inten tion of taking the train there thisi after noon, at 6 P. M. Mr. Peschau is expect ed to preach his inaugural sermon in St. Paul's Church on Sunday morning. Exports for February. . From the books at the Custom House we make1 up the following- report of the exports for this port during the month cf February: 3,521 bales, '1,688,378 pounds, cotton, rained at 5135,321; 26,529 bbls rosin and turpentine, valued at $62,896; 86,393 gallons spirits turpentine, valued at $42,086; 487,000 feet lumber, valued at $8,878; 50 000 shingles, valued at $338; miscellaneous, value $446. I Total exports for the month: 3,521 bales cotton, 26,529 bbls rosin and tur pentine, 86,393 gallons spirits turpentine, 487,000 feet lumber and 50.000 shingles. Total value of exports, $299,965. 1 THE Thu raaild close aad arnvo at the CRty Pout OSco as follows : Northern through mails. . . . ; .5.16 p. m. Northern through and way m&iia.... 6:40 m, Raleigh. ....... ....... ......... .6:40 a, ru Ofiices botween Hamlet and Raleigh...! .....7.$0 p, to. Mails for the N. O. Raiiroad, and route supplied tbert- , from, including A. &(N. O. Railroad, at. 6:40 a, w. and 5.80 p.tc. Boctbern m&iis for all po!?r Sooth, da.ily.8.00 p. m. and 7:45 . m. Western mails (C OR'y) diiUy . (except Sunday) . . . . I 7:SO 1 p. re Mail tor Coeraw h Driing Malls for points between Flo rence and Charle3ton 6:00 p ru Fayette vi lie, and ofSoes on I Cape Fear River, Tuaedaye, i and Fridays 1:00 p. ja Fayetteriue via Luniberton, daily, except Sundays 7.30 p. m. Onslow C. H. and Intermedi ate offices, every Tuesday "and rriday atl.............i 6.00 to. Scnithyilio mails, ity gto-ni-bcat, daily. (cxc3rt days). ......... Mails lor , Easy RiU, Town 8 80 a. a Crck, Shallot-te and LiHK j Biver, 8. C, erery Tues day and Friday at 6:00 a, rja. OPEN FOB DEUTBBY. Ncrthero tbroosrh afid way maiia.. 7:30 fc m. and 9.C0 a, ro. Southern Mai!fe.7;00 p. m and 7. SO a. id. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:80 a, m. Stamp OSioa open froci 8 a. a. to 12 St., (Mid from 2 to 5:16 p. m Ordc and Register DeDArtmeiDt same as statnn oSce. M General delivery open from 'daylight to dark, and A Sundays from 80 to 9:30 a. m, ! j. Mails v4iectad fmri strt boxec every day at 40 p. m, j j Stamps for sale In asali qnntttics at general delivery whan ttasip olEoe is closed, To Builders and others Go te Jaco sx'a for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Gl&se, &e.. You caa, get all sixes and at the 3. 1882. NO. 53 How to Secure HeaUh. It is ttraiige anyone- MU suffir frrtn d rsnm cts fcronght on by impure blond, when Hoada!h will restore halb to the physical org ulzilion. It Ii a atreeethet ing syrup, pleasant to ak?, nd !heD f bT Ll01 PURIFIER ever di corertti air ing S-?rofcrfeyphilitie Idis -rdeis. Weak tea eft b Kid-ey?. Erysipelas, Ma!ri, N'ervoaa ?isjrders,' ibii;ty, Biiicua crn. plaints snd ii..-, cr the Iilocd, Llvar, Kidneys, Smmach, Ski a, eic. i BAKER'S "PAIN PANAUSV cure? piin in Mao ar.d Kp, I . Tt-'i. r.OGEU'3 WO Kit stmt It :?. p- -r- WOU vs. SYHTjr itu Addition rpo MY FORM R LARCH STock:, I hava just received the first lot of- Spring Milline ry, t-atics Kr. R. and Porcupine Straws. Freah tvenlng Flowers, the t'iate.t" dun flojversaod Dibits. Ksrectfully, MIS3 E. KARRSR, , mch .Exchange iorne SViules and Horses. FINE LOT OF KENTUCKY MULS and nor?ea, three to four vers old, well broke, aad suitable for farmi-a- pnr;oees, Jnrsala. Persons in want h u!d exaaiine the stock before purchasing eihe here W can be found at our Mable, corner of Fifth and Walnut street. i.J feIT r & HOLLINGSWORTn. mch 8-d2fc&wlt EXTRA STALL-FED BEEF. J su. BOKNEMANN oCTera at, Lis atand, North side Market street, a few doors above Second, a show lot of 8TALL-H L DtitCjc, aio, Veal. Fork, Larub, Sausagrea &c. Hi customers a d theputillc g-neral!y J. L. Groom, TVALEK IN FINE GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, &c, No. 4. North Water street. Goods and prices guaran teea to suit. Give me a call. A firct class Restaurant is attached where metis cn be ootainea at all hours, . mch S lm A Kew Lot QTEKb ENORAYING3.! Photograph Albsins! Autograph Albums, ! ii - Family Bibles, at etlN'BERGER'g. ' School Books. FULL AND COMP ETE BraCKal- ways oo hand, at TBOhS 1 HEIN8BFBGFR'a OPERA HOUSE. ONE EVENING ONLY! . s uesday, EVJarch 7. MADISON SQUARE THEATRE COMPA; NY, in the great Comedy-Drama", HAZEL KIRKE, Nearly 1,500 Consecutive Peprfsentations ! througtout the UDited ctatea The Longest Pun on Record. The Greatest nay. The Greatest Success. Brll Unt Ovations .Dazliiog Triumphs. The wnoie country Electrified j Theatres Packed to the Doors. Buperb Me tropolitan Cast. STazel Kirke Goes home to every heart. Seats can be secured at Dyej-'e. Reserved Seats 81. Farquette Circle 5q cents. Gal lery 25 cent. inch3 4t Feathers. JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF 1 LIVE GEESE FEATHERS! i. A prime article ajid forsa!o low by mch2d&w ! D. A. 8MITH & CO. GEO. TILLEY. H. IIINTZE. Tilley & Hixi'23. J-ORTH HECOND STR XT, next to cow ter of Market. A lot! of EXTRA FI"E MOUNTAIN 'BEEF ca eIo for I the next fev davs. Call and exsm'oe. inch 3 j Frames and Moulding -y tLV T AND E O5Y!C0MBIBrATION Fraaas. all eissc. Fhotojrraph aad Aeto- I . i . grip'a Aibams, Motto Frasas, Ord, Ae. islacx BooktJ Soloed Books, Wiitiac Pcpcr iak, r'eaotU, yacilagc, Geld Peas, Yielia Strtags, Ac k. C. W. YATES, ft 31 . I88aka22srSa4 Btafiast f UULBB STOTIO. I ' fll bcglad to rceafve foaanaleatsj froa oar frUsds on ay aad all aabiacS Ti ec o ta writer nut always an fa tlal4 te lic Editor. . C6mnaicitfoai4 lanii vr(tis;oa oalj nae side of the papc rrsaaaus matt be arcldsf 1 And it Li ccpceially and paitimiariy aades :i" rtood tbat tac Ediwdoc ad always eadors tan vtewtet cormposdeani uxlces csitat la i dHrTi coi-c. ' i 1 Kew Advert! asm in tal Borg"ain: fpO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING 8totk, 1 am offering gret bargains in Faucy Artf cles. A larg to;k of Ladies fii'.k and Laeal Ties, Si:k and L. r. Hiindkarchiefa, nam burg TrixamiDg?, White Goods, Linen Col Ian, etc." GejiU' Eilk TIej and Scarfs, ttiy : cheap. Alsoj Gent,! Ccl'd Border Ul 8. 1 Handkerchief. , 1 he ladic arQ advt$d ' tbat I now have ev-ry ize of the eeleb atcd Coralioe Corset. frh I7.lf JVil IT lli,nnir.- TON Afiu FAYETTEVILLE I rjpnE "BLADEN LINE", composed of i tsam3r ' VESTA", Ca;t. E.J. Lore, and 5LiDEN' CapL W. W. Ekioner, will be run regularly as above, stopping all intermediate Landings a required. . "The Bladen" wlil leave WUmlogton a Tuesdays ad FMdays, And the Veu" on fondays and-Jhura. dars. F eight rtctixed at-all times fcb23 tf PgrtOSaETA CO.. Agents, 1- TELEPH0NES-TELEPH3NES. TElEPHOHES. ' iJtHE SOUTHERN BELL TELIPHONXI and Telegraph Co., Is the Boli LicxxsxB of the AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO., for supDljing Telephones in the States of Va , W. Va., (South of the B 9s O. R. R.), N. C, S. C, Ga., . li , and Ala. ''. . PKIVATE LCVESi 1 instructed, Equipped with TelephoutJ afid Ranted. 1 For particulars address ' j SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ' I -& TELEGRAPH COMPANY, , 205 Broadway,1 Neir York. febN25-3m BLACK SILKS, i COLORED SILKS & SATINS. BL&CK& CGL'D SILK VELVETS! 1 s PECIAL AT1ENTION U t jledto U above good?; a good assortment and at the lowest ca&h prices. 1 NEW LACES AND NECKWEAR! 1 Black and Cream Fishne and Sovrfs I Ladies', Gents' and Children's Merino 1 Underwear, very cheap. 1 CURTAIN LACES A large stock. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, &a. We are busy all the time, and it proves that we mean business. Come and see tu you can epsnd the time profitably, J ' R.- m. lyiclntire. THE E0L0 RSLIABLE ! ONE O? The Best ITewspaperSj I In the Bonih i NO SEHSATIOKAllStf ! ftO IR1MUKALI ITS Augusta isl Subscribe for Xt THK CFinONIOLB AND CONSTI TUTIONALIST H th eldest newspaper ia tha Noatb, and perhsps the eldest ia tho TJoipd b'ates, havinc been establub ed ia 1785 Wbi'e tho-oofhly Demov era io ia prindple, it ia liberal, ; p -ogres-sive and tokracti Toe CflttoyrCLE con Ulna the latest nws frres all parts of the world, and is recogn'z'd as a 6rst-clcs paper. ' f As an. advertising oeilum, jit covers the country in Georgia and tiouth CaxolN ua tnbutry to'Augasta. . We endeavor to exclcda sensatlocaU am. We pttb i.h n actUlticf aa im moral character. ' ! 1 TEBM5: : . I ; Dally one year....M.....MM.aa....M$10 "f 0 Trl-Wetklr. tea year 5 (O Weekly, oar year....MMMM 2 CO AQjaaJ Oa. CraiMw ilia