THE AMRRlCAft IDRAU tfSKTiSTS O TO DAT Mrj tY sUi:&' C'U ei by citndw V . B,r I iTr i, te fore, ths idnejs , ,r1 -i -a lev ia perfect erder p? M. t'l' b b N9 :? it. rlMi tratb ba c'D tn tcvrn a bart ad for vr ;,Bti f. ihed oT of WV .... . f K rtnaf ara Lire' Jure a&'t - & t.fefrom & slap! tr .nicl U f f r are val .t coat r, i th eiea l; cwswr t; " orL'h rd ia lrotae both nf ff.sae jcrra ;'.'. asd sfelr rtora and k-ep t i .j . is a; PO-ITIT t58T)T f r I tt cuo palui a tba l wr prt ,-,.Jaa-Eiej -Uisttreas "ra'el-'e l . x N - - nti aU Jiffies! aid Vz 1x3X7 U rjfai eXMUect nif reme-'y for fe- ,,r ati .q a l i- i 4ubld f r Uao rr I Hl d AIar it! oen !!. for i dit U (tta lathe lA'df iZi.l' I5()f of -av ra4l-l' ?Bthemrket 11 pr bottle Diet. onq-irafor in -,7-dirarate . a.hetar ill Parilcular Notice. An the drawlofft r!ll hereafter be under the erclustre stiperrision and control of GENERALS O. T. BEAUREGARD and TUBAL A. EARLY. . A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITT TO WIS A FORTUNE. Thlid Grand DUtrlbution, (Saw C, at New Orleans, Tuesday, March 14, lMi-142d Monthly Drawing. Imm State Lcttery Ccmpai y . Incorporated in 1S63 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purpogefl with a capital ot $1.000,000--to which a reserve fund of over $o50,C00 has lace been added. 3j an overwhelming popular vota tts traachisewas made a part of the present State Constitution adopted Decenber 2d, A n 1 H7Q Its 8ivol,b Nitubkk Dsawivos I will take place monthly. liwer toalet or potptm Lwk at the following Distribution t CAPITAL PRIZE 130,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollaks Each. Halt-Tic kst8, Oxb Dollab. LIST OF PRIZES. Ad lndeptuent young mad A right klod of tttnff younf jcAa A cep ttiprfhoufciUio, Plaia-opokeu. eeusible, 1 Ttiorouijaijr aeif oaad younj xnao. A tit-to L-9-baien yoang man; A up-to-tue-frout yoong raan; A penuiue. plucky, ' IJUtDV-HO tickvl i 'Try -it hsuln youug znaru A b now !ed2-e ing yoaos; man; A real wldo-awaks.uug tuan; Flud-om-trie-reftoi:, 2itt tuu-ruHi lLoeuru yourg man. A !oo-out.f.irwo;hers jout-g man; A practice .;in: -pruact: yuLxig man: " liiud, hymiMtiiielic, ioi Hit tnofelo. An ftirbl(, oourtous yocos m&; A kco- Wliat-la-Hy youiiu mau; A Ap t f i rub fctjivifciry, i i Fr!.- t'ldoiiVHtyl I ! ilR.ivia.ulsrriurt tuau. ! i A uowadayrArc young man: A luin-iofc.:yutid 4U rasc; A eifjxlrs;rif yot a i i? ay wverd ( e.--d, Ktudlbvi-Iiike yoctis luaa. - , M , i . , , . THE RdMASICE Of TH WAa- TUE ATTEMPT TO "WfiiTEB.V 0?.FDERAfV. F08M A iq the mot ia Rich- 1 Capital PrUeiof 1 Capital Prlae of 1 Capital Prize of S Priae of 2.500 5 Priaes ot 1,000 iQ Prises of 500 00 Prises cf ilOO 200Pr aes of 50 -300 Priees of 30 -1000 Priaea of 10 - $30,000 10,000 5,000 5.00 5,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 APPROXIM ATION PRIZES. Approximation Prizes" of $300 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes ot 2001,800 Approximation frizes of 1U0 900 i07 frizes, amountinx to - - $110,400 AesponaiDic corresponding asrenta wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation iu oe pain ' For further Information, write clearly, Riving full addre-a. Send orders by express or K entered Letter, or Money Order by mail, addressed oxlt to Si. A. DAUPHIN. Njw Urla&na, La w M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La all 8t eef, Chlcae4 lUs. or 1 A. DAUP-UN, ... 007 sTnth St. m ahirtst"n, D c The New York OfBoe Is removed to Chicago X. 3. Orders addressed to iiewmlean will rxeiv prompt attention. - TV particular mttention of (he Public 'u 2 fact Vuxt entire number oft ha iyfvr vach Monthly Drawing in told, and "The landmark, PDBLIdBBD AT BTATE8TILLS, IREDSLU CQ 5 0, tie LaadiaiT Wewapapar ia Weatra Hortk Car. - ollna. uXJ b-tk. os! I)ei rpr rab ljhfid I'eoail -o bty one of c th Urct nc waad a larger kel ireatloB ihaa anv PPr ersr heretofore pvbUahMiia thacomu? Ita elrenlatlom in Alaxander, i!a Aik, Aii9aanyt . r4 iar lTls and Iredait la wjrer thaatir ony tw -par era. In the owte eombiced; aid la rardjr scealrltg a IW at f -eihold ia Krt stthe, baxry. Rowan wwura ilkUBbarg. . 'tUtaaoBij papar ia Western Xvtth Utr that employs a Bejruiar Casvaaaicr neat, and ia thus kept eosstacUy baf.-re the people, Under thia lyatea a Tasidir inersa. a-Tke Bst Adrerthrrajf iiedlam la Weat era JTorth OaroUna. AMfeas, ail) Jl ' . Httetrti?, 0 Wanted. 25,000 711,2 -CR03-TDS8 Ci$ 8 1 ,T 'towf fartf cnlan qtrlrs) CLT1UJ2Aa, The Uon Jacob Thoiaason, Disnlsf d Man of War Thi i t ltn iicle ' 2'f,009 Cohffdfrjt'c PriR!'ners The Ilansins c;f B ale and thp Aas . kluatkn of Abraham Lincoln. Col. T. . Barr, a weil-jsaown GouFed- erate officer, priuta in the Philadelphia Ttmea au account of .the attempt to re lease ino o.ouo UoOfcderato prisonera coaiiatjd iu Chicago, Columbus and tsan- dusky in 1854. .nd to inaugurate a iNorth western Confederacy. Major O uuic, ui Hie r jiiu ei ment, was a leadi ier epirit tie received hi iastrccticca inond, and reported to tha Hon. Jacob rhompsoa, then in Cftnad. Jacob as signed him lo the command of the De partrnent of Ohio, with headquarters at eauansKj. , i At Cum p Docs las. near Chicago, thera were about 8,000 Confederate prisoners; at uamp Uhie, near Columbus, Ohio. about 8,000 more, and at Camp Morton, sear Indianapolis, about1 4,000. On Johnson's IaUnd, in Sandusky Bay. there were about 3,200 Confederate officers confined. Tha object was to simultane ously release all these prisoners and officer the m n in the other three camps -.1.1 Art. i -Va wun me oiacers on i u ohnson's island. VV ith this force and the active aid of Northern sympathizers ii was thought icat a in orin western uoniederacy was not impossible. Major Tom Hinda. now Jadge at Howiiojr Green, Ky., had the Stite ot Illinois, with his headquarters at Chicaoro. Mainr Cn.atl(man hail Tn. diaua, with his headquartefv at Centra- ai, an ui fcut'Be piaces iorinern allies were working in conjunction. . The time selected for makiocr the as sault upon these camps was to be gauged by Gen. Early 'a attack upon Washing ton, rq es to matceit impossible lor any of the troops to be sent to reinforce the limited number of Federal soldiers then in the Northwest. The INorthwest was selected as the basis of operations, be cause there was great .rebellion there against conscriptions; and the people were generally tired ot the war. , It was at first intended to strike the blow while the Democratic ' National Convention was in session u,t Chicago -Four thousand Confederate1 soldiers and sympathizers - were in Chicago at that time ready for the work. Kmy's delay ia striking Washington gauged a post ponement. Among the Northern allies Col. Burr pUces Brick Pomeroy. He asserts, on the authority of Major Cole, that Jacob Thompson gave Pomeroy money to establish the La Crosse JDem ocrat. On Major dole's assignment 1 to com mand at Sandusky he was instructed to capture the United StateB man-of-war Michigan. She was t the only armed vessel on tha lakes, and with her in their power the Comederates felt assnred of success. Cole went to' Erie, where the Michigan was lying before she was sent up as guardship to the prisoners on Johnson's Island. Through friends he made the acquaintance of the officers, entertained them handsomely, and was invited to the ship, so that when it came to Sandusky he was always a welcome guest. He 'established him self in tiaudusky as aa oil speculator, organized the Mount Hofie Oil Com pany, and located a well near Titusville, t'a. Jaige Fiilmore, of Buffalo, was elected president, and Cole was elected secretary. 1 his gave him a business standing, nnd his position as secretiary abu practical manager oi tne company readily accounted tor the travel it was necessary for him to do in furtherance of bis military duty. It also explained the abundance of money' he had and is will.ngnesa to spend it. ' He received from Mr. .Thompson $60,000 ia, gold, a portion of which was deposited in tho bank at Sandusky to his credit. There was also an account kept in Philadelphia' with Drexel & Co.. in ins name oi ionn lieu, tie also bad an account with Belmont ,in New York. The Confederacy had plenty of means in its secret service fund. Cole says that there was something like 586,000, 000 altogether to the credit of the Con federate commisioner and his colleague. Moat of it was, ho believes, deposited in the bank at Toronto. He turned his attention to cultivating the acquaint ance of officers oof the steamer Michi gant and all military officers stationed at Sandusky, or who came there, as a prerequisite to success in releasing the Confederate prisoners. Be wised and dined the officers continually, and was on excellent footing with them. He eoou found it necessary to bare 'men in his employ on board the Michigan and also on Johnson's Island. As the Unit ed States Government wanted both sea men and soldiersutwo Confederates) were enlisted as seamen and sent aboard ths Michigan- Ten more were enlisted as soldiers, and west oa daty as msuhtrs :tbynejal3do1njr:datyiall Jdhcson's , a: tildes sOcto'sV rbeial -relations witbj the,oScsTsha was i a posit ion to 7 lOSt90JsUft what ; jra 50ing;icn uuia oatno.e3el -an4 oa tho island i ae men, eoluteCas Federal soldiers ",H vyueaerie cmcersana in get iuii. kucm, ,:v;oie xeiis ,tn ioi lowg-irtcrdenti v-v;- - ?h : I "aT oejore our piak3 were,. com pleted Mr. Thompson, at cne of oar con ferences iu Canada, said he should like to visit and look over the steamer Michigan before we attacked her, and Ieo personally inspect the details of my piaua upon ine ground. ! I lfycu think it safe, Mr. . Thorn psoa a sconia dc exccediugly glad to have yon do so." I eaic. i He did not reply and we parted wi th ou roy snowing wnat his intentions were. A few days after,, while sittinsr in my room at the West Hohaa, Handnsky crBt came on ana gild: "Hour : i i a . ' . i an jb m me psnor, and would like to see yea." . 1 I told Miss Annie Davis to sro down . - C3 ' ' anri mvit Lr up. Of course, I knew it was not my aunt, bat I was naver taken by surprise at anything, and was alwavs on my guard. 1 supposed possibly it was a female couritr with orders or infor ruatiOB. ! Miss Davis went down to the " oarlor. .iii ... - ana in a moment returned with an oiderlj may piceiy oreeseu m a ity'a that well trecanio her age. Vr hen the veil was removed there . .1 I T ? rri . atuouj o&eo inompson. i was wholly auawi, o oisguiso was penect, ana th8 asaumptioa of too character easy and gT'Ceiuu I I sent word to the Michia an that had a lady relative who had stopped over . r : t a i i Mam lu viAit. waat sne naa never seen. a man ci war, and that l should nko to bring her aboard. They returned a cordial invitation, and that afternoon plr. Thompson and I went out to the ship. .Mr. Thompson went all over, and in a squeaky voice put such questions about her construction and arrangement as a rural temale of well-advanced years ana smau opportunities ir gleaning in formation would be likely to prop und. No one suspected , him, and the officers wero exceedingly polite to the one they afterward spoko of as ''my country aunt." i After Thompson's visit to the Michi gan Cole spent three weeks ia Phila delphia recruiting. He established his headquarters at Twelfth and Chestnut steeets, in the Girard building or old 1 11 J r-l -rw . vurauaaer fiouse. u.e aiso naa an other rendezvous on Fifth street, between Chestnut and Wolnot, where a man was ostensibly recruiting an artillery com pany ror the United mates service. It was here that most of the men for the capture of the Michigan were hired. They were paid $40 a month and expen ses. The money was. drawn from Drex el s cans to meet the current expenses .rii .. r oi mess agencies ana to pay tne men. J he plan iully matured, it was decided to make the attack on Monday, Septem- oer 1864. me intention was the moment the Michigan was captured and the Confederate officers released, to cut all the telegraph wires leading out of Sandusky, seize a railroad train, run down to Columbus, assist in releasing the prisoners there, then run back to Sandusky and establish the temporary headquarters of the Confedrato Depart ment of the Northwest. Gen. Trimble, of Maryland, who was the ranking- Con federate officer confined on Johnson's Is land, was to be made Commander in Chief, and Cole had in his pocket a commission from the Confederate Gov ernment appointing him to that position the moment he was released.. Cole was supplied with other men who enlisted in blank, all properly signed and attested, to give to all other men who enlisted1 in the Confederate army for this service. This wus done to, make them regular Confederate soldiers, so that their ser vices would be legitimate acts of warfare as long as they obeyed orders. r r Major Hinde, in command at Chicago, and Major Castleman. in command at Centralia, were to attack Camp Douglas and Camp Morton simultaneously with uoie s attack upon , Johnson's Island. Major Hinde was also charged with the duty of capturing one of the iron steam ers plying. between Grand Haven, Mich., and Milwaukee, Wis. Through i some misunderstanding none of the others made the attack, although Cola teletrr&nh ed before leaving Detroit, on the mom ing ot the 19th, to Charley Walsh, a citizen of Chicago, who was Major Hiude's assistant, and is now street com raissioner of that city, us follows: -Detroit, bept. 19. 1864.' Close out all the stock in the Mount Hope Oil Company before 3 o'clock 4 to day. Be prompt. - -i O- H. (Jole. This meant that the attack would be made on the Michigan at 5 o'clock i that evening. Cole left Sandusky for Detroit on Saturday, with all arrangements p.T fected. He had previously determined to capture the rtxiio Larsons, a vessel plying in the lake trade, for service in transporting our troop? The pi m was to go aboard of her at Detroit and the men who were to assist in her captnre were 10 gt on at the various points at which she tonshed on the Canadian snore. 1 (Concluded to-morrow.) ; - 5 - : k , : f : : H I .'1AJ II si iff.Tint iVi &&2ittZ C?v ' ''ST ' I teal " ! Vf&ss? -j3 ' ' ;.. A TRUE TONIC PERFECT STRgrNlfiTrMre -a SURZ REVIVER . 1 sqlllOIJITaSIIbcra a eertaitt and cilicient tonic S trcnjnhoia the mnscles.and e j vi j. r j 1X2 WlAl llOt DLirlfpn f nnt', t 1,.1-1- J- P-i.l t useful end amusin? reaa Baltimpro, 3rd. livro crasaad ed liionvT.TM OF I3TITATIOXS- I all drogsists,: Wne tor A V.OVk (C2 r. of 3 '"tarsr9!flri:Cl55ITCAt.OclI:', i : r- - i ! especiaJIr InduytsdLn Th.-fm.t ctrert Lad: cf h n,-Tj,cLz. Juiriches the blood, ; . t,i..i.i I. j OASOLINA COMPANY. Qmcm Gasaaax t37intvimnra j WUatagtoa. IT. a,' rsc.250. lifiU! i CHA.KOS OF SOHEDUIJI 05TANL APTE3. Jan. 1, 1882, tks fol. losing Sahdnle wiii ba operated on tfcia Uaiiroa s t i PASSBOOKS, MAIL ANO EXPRESS I AIN, DAILY. . V Leave Charlotte at...l0.13 P a ai Arrive at Wilmington at.T.32 A M Trains Woa 1 and 2 etoo at r?alr itariona only, and ptts desjEated 'in tbe Ooaip aysAimeTaois PABStNGES AND W BElOBl. Daily except Sundays, A &f Leave WOaiaf ton W R:0 K lArriva ttCharictte at.. 7:ft5 P wm A Oaartott ium 4:15 A "BKLtiY DIVISION. P. 8ENEli.MAlL Dftlivexes t Bnttdays. Leave CiarloKa ttM..HHMm ...... w8:00 A & Arrive at Shelby at 12.00 U deave Shelby atMMM..MMMM.wn.'M 1:00 P U Arrive at Charlotte at..... 5:C0 P U Trains Roe I and 2 males close connection aa tiaailfit wi h K Jk A Trains to and frorc aleizb. and at Utarlotte wl h ghelbv Li- vision Train. . Throcvh diapinr Cars btre Wllmlnor. ton and Char totte and HaieWb ta4 Ohariott. Train No. 1 raakss eonntetion at Charlotte with A., T. a U. il. K,. for BUteavilie. cooneeting thra wita W. -JS, C. K. R. for ail points on sat road. iraira r;os l and 6 make fonneuon at tJtiarlotte wl-n A & N O K B fo- i Drtan- oarg, oreenviue, Athena. Ati.nta asd all p ints oeyoa . i Txain Ko makes close conceoton at W?l mtngton! wi'h W A W H & t r points North. ira noz makes close connection, lib ff.,0AKll ! UcO 81 Saseral HaDrintsi-tt Wil.f Col. & Augusta 2 ail road Co. i Crtrcz er Gs'iriaaz. crr'T, WilmlniftPP, JT.O.ya-. 23, 165J. f i riiAHf E? tor 1882. with lm Viai V ST rC33 Droved Interest lasie, Calendar, eto, ient to any addresa on reossipt of two Three-Cent Staaips. Ad dress OHALSaS. IIlBISy, 43 rr. Delaware ave. t an. utt x-4w "f BSniB REWARD ! for any case S J, LHJl&of tJlind Bleedlne. Itch- lug, cicerattd, or hrotruoi e PiL&g tnat UaHlM FiuH K2MHDY fils to enre. Prepared by J. P. MILL B, ii, D., SIS Area -1. rnua. a ' na frenutne without hxa !gaata . Seed for circular. Hold bj druggists and country stores, Si. fob 23 GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THH AUTHdi. kirb, ntite1 "the cfonc ot 1 jie," bound la fiaMt Frnwcti raEelln, embosvni , f nil xri; t, SO) p&Se,ooata.1ns beautiml steel ngrariMs. 125 preecripticas. Srice only $1.23 went by mail : lastnted eamolo, 6 c ceni now, Address Pesibod Alerii- SELF. S3B,Ko.4Bol5acist."lJo6tcn. THf HE BEST JL CALICO. WM. SIMPSON & SONS' MOURNING, SECOND MOURNING SOLID BLACKS, 'stone FANCY DRESS PRINTS Eddy Guiteau could never sleep at proper hours; enrsed with abnormal acti?ity, his nerves were always on the qui vive. Could he hate had the soothing, benefit o? Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, his wretched brains would not have raged with Improper fancies. ,,. 8500 Reward; - VTSTR WILL PAY TUB A BOYS rVard . fT ,"T '? cf liver Coaiplalnt,Dys pepaia, Slok Beadaeh,; Idijetlcn, consti patloa or Geirveacs wo eaunot eur wito West's Ytgetable Liver Pilli, whsa tha leotlona axe strictly complied with. Tae ar purely Yetabis, and never fail to give aamf action- Bagjar coated. Lare eoaea, eoatalftins: Mil, . 25 acou. For ala qy all Droareista. - Bewares of eonaterfeits as 4 laxltA&ona. Tae geaniae aanafaetared onlr ey JOHN G W3T A QO "The P1U ken, 1S1 A 1S5 TT U4isoa at, Chicago rrMtrlal p&kajte sent, by BIIprMid ca rscr&te a 1 e4 staaj iacaJsw The EDDYSTONE PRINT WORKS is 3Z of the largest and most complete estab lishments In the country. 1 THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY has enabled them to attain such perfection that they can with confidence ask you to test the quality of their work. .They carefully avoid all poisonous drags, make only fast col orswhich are thoroughly washed in hot water and soap, thereby removing anything which would stain underclothing. I 7 Those who buy and-wear their prints will, they feel confident, find them superior in dur ability, artistic style and finish-Be sore and ask! for their goods, and see that their marks and tickets are on them. . . , . ... OHAKOK OK S09EDUi,g ?AArn5 Jannwr mJi88I, at K "c'ifoilewitjg FtMeo2 tJcincala will be ran oc tils road.. UIGHT EXPRESS T&AIV8 (listly),, I No. iQ Went and 4? Eat" Leave Wliialagtoa.., J.. io 15 P Leave rlorence.. 33)1 t Arrive at C O aad A JunpHon.. 6.10 1 A U Arrive at Ooiuiabiaw.ww.WMW.. io a 45 Leave Oolucibia. io 00 p S Leave O C aod A A Jenctioa.10 20 P K arr ve Florenee.......... l s A B Arrive at WlUnina...... 8 20 A 11 Nxsht Mail im Passbooks Tbais, DartT Wo. 40 Wist, and Day Mail aro Pas ! sxssiai Tkaih, fco, 43 Sast. j Leave. Wlha tegtoa a:.M. .11 05 P U Arrlye at Flor eace.w.. 2 47 A il Lear Florence.................... 1 V5 P H Arrive at Witesingtoo........... 6 65 P M iMail i Pambsssij Daii.t.42 West, 43 t . Esst. "! Leave Wilmington............... 7 20 A ii Arrive at lorence...WM .11.40 P M Leave riomice . 6.45 A 21 Arrive at Wi ninator............... 12.00 M rNre. 4S ad47 stops on'y at Bri' klej'a, hiteville, Fleiuipcton, talr bluff, Marion, Flortcce, ?imnonsTlUe, tumter, Camden Junction asd Eaitover. Pasnengrera for Columbia, and all 'point ot . fa. ii. 14., C, O.I A A. B. It. s tsiiOfu bejronc aiseu jRnctioa. and all nnlnti ttuaia uasa ao wignt Kzpress, Separate Pullman Bleepera for Charleston aad for Angueta oa train 47. All traina rna solid between CharlaJtiin and WUtainstton. ' i A. P?PS. Gan'l Pa. Ageiii i f nov 2 W!LMiHT0M 'ft.. WELDOH JJ ATy.'PAA'n nnumawhRr OyjPKnr o Gsh'l ecTaaiKYinan i gWIlningtoa, a, Jan. IS, 182. CHAHGBYOP & USED ULE. ON AND AFTER Jannarv 2S. 1ftA9 . m An. a m ' d . - . Z' . " w v A i ukdit iraiiu on t&e , l,. it ufiga ttauroaa will runes IUUOTT8 ; DAY MAIL AHD:EXPBEB8:f BAD, d5 y Nos. 47 . Nertn and IK Rnnts - Lsavs WiiHdDgton, Front 8L Depot ' Arrive at Weldaaat... .,,; to P ft Leave Waldon........ . s D7PK 5 a I 3 1EC get fi?stifs!5& ?e:2 tlBSSilJi BSroBEW" I 1 Avfije at Wilmington, Front Bt. Fast Jiirou?a cm and Par sender Trai i?aiiy aos. 45 Werth and 40 Beats. Laave V ilmington, Front uepet at........ in p k a . ray - Lf.avewetaon-........... 6.15 P k arrive at wuaalnjrton, srottat. uay zsau ana raasasjrsr. Daily, A'o. 45 r-orin ana 4'i Hrnt. Leae W!ltaiecn Front Ht. ' ' Ikiepot At.M 1 03 P M Amve at wo of-n fct o a i m iayc weta.n at ..... ..... l 20 A M arnva at Wi miDrtoB.... .7 CO AM r.n .o. vr n win a cporiy at Kooky o ni aw, a Ajriio'it, v. araay ilonnj vu 6t, oic'orrt. Wi con, IjBCAV aonnf, itLfic d and liaiifax. TrainKoAy 8oatn will top oolv at oek ,w eipcn iar au poizstn Rorth dail'. a 11 r r na ticiicona, asJntUj wrt Hn.iy vU frats r0 43 rers dally m r?lr elore ncricn tor su rvJata orii ?rAi? soi 5 rat aTlaKiebniAedand vvt. l antf ns o'oe cemr ecuan daily o Bichmoid and ezcaft Saturday titWfcr ui cbiiori lesra no. All' truitrf ran trAU ir5 WUraiaffto ted Waahiagtoo, and hav PrUji PaTac Sleepera ttahl, JO3i .'nwiatsm ari, '. A. PUPK, f 1 das 1 1 ! Hev Restaurant. rjXEZ TJXDJUt SIGNED would respectful' ly atmctroct ;that he-has Jtrt f tted up at I No. 8, Granite Rowrout2i Front st., a Re. - 1 ' - . tanrant fer Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of the day. Every thing is 'new and I flrftalaaa. PoBse Waiters and courteous at taodasta. ws aan oyttats fa'seaeoa. Tine Wto.Ujnmand Clears. The folltnrtnr oaounu ranrl J I wboleaale prieee tn?ray. Ia makia an s Ui 9tiiKM hifhcprieaa have to ce eh ar S C IK 11HO I 1 a IV rm it v fi .v u . . -- - 12 A IA 14 O I It - , I W ...... ... l3Uf 1 1 rt s. ! j 1 T5 9 0 00 a O 8 00 liA CON North Carolina. aiaa, D, shoulders gidea. 9 Uatra.. oroaidara.. Rr? Stltad bheuida.-.. V in. RABSEL8 Spirit Tnrpantlte Baecnd Hand, eae5. LKlCi.8Wlliai8ittoa,U T 00 KUTTES-Jfortharollnaa iNonharna. .n - .r v " AQu&antiaa.Z CHESS- 00 as 13 25 m 11 014 ot 40 It Scrthara Faatory, Dairy crcaia. p ib. owe, ..... : 14 14 13 25 a LAtrcvra. t3 lb CRrU aAL- bhel. l 10 COTTOS Tl3fNw9bdl l0 DOMESTIC- l"ed Hl35 Skectir, a-4 yard.. FLOtTB-FiBe. bbl i) 00 rfepor, .fortharo,)?? bbU 5 25 -Iz ira tio if bbl. 00 rasily tbU. 7 Ct.r iliUSxBtjpr U bbU. 7 00 " Family W bbl. 7 60 aal vbbu. co KaeiVel, ao.l, V bkl.-lt 00 .l1 8 75 Kaakarel, So, 2, V bbU..ia 50 So.2, fjf bbL. . 0 0C S?,kPe,i,No t7 bbL-.OO 00 Mollata. V bbl. 3 50 DrjOod, V fb j SEliTIUZEaa- j fansrian tanano. JOO0 Oa.CO 00 Uarolica FertlUaar 00 00 aavaasa unano, Complete slannre M Whtnn'i Pboaphate t7ando Phosphate. " vfUCOX, UiOD UO.. " 00 00 "00 00 " 00 08 V 00 00 nipulated Gnano. OUAIN Coretore, 56Bi Cern, eargo, 68 fcs. Corn,yeL, 5ushaL... Oats, t? bishel.tlZlI niuus ureen. 73 lb. Dry, B ha Eastern. in. 100 &! 100 lba. 00 00 n 93 ts 00 es 95 4 10 CO 1C OS6 CO (HO tf O00 00 o e 50 O 8 1 O 5 71 O 0 00 OT0 0Q 40 CO 040 00 O6V0C 040 00 Q40 CO 041 ca o 0 o o o o o o o 14 00 00 t 10 00 ' I 11 SO lb Horth Bivar, LABD JSforthera C B. . HUo iu LmhMIina 5 R- , " LDMBli-City steam aaVd " Shipftatf,rewed,3?ilft.l8 08 11 00 1 CO file 00 !i West India earjjo, aecord- iS to quality, S M fU.18 00 Dreued on Ssantling and boards, eoa- M,,fi1Ac' V M ft.... 11 CO KOLAH88 Ouba,hhdSfrl it I Ouba,bbla..Vaf..-..f. J", ongar nona,nbda. 7 gal. 7 2 ? uneaaa uaolce bale. $ gal. 00 SAILri Cut. 20dto4d, aipg.basia, g'aLi II 7. ' Y IT' &f Linked, O gal 1 (Q Eoein, eal. PBAJNDT8-V baaheL. 1 25 POTATOES-oweet, bcA 00 Irish, Northern, V bbLw. 4 00 POBK Northern,eitymess.23 00 "in t77' 00 00 Prune, $, bbl (extra) ..00 00 Uamp, ; bbl ........ . mi no nrn v -a w ww ougn, p ousIieL....! CO O SAG 8 Countrv. a wiry, t.D....., BOPS--. uemp....n .... Manilla... . CJUAtt Cuba, Vfc.. 1 018 GO C25 00 o : o ai , 00 I O 9 74 O G O'J 0 O 1 75 7$ 3 8 0J 4500 00 1 000 00 00 00 I 00 oa j. 1 T w ; CO TO 75 00 Porto Bieo, V A-Coffee, 0.. D " B.. Omahed Q fo. aa,t Alnm, V SAok.. wverpool, lack. . American f aaea Marsba fine, V eaek Cadia eaok BOAP Northern. E aflINGLE Contrast, Jb 8 Oo' 1ST A V Eii W O. bbL VS712 M v.?,?!!: -.woo ootpptng M.14 CO rr pr 10 co Kill, prime per M ,....,10 00 ttiil. fair periM 8 00 Common, per M 6 00 Inferior to Ordlnerv.nar Mies WHIBKEY Nortb'n,per gl 1 26 Sorth CaroJna, per gal. 2 00 WOOL-Dnwa)ed,per& 20 Bnrv wool. or O.... . IQ 1SKO HMO 40 Wt, 13 I 00 o X ? 9 T 13 19 00 I CO wi 00 00 1 35 00 2 16 0 00 09 O 00 OI6 00 14 09 12 CO 9 00 7 00 O 6 03 O 6 00 2 60 O CO o 0 ia 1; JOB FBI IT1H6! AT THE LOWEST PUCES ! AlCEHTA! MY PPACtS EPFfini lUVIffO YCUR PBffiTJKQ D0WE ELSEVH3I2EJ Satisfaction Guaranleed pEINTIBro C-.CESULLT EXECrjTFD il1 tcittrro, Ta cr f eranc r i u f t cf tbe eiry axd ae : . to thets by ft postage - i J. t. KAKBOCi Vomer Uttewi VV?ur ?trs 1