c 4 o 5 C a 1 O ' ' K I I z 13 & frri LcS ffif . . - .,'-1 rifi.Wf. - r ifji For the. Cure. .f Coughs, Cei'.iS i Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Lron- g Yitis,Wtiooping Coughjnamcnt Consumption andibrthe.reliel of s I axiEumptive persons in sdvancca lflam nfths Disease. For Sale I I by all Drugrsrlsts. Price, Z ccrs. g til III II f i JIH1 LY8I& E. FIHKHLM, OF LYHH, ESS., s O c 5 Sti-c'ec ,s-&t j.9 v0BTA2L2 CCHP0U1TD. Xt7jl':i en t?iO f -rt f-l-ai of rsm!M It will df3-'?i ftfc-itflit:rajrsfr4mtloutfTHf .ic two hercors tfc'-i-o ! j ch.c!c?l Terr i eet r 1 j for Urunlants, el rtllcres weakr.csa ellhptevr.tc1'. It fnr BloatJnc. BcadcxlHMi, :.'crr(ni3 ri-os? ration. Oerwra! DebUIty, ;clxJwsnw6, Dcprvsstou fin.l la-'!-' pentloB. Tba feeling of bearlcff dotm, cAcstaflr pain, Tfs'c tart bcVhe, Is alwajs pnnaiiMitly curoil Us It wia at all times mid under all circumstances act in harmony with tbelRws thateom the feiaal tstem. For the cure ct Elincy Compiaiits c t eitiier wxtlria CAmfoaid Is imsTirpawTfl. T.TDIA E. riXKICAM'S TEGCTAJ3LE CO?J POCJTDls iircparetl at 23 and fn5. VTesfcera Avrnue, Ian.SIaaa. Price fl. Pis bottles foi $5. Beatb7MJ.ii Int&efom bf pHls, also Inllio form o loaewres, He receipt of prloo, $1 p;r box for otther. Sirs, rtnkhaia freely answers alUpttfrs of inquiry. Bond for'amph lt. AAdresa as aboe. Zfcnilon this Jtapr. IfofaroUy hoU.l bo without LTCIA E. riKTHAX'S rilXS. Tby euro coustipttlrriz, bHJoutff nd torpidity of t,he IlTer. S3 cutspr box.. jBiT SoM by c'H lrnsr4TJst. ""5 Ofkice, bUningu, -.ri"i Parker's T T a. rr J iair balsam. IS? . . tiiteir., Liintrcr Absences !u. Kver falU i T-rttore nevpr intoxicates. H.ix. ( yot.-ihl'! color W gray U!r. & Co.. CllCnist?, N. Y. , Vg. nl 1 Lare pjying Buytry Poliar S'r. LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL. What Natnro denies-to many Art secures to all. llagan Hagnolia Balm dispels every blemish, overcomes liedness, Freckles, Sallowness, Rough sess, Tau, Eruptions and Blotches, and removes all evi dences of heat and excitement. Tho Magnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and natural complexional tints no detec tion being possible to tho clos est observation. Under theso circnnistances a faulty complexion is little short of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents, Kith fall directions. 3 . Vfi' v - , "tit. - ii many cf th .best mro- j&&l&i in Parker's C!r.;r fc3sS8iTon!(:. into a meduii S'S? 5ilf h varied poTvcrs, ss feSto make it d grwnt IVtJ 'aW-B!ood Pwidcrr'4;k j cat Haaltn & swajj i Restorer Ever Vecd: I v2irw It cures Rneuai2t!:r. i ii i Onr Beloved G A R FIE L D And lis Faithful Cabinets A eicKiat O&rotao Litkoraph of our late Pf9 idat mskiag 8 ail lsnth portrtita, prlatod In 10 oolsn oa Leavr paper with a rieh gold horder. titat 18x29 "Inche. Th tleuftbi batKal rrork of rt hw b n dap'r nBpMdentd &t 31 ptf coj. Id ordr tfctt eyry '4iil iaay b, tble tj po tsfthiflb9A tifalrd toachisg earlrf of Ut rraiie -5 b!&T, frill ratil it to. only 50 ce?s pr eopy. Wb fartt)Q tisnj ab ct, p-iatad iu ciloi, rda94d t 1 9xi3 luoh, for only 16 ests. AGENTS g2fJ!S?S WANTED with tb b4utifal port ai - H'tihlsy m'Js lla tke. for terifct aid bay kip!c r.S92.a 7 Per fy I!f TE8TEK0.1T. 'SENATK. I Wasqikotok, March 2, Mr. Butler preientcd a petition1 from &11 the Bank President; t be Prcsidenta ot the Cham ber of Commerce and a number of lead ins business men, of Charleston, 8.C., aeking a modification bf the treaty with the llawaaian Islands. ( Mr Yanca offered a lesolation recit ing that the cost, of collecting the inter nal revenue tax in tbo Sixth Collection District of North Carolina ;s nearly sixty per cent., being greater than that ot any other district in tbe United States; that . many and seriou3 charges against the officials' are openly made in the newspapers and elsewhere, and are generally believed; and! providing tor the appointment by the President of the Senate of a committee of three to inves tigate tbe charges and complaidts, i'b povfer to compel the attendance of wit nesses, etc- i I &5r. Sherman regarded the resolution as extraordinary and in; the. nature oi an executive order. He supposed it refer red to the matter pending in. Executive cession and before the Com'mittea on Finance. He would not object to call ing on the Treasury Department fcr information, but be certainly objected to a recital about which the Eenatc could know nothing. I Air- Vance Baid he had twice applied for the Information hej desired1-once by a Senate resolution and theu by a letter to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and in each instance had, encountered a clear ond unmistakable evasion of his demand. He read from a letter of tbe Commissioner to tte Secretary a sttev roent that the. reports of examining offi cers in the district were not included in the response to the Senate resolution becacse these did not contain charges but were criticisms of agents of the department on the current work bf the District and their suggestions for an im provement cf the service. These reports, being these of Special Agents Brooks atd Kellogg, Mr. Vance sid, weie mat ters Mhich he had specifically called f:-r. TLe matter bad been a public scandsl in North Carolina for 1 years. afcl as he rsanted to get at the trtfth he would in sist upon a vote oa tho Jrteolutiou at the earliest monient. Tho inatttr wps Icid over uuJer the objection, j . Mr. Conger, from, tbo Committee on CoKimerco, reported favorably, y with nmendmants, the House bill to p demote tho efficiency of the Tjile-BaviDg 8rviC5, and to sticoyraye the eavirg of lifo from ship1-wreck. The amendments consist of two sections oftheHenaif biil, which provide a pessiou for two years for the widows and children of keepers and eurf inen 7ho may loaa their lives whilej in eervice, and for tho payment of the same to keepers and members of crews during time of sickness or disability i resulting from wounds or diseasa contracted in the line of duty. Calendar, j . 'j HOUSE OF EE PREa ENT ATI V ES- Mr. Harris, ot iTass.. chairman of the committee on Naval Affairs, reported a bill authorizing the construction of ves sels, of war for the Navy. Printed and recommitted. Tho morning hour having- been da penBed with, the House went into com- a . .i - lift Li ' - nL - miiiee. oi xne yvupia on ino cnsuiar and Diplomatic Appropriation bill, which appropriates $1,198,530, being 612,000 lees than was appropriated last year and $115,000 less than tbe estimates. Finally, the committeje rose without action, tao Senate amendments to the Postal Route bill weie cjmcurr&d in, and the House adjourned. . 1 It is the Height of Folly to wait un til you are in bed with disease! youmay not get over for months, when yhu cftn be cured during the early svmjitoms by Parker's Ginger Tonic. Wo haveknow the sickliest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure mediine. Monroe Enauirer: A Castle of Knights of tie Golden Rule wa3 organ ised in this place lust j Thursday eight, with 17 members. i 1 Warsaw Brief Mention: .There have been shipped from Warsaw, from Sept, 1st 1881 to Feb. 21st 1882, 3421 bale of cotton, which at an average of 50 per bale brought the 6um of ! 172 050. Tho shipments during the past month to the 21st amounted to 200 bales. , Raleigh Visitor: ' All the stock of ibe North Carolina Car Company has been subscribed. The Directors at their meeting yesterday instructed tho Super intendent the proceed at once with tbe construction of tbe building, which will soon be completed. They have orders comirg in aleady. j Wadesboro Times ; (There will ba a series of special services.held n the. B p tist Church hererbeginningon Thursday. - Mr. F. A. Vollmer, of West Vir ginia, with about twenty others, will leave their homes on Saturday i riext for this county. The, raaj rity j of tbem will settle ia the White's Store neighborhood. Chatham Record: Mr. J. A. Scott, of Bear Creek township, recently killed three turkeys, whose j combined weight was 67 pounds one weighing 23 pounds and the other two 22 poands apiece. Tha barn and stable of Henry Hanks, an industrious colored man who livB two mile west of this place, were eet oa fire and burned on last Friday morn ing, consuming all his! forago, gear, ete. Kinston Joutnal : About 30 bales of cotton were burned near Jolly Oldfield last Saturday. It belonged to Dr. Car mer. of Greene, end was! damaged about 20 per cent. J. M. Brown brought 3 "baby" logs down to Patrott's mill last week. They measured 82 feet in length each, and made over 4.000 feetof lumber I P. S. Ervin slaughtered a porker last i riday that weighed 650 fts net la&iah Smith slaughtered one oa sThnrs' day that weighed 447 lbs., j Weldon Netoi : On the morning of Febreary 24tb, the .body of an old col ored man named Aaron Hill, who had lived several miles from Garyiburg, was found near his bouse, with the appearand of having bees shot and burned to death. An inquest was held verdict t "Came to his death by being burned and shot by come unknown person to the jury." A day or two later PhiL Turner, a col ored man, who was tsipected by several parties, was arrested, end is now having a hearing before a magistrate. G oldsboro Metnenqer: Ret. N. Cobb is expected to aid in a series meetings at Warsaw, commencing Sunday next. Dr. W. M. B of oa B. Brown, of Greenville, has been appoint ed a director of the Insane Asylum at Raleieb. vice Major Jas MacRae. A survey fs betas made on oehalf or the Wilmington & Weldon Rilrotd for a road from Goldsboro to Fayette- ville. We learn - that this is one of three routes ordered to be surveyed, ia cldinfT th one from Wilson, and that one of the three ia to be chosen for tb8 roau. sheville Citizen: Messrs. G- V. Litchfield & Co., ot Abingdon, Va , hive purchased some splendidly (timbered lnda on Pigeon river, in Haywood, and contemplate erecting extensive saw mills at or near this place. 1 ne .Newport Tenn.. Sentinel informs us that somt New York capitalists are contem ingbuildiog a narrow gauge rail from the famous ore bank furnaces in Green county that State, to connect with the W. N. C. B R. below Aeh - vilie. The richest iron ores are flaid to be fouad ia those mines. j Fayetteville Examiner: Capt. David Jones has procured from Mr. Joseph A. Worth the hvdrauiic press and fixtures used by Mr. W. during the years 1663 '5 lor the expression of oil iroiu pea nuts, in this place, and will remove them lo his place in the suburhs, where they will be put in use in expressing oil from cot ton seed. Died, ceari Fayeitte ville, .on Wednesday morning, the 28th of February, at 2 o'clock, Williani Cade, aged about 80 years. Mr. Cude -was bcrn, raised and passed nearly all his life with a short distance of where he died. He was a man ot greatecergy and industry, and accumulated a handsome fortune, much of which he retained, not withstanding tbe disasters which follow ed the civil war. Washington Press: The monument to erected in Washington church vard to the memory of the late Gen. Hryau Grimes came oa the schooner Carolina, and will be; at once placed in position It is a handsome structure and will be, when completed, eome 16 or 18 feet in height. It will forever bear the memorable record of a noble, generous and high-toned gentleman, and one who dared to do the duties assigned him while in life. Capt. D. N. Bogarthasro ceived from the "State money to pay off tho members of the Washington Light Infantry for their services during the time they were called by the Governor to quell the riot at Plymouth. Tho same pay was allowed as is given to United States troops, which per day is as 1 fol lows : Captain, $5.00 ; 1st Lieutenant, $4.15 ; 2nd Lieutenant, 3.81 ; Sear- geant, 56) cents ; Corporal, 50 cents ; Privates 43 ) cents and expenses, three days' paying the time their servi ce3 were required." News and Observer: The revenue collections in this collection district for February were 870,243 63. The University Railroad has now reached a poinVabout a milo from Chapel .Hill, just acroes the creek. Extensive additions are soon to be made to the large iron and boiler works here, so as to make it the largest in the State, it is said This will give employment to many laborers. The new car manufactory will be another extensive industry. : Wa find after more intimate hnowledgej of the affairs of the North Carolina State Life Insurance Company that although we deeply regretted the recent action of the stockholders, we are constrained to think it was the wisest course they could have adopted, as far as their own interest is concerned. They had been without interest on-, the original payment of twenty per cent, on their stock for nine years, and the recent investigations of tbe financial condition of the company showed that bat little if any of tho principal remained. Charlotte Observers The bullion os nays for the month of February at the branch mint in this1 c ty amounted to $4 669.73. N:ght before last the store room occupied) by Mir. H. Franken ibal, on Try on street, was entered and robbed of a quantity of wearing apparel, a watch, pistol, etc , the total value of which is unknown. Deputy Sheriff Orr yesterday afternoon arrested J. C. Jones; under indictment for knocking the chief of police of Raleigh, and an other policeman, on the head with a rock some time ego. He fled from Rtleigh, and a reward of $100 was offered tor bis arrest. 'ihe capias rrived yesterday morning, and about 3 o'clock iu the af ternoon the officer lit upon hU man at Dr.: Kis tier's while eating dinner. - Yesterday aa unusual signt was pre sented to court spectators ire mediately alter the testimony ia the Bob Jones murder cse was closed. Before argu ment was begun the solicitor read a bill oil indictment for murder m gainst Emcline Springs, colored, ta which the prisoner pleaded not guilty. After this he read a similar bill against John Patterson, Henry Patterson and Alexander Sloan, all colored, for the murderjof one David Melon, in Long Creek township, to which tbe parties also pleaded not guilty. They were placed in the dock beside Bob Jones, the Union county negro, and made a total of five persons to be tried for their lives at the present term of the court. There is still another capital case on the docket that against bam Bogus or Erwin the whole forming perhaps a larger num ber of capital cases than has ever been known at a single term of the coart. A special venire will be summoned for tho trial cf the two Pattersons, Sloan and Emetine Springs. - m. , It is impossible for a woman after ft faithful course of treatment with Ljdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound, to continue to suffer with a weakness of the otcrns. Enclose a sump to Mrs. Lydia E: Pinkhaa,i 233 ; Western Avsaae, Lynn, llaxs., for fcsr paophlsts. s : ' Charlolte Bbmtx ; About' 200 mures passed through this city - yesterday, on. their wy south, to raise more cotton , and consume commercial manures. Brain & Serre- ' Well's Health Renewed greatest remedy on earth lor impotence, leanness, sexual debility, &c 1, at druggists. Depot Jas G. Minds. MAVCH S-4TU. SPIRITS TCJKPENTINfe;-Quoted Btrona at 49 aati. Sales or 93 C4'-s at tbeee fig nrea. ' J ' WoSl -Quoted Arm at $1 W far Etrala el extd tl 95 for Good stratoed. Sales of 6Q0 bbia G od Strained alii Ci. TAB QuoUfci firm at Si &t per bbl of Sit ' j UitUDK TURPrJNTINE Ijo offlcJal qno tatlons. bales cfreelpta at 2 25 for Hard t5 50 for soft -and fS 80 for O and VI (Mixed and Dry Vlrgit). COiTON Quotd tteadr.. Salts of 100 bale on a bat,: or 11 cacta. fur iliddlin The following are tbe offlcUl quotitiousj Unl'Dirr... 3 11-16 CJta Lcr lii-idlinc"..,... 10 1ft 19 tfMaliag.. 343 fehf i J ct,'t s 22 ohi Si's 4 n c-Ln3 Torp9i-.ft Loaia................. r&T...... .........9 ..... - - - Tc coun.. - - Steamer John Dawson, .snermao, Point Caswell, It P Pa.ldi.vm. ateataer Wave, llcbeson. Fityettevill, Geo Wi Williams & Co I Kteamer Gov vVortb. Worth..-Fayetteville. Wortb iXc Wot !h. Steamer bladaa, Inner, Fayettsvllle, DftKosset & Co. cbr Frances Jane. Bennett, Nj.vasa Inland, gmno to tnvnssa Uuauo Co; vessul to Geo Marries &. Co Scbr Ihoniis ainniokson. Diokerson. Pbliftdelpbia coal to J A s-pringor: vessel to ueo Harris? & Co. Bohr Wm H Uoardrnan, Charleston, enano to dprunt Richard sod. A boa, vessel to E G iJari'tr fc Co. 1 Steamer EliE-abetn, Hlsbee, Smithvilie, ilofiier i - i Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Ceo W VVi!liauis&Co ! Steamer Gov Worth, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. . "Steamer Biadea, Ekinuer, Fayettevlle, Rosset & Co. j t-chr Flora Condon, French, Hath, Me. Parsley & Wiggins, vessel by E G Barker & Co. .! wchr Arthur Burton. Crombs.Fernandina Fia. ifi.-.G Barker tCo. Br scbr Mabal Uarling, Ranger. Naasau, Cron.'jr& ilorrls. i Exports - I COASTWISE, i - Bath. Me Sohr Flora; Condon -20J.8e9 ft lumber j FOREIGN. Naaau Scbr Slabel Darling 15.00S fet lumber. CO 000 shingles, 10 bbls tar, 1 do pitca, 10 baas whe.t bran. 19 do rice douse i m4nTJIL.Y SlVi. i H?3ENT " !! I tT.itKa os ea?p Mvbca J, JS82. Uotton as!iore....M......M...,.......w.M..M 4,357 2 814 To4ai.......A WHIMHt 7,m Ipiriu 2 899 Total 113,3fcU Ter ahure 6,551 Yotl... 5,5 ib Grade as tore.. saort.,..,...,........ Totl.M. .... 1,453 skcsipts f oa THS UOS H OF rObti.2Tf 1587, Oattoa...,.............M.......M.M.w...MMM 6,690 dpirits.......... ....w 4,49s t0611tHMMftlllllMHaltll '; SJ 7 V 0 Grade . ' i ,- 1 i azroatf ?ox Mos:n o? Fisacxav, 1682. ' JJomestJCa ' I ! ........ e,f52 RosiQ.... .........,..J.... 3 29 i Tr....... ...............c i. 5,386 CriV($afMatMtMtaMaaatM Cottm ..T r. ....w 3,521 &,.r.r.,.. .,L...... ... 28,62 l r-i.."-.r!r 'i;,5;'l so-J U-pn.Ur qulifiel phiictan b! Ca . '.-TPeMtil, a bU pract-e will prave. , Cures all fornis of PRIVATE, CHRONIC aad SEXUAL DISl :asS. . -i . iipermatcrrliea &ud. Impoleucy, i t' ercRls pf ssJf-ibnM ia youth, sexoel exeenea ia nv i; -r r-sin, cr ntber causes, aud prWuclug leme of tbs fcj-ir-!!j erfcw: SeToane8. bcmin-l F.iuUuCds, (n'bt enJs- , t j.i'i t-T SrauM). DUsdam of fciG Dcfcotive llfrory. Fiy- ..M ra, H:r,;ils oo Face, A v enic nbi Society cf Fin Rkr, or Im or fcexuMl Pcwtr, tc, renftrisf u trijixj imoroper or nahappy, ar thorooshlj id4 pnna vul? eL SYIHliIS f'e'J a4ea- SLEET. Siriciure. tixMtU. VtmU. (or ? 3tdar frtrateiisnus ;ricf cnTea. H it tv'.t-e-.-.dsut tbt phf sietan vb pay specie! attrsiSflQ s a c-risla cJi.- of ditesua. an-1 trealh tbouaaaiii awe- ilt. ajpire, fnat ti;u Physietnoa kaowtais this tan cftca , -o-fWind rsoo to ny care. When it fc iacooreotrat to jU-it Ite city fir traatmeiit. medicisM ota be teat privusiT ' iivl af,'y bg mil or express ibtwdctc . Cares Guaranteed in all Cases ardertaKen. tVu--2HUn f-ri:T ar fcy letter free 4 ar$fia. .'astrs rsaeoeaSHe aA ocrrna4noa etrktly eozi'ituajti. PRIVATE COITNSELOIl TT'JSi rscc, 'Ht tt ai-T iCrrrt, acrer tted, f Qsvif ft iJVi 5 V aii. iiurtj aa aVcvs ji S-T.r tma ii.ii.tto?.X. SttkJtys, 3 to 4 JP. tim John Werner, ! PRACTICAL 1 QERMAfj SARSEri AfiQ PERFUMER, Markt et, WCmlogton, N. O. My tcDy friend to mrth villa and In the otuttry are larked, to eoiae and tea rs Ateo, Sa Captalii aod CeoimercLtl Travei 1. Taa Wat workmaat aad tl tsm m, m xcMfttfem fa tie arHfaV ip.iy - b3 erliuuu;uiriyuD2jJ THE WILCOX GIBBS & CQj MANIPULATED CUij' T fllarmfii admitted t 1 tftv W'vf ' w : A. H Best. Most Eeliable and Cheapast You c 1 tob' depend nponpiN Atrcgd tor yoar tuinw y uain coral". All material cmp riizg Fertiliaers lia adramoi ai I toa, . ara diffiirJt to got. but tera i no atvftrtoe in the priea if tUf n aa v ties t n &tT isfdrmtMon in rer.4 q 'Gnr.n tub 14 1 1 & 13 BOUTH'-'FROMT: s HAS ALWAYS 5UHIKQ THE rest mas L IQUO R jDE P A RTMEKl Old Fine Sherries, TiiBLS AND COOILIKIG HAlSINS TUE USUAL VAIilETT'o? . i NUTS AND FINE CANDIES! urnvi urns. dec 18 17 Ui NEW YOfiK & WILMINGTON I STEAMSHIP GO. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE 1 a. STEAMERS WILL SAI FOM NKW TORL Zvv WETHE81)AT ted H Alt' K1T . - - i" ,S fo coir, P. U, OUL? STREAM. Wedaeadar, iitith I BE5EPACT0BBanirdy, Merch 4 8ANTO D0klKQU.'MJL.TaMdar Mareh 7 REOUl.a.TOaw..j. We'n-tday, Merob 8 ODL? 8ardt, Merch 11 8NT: D05IIspow.4tor?aT, March 18 BiftLATiRJ..i,ww...Sat3rday, Marth 52 qOLf TEAh,....,.8fttTirday, March 25 BXNE7AOTOSWMM.Wednedayy Mareb 3 Through tuu fi raat-el to aaa frci Peiatf fa For ib and 8eaf.b Carolina. War Freight 2aggimaU epsl-Jt-j TBXO. O, SIB, IrtAzU Afroti, ?roidva;. Mtm fort, if. P. CLTDE CU., . ' , WW Qgaa Aceaita French Candies. "1TJST RICEIVED, a fall Ite. ef flw' fj receh Candlea, warranted pure and frtah, AJo, HoiBavMade Csndiee, Fraiu, Pertiii' in use for Cotton and other Crops, VVlTmlnr-f "1 i -r 1 m m m nm As well a&Iat all othor times, offered tho ' Finest and Choicest solectlon of ! PARTICULAR ATTEJITIOfi iS CALLED TO THE HEW ; WHERE OAN BE FOUND THE 0EST SELECTED OF Brandies Champagnes AND THE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS OP 3E I B JBL:-X: SO LONG SOLD BY THIS HOUS15. Mince Meat at iO Cents peril) LUMPUbblNG't.;::t'' m fire mm 4 Everything will be sold low; try onoe and ycu will callaii 11 and 13 South Front Street, g?f ISO SSiBlOff of 1682, tp ary Oifa, Stmieati of any aatreearntr i repartd for- CellUe or for Tee PtinoipUhM had saar rtJ,j ccel ' UachI jr. i '". J Te aas, vr -cioa ( 80 and Tuition 175 efn w V uaviaw, ror rartioilan, adflriM , 0 B- WSj Am a-. r rr, J. IVIONROE T ESTABU5HED IB 111 tvivim RTi. a. Vt known m tlie market thn of thekind. Arcalway., and never fan to ifcr'M in cookery. Alk T?JX Zj& giro ita trial. St4lffiwtwr- I' ' - . r - I' Health is W6 aft tenoy, remature Old Af "jjiJf crcer reeeived by M fo'i"- M send theparehMroiir wrt,f retva themoueyi U i!rT effect a epra. laj2rif ft Da b c vtEsrs alness, OoovalalonJ, aN7SWJ'5 will reeelve proF in"- nh294rwly i