- - -jB80KIPTIOS8,POBTAUf: PAID. -. Jer,& 00 . Six tflootw, M 50 Three 0 'oat. $1 25 1 Om oontfl, 13 ati. pspr i"111 be delivered-by carrieta, J. ef eherge, ! 7 P" f 114 Advartisiajr rates low and libera tabseribers will plesaereport any and n failtreito receive their papersregularly. i jfew Advertisement.. 5P35g sir M - f Seurcfnia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of ihh Chest, Grut, Quinsy, Sops Throat, Swell inqs end Snrains, Burns and ' Scalds,' Canerai decfif Pains, ' Tooth, Ear and Headacho, Frosted Feoi and Ears, and ail other Pains, cni Aches. . sftft,ur; timple n-.l vheap Extwoal. Bm'f A t.Ial rctaa L':t Ui e.-mparatircly trflunj"utlv r.f ( nt, anl e'7 uuffer-- 60il BY ALL DET7GGISTS AND DEALERS A. VCGSIiER c CO., I Baltimore, 2ld.s U. 3. A. HER CASE WAS AN INTERESTING STUDY- Lnr.'i-et, K. 0.. Kor. 10, 1881 llua. Jos Fax- Dear M3am: I commenrwl last Joa nary to use your Bitteis aod Wash on bur Hale dsnghter Annio, aged twelve years, for Scrofala, with a ? tendency to Wh:Tte aelliDg, th. physician id. At the tinI corowsDCed vuinz your Ueaiedy she was very auch reduced in.flenh, com T!esion sallow, apuetite poor, iirr.bs very much swollen, boties enlargd, with two frightful sores oa ber left leg near tne an k!e. After using the Remedy a w?ek or two I could s a change, as l men rrinolxt.for the wors?. The sores discbar- gcd oopiouRly a yellow corruption, some tlrcee rnneing in a stream to the floor in spite ot the linens. Bt:t filing encoura ged by your lotters persevere . and after u ing the Remedy a while longer her trargth was greatly improved, her appe tite good and complexion ra' cb improved Those symptoms eccouragul mo, but the tiow of corrnption continued for several months, aod not until ber general health was greatly Improved did tbs soreB bpgin te he!. Fir8t the swelling tegaa to de creasfl below the koftand continued grad os'ly downward, and whenit nearly reach ed the sorea they tegau to heal. In the meantime the. leg fron? tbo ankle halt way to the knee became covered with run ning pimplee. 'in fact the leg bad, become almost a solid sore. After this the eores ksaled rapidly. The worst one, oa tba in. step, healsd entirely, the other to the size fa 6vo cent piece, and it hs remained In that condition ever since, which Las been several months ago. For a month ei more it has not discharged at all, and htokt sometimes now as if It waa entirely well. As a Blood Purifier and Tonic I think it superior to anything I ever tried. If you cotitd have seen lay danghterlwbcn she commenced ur.Ls; your Kcrr.edy, and now, you would hardly believe her to be the same child J.ast Jacnary nearly every one thought ehe would dio Then he vras a living tskeleton, now ehe ia fat and Toay. Her case was an interesting sndy frcm the time she commenced your Keaedy. I can rnoit heartily ad cheer fnlTy recommend it to be wbs t yon claim for it. Wishing you evtry success with your nndertakbg, and with'maiiy tbar.ks tor the benefits we hav9 received from your aedicine, lam, very re? cctfally, AIRS, R. J. ALLKN Tbs RerKsedv is for sale id Wilnvngton by DR. W. H. GREEN. hh 17 BLACK SILKS COLORED SILKS & SATIRE. BLACK & COL'Q SILK; VELVETS! QPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the JfiErtS III;; ITU til kK)Te jroedo; a good aeiortcicct and at the : lo-et eaah prices- KEW LACES AND NECKWEAR, Black, &ad Cream FUhue and Ssarf .Liaie', Gents'; an Chliaren's Merino Underwear, very eheap. CURTAIN LAtES A large stk. carpets, oil cloths, rugs, &c e busy all the time," and It proves we mean budoeN. Cfaic and ee us Joa can apeadhe time prolltably. J. M, Klclntire. - - ; . jj .... -;' i ; ; ; i -ir ..i - - , i ,.... , - Tart-.- &i.-y t .i - - i - - VOL. VI i ' 1 L(JUAL NiEWlS. "Vr AUVEKTiarMEXtS, J A gpniicoERHorae and ?4nla for Sti ( ! W Ya? Frames ind Moulding i ii r.i ss wruo kr b iiic Men Maiki u'h Vaccine Vim i Lr. Tuo The receipts of cotton at Ibis port today fcoL up I3jbak3. 1 , Brig Geo. Burnhqm itaplefl. hence, errircdat Matanzas eb. 25th. Schooner A. 3U Bird, Falea, hence, crrived at Kliioiore March 5th. 'HchooDt-r Emiiy'Q Itenhie, Shropshire h-iicc, aniTtd et Phiiadd'phU March t. Ncr-ATcgian barque Eya, Zacbariaaetj, mailed from Tirre March 4th for this port. - I : ' if marriage ts a lottery, how is it that eVerv mtiu cets the ?&rne riutnbr cum" i " . ' ' ber wee? , t Norwegian barque Norge, Hcnriksen, bene?, for Ilairtbarg.j was off Dover March 5th. I i Why is uaturo like a baby? Because there i3 almost always a Equall when its face 13 wanhcd. ii ! Wo verv much fear that the peach crop for this year has "ione up" on the back of thi3 eold snap. StpamshiD Benefactor. Tribon, from New York, arrived at her wharf m this 1 I v 1 oity at about 11 o'clock this forenoon. It may be right occasionally to take a bull by the horns, but it is' always well to keep in mind that the ( horns helong to the bull. j ! ' i Do not carry on a conversation with another in company about matters which the genera! company knows nothing of. It i3 almost as impolite as to whisper. R. Henninff, Esq;, formerly of this rcity, but now of Richmond,! is here to day cn a brief visit connected with the sale of some real estate belonging' to the ptate of the lata James Cassidy,; of I ?hich he is the executor. " i There has been a ery decided change in the weather to-day which wouljd be more welcome but for the . fact that it will endanger the vegetation which the recent warm weather has causen to put forth so freely. Mr. C. Krah, . 59 Griffith street, Fort Wayne, Ind., writes the following : 1 was suffering with Biheumatism so badly that I was unable to work, and passed restless nights in vin endeavor jto sleep. I used a great many remedied 'withoat being relieved, and was despairing when told to try St. Jacobs Oil. By the use of one bottle I was entirely cured. I recommend St. Jacobs Oil to all afflicted with Rheumatism, , I Personal. , Mr. J. G. White, the popular Super intenclent of the Telephone service in this city, leaves to-night for Richmond on a leave of absence. During his ab sence Mr. T. Prigge, his assistant, will hare oharge of the cfiicS here.i Mr. White atraias his , niujority to morrow, and proposes to spend his -birthday with hia relativo3 and frierida in his nativo citv. I- . r i I Oiiectfir r i:ustoins. Copt. 15. J. Pennypackor jwas yester day nominated by the President as Col lector of Customs at this port, and will in all probability be confirmed by ihe Sen ate. The readers of trio Rkvikw will remember that we stated 6ome five or six weeksaso that Captl Pennjpacker would soon be appointed Collector I at this port. We were posted and! knew whereof we spoke and the result has proved the correctness of our assertion. Paricir The Hebrew festival ofPnrim began at sundown last Saturday. Although Jewish history gives authority for observ ing the feast for one or two days, modern usage makes it a season of feasting aLd irLfi-makiuir for about a week. Occur?- o r ins on the 14th of Adari according lo the Jewiih calendar, it t commemorates the deliverance cf the Jews from the evil intentions of Ilaman, through Queen Esther aud Mordecau In the book I of Esther, chapter ir, the origin of the word Purira i3 found to be frrra "Pur," the 'iot" cast by Daman V destroy the Jews; it, tD3 same chapters Qaeea Esther commands them to keep the 13th and 14th days cf Adr as "days of feasting and joy and of sending j portions to 'one another and gifts , to the poor." The occasion is always appropriately observed fi. . WliiMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Beanctos Tfaseav j It is announced that the Western Union Telegraph Company has ordered a redaction in the salaries of receiving1 clerks and others occupying clerical po sitions.ia ,the service of Jhe company'. i he redaction took eSect March 1st. and raages from 10 tt 15 per cent. It has also been ordered to reduce the force of clerks, and several removals will take place. It ia claimed by the managers that since the consoUdatioa the force of clerks on duty has been foadd toVa larger thaa necessary, and that the .discharges will not be numerous. UnoSiciany, how ever, it is said that the r&at cause of the deduction is the inability of tho company to earn dividends upon its present large capital, and that the economic measures are only the beginning; of sweeping and extensive changes. "Fear brln js disgrace, bravery brings honor, cowardice saves no j man from his fate," says the Caliph Omar; but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has saved rail lions from an awful fate, ; Southern Historical Society Papers, We havfc received the January and February number combined of the above named magazine and have given the contents a hasty perusal. The bud jects treated are of interest and are instructive, as well as entertaining. The table of contents consists of "The Battle of Chickamauga," "The True Story of Andersonyille," "Sketch of Lonestreet's Division." "Memoir of First Maryland Begiment;V "Lane's N; O. Brigade" (the final report,) . "Opera tions of the Artillery in the Gettysburg Campaign ;'f "General Kirby Smith's Campaign in Kentucky;" "Poem written for the un veiling of Jackson's Statue at New Orleans,"by Mary Ashry Townsend; Letter from Gen. Early to Gen. Le on Winchester and Fisher's Hill;" "Reminiscences of the Army of North ern Virginia "Reminiscence of an official interview with Gen. Lee," togeth er with editorial pargraphs and other matters of interest to every person who loved the "Lost Cause." The paper btr fore us contains abundant material with which to correct the errors which North ern war historians are purposely or ig- norantly and constantly maki ag. Hazel Kirke. i After witnessing the rendition of the above-named play at the Opera House last night, we are not surprised at the hold it has so long maintained on the New York stage. The story, as told ia the play, is interesting and fall of dramatic situations and incidents. Tie characters, with one or two exceptions, were faith full t impersonated. The act- w - m ing of Miss Gilbert, at Hazd Kirke, Miss Salisbury, as Dolly JhtUon, and Mrs. Salisbury, aa Mercy Kirke, was ex ceptionally fine. Mr. Hagan, as Zun- ton Kirke, faithfully presented the char acter of a self-willed, stubborn old man.' Mr. Crompton, as Aaron Rodney, was excellent at times and at times ha seem ed not to be acting, but to be me chanically repeating ah . irksome task. The 6ame . may be said, thocgh ia a lesser degree, of Mr. Decker, as Lord Travere. Mr. Da vidson, as JPiUaeu Green, was excel lent, and kept the audience in the best of humor, until the epilogue, for which his voice was not at all suited, and which to our view, was delivered with but little grace. The minor pa rt we re good, and, taken as a whole, the acting was far above the average. The vocal quar tette in the third j act, .by Wilmington vocalists, was rendered smoothly and sweetly, and waa a very agreeable fea ture in the entertainment. A Wilming ton audience is critical and appreciative, and that the play was well performed was evidenced by the profound attention, interest and sympathy manifested throughout its entire rendition. v Enrroa BrvixwI read - with no small amonntot interest and apprecia tion. vour editorial in last eve Dinar's Re view, condemnatory of the retirement of Grant. I am heartily glad to see that you have come out so strongly against this deplorable iniquity, and I am eqaal ly as sorry to learn that Senator Eao soki was one of the Southern "Senators who saw fit to cast his vote for Grant's retirement Tance. tree, ooble.-Ztaiso-cratic Vance, thank heavenl kept his honored name from so hurting a blemish. and neither did he- rote in Executive Se&sion for the confirmaticn of Stanley Matthews to the Sapreme Court Bench. Can Senator Bansom say aamucar t a Yours. vox srcrcLi Lertrdeniln. Tb next entertainment booked for tb Opera Hotxsa is to be given by the cele brated magician, Prof. ZeraSemon, on the evenings of the 13th, 14th and 15th inaU., and a matinee on tbe afternoon of the 15th. To give additional interest to the enter tiinnent, ptiies of jftwelry. fancy and dry .goods will be distributed to the holders ' of lucky numbers, and cr?ry purchaser of a ticket will receive a number without additional charge. ih Carolina Central Tbe Board of Directors of the Carolina Central E. R- met to-day and Col. John M. Robinson was4 chosen President to 511 the vacancy caused by the death o f the lamented. Capt. Murchisou. At the same tfaao Mr. Lrvingston Minnis, of Baltimore, waa chosen a director to fill the vacancy on the Board. There was no other business- of general interest to the public transacted. Tbe road is now fully in Col. Robinson's hands and under his control. . Exports Foreign. German barque C. L. Weyer, cleared at this port late yesterday afternoon for Himburg, with 250 casks spirts and 3,500 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing k Co. ; and to-day Norwegian barque Walli, Walii.1 cleared for Hamburg with .304 casks spirits and 4,390 barrels rosin; shipped by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co.; schooner John 6. Ingram, Packard, cleared for Ponce, P. R., with 231,986 feet lumber, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder & Son, and schr. City of Chelsa, St an wood, for Arecabo, P. R , with 38 packages mdse, 300 bun dles hickory hoops, and 114,000 feetlum ber, shipped by Messrs. Northrop k Cum' ming. Man Drowned. A white ream - by the tame of R. Hab ner was - drowned off the steamer D Murchison on her last trip np the river, which was on last7 Thursday night. It occurred about 7 o'clock in the evening when the boat was about 7 miles above the oity. The man, who was a deck passenger, was lying on a pile of hay on this main deck which reached nearly to the flooring of the deck overhead, and he fell from this to tbe deck and fsom the deck to the river. The alarm was given in almost less time immediately, and than it takes to tall it Capt. Smith stop ped the steamer and a boat was lowered A shriek was heard from him after he fell into tbe water, but no trace, other than his hat, was found of the ; missing man, although the shore on each side of the river was carefully searched. The unfortunate man had been drink ing when he went aboard the boat. He aid that he was from Texas and wanted to go to Fayetteville to find work in the cotton factory there! No one at Fay etta villi teemed to know him. V . Bopreine Court. 1 The following were among the cases called and disposed of in the abore Ooart on Monday ? Wm. Griffin ot els. vs. Josephine Griffin, from Robeson ; put to the end of the district. Wa. GrifilQ et als. ts. Josephine Griffin, from Robeson ; put to the end of the district,;" ; ; Dnncan McFadyen et als. vs. J. T. Council ot als., from Bladen, argued, on motion for iudgment, by VV.-WJ Fuller for the plaintiffs ; no counsel for the de fendants, v J ' i J. Ai Evans, administrator, ye. Thos M. Smith, executor, from Celumbus ; pat at the end of the district. B. N. Fairley vs. Chss. W . BaUard, from Richmond'; put at the end of the district. y John L. Wescott, treasurer, vs. Eufus Galloway et als., from Brunswick ; put to the end of the district. ; Charles Malloy et als. vs. T. J. Bree doa et als., from Richmond ; argued by Bnrwell t Walker for the plaintiffs, and McNeill & McNeill and Battle & Mcr- decai for the defendants. James McLeod vs. C. W. Ballard et als., from Richmond ; petition to rehear; called and left open. ! 7- F. Longvs.' McLean & Leach from Richmond continued bycosseai- Bute vs. George Watson, from Rich iaond : argued Z X .Attorney-General Kssad for the ' State,- aad Barwell ; t Walker for the defendant. '-J FrcrwaPcrc, kro& ad Black X;V ytgrVylfff Itiaea."? AfkQ assort 1882. NO. 57 1 TOE MAILS. The malts close and antra at the City Post Office as follows : i Northern, tbroaph mails. ft. 15 p. zn. Northern through and way mails..... ,6:40 a. m. Ealeigb...... , . 6:40 v. ra Utnces totweea ilamtet and iUUigh ...LJ .1.7.30 p. ra. Malla tor tho N. C, Railroad, and rout supplied thora ; from, iDciudtai; A. fc NY C. RatlriMd, at. p;40 . ru. acd 6 50 p.m. Southern mails icr all iolnt9 South, daiiy.8 00 p. lu. and 7:45 a. m. Western rj&U (U C H y) daiif (exoept banday) . . . . . 7:80 p. bu Mail for Oi;ra. DarliogK I Urn, ............. 8;00 p. m. Mails for point between ifio recce acd Crnriettx ;00ptn FayetteviHc, . iud ciUcf 3 ca Cape Fenr jiiver, Tuesday : and FvidavB..... L0O p. ra. FayetteviUa, via Locabertou, daily, ezoebt Sundays....., 7.20 p. ru. Onslow O. IL asd iotrmedi ate effiees, every Tuesday and rriday ftt......, ...... 6,00 a. ra. Smithville meii, by etetm- boat, daily, (except Bun days)..... 8.80 Mails for Easy Hti!, Town , a. rb Creek, Shallotte and LUtU Klrer, S. O., every Tuee ' day and Friday at........... 6.00 a.m. OPEJS FOB DXLITEBY. Horthern through and way ' ! maile.. ...... 7 :0 a. ra. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Maiia.7:00 p. ra. and 7.80 a. tn. Carolina Central Railway...... 8:80 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:15 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. I General delivery open from daylight to dark, and oU Supdays from :3U to 9:30 a. m ' Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. ra. ' The Luck of a Denrerite. In the lively city of Denver, Col., re sides one Sebastian Lehman, a wood worker, at No. 793 Larimer 1st. In a recent interview, published in the Den ver News of the 19th ult.. he describes himself as a native of Baden, aged fifty four, a resident of Colorado over two .years, and hence he is not a tendenot He also tells how he bought a ticket, No. 19,096, in the January drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery for $2 sent to M. A. Dauphin. New Orleans. La., and on January 10th he drew $10,000, It is a simple story, but seems to resemble -many similar occurrences all over the country. The 142d Grand Monthly Drawing will take place under the sole management of Gen'ls G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early on March 14. Henry's Carbolic Salve Is the BEST SALVE for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. Gst HENRY S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are .counterfeit. Price 25 cents. I Dr. Green's Oxygenated Bitters is the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Billions ncss, Malaria, Indigestion and aiseases of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc. DTJRNOB CATARRH SNUFF cures all affections of the mucus membrane, of the head and throat. I Dr. MOTT'S PILLS are the best Ca4 thartlo Regulators. : MARRIED. At LaGrange, Columbus county, on Fri day, 2th, bv the Rev. Frank H. Wood, Mr. Q P. AL8TOX, of Chatham county, to REBECCA MORTIMER, daughter of the late Salter Lloyd, Esq. New Advertisements . Horse and Mule for Sale, QNEj GOOD1 LARGS, FIRST-CLASS HURSE, and an A NO. 1 LARGE MULE, at low figures. - I mch82t I J. A-SPRING R, At teal Yard City of Wilmington, IX 0. Mayor's Ulflce ,. ; :f . I March 7th, 1SS3 j' Sealed I Proposals. ylVL BE RECEIVED FOR FCRNTSHf lng the City of Wilmington rith Labor and Material, ipedAed below; contract to com mence April let, 1SSJ, and , to continue for one year. Said bid pece 2 at the tneettng: of the Coaid of Afdermen, on 6oday, April 3rd, at TJ o'clock, P. M. I iat For fdrnlblsg drlveis, teedtcsr and hoeing mule' and keeping carts and hr nets in goad order, for any nnmber of carts the elty may employ. 1 2aL Fjr fumisbtaff matarial and keep ing In rep 4r the city atreet lamps ; al o, for lightiaz, extiniuis ifg and claaIog all f lry Tampa and fiillag lampis when oil Is ued; .leo, ibr farnlahfog ollj wick and cMmneya for all lamps n t supplied with ga; alo fr fare labia? any lamps ordered, of size aad aualitv known as standard street lames. 3rd For llghtta the city with or oihenrk. I 1 ith. For lumber per 1.000 feet, of mer chaotable quality, and In quantities aar- qulred by the city. e , 6th. For scavenger work. 6th. " For, crlatlog and advertlsmr. mh Ttase Wk. L. 8iUTH, Mayor a wUi Ugiad to tafitiva i froxa car frlesds oa aav and tall rabketiT ittaeral Isterwt bal " " 1. lit DtR f ths Wrtiai wwi always tm ove dd of the papejv Fanoaalltki maat be trol And it Is espceiaUy and paTtjosUrly under stood that the Editordoe not always ecdorf h virrs of eormpoadenU .aalfta to u la Uts editorial oolumaa. 1 A ' Card. -m:: ?. H AVISO 8KB VED FULL spprintfee- I thlp, and vriih an exterior ce of eight yeara, I ain confltJent that I can give atla faetlon to all pertons leaving their work with mi. A trial solicited ' L , ft Keapectfully, .1 i", j ' wNo CnAFT, 1 m wcuniBjicr ana weveier, iTlnceis Si 1 Jn Wheeler fc Wilson 8 M. Co. Offlca- KQTSGE TD GO.ITRACTQSs; Office Cotjsty CrMMissfoxKKs. 1 Pexdeh Cor xty, March 0, 1832., I, SEALED I'llOPOSALS wtl hn rW-i 1 ed by tb? Cornraiioriera of the conr ty cf Feeder, ? tha buiMi. p of a brick Ccurt Ilouseio the town ef.Burgaw, untU the 3d day cf A;ril4r.ext, ai wftldi time eafd bids will be oper e.d and tbe contract award, ed tq the lotcfis4 corcpeteot bidder by tbo v.uujiaiiuirs,- umes aaia prrpoaala, in tbeir judgment, sb u!d ba too high, tbey ' tus riguc io rej ct any and all bid.! The work n Don said CorirtlTouKA abaU bepeifora ed under the supervision of tha Ruildi- g .Committee.; Aleo bids will oo received far 200 000 bilcks. I , The payments for said work to' be made as the work nrncressea. Ail niana. draw-1. irg3 and specifications can be seen at t effica of the Commisaioneis or by callln n A Tl . V . W uu x' ti jraaaiBon, "in. Kor furtherj information see Acts 1681. Chapter 257, Section I. r DANIEL SHAW. . tnch 7d2tw'ilt Chaliman BL Com'ra. I Execiiitor's Sale. OV THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1832, at 18 o'clock, M, we wi!l gell at our Pales Hooma that iefirablo Lot and Dwelling thereon corner Church and Mirry atraeta,' lbo x VJfli icet. re6idetice of the Ute Jamee Oa6tidey, deceaead,by order of R Hennlng, Executor CJKONLY & M.ORKI8, j mch 0-3t ' Auctioneers J' DESIRABLE LOT AT AUCTION. I " SOUTHEAST INTERSECTION Second . ; , V I- with Cattle street, 110x153 feet, at pur Bales Rooms, on Thursday next, 9th Inst' f at 12 o'clock, 5t. i ' " I ' CRONLY & 31 ORRIS,' . I rnch6-3t Auctioneers Notice. PARTIES IN SEARCH OF GOOD Bosrd' at rea&onable rates, will find it to thdr tnt vantage to eall at the Commercial Uotol. Respectfully, 51. SCH LOSS, Proprietor 13" First Claaa Bar attached. r -i a-ch- . . t . I EXTRA I ST4LL-FED: BEEF- XNO. O. BORN E1IANN offers at. his stand, North side Market street, a'few doors above Seconta. ji show lot of-STALL-FaD HEEF, aleo, Veal. Pork, Lamb,' Sausages, ec. til customer ana the public generally are mviiea to givo cim a cau. mcn s-U i Frames and Houldinpr y-ELVtT JiZD Lb ONY COltBINATioir Frames, all c'zea. Photograph and Auto graph Albums, Motto Frames, Cord, Ac Blank Book, Sobool Books, Writing Paper, Ink, Penoila, Bfricitage, iGold Pens, T lolls Strings, &(J.,1 Ad. Ol VV.. YATES' Pi ch 5 L'ookuller axd Btatieasr Business IV en ILL HKD THAT THI3 CHEAPEST j t place lo bay their rtMloner . 8pol'.lUei ii .Li- AT THE LIVE BOK STOEB TWO SECOND HAND PIANOS; In Jo. 1 order, Coaei aad look at thua Here's a bargain, JriBi cat. At r "f,' 3-j mchS HE17 R3K&a?"&S . j . Bargain3'' mo MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING .Stock,' I am offering greit bargains la Fancy Aril clej. A large stock of Ladies Gllk and Laaa Ties, Silk and L. C. Handkerchiefs, 'Ram burg Trimmings, White Goodf .'Lihen Cd-' lars, etc. Genta' ik Tiei and Scarfs, yery , cheap. I Also. Genti . Col'd BotJct Hi t: II and kerchieft. -..v 1 be ladle are advised that ' I i nbw hava evry tire of the celeb ated CoraUne Corset. Iebl7-tf JNO J.-UKUmUJaW MARTIK'S VACCINE VMUS. North Caecltxa. Mejicxi Jovtcxxi Agisct res ihb CcrTHrawfifiTra FEXSH AND ACTTVil TACCEXEjfrcm tbe renowred citabllihnsentof Dr Henry A. Martin famished in Urge or small quanti ties. This vacciu e h warranted to tale la all rrimarv cases ' .. -V -4 l;f ?JUtu-. ?ciat for ai.00-i , rUj i 15 lo do 2.C0 . Each lancet point w ill yaceiaAte cae pep SOU. ' - " ' Jt !- ' Orders by ta!f grap or mtJ3 wH ff'sefTe prompt auentlotu n " ' -Tlf'Z j j THOMAS F.TTOOD, - taa M-tf nae Wilmington Xf.C by our Jswifh eitizecs. j

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