'4 t t : -- it --I 'f; 1- - " " . - I s . - -rrjp r r.r- aHIFTICF9f FOXAtiK PAID. 'V -5 nr. 81 tstCfctfef, TfcTW 5,1 S -"i criH br c-i'Terc &r carrier?. TV in sny pai r' tr.fttfiys.U'u.'. receive teeir psperarpsar: vra 5 t.?i.- t5F-i.tt 2 (i ? . : r i , $ (. h m n, w -a L-r.".vii. 5cr:cbc lumbago, Backache, Ccrcr.Xs cf iho CAsst, r, uurns ew; " $cM:Ccr2r$l,BbdUy 7s jc- end h :zdacho, Frosted rzo and Ecrz, end cl! other Fch:i cr.d acnes. S, prA-'iV-'i cartli Et. JacSS Oil. . ..rV'.. 3i-.npl x.Titt ehtrn Hxtw i -X, A .r:'tl -itiila tVi coaip-tr;tivey i.- - ' :.? r'itsf" stTid eV';ry -Tia8uCfer- pjtij . 1 av 4Tu-p tvad i:0:t;ve rrf SOLD ALuTUrsQISTS AKD flEI'IGIIJE. A. VCG-SSi33R & CO., HER CAH WAS AN IHTERESTiHQ STUDY- Littleton, JJ . O'; Nov. 10. 1S?L Mas. Jon Pbhsox. Dear Mdam: I cororoecrM last Jrp. n.-.ry to ui3 jenr Bittcra at id Waeh on cur ! tie daughter Aunie, aed twelve veavf, i :r Srrofidft. with a tendency to White -Swullicg, the p'pyeician said. ;At the ' tim I mntiefriCd using our llcmcdv t-t.a wart vrrv tuuch reduced to isebb, com i.;xion patloi appetite poor. ntr.U very liiUch hwolka,Vb'oi.e3 eularge-J. witti tw frihtfnl e-irea cu her left lost uc-ar the nr. ir'- ,fr- ttsin'r the R;;r;-!v.a wtk tr. tv-o I Cculd ties f:6 I Ihi'n Th.-maht.lor the wcm. "iiio sores Gi.criar cmA coniowslv a v!!o-' corruption, scm timea runRlug a fctraara to tre noor in ripitfl th iinor.s. But fieiing ti ocura cii by tocr Icttcr3 ptrtevere : ucti after li-ing the Kemedy vhi'i longer her strength was great iv improvrd her ajfpe "tjte'gi)od actlcomplpJ.ioiJ r.r ct itaprfvtd Tiicf'c gymptcins r.rrv.T- d n.i' .but the iiuw cf corruption contbi.d-'ior. pcvcrfi' nui,th.i, ai d not vu.iU hr' general 1 eit ri wus grtitl ttnpr-r.vt'-tf.id.ihe ports'- b-gin to heiL ' i'irfct the hcAnh h-& to de crease; below tLo kr,; 'o.acd caMi.'iUod grad a aiy downward, acd when it rearly reach c i tlio son-? they bfpiu to. heal. In the r.oar.time the lVg.fr.ri the ankle haW w.iy ito the kcee becamcovrrcd with run- ii j: pimp! iu fct thr le bad becon. u'r.v t a EO!id Eore. After this therorea r.cii'd rapidly. Tiia worst one, on the r stop, healed entirely, the other to t ha size .r fvc cvr.t p.irw, and it has n-r.-aii.il in. that condition ever t-ince, wbic'u 1; Utc K'Veral months a 20. Tjt n .mrrvh i; . re it. i as net discharged at' al, s.tid k .si-n-ameH now aa if ,it v?ss efit:r:-ly vM. 4a u L;;-! Purifier rrd T-.ric I ttiihk it 5.ur.'(.rirv to Miytlurr: I t-vcr tri-.K IT yci: CM?'d Lwe Ki rn d.yshter wi?n fuc crr.ir.ci.ci.vi u?il c ur htn.ee; y. v. 0 vr , 5 .11 t cm ) dhar c v. 1 c ! i e b t?o sarr.e cLuU J .i.;,.ary r.eArlv fvcry one thought hhe wcutd oi Ihrti he wan a Using fck;-iletor-,ow fbe is fat and r.ry. Her casa was ' a:i interesting "udy fvr.ra th, tims rug comnVc-nccd your lieme'dy. I can rr.o-it heartily d rheer I'jUv rt (vmrcerid it to 'on whpt you c!ain for it. Widhiogyeu f vtry fucccp- .with your undertaking,' ard with mny thanks lor the beuea ta ire hsvi- received from your medicine, Iamt rer'y re.n ectfullv, I K. "j. ALLhN. The Ren-o?v ;s for pale in WTmvr.on by DR . W. H. G C EES. feb 17 COLORED SILKS & i ATS BLACK A CQL'D SILK VfLVETSr C FECIAL ATTENTION called $0 th i' 1 f.V' tMl'i 5h i ibcTe jroed?; a gcod aeortiBer.t trd at tbe lertcaxU price. NEW L&CE8 In ND NECKWEAR, !laci' and Cream Rshue and fcCirls Ladie', Gectj', an Children's Merino - i Underwear, very cheap. 1 CURTAIN LACES A lirgo stock. CAP.PETPj OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, -Ac. earebuty all the time-, acd it prove? tit we mean business. C-me und ua je can apeBeih time profltably. I J?.-.iffl'M'clhtire.-;- -fe : f 1 VOL. VI LQCAL' N,BWS. NE Al)VrUTI2t?4eXTr. i ' (j-Eii TT r.E Z?s a Sv-mo.'t , .Notijj--Application to tlio Legislature C rjKj?nn:o s ?r Mat ioCorji' Tko t IIr.r;V!: ii Just llctjrive'i 1 1 U;; Th-s I Voo-M&Mrt'lBYacin9 Virus bondtts moving this i'at f-oh, rapid eating is un- r.rici (if Lft us hurrah for hena. Tbc vi!, in in the cify to-daj. receipts. 'of couda Rl 'tws port tc-ou.y to't no 12 3. Nor. L arquo. Helios, Ofteuahl, hence, arrivc-d at Trieste lirch 2nd. i 8team?!iip licgulaloh Doaf.e, benre, arrived at New York Marth 7th. It may bo remarked that spring blue birds Rnd rheumatism have arrived. kr. May Fioiter No ville, from tanzas, ior this port, put into Char- lestcn for a harbor March 7tbj. :itramhip 5anio Domingo, Penning ton, cleared at New York Alarch 7th for this port, and sailed the eame day. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black lish Iiooir3 and Linc3.; 'A fall assort men! and lowest prices at J acobi'b. t - 1 Knee-breeches Why not?" is the title of an i.rtiele by I Kate Field. Well let her trv fa if she wants towho caret? . -r Men who would not eteal a mule will gladly take the charice to misappropriate an umbrella. They have no nsc for a mule, 1 The time lor patience ia when yonr hat blows eff in thi street and jyour ye8 at too tall of dirt to sec which way it goes. Tbo latest blockings we read 61 are throe or four colors. This Ought' to make a muddy cros&iiig fcjlistqa like a rainbow. j It is reported here this morning that Sheriff Ward, of Pender county, who has been- very ill with typoid fever, was somewhat better yesterday and we are gladto hear it. , Tho crop of Spring poetry has no ,yet been so abundant as in years past, unci, nowever it may De wun omcrgreeu things, the season has; been very back ward iu poetic afiajirs. Inciu-tl"ii"! For the South Atlantic. States rainy, followed by partlycbndy weather, winds shifting to .Southwest and Northwest, followed by rising barometer, slightly rising temperature. . j i 'Hie city auctioneer of Toledo, Q.j Mr. Fred. G. Ferguson, was .terribly afllicted with Itheunjatism: and. after seeking advico from fis d liferent plitsiciana, and Cadi.nir no relief, was- induced try bt Jacobs Oil. He savs: I need le33 than two bottles and m n'ow a well 1 man, which 1 Rcnedv. owe to the Great (rerman Ileal. Ks-iiie. ' The following pieces of real estate were sold at auction by Messrs. Cronly k -Morri3 to daj: 1 Two-story frame dwelling S. W. cor ner Market and Twelfth streets, lot 30 x 150 feet, for $455. 1 ' Vacant lot S. K. corner Second and Castle streets, 110 x 132 feet, for 8290 The River. 1 1 Steambcatmen report that I when they left Fayetteville, yesterday morning, the river was falling quits rapidly, but they thought tbaV the rain of yesterday1 and last night, hich was more qoned9rable there than it was here,, will have the effect to create another rise, and that they will be liable to meet some freshet when on their way op! the river tb day. Cliy Court- . Charlei Light,1 colored, was brought before the; Mayer1 this iqorniog onj a charge of violating the city ordinances viae a pronibit furiosi drjvisg. Ho was found guilty and septened to pay a fine1 cf c- to the City Treisuryl He paid the money and was discharged. William Saas, colored, was then arraigned upon the charge of larceny, but ts the evidence was not sufficient to warrant binding him over to the Crimi nal Court, he wa3 discharged. This r7 - j k I ft f T WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY. MARCH, KTiclencea or Wreck- ! i ' I i i Pilot boat (Th'at Ti'mmont picked op oa the 5th iosL,! off Frying Pan Sboala. some crivleaces cf the loss of a small steamer, in the shape of a email flight of Rieps, a goug aud a water gaage from the ecgioe room, and there "were other articles floating about. There wa3 nothing fo:nd Jo aignify the name of the boat. Express Steamboat Company! At a mcttinsf of the stockholders cf tli9 Expre3 hld in this Steamboat Company, citv today, Messrs. G. W. Williams, A. 13. Willtamg, K. M. Mnrchison and H. C. McQueen vrere elected a Board of Directors. Mr. II. C. JJcQaeerj. formerly the Secretary, rras elected President, and Mr. M. Uron. ly, Jr., Secretary. u - - fcuprtnie Court. The following cases from the fourth judicial district-were called and disposed of on Tuesday: State vs E. S. Nask, from Richmond; argued by Attorney-General Kenan lor the State, aad Harwell & Walker for the defendant. ! ' ' . 1 . Martha Gilmore vs D. C. Gilmore et. al8, from Moore; argued by John Man ning for the plaintiff, and Hinsdale & Devereux for the defendants. i John W. Cole et aIs vs H. W. Coving ton et aU; appeal by plaintiffs; argued by Frank McNeil for the plain tifis, and John D. Shaw for the defendants. Jehn W. Cole et als vs H. W. Cov ington et als; appeals by plaintiffs; ar gued by Frank McNeil for the plain tiffs, and John D. Shaw for the defen dants. ! H in son & Gamming et als rs Adrian & Toilers et als, from Anion; left open. Thomas W. Kendall vs William K,. Briley et als, from Anson; argued by George M. Smedes for the defendants; no counsel for the plaintiffs, ) State vs Powell & Edwards, from An son; argued by Attorney-General Kenan for the State, and Bar well & Walker for the defendants. A Michigan boy ate a bar of soap, drank a lot of soda water and went to bed to cure histoid. The doe tor had a hard time to pull him through,1 but the boy now says the next time be catches a cold he will uso Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Yennor'i March Weather. I Tennor says: Probably snow or sleet and very bleak weather at Washington on the 6th; probably cold and stormy weather everywhere through the early portion of the week, with show and drift, in Northern and Western sections. There is likely to be towards the 7th a marked "cold iip,f and 8 th at the North, About the 12th it will be cold and stormy generally, with heavy snowfalls', "cold dips"East and West, and in all likelihood suow or rains and blustery .weather as far South as Washington, with abrupt changes of temperature. The 17th and 18th may be speciallv stormy days. The third .week will; enter blustery and stormy with snowfalls in many sections Milder weather on and after 22d, with frequent rain and sleet; wet weather South and East. Twenty-seventh, snow stierms, probably j Weet, the mooh closing generally mild in most sections, with indications of a calm period i A Promise Kept. It will be remembered that the Madison Square Theatre j Company management announced that the play of Hazel Kirke would be given line for line and word for word, without cut er omission. That this promise was stadously kept may be known from the fact that the devotion to the integrity of the drama was the ause of the failure of the organization to get all its baggage and members aboard of the 11:05 train Tuesday even ing. iMr. Sisson the Manager, and Mr. BattiD, master of transportation, were oblisred 10 remain behind to make ar rangementi for the transmission of their baggage, which did not reach the station in time for the train. The praiseworthy action of the Manager costs the theatre the price j of a special train to Sumter. Yet the organization can carry with H the assurance that on a second visit to our city its fidelity to the public will be repaid by an overflowing audience of our citizens, gho know! when jthey 'are well treated and believe in giving "honor to whom honor is due," j t Beautify yonr nones by using the N Y. EnaxaalPaint, ready nixed acd vtr P if If If . : ' j . PertooaL Dr. Thos. P. Wood, who baa" been absent from the city fur ft month past, returned here, last night. Since be left Wilmington be has risked Philadelphia, New York and Boston, stopping for some time fa each citv. Mr. James . - . . Iv.iWKlgU Sprnnt, who went with Vr Wood, i8iiUe for th-s is. O. Railroad, now in .Philadelphia,; and is expected to .and romeu sappilcd there lottfrn hero next week. : V .'I-,ifC!3f incluuitv A. is H. O. ' , A..-- . Drowned- ': j. 'i ' ' '.'' ' - 1 Abott 4 o'clock', this afternoon a young colored sailor, named Sam Smith, aged about 20 years, jumped overboard from the schooner American Eagle, Capt. Schrpdef.v lying in the stream op posite the shipyard, and attempted to swim ashore, bat was drowned before he reached the land. He is said io hav been a native of Norfolk, Va., and it i also said that be has a brother in this city. His body had not been recovered when our report closed. j Exports Foreign German barque Augutt, Lennieg cleared at this port to-day for Liverpoo with 1,592 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs. D. B. Mnrchlson ! A Go. ; and British echoouer Julia Elizabeth, In graham, cleared for Nassau with 15,000 feet lumber and 50,000 shingles, shipped by Messrs, Colville L Co. ' Yesterday, Russian barque Bernhard Auguste, Steen, cleared for. Liverpool, with 1,233 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs. Alex Sprnnt & Son. ' j "IU ciint(n The steamer Clinton, which has been recently overhauled jand repaired, and resumed yesterday her regular! schedule to Bannerman's Bridge, has returned to the city with some slight derangement to her machinery, a slight leakage having been discovered about the bolts in the boiler. 1 She got about 0 miles above the city, with a flit in tow, and was proceed ing very nicely when the leak waa dis covered and it was found necessary to return to the city. , 1 Death or aa Estimable Lady. We regret to learn that Mrs. Fannie McLaughlin, wife of Mr. John Mc Laughlin, of Fayetteville, and daughter of Capt. T.J. Green, of the steamer North State, died at her home in Fay etteville, on Saturday, the 4th inst. She had been sick with consumption for sev eral mouths, and her death from this hopeless disease was not unexpected. She left no living children. Hers was an amiable and gentle life and her de cease has left a void in the -hearts- of a arge circle of kindred, friends and ac quaintances by whom she Wft3 much bc- oved. Prof, Semoo. This distinguished magician and ven triloquist will appear at the Opera House n this city on Monday evening, the 13th inst. He is now filling aa engagement in Savannah, Ga., and every night distrib utes valuable and useful prizes to those who are so fortunate as to hold the lucky numbers. The Savannah News, of the 8th inst, in speaking of these entertain ments, says -J At the close of Prof. Samoa's enter tainment at the theatre last evening a large number of prizes were again issued, among them three, very handsome and valuable ones, which were won by the following : ' L N. W.,Hayward, corner or Broughton and Habersham streers, gold watch. B. H. Giles, 133 South Broad street, silver watch. 1 S. Brown, eorner of President and Lincoln streets, sett of china. 1 By Anthor of "Helen's Babies." 1 "Mrs. Mayburn's Twins," by John Habbrtou, author of 'Helen's Babies," is in press and will be published in a few days by T. JJ. Peterson fc Brothers, Philadelphia. It ia a charming bit cf Work, filled to tho brim with fun, frolic and reality, and the author will have the thanks of every one that1 reads it, for there is in it a sweet undercurrent ct pathos that lends a special charm to the whole story, from first to last. All who like to read about children, their mothers and the heme circle, should get and read,: this truly .absorbing and fas cinating story. It is a gem oi the first water. in a setting that adds vastly to its attractiveness. Motherl and fathers es pecially will find it a treat 1 of the rarest kind, for it is a worthy companion to the renowned "Helen's Babies, by the ssm9 author. ' v ,7..-. "llJ ' ' I- No one cart about the size ' of ; your foci txcj?t jcirttlfi tbreCsrt.d't bt NO 58 "... THE HAILS. - T feialU clot and arrive at the Qty Poet OSce m lollows : j ' . Northern thrcsgb malls 6.15 p. tn. Ncrtbern through and way ! 5:40 a. va. Raloigb.... .5:40 a. m OSioes , between Ilsmlet and IUkigh ..M 17.80 p. m. . li-iirol- ai. n;40 a. m. and 5.30 p.m. Sosthsrra for all points J bout a, daily. 8 00 p. mi and 1 :15 a. m. Western aaftii (0 C R'y) dally (except tutiiiiy;....M..... 7:80 . bj. Mail for Owe' 3 s & UatllDg" ton ..... 8;00 p. I fiisua lor prints oo:v?vcn 10 1 reoceacd Charkieton... ....... ErCOp tD Fayettev?j, and cfBcea' on and Friday...... ' 1:C0 p. ci. FayeUcTiHo. via Lucaberton, diiiy, except Sundat? 7.80 p. tn. Onslow 0. H. and htcrriiedl ate oko3, every Tassday . 8.00 a. tr. Smith vi Ho msl, by team bot, daiiv, (except Sun-v 1 days) ....L ........... 8.30 MaUs for Easy HUls Town . a. a Cresk, Shallctta aud Little j Elver, S. G., every Tues day and Friday at....... . . 6:00 a, m, OPEN FOB BZLIVXSY. I Northem throcgh and way I mails....,, ...7:80 a. tn. and 9.00 a, m. Southern Malls. 7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Oontral llailway...... 8:80 a, m. Stamp Ufhco open irom Ba.ra. to 1 M., and from 2 to 6:16 p. m. Money Order and Eeglater Department open same as stamp othce. I General delivery- open from dayltgnt to dark, and on Sandaya from 8:30 to 9:S0 a. ra i Malls collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. ra. j Stamps for eale In small quantities ! at general dailvery v;b n stamp ofSca h clost-i. 1 Henry's Caibolio Salve Is the BEST SALVE for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Uieers, Bait Rheum. Tetter, Chap ped) Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of 5km Eruptions, t reckieb ami Pimples. Gst HENRYS CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are counterfeit. Price 25 cents. j ' Dr. Gre3u'a Oxygenated Bitters is the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Billious ness, Malariaj Indigestion and diseases of the Blood. Kidneys, Livery Skin, etc DURNOS CATARRH! SNUFF cures all affection. of the mucus membrane, of the head and' threat. Dr. MOTT S PILLS are the best Ca thartic Regulators. i New Advertisements notice- APPLICATION WILL BE MADE AT the next session of the General Aasem. blv of North Carolina for a Charter for the 'Clinton, Point Caawell St, WllxoiDgtja R R and Steamboat Company1 men 9-lawow 1 Just Received FULL SUPPLY OF Holsery and Handkerchief, Towels and Table Linens, Napkins and Doylas, I Corsets and Corset. My $1 per do a en Gent's Handkerchiefs is the wonder of the time, men O-tf JNO. J. HEDRICK. QPEKA HOUSE. THREE NIGHT3, COMMENCING ionday larch 13 II ft-.---.. ?:-.-UiV..-f. . - f V -''SZrf, ' -. ' ; 1SRA SEMOM, Wonder Worker, Langh rrtor, and Ven trlloquUfc. with his Wooden-Headed yamily Tim, Joe, Mary Brown and ' Comical Darkey Chow. One Hundred U seful and Handsome Prftnt rirea awav every ulcat- Admlaaioa S5c, 60c and 75c No extra charge for reserved seats. xneh96t French Candies. 1 TJST , KKCEIVXD, a , full Ime of Cat fj jrrecca vawuee, wmmniea pure aaa freah. AJeo, Seme-Made Candles, FroiU, Seetad ttst, MMm tfjrw Tct&Zi 9. 1882. fusass nonca. w will b f 7ad to reciT9 eotrznvzlcaCoa frrza ?t fritcii oa aay (tsi 'all tibJsttTi 7iarJ Lsterxt In ' -f b of ti wrtler sawl alvays bifi aUUd to ttt Suitor. Ooamrultt2msasl baiwrlttaa; ca Jj atsideofihpapxw v FerrmaHttes aut be arofd , . " . ;? - i Aad it Is esfrrtaDy and partievlarly vzter xd that taa EdItnrdot not alwnyj endert tb Yiewt ot corrjpoB$ent .anises so stat la tie editorial aoitttscs.! 1 Kor Advertiiemnta. I - Stationery ! WRITI50 j PA PI R, Ink, Pen?, rositifr, i 1 1 le4 rici!a, Jck-Sta&i, -, j Ltter CliFt. Files, ' ' ' j aad every artlefara the'l'se&ect-nary t er ry t n no? blseat, nierctntila or otlrw. oanklwty tbe had at m Li to Uvoi atd Mailo 8trj tr4irr pARTlES IN SEARCH OP GOOD Botrd, x reasonable rate?, vrill fiad it to' their vantage to call at the Commercial Hotel. Rcepectfidty, . . j M. 8CHL09S, Proprlttor iTiretCltiaBar attMhtd. ttth I -: -.; - i - . ii EXTRA SHLL-FED BEEF. JNO. a BORNEMANN offers at Ms rtand, North side Market ttreat, a few door above Second, a thow lot of 8TALL-F D EEF, aleo,: Veal. Pork, Lamb, 8atuar, Ac HI customers ad the public generally are invited to give him a call. I men 8-tf Frames and Moulding -yrLVLT AND LLONY COMBINATION Frames, all sites. Photograph e& Auto graph Albutti, Motto. FramaJ, Oord, ku 1- - Blank Book?,, School Books, Writing Paptr, 1 f&k, fenol?, Juacllae, Gold Peas, Tlolla itrin?B. As . Ac. i I ' C. W. YATEjSi1 xsh 8 T'coJt.ifller and Station r TELEPHONES-TELEPHONES. . TELEPHSKES, rjptHE SOUTHERN BELL TEljlPHONK and Telegraph Co., is the 80X.B Licensee of the ''. . AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO.!, for supply ing Telephones in the Statss 1 ! . ' i " of Va., W. Va., (South of the B fc j O. E. E.), Jf. C, B. C., Gan ila , and Ala ; PRIVATE IiOTSS Conatruated, Equipped with' Ttleshonee ' and Rested. 1 Tor particulars addrwsa , I SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE - .. I ' ; & TELEGRAPH COMPANY, - 1 1 : 195 Broadway, Newj York. feb35-Sm GEO. F.TILLEY. H. HINTZE. Tilley & HmtzSf , jq"OETH 8E0OND STREET, next to cor ner of Market. A lot of EXTRA FINS MOUNTAIN BEEF oa sale for the next few days. Call and examiae. neh t ) . - 1 -" . ' a, i. PHttrti', - Prof LFroprlator Ai'uatOctaL rj, ii all if jrD-i ti cj.tr. Trni MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRUS. Nokth Caboxjxa. Mkdicaz. Jouxvix I 1 t Aoekct roB thx BocTnxxk Ctitk CHESH AND ACUTE VACCINE froia j: ' . . .... -jir . tue renowned eetabluamentot ur. ueory A. Martin furnisbed la large or fmaU qaaatu tles. This vaeclue i warranted to take ra ail primary cases - m 7iAncetrojau xor ei.oo s 1 15 do 'do 2.C0- i( ' Each lancet point will vaccinate ems f err son. . - f Orders by telegraph or aaH win receive prompt attention. ' - TliOMAS r. woop, Un26-tf nae Wilmington, N. C , in Addition rpO MY FORM l R LAP.G 2 STOCK, I nave jtut received the nrst lot of tprtrg Mllllce- ry, Batlns. Kr. u. and rwenpice ctraws. Freeh t venicg Flowers. te.Iate.t" fijaa' flowers and Dahlla. " 1 ) ReApectfally t ' 1 IIHSS H. KARBXR, nehS Exekaasre Cense i Horse jiiud Mule for Sale iVNE GOOD lARG E, mST-CLASs' HoRSE, and an A NO. 1 LAEOE ifULLV' at low figuxsi. nth t-tt J.A.6PEIXGB At.Coal Yar$ 1:1" 1 V f I; ' ' . V-. X tned the matinee for to day!

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