i" .1 1 -wW4w 9 T f. .rrr, aftarnccn, ) " T7a win btfff 14 to rac-lra omit2i!eUlrr from- sr frta-da oa aay and. 'ill Kftfrttt-. rttner-J Laterart tut ; . . . , r - jOg0. T-a can a ef tlLvwrf If? nzjl tlvaji b ft c!!iM to lit CdjiflT, i . , ' i . -- t v " - i .i I ; . r tfne Six sao-tts, S3 W ; ThtM m 1 1 . ItW, wavered eycarrieTa, f:5 FenoaftQtSs tacit b toI44 Xrd It la sptttUUy and pritralrlj WJO "'"'...lowx ajidlibarai VOL. VI VILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1882 IN O. i 60 I 'wiot ecTTpi1attF,2lea to ttii MIh-r. will piUMfport ay KEVIEWo -L jQLJfLj JLA 11 y JL 5e Advertisement W ' V wr t?atf Hiii i 5 IHEgi h . , - aa n . w w LOCAL NEWS. New Advektisem ejct. i li JI MclRTiBfi l'Arfteol si Neckwear, P W Ya k Fraxo cs and Mojildiotc . I Dk Thos F WooD-Martia'e. Vaccine Virui Bargains ia Hr siery at Hahx's. tf Day's leugth 11 hours aod 43miriate. Scciet to morrow af tampon at 7 raiu- Dl?s past G o'clock." 5jC There wera no intiTtcents in 3rr.ji-Couict:ry this ttec1, I Belle UazUtr&te'fl Coart. John Johnson, olored, was arraigned before Ja3tice Gardner, on the affidavid of Capt. 8. 3- Ilewott, for a a assault and battery. He waa found gnilty and sensenced par a finef orle cent and i -ii CSt3. i ! Capt. 8. S. Hcwelt was then arraign, ed upon an affidavit made by tho afore said John Johnson, ou the charge of an assault and battery with a deadly wea Ipon. The .esse was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. V ! i lire receipts -ol cotteo -at' thi port to-cay foot up 285 balea. Spanish Kew York 1 Tz;lla Casal Coapsar A laeeting of the itockbolderi of the Daplin Canal Ootapany traa held at Magnolia, N. ol on March 10th, 1882. W. T. Bannerjnan, Esq., was placed in the Chair, and Mr. David Farrier waf made Secretary! I i vi The stock present and represented wai verified, and itj was ascertained that a quorum ', was present. The meeting tas then declared fully organized. j Messrs. Vfxri. '"Larkiof, R. H. McKoy, Wm. Caider. W.! Williams, W. T Bannarmauv .David Brock and W. L. Young were elected aboard of Directors hip Ketviar. Ito cleared .t vompay, kLrcl 9th, for this po,.. , f. ' a the music is of the highei I bcre vrere three interments all consider tbia one of the best musical mag- TjpiiQ Canal Company be and are here a(jnltg in Oakdale Cemetery this week, azioes in the coaatry. It admits of by required to conduct the affaira ot thii Tne Musical Herald- The March uurab&r of the Muntal , , -mlnSr ar. Herald, published by Kht'IItraXd Fab-j .:xfio following rwolaUoni. introduced lishiog Company, at Boston, Mass , w j by Mp. gBegijter, xnn mianiinonsly adopted : C it 3n p. pi Ibfe matter highest order. and We Poor Adam esed one of 1 tbe ' luxu ries of lifehe couldn't :iaup:h The moon enters on its last quarter tomorrow afternoon at 14 minutes past 4 o'clock. BHEOIATISi, -'J,ifiia. & chile a . Lumbago, Uastache, Scronoss of iho ChOst, Gout Quinsy, ooro jnruut,oif . MS CM O prams, ovru miw . - Scalds, uenorai awiy . Pains, - Feei end tars, ana an amor Pains and Acnes: JS5TS2S .Vnpl External lmd. A tr.M caucus fii J Z ft in rairas. ... SOLD BY ALL DETJGOTST3 AKD DEALEB3 A, VOGXXER & CO., HS8 CAH WAS AH ' I IIT EREST i f 1 Q STUDY. v ' 'LxTTLiroir, N a. Nor. 10. 1881: n..r Mdmi-l'iomioiBa Ust Jau- .ailed from Holyhead Feb. 23rd. ?; ? "2" 5'"er!JSa."r "JUT . Km HIM. Calicoes, i ceots, at L Scrofula, with a tendency to White tf HnN 8 ... a A. lUn I ii - Iwellios. the phystclau aaia. y . . ,markable that young girls , . . ; I AO w time I comraancea .iB; . t- T' -;u r, nld bachelors, who are -t . .... Wnxh fnncou a unu. win uu " i?esoZed, That the Direetora of the thU I n i . 1 DdthwIiiemynormmlert-ttuhTJ" hig too commonly be found in publications L. ther0 ig money 0nhand pretcndiDg to be musical, it is punusu- to -nay tho tame. ed monthly at a subscription price Resolved further, That the Directors The Register of Deeds issned eight marriage licensee this week, two of which were for whi to and six for colored couples. . . ' KA HOUSE. THREE NIGHTS, COMXIENCISO. , Schooner Wm. H, IJoardman, Ricli RonflavJ RIJarcK 1 S ardson. cleared at I this, port today fori . J . Point'a Pitre, Guadaloupe, with 12,200! shingles and 143.386 feet lumber, shipped by Messrs. rj. Liader uon. ! r- We don'i often blow -our own born, as our readers will bear us witness, but we cannot help adverting here to the fact that since about the 'first of the present month we have booked nearly fifty new subscribers. Wo - invite the attention nK&Cv the advertising iroblio to this fact. ' , There was ft slight scrinimage on tbe wharf at the foot of Chestnut Street this afternoon between vidixals which resulted being exchanged and of blustering talk, as is usual in such cases. No arrests. . ;:a two colored indi gllli X in a few blows KM. 1 an immense amount fpat. j I Personal. Mr. James L. Hathaway, formerly a j Family Tim, Jce, JUryKrown and.,. FT, . t -Kj 1 CoTitcui Uarkt-y chow. ' mi I There were three interments two of S15Q er nnam by the Musical of the Company are probibited from . , ? r; tf i ...... .r mnrtffaffincr ma c&aaL. m . ueu or iuuer le r.H nnft Clllia in riuo jcercoi. i ziot.nirl Rrih! hm lo.. iiOSlOU. JJHass . " " r. 7 7 . ' . j I I.. . .i -t. f vr "" ww-. . , , ' i atrnitnn in rirfnri imnr.niapji unn -nriv. i Mnnr. ni mix niLV. on- now ui icw y-. w. . . . ...- . rr Cemetery this week. to whom all communications snonia ne iieffe8 . unlcss authorized by the stock vL.v drrWA hra laat niht for a shor1 Prenta civm kwv eyerv rlht . : r t arjiflri. I holders themselves in meetinar assembled. I . . .-i.-4u-M,n.i.' I Adm4ion S5c, soe and 75s xtra The most extensive line m : - , Tht for th nnmus of u 118 i? "V- chaiee for rwervrd .cats. mchdflt . ... . tt i. v i ..... . . i i j i ww-w. - . i j i , c vj cr; t i the city, can oe seen at pauj o. rne poor sanerer inax, naaoeen awoK fetinff ti,ft neMMilv i- r: n fny. Tri'hnn left himself with so-caiiea irocnea aua upon a mortgage, that the present stock Wheeler and Billing and ttietr wives, bteamship Benefactor, l nbon, f M lfa hia gtomach th- t P l'other gtoot m mj " be Lll Mr Rathawav'a daughters. Mr. H her wharf in this city at .9 o ciocs inis j the troublesome cough, should take 8ab8cribed and paid in shaU be and is vw- morning for tfew York. - . onr advice and Dr. -hereby howftver. that a sufficient amount of said I Wilmington.-and he and his family have .n octogenarian. mrir hft naid in to conitrnct the wWwu www. ww ww m 1 niAUJ nMHi .A luuug mw.w jww. . m-r a. 7 A . Wonder Worker. Lauj?h reitor. and 'Ven triloquist wttn cla wooaen-Headegu Stationery, The joung ladies whe wish the best of husbands should themselyes prepare to make the best of wives. W had the nleasure of meeting on canal to the Northeast river at Burton's our streets to-day Mr. George W.Rob- old field before the same shaU be so UHVELOPEtf, , WRIT150 PAPBB, Iok,' Pen, Peeitifils, ' Ic-d TeioUf, Ick-Btaads, . ' Letter Clirs, FilesV t Is your scalp full pt dry husky scales I r.w I mJ i nimnlsif Tli Rsninn i nkin mson, of Sampson county. Uewas oorn r That the Board of EdncalCnrewill cleanse vonr scalp, and remove in Tajlor's Bridge towaship,in Sampson tjon De requested to pay per acre ox in all scales and tenderness within 6 days; j anderrrr artiolalu ths 1 ne necesianr to ear eountj. on th, 2nd d., ot Mareh. 1800, .om. or f onn for the Und. that hn try itjar it 1. 1 tta .JJ"' cn 7 b,rt.,, mc.cintU. or ittimB nrAt.tv mot. I nnA -n.BftntlT. 82 vears of acre been already drained by the Company, overused. Sold by all drusrgists at "Make home nappy, i-V -7. and for such other land. a. may be drain- per package. to, .but a good dinner wm manu uUluo n lBBu ed hereafter. lying on Angola Bay. be U : , , t happier than twenty mottoes. caa aiwiyibe had at dren. and now has 90 grandchildren and iontr;ni- to the school fund. 50 great grandchildren, and in this exten- Resolved, That the county of Duplin each 0 I.to .K; a at d Id at to Stpra, MARRIRO W sivefamiry are some of the best men and and the town of Wi 6t SS. I tf women in Sampson and Duplin counties. qaestd-;to givoaid to the company, GUbertbv Rev. Dij A. A. wton,Mr women moampson ana wopancouBUw eitnerb.)W-0r by taking stock, as is GEOkGE 8; WILLI3 and Miss MAUGIR The most extensive line of Laces in the city, can be seen at Hahn s Barque Krouprina von Freussen, Notwithstanding His great age, provided for In the charter of the com E.f daughter of Capt; C.'jL. cowles. Klein from Liverpool. for this port' h-le and hearty, and is troubled witn out pany by the General Assembly oi worin cards. Notice. no jr T)1RTIS IN SEARCH OF GOOD Board, few of the infirmities nanally attendant Carolina noon a man who has seen the summers The following was presented: a and winters of mora ibaa four wore of years, , New Advertisements pUxiou salloW, appetite poor, limbs very gaidto be the most awch swollen, bonaa enlarged, with two j lbe world? rightful acres on ner iu -k kle. After using tne xvemsuj v. MAt niiM a chanee. as I tben tbtcgh-,for the worse. The sores discbar ctd copiously a yellow corrupuuu, timM runaisff in a aiream i u . .m ivu . pita ottbe linens., But faeling encoura ged by your letters I persevere l and after uiiogthe Remedy a wbilo locgar her itrsDgth was greatly improvea. ucr VVo A large assortment cs Millinery Goods at Hahn's. . tf HxqsoltjuN. 0 March 10. 1882. To the Stockholders of the Duplin Ca nal Company: Parasols. r QxKTLisco-i refpectfully ask, in I o OMETHINQ PRETTY AND 03EAP. behalf ot the Angoia- Tramway Cora-1 Q . . . n 1 pany: tne rrsnt or way across ine iaoai. We. the Tram way Company, will con- Corse t? 1 Corsets 1 1 Corsets III, t- Hahn's. tits good and complexion mrch improved Tbwe symptoma encouraged me. but the law of corruption continued for. several months, and not until her general health wu greatly Improved did the isores begin u heal. First the swelling began to de crease below the knee, and continued grad mlly downward, and wbenlt nearly reach d the sores they began to heal. It the meintime the leg from the ankle half vsy to tbe knee became covered with run ning ptroptes. In fact the leg had become almost a solid sore. After this tbe sores lasled rapidly. The worst one, on tho in p. bsaled entirely, the other to the sias f fire cent piece, and It . Has remaineu iu ihat condition ever eince, which has sasn several months aso. For a month at more it has not diecharged 'at all, and 'woks sometimes now as if it was entirely well. . Aa a Blood PuriBer and Tonio I tlikik it superior to anything I ever triad. If you oould have seen my daughter when ; she eomtnttfied using oar Remedy, and ow, you would hardly believe her to be tar&Vehtfd Last January Dearly every one thought sho would die Then she . was a living skeleton, now she is fat s&d rosy; Her esse was an interesting I'ciy from the time she commenced yonr Remedy. I can moat heartily aod cheer fully recommend it to be wbst you claim for it. Wishing you every success with !wr undertaking, and with many thanks for the benefits we have received from your SNdidn. lam, rery respectfully, MRS B. J, ALLEN. The Remed v is for sale in Wilmington .ejDR. W.H. GREEN. feb 17 lOur Beloved C'ARFIELD And his FaithfTil Cabinet Railroad Sews ' I A. . ,L.M. We clip this from the Lenoir Topic: m2Jfi3 "The railroad prospects are still 1 Gibsox Jam, President. K-;kf Tko ntiMft Ar Tnnir track mi.. .tit - lA-oA 77 -ii i .;,Q fr I ---- An8 auuro. peuuoa wb wuwumsu The world will never' program . n1tr1 9 milaa this aid. of I j . ' : 1- , : , enough to believe that a man s biacs : eye LiDColnton ftnd it u expected to reacl The fallowing wa. read and nnani- Newton by the first of June. We are D0B.ly adopteds " informed that the latest advices are) Rtiolvea That after 10 days notice I new -took ni 9 I . . m . lf.it i .i i.i! a. u I owMJiu favorable to the successtui organizauoa i snail oe given to me aeunquent uuii- kt reasonable rates, will find it to their ad vantage to call at the Commercial Hotel Respectful y, . .' i M. SCH LOS3, Proprietor, l" First Class Bar Attached. r sth 4- :.-' .'. 'r , EXTRA STAlL-fED BEEF. JNO. O. BORNE3IANN i ofTera at hit - i '-.-.j- i - . tand, North Bide Markt-t street, a few doors above Second, a tho w lot of 8TALL-F D IN GREAT VARIETY. I HEEF, also, Veal. Pork, Lamb, Sausagas, 5sc. til a customers atd the public generally are Invited to give Mm a call; men SKf Neckwear WUVWH WW was caused by anything else than body's fist. some- GINGHAMS for the seat on. TO ARRIVE la a few days, an entirely defined to be: - t: u; nd tWnLf n. n--jt - ft- v.n;Mino I bers auv lesTal , or other expenses that ing tur - . . L may acme to the company in making sittingin aneasy cnair, unui -.w ww theU. V. .ft X. V. is. n me legia- colrectioa8 ihall be charged to the de-! becomes due. i f. lature should be called to rs-district the I i;nauent stockholder, and the amount cu.ta if -ill Ka ftblA to ''kill two birds! deducted from the stockholder's dividend Men are apt to mistake the strength ... 'ft nA.toM r bP there are imnorUnt whenever the company inay de a of their feeling for the strength of their g to bQ made lQ thf chartcr of tto dividend. .,- , n-o-nmont. Tho heated mind resents the 1 1 - vr xr t t -nViinK mn.t'viAi i n motion of Mr. W. T, Bannerman, .u;n on.H nd relentless scrutiny of w . ... m resolntioni of thanks were Toted, to Mr. w v " I maue oeiore Md Mrs. Hamlin for having voluntarially All Wool Bantings, l?i cents, wc-rto j 0aU aid BC0 0ttr FanCy ftad Lace Col- .tockhoideri and otherwise extended A cents, at Hahn's. I u l'a at Hibh'a ' U I -n-w i. ' CURTAINS AND LAMBREQUINS. . , . .. . - - , -.. . Carpets, OR. Cloth and MatUog, ft. il. Mclntire. inch ii : :; 1 Pra mes arid Moulding VSLV1.T AND hfc ONT OOMBUCrATIOwf Framsf, all sizes. Photogrsph aai Aub ' .... -. . . - : I - graph AlbatEf, Motto Frames, Cord, Ac Blank Books, Sebool Books, Writiaf Pspsr, ink, jpenols, Mucilsga, Gold Peas! Violin - ' ;...'? .. Btriags, Ae Ac. r ' , 3 many courtesies. On motion of Mr. David Brock the; 25 cents, at Hahn's. When a cans acciaeuiufj- f-1 i Rnnms Cnnrt. the track nowadays, it is said to be . .J. Inftnrt. on Thursdav. the con- next annual meeting of the Stockholders "de-railed." We presume mat wnen 8ideralion 0f appeals from the fonrth was fixed for Saturday, Aarcn lyw, a man is accidentally put off the car he . d- . J diatrict wa8 mum ftnd caniei 1883, at inch place as may be designa- may be said to be "de-rided. Jqst digDOsed 0f as follows; . ted by the President from Just Received. FULL SUPPLY OF ( Hoiaery and Handkerchiefs, ' O. W. YATwi " Hooki:I!er aod Etatiaaer f-4 Hi ah 6 so disposed of as follows: , State vs. George I Copeland, . i i oi- t. wwigo wvji-ui jq Oalicoes 4 cents at All Wool Buntings, 12 cents, worth Ansor; argued by Attorney. General y ' Haj oS . t ' TT TTx'al tt Kenan tor the State, ana uurwen 0 wwUfcw, : ' T a titgaet Ckrcaiw Litkograph ef oar la'.o idtat. xaa.Dg 8 nd lanRth portralti, -jn iOooLot- cn heavr paper with a "c- ld border, f Z9t 18x28 Inobea. ioftbU bmtl'Qi work ot art baa b n J"Plv mapeeaden d at $1 per co.y.. ii 9Jw tatt aTry family raaj b able to po -Mithlabta tifalaBd to.ebisg s6avTl''-f ' ;-tt Preidnt atd tia abioet, wa wiil H for only ce ceatt per eopy. We e Tartiia ttU me ibjet, ptiatadi 8 eolo.s, Jtea tn sii InchM, for only W cents AQEMT8 JMATaNTED W w aenta to reap a rtwh", barvwt baaatlfal portf alts. NotMag a-Ua VIM lur W(OH OH WKJT w.w "Rritiph baraue Northern Queen hence, for Granton, belforo reported ashore at the entrance of Cuxpaven harbor, was enUrcly' under water Ueb. 23rd. About 234 barrels rosin nave oeen saved. .. - . . i ' . I When yon' poke the end of your fin ger in your ear the roaring noise you hear is tho sound of tie circulation in your ringer, as any one cai demonstrate for himself by first putting his fingers in his ears and then ' topping ; them np with other substance. . j I Mr. A. W. Tyrrell, Merchants Hotel f skiw 'aiMAt. Detroit. Mich, writes: VI fa n nhforfnllv bear testimony to the ! .... if ik n.-t wonderinl heanngquaiiues-oi vua German Remedy, bt. Jacoba Oil. I was afiiicted with rhenratm ivr ius time, and I almost gave myself up as m- carabie. The use or 4he uboie prepara inn rWWd me comoletelv. and I feel like w v - Kenan tor the State, and uurweu WftlkPr for the defendant ... A neYei inienunu. William Gilchrist vs. lary A. Kitch. Mr.' M. Aldrich, of South Carolina, en, from Robeson; argned by John D 04me into our office to-day with a new Shaw for the plaintifif, and McNeill & and useful invention in tne shape of I a McNeil for the defendant. "reversible pole and shafts," to be at- A. f J. Cottingham and brother vs. tached to buggies and other light yehi Sarah A. McKoy et all, from Bobeaon; cles. It is the invention ot Mr. F. M. argued by John D. 8haw for the t plain. Hewitt, of Georgia, and is so cqnatrncted tigs, and McNeill & McNeill for tne that it may be used as a "pole" to wmcu defendants. I i I two horses may be harnessed, or by a A. wart wlA- ISTi COS ANT A GO. Fat. a new man Kid Gloves, the city, at Hahn's. argest lice in the tf noHina flf IfSQ. 1 i impotence of mind, limb, or vltaj func tnn nervona weakness, sexual debility cored by WeUsV Health Bene war . AtPrnggUti, Depot Jai. C.mcP Towels and Table Linens, "Napkins and Doylas, Corsets and Corsets. My $1 per dozen Gent's Handkerchiefs la the wonder of the time . ' I men 9-fcf j f - JNO J. IIEDB1C1-. PUR Q&li HOlfsE, UK DEB; ffW lArAalFNT,; B, l PEHRY, - - - 't'rfP Late:ProirlVr Att6-ic;flotU M-t CJas!n ll tta'anosi-int-is. Term - fL ew-i 1h f.ft TELEPHONES-TELEPHONES. TELEPHONES. XI? -'4 rJlHE SOU TH ERN B ELL TELl PII0M- and Telegraph Co., Is the 8ol9''Z LrcEfzeof the Kr " AMERICAN BELlT, TELEPHONeIcOU . for supolj log Telephones in the States i of Va , W. Va., (South of IbeBw C u. xt. .it.;, . n. .-u., o. v., un xla , and Ala. Wanted. I t jfK 4PWmB-Bi a William -Grifin et als vs. Josephine slight change, easily and quickly made, OK QOO " f v' . from Robeson; plaintiflS appeal l it becomes a pair or s halts lor one norso i fecl ltm for further psrttouUra avqutr. ' - . I . . ... I trt Vtl .1 .Tf. Mr. CAA S for absence of counsel. , It is very convenient and tne cos- is ao .i - I an av-w ..... ,. i - The'casewf W. H. I-oftin, cJurged John Werner, PBACTICAt Griffin continued William Griffin et als Its. Josephine I inconsiderablo that we have no doubt Gfiffin, from Robeson; defendant's ap-1 that its use will4ecome almost universal. - .. mm " . -1 I w-www peal; continued, lor aosence oi couowi. , CcfeadaBt Olscntrsed J. A. Evans, adunw-rator, tt Thomas umbns 'I days since, was investigated this rora- eo tea to and me. from jiicnmoau, wuw-uu-w. w-ww ---triy;. had benn transierred by the Aiayor od-tiona fa the dty. fab ;o-ly I ' . .-iMw..a-m luamiin. execawr, iron w- ... . . . i,. . f OERMin DARBEO AOU VtUCUUtUt I .for fc?f .how) itioa of .hioh .wm wm . fe X8 ' LWS.i-i a i rnn.iiT a a iwullb b,u w-w -ir,TK .r? mhnm it 1 kim. cVtwtMli and Cotamerci! Travel A ndrew J. Norris TS Thomas Fowler. Tl "Tr"u 1 - Jers. Tha beat workzaea aad the fina.t ae- - , , nau uquu Uwiuiottsvi j- jw from Harnett; continued. x There being no eufficlent evidence to John L. Wescott, treasarer, ts. Ba- aa fas uauoway aua. r dfichar d. continued for absence of counsel. " , . continued Ribbons and Flowers and Flowers and Ribbons. TressadcsJ flock at 1 u : xus'f. Frencharidies: Beautify your-wmfi by nslng.thrN Y. Ks-r.tlPalaw. read cixad and frar TUBT RECTiUVEI), a full Ima of 'fine fj Freaea Cncis,' warraniea pur. ana freak- Alio. Home-tf ad. Caadlca, Fruits, s r ar ...rii te " w ' V. V aita. " CtwOad wtra-t, t.dOCSS balow PtstO-wt PRIVATE liINEB- hi.. 1 I 1 - , V Constructed j Equipped with Telephones 1 . ' -:. " andReatedf , For particulars address! 1 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEQRAPII COMrUNT, A ' 1W Broadway r feb2S3na ' 1 . New.Ycrk- GEO. F.T1LLEY. u LHcUINTZX &;EmtzeV: I . -. wT .yi ,-.... ........ 1 t f f ! f jq'OBTTJ SECOND GjTR iST, next to ccr ner of Market. A lot of EXTRAf FIE FOUNTAIN BEEF e Jfbre ne few days. J Call and Ttmtae. .. msb , ' - TO MT FORM 4 R LARG S STOCKcI Bate Just rwceived the first lot of Fprig MniiBe. rv, fatlos. hr. R, and Porcuytao ftrawt Freth -veniog Flowers, the .flkte.f' tfUP? flowers and Uahlf.s. ''Vk'' ; - KeepcctfaUy,! "th.-- ..t iRsrjww. tw-h8 Ex-hssge Ccr;i .1' . f t : I .; i . 1 f