J5"""1 litis a BE ,1 : vWfJi'w;: :' j ' - ' -i, - -- .- : ?., ....... , , . , . . -, v ,l-.., , j -: : I Va win bailii v, , 9 at;Val ctrsa of tiAwrUe? &saslwsyv fa -j nttlrir,"J f VOL. VI , : VVILMINGf ON, N. C.r WEIWESDiVY; MARCH I22. 1882. NO; qbtcribera will P1m report wy nd . .iiir'P who. reorarro , 4 K JlK A : j ' M - -- AV C J ' ( 11 fli V U M J ." 5ew A dvertisements. 1H1MATISI, ttcuralgfo, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest Sout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, S no fl ings and Sprains, Burns and Scasds,' Genera Bodily Pains, Toaih, Ear and (jfoadache, Frostei Fee and Ears, end ali other -. ; pdm end Aches. Prr-Trt'.iM oa irth finals St. JAC038 On t nifc,r.HTe, ultnjde and clteap Externa' Kth A triul entail but tke coinparailvrl ir'iluH't'sjv f 'i0' Cents, and evary oncsuffer-j,- wi b p i.'a :u Lav cLAp afiJ pceitlre proof SOLD BY ALL DSUGGT8TS ANBDSALSSS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEZEB. & CO.v Sultimoret MtL XT. 8, JL Just deceived. A FULL SUPPLY OF Jx UoUcry ard Hi-ndkercbief?, T w;l6 and Talle Llwc, Nat'kiuA ani Duyl t, t t orets aud Ci.rs t. My $1 rer d. zn Gent'a llai dkerchiefi ia the wonder of th-tiii.e - mchJO-tf JVO J. I1F.DRICK fc u H li ii ii n u Us i B. I. I'Kimv, - - - 'ri In Add tion mo MYF(RM) RLARO 81O0K,Ihae 1 .hut re elvd the fitgt lot of "prlrg MlUine rjbtine. hr. R. nd Porcupb.e ftrws. frerh veTiii g Mowers, the "late t" Min Bowers aid I' h i e. hefcj ectfully, Mlerfi K. KaRRER, me h H " '; Fxchaii t erne tur UWo?ed G A RFIELD And his Faithful Cab net. : ikis elar.t Chr mo Litbegrafb of our lre PreriOant. mc Off 8 o 1 icotb tott ait, pri td b t enlora n tievv taper with net glaour. lrx28 ibobs Te kI ibii 0Ka:i'Ql Work oi art ha ba D imilv utp ;c-cen a at $1 par co y. : Jl tsa tlr i bn. tifult)d tM chirp 80nT"f -fsf oar &t Prfti ient d t i - bii e , wa wit v It to- fT'y 1 0 cesii p-r opt Wre IwiUq t i8Bitobj ct, p'intedi 8 col6r. redo'' t 3:ts u.tbn, fur cnij 16 cantft AGENTS &'LVT WANT ED tl fme r ts taop a neb. tvavf uh ih-? batatifal rorl alts N tbi-ar A iht-te B(J f r Ur mi a d bajs i-tlar to w i with. CON AN I uS, Bor-4.2n . T IUT st, New ork W LINE BETWEEN VILMIHG- T0 AND FAYETTEVILLE ! jplIE "BLADKX LINE", vnipoMd of Steam?rs 'VE8TA", Ca t. E.T. Love, and "BLADEN", Capt. W W. Skioner, v til te tun regularly aa above, stopping a t all Intermediate Landings a required- "li:e 4 Bladen" wLl leave Wilmlngtou on . 'va and Fiiday, r. Fieiht rtciied t all times ; , fvb tf DekoSSET & CU , Agent i Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS J11 be recetve by the u&clerBijrrjd until Monday ciou, a cb 27tk. tor bulidlnsr Nulkbead at foot cf U d Cro a Street, and rebuilding W b .tt ti os or otea nut ttrect. iliauoii LOCAL NEWS. Te ub-ciibe Tt-lepbone Exch&oga i IUjf'i, F Beattt n l.a-0 Hcrd I u W H PauKks Know Thy elf 1 Stoddaet & Co-Un' Pat-uU Vjti Ge'i Page Co Saw MUUi Mat E A l UMMENJatt Receive! : H ei kpberg ek Nereis. . Easter Card, & C W Yates Prank's Faster &ni Db Tno F WomMartlu'eVaccme Ylraa ... 1 o ' 1 ..'' Bargaint in H - sierj &t Fah's. . tf. Firea and overcoats were in ' demand to day. : ' 1 , t ' ' , 1 , , , n- New 8tjles Calicoet. 4 cents, at -l tf , II auk's. Hold on to virtue -it ia a'bove price to'yoa at all lira s and plates. 1 How many men and women ae there without h weak gpot fome where ? . ChII and t-e? onr Fancy and Lace Ool- ar'a at IIahn'. r : tt Uer. barque Lydia PtechAuj&rtmers, faencev was at I5artHd8 eb. 28th. 8cbo3nrr Paragon cleared at fSJeorge town, S. U , March'13th; for this port- Kid Gloves, the largest lice in the ity, ut 11 aun's. 1 . tf Norwegian barqaeo.sterjt.Guortmsen hence,' arrlned at Iayerpooi Aiarch 19tb. The Wilmington Presbytery wiH raeet at 10 o'clock, to-frorrow morning, at Burgaw Church in Pender, county. 6temshin Benefactor. Tribon." from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city at about 1 1 o'clock this forenoon. . . 1 The most extensive, line of Laces in the city, can be eeen at B aun's. tf Wilmington Preabvtery meets at Bur gaw to- morrow and will continue in &es- Hon unti' Sunday, on which day a very large nnmler sr expect d t be present. , All Wool Huiinnpe, cents; worth 23 , tents, at 1 1 aun's. . tt We understand that a change i)f sched nle h to go into 1 flfrct on the Can 1 inn Centr .l R. R. wjihin a few days. The Sunday train is to be withdrawn atd the ast mad train which now 'leaves here at 8.20 P. Ml is to be sent out somewhat earlier.' ; ' ' - ' - A hrge a84urtuietit os Miliiuery Godds at 11 aun's. tf Insurance, M n. There will be a meeting in Baltimore March .28th, . of insurance companies doing business in the State of Maryland ;Virinia, West Virginia and North Carolina. 'I ha object is to look after the interests of the companies belonging to the association kliowu as the United Fire. Underwriters of America. New stj les Calicoes, 4 ceuts, at tf ' 1 HAIISi. i th Bi que August- i4 This vessel now has an upright posi tion and the crgo is being discharged as rapidly as circumstances will permit. Her pumps have been; going all day,;and te water has been reduced from about 9 feet, or up to her between deck beams. this morning, te about 7 feet whea ve were thereat 4 o'ekek this afternoon The cotton which has been discharged is pretty badly scorcbed,'but trie stevedores have not penetrated the bold far enough to determine whether the . hull and timbers of the ' vessel are' much turned or not. The proresa i of ' breaking out the cargo is very slow and will.cpn tinue tobe so until the first tier u ai out. The August' siils have been un bent and her top-gallant yards have been if ut down, but .otherwise &hfy re mains as she did when she arrived, vsve the firs, which ; has b eo extinguished Wiakeaa Demoerat JEtch In lis Ic"e. , j T While the healing waters of Wauke sha have been the sneapa of curing in numerable cwsesot obscure chronic trou ble, so also ha St- Jacobs Oil been the bright particular starjoiibai firmanent of remedies', which unfailingly relieves and cures rheuraam neoralgisvaud-all bodily pains. X. Coleman, jKeq.. Pro privtor of the popularAmeritan House, Waukesha. Wis , thus speaks of) it: I have used St. Jacobs Oilfor larfw'bacsr, and it cured ras. Have also used It t for a lame shoulder with best success, and can oaserftllj recommend it to iL , Beautify your aoroes j &igkfTi Y. EwuaelPaJnt, tftxfdMt The XeirS ablrs. ' I Meisrs. Merritt & Hollins worth are progrewicff rapidly ia the coaatraction of the new livery and a via stables now feteg erected by them at the j corner of Fourth and Mulberry atretts. The build, iog 'in of one story, with a loft for the Storage of foragpe, and 'u 52x100 feet in diniepijing. ThTarotp be acommo. dations for twenty fire horses and a cart shed is attached. Thabci!din will be completed and ready for baginess in about ten days. 7. rorggist who heiiutt bow is lost for the wuter He should jlimj together some' sweet oil and 1 icq nonce and bring out his cough cure at once. Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup does not pay hitn enough i r ,.f j. . K'lisUts f Honor. f " The Supreme Lodue K nigh U of Honor of the United States trill meet In Balti more early in May next. It will be com pored . of the oQcers, and two representa tives from ich. State in the .Union The order ia now in every State except Oela ware, and the body will be a larze and representative one. There are now 125 000 members in the order in this country and 2,700 lodges, of. which Mar land has 35 lodges and oyer 2.000 mejnbers, and Virginia 56 lodges with 3,300 mem bers, and $4 000 000 has be-n paid to the representatives of deceased members in the law eight years, since its orgauiza tion. 1 Ribbons and Flowers and Flowers and Ribbons. Tremendous stock at tf . Hahn's. Senator Vance. " As has been stated in our columns, this distinguished son of North Carolina is to deliver an address or lecture in the city of Richmond, under the auspices of the Governor's (Juards," of that city The Guards will remember the telegram sent by Governor Vance to General M. P. Taylor, when ihey passed through here on their way' to Charleston, ,aj trip which they seemed to enjovTiugely. It was a pretty good joke and will bear repetition. Gen. Tayler, hearing that this company would pss through Wilmington, telegraphed His Kxceilincy for "authority to arrest an armed body I r of men p .wing through the State to i of the 20lh .Qgt convefltioj which Ilia Excellency replied : -No,'. riLcortllUre wilh lhe Cilll, bufc w they bav my authority." Gen. 1 ay lr replied that he had supposed they had his authority, but that his commmd wanted ti stop them to provide for the cosCforts of the inner man, to which 11 is Excel lea cy sent an answer, so characteristic of him, that Gen. Taylor read it td the Guard at the depot here in receiving them, which wts : ? "Yes, arrest tlitm. and hold them until the liquor gives null" '-: ' !'-4 ;'l ; t , - .- The, most - extensive, line of Lices in the city, can (pe seen at Hahn's. tf ."" Last Merit's Fire, ! : ' " ! -Tie alarm of fire given , out last night about 40. o'clock, was caused . by, the burning of a two story frame d uelling, with kitchen attached, situated on the corner of Fifth and Brunswick street, and owned by the First National Dank. There were several, colored ''families in 4 ' 1 occupation of the premises, nearly all of Vhbrawere absent "Jfclthe Ulme. 'he 'R'rk aasfct-ia ?1 the 1 second "floor" andr is & ithought; , .to 3J have. been caused by the explosion of a lamp which the ' ibmates . of . the room .had gone ' off and left burning. Seme of the furniture e jntaioed in the buiidbgCwsi saTeT, vli a few of the inmates lost' their all,?the only thing saved by one of the families -being a looking-glass.- .The lire was weU handledJ.a4d although there was.ja fierco wir-d blowingr Jet itiwaa ennfiued to the premises where it originated. The housa was iiciured in . the Phceaix, of Hartford,, represented here by Mr. for wood Giles, for $900 which approximates k Rojal Gift qr a $1,000,000. The celebrated , Charity Hospital wiil engage, the atteutiuu of the many, viii tvrs.whofwilI thron- to New (Jrlrana th.a Sapuaer ta the. biVcenu uk 1 ' landing oi L7 Salia -mf New '.Orleajnsy 1 uii. a b is-r correal ittStitatiotii .nod baa by t bev Di tioe blcmsrsae4 be lives of-' inntmerble thoui-nda of roaimfjd.C bonded,- injured and sick sufferers of all nationltities andltgtoicet- od-otorayI is now. and has; been supper ted -ibjthe royal gift of 01,000 000 made "by3 the UuUUuta ltertdUompanf In quarterly payments. For all ilo forma ttoir 4boufetbsHcspitaf w th U)ttery Drawta writa beforeT1hai! Jtsxt1CBou Fin, uf be Reason. The first fiae rosin of the season, made irota new crop turpentine," was received here to day by Messrs. Worth & Worth from" Messrs;. J. S x II." C. Watson; of Kockingham. There "were only five rwrrOin the lot. It grades N. (Extra Pale), and has not yet been-sold. 1 f Vlaetst aieat iiiirt, . Georcre Murray, colored, was bronclt before Justice Millis, this mon.it g, charged.with an assault upon J.C , Ashe, also colored.- Julgmet.t was rendered I against thexlefeud int to the amount oi the costs, from vb ch be took an appeal and was bound over in the sum of $25 for his appearance at the c&it terra ol the Criminal Court. .- -. - . - . -' Ail Wool Bantings, 12 cents, worth 25 cents,- at Uaiix'b. - tf A Vlliiuiigtnlau ia Nrff Y uk. Rev. Henry .Y. Sjtterlee, Ractor of Zion Parish, at Wappinger's Falls' Dntcheis county. N Y , h is accepted a c ill to Calvary Church New York city, and rler. Frederick A. DeRosset of this city, who has been for some time past assistant to Mr. Sutterlee, has ac cepted an invitation to the charge tern porar.ly'of Zion's Parish. Mr. Dt-Ros set, who i now in deicn's orders, wilj probably be advanced to the.priesthood at that plnce sometime in May. Zion's Pariah is very large, having nearly 500 communicants, and the com pliment paid "to Mr. .DeRosset, who is a young man and only a deacon as yet, is considered a very flattering one. CoeiVcutidit Wifs. On Saturday; tEe '18th inst., some of the colored Republicans of the countv met in convention at the Court House in this city, for the purpose of electing delegates to the State Convention of color, d men, which is to te held in Goldsboro on the 29th iost. The con vention, in itself, eo far as' we have been able to learn, was harmonious enough, and a list oi delegates were duly elected, and the convention adjourned. This action, it seems, was not satisfactory to tome of the colored people, and a cA w-s issued for a mass convention to be held at the same pi ice 'on the evening tion met i thou 1 arri ving at any definite results, adjourned until last eveuing, the -2 1st inst. The again met last uight aud the session wa? very stormy atd uns aisf-ietory, aud finally the ga which lighted the Court Room was turned olT, by which uothn g was left but animated gas. This broke up'the convention, but it did not extinguish :i desire on the- p n of the disifficted to break sorpebody's hed. . The soothing dreuins of the night's repose failed to mollify the en gendered auger, aud the calm glori s ol this morniug's enn shone down upon the pates of men troubled in spirit, unsatis fied in mind and determined upon having satisfaction, 'i'he ccntendiug factions met. as1 if by mutual agreement, this morning in front of tho Court House, where they engaged iu an anry alterca tion and from words they toon came to blows!. , t ... ' j ltnot being our funeral wo hive not taken p tins to ascertain . who were the DrinciDal belliirerents. save one who fi ured 'as defendant before a magistrate, aa account of which may be found under the appropriate head. Flrat llabnon and Ml Herd Id uternlv engagi W1iq mi Howard appr-uCtied lu ttio tie.- Then urtlu, the Great, approached on the - fCia " . And frm the tumult made all things se- .-i-iraiie:' -; The Cuatom House party in alienee wltn , A, . draw And from a distance did their Jjemeu re- view; Ac4 tho Deputy Sheriff, to allay all cou i ; tenDon. 1 . 1 , , , Have aeut Aeir delegates to the Goidaboro CuuveultuQ. j . Corsets 1 Corsets 1 1 Corsets 1 ! 1 '"If - ' Hah.v's. - iy Latu J. 1 - Sr - .... i We understand that we are at length to Imvfra hotel at Smitrrviile for-the tc cemmocatioa of tbose from this city and elsewhere, who wish 10 reside at the se. siie or to ist the salt sea waves during the warat Summer months. Dr. W. G Curtis has concluded to build thirty addi tioai rooms to his large nd con modi ous house at Smith ville, and Capt. Perry, of the Purcell flou3e. will probably rent the 'hoaie and conduct iL The house now bar "eight fine, large rooms, and with some of these sub divided and the additional roams .to ba built, there will The work, we understand, is to be becun at an early d y :ml pah,?d forward rr.p. idly to. completion; Ilia hop d tlat tLe house will be thrown open to gaestl by the first of June. : 1 Worne-r are Efer'5-whji U-ir and ra fO nne dtn P ..rkers G 1 tr T.tiic, b ct Jitci they'lnvtj from esptrici,ct tiut it speedily overcomes def oruVucvl itidieMjiiji 1 ail or weAi.ea. i i"be bcV l kidneys, ' ih-r ir ublts pcculiat 10 the Bex.. Hams J Atrial Sto adv. ' Br. 8thr MayFiower, NTevill, tlenr ed at this port 1m1 y Tt Port-au Spin, Tri&idadr wiK 16 C00 shinsles and 120,. 63 feet lumher, shipped by Mesrsf Ktdder k Son. ! 3 . ' 1 he receipts o( cotton at this nort L;- . - , - to-day foot up 413 tales, tnd those of rosin 2 328 baa n la.'. , The'-Water Works ire booming, espec tally on Front and Market streets, li is a cheap luxury. . - I ' li' d Busts, R'iachVs 1 Rats, mice, ants, flu s vermin, mos quitoes, insects, &c. cleared out by Rough on Rats.'- 15e. boxes at druj: gists.. . . New Advoftisemanti . METEOR w 27 Stops, 10 Sets Reeds, S9C TJenttrS lEKTIlOTTN Orcran r-rvMr.r iC. mi pcf Golden Tongue l(?ds. S? MOj'N, T'nlnit or Eljonizer Caje. 50ctave.sTet.Tl PooS ri-s.CnriphtE'lloi Ktec FDrintrs. Lamt) Stands, rorirrii fm-ftfn itim'oc llollera for inovinff, Dci'itj's fntent Stop Action c NKIV ANI SOVa Is JcKRIlOA fli) Ruined l:OKMU9 SfCCES. enkM ov, r iWO month (iemnnd juci-easinp. c c Fr? rto:"V v orkfnr t V by 320 Edison's E:nctrt!j r.irrht i r.t r:i;r!'i to :h c,-, anc" Pr Price, Yloxc-l, r?lvrr?J rn Lonr.l Cthf derf ItalU me peri tf f- c? r mzirCcil rtwm Crrrn end in?. frniufiij rfundt'e v n.ift f.'.'.l in't-ti.', r.othin-r ean I ofri-ei Come njul ornrittic flto In.triitncnt. l.-.vo K. Y. t' tr i Barclay or CJiri.-to'ilar-rSt. rcrrirs. f .'K) a. w.crl tv nti' (fai-e, excursion only fSg-TX liPavcWcshiitctf nrtloi C.30 1. m. arriving in'K. Y. r,t 3.3.) or 0 rine3 1 ront ciucHfro, icRrm o.' irv r. in. m me- t lyxr at dim!, rhila,, Boston, tc, see innlar,") Sallowed to n ?xpenss ir j-oubuy; oosnennyuay, you 010 v clcome. Free tfneh -fth polite t:ttc"1nnt ne-:. r-Tl trn!n. OtNrOrsrana f3., fiCfM nn. I1aoffrts f' j to f-iooo lloautiful IIj3trjit J t -cal.in. frrf. Addi-eia c r c. 1 u K)i DANIEL F, EEATTY, Waalinstcn, Zqxt Jcj-ct , oles and cdtaloaruemiic tree. w. K. r Ay.cai&aea( IKES I M PUuVED r.i o r ij: pickle n ak' o paitona ;of iv deiicioijs, whotw fre, t : arkl'ng ten-' erii c I tm-rn. e. As-k r Lt bv mi! f; r 25 r. 43 N. TMii.-Ave.-.- Fri'i. j our "dnu'g'K C. FIllHEb mch 22 4-.v fl fftS ST ttE Af A It L fil1 ally Iciiss JL -2h-oi I'lU d tiieedin. licit . , t iOifii-t'iir' i r truci I'ii-.n it. H.I- rl U . ftls o cart 'repr.d ly J. P. -viiLL,-, . 1., " io t. 1 h la. fiBo gs.u'nS I wittn ut L 2 a'a e. a-rt f r ci ca?rl tf i t d'reast ai rt-'U-Jt'j it-e $1. arb iJ GCL0 A nw a pc.,t .".Jsti; v w err. T' aTXiatT ti t ne bwt tiW. c i: e-rr f;-t, in .i":r.s L'o frvprj-' , irs. entiU'vl "tlio Sttftce ct ' la:." bour.d in lineat ttip X ' !ratsJin,tinVs?PG,ft:1f pi'r.Ctfc' . pijesctitrmbeaati'iiitt en-T-riur.. 1" t rescriiiJ'orn. -TTX C'oslriiTd pit.Jp. 6 c. : r--rf5 T A N D PATEWI; PKS!0iTT0RKEY';r LAKD"PaiEnT UlSfXlNhD nd ' s ferial -.attention :gWen -to'r' tested pre-erriptkri, Homes! ca IB! in ernl and Trnhfr 1 CuHure E-tri?". iiiihest prc pH for Lzzd Warrant? hl(1 Scrip p, air kjffds. Pensions Pro. cured f..r Sofdiet- ant! Sailors disVed ir iLe. cl duty. Pensions ircreis?dif rate too low. Uounty, back pay and new di thWea obtained. S?nd two 3s stamp lor Ivanfes and- "Ci cntftr of If f rnylon. I Adirrss S'lODDART & CO 1 413 O Sr, X. W. Washington, D.,0. . mch 2 4 ' ' I' " . . - Piitsnt Tcrtabls Circ: SAW- , . 1 t I'. J.wlMQMijfe9 wrii4aUaUaJ - " V K , f I O .X V FcrscaalltiM mast b tTotfyl - f-i.1 U .aepMlaUjt. acd turfiatagsagyj t-ywi tbat tJjft iUv 4c rA alwnjs erdorj J u s t R e c e i v e ti i JLX 'he rwr tili ntii of XEv !p:fYCrv hWh' l,h0 ll41'4 ; a'c.wpectirullr. va lted to x n tt to ro mi it V U 'l.'fe lhu, on Ma,keV'it ch ks Jiu el V f;r ta 1 arid umW-r tuth2 it .RsrHA ImtsokN TO lU8SCaiSERSA TEllPHflltE pLTASfDfcribiiouingtt yourlia . Ao. -5 lai c;u:ou'r W kter Work! Co ; ?xz8'k faster, i?ar,ds ' w ? 1 i t h t u iful, Wiarie 1: cl at 1 . nh 53 r rfla,jtatn:) paii AN EtEfl?fTWK-i " O GAUtlFClFAiTiltCAtltfpW fcd, r afkt clah i i4Mv fpaii A Ft'iST CLiH D.iAwV-.w W - . G tj. . raElK'SBfctfaB&.'j'- . - " T.- ?. 6 R N nn vki a tf rath 23 , Lite ok nduo.fnljav WED?2 f AY AfcD THUR S D Atl YC- ;. muss: ml&c i: EtiIish niic Opera Cbi ...atuani jas'-ina hotior to an. 10u1.ee the citizen- UTini-cihi Cri . gaim -lit ! Tw., M.htK with tt? abvl n.l p tvcr.t r r the sir. VtJaWi2 IJuiSK tied br"4iitt oiwrMe gtln) ifltp - - - -- . ..'-"fa! be 94 fi He fyiascottefn . -- 1 1 .:4fH TrTunaruT-i. vNi.vryBTfb.2Sd, 'eSf r.-p-vjiiytit .etilJivMi'a.laaatLr tlece, cnlithd . P a 1 1 e n coi X i.inat.ly. produced --''unci ilrrForW JJ fcil-ii at;-t Loi,l., i ..fu'r.,lHT-tkre ii-.iiths prei u to J lJ.if"brAuaUunt t the tnaMluM tl)HajT AikThe eauti uu i esaa a iU- te resdi te wlfjr44 ulUt o t th of ,M r. r pri'i mpU3ceit xr P. : - ..1 l.i .l 'r $1 23;. Ad a. I Ion.;? c aVdfraJ)?ry; f he s te f ntVc -Ve tdU for thm Opr$ : , r FOR- . . I . I- 1 Wi'l be ia tho mtrkH'lor. twc-Tcbeks'fnna .twsd.terAifbAWiri!iW my Stu- e wl! , be eett t'nrsrd, atd trill ret ciive careful atteatenr --------- - - ' " - 2; V. k-?'i?f tsl t5 ake rocxa far.EK G0QI)3,l tf f'j. RclpctfcHyt ifc tir4 tiil atVMl if;(-sb ; niiii!siAiHe;yifiag Koara CAmcxDra MraS:tAi;,,JotirAJS.' tua rriHwaM esJsbiiam&J tot T)r.Uj&rrt&z Ues. This riccf e lslrracted-to fukela ad ninu'yjates. j-yl ei ?U t Each line t pclacVfll flleilUflr es u dersty ltl graph fr cT tr.H tcrelta prompt atteUHeu. ttrs iJ4tf3 ter t-f c-jgj2 sr. I iQlic . ..' 'e :u s 1 f 1 " J" . I -I 1 j- v .- t j f rt " ' l-T fx. ae next irtiujiioitae tencral-S sua? L . X- . i . ," , . . J . Lm . if- i:. -1 -1 4 f KCB t SOT ojaco L-H.BOWDUX, .ch?i4t - CHCU3 Utrsst (rC3 I 1 rrfcs4 fc? Cfitalggas I & od eteambsat Losji9 -?-T zr ' 1 fi.l.lw : . , -. -

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