til'1. WKH. - -,- ..,.- a. -.- ,(.... 1 ... -. r. ... L I - t 0 . ."-""--' -' T " 5 ' f .i- JOSH. T. JAMES, rruPTlOS8,FOSTAOEPAlb. 0B85 CO Sbtaontb, flBO ; Tkr i 15; One month, M ceato. B5 r will b.deUYered byearri, ft V? -.,w rtfif thocitr.atUe AjTertlia? . w and Bat DI1UC " - rtfsiUrcito re coirenteir paper regnwiy. yew Advertisements, T1 .s Vs.. s ess. rixi fes FOR Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of iho Uhostt Qiut, Quinsy, Sare Throat, Swell . jnas and 'Sarcitis, Burns and v Scsid s,' General Bodily Fains, Tooih, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fed! end Ears, and all other Ppins- and Aches. So rrrrit'.fn fa earth equal St. Jacoss.Oh M'jfe,n.einple and cheap Extafnai -a4- V friil entails bt the comparatively iAf: "uti.tr i f 50 Cent, .and ercry ona-suffer-irv J" -"AU haT0 cliP 411(1 posiUTe proof. Dirtioas in Eleven Languages. 80LD ST ALL DSUGGIST3 ANDDEALEE3 ' IN MEDICINE.- A. VOGEI-ER & CO., 2altlinore, HTcL U. S. JL be Just Received. FULL SUPPLY OF ' Hoisery and Handkerchiefs, . Towels and Table Linens, Napkins and Doylas, Corsets and Corseta. My 1 1 per dozen Gent'a Handkerchiefs la tha trondw of the time. mchO-tf JNO J.-HEDRICE. PUR.CELL . HUUa.fc UMDE:ffFW aJAEAGEMfeNT, i ;WiLnaTOf, O. r. D. L. PRKRV, - - al Late Proprietor AtUntif) Uoisl Mrst CIa-"io !' J'e'aoH'' m-iiB ' - in Addition T 0 MY FORM R LARG 8TOCK, I have Jat received the first lot of Spring Milline ry, 8tln, Kr. K. and Porcupine Mrawa. Freth veniDg Flowers, the lato.t" un lowars and liahll-s. I Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, ak S Exchan? Corne NEW LINE BETWEEN WILMING TON AND FAYETTEVILLE ! rpHE "BLADEN LINE", composed of Steamers W VESTA", Capt. E.T. Love, arfd 'BLADEN", Capt. W, W. Skinner, wfllbe run regularly at abpre, stopping a t ill Intermediate Landings as required. "The Biadeu" will leave Wilmington on TueEdg atid Fridays, And the 'Vefeta" on Mondays and Thurs days. - Fi eight received at ail times - fc g8 tf DeKOSSET & CO.. Agents The Landmark. PUBLISHED AT. 8TATE8VILLE, IREDELL CO., N O, . Is the "Mlag BewfpsFr ia Wettara North Oar oliaa. It i tha only Dflmoeratlo" Paper pab'lshtf Iredell ccanty one cf the largest nd Jeal;hiat eountias in the itate and has it- Urirer local clrcnlation than aay Ttr bsfetofore Fubliihtdiathecouity . Its dTciLstion la Alexander, Wi1kes,Aeke, Aiieghany, Yadio. Darie and Iredell ia rr thaaat or suj two papers in the eomiiir, and ii rapidly acqniritg a f ethold in Forsjtho, Berry, Rowan e?trnaMeckiburz. , U ia the ccly paper in Western Worth Car lusv that employs a Regular OaBvasaing Sav And is thus sent constantly before the seejae, Cader this system a rapidly incresj ilrrwittlon " the reialt, mails the -Tte Ben Adertmff SJediam in West, . -4 r-t U C-C 4 n C s x r n tin 1 ----- 1? jJ-.4-i'lljsc . Hl4 MAtf . era norta Uarolina. Addrw, "LANDMARK". fitatesviila, 10 VOL. VI LOCAL NEWSi NEW ADVEBTISESttJtTf. IIeinbberqeb Lnthcran ISy mn Book t O W Yates Prang's Easter Card Dn Tnoa F WooD-ilartia'aVactiae Vlm Bargaici ia Hosiery at Ha&x's. tf Sehr. Winner, Frje, cleared at New York, March 22nd, for this port. Ger. brig Alkor, Maiiou, sailed from Hamburg, March 20th, for this port. - . - v Gall and gee our Fancy and Lfce Col- ar's at H ah5's. i ' , ti Br. brig Sea Breeze, St&rrett, hence, arrived at Point a-Petre, Feb. 23rd. The receipts.of cotton at thii port to of rosin day foot np 242 bales and those1 2,567 barrels. ; The new moon enters on itsjaecond quarter at 42 minatca pait'l o'clock to-4 morrow raominjr. - li i I All Wcol Rnnt.inrs. i 151 Vnt. worth l z ' I 25 cents, at Hahn's. ii i The Southern Eaptitt Contention will , held in Greentille, S. 0.. U the 10th , , . . of JUklay nest iiaj. j no. v. iouer, ubuuiw iu- ager of the Carolina Central R.j E., was ia the city yesterday. ' ' J New styles Calicoes, 4 cents, at tf . J Hasn's. I The Royal Hand Bell Ringers, and Gleemen, an EDgliBh organization, is heading this way, and may appear here There wosadense volume of smoke hovering over the city to-day , caused by the numerous fires in the woods us. M- - I arod Blessed is the man who gives his wife ing to do with it. Blessed if he! has it to iv j J aouarwunouiasiiiug wuauouoi. 8u- 1 '1 Coup's circus, which has wintered in . . AujAla, Ga., will gtva an exhibition in that city on the 8th sf April and then go South. Kid Gloves, the largest lice in the eitv. at Hahn's. i v tf . T-r v rx.a. . t St I I Enterprise, is on one of hi rare visits to the city to-day ond has favorsd us with a very pleasant call. Spirits turpentine has again cKmbed the dizzy heights. It sod to-day for 85 cents, which is a higher pitch than it has reached in nearly ten years past. The cat is said to be the great Ataeri- ctn prima donna or nightingale. If bootjacks and bricks were bpuquetsj hsr nine lives Mould be strewn with roses. The' peculiar aspect of the sun this af ternoon, shining out with a dull, blood red glare, through the masses of smoke which hung overhead, excited much com ment. I Danish barquentine Margrethc, Han- sen, Cleared at this port tel-day for Lon- don, with 80 barrels rosin and 1,071 casks spirits turpentine, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprnnt & Son. I Steamboatmen report that the river is falling rapidly between hero and Payette ville, and the bottom is getting disagree ; bly near the top, though not so near at present as to interfere with navigation. The moat extensive line of Lacee in tho city, can be seen at HjkHx's. tf, Comic opera, i i Meesrs Gilbert and Soil i van's famous comic opera of "Pattence.f was given at tha ODera House last night to a large audience. It was hardly so entertaining to our fun-loving people as La Mascotte which was presented on Wednesday nirht. but it afforded a very pleasant and agreeable entertainment. The troupe maintainad throuirhout their blah char- . - ! . .1 . ftp.ter aa vocalists and artists, ana tne nl Pnt. p withont iar. dacord or anv of thofie vation. delavs which often spoil the effect of a performance. I Mr. Ford has faithfully kept.hisrom- ise to our people, and has gnen usj two really first-class entertaicmsnt?, web as our people are ever willing to patronize, n I" n.ip nvin.aAiattfjl . ftn Willi BiJU UIO CUUi O 1 UUUt6VMy ...... bs remembered when-he coraes to ocr city again. . V. ; i 1 " ; .', ' Don t Dio In the Ilonse. Aek druggists for "Bough on iut& - It clears out rata, mice, bed bugs, roach- a vprmfn. flipa. atita. intacta. 15c - De? WILMINGTON, N. Reilffloni Maetlnffs Tht srlet of meetings mow being held d . r' at the First Baptist Church, in this city are well attended and considerable inter-1 est is being manifested. There is a I , prayer sseeting erery afternoon, com raenciog at 4 o'clock and continuing one hour, and preaching every night. Rev Mr. Baldwin is ably assisting the pastor, Rer. James B. Taplor, in conducting the neiiail. and has nreached several times. ... i , .. , r.7 . I with much satisfaction to the congrega tion. "Xjives of great men remind us that rf we;are all aubject-.te die,' says an ex 1 change, but never cough yeursel fa way I ss long as you can. raise 2o cents fer a bottle ot Dr. Bull's utugh By rap. i 1 i umj. ana ir.a t u Miss Fannie May Witt, associate edi- tor of The Bovs and Girls of the South'A published ,t AU..t.. i. ia the city in wxo interest oi ane paper aao rcpro stilts, sne win rtmain nere a lew Iriava for tKa nrnaft ofi receiving sub- 1 1 . . i 'it .it ' 1 : - I .cription., and will call upon onr ba.ineH J r i I vmrinna ann win ran nnnn nnr iiiianieas 1 dtizen. generally with a tiew of enlarging the c.rculatiou of her paper She did us the honor of a brief call this torenoon, and we found her a charming, modest and intelligent young laay, m h0Tf with her Tocatioa and with a deter. j ruination to succeed. She is an authoress I of.om. experience, . haying written tU,,.."lS w"J?"w B8rmi wf cu ppreu m Savannah News. A large assortment os Millinery Goods at Hahn's. , tf Kew Bice Mills. Messrs. Norwood Giles & Co., of the coli Bice Mills, in this city, l , . . , . . ... . u --u ..r I determined to establish a branch of their business in Washington, in this State. ' " rr. With this! obiect in view, they will , , - ., . W a large rice mill U Washingtoa, and will equip it with all necessary ap- tnliancea for doinar trood work. The w mills will probably be as large as the Carolina Rice Mills is win V1J expected that they will be ready for work by the Fall, probably by Septera ber 1st., and the erection! ot thsm is to . . ' tonce. Mr. Norwood Giles. began a': u.. rm the Senior member of the firm, will ge . XXTmlttm -mlnm,' an1 Mintin 4 ViaA inm time for the purpose of taking charge of the mills, as soon as they are ready to receive the rice. Washington is in the midst of a fine cotmtr- nd toe establishment there of these new mills will doubtles gtimte the prodaction of this cereal, Ricd enough be found to run the mills both at Washington and Wilming- ton, to their fullest capacities, unless I there should be some serious disaster to the crops this coming Summer. New styles Calicoes, 4 cents, at tf Hask's. Destructlre lire In Pender. We learn that a fire broke out on the plantation of Dr. John B. Hawes and his son, Mr. Eddie Hawes, near Point Gas- well, in' Fender county, on the 22nd iost., caused by the carelessness of tome of the tenants, which, before it could be gotten under control, on the evening of the 23d inst.. burned over an area ef ter- tQ from f$ar u fi mil - cxteat. There WM a troaf breeze blowing at the tim9 tho fire connenced, and the woods being very dry, the flames spread with fearfai rapidity, defying tor nieny hours j all efforts to get therainder con troL lilies of xencing were tlestroyed.ena thousands of turpentine trees were ren- dered comparauveiy wortniess, ana reai- ly so for naval store purposes. The principal sufferers, aside from the twe already named, are Mrs. Joel L. Moore and Messrs. John H. Murphy, David. Elissoa.BliLarkins and the tenants livihg npon those estates. The loss is severe, amounting in the aggregate to many thousands of dollars. jThe fields are now entirely unprotected by fences, and farm I n.M tinn m tm tym CDaiAn ' will " Via-v- ch delayed and circumscribed in con sequence. J Fortunately, no buildiags although they were in great jeopardy during the prevalence of the - - 1 Corsets! Corsets! I Corsets!!! tf ! Hahxs. mmmmmKmmm t . - . . . 1 4 Air. wonn uarrou eoipj io-aay anou the first lot of Eturgeon which has left here this season. It goes on the steam ahin Benefactor, for New York. There iMl2atBrMOBa ?n aU. fine, lanre fish. mmf9MU: , FRIDAY, MARCH THC UA1L8 The malls eloee and arrive at ihe Gty Pct Office as follows : . Northern through malls 6.15 p.m. Northern thronph and wav Northern throuch and way maUs.... 6:40 a, ca. a.Ielsh.........L...v......6:40 n1?.'tWeen 11 T.in.m Ufoft'toNra'BJ:" P". and routes supplied them from, Inclading A. & N. O. oao, . W a. m. ana 0. su p.m. Southern mails, for all points South, daily. 8.00 p. m. and 7:45 a. m. Western malls (O O R'y) dally r (except Sunday)......... 7:30 p. m ail for Oberaw & Darlings . twi.:...;. 8:00 p. m f Mails for points Wtweeh Flo renoeand Charleston.......... 8-00 p m FayetteTille, and offices on nrwa Fa River. Tnandara. and Ytid&JB ... . ..... 1:00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lnmberton, daily, except Sundays....... 7.80 p. m. and r riday ati...M ... 6.00 a. m. smithviue maus, Dy steam- boat, daily, (except Ban- tUTD) m. ....... o.vv 1'"" J x Q A " a. m Creek, Bhallotto and Uttle m, B. .rery Tne.- day and Friday at o. 00 e. m. , "J " ?STV ' mftUH....7:aO a. m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Malls.7:00 p. mi and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Mway...... 8:tWa m. I ax reci J e o . . a. 10 Qrder and Register Department open same as stamp office. All Wool Bantings, 12 cents, worth 25 cents, at H ark's, i tt Iron Works for Wilmington a u.. f .M;t.i,.t. r-ATM f Tni v, .-j u r Tj 0Air..'l.' fjr l".: siriTBU uvro vuia tuuruiUK iu puiww ..!t. i A irom vvaieiga. ' iu party vuuipuaci rr T??fl f TnTrJ K. J r - . .VI" ; JudM A, Pardee, Mai. UOWiey ana uapt.; TV us, or rniiaaeipma ; uoi. n D. Van Nostrand. of New York, and mo ir;5wiiu u where they diced to-day. This afternoon thoy went up to the Navassa Compavy's "r T 7 nC " ti.1 in theiron mmea at Chaps Works, at Meares' Blutf. They have 1 "a uieir tisu ia wiimingtoa is Hill, and their visit to Wilmington is, we understand, connected with this fact. I -4 . , . - ' . . . a fact of which we have long been aware, but whieh has oot yet heretofore been in n tinned in mint, that extensive iron mi- w-lM.wit.i. v-i- , , , ,, i matter has long been pending, and we are satisfied that the visit of these! 1 fyAntlAmran hftra ia connftctftd with .it. . v.. IUUI 1UBI.MS4, BtKUWUKU WB ... . m . , . We think, too, that it has some reference to the scheme Gen. Isaboden's company has had in view, the construction of a road througk from the Cranberry Iron Mines, in the stountains of this State, to this port. I ' Easter oar . A correspondent of the IiOLdon stnAnrA rnr,,ou ft Raided onimon wvwi.' - 1 " that Jiaster iay is year win tea on too anniversary of the actual date April 9th, A. D.30. Hesaysr "The eld idea that our Lord's passion and resurrection occurred m A. D. 33 (given in mo8Viioieswnica nav mar- gins) was founded on the traditional be- . -r- "I i t i lief doubtless itself true that He was about 83 years en earth, combined with the idea that the date of His nativity was four jor lWs-kra it ml) " w, ilio actual dato or that event being, in all probability, B. O. 4. The only-real doubt about tne aaie oi me resurreciion is whether it was A. D. 29 or 30. "Now, astronomy tells us that the full moon, which would be Paschal in the for - mer years, fell on a Saturday (April lSU) circumstances narrated. But in A. D. 30 that full moon was on Thursday, April 6th, on which day the Passover meal was eaten, and our Lord suuered tne next day (in our reckoning the same . as in the Jewish), on which other observ ances connected with the Passover were still to be kept. This, then,. I have very Little doubt, was the true year; ana if so, of course, the first Easter was on April fith, on which day we shall this year celebrate its anniversary." A private letter just received from Eiglacd. referring to this subject, in forms us that great excitement prevails among many of the religiously disposed people in that country, and prophetic warmings emanate from all quarters, pointing, to tome supernatural -eveat which is expected about the time of this great Ecclesiastical festival. Some are looking for the end of this , dispensation others for the beginning of. tbetoo tariy mUle&iu3Hall for f 0S9 great. xd 24. 1882. NO. 71 Hollow canes are coming into rogne I f0P 0f the male bipeds as can not fv4va ttfflM courageto go out of the theatre between acU. While pretending to be between acts.1 While pretending to be xnovthing orer the head of the cane he is .ackirig . drop of the er.tin tirongh a (tutto prch taSe; if hi. ladjJoTe' get. theardent, hs Wbe had saturated hia handkerchief as a remedy for sick headache. The most extensive line of Laces in the city,' can be seen at Habm's. -.. , . tf BisboD Lyman'f AppoiBtments- - Mareh I4-Tuesday Kinstcn: March 15.Wednesdar, Snow HilU v March 16 Thursday, Wilson. March 17 Friday, Kocky Mount. March 19 Sunday, Enfield. March 21 Tuesday,Ringwood. March S3 Thursday, ilalirax. ! March 24 Friday, Weldon. March 26 Sunday, Murfreesboro. March 26 Sunday evening, Winston. March 28 Tuesday, GatesvUle. March 29-Wednesday, St. Peter's, Gates county. March 31 Friday, Hertford. April 1 Saturday evening, Camden. ADril 2 Sunday. Elizabeth City. - April 3 Monday, Newbegun Chapel. Anril 5 Wednesday,- St. Luke's. Wasninffton county. April 6 Thursday, Columbia, Tyrrell county. April 7 Good Friday, St. David's, Washington county. . Auni jMwifli wuouwui A n - XT" n. VilAntAn April 11 Tuesdayt Plymouth. . April ii inursaay, uoiy innocBami isertia countv. Apia 14 Friday, Windsor, uer tie co. April 16 bunoay, . r urace ' vjnurca, Bertie county. Arjril 17 Monday, Koxabel. April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, JNortn- ampton county. April 20 Thursday, Faison. April Z ounaay, n umiDewu. otjil cm;tKni Aaa uoji pru 20 iussaayevemDg,ouir. m i ; a. a.r1t Wilmintrton. i -oAWnav Arftninir Oolda- 1 DOro, April 30 Sunday, St Augustine's, I Raleitrh. 1 herd, Kaieigh. May 5 Sunday, Christ Church, Ra leiffh. May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Baleigh. '- Mav 10-1S Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, ScotHnd Neck. May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. Mav 19 Friday. Jamesville. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort I Conutv. I Mav 21 Sunday. Washington I Mav22 Mondav. South Creek. I May 23 Tuesday, Durham a Creek, oa Wpdfl4dftv. Bath. . - Mav 25 Thursday. Zioa's Church mf . - I Beaufort countv. Mav Zb uriaav evemujr, rauusvv. el- X TJ I r AXaV ZO OttuUBV, OI. vftiuca, ucuuiui 31 Wednesday, Makelysville I Hvde county. . I I June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, P untaw , . """w ' J I June 4 Sunday, St George's, Hyde I Countv. I jMe 11 Sunday, Boekfish, Consecra- I tion. juneii aauaay evsnmg, I 111-, Jn. iganndav. PHtaboro. I Holy communion at all morning ser Tloea:. .. , L. collections ior uiocesan wwn. T;Kwa nri piaw and Flowers and I .XWU - -" w- - i . . - , - i . Bibbons. Tremendous stock at tf Habx B. Now Advortiseiiients FLOUR FipURFLOUR I H AVING JTJST COilTLETED exten- aive improvements to our Flour Mills, we 1 are prepared to furnish at LOWEST I n-Q Good Family AND .. Super Flours. ' y ALSO GRAHAM FLOUR, 1 -MIDDLINGS.' TTaEAT BRAN, Ae. I -Also Grinding . Best j QaalityV TThito ZIolted . H2osil' " -t1 ALSO ON HAND 4 S 120 Barrels Pearl XXominy. For sale at Lowest Prices by j B. Fi Hitchelt & Son; rJotlce. a PPLICATTON WILL BE MADE AT A taa saxt session of the General A seem aUy cf North Carolina for a Charter for tht "CSatos, Point Caswtil A Wnmlnrtja R. froa tror,frtaii oa aiy asi "AllerifcfanjV C3snlst87rt fcrt': r- f,; :-t-y" ; , Xb9 scsfef D trrilir buB Alnji ta fg : cat Kid of UxpaiMr, - X I j'.-j--' AJ Itlj e?!lly and jar:icasii7 tzitt jrtood tial tha Ed&tr does not siwayt iTX iha Tiairf ft ecxrtfspoadevtf jesIasMttf fxl p - HeW;" VBvcrtis8mnt2U -5e .1 T UTBEAN hYiis uook Ju .. ... r . . . ' . , All i!,sa, la O.man , At btisHnii nd jrti:Tla. H S3 'BOCK'S;.' .O - - -' : A'- I?ElRBBEaQBa'a' .pLOTa;oW!i1:;:;',; la1 i At. HKISSDEiSQER'a JTHICI 0SQAN8, j " oaoios of the; people ?bty outsell aU.ethtn, Coei9 tad eee them at It- ! rithSt- Ujft Be k at d Mutlo : Stora BBAT THB WOULD, it ', thacpialdn" of , . - ; ... . thosa who l:ve tie baaUfal laart,' Lar 1 X ate ok at a. rch 23 . ..Eookiftller and : Btatlai TELEPHONES-TELEPHONES. TELEPHONES. "SOUTHERN BELL TEL5PHON? 1 JL .. S 1 m . . . i uu Aexetrrapa. uo., is cue . BOX.H '; I T , -e. , ! I iwwnTniv pttt t. TTrt ptTTrivru i ... .- uv-i i ouuiui xKxt:ptivae ux wo sc&ftll of Va.,.W. Va., (South of theB o. r. ro; n: c.;'s?c.y aa.i 1-4" . fla . and Ala.. .1 pbivatje' xuvesI 'ti- Oonatrncted, Equipped with . Telephones -.j-lt't-. ::.? t and Rented. For particulars address I i . SOUTHERN BKLL TFLFPFJONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY; , '105 Broadway, Ti feb 25m - ' " 4 NW Yovkf. IN THE COURSE OF A FiW DAYS. -Will be in the market or two weeks from this date Any SPECIAL jORDERSjlleft at my Store will be sect forward' aVi will ii1 ..-.ii- ."'.':ii4:ri'i-. eelve careful attention. 1, b J M , Some BARGAINS may NOW be'hsd to' make room for NEW GOODS. ' c J Ti Respectfully q " eis R m ri . TlI c I n t i r ; . ' -if ; MARTIH'S VACCINE VIRU mm Noxth Caeolx MiDiCALJorJiicii AerscT roajnn SoCTumy iatbs "pRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE, from the renowned est&blkhtoent 6f Dr. Henry JA Martin, famished ia large or small qttaati ties . This vaccic e is w arranted to take la all primary cases. ! - ' " jl 7 Lancet Points for $1 .00 y s i- . : 15 do -, ; do ..:2oo..;,!t Each lancet polnt'will vaccinate one per son. , -I . ' - . . 'f-f . ortxerS oy leiegrapn-vr iiauwm nwtiwt prompt attention. " f 1 i - ; TJJOMAS F. WOOD, ' lan 2ft-tf nac , -;-.WIlsiLatoii;jL;Qls FOB ALL TO SELL A HQUSEHQLDj ARTICLEt rnUE poor i wsll ai tte rich, tha eld as . t ;" FOB -;;M-It JL well aa the ycireir, tt wifai, wcn't iha hoabasd.tho ycucc aatJn as.wilas tho ycuaz raan, Iks irl as well! as tie dot.',:. may fast aswslleara a" few hilars to hsrhest' ecpiojment.aj to sit arcaad . 'the aoota a;d1 wait or ethers to earn It Tor tbem. f 7e eaa tlra yon emolojment. all tha tUSeor dartoo your spare hours ocjy; travelmf t or In yoar vwh EuxuvaroDca, aasos your nieces aaa - aeuaaiotasees. Ifyoa dxi sot care' fostad tlyyBae2t, we can impart Taiaab iaforata-r - tooo to yo free cr t6st. It W1I eoit joa -air ome eeatlor; Postal crsUt. wrtufsi oar rrorptctcc, and it nsyrcs Js jzeszt cl t miilo you a gooi rsaay ro!fars. ' ' ; Do not n eet this pportaiir -Yoadi' ! aotave to tnTett a large turn of nosey, asd ton a great risk ot laivglt. Tea will rvadl If sea that it will be aa ej ineter,tejaxa ' . fr-a SlOioilO1, a wees, sbd eitabJiz a lucrative, and ixtfejxBdrtt llarashca ra : bla - siraikifrward a4 pTonuVs sAttKfi totMi xaatter HOW, for there ia MofcV iw it for all who tajraxe wilo ufc V e .wtP sarprisoyou and yoaTri l ucndsr why.-yoa aever wioU to , ut fcefo?e. Yim sssn t fi . FAatxmiasfassf. "' A4dwssv '4 o u U & I 1 li a Cr ,is lr. (fTama 11 la paptr) ;iLtajf.VBiQe ' 1 1 i "A r i f ; "I m n sCtmhoxs vospssy1 OS Msirtw j box. - 1 iipyuacs, ! I

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