j&iscollaneous. it; cfc S3 k-r frier rj f fcSSSsSsA Sr.' V 1 4 .-T.VN.TKaK 1 ... , rf. -'CINTiSTS CK TODAY ftfCe . .'. - a- '-Jued bj cisorderei ''J V,..ri or U, tierefore th- idieyi ' i i-r '' in Perfect oidsr par act f , :,.-';! b.i lha re-alt- -Ms r t-n known short tim. and for years -.i2 .itrrfrd jr'cat agony with ot being rt 1 ' Tr. i irf- The ciarov. v of War- t c Kdn9T and i,ive- ';re marks a i . h- 1 rutins''-1 of -these trochlea. f.m a Hoopla tr f iaal lenf of rare ral t root 'H W8 il ' CiC lii-J" 4' kv(-c:bij d in iz-orft'e not" fi icesa gre&t ,.fi HifeW ret'ira acd keep tai h i. a FOrtlTlv r; Kkmkdt Idt a I he f wer -ujzzu ceo Mraei ? e . . hat an3- pi-s n nit' of OVER TI1E HILL.' fragrance n iiu lilicir di; A glimpse of skies, an soft and deen Asxneeyes or lov. Whea they smile or weep. 1 i , Aud by shadowing leafletj and I flowing A. pathway wandering over the hill. An idle dreamer, with witfalleyes. 1jCK)K li;' out UDOnclonrt irnl cViai A fair cheek turned for the wind's carets. ,Vlu.t'y dyiu. it btays to bless. wiiue ancy wonderingly follows still lne pathway clambering over the hill. Whence and whither, oh. path of life? Vtuestloning beart, wbeu tho toil and the sirne, . The yleam or hope, or the cloud cf care, 1 he joy of loving, or love's despair. Shall alike have faded and passed away, Who -shall answer thee? Who can say Wnat our future or goo1 or ill.l When we have journeyed overjthe hlll?i Chicago Tribune Myrtle Uathawar1, "l can never lorgive .you, and as Myrtle Hathaway Rnoke'i these words, sayiujj tnem slowly and with moumml cadence that showed plainly how every fibre ot her being, every pulsing nerve' in her lithe, shapely body was being stretch ed to its utmost tension by the cruel weight of woe that Was bearing down upon her, she threw her arms around iuuit.uf ov h wcoiera loosen i it n-k Associated Press. Recently he ta been IlilliiVJLilh iu tcttno wnn wm. XL. vanaeroaw, rms W. Field and otbert : but it will not last, lor he is easily their master in mental .erasD and reach, lie has no friends, nor doe3 he want them. Tor he is ! aware that business admits not of friend ship. He has many foes, though he hates co one ; cold intellect is devoid oi hatred. . Wall street formerly abused him ; now it fears him and ascribes a thousand moves to him that he .has no hand in. He is neither a good nor a bad man ; he is merely a financier., Wall street is his habitat. He could not live without it. If there were no Wall street, he would create one, 3 11 1 'Ct'T1 'Jr A TRUE TOM1C A P ERFECT STRENGTHEN ER . A SURE REVIVER. fSS Tie foUotrtss qoouuosi re pruant holesa1. priess gaaerillj. la, miakiag up f vtal ordtra hiuc-pticet have to be eh art are higiilv rbcommendeu fcr all diaes rctjuiring ; esixxiailr Indigestioii, l)y?irp2io-t Ji tcryiitterJ, z4 StrennVi.Lixkof I'lacrfpixXc. Knnches the blood. Few complexions can bear the strong white morning light which exposes every gpeck of tan, every pimple and the slight est spotting of eczema. In Dr. liemson s Skin Cure is sure relief from the annoy ance of these blemishes on the cheek of beauty. 1 Little Rock (Ark.) Gazette. $20,000 15 COLLATERALS, XROX BITTERS a certain and efEcient tonic : Fevers. Want of Amxtitejjoss t strocsrthens the museles,and ci ves new ii f? to the ncr ves. Thcv act lL'ic a charm on the digestive organs. raAOtincldnyepiicFinr.rkoins.sV'Ch as Tdsihig the Feed, Bdching,necAintkeSionwu&JIear&urr.,cie. TllC Ollly IronPrciaratlOU inat will not blacken all druggists. Write for - M V'' btoiom mi lrou Litters tre nv'Oc i7 ui:o",n,r.iTxatn.i. -. wn nivBcrosseu miiarraHww BEYVAUi-: OI'' LIIITATIONH. ! HA GUIS G 5 1K2 UACOK North Cirolisa. I Khccidcrs, p ''C Wraisra backed Shov.cers... Vtr Biltd 11 O CO 10 12 14 9 O O ?' o '-;8hvTi2der?, V Is. the toetli or frivc IicacIacUc. . -cold v the A F C T5ckI; tr,2 r i useful nr.d amusing read- t UAUS2U r Irits Tcrpcaslre Kpe--,rl Hir?i!. t iV. JSew crr,cci, ncTf. I 0 BlilCKH WSlxslngton, v ii 7 CO Kor1h?m .... I CO EUTTRX-NorthUircllaaei iS lbWCf' .8 Te 13 IS 13 j "H UK oo i , 3X 1 75 Q 00 C? 31 8 00 eu oe Still the Owner Wasn't Worth a Cent. i -r ni sr I E , t v 1 tl , . 1L, SW i IP &orthr3,"?? I. "apTTlarm-io ''T'i-" aliri' 1 ever, at d a'.i dj fiscal Padaajs. Liver and Uria-ry O. ?at 'ni eafe remoy for f p ejni-tc It C ?Tol tig CI I : ' . i r 7 ,'.,cnrV:i'.Tijr"of thi Worab. A, h iUo .d t'arihr it h uacq ial!e't, for it c,,.e orjiias tlit make Ue 91 d. ''uK"xiirt whici.haa dons such w 4,V ii Vut up in --he hailGHfidV BlZl ifi)i'r. cf nd v medicine up-rn the rfi rtfct. battle, for uia&ewa. enquire ior A. ?' S 1 1 4k t E ? luS UU tib!. ; It James Halfstop, in order to appear as llupert 'iiordan a neck in a passionate t- r- u abandon of grief that knew no bounds. onft RWt,, afti,rwa,Ha thft .T..tiRA And yet now ueautnui jsne loosed, aa WI. w 4ll.f WttTfafK WQa nnf WArfi, Mr.ur wnnt r. iifBi afii unTnU slid- stood there that soft, sensuous day TSA.u. uT-uJ'a Z Z Rtff IUna:&. !L!flinU I UI1 i a June, when the sky was quivering with 1 r ,.4. f turquoise bioom and a I large j red and . hia ftrrt ...A an flnnearf;d in bringing with him his wife and - J -- - " i - t -1- r r jt , " anBODHmBBnaMZl) J3 10 11 '.r.,i Jl.'J'i P'3 -., l'0SIYiVS KmQly, York a nViC SUN for 18.82 will mXe its hfteentb 1 3tBl rovolaticn under tue present maa ;emeat, ehioin?, as Riway,- for all, big and little,'- 3.a and gracious, contented aad un fctpr, nepublicaa and Democrat, depraved nd virtuous, intelligent and oMn$e. The ruf'sligatisfor mankind and womankind ofe?ery sjrt; bat ita geoial warmth is for t-euo!, while It poura hot discomfort on thebiistaring backs ol tae pereiatently wicked rnic Hnw of 1R68 was a newspaper of a new kir.n. It diitcarded many of t o forms.fid a multitude of the .superfluoua words and rh'KM of ancient lourcaliaui. It utdirtaolr tJ reponin afresh, succinct, unconventional wy all the naof the world,-omitting no interest, ana commenting ucon atfalrs with the learleBtness of absdlut8 ialependen.-e. Tho eaccees oi tas experi ment wm the successor the Jsun. It effected a permanent oharfgein the style of Aicencan white cow stood outlined against i the western horizon. Wonderfully 'clear brown eyes shining through a mass of tangled hair that drifted over1 them, i A pair of red lips quivering with the sobs that sh.cok her slight frame. Soft, peachy cheeks, down (which tho tears those saline, ant unerring evidences oi a broken heart T.verc falling like April rains. 'And i? there no I receding irom this resolve, my sweet 1U whispered Rupert, in soft, pleading, Wabash avenue tones,, as he bent his young, manly lace oyer the sadly beautiful one below, ard he drew th court, two boys. "Mr Halfstop," said tho Justice, "what hare you to say why you should not be committed for perjury? How have I committed penury? "You swore that you are worth twenty thousand dollars, but the fact has been established that you are not worth an v thine. This is a clear case of i perjury so clear, sir, that the peniten tiary gate is opening to receive you. "I said," exclaimed Mr. Haltstop, "that I am worth twenty thousand dol lars, and I stick to it. Jim," he added, STEAMSHIP CO. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE PL Wil., OoL .& August Eailroad Go. Ofjick op Cehsral Hup't, "? WUmmjrtOBj-S-.C., iiarch S.ISSJ. f AdsartiUn3,V 2M.M..aM..M CHES3Jb Hort!icra Paelory, t3 , -11 Dairy t ream, ? 14 13 (fete, I.mDTrt. : 11 COBlf "Mlib -3 bchal..l CO UOTT02J TIE3 ( New3 fcdl 1 63 o V o o 50 40 12 piampiy rounaea lorm oi me k.,:.,. ... ftf u?a SA9 nn sobbing girl still closer to his suspender: here Defore the jaage. Now, sir, this ou surely cannot meanimyl love, for b ig worth fire thousand dollars. this one fault, this little break at the quarter-pole, to sendi me' away from you iorever out into the dark, starless luture of a ruined love, over which your own fair hands those little hands which can work an ice cream spoon with such a WILL Every BAIL STEAMERS FROM NEW ?ORk WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 o'clock, P. M. EETJLATOB,.........Wedneaday, March 2 2 Hanged if I'd take that price for him. Ned, my son, you stand up. Judge, this boy is also worth fire thousand dol lars. Sue," he continued, addressing his wife ''stand up. Now smile for the GULF BTREAb.......Saturdy. March Tn rl rr XTw lan rrVi a llfflo Spa fnat. I tenderipathos, and yet at such a fearful ta' mKQ wM.tu ton fUn. BENEFACTOR, .Saturday, April cliphave spread jtbe black pall of the 8and dollars if she's worth a cent. That reqULATOB ;..WeJnday, April coldly cruel words you have just spoken makM twent thousand dolIars. now i - , Say it is only a bluff, my darling : that wrw flt J fi nn.H Jftllar- GULF STREAM,.. Saturday, Anrll VffMi w vi nn n 4ha ttt rH a vAn nova lnir. I I that amount lor myseit. BE5EPA0T0E........Saturdayf April 16 duu-o U4u.iUft V..VMw -wi liat l didn't claim to reDresent more words that have wiped lrome the slate oi than twent theusand dollars; doflH you memory those rose-tinted visions or asee happy: past and ieit m ineir piace oniy Tfa Jugtice reflected for a moment and said: "I guess you're right, sir. The statutes are not plain on the subject, but I'll discharge you." I 25 1 5 8 the dreadful monsters of remorse and aneruish that rear their, hissing i heads amid the trackless waste of ruined hopes." ' i As he spoke, icupert had drawn Myr tle nearer to him, and when the last REaULATOR....M...M.Wodnesdayf April 19 i 1 GULF 8TREAM .Saturday, April 22 Throaafh Bills Lading and Lowest Through ftatea guaranteed to ana from Women are Everywhere Using and re Loobi ti n: ' : v.. wr.la fll oQta Vi I c mine uumg jraraer s wugcr xumw, iiwiuj tBU XU UdlUUUUIl avVuuo VI ii iii , m n ear her head had dropped upon his shoul- f V dpr ad ay,- w Rnhhinr tSer violpntlv hbat " speedily overcomes despondency. than ever. Whsn he had finished she looked up to him with those dusky brown f11"18' 2?!otrJ ItFt? eyes, iruiu wuiw tuc icaii ncic ttciiiik and stifling by a mighty effort the sobs that were coming thick and fast irom beneath her liver pad, spoke: r stnnnrl. w;.hd in this aeuntrv in tde dozen years past has been modelled after the Hua. Every " u ucau uuu uioppcu up.u Ui? buoui FmrtantJournal already exietinjc has been der aad she was sobbing more violently modified and battered by t&o lorce ot tna tuu's example. Thb dun of 1832 wilt be tho same outspoken, trath-teUinfr, andinte eatiug cewspaper. Bj a liberal uea of the.aeans wbich an abandsnt prosperity affords, we 8hall make it better thn ever before. ; We shall print all the news, ruttina: it in readtbio hape, aad masaring"it6 impor tance, not bj the .traditional yardstick, bat br its real intenst t the people Distance Balancing the Books; At the end of last year, when an Ohio "You know, Rupert," she said, a I bank cashier could aot make his boeks , . , ,i .j i ii i. x J u: winsome, pienty-oi carameis-tnis-weeit i Daiance, mc preaiucub sat ounu wibu uitu look stealinsr crentlv and unostentatious I and said: from Printing iiocss quaro is not the first ly over her pure, passionless face, "that I "Mr. Symonds, it is evident that you consideration with tne oun. W nea; ver any thing happens worth reporting we get thi dartiowlars, whether it happeni in Brooklyn Ci in Bokhara. lap litics we have decided opinion; and are acsustomed t express temln laDgaage that can ba uaderitood. We ay what wo think about men and events. That habit is tee only fe&ret of t&o Wun's political course. Points In North and South Carolina. I For Freight Engagements applet? THOS, B. BOND, Bup't, i Wilmintcton, N 0 TBEO. Q. EGER. Freight Ajceat, 85 Broadway, A ew York. WH. P. CLYDE CO., Gen'l Agents mch SO-tf GHANGE OF EOIIEDUS i AND AFTER MARCH 6, 1862, at 7.20 A M, the follewinsr Passenjrer Scacdale will bo ran cn tins road i BTIGHT EXPEKSS TEAIKO (Daily). Woe. 43 West and 47 Eaet. Leave Wllmington.......... 10 15P53 Leave Florene?....,........... 2 21a U Arrive at CO and A Jdncdcn.., 5.55 A X Arrive at Columbia. 6 10 A ii Leave Commbia.w.M.......ti...l0 CO P U Leave C C and A A Janctlos.....10 20 P M Arrive Florence..... 1 25 A M Arrive at Wilminffton.,,.,.. 6 23. A I! Sight Mail and Passsitqss Traik, DailV, Jo. 40 West, ad Day Mail and Pas. SKHGsa Tbain, Ho, 43 East, j Leave Wilmiagtca ttm.MmHm,ll 10 P 11 Arrive at Florence......,............ 2 47 A 11 Leave Florence.. ...i... 1 25 P M Arrive at Wilmington 5 &5 P 11 Mail and Pabssngb Daily, 42 Weet, 45 East. Leave "Wilmington...... 7.20 A M Arrive at Florence 11.40 P M Leave Florence-.... t, 5.65 A M Arrive at Wiimicgton...............ll.40 A M Ncs. 48 and 47 stopa only at Brinkley'e, hiteyills, Flemington, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timjmonsvilie, bumter, Camden Junction and Easto ver. Paasengera for Columbia, and all points on G. & G. K. R., C, O. & A. R. K. tUallona., Aiken - Junction, and all point bsycnd ehonld take 48 Night Ezprees, Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on train 4S. i All trains run solid between' Charketoa and Wilmingiocs - nov 29 1 P?AAf DOMEST1C- Bhestinsr, 1-4 yard... Yam. "ii bunch FLOUR Fiaa. bbl. Kupdr, xiorthern, bbl... Extra do V bhlw Family " p bbi. City MiilL3,.8uper V boU. " Jamily b5l... " Ex. raaulvbhl. Ziaskerd, If o. I; y tl.m So. 1. V X bbl ...... Uaakerel, So. 2, v? bbl JJ(T.7,5ji cDl Maeksrcl. No. 3 tel. Kniieta, y DDI 1 25 1 00 I 0 00 5 25 6 00 7 60 . 7 00 ,. T BO 8 CO M16 00 a 75 .12 10 fi 00 .00 00 3 50 O 15 t? 1 & 11 O 80 , 11 o ' is e i io 1 TO Q 1 50 o m O t 16: o & CO C '5 6 0 otto O 8 00 Q 7 25 0.1 T& O 8 15 i f?S5 CO Q10 50 O00 CO O 6 50 o a 25 Q 3 ,76 ifi 6 03 rr - 1 Ksy?, household that was ever printed. Who does not know and read aua like the Sunday Sun, each number ot wLicn is a Ooioonda of interesting literature, with the best poetry of the day.prose every line w-orth reidia,?, nfiws, humor--maiter enonfh to Sll a gocd.sized boos, and infinitely ranre ried an l entertaining than any book, big orhtteTI If oar idea of what a newspaper should be pie&ses yea, send for the Han, Our terms are as follows For tae daily un, a fbnr-page eheot of twestyeight columns, the prioe by bms, p 8t-pAid; is 65 cents a month, or $8.50 a The pnea of the Weeilr8nn, eight paa:w, thirty years I was a victim ot painful ?nV? "ia P"P? kidney disease, but hour Safe Kidney tra a2f .r." we wm and Liver Cure has made me a new man. I V7. ENGLAND. I CriAELES LATIMER. Pnbhsher of the New York City, nov 18- The Robesonian, PUBLISHED EVERY Wednesday, in Globe-Demociat Letter, What is Jay Gould Worth? Nobody can say not even himself. When a man has such celossal wealth and directs so many enterprises, his Lumberton, N. C.by W.'W. MeDiarmld, property can only ber estimated. Sixty to eighty millioas would pe a reasona ble computation of it, aDd te can con trol more than twice that sum. His bas the largest circulation and the largest advertiaicg patronage of any coxxntry paper n the State. It now Iras. over 800 subscri bers in Robeson county alone, besides! a love of money is solely for the power it yields him, for his household expenses do not probably exceed 5oo,uuu a year. He regards the republic as I an accom- ueral circulation in the counties of floors dished chess-olayer regards a chess- many corporations, actual or potentiaL io lorm certain couwibbudib, iumuicto certain results, is his aim, his recreation, hisdelirrht. He bends himself to his Cumberland, Bladen, Columbus, Rich mond aud the adjoimnjr counties," Maricn Marlboro and Darlington, tiu South Cara John Werner PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AUD PERFUMER 9 Market 6t., Wil'mington, N. C. My many friends in Smithville ani in the country are invited to come and see me. Also, Sea Captaios and Commercial Travel ers, ine best workxaan and the flnejt ac- -commodatlons in the city. feb 10-ly task, careless of all consequences save his own ultimate success. He is not immoral, he is ! totally! unmoraL Hia view of the world and of life is entirely financial; the first and last duty of man is to see what he can do with capital. All who can read arc acquainted with the system of railroads and telegraphs and less miehty.ondertakings. . I If he were to live a thousand years no might own the North American continent. He is credited with controlling three of the leading city dailies and seeking for a probably ate tip the 20 cents, flease eorrect the error and furnish a clean bal ance sheet." fof months rav life has been wrabned no I have made a elerical error somewhere." in yours; that your success was my sue-1 'But I have verified my figures oyer cess, your griels my grief, x on know I and over again,,' protested tae casnier. that in the fall, the golden-tinted fall, "Just so, but1 yet you have overlooked when the leaves are turning browm and the error. According to year books tnis the mince-pie is budding in I the pantry, bank is $700.22 short?" I I have promised to be your I bonny bride "Yes, sir." Thb wi.klt.hvk gathers into eightpages to help keep you broke forthe balance Aad according to my private memo- the best matter of the eevn daily ijeues. An of your life. Of course it is hard for me 1 randa you are a JU troumg -norse auu Acricaitnral Department of uneqaslltd msr- to give this up, I to pat forever behind I a $300 diamond pin ahead, while the rats u, t u market reports ana a uoerai propor- me j th woodahed 0fmy soul the bright tionof literary, scientific, ar-d domestic la- . . e , e , .,(. x , ,a . wlligenoe complete the Weekly Haa, and visions of a happy future that I-bad set mke it the best newspaper for the farmer's my Stakes to pass with you in the XotUS Islands of a Chicago boarding house. But my duty is plain, and Iaiust not shrink from it. Do not think mv love for you has fled. It has never been offered to start. Do not press me for an explanation. I can only say that aay man who-is sucker jenough to back the favorite in a six day walking match is not fly enough for me;" and slipping in the parlor Myrtle began singing that beautiful chant, VDo Not Fix the Gate in Summer," while Rupert, his proud year; or, including the Sunday paper, an spirit crushed and his , heart desolate, eight-page sheet of fifty-six colnmnstheprica started down town to get full. V oenu per mentn, or $7.70 a year, post- I ! j age paid. j 1 RoTAlnHnn Vffialoi1 Th9 sundiy edition of the Baa i8"5also fur- ' ,7 ' , 00-. ' nl'hed Benaratelv at . rtr. ncstftce I AXLANTAj Ua., l?eb. Z8. 1881. pwd. . H. II. WARNta & Co: Sirs For CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD .. COMPANY. Off ica GhbiAl HtrraaiwrxwafiEr, " ) Tfilmington. IT. a, March 25,HS2. I Change 07 ScHSDULSk ON AND AFTER Match 26, 1882, the fol lowing Sohednle wih be operated on this Railroad : I FASSENQEB, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY. ' jfo , Leave Wilmington........5.45 P M 1 Arrive at Charlotte at ....7. 40 A M Leave Charlotte at . 7.55 P M Mr. Symends isn't a bank cashier any o a Arrive at Wilmington at.9.50 a M more, mis neaitn was so oau j maw uc had to have out door employment. A Card. - To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ot manhood, &C-I will send a recipe that will cure you, free of chasoe. Auis greai rem Trains Nos 1 and 2 step at regular stations only, and points designated In the Comps nys Time Table. Train No. 1 Daily except Sunday Do. No. 2 i do do Saturday PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sunday Leave Wilminrtou sU, 6:10 A Arrive at Charlotte eU.. 7:45 P edy was discovered by a missionary in jr. 6 TiiwLT 760 p I a a;o smW cplf.a(1rlrpRSad I Arrive at Wilmington at. 7.60 Pt A South America. Send- a Belf-addressed envelope to RkvJ Joseph T. Ixman, Sta tion 3, New York City I deod-w6m - ZEiXLployixierLt FOR ALL TO SELL A HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE. THE poor as well as the ticb, the old as well as the young, the wife, ts well as the husband, the young maiden as well as the young nan, the xlrl as well as the boy, may hist as well earn a few dollars in honest employment, as to sit around the Rouse ad wait ror others to earn it for ahem. We can give yon employment, all the time, or during your snare hours only; traveling, or in your own neighborhood, among tout friends and acquaintances. If you do not care foremd ployment, we can impart valuable informa tion to you free of oest. It will cost ' yon only one cent lor1 a Postal card t? write for oar Prospectus, and it may be the means of making you a good many dollars. Do not neglect tale opportunity You do not have to invest a largo sun of money, and ran a great risk of losing it. You will readi ly see thai it will bo an easy matter to make front S10 to $109, a week, and establish a lucrative, and independent business, honora ble, straightforward and profitable. Attend to this matter NOW, for there ia MONEY IN it for all who engage with ua We will surprise yen and yon will wonder why yon never wrote to us before. Wn nn vvll FAancvxAU man. Address I BUCKEYE M'F'GOO (Name ttis taper) : Uaubi, Onie. eptll-6m: i J. L. Croom, J-vKALXR IN FINE GROCERIES, Wines, quors, Tobacco. Clears, Ac, No. 4, North Water street.' "Goods and prices guaran teed to suit. Give nos a oaU. A axst class Restaurant la attached where. xneala can be obtained at all hours, mch S-ln 8HELBY DIVIBION. PJ188ENGEB,MAIL EXPRESS ASD FREIGHT. Daily exce; t Snndayr. Leave Charlotte atM..M.....M........M.8:40 A H Arrive at Shelby atm.MMMMM..M 12.40 P M Leave Shelby at................U... 1:49 P U Arrive at Charlotte at... Metteeeee 5:40 P H Trains Noe 1 and 2 make eloeo eonneetien at Hmlet with R h A Trains to and from Raleigh, and at Charlotte with Shelby Li vision Train. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilming ton and O'.ar otto and KaleurQ and Charlotte, Train No. 1 makes oonnicticn at Charlotte with A , T. 4 O. K. R., for Statesville, connecting thtro with W- JT. C. R. K. for all points on sail road. - ' Trains Nos 1 and 5 make connection at Charlotte with A A C R R for spartan- burg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta aad all pemts beyond. I Ti Q. OHNSOJ, mch 25 General Bucsrintenieat COSMOPOLITAN BAR AMD RES- f AURAFJT. . JOHN CARROLL, Prop. South aideMark 8treet, Wilmington, N.C. rUHE BAR is sunDlied with the best I Whiskies. Wines, Beer, Cnampagnes &c Chrara of the finest grades always on hand At the Restaurant can be found the finest Oysters brought to this market, which are served In anv atvle desired. Families supplied. i Manl7 6E0. F. TTLLEY. H.HINTZE Tilley & Hintze, "VTORTH SECOND STREET, next to cor- ner of Market. A lot of EXTRA FINK MOUNTAIN BEEF on sale for the next few days. Call and exaalae. mch 2 fey WElDOH J2AILBOAB COEIPAHT, - w Orrxov o Gisr'L ocrsaisTzznaxt t Wilmington, N. C., March 6, 1882. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MARCH 6. 1SS2. at 6.40 A M, Passenger Trains on the Wil mington & Woldon Railroad will rm follows i DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, dally Nos. 47 North and 48 8onth. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot sLuHtMi.M.(..MnHn, C 40 A 22 Arrive at Weldon atL...... 12 0 P M Leave Weldon........,. 3 27 P II Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. - Depot at...........,. 9 55 P M Fast Through Mail and Passenger Trafn LaiJy a os. 43 x erth and 40 Honth . Leave Wilmington, Front 8t- Lepot at................... 6.15 P n Arrive atWeidon........... 1.05 A la Leave Weldon-.........., 6.10 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front Ui. Depftt iiimiuilP.ES P M Day MaU and Passenger, Daily, No. 45 North and 42 Sonth. j ! Leave Wilmington Front St. Depot at................ ..J...l 00 T M Arrive at Weldon atWM.......,.9 10 PM Leave Weldon at ...........J...1 29 A Jd Arrive at Wilmington.M...7 00 A M Train No. 43 N orlh will stop only at Rocky Po nt, Burgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Mount Olive, Dudlev, Goldsboro, Wilson, hocky Mount, Knfield and Halifax. ' . Train No 40 South Will stop only at Socky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. '47 makes clost oonnectloa at Weldon for all points , .North daily. All r ail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No 43 runs dally and makes elose connection for all points North via Rich mond and Washington. Train No. 45 runs via Richmond and Wajh isfron, and makes close connection daily to Richmond, and except Saturday nights for all points north cf biehmend. All trains run solid between Wilmlngtj. and Washington, and bare Pullman Pala Bleeperi Attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General ScpL a i-urjci uea'i Paw. Agent aeo a S. C. Herring, Ukeir....... 6 50 DryCod, 7 3 EiixILiZEliB Peruvian Guano, p 2000 2i. CO CO O70:C0 Carolina Fertiliser ' m 00 00 1 VL0 00 STarassa Guano, ' 00 00lO40 00 Compkta Manure " 00.00 OC7 00 Whann'sPhoiohate "CO 00 s Q40 CO Wando Phosphate. 11 " CO 00 ' QiO CO Wilcox, Gibb & Co., ma-' nlpulatad Gslzio.MlMM..00 00 GLUE i? Sb 11 GRAIN Uora,stora,JBeSf , 1)3 lCom, cargo, y 60 &sM Corn,yeL, J busheL..J. Oau, y cushel.M.M.M. Peas, eow, P bcshcL.. HIDES Green, V Dry, S) 045 CO O 14 O-l 00 O . 80 0 00 G5 I O 70 95 0 1 CO 4 fa 10 O U 00 0 1 30 10 O 1 ess oof 1 tO Q 1 II 80 00 MOM HAY Eas Urn, ? 100 s, North River. 3? 100 Iba HOOP IRON V ton. LARD Northern lb. North Carolina V LIME "W bbU..........w LUMBER City its amca'wd Btips4aff,roEved;l?iIft.l3 00 OH C3 Roughedje plank, Mft.18 00 t?19 00 W est inoia eargo, aeeoro laf to cuality, V H f t...l3 03 Dressed hooring,saxaoned. 15 00 Bcantling and boards, sola- ! mon. "53 M ft....M.....M.M12 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdgl j 40 Sugar house, nhda. sal, 27 " " bbls.pgaL.L 30 Orlecns Choice bbls. KL CO NAILS Cat, 20dto4d,kJgJbaeis OILS Kerosene, V K 12 Lard, "9 gal M SO Linseed, V al eooooooo J- 1 CO Old 00 QZi 00 o o Q o 00 oooooo Eosin. 72 ga1.M..Ml PEANUTS buaheL..U. 1 25 POTATOES Sweet, bus. 09 Irish, Northern, btL.... 4 00 PORK Northern,oityci8SS.23 00 Thin, P bbLM........M...M.00 00 Prime, 3 bbl (extra). ...00 00 RIOE--Oarolina, V ..I Rough, bU3heL....M...M.l (JO O RAGS Country, V S City, VlE"..--. COPE MMMIWIHMIHIIHIMI Hemp oeeeo toeeetooeeeo e i Manilla O 3 75 O Or. O f O 1 75 O 75 C? 5 00 C00 00 00 00 coo 00 coo 00 T 1 1 00 l 70 75 00 -Our Beloved j A RFI E L D And 1 is Faithful Cabinet. iin elegant Cbrcmo Lithograph of our late Pre ideal, making 8 jull iangth portraits, printed in 10 oolors cn heavy , paper with a rich gold border. Size, 16x26 'inohea. The sale of this beautiful work of art has beta simply nnprecedented at SI per copy, j In order that every family may be able to poi i ess this beaatifal and touching souvenir of our late President and his Cabinet, we will mail it for only 60 cents per copy. : We can fornlsn this same subject, printed is 8 colors, red need t- 9x12 inches, for only 15 cents AGENTS Zrd WANTED the time for agents to reap a rich; harvest with these beautiful portraits Nothing- sells like them- 8cnd for terms and buy samples to work with. CON ANT A CO Pubt. novl23m T Dey ft, New York Porto Kieo, w wMiM.M. A Coffee, ft o..... B " "F? Ib..M......M C 1 E)aH.MHH Crushed B...... SALT Alain. ? saokmM. Liverpool iack.M..MM. Ameriean "ty saekM..MM.M Marshal's fine, V cack.. Cadis saek....w.,M.M.M BOAP Northern, V O. SHINGLES Contrast VSt o og Common, ) M.W.W.MW. 2' CO BTAVE3 W. O. bisL V -I2 W R O hhd. 9E.MU..M.WH.00 00 TALLOW V IbM.M..M.MMM 6 TIMBER Shipping V llU 00 Mill, extra per M....MM.M10 ,00 Kill, prime per Mm..mmmm10 CO HU1, fair per M 8 00 Common, per MM..........5 00 Inferiorto Ordlairy,per M 4 CO WHISKEY NortVn, per gl 1 25 North CaroJLca, per gal - 1 03 WOOL Unwashed, per a4 ! 20 Washed, uor .....j. 25 Buttt wooL cer 10 ISKO 10iO 10 Q OI o Q O a o o CO o IXO O T 50 10' 00 00 an X CO 00 00 35 CO 82 CIS 0 003 00 O ' oc 616 00 4914 00 &12 00 O 9 00 O 7 CO O 6 CO O 5 00 o a so o I oo O i 11 . i i 'fMlTIS: - ' f , - -.ni-.:- -V AT THB LOWEST PEICB S ! ASCERTAI 1 MPR!CES:i5F0RE HAYING Y0UR3 PRINTIflQ DOfJE ELSEVHRREi! Satisfaction Guaranteed RINTINO OASSrULLY EXECUTED P or perrons resldicg cat cf the city ard ie o tbera by mail free of pottage. Corner Gheetanl and. Walcr Btm Qes Sefle liaUilaf

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