Miscellaneous. A IN C05GRES8 YESTERDAY. ... - - I522J3Z25 or tne ure 01 or.ns, u):u, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Eron SENATE. ... ' Wasuixgtox, Marcb2T. Messrs But ler and Hampton presented memorials of the Charleston (S. C.J Chamber of Com merce, m favor of a free ship canal be tween the Chesapeake and rDelaware bays. .! I A bill for the admission of Dakota a3 a State was recommitted to the commit tee on Territories, along with a protest ofx.the Yankton ! county bondholders against such admission. I ! Bills pensionintr Mrs. uarneid, Airs. Tyler and Mrs. Polk passed. The senate mlormaliy iook op zir. Call's lesolution, on the motion oi that Senator, declariDg that) good laitn re ouires the rjavment bf the interest of chitis, hooping Cough jnc picnt JH trcatj wIth Spain in 1&1S lotthe cession wonsumpiiuii auu iui uic ti-iiv-i ui ? or Flerida. consumptive rxrrsons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents, CBS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM, OF LYKH, HSW.,' c E o CS a 0 7 -"V' c a E o 4 --" JSL-Ji 7 VEGETABLE COMPOUITD. .1 I'o-Uiv" ( nr" Messrs Call and Jone3. of Fla., spoke at considerable leDgth in adrocacy of the resolution. i ' I At 5:20 P. M., the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES' Mr. Williams, of Mississippi, offered a resolution requesting the President to inform the House whether any protocol h8S been signed by Mr. Trescot; or any other diplomatic representative of the United States, setting forth the terms for endinff the war in South America; and. if any such protocol has been signed, to furnish the House with a copy of the I - , 1 - same, ana also witn copies oi me corres pondence relating thereto, not already communicated to one of the Houses of Congress. Adopted.' j x . ' under a call of States the tollowiBg bills were introduced and referred: Authorizing the Commissioner of Agri- cultura to furnish seeds for planting pur poses to persons in a destitute condition.' i.vor me appointment oi a joint cum mittee of five Senators and ten liepre sentAtives toproceedi forthwith to the Mississippi Valley 'to investigate the present disastrous floods in said valley, and to report what means should be taken to prevent a recurrence of the same, . Adjourned. i Itincludai scycral factories, baildisgs, dwelling houses and a lumber yard. . I HALF X MILLION DESTKOTED. j The total loss is new estimated at between $500,000 and $600,000, abont half of which is covered by insurance. The following, are the heaviest losers: T. C. Williams k Co., about $100,000; insurance, $74,000. K. A. Patterson & Co., $60,000; insurance, $48,000. T. M. Rutherford & : Co., $25,000; insurance,' $20,000. The Richmondrand Petersburg Railroad Company, on bridge $160,000 ; insurance, $50,000. C.R. F. D. Barksdale, $20,000; insarauce, $15,010. The Vulcan Iron Works, $25,000 ; insnrapce, $15,500 ; the Trede gar Company, $10,000 ; insurance nn. known ; the Virginia Mining and Man factnring Company, $30,000 ; insurance, $27,500. Several of the largest buildings occupied as tobacco factories and stem meries were owned by James Thomas, Jr., who has" no insurance on them. His loss will reach to $50,000 or $60,000. for nil thovo I'tilitlul ompJ1:-i mid VVnefcei tui omman t " r 1vt fi'muk- iiT: :iU. It-v:i:i cure !ifj-!y nortt- l'i:i':ti of f 'war.le (,'om- plainr?, n!l ovHrinn tro'iM-s. Innrtinmation nncl VIcera tl-'U, I'.initij; find Hi.sj.lfn-emcnt?, mid tli corHtiuent ttvirjsl T-V rkiiMf, u? is particularly' adapted to the It ts !Jl dissilve ntio expei ti:mors from tlia ut?n:s in n f.r!y ttni;B of devtlorment. Tlio tet!-ii?y lo cun Father Fee ban. ' London, March 2G. At Ratlidownej, county Queen s, on Saturday Rev. Mr. ieehan, a priest, was prosecuted for using seditious language. The charge was that he read at a i meetins: a paper purporting to be a statement df the I Bishop of Nevada that if he (tjbe Bishop ot Nevada) had been imprisoned as a suspec the would have issued a manifesto calling the 'people to arris, instead of urging them to pay no rent. : The magis trates ordered Father Feeban to' find J&400 bail or go to prison for six months. Father Feehan refused to ive bail and was taken to Maryborough Prison. He was made to travel twenty miles across the country, escorted by cavalry and It romoTM fnintnesn, flaUiK'iyry, destroys nil crayipK forstiniulonts, mid relieves weakness of tlie ptpmarh. It cues Blfiatinff, Hearlahe, Kcrroim Prostration, Ocii3ral Peljility, Sloepiessnees, Depression aul Indl- croiutiun. That feelingr t bearing down, cauBing pain, weight and bnckarhe, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under oil circumstances aot ln hannony with tho laws tlmt govern the female System. Kor the cure of Kidney Complaints of either eezthJfl Compound Is unsurpassed. LYIIA E. PIXKUAM'S VEOETAItLE COM- rOUXDis prepared at 233 and 2.w Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Trice S'- Six bottles for $5. Sntbymal! In th form n' pills, elso in the.forni of letrnges, oc r9Ctet of prlt'e, $1 pr box for cither. Mrs. Pinkham freely snsTT-rn all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as "above. Mention thio Pkipef. No family ehonld ba without LTPJA E. TINKHAM'S LTVER riMi?. They cure constipation, biliousnew, nd tori'My of t,e lTe'- 85 cents per box. A3r Mold by all Druggists "If 1 ' (JiHUiaiVA. j ; Newbern Xut Shell; About 60 per sons have been converted at the Baptist church since the commenc3ment of the series of meeting, and a great many have been converted in the Methodist church. while the interest seems to be rapidly increasing in both churches, and a seri ous religious feeling pervades the entire community. Charlotte Observer; A . big chicken fight is annouced to take place near Concord on Easter Monday, with $500 bet on the odd fight.1 Charlie, the 10 year old son of Mr. John Yarboro, living near Buffalo Paper Mills, was killed by a runaway mule Thursday. The little fellow, after dinner, had started to the field where he bad been ploughing, when the mule became frightened, ran away ! and threw him, his feet becoming en-j tangled in the plow gear. ! He was j dragged a distance of 460 yards, and killed. His elder sister, seeing the mule had returned t the house, went in search of her brother and found him lying in the field a mangled corpse. Goldsboro Messenger; Judge Seymour will hold the first United States Court at Newbern the fourth Monday in April. Mr, J. Frank Dobson has been ap pointed Deputy U, Si Marshal for the Eastern District in this section. Never in the history of Goldsboro was so much building going on at one time as at the present season. Improvements are going on all over the city. The smoke house of Mr. W. A. J. Peacock, in this city, was broken open last Friday night and robbed of about fifty pounds of lard, some meat, flour, &c. -We jlearn that in the Rock ford section of Lenoir county on Thursday last, at a log rolling, Henry Satton and Lewis Hinson got into a dispute, when the lat ter dealt the former a blow on the head, fracturing his skull. The meeting i A. 1 " X A A I t t - at tne uaptist unurcn continues to in crease in interest. Thj night congrega- mfantry, the authorities feanngia coins J tions have been very large and attentive, ion witn me populace n ne snoma oe taken by the railway, i Rathdowhev was crowded with troops and I police during the hearing ot the case, and the people were forbidden to assemble. On the arrival of Father Feehan , at Marybor ongh the tradesmen closed their shops, although it was a market day. i (jmgtr, liucha, j'.lan raKC, Stilling?;, r.n-i m.'.r.y of the Lest nicr'i cire ln-""vn com-- btrcd in Pr.rkr.r's Hinder Ionic, m:o a Tndicjrt ??,rfN5i5fcJoro iark- u t.c greatest j v -yS-'i'7 Cast RmH,i a 5iretjth I Restorer Ever Usstf.. . ! ' It. cures Rhe.:n?.ti.-m. far xp.rz n 1 GENERAL FOREIGN HEWS-, Mil m.H ! JUi ill i I ir,-. N -Vt- f.;!-i it r-.ur-r "u.b: L;! ivior fj c "W I -TS, 4 Ar.-i l iincv I.ivrr.v Kidneys, iv iscirt-irciv cii tier er.t from i :.. , t- - Cl.aaS. and vair l'-ssnces ana otiicr ior.ics, as it '.Kvcr ir.toxicatcs. Iliscx 'c Co.. ChraiMi, N. Y. Iirv ST'li P'iv:r. j P-i'.'r S-io. J. MONROE TAYLOR London, March 27, l&S2.j-Frederisk Weber, the artist, dead. ? M. Beitall, the French carecatunst, is dead aged sixty-one years. I L,ordtiougnton,wno was rccentiy,attacu- ed by paralysis in Athens has arrived at JN aples froui the rira.'us. His health is restored. ! r Despatches from Madrid to the htan- A. i d&r'd aud Dailu News foreshadow Ministerial crisis in connection with the financial schemes of the Spanish Minis try. ' M. Daniel Wilson, president ol the Frencb Budget Committee, addressing 'the committee to dav. declared the fi naucial situation of the country was ex cellent. ,1 . ' . . J.- ! ... ESTABLISHED 1814. f - 113 WATER ST., TfEW YOHK,; Are purer, better, stronger, and longer 1 i t 1 7i . .i . - Known in inc raarKei man any omer article ot the kind. Are always sure and reliable, and never fail to insure the best results in cookery. Ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. fe6 ScdJkw 37 Court Race, LOUISVILLE, KV., E5 A rrcuUrlr edttemtod and lefraUr quaUGed rhrs5oin and the ema ucesful, u his pracuc win prorr. Oares all forms ofJPRIVATE, gHgtOpiC and SEXUAI DI&I bpermatorrb.ea. and Impolency, st t'i reMtt of Mif-aboa la yath, Mnal excesses in mx--vrcrye1r,r tber eaoaes, and producing Bcme o f the fuK jutting effacts: KerrtmaneM, Seminal Kmusions. (sight emis sion l- 4rSLm), DimaeM of Sight, Defective Memorr. Pbj M -atlcar, PinulMoa Fee. reraioa to Society ot Females, IVuTakm of Idea, l-o3 of Seiual Power, tc, render iuj et.tr rises impragar o nobeppr, am thoraocblr and perma-o-jUir ftirwL SYPJUZj IS ritwJ cored and en- Ji.te1 J Gonorrhea, f yLEET, 6Trictr, Orcluui, Heruia, (or Kuptnrcj, fUs and utoer priwat diseaiea quictlT cured. UU sctf-erkteai that a pky siclao who pars special attention to a cenaiu claw of diseasea. and tmthig tfaouaods aooa ml'.y. acquires great skill. PhrsMlans knowing this fact oiVa rooiuia-xd persons to mr aare. WbB H is iucoa?esirDt t ri i tae ottj &r treatment, medicines ran lie seul prita'.ei soljarelT by ntail or oppress aajwhtre. Ctires Gnaraxtteed in all Coses Ooinaitoni pSaaaUf or hr lcttar free and lovited. Cltai j(es rctutoaaDla aud coerrspuuJeoce itr.cU --v-'--" ' ' PRIVATE COUNSZ:X.GR. Of 300 pcs, "nt to any addh aecttreJy scaled, Dr thirty tjii ren?. bWOld tie reaol by all. JUbireas l?IUTe. Oiifi !c3ra"froa 0 A U. t a P. it, Suadajs, 8 w P. II. Railway Competition. London March 26, 188i.In con ncction rith the revived agitation for and alliance between the Grand Trunk and. the Great Western Railway companies oi Canada, toe Observer. in its linancial article to-iday, remarks that it is said that such an expression of opinion has been obtained from the main body of the Great Western pro prietors as to insare a reversal of the present policy of the Board, so as to prevent injurious competition in future. Longfellow. Loxdox, March 26, 1 1882. The Observer contains a feeling tribute to Longfellow, which concludes With the following words: "It is scarcely too much to say that since the death of Byron no living English poet enjoyed so wide a popularity as Longfellow' m a m m DIsastrons FlreJ RicHMoxD.Va., March 26, 1882 A disastrous conflagration occurred here to day, which at one time threatened to encompass the destruction oi as large a portion of the city as what was known as the "burnt district"! at the time of the evacuation. by the Confederate forces in 1865. About half-past twelve o'clock the southern end of the Petersburg Railroad bridge caught fire from sparks, as is supposed. A strong gale Was blowing from the south, and the bridge, of three quarters of a mile in length, served as a flue to conduct the flames to this end, on the north side bf the James River. ( The fire raged until half past two o'clock P. M., when, all the buildings in its immediate reach being consumed, Jt was gotten under control, and the ter rible excitement among the people began to subside. The burned district compris es all the territory lying ' between the river front, on the south side, and the canal, near Bird street, north, and from r.igntii street, east, to Sixth street, west. in meieen persons naa asKea lor prayer up to baturday morning 'and several have professed conversion. . 1 he walls for the rice mills of Messrs. Strauss & Street are rapidly going up, and the contractor, Mr. Harding, expects to have the building completed in about sixty days. Miss Alice Johnson, a, young lady of humble but respectable parentage, and residing in the family of Kitchen Uailey.a prominent and lanuen- tiai citizen ot isaiiey a townsnip, in JNasn county, was foand dead on Friday morn ing, in a small pond near her home. It is supposed that she drowned herself, as her handkerchief, tied to a tree near by, was discovered and thi3 led to her dis covery in the pond. While raany con. jccture3 arc afloatas to the cause of the rash deed, charity enjoins silence, and we therefore throw its protecting mantle o'er the sad and melancholy termination of a V0UD2 and unfortunate life. Terrible Loss or Life. Millions of rats, mice, cats, bed-busrs. roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Kough on Kats. bold by druggists, 15c. i Beautify your nomea by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t THE OLD REUABLI LUt fLcttfri. V The following U a list of th letters re maining unclaimed la' th City Postoffice Wednesday, Maroh29,1882: 1 1 A-Tno WAutrty. : BSE Brown, Malisaa Blossom. M L B rawer, Maggie Brows, U W Branch, Lucy tfallard, Jamea W Boskini, Adi BeU,rrank Boddie, Bird & C&ntwell, Lmanda Bttts. OW G Chandler, WHliam Carter, N Uhappel, Alice Chandler, Boy ton Car D Thomas DayisSatira Davis, Nick Dudley, Nancy-Davis, J H Deal. Jane Duhson, Horrace Davis, Capt F WDaw san, C H Dudley, D A Davis, Ben Davis, B J Davis. ! E J E English. ' F-f Isabella Farrier, Clayton Fisher. G-f Wash Green, Wm Ganev. Jno Gause, Nancy Gause, Mdttie George, G w Urimtead, Wm 15 Gray. HW J Howard, W Henderson, Wm Hall, Wm 3 Hawes, T W Howard. Theodore S Hartridge, Samuel Hawkins, R E L Hudson, Richard Howard, Jnlia Hearse, Joseph Hail, H W Howard, Geo P Harvey, E D Hewlett, E J Howard, JS-YY Hankms, C J HalLi I Albert Irving. ' J W N Jennings, Patsy Johnson. Laura Jones, Anna Jones, J J Johnston, Joshua Jones, Laura Jaeobs. L-j-Washington Lee, John Lawbom. M-j-W B Meetz, W H Mills, Charlie Murphy, E T Mason, Rev George Mc Gee, Elmer L E McCurdy, GeorgeMan. uel, F J Mott, Hannah A McMillan, Jnliu3 McAster. pF W Petermani R Mary Ray, John P Rasco & Sons, A R Ross, J S WmStGeorge. Calvin Shaw. James Smith, Katie Southerland, Root R Sal isbury. T Charlotte Thorning, R W Tate, L J Thomas, Sady Taylor, A C Taylor. W A L Williams, Miss B Ward, C C Woodcock, H M Watson, Mary Ann Williams, Lizzie Wiggins, Wm Weeks. -Peroons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed ini 30 days will be sent to dead letter Oince, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P.M. Wilmington, New Hanover County N.C. WH61IN(iTON MARKET. ' March 2S-4pm. SPIBIT8 TERPENTINE Quoted firm at ,55 cents. Sales of 50 casks 'at these fig ures. ROSIN Quoted firm atjl 90 for Strain fed and 51 95 for Good Strained, with sales as offered. I " TAR Quoted steady at SI 75 per bbi of 230 lbs. with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Official qou- ! tations. Sales at $2 2-5 for Hard. S3 50 for ! Soft andSi SO for C aud VI (Mixed and Dry Virgic). J COTTON Qaoted steady. Sales of 50 bales on a basis of 11$ cents for Middling. The following are the official quotations : THE WILCOX BIBBS B UO'S MANIPULATED QUii- Is claimed snd admiltod to te the Bests Host Eeliable and Cheapest Pert in use for Cotton and other Crops, "You can always depend upon it." j Airauge for your supplies at once, on tbe usual termo I All material compoeing reriuizors nave advanced ani 80m a diffiault to get. but there ia no advance ia the price of o are zara rif- fob 14 1 For suDolies and ary informktion in rerr. to Gn - - . -r - u.7m,. . . ,,t -I.. , .- . ! 11 & 13 SOUTH FROrJT S HAS ALWAYS DURING THE lh r Dsn mas s-or As well aslat all other times, offered the Finest and Choicest selection of ' S e1 a PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE NEW L IQUOE, D EP ABTMENT! WHERE OAN BE FOUND TOE BEST SELECTED OP Old Fine Sherries Brandies Champagnes, 1 , 1 Cordial! BRANDS l)F AND JTHE WELL-KNOWN 3E3E 3E 3E SO LONG SOLD BY THIS HOUSE. ! Ordinary. Wood Ordinary,. Low Middling iiJUjiK ... ...... Good iii jo linjf 8 16-16 10 16.16 11 318 12 Ota :j i dailt aHoaipra Oeltoa.. ... Spirits TurpemiR. Roin.................J.4........ , Tar.-..- -J;....,...., ...... i.. Ormde.TarD itin. .... lie bika ... 15 i 0618 DO 8 ... 3.5 .... litt Fayetteville, Fayettevill. ARB1YJED. Steamer Bladen, Skinner, Deltosset fc Co Steamer Wnv, Robeson, W or tu & Worth. Steamer Gov Worth, Worth, Fayetteville. Worth & Worth. Steamer Elizabeth, Bisbe, Smith vlfle, MAHter. - t Nor barque Sago. Johnson, Bretnerhaven. kai&it. Heide A Co. , OLEASKD. Steamer Bladen. Skinner, Fnyettevile, Kosset & Co. i Steamer Wave,, Robeson, Fayetteville. Geo W Williams & Co Steamer Gov Worth, Worth, Fayetteville, .Worth fc Worth. I Steamer JKllxabeth, Biabee, Smlthville, Master. . Steamer John Dawson. Sherman. Point f II - m i ' " LSHweu, a x jraaaison. W EKLY STATEMENT. Toexi oh hass UkCK 26, 1882. ONE OF The Best Newspapers ! In the South.: NO SENSATIONALISE! 3 NO IMMORALITY! Augusta Gb o nicies Consti IQtlDiliS t 1882, 1. Subscribe for It- THE CHRONICLE AND CONSTI TUTIONALIST is the oldest newspaper in me oouio, ana perhaps the oldest in tha United States, having been establish ed in 1785. yhile thoroughly Demow cratic in principle, it is liberal. Droea. sive and tolerant. Tbe Chbokicle con tains tbe latest news from all parts of the wona, ana is recogmzea as a hrst-clas paper. As an advertising medinm, it covers the country in Georgia and South Caroli na tributary to Augusta. ! We endeavor to eiclude sensatlooaK s mi. We publish no articles of . an j im moral character. j TERMS: Daily one year.... ..............$10 00 Tri -Weekly, one year 6 00 Weekly, onftyear. ......... 2 00 Address, WALSH & WRIGHT, i lack 1 I J AugTista, Qt, Cotton ashore, afloat Total.. M..M......M.......M.M.M wiiHMiiHiHmmmHmnHm Mttll .... Spirit uhoreM..,,,,.,.,,.,,,, afloat... Total 670 1 166 5,526 133 334 1,367 jBlETD COOKI3MG RAISINS I THE USUAL VARIETY OP NUTS AND FINE CANDIES !' -ia- IVlince IVIeat at IO Cents per 1 PLUfta pubbiwd r WURKS' AND FIRE Lverythmg will be sold low; try ctace and you will callfagridlfe ii ana 13 south Front Streetr FEE mm. dec 18 afloat S.....M..M . ... .......... . 1C9,766 4,875 tal ............... ..lJ.i,7 II U,0&6 Tar ashore., afloat. M ...... . Total, Ornde ashore, afloat. MHimfHIHIHMt.mMH .. 11.056 , . . ... 816 Total.. .......,....,.. 48 uoxrrri voa wm mmdikq march 2S, Oottoa.. Spirits. "i-tiiTinM 1.649 M..MM.M..M..MaaMMraA!a " .49 Bon in.Ac.7 Tar iin " ffift 1 w WW Grade., axroati ro wxix iksna vxacH 25. ; ' Domestle ' ,' Cotton.. 8ptrits Kona.., Tar. 1,W7 1 2C7 ............,. . 3.C8S ... 3 676 t oreizn. Spirits...,; Hoaa. .'. ' 1.070 v 7 688 Wotice. JpARTIi8 IN 8KARCH OF600D Board, at reasonable rates, win find ft to thifr vantage to call at the Commercial Hotel. mmn ' M. ECBiX)SS,: Prritor -: TELEPHONES-TELEPHONES, 9 - - j TEiEPHOBES. rjlHE SOUTHERN BELL TELE PHON and Tcletyraph Co., is the Solb Licensee of the AMERICAN J BELL TELEPHONE CO for supplying Telephones in: the States 1 of Va. W. Va., (South of the B. & O. R. R.S. 1ST. f! a n n- I V., Vk,, . fla , and5 Ala. PRIVATJB LLES Constructed, Equipped with Telephones . and'Rented. rorjparticulars address SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ATELEGRAPH COMPANY, P ittsboro Academ? OPHINR SESSION of ,1882 cpeaiJia ry 9th, Students of any ags rectlnifii repared for Oolite or for Budsef feb2Wm 195 Broadway, New York. Health is Wealth! DBE O WEST'S Nav amd BaAta TaaATMBT, a speeifle for Hyfteria, Dii S0!"'. Vonrulnons, Nerrous Headaohe. Mental DeprossioD, Loss of Memoy. Impoi Unej. Premature Old Age, caused by ov exerUoB, excesses, or orer-InduJeenee. Oaa box wlU euro reoent cases. Each box eontaias one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or rfx bores for fire doilari: sent br nan prepaid en reoeipt of priee We uar. n iaboxe to euro any ease. With eseh order reeeived br us for rfr tVM . send the purehassr our written agreement to retora the money If the treatefnt doe. not k1CT. Druggbt, (saeeefsor to Green banner) Wilmisgton, NO. Orders bymail will receive prompt atteatioa. Boa Tae Piineipal has had many resn I . - .- eace ia teaching. Tc-mf, Per Session cf 20 wekj, and TuiUon $75. Befers' to Editor loft Bavw For particulari, addreii n. n. DEN30N ; . i Friaiipir dee 31 tf . S500 Reward. WE WILL PAY THE ABOT nnvi for any case of LiTor Oomp-isw UJ pepeia, Sick Headache, Iedirartioft, Cos pation or Costreneis w nnot e?' West's Vegetable Liver Pins,' t ections are strictly oompU are purely Teiretable, sad osrsr ftii P P satif4ction. Sutr oostad. Lsrgs box oontaininK30 25 cents. ior "fe.S all Drafts. Beware of couaterf eitt Imitations. The jjeafline mM",; by JOHN O WEST A CO., "The KUiJ kern," 181 18W Maiiaoa 8t,Cftlf Free trial pa'kaire seat by &gffir. rounintat 3centunp. paft 1 Wanted. 25,000 "NECR0S3!' For further parnc-v- feet lcnsr. of jan 36-tf SIGN PAIfJTIfIG, BRONZIHS rjiHE UNDERSIGNED VtOUKD"' BpectfuJly say that until further cotice1 Wotlee. A PPLICATION WILL BE MADE . AT JJjL the next session ef the General Aasem. Wy of North Carolina for m. rrh..7Tr.tT may bo fonnd at his reiidence, CWV . . ... . 1 Third andMarket;strectJ,rpreDared toO .., " ' ' j j cote all orders in the above named trw" ea. Boom SetstTji Ware, Ac. repainted and varnbhed. i 1 i. 4-U 0.